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MessageSujet: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeMer 3 Juin 2009 - 20:03

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F-35 vs Typhoon vs SH Like a Star @ heaven

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Juin 2014 - 10:46

Citation :
Submarine repairs to cost $18 million

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A broken generator aboard one of Canada’s submarines has led to $18 million in various repairs to the boat, now out of the water on the east coast.

HMCS Windsor spent five years in a $209-million refit from 2007 to December 2012, when it was returned to service for what was supposed to be a six-year operational cycle. But during sea trials, a defect was identified with one of the sub’s two electrical generators.

Windsor was docked in March in Halifax and crews were to replace the generator at a cost of $2 million.

The Royal Canadian Navy now says that work has been expanded to include other maintenance on the sub, as well as an upgrade to a main sonar system.

In May, Defence Minister Rob Nicholson tabled in Parliament a breakdown of the repair costs in response to a question by Liberal defence critic Joyce Murray. Including internal labour, various services and material, the total repair cost was estimated at $18.5 million.

Navy spokesman Commander Hubert Genest said in an email that the upgraded sonar equipment was to be installed in 2016, but the navy is taking advantage of Windsor’s docking to do the work now.

It was estimated that the upgrade will cost a little more than $11 million of the total $18.5 million. However, indications are that the sonar upgrade will cost less than estimated, Genest added.

Final costs won’t be known until October when the work is completed.

Various other forms of maintenance are also being done on the sub.

The submarine program, which has already cost around $900 million, has been dealing with maintenance issues that have limited the availability of the boats for operations.

Canada purchased the subs second-hand from Britain and took delivery of the boats between 2000 and 2004. The navy said it did a thorough examination of the vessels to ensure they met Canadian needs, yet problems with the Victoria-class subs started materializing almost immediately.

High-pressure welds had to be replaced and cracks were found in some of the valves on the four subs. Steel piping also needed to be replaced as the submarines were put into storage in the United Kingdom with water in their fuel tanks. HMCS Victoria also underwent repairs for a dent discovered in her hull.

In addition, there were delays in installing Canadian equipment, such as the weapons fire control and communications gear.

Critics have questioned the value of the subs. The navy leadership and Conservative government argue the boats are needed for Canada’s defence.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeVen 13 Juin 2014 - 9:31

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Tories given green light for F-35 jet decision

For the first time in two years, the path is clear for the Conservative government to select Canada’s next fighter jet, a choice that could very well mean buying the controversial F-35 Lightning without a competition.

A panel of independent monitors on Thursday gave its blessing to a still-confidential Royal Canadian Air Force report that evaluated the risks and benefits of purchasing four different warplanes and has been forwarded to the federal cabinet.

Sources say cabinet is expected to make a decision on fighters within the next couple of weeks.

Thursday’s seal of approval fulfilled the Harper government’s final obligation before making a pivotal decision to either buy the F-35 without competition or open the field to bidding from all jet makers.

The Tories froze this procurement in 2012 after blowback over an earlier decision to buy the F-35 that critics said was made with a lack of due diligence. After a damning Auditor-General’s report, the Harper government vowed to hold off until it had fulfilled a “seven-point plan” to restart the process of replacing Canada’s aging CF-18s.

But as of Thursday, the seven-point plan has been fulfilled. Government sources say the federal cabinet is “more than likely” to take up the report in the next few weeks.

A four-member independent review panel gave the government the affirmation it was seeking, saying it had no hesitation in pronouncing the RCAF’s assessment of Lockheed Martin’s F-35, the Dassault Rafales, the Boeing Super Hornet and the Eurofighter Typhoon “rigorous and impartial.”

Former federal comptroller-general Rod Monette, one of the panelists, compared the group’s independent seal of approval to the Auditor-General signing off on the government’s books.

Still, the panel acknowledged the measurements used to analyze the fighters were based on the same Conservative defence policy used to justify the now-aborted decision in 2010 to buy 65 F-35s without a competitive bidding process.

“The policy is used to guide acquisitions,” said Philippe Lagassé, a military expert at the University of Ottawa who was a member of the independent panel.

The federal government opted to analyze the technical data from four fighter jets through the lens of its 2008 Canada First Defence Strategy.

This six-year-old policy is widely considered outdated. It specifically calls for the acquisition of “next-generation fighter aircraft,” using Lockheed-Martin’s favourite buzzword to describe its F-35 as the only aircraft that is a full generation ahead of its rivals.

The independent review panel was made up of former fighter pilot and ex-Communications Security Establishment Canada chief Keith Coulter, Prof. Lagassé as well as two retired senior civil servants, James Mitchell and Mr. Monette.

While the panel’s thumbs-up is public, the crucial air-force report that they shepherded through the system is not.

The government will release only a partial version of the RCAF report to the public, excised of all sensitive and commercial information, once Ottawa has announced the next step in buying fighters.

This full report is in the hands of federal ministers, who will be able to compare the four aircraft using a colour-coded scheme that lays out the risks associated with six types of missions that future jet fighters might be called upon to fulfill.

The risk for each mission ranges from low (green) to very high (brown), laying out the capabilities and deficiencies of each aircraft in conducting operations such as patrolling the Arctic or attacking foreign forces in an overseas mission.

Follow us on Twitter: Daniel Leblanc @danlebla, Steven Chase @stevenchase

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSam 14 Juin 2014 - 18:00

Les dés sont pipé depuis le début... f35 ils auront.
C'est comme un mauvais arbitrage de coupe du monde........... Rolling Eyes 
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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeMar 17 Juin 2014 - 12:13

Citation :
No fighter jet replacement contract before 2018: government guide

A contract to replace Canada's aging fleet of jet fighters won't be finalized until at least 2018.

CF-18 fighter replacement homework done and handed in to cabinet
F-35 purchase decision expected next week in report
F-35 rivals report done as cabinet considers fighter jet options

The Harper government has released its long-anticipated defence acquisition guide, which is meant to provide industry a snapshot of the military's expected equipment needs over the next two decades.

Defence Minister Rob Nicholson recently notified defence contractors that the guide, which contains some 200 different pieces of kit, is not a commitment to buy and that it's meant to start a dialogue with manufacturers.

The guide says the replacement program for the CF-18s will remain in the definition phase between 2015 and 2017, meaning a decision could be pushed out past the next federal election, slated to take place in less than 18 months.

There will be a request for proposals between 2017 and 2019.

It goes on to say the awarding of the contract is expected between 2018 and 2020, which is around the time when many of the CF-18s are expected to reach the end of their service life.
Impact on F-35 program unclear

The guide also proposes upgrades to the CF-18 electronic warfare suites, as well as software and training improvements for the fighters, originally purchased in the 1980s.

What that means for the fate of the controversial F-35 program is unclear.

The federal cabinet is examining a series of reports, including an independent panel's market analysis of which fighter aircraft could meet the future needs of the air force.

It could decide over the next few weeks to continue with the stealth fighter plan or throw the replacement program open to a full-blown competition.

Another option might be for cabinet to ask the air force to rewrite its statement of requirements.

The federal Liberals are taking the guide as a sign that there will be a competition.

Defence critic Joyce Murray called on the Conservatives to guarantee that the Prime Minister's Office will allow open bidding, and not overrule the plan.
Government downplays timeline

"Great news today from the Department of National Defence," Murray told the House of Commons during question period.

But Public Works Minister Diane Finley, whose department is overseeing the troubled program, warned against reading too much into the timeline, saying no decision has been and likely won't be any time soon.

"We've had an independent panel of outside experts review the assessment that was done by the RCAF," Finley said.

"Over the next several weeks we are going to be carefully reviewing a number of reports on this subject, so that we can make sure that we get the proper equipment our men and women in uniform need to do their job."

It's not the first time the 2018 date has been floated in relation to the fighter replacement.

Earlier this year, the manufacturer of the F-35 indicated that the Harper government had pushed its potential delivery date for the first aircraft off until that year, holding its place in the line of countries that have already agreed to buy the jet.

But Steve O'Bryan, vice president of business development at Lockheed Martin, said in order to meet the timeline, Canada would have to make a decision and begin making payments next year.

The federal government has not signed a delivery contract, but the partnership arrangement among nations requires them to put begin putting money down three years before the first plane arrives.

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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Juin 2014 - 9:08

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to deliver Cyclone choppers, retire Sea Kings

OTTAWA - Multiple sources say the Harper government has formally signed a deal to amend its contract with the U.S. manufacturer of the long-delayed Cyclone maritime helicopters.

The information comes from several defence and government sources, speaking on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

They say the agreement with Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., signed today, paves the way for the retirement next year of Canada’s outdated fleet of Sea King choppers.

The inability of the Conservatives to replace the anti-submarine helicopters, which are more than 50 years old and operate primarily off the decks of navy frigates, has been a huge political embarrassment.

One senior defence official says the Cyclones — also known as CH-148s — are expected to be delivered in 2015, to begin limited operational missions from warships early the following year.

As many as six pilots are already qualified to fly the aircraft, four of which have been parked at the military air base in Shearwater, N.S.; training will ramp up once the new choppers are delivered.

It’s the second time the government has negotiated a contract amendment with Sikorsky, which has missed previous deadlines to deliver completed helicopters, accruing more than $88 million in penalties in the process.

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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Juin 2014 - 22:35

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Aviation royale canadienne a partagé la photo de Kevin W. Moore.

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The 2014 CF-18 Demonstration Hornet, flown by Captain Adam "Manik" Runge, departing YXU, London, bound for CNQ4, Tillsonburg.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeVen 20 Juin 2014 - 12:14

Magnifique ce F18. bravo comme ca 
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Juin 2014 - 13:51

Exercice LION MISTRAL.  

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Des membres du 1er Bataillon, Royal 22e Régiment, embarquent leurs véhicules blindés légers dans le navire de la Marine
nationale française BPC Mistral.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Juin 2014 - 18:17

Citation :
  Le gouvernement du Canada réduit la flotte de Challenger


L’honorable Rob Nicholson, ministre de la Défense nationale, a annoncé aujourd’hui que le gouvernement du Canada a décidé de réduire la flotte de CC144 Challenger de l’Aviation royale canadienne de six à quatre avions, une mesure qui entre en vigueur dès maintenant. Le gouvernement estime qu’il réalisera ainsi des économies de 1,5 million de dollars par année. Cet argent sera réaffecté à des besoins opérationnels plus grands, dont la recherche et le sauvetage.

Le ministère de la Défense nationale et les Forces armées canadiennes (MDN/FAC) ont reçu du gouvernement du Canada la directive d’améliorer leurs principaux processus administratifs et de maximiser leurs capacités et leur disponibilité opérationnelles. Cette initiative de renouvellement de la Défense a pour objectif de générer de 750 millions à 1,2 milliard de dollars en économies annuelles d’ici 2017‑2018 en vue d’un réinvestissement dans les secteurs hautement prioritaires. La réaffectation des fonds dégagés de la mise hors service des Challenger représente une contribution supplémentaire à ce projet d’envergure.

Faits en bref
•L’argent économisé grâce à la réduction de la flotte de Challenger des FAC sera réaffecté à des besoins opérationnels plus grands, dont la recherche et le sauvetage.
•Le gouvernement du Canada continue de prioriser les capacités de première ligne et la disponibilité opérationnelle dans le cadre de l’affectation des ressources et des investissements.
•Chaque année, les Forces armées canadiennes et leurs partenaires de la Garde côtière canadienne interviennent dans plus 9 400 incidents et font appel à des aéronefs militaires dans plus de 1 100 cas.


« Le gouvernement gère très sérieusement les ressources publiques qui lui sont confiées et fait tout en son pouvoir pour bien investir l’argent des contribuables et pour que les hommes et les femmes des Forces canadiennes aient l’équipement dont ils ont besoin pour être en sécurité et s’acquitter de leurs tâches efficacement. C’est pourquoi je suis heureux que des mesures plus responsables soient prises pour veiller à ce que nos investissements dans la défense servent aux domaines hautement prioritaires comme la recherche et le sauvetage. »

L’honorable Rob Nicholson,
C.P., c.r., député de Niagara Falls et ministre de la Défense nationale
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Juil 2014 - 10:55

Citation :
Boeing Completes Delivery of Canadian CH-147F Chinooks

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RIDLEY TOWNSHIP, Pa., June 30, 2014 - Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the Royal Canadian Air Force today celebrated the delivery of the 15th CH-147F Medium-to-Heavy-Lift Helicopter, ensuring advanced operational capability for the Canadian Chinook fleet.

“The Medium-to-Heavy-Lift Helicopter project is making an exemplary contribution to the Canada First Defence Strategy,” said Col. Andrew Fleming, program manager for the Medium Heavy Lift Helicopter Project Management Office. “The combined efforts of the Government of Canada, Boeing and all partners involved in delivering this new capability, on time and an on budget, serve as a model for future Canadian Defence acquisitions.”

The Canadian CH-147F is an advanced, multi-mission helicopter that features a modernized airframe with a long-range fuel system allowing it to fly twice as far as standard range models. An upgraded electrical system provides additional power and redundancy, while a fully integrated Common Avionics Architecture System cockpit and Digital Automatic Flight Control System reduce pilot workload and provide greater situational awareness.

“This was a complex aircraft program, yet the partnership and collaboration between Boeing, the Canadian customer and our industry partners enabled us to deliver all 15 aircraft on or ahead of schedule,” said Steve Parker, Boeing vice president Cargo Helicopters & H-47 program manager. “And the advanced technology in the Canadian Chinook will meet the operational needs of the Royal Canadian Air Force well into the future, allowing them to move troops and equipment, and provide support to humanitarian relief efforts, anywhere in the world.”

The aircraft also has an advanced Aircraft Survivability Equipment suite that includes a Directional Infrared Countermeasures system that increases crew safety while allowing operations to be conducted in a wider range of threat environments.

Boeing is providing in-service support to the CH-147F fleet over the next 20 years under a Performance-Based Logistics contract, with Canadian industry playing a key role.

The final CH-147F will join the Royal Canadian Air Force’s 450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron, under command of 1 Wing Kingston, Ontario, and will be based at CFB Petawawa.

Canada is among the 18 countries around the world operating Chinooks. H-47s also have performed humanitarian support, disaster relief, rescue, fire-fighting and nation-building missions on six continents in all climates and conditions.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Juil 2014 - 10:18

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Canada's 12 frigates to get new radar systems from Saab Microwave - See more

HALIFAX - The federal government is spending $18.5 million to upgrade the radar systems used aboard the Royal Canadian Navy's 12 frigates.

Federal Justice Minister Peter MacKay, the regional minister for Nova Scotia, made the announcement today at Canadian Forces Base Halifax, where some of the warships are based.

The contract has been awarded to Saab Microwave Canada Ltd., which will overhaul the weapons-control radars.

The work is part of the ongoing modernization of the Halifax-class vessels.

Each of the warships is equipped with radar systems that are paired with weapons-control systems that can track threats from aircraft, ships and missiles.

The modernization program includes giving each ship a new command-and-control system, new electronic-warfare system and upgraded communications technologies and missiles.

© Coast Reporter

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeMar 15 Juil 2014 - 18:31

Citation :
Publié le 15 Juillet 2014 par Loïc

Le Canada va déployer des CF-18 Hornet en Lituanie  

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Mardi 29 Avril, dans le cadre de mesures visant à ré-affirmer le soutien des pays de l'OTAN aux pays de l'Est, qui craignaient une propagation de la crise ukrainienne dans leurs états, le Canada a pris la décision de déployer six CF-18 Hornet (désignation locale du F/A-18 Hornet) en Roumanie.

Les pilotes de chasse du 425è Escadron Tactique de Chasse, basé à Bagotville, à l'Est du Canada, et soutenus par un contingent d'environ 250 militaires canadiens au sol, avaient alors pour mission de s'entraîner avec les différentes forces aériennes positionnées dans la région. La particularité de ce déploiement est que les appareils de l'Aviation Royale Canadienne ne participaient pas aux missions de police du ciel, visant à faire respecter la souveraineté de l'espace aérien de certains pays baltes, comme la Lituanie, la Lettonie, et l'Estonie. Une particularité qui va changer dans les mois qui arrivent.

En effet, et selon le communiqué publié par l'Aviation Royale Canadienne, les CF-18 Hornet vont quitter la Roumanie à la fin du mois d'Août, et vont être déployer en Lituanie, de Septembre à Décembre, dans le cadre de l'opération appelée "Opération réassurance". Ils opéreront aux côtés d'autres forces aériennes de différentes nations déjà déployées sur place, afin de remplir cette mission de police du ciel.

A cette occasion, le Ministre canadien de la Défense a déclaré que "notre gouvernement est résolu à maintenir notre soutien à l'Ukraine et ne restera pas les bras croisés, alors que la souveraineté et l'intégrité territoriale [de l'Ukraine, NDLR] est menacée".

Photo : (c) Aviation Royale Canadienne - CF-18 Hornet au-dessus d'une base aérienne en Roumanie.  
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Navy ship ordered back to Canada after misconduct by sailors

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The head of the Royal Canadian Navy has taken the rare step of ordering one of its ships to return from an international exercise because of misconduct by its sailors.

Vice Admiral Mark Norman issued the message Monday, citing three incidents involving the crew of HMCS Whitehorse that took place during Exercise RIMPAC 2014.

The message, leaked to the Ottawa Citizen, also noted that Norman was appointing a senior officer to look at what is behind recent incidents involving the breakdown of professional and personal conduct in the navy.

RIMPAC is the world’s largest multinational naval exercise and takes place mainly in Hawaii. But some aspects of the exercise are conducted off the coast of California and on July 1, HMCS Whitehorse was docked in San Diego.

Whitehorse arrived early Monday at its home port of CFB Esquimalt, B.C., navy officials confirmed Monday night.

Norman didn’t provide details about the incidents in question.

Navy officials, however, told the Citizen that two occurred on board the ship. The other involved the arrest of a Canadian sailor by U.S. police.

In his message, Norman said he recently reflected with tremendous satisfaction about the many recent accomplishments of navy personnel, both at home and abroad.

“And so, it is with great disappointment that I must now signal why I took the difficult decision to return HMCS Whitehorse to Esquimalt from Exercise RIMPAC 2014, following three incidents of personal misconduct ashore,” he wrote in the navy-wide message to sailors. “While the actions of a few sailors in Whitehorse was the trigger for my decision, I recalled her home because I am troubled that across the RCN a small number of our personnel have fallen short of the timeless expectations of naval service and have failed in their roles as ambassadors of their navy and country — no matter where they serve.”

Norman said in his message he is satisfied that when incidents of personal misconduct occur, they are addressed by individual commanders quickly, firmly and fairly.

But he wrote that when such incidents are considered collectively, they raise a deeper concern. Norman noted that such incidents could distract the navy from operational excellence and put the health and safety of individuals at risk.

Because of that, Norman said he is appointing a senior officer to conduct a review of “policies and procedures that underpin the hands-on leadership of our personnel.”

That reviewing officer will “ensure that we are doing everything we can, and should, to provide clear expectations and direction for all personnel as it relates to professional conduct and responsibility, both on and off duty,” he added.

Norman noted that the actions of sailors reflect not only on themselves but as well on the navy and Canada.

Norman will receive the preliminary findings from the review in September.

He noted that the vast majority of sailors are “exemplary ambassadors” for Canada but the navy must go further in reinforcing what is and is not acceptable conduct.

There have been other high-profile incidents of misconduct recently. In May a Royal Canadian Navy officer was given a severe reprimand and a $5,000 fine for deserting his post on a supply vessel after alleging he faced harassment and ridicule.

Lieut. Derek de Jong told his court martial that prior to deserting on Sept. 17, 2012, he was subjected to behaviour that at one point involved a female colleague urinating in his cabin. HMCS Preserver was docked at Key West, Fla., when he left the ship.

The navy later said it would investigate the urination incident.

Canada is contributing a frigate, submarine, aircraft and maritime coastal defence vessels to the RIMPAC 2014 exercise, which ends in August. HMCS Whitehorse is a maritime coast defence vessel.

Twenty-two nations, 49 surface ships, six submarines, more than 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel are participating in RIMPAC, according to the U.S. Navy

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35 Groupe-brigade du Canada

NG 14 - Artillerie

Photos Cpl François Girard
(8 photos)

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35 Groupe-brigade du Canada

NG 14 - Artillerie Album 2

Photos Lt Derek Picard-Fortin
(15 photos)

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34 Groupe-brigade du Canada/34 Canadian Brigade Group

Photos: Cpl Wayne LAgacé

Dans le cadre d'une compétition d'artillerie les menbres du 2nd field, 6rac, du 62 rac et des menbres de la force régulière pratiquent du tir à vue dans le secteur 25 de la base militaire de Valcartier le 10 aout 2014 – à Base Militaire De Valcartier.

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Photos Cpl François Girard
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeMer 13 Aoû 2014 - 17:37

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34 Groupe-brigade du Canada/34 Canadian Brigade Group

Champ de tir C-6 - 12 RBC T-R (CONMIL 2014)

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Photos: Cpl Kirill Aladjikov — à Base Militaire De Valcartier.  
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34 Groupe-brigade du Canada/34 Canadian Brigade Group

Les ingénieurs du 34e et 35e GBC construisent un pont!
(22 photos)
Photos: Cpl Valérie Villeneuve — à Base Militaire De Valcartier.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeSam 16 Aoû 2014 - 19:56

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34 Groupe-brigade du Canada/34 Canadian Brigade Group

Attaque de peloton tir réel

Exercice NOBLE GUERRIER 2014
Photos: Cpl Valérie Villeneuve — à Base Militaire De Valcartier.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Aoû 2014 - 14:28

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1erR22eR (1er Bataillon Royal 22e Régiment)

Gun camp 2014

Depuis lundi 18 aout, Les équipes de snipers du 1er 2iem et 3iem Bataillon du Royal 22iem Régiment, ainsi que ceux de la police des villes de Sherbrooke et Québec ont participe à l'évènement annuel Gun camp, qui se déroule sur le champ de tir termolie et le lac ortona. Cet évènement est mis en place à chaque année pour perfectionner certains aspects du travail des snipers telles des techniques d'extraction et Insertion comme Low hover, helocasting et fast cast ainsi que plusieurs différentes positions de tir tels; à l'intérieur d'un bâtiment, d'un véhicule et d'un bateau D'assaut. Le Gun camp prend fin Ce vendredi 22 aout.
à Base Militaire De Valcartier.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeVen 22 Aoû 2014 - 17:58

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1erR22eR (1er Bataillon Royal 22e Régiment)

castor vertical (exercice finale)

21 aout 2014 Mont Greco

les membres du 1erR22eR participent a l'exercice finale de castor vertical organiser par la cellule de montagne du bataillon cet exercise a pour but l'aguerrissement des troupes aux opérations en montagne.
les participants reçoivent une familiarisation sur les principaux systèmes de corde (harnais, encrage, pont de corde, fix Line, rappel). — à BFC Valcartier.

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CF Combat Camera / Caméra de combat des FC

Ajoutée le 29 août 2014

Des CF188 Hornets pilotés par des membres des Forces armées canadiennes arrivent à Šiauliai (Lituanie) pour appuyer
le bloc 36 de la police aérienne de l’OTAN dans la mer Baltique, le 26 août 2014, dans le cadre de l’opération Reassurance.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces   Armée canadienne/Canadian Armed Forces - Page 18 Icon_minitimeVen 5 Sep 2014 - 9:17

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Exclusive: Canada seen buying fighter jets from U.S.

(Reuters) - Canada is likely to choose between two major U.S. firms when it buys a new fleet of jet fighters, excluding two European competitors, according to a source with direct knowledge of the matter.

The source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 stealth fighter and Boeing Co's F-18 E/F Super Hornet were deemed more suitable for the variety of tasks the military has laid out.

The source said that while the F-35 had scored well on the various tests laid out by the military, the Super Hornet was almost as capable and had the advantage of being cheaper.

If so, the choice would mean the widely expected elimination of Dassault Aviation SA's Rafale and the Eurofighter Typhoon, jointly made by BAE Systems PLC, Finmeccanica SpA and Airbus Group NV.

The fighter selection has proven enormously problematic for Canada's Conservative government, which in 2012 scrapped a sole-sourced plan to buy 65 F-35s for C$9 billion ($8.3 billion) after a parliamentary watchdog savaged the decision.

Ottawa then set up a special secretariat to compare the merits of the four contenders. It is deciding whether to hold a competition or go ahead with the initial plan to buy F-35s, which could prompt accusations that it was acting in bad faith.

The secretariat was not asked to make a recommendation about which jet to buy, but the new revelations will likely bolster the increasing conviction in Ottawa and Washington that the F-35 remains the front runner.

Richard Aboulafia, analyst with Virginia-based Teal Group, said further delays in a Canadian decision could push any possible order beyond the order window that Boeing would need to maintain the Super Hornet line, now slated to close in 2017.

"Even if you choose not to decide, you have still made a choice,” Aboulafia said.

Polls show the Conservatives of Prime Minister Stephen Harper could lose the next federal election, which is set for October 2015.

A spokeswoman for Public Works Minister Diane Finley, who is responsible for military procurement, said ministers were reviewing a number of reports, including information on fighter capabilities, industrial benefits, costs and other factors, and all options remained open until a decision was made.

"Cabinet has made no such decision, nor has Cabinet determined when it will make a decision," said Jason MacDonald, chief spokesman for the prime minister.

The $400 billion F-35 program, the largest in Pentagon history, is already late and well over budget. U.S. officials said on Wednesday they were nearing a fix for the engine that powers the F-35.

The failure of Pratt & Whitney's F135 engine grounded the entire F-35 fleet for several weeks this summer. Flights have resumed but with certain restrictions on speed and other maneuvers.

A potential attraction for Canada is that Lockheed's bid offers Canadian industry some $11 billion in work building airplane components.

Three other sources familiar with the deliberations said Ottawa had been poised last month to announce it would buy the F-35s. That plan changed when Harper – concerned about the political fallout - suggested that Canada could wait since it did not need to replace its existing CF-18 jets until 2020.

One of the three sources, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said Harper could still announce in coming weeks that Canada would buy the F-35 and skip a new competition, but that "ultimately, it will be a political decision."

Boeing's bid would likely include more traditional offset agreements, giving contracts to Canadian firms. Dassault says it is prepared eventually to build the Rafale in Canada.

Analysts and opposition critics suspect the government will delay the decision until after the next election. If Canada puts off buying new planes for too long, it would likely have to upgrade its current aging CF-18s, which date back to 1982, at a cost that some analysts estimate could top $1 billion.

Lockheed said on Thursday it was continuing to support the Canadian government and the special secretariat as Ottawa weighed its options. A Boeing spokesman said the company continued to support the Canadian process.

Harper is in Wales for a NATO summit, where he is under pressure to boost Canada's defense spending in the face of instability in Ukraine and the Middle East.

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