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 Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army

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14 participants
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messages : 1535
Inscrit le : 06/03/2009
Localisation : FL370
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 18 Aoû - 20:25

Rappel du premier message :

insigne de l'armée estonienne:
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“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”
― Leonardo da Vinci

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 26 Aoû - 15:25

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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 2468
Inscrit le : 12/02/2011
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Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 10 Jan - 10:45

Citation :

L'Estonie va acheter des drones de surveillance pour contrer la Russie

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"Les belles idées n'ont pas d'âge, elles ont seulement de l'avenir"
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Jan - 7:27

Citation :
 Centrafrique: l'Estonie enverra 55 soldats  

Pour prévenir le génocide en Centrafrique et soutenir les militaires français, Tallinn dépêchera jusqu'à 55 soldats dans ce pays africain dans le cadre de la future mission militaire de l'UE, a déclaré jeudi aux journalistes le premier ministre estonien Andrus Ansip.

"Ce pays éprouve un besoin urgent d'aide humanitaire. Toutefois, dans certains cas l'aide humanitaire s'avère insuffisante. Pour pouvoir fournir cette aide il faut tout d'abord aider à garantir la sécurité. Par le passé, l'Estonie a reçu beaucoup d'aide et c'est notre devoir moral d'offrir une aide aux autres", a souligné le chef du gouvernement.

Selon M.Ansip, le contingent estonien aura pour mission d'assurer conjointement avec des soldats français la sécurité d'un aéroport centrafricain. Il est possible que les soldats estoniens soient ultérieurement engagés dans la sécurisation des principales autoroutes du pays.

Le ministre estonien de la Défense Urmas Reinsalu a de son côté fait savoir que le contingent estonien serait prêt vers la fin du mois de février à réaliser une mission de quatre mois.

En janvier 2013, les autorités de la République centrafricaine et les représentants de l'opposition ont signé un accord de paix. Cependant, en mars, les rebelles de la coalition Séléka se sont emparés de la capitale du pays. Le chef de l'Etat François Bozizé s'est alors réfugié à l'étranger, tandis que le leader de la rébellion Michel Djotodia s'est autoproclamé président, transformant le pays en un théâtre d'affrontements armés entre les partisans et les adversaires du nouveau pouvoir.

Vendredi dernier, le président autoproclamé a présenté sa démission avant de se réfugier au Bénin.

Quelque 1.600 militaires français soutenu par les troupes de l'Union africaine mènent actuellement une opération en RCA visant à prévenir des affrontements entre deux groupes adversaires.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 5 Avr - 7:51

Aero L-39Z  
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 30/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 5 Avr - 16:16

Citation :
Estonian battle equipment buy endangered

Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 2876290t81h1049

Last week, NATO defence ministers convened in Brussels to discuss situation in Ukraine. According to Urmas Reinsalu, holder of said portfolio in government of Estonia, another important private meeting happened with Dutch colleague Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert. The topic: Estonia’s desire to buy, from Holland, CV90 combat vehicles and PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzers.

Actually, this wasn’t the first time the defence ministers talked about this – according to Mr Reinsalu, Estonia has entered into negotiations with Holland. Last week, another Estonian official was in the Netherlands to hold talks – Ingvar Pärnamäe, vice chancellor at Ministry of Defence.

At the start of this year, talks were underway about purchasing the US Bradley combat vehicles. At the beginning of January, Mr Reinsalu paid a visit to the USA and though not covered by the news at the time, they did also talk about the combat machines buy.

Bradleys, however, were set aside: firstly, they are older than the CV90; secondly, their procurement would take a lot longer. And, lastly and not least, Mr Reinsalu admits: «The price level wasn’t acceptable.»

Thus, they are now talking about the CV90, used by the Dutch army – a world top vehicle in its class. Actually, CV90 is of Swedish production. The Swedes themselves use a version with 40 mm automatic gun; to the Dutch, however, they sold the 35 mm gun version.

CV90 has been used in Afghani battles, both by the Danes and the Dutch. Its team is a trio: commander, gunner, and driver. In addition to these, the vehicle can carry up to eight soldiers.

Buy threatened?

Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 2876292t81hca81

The defence ministry is unwilling, at this point, to reveal details of talks with Holland. However, we are talking about the purchase of 40–50 combat vehicles. Regarding the price, the ministry also remains tongue-tied. Certainly, however, the bill would be bigger than €100m. «Probably, the biggest defence procurement in Estonian history,» confirms Mr Reinsalu.

In addition to combat vehicles, Estonia wants to get some Dutch PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzers. Whether these would be purchased together or separately – combat vehicles first, howitzers later – is undecided as yet. Probably, that is up to definite options, prices, and how the talks go.

The events of these past few weeks, however, have endangered the procurement. The inevitable change of government, now ahead of Estonia, disturbs that kind of talks. No-one – neither politicians nor definite ministry officials doing their job – haven’t any idea what the weeks to come may hold: what will be the new policies, what will the new minister want. For instance: in recent years, the soc dems have publicly criticised rapid increase of defence budget.

And even if the new coalition – be the new minister a soc dem, a «reformer» or an IRL guy – opts to keep Estonian’s national defence on current course, still another governmental change looms as early as 2015, and with the elections in view the government might not want to deal with costly, complex and controversial decisions. With defence equipment, for instance, this might not mean change of decisions; rather, things may just be delayed.

The same wait-and-see mode has set in at other ministries, with the complicated and controversial decisions on hold. In economy ministry, ferry procurement is shelved; as is the cutting of renewable energy fees – a policy by Juhan Parts, one that soc dems don’t agree with.

We need tanks

It’s another matter how development of national defence is going to be impacted by Russian aggression in Ukraine. On the one hand, it should make Estonia try harder.

«Actually, we ought to increase defence budget and set as our new goal to have a complete mechanized brigade ready by 2018,» said the IRL chairman Mr Reinsalu.

This means that, in addition to combat vehicles and self-propelled howitzers, Estonia should buy tanks. For the latter, however, the current budget limits for near-future will definitely hold no money.

Recalling the Russian-Georgian war – back then, also, big words were uttered about this being Estonia’s lesson and that Estonia need quickly and principally ratchet up its defence development. Even so, after a few months, the same old same old set in again. Possibly, that’s what will happen again, in wake of the Ukrainian crisis.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Mai - 10:32 a écrit:
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 16 Mai - 10:07

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mai - 10:22

Bangui le 26 mai 2014, débarquement des véhicules blindés XA-180 Estonien d'un C17 de la RAF.
Citation :
Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 325
 Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 683822 
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 15 Sep - 11:59

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Oct - 5:05

Citation :
Dutch selling armored vehicles to Estonia

Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Dutch-selling-armored-vehicles-to-Estonia
CV90 armored vehicle. (U.S. Army photo)

THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Oct. 2 (UPI) -- The Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands will sell 44 of its new CV90 infantry fighting vehicles to Estonia, it was announced on Thursday.

The sale, announced in the Estonian capital of Tallinn during a visit by Dutch Minister of Defense Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, comes amid tension in Estonia over Russia's annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine and machinations elsewhere in that country.

"Every day we are witnessing cases that demonstrate that peace is fragile and therefore it is not to be regarded as self-evident," Hennis said. "We cannot sit back and watch from the sidelines."

Estonia, once part of the Soviet Union, is a member of NATO. In February, Dutch forces will participate in military exercises in Estonia.

Dutch fighters, with other NATO aircraft, help patrol the skies over the Baltic since Baltic states have no air forces.

The Dutch Ministry of Defense said details of the sale of the armored vehicles are still being negotiated and are expected to be completed in December.

The sale of the 44 Swedish-made vehicles will leave the Netherlands with 149 CV90s in its inventory.

The Netherlands said cost-cutting was the impetus for the sale.

"The 44 CV90 are being divested as a result of the government resolution 'In the interests of the Netherlands' and the supplementary budget agreement of October 2013," the ministry said.

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Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Star3
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 2 Déc - 3:53

Citation :
Estonia buys 44 combat vehicles from the Netherlands

The Estonian government has decided to buy 44 CV90 infantry vehicles for the Estonian Defence Forces from the Netherlands, in what is the largest defence procurement project ever for the country.

Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 CV90-e1417387308826-940x656

Previously, the largest Estonian defence procurement projects were the purchase of MBDA-made Mistral missiles for about USD84.5 million in 2009, and three Sandown-class minehunter vessels from the UK’s Royal Navy for about USD64 million in 2007.

“The infantry vehicles will take the Estonian defence ability to a new level,” Defence Minister Sven Mikser said. The cost has not been disclosed yet, but is rumoured to be around EUR100 million.

The CV90s will enter the service from 2016 and are expected to remain in use for at least 20 years. The vehicles have been used by the Dutch, but are relatively new.

The CV90 infantry vehicles are produced since 1993 by Sweden-based BAE Systems Hägglunds AB and they’re in service with the Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swiss, Finnish and Swedish defence forces. It has also seen service in Afghanistan.

In a related development, Dutch troops will take part in the next Estonian Independence Day parade and hold joint exercises with the Scouts Battalion.

Mikser said the Netherlands had a clear desire to further strengthen defence cooperation with Estonia. Among other things, the Netherlands is contributing to Baltic Air Policing.

The Estonian-Dutch defence cooperation has mainly been focused on procurement. Since 2004, Estonia has acquired over 1,100 lightly used and well-maintained trucks and SUVs, some 500 trailers and staff containers and 81 SISU XA-188 armoured personnel carriers

Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Star3
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Déc - 11:57

Citation :
Estonia to replace Soviet-era An-2 aircraft with US-supplied Sherpas

Gareth Jennings, Amari Airbase, Estonia - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

16 December 2014

The Estonian Air Force is to replace the two Antonov An-2 'Colt' transport aircraft it operates in favour of a pair of Shorts C-23 Sherpas, a service official disclosed on 17 December.

Speaking during a media tour of Amari Airbase, 2nd Lieutenant Pille Joala said that the An-2s, which have been in Estonian service since 1996 but date back to the former Soviet Union, will continue to operate until the end of 2015, before being replaced by two Sherpa aircraft that are to be procured from the United States.

According to Lt Joala, herself an An-2 pilot, the Sherpas should arrive in Estonia a few months before they are due to take over the light transport role from the An-2, and that the seven pilots assigned to the An-2 will shortly begin conversion training.
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messages : 1480
Inscrit le : 29/01/2013
Localisation : Northern Forest
Nationalité : Maroc-Russie
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 13 Fév - 17:54


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Si vis pacem, para bellum

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messages : 1480
Inscrit le : 29/01/2013
Localisation : Northern Forest
Nationalité : Maroc-Russie
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Si vis pacem, para bellum

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messages : 1480
Inscrit le : 29/01/2013
Localisation : Northern Forest
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Estonian Defence Forces - Kuperjanov Battalion

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 18 Juil - 14:09

Citation :
Milices armées en Estonie

Actualité des forces  16 juillet 2015

Une vague de licenciements dans l’est russophone de l’Estonie constitue une menace pour la sécurité du pays et risque d’inci­ter certains de ces nou­veaux chômeurs à rejoindre le rang des pro-Moscou, avertissent des experts.

Quelque 200 mineurs et plus de 420 salariés d’une usine d’engrais viennent d’être licenciés ou sont sur le point de l’être dans le comté d’Ida Viru, où le taux de chômage est déjà supérieur à la moyenne nationale.

«Une guerre hybride menée par Moscou est en cours et sa phase la plus compli­quée a commencé : la création d’une milice armée constituée de gens mécontents de la politique des gouvernements dans les pays baltes», assure Vladimir Jushkin, directeur du Centre universitaire des études baltes et russes installé à Tartu (Estonie). Selon lui, les autorités doivent expliquer directe­ment à ces chômeurs «les raisons de ces licenciements et les mesures prises pour y remédier».

Tout en affirmant que la situation était sous contrôle, les autorités estoniennes continuent à se préparer à l’éventualité d’une telle guerre hybride, avec l’aide des Etats-Unis.

Dans un article publié le 3 juillet dans le Washington Post, le commandant de l’Otan en Europe, le général Philip Breedlove, indiquait que des forces spéciales américaines aident des pays, comme l’Estonie et la Lettonie, à se préparer dans ce domaine. Un groupe a commencé à travailler à Tallinn, selon la télévision publique estonienne.

Pendant ce temps-là, en Lituanie, un quartier général a ouvert le 9 juillet, à Vilnius, pour abriter une Unité d’intégration des forces de l’Otan. Celle-ci constituera un des QG multinationaux prépositionnés par l’Alliance en vue de faciliter le déploiement de sa nouvelle Force de réaction rapide (VJTF), dont la création a été décidée en septembre 2014 au sommet du pays de Galles. Le QG de Vilnius, fort d’une quaran­taine de personnes, sera assuré pendant trois ans par un officier danois, assisté d’un Lituanien.
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Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 28 Aoû - 3:25

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Friday, 28 August 2015
Estonia plans to build fence along its eastern border with Russia

Estonia on Thursday said it would build a fence along its eastern border with Russia to safeguard its security and to protect the EU's passport-free Schengen zone. The Estonian Interior ministry spokesman Toomas Viks said construction would begin in 2018.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 2 Sep - 3:32

Jordan and Estonia order FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile systems
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 16 Sep - 5:53

Bientôt chez l'armée Estonienne

Citation :
The worlds first Hybrid Unmanned Ground Vehicle Made in Estonia By Dylan Vosman - Sep 16, 2015

Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Estoni10

A unique, multipurpose UGV (unmanned ground vehicle) will be the first vehicle of its kind to use ultracapacitor technology. The high power cells from record-breaking manufacturer Skeleton Technologies will be used to deliver greatly increased energy efficiency and product reliability. The hybrid UGV has been developed by Estonian defence solutions provider Milrem, a company specialising in military engineering, repair and maintenance. Unlike existing UGVs it provides a universal platform for any application from communication relay to medevac, lifting platform to fire-fighting. This plug-and-play capability is made possible by housing all equipment inside the vehicle’s tracks. The multipurpose UGV can be used for a wide range of defence requirements including reconnaissance and observer missions, targeting weapon systems and providing support solutions such as medical supplies. The universal platform allows operators to optimise their vehicle fleet and reduce life cycle management costs with simplified maintenance and spare supplies. With energy consumption becoming an increasing concern in the defence sector, the Milrem UGV was designed to be as efficient as possible. A highly sophisticated control unit regulates energy flow between the diesel generator, electric motors and Skeleton Technologies’ ultracapacitors. This system reduces overall energy consumption by 25–40%. The ultracapacitors also ensure reliability by starting the vehicle in cold conditions or after prolonged periods in storage. Kuldar Väärsi, Chairman of the Board at Milrem, explains why they chose to work with Skeleton Technologies: “Firstly we chose these ultracapacitors for their performance; we knew they would deliver the efficiency and reliability we required. But we also liked the company’s approach to working alongside their customers to develop new products and new ideas.” Ultracapacitors are a highly efficient form of energy storage that are able to provide very high currents of power. Skeleton Technologies’ cells can also charge and discharge millions of times, offering lifetimes up to 500 times longer than batteries. Crucially for applications in colder climates, the technology can operate in temperatures as low as -65 °C. “We are proud to have worked with Milrem for our first deployment in the defence sector,” explains Skeleton Technologies Chief Executive Officer, Taavi Madiberk. “From powering space shuttles with the European Space Agency to ensuring cold weather start in trucks, the range of applications for our high-power technology is increasing all the time.” The first prototype of the Milrem multipurpose UGV will be unveiled in London at Europe’s leading defence and security event, DSEI 2015 which runs from 15 to 18 September. Milrem can be found at stand N3-362.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 21 Sep - 11:24

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Sep - 4:16

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Joint exercises of the US and Estonian Air Forces are expected to begin on Tuesday in Estonia.

Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Esto10

TALLINN (Sputnik) – Joint exercises of the US and Estonian Air Forces that will involve participation of 12 US A-10 ground-attack aircraft are expected to begin on Tuesday in Estonia, the country’s Defense Ministry announced Monday.

"Training projectiles for on-board cannons and 25-pound dummy bombs will be used during the joint drills that will be held from September 22 to November 6 at the central training ground of the defense forces. The A-10 [aircraft] will be temporarily stationed at the Amari air base near Tallinn," the ministry said in a press release.

Washington actively takes part in joint military drills in the Baltic region.

Earlier Monday, the active phase of NATO Saber Strike 2015 drills commenced on training ground in the Latvian town of Adazi.
In June, the United States pledged to construct military training facilities in six Eastern European nations, including Estonia, to facilitate the flexibility of NATO troops in the region.
NATO has been strengthening its military presence along Russia's western border since the start of the conflict in Ukraine last year, claiming Moscow's involvement.
Russia has repeatedly expressed concern that NATO's increased military activity near Russian borders could further aggravate existing tensions and undermine regional security.

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messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Oct - 13:42

Citation :
Estonia Increases Its Defence Spending. “More than 2% of the GDP”

PUBLISHED AT: Today, 01 October, 10:54

Jakub Palowski

Estonian authorities announced that the budgetary bill, already approved by the government, assumes that the defence expenditure is going to be increased - 9% higher level of spending is expected. Contribution of the military spending in the GDP is going to slightly exceed 2% of the GDP.

In 2016, Estonia is going to spend - in total - EUR 449 million on national security, which constitutes 8.9% increase, in comparison with the preceding year. According to the official announcement, more than 25% of the aforesaid funds, i.e. EUR 114 million, are going to be allocated to realize developement the new defence capabilities.

The Estonians are going to carry out acquisition of the CV9035NL infantry fighting vehicles for the reconnaissance battalion. This procurement is going to be covered with an amount of EUR 25.2 million. Acquisition of armament and equipment is also being planned, including uniforms and ammunition for the 1st and the 2nd Infantry Brigades. Cost of this procurement is going to reach the value of EUR 40 million.

51.6 million euros are going to be used to expand the infrastructure. The official release stresses the fact that expansion of the infrastructure for the NATO soldiers remaining in Estonia, within the scope of the “permanent” presence, is covered with an amount of EUR 10 million.

Estonia is one of a few NATO member states which decided to spend 2% of the GDP on the defence purposes, starting from 2013. Recently, agreements were made, the aim of which is to make it possible to acquire the Javelin ATGMs, along with the CV-9035NL infantry fighting vehicles. Tallinn maintains the army on the basis of general conscription, and the armed forces are complemented by so called Estonian Defence League - paramilitary forces, and by a special unit focused on cyber-warfare.

Similarly as in case of other Baltic republics, the defensive capabilities of Estonia remain limited. The scale of involvement within the areas related to the international security is also notable. Lithuania, which is much larger than Estonia, spent an amount of EUR 425 million within the defence budget in 2015, only several million euros more, than in case of Tallinn. This is an effect of maintaining the defence expenditure at the level of 2% of the GDP, while back in 2013, in case of Latvia and Lithuania, the defence expenditure was shaped at the level below 1% of the GDP.
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Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 10 Nov - 3:52

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army   Armée Estonienne/Estonian Army - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 12 Jan - 8:51

Citation :
Estonia buys extra CV90s from Norway

Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
11 January 2016

Estonia has bought additional CV90 armoured fighting vehicles (AFV) for its armed forces, signing a contract for 35 more CV90 hulls from Norway on 8 January.

The additional units will complement the 44 CV9035NL infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) that Estonia purchased from the Netherlands in December 2014.

The contract was signed on 8 January during a visit to Norway by Jonatan Vseviov, the undersecretary for defence planning at the Estonian Ministry of Defence (MoD). The total cost of the purchase was EUR600,000, an MoD spokesperson told IHS Jane's on 11 January.

Estonia has only purchased the hulls of the CV90s from Norway, as the CV9030N variant of the Norwegian IFV uses a different (30 mm) cannon from the 35 mm cannon of the Dutch CV90 IFVs that Estonia already purchased. Instead, Estonia is planning to convert these additional Norwegian CV90 hulls into combat support (CS) and combat service support (CSS) vehicle variants. They will complement the CV9035 IFVs within the Scout battalion of the Estonian 1st Infantry Brigade, the country's only full-readiness professional military unit.

The MoD is understood to be planning for this conversion work to be made in Estonia

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