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 Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces

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MessageSujet: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Sep 2009 - 23:36

Rappel du premier message :

l´armée ghanéene achete 4 Spartans pour un prix fort!
peut etre que l´AFRICOM paye une partie

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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Nov 2014 - 14:27

Citation :
Ghana to get Super Tucanos
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 2 Déc 2014 - 12:00

Citation :
Ghana Air Force Gets New Hangar

Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Ghana2%202

November 20 2014. President John Dramani Mahama, has pledged governments commitment to equipping the Ghana Armed Forces with adequate logistics to ensure the safety and security of the country’s airspace and maintenance of its territories, at the inauguration ceremony of a new hangar, operational equipment and vehicles at the Air Force Base in Accra on Thursday 20 November 2014.

The new ultramodern hanger, named after late Air Marshal John Asamoah Bruce, former Chief of Air Staff, comes with a host of ground support equipment such as a fork lift, refueling browser, five truck, generators and ambulance.

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Three rehabilitated hangers were also named after Air Force Officers who served their tenure - Air Vice Marshal Odautey Barnor, Air Vice Marshal James EA Kotei, and Wing Commander Robert W

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Amonoo-Coleman, were also unveiled by the President.

The President announced plans by the government to get additional aircrafts for the Ghana Air Force training, peace support and combat operations to include Z-9 helicopters from China, Super Tucano aircrafts for training and for assault missions from Brazil, additional M-17 helicopters from Russia and a CASA 295 Plane from Air Bus Military of Spain.

[President Dramani Mahama delivering his address on the occasion of the commissioning of a new hanger at the Accra Base.]

President Dramani Mahama delivering his address on the occasion of the commissioning of a new hanger at the Accra Base.

President Mahama said the provision of these hangars all over the bases will provide a secure environment for the storage of aircrafts, thereby increasing their life span. He added that, it will enhance the capacity of the Air Force to maintain the increasing fleet of aircrafts being provided it by government.

occasion of the commissioning of a new hanger at the Accra Base.

President Mahama said the provision of these hangars all over the bases will provide a secure environment for the storage of aircrafts, thereby increasing their life span. He added that, it will enhance the capacity of the Air Force to maintain the increasing fleet of aircrafts being provided it by government.

Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Ghana4%201
[President Dramani Mahama cuts a ribbon to commission the new hanger.]

President Dramani Mahama cuts a ribbon to commission the new hanger.
“We must sustain the atmosphere of peace and security needed for the development of all sectors of the country, and if we must do that, we must continue to invest in the latest equipment not only for the Air Force, but for all the security agencies”, he added.

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messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 22 Juin 2015 - 17:56

Citation :
Le Ghana commande cinq A-29 Super Tucano  

22 Juin 2015

Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 1a31
Photo : (c) Embraer - Un A-29 Super Tucano de la Force Aérienne Mauritanienne, porteur d'une livrée sable,
et d'une boule optronique

Alors que la Mali vient d'officialiser l'achat de six A-29 Super Tucano pour sa Force Aérienne, c'est au tour du Ghana de s'équiper de cinq A-29 Super Tucano de l'avionneur brésilien Embraer.

En effet, dans un communiqué de presse publié Vendredi 19 Juin 2015, en plein Salon du Bourget, Embraer Defence & Space a déclaré que le Ghana venait de commander cinq A-29 Super Tucano à la suite de la signature du contrat entre l'industriel et le Ministre ghanéen de la Défense.

Bien que le montant de ce contrat n'a pas été révélé, toutefois le communiqué précise que ces cinq A-29 Super Tucano seront livrés avec un support logistique ainsi que l'installation de simulateurs et la formation des pilotes et des mécaniciens, au Ghana. Par ailleurs, et comme au Mali, ces appareils seront utilisés pour l'entraînement avancé, la surveillance des frontières, ainsi que pour les missions intérieures.

L'A-29 Super Tucano est un appareil léger d'attaque au sol, utilisé par une dizaine de forces aériennes qui n'ont pas forcément un budget conséquent, comme au Burkina-Faso, en Equateur, en Colombie, en Angola, au Cameroun, au Sénagal, etc... où ils sont régulièrement utilisés. C'est un appareil qui est très bien adapté à ces pays et aux missions qui lui sont confiées, comme dans des missions de lutte anti-guérilla, d'attaque au sol, ou d'appui de troupes au sol, comme c'est notamment le cas en Afghanistan.

Bien que l'appareil n'est en rien comparable aux aéronefs de certains pays occidentaux, il emporte un armement sophistiqué et adapté à son utilisation. Le Super Tucano, qui peut atteindre une vitesse avoisinant les 600km/h grâce à un turbopropulseur, dispose en interne deux canons dans ses ailes.

En externe, il peut emporter un pod canon supplémentaire, quatre pods lance-roquettes, ainsi que des bombes air-sol guidées ou non. Par ailleurs, il peut également décoller et atterrir depuis des terrains sommaires (qui n'ont pas été "préparés" au préalable), ce qui est utile lors de certaines opérations : Les avions peuvent opérer au plus près des combats, sans devoir perdre du temps à construire et aménager une piste en béton.

Depuis sa mise en service, il y a maintenant dix ans, la flotte mondiale des A-29 Super Tucano a effectué pas moins de 230 000 heures de vol, dont 30 000 heures dans le cadre de missions de combat réelles. A ce jour, Embraer Defence & Space a livré 190 A-29 Super Tucano, et dispose d'un carnet de 210 commandes fermes.  
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 16 Nov 2015 - 18:26

Citation :
La force aérienne du Ghana sur le point de recevoir un troisième C295  

Lundi 16 novembre 2015 08:45  

Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 1028

( le Ghana a été l'un des premiers clients de l'avion de transport C295 d'Airbus défense, déjà deux exemplaires commandés ont été reçus en novembre 2011 et avril 2012 respectivement, ce qui signifiait un important bond en avant dans la modernisation de la force aérienne, après avoir évalué également le C-27J. En novembre 2014, le Président du Ghana, John Dramani Mahama, a annoncé son intention d'acquérir un troisième C295 Airbus défense, en plus des cinq avions d'Embraer Super Tucano, d'hélicoptères russes d'attaque Mil Mi-17 et de quatre hélicoptères chinois Harbin Z-9. L'appareil d'Airbus DS a donné d'excellent service dans le pays, qui a également mis l'un des deux appareils disponible auprès de l'ONU pour appuyer les opérations internationales de la MINUSMA, qui développe sa mission de maintien de la paix au Mali voisin.

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La présence de ce troisième avion pour le Ghana n'a pu être vérifier, que grâce, à des photos prisent pendant les journées de presse organisé par DS Airbus, en octobre dernier à son usine de San Pablo (Séville), où est construit le modèle susmentionné et son « petit frère » le CN235. En Afrique, jusqu'à cette date, outre les trois appareils commandés par le Ghana, a été vendu six en Algérie,  le principal client l'Egypte, qui a commandé dans des ordres différents pour un total 20 appareils, beaucoup déjà en service et que cela peut nécessité d'autre unités supplémentaires. Des avions égyptiennes ont été réalisées à ce jour, quatre années de fonctionnement, un total de 10 000 heures de vol. (Texte et photo : Julio Maíz Sanz)

Photos :

· Image de l'air force C295 troisième du Ghana, déjà avec les marques et enregistrement GHF-552 de cette petite, mais très moderne de l'aviation militaire.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 6 Jan 2016 - 9:51

Citation :
Ghana to get Mi-35 helicopter

Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
04 January 2016

The Ghanaian Air Force is in the process of acquiring one Mil Mi-35 assault helicopter, Chief of Air Staff Air Vice Marshal Michael Samson-Oje revealed in his end-of-year message.

Summing up his service's other procurement programmes, AVM Samson-Oje said the new Harbin Z-9EH helicopters were delivered on time in 2015, the acquisition of Embraer Super Tucano turboprops was "far advanced", and that an additional Airbus C295M transport was expected to be delivered in January 2016.

Ghana received four Z-9EHs in September 2015, has ordered five Super Tucanos, and already has two C295s in service.

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 23 Jan 2016 - 10:28

Citation :
New Ghana Armed Forces Chief of Staff
January 21, 2016

The out-going Chief of Staff (COS), Major General Bobson Saagbul has officially handed over the staff of office to Brigadier General Sampson Kudjo Adeti on Friday 16 January, 2016 at the General Headquarters Burma Camp, Accra.

In his remarks, Maj Gen Saagbul was very glad to handover the baton to his successor. He congratulated Brig Gen Adeti on his new appointment and urged him to continue where he left off. He wished him well in all his endeavours. He further added that his doors were opened to him at all times.

In his acceptance remarks, Brig Gen Adeti started that, with a humble heart he was honoured to step into the shoes of his predecessor. He recounted several significant appointments held by Maj Gen Saagbul in the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), hence taking over from him was going to be a tall order.

He assured him that he and other senior officers will join combine their efforts to achieve success. Adding that, they will always consult him and tap into his rich resources. He congratulated him for steering the office into such a huge success.

Brig Gen Adeti stated that, he will uphold the Staff of Office to the best of his ability and will be loyal to the Military High Command and everyone who has entrusted to him the responsibility of the COS of the GAF.

Brig Gen Adeti before his appointment as the COS was the General Officer Commanding, Southern Command.

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 23 Jan 2016 - 10:29

Citation :
Ghana Deploys Troops Against Possible Terror Attacks
January 20, 2016

Government has deployed dozens of security personnel throughout the capital and at major installations across the country to stem any possible terrorist attack.

The move follows a terrorist attack on a luxurious hotel in Burkina Faso last week Friday [January 15], shooting some people and taking others hostage in a siege that lasted for hours and ended with 29 dead. An al Qaeda-linked terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack on the hotel, which is a popular meeting place for Western diplomats in the capital, Ouagadougou.

The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) has also stated that the military are very much alert and ready for any probable extremist assault on the country, calling on Ghanaians to remain calm. The Minister of Interior, Mark Owen Woyongo, who disclosed this yesterday, assured Ghanaians that the government was on top of issues.

Hours after the disclosure of the directive by the Interior Minister yesterday, Military and Police officers moved to the Ghana-Burkina Faso border at Paga to support the officers of the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) stationed, thus beefing up security to forestall any possible spillover of last Friday’s terrorist attack on a Ouagadougou hotel.

The Chronicle’s William Jalulah, reporting from Paga, said residents were living in fear after the Ouagadougou mayhem.

But, Francis Tachie, the Assistant Controller of the Immigration Service at the Ghana-Burkina Faso border town of Paga has called on the residents to be calm as military and police officers had been dispatched to augment the GIS presence at the border.

According to Mr. Tachie, per Jalulah’s report, the move would ensure a beef up of security around the border, saying that this would take care of the many unapproved routes in and out of Ghana, to and from Burkina Faso. He, therefore, advised residents to be on high alert for any strange movement of people around the border to report same to any of the security agencies and not to shield them.

In a related development, Ghana’s Speaker of Parliament, Doe Adjaho, expressed concern over the recent Ouagadougou hotel attacks noting that Ghana might be a bit exposed as the mastermind of such heinous attacks are within reach. “The terrorists are not very far from us; 27 people died at a Hotel in Burkina Faso.

It has happened in Mali, Nigeria and Burkina Faso. We need to pray for this country. If there is any time we have to draw closer to God, this is the time,” he said. He was speaking during a thanksgiving church service of the First Sky Group and the handing over of church buildings to the Assemblies of God Secretariat in Ho.

As reported by Mohammed Awal for The Chronicle

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 8 Avr 2016 - 16:45

Citation :
US Army Seeks Support for NAMRU-3 Ghana Detachment
April 8, 2016

The US Army Contracting Command has issued a sources sought document to gather information that will assist in the determination of a suitable acquisition solution for providing: (1) management support between the US Government and potential foreign personnel and organizations located at the client’s site or Area of Responsibility (AOR); and (2) active, field-based biosurveillance, laboratory testing and scientific analysis, and host nation laboratory capacity building for research and development (R&D) related to emerging infectious diseases. The latter may include but not be limited to: (a) collection of pathogenic samples and specimens (e.g., swabs, blood draws); (b) support for entomological studies (e.g. vector mapping and control, and the collection and taxonomy of arthropods of medical importance); (c) support for etiological lab analyses of collected specimens to include conventional bacteriology, parasitology, immunology, and basic to advanced diagnostics in Biosafety Level Two (BSL-2) or less conditions; (d) specimen accessioning and archiving; (e) data entry and analysis services to support the aforementioned laboratory studies, (f) field testing of advanced diagnostic devices (e.g., novel field deployable rapid assays), (g) ancillary laboratory support services to include (but not be limited to) janitorial services, supply management, medical waste disposal, equipment maintenance and other laboratory operations support services; (h) assisting in training programs designed to boost host nation laboratory capacity; and (i) other R&D activities performed in consonance with the mission of the NAMRU-3 and its Ghana Detachment.

The primary sites of performance for this potential requirement are the NAMRU-3 Ghana Detachment headquarters in Accra, Ghana, and various hospitals, Ghana Armed Forces medical facilities, collaborating institutions, and field surveillance sites around Ghana and in surrounding West Africa partner countries. Due to the unique requirements involved with performance in OCONUS/Foreign locations, interested parties to this RFI should address – in addition to the technical aspects above – capability and familiarity with engaging foreign personnel and subcontracting with foreign (including governmental) entities and ensuring compliance with local laws and observances, and US Department of State requirements, especially as they relate to the CENTCOM and AFRICOM areas of responsibility, and the West Africa region.

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 18 Mai 2018 - 16:56

Citation :
Ghana: Armée et police se prononcent sur les bagarres à Tamalé, deux ministres convoqués au parlement

Ghana Societe

Des policiers en service et des militaires lors d'un défilé (ph archive)

©– Vendredi 18 Mai 2018 – L’Armée et la police ghanéennes ont condamné les violences survenues le mercredi dernier à Tamalé entre leurs agents respectifs à Tamalé, la capitale de la région du nord du pays, et ont promis de sanctionner les auteurs des bagarres.

Pendant ce temps, le président du parlement ghanéen a convoqué les ministres de la Défense et celui de l'Intérieur au sujet des affrontements survenus à Tamalé. Les deux ministres ont quatre pour aller s’expliquer au parlement.

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Dans une déclaration conjointe publiée et signée par le Commissaire adjoint de la police David Eklu et le directeur des relations publiques des Forces Armées Ghanéennes (GAF), le Colonel Aggrey Quarshie, les deux corps ont annoncé ne pas qu’ils ne toléreront pas de tels actes d'anarchie par les hommes en uniforme.

En vue de faire la lumière sur les incidents qui sont survenus et qui ont occasion une dizaine de blessés parmi les policiers, l’Armée et la police ont décidé de mener une enquête et de prendre des mesures punitives contre des agents de sécurité qui se sont fait justice eux même.

Pour le rappel des faits, des policiers avaient arrêté et menotté un militaire suite à une plainte porté contre lui par un chauffeur de taxi pour agression. Le sort réservé militaire par les policiers n’a pas plu aux autres militaires dans la ville, lesquels sont sortis pour se venger. Ces militaires disent ne pas comprendre pourquoi l'un de leurs hommes soit arrêté par la police et interrogé sur une agression présumée. L'incident a rendu des policiers furieux contre des menaces de représailles.

En attendant les suites de l’enquête sur l’incident qui s’est produit entre militaires et policiers, Joel Sowu, un capitaine de l’Armée à la retraite a attribué l’attaque subie par des policiers de la part des militaires à l'échec des policiers à respecter la procédure régulière pour examiner les crimes impliquant des militaires. En tout, Sowu a déduit que cet incident est né du manque de respect de la police envers les militaires.

Mensah, Lomé

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messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Juil 2018 - 21:26

Citation :
U.S. Army Africa

More photos of Soldiers from the 36th Engineer Brigade and Ghana Armed Forces executing counter improvised explosive devices (CIED) lanes during United Accord '18 at
the Bundase Training Camp in Ghana.

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40759
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Oct 2018 - 20:48

Citation :
Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 652
Ghana : Les militaires priés de cesser d'intimider les civils mais invités à promouvoir la cohésion

Nana Akufo-Addo

Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 6a36

©– Samedi 20 Octobre 2018 – Le Président ghanéen Nana Akufo-Addo, celui qui est par ailleurs le Chef suprême des Forces Armées Ghanéennes (GAF), a mis en garde les militaires à ne pas abuser de leurs pouvoirs pour intimider les civils.

En s'exprimant hier vendredi lors de la cérémonie de remise des diplômes à 138 officiers à l'Académie militaire du Ghana Rechercher Ghana à Teshie à Accra, le Président Akufo-Addo a conseillé aux militaires de s'efforcer à entretenir de bonnes relations avec les citoyens afin de promouvoir l'intégration et la cohésion nationales. Il a rappelé que l'uniforme est un symbole d'autorité et que sa dignité doit être préservée.

Pour la cause de cette exhortation, le Chef suprême des GAF a déclaré que « Les médias ont fait des reportages défavorables sur les actions de certains militaires. Etre enrôlé dans les GAF, c'est éviter la tentation d'utiliser vos uniformes pour intimider les civils, dont les impôts sont utilisés pour vous payer ».

Sur la base de cette remarque, il a rappelé aux militaires que leur devoir leur impose une grande responsabilité et qu’ils se doivent de se laisser à la tentation d'utiliser l'uniforme pour intimider leurs frères en civils.

A l’adresse des nouveaux officiers, Akufo-Addo a formulé le vœu qu’ils mènent « une conduite exemplaire et à veiller à ce que les hommes placés sous vos ordres fassent de même ».

En tant que le Chef suprême des Armées, le Président ghanéen a appelé aux militaires leur devoir, celui de de rester vigilants et de «veiller à la préservation de nos frontières territoriales».

Mensah, Lomé  
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 9 Jan 2019 - 22:12

Citation :
Jan 7

Ghana: Kantanka unveils armored vehicle and exoskeleton

The Ghanaian news agency GraphicOnLine has tweeted pictures of a public event, possibly a military parade, in which "interesting" inventions are dynamically displayed, among which an armored personnel (somehow imposing and certainly limited in off-road performances) and exoskeletons that probably don't challenge US, Russian and Chinese ones.

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 Armored personnel carrier designed and made in Ghana (Picture source: GraphicOnLine)!/2019/01/ghana-kantanka-unveils-armored-vehicle.html
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Jan 2019 - 21:14

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Ghana unveils domestically-produced APC

Written by Forecast International/defenceWeb, Thursday, 10 January 2019

Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 15a322

A prototype Ghanaian armoured car.On 30 December, at the 38th annual Technology Exhibition of the Kantanka Group in Accra, the Kantanka Technological Centre of Excellence (KTCE) showed off a domestically-produced wheeled armoured personnel carrier (APC).

KTCE is part of the Kantanka Group of Companies, founded by Dr. Kwadwo Safo.

No specifications for the vehicle were included, though Ghanian media reported the vehicle came equipped with “a laser rangefinder.” Other products on display at the exhibition included military exoskeletons and civilian goods, like automobiles.

The Asantehene (absolute monarch) Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, as well as other important officials attended the exhibition. Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, who is the ruler of the Kingdom of Ashanti, praised the work of Dr. Kwadwo Safo and urged Ghanaian citizens to purchase products made in the country “if we really want to end the cycle of economic hardships that have bedevilled the country.”

Ghana in recent years has shown renewed interest in developing its local defence industry so as to produce more of the military’s needs. The production of the armoured vehicle thus represents a development milestone for the country’s industry.

No technical details of the vehicle have been released. The vehicle, with KAI802 APC written on the side, appears to be about four metres tall and 12 metres long. It has what appear to be smoke grenade launchers mounted on the hull, which has multiple hatches including a large one at the rear, and gun ports. It seems the design is based on a commercial truck, with relatively small truck-type tyres and low ground clearance.

A weapon that could have been either a cannon or a multiple grenade launcher was mounted on the roof of the vehicle.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Jan 2019 - 23:03

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و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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iron man version ghanéenne

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Juil 2019 - 15:36

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Ghana’s air force in a class of its own
Posted 8 May 2019 · Add Comment

The Ghana Armed Forces have a small but capable air force. The key to its success is training, as Patrick Dirksen and Frank Mink found out during a recent visit.

Air Vice Marshal Maxwell Mantserbi-Tei Nagai, the Ghana Air Force (GAF) chief of air staff, is absolutely clear about his force’s role.
“Our primary job is supporting the army and the navy. Next to that we assist with governmental issues, like disaster management,” he said. “We also help the police and Ghana Gas.
“However, our main role is supporting the army with troop transport, airborne forces, paradropping, fighter ground attack and close air support with the helicopters.”
Interestingly, aerial photography, transporting the yield from gold mines, and carrying electoral commission personnel during elections also fall under the force’s remit.
The GAF’s main air base is at Accra. Two of its recently acquired C295s now fly with the Communication Squadron, having replaced the venerable Fokker F-27s. These aircraft have been put through their paces in Mali, where the Ghanaian forces played a big role in the United Nations mission MINUSMA.
A terrorist attack at Gao in 2016, damaging a C295, put an end to that deployment. The aircraft is now operational again. “We fixed it,” said the air vice marshal. “After the bombing, the pilots ran an engines check on the ground and then took off and checked the systems. When that was OK, we backloaded it to Tamale and then finally to Accra. We got support from Airbus, and we fixed it in situ, here in the hangar.”
Although the damage was caused while being operated for the UN, Ghana had to pay the €1.2 million ($1.38m) repair bill. When asked about future UN involvement, Nagai was clear: “We have been getting requests from the UN to support, mainly with the helicopter operations in Mali, but, right now, we are not in position to do so. Possibly, when we get new acquisitions, like Mi-35s, then we can consider supporting the UN again. But, for now, we have too much work meeting our own internal demands.”
Ghana has participated in dozens of UN and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) missions since the 60s, and helicopters also played a big role.
A recent example was in neighbouring Cote d’Ivoire during the genocide, where A109 helicopters were used as gunships and Bell 412s for troop transport. These have, nowadays, been replaced by Z-9 and Mi-17/171 helicopters.
All helicopters are operated by 3 Squadron and are based at Accra AFB. The main roles of the four Z-9s are gas pipeline and powerline patrols, coastal fishery patrols and ambulance flights. “The Z-9 has two stretchers, so it can be used as an ambulance. If the numbers are higher, we go to the Mi-17, which has six stretchers,” said Nagai.
Six Mi-17 and Mi-171 ‘Hip’ helicopters also fly with 3 Squadron, replacing the Bell 412 in the troop-lift role.
A few years ago, negotiations were held with Rosoboronexport in Russia about the possible sale of Mi-35s. “At the time, the threat level was assessed and it was felt that a few gunships would be needed. However, funding turned out to be a problem and, when the security situation changed, it was decided to exchange the planned three Mi-35s for some Mi-171s instead,” explained Nagai. “But the deal is still in the pipeline.”
The Hips are equipped with night sun and a hoist. They can carry sling loads and be armed with an AKS74 gun on a swivel. The cockpit is not digital but it is night vision goggles (NVG)-capable.
There are no plans to upgrade the aircraft. “Suggestions have been made to configure them into some more sophisticated weapons system. But that means we have to ground them, pack them and send them off for maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO), which would take a lot of time. And we need the aircraft now,” explained Nagai.
Also flying from Accra AFB are the K-8s of 4 Squadron that have replaced the L-39 and MB339.
“The home base of the squadron is supposed to be in Tamale but, at the time that they arrived, it was not positioned to receive them. Maybe they will move there now; we are thinking about it if the leadership academy is pulled through,” said Nagai.
“The role of the aircraft is strike and fast reconnaissance, mostly on border patrols. They can be armed for fighter-ground attack. For their training, we have a live firing range at Bundase, close to Accra. Since we coordinate with the army during combat, we do air power combat fire training together.”
K-8 pilots are selected from the fixed-wing training classes and are sent to China for the K-8 conversion.
Ever since Takoradi AFB was taken over from the British RAF in 1961, the flying training school (FTS) has been based there.
The first aircraft to fly there were Chipmunks donated by the RAF. Later on, Beavers, Otters and Caribous were used.
The FTS still has venerable Cessna 172s, although these haven’t flown for years. Initial flying training is now completed on a Diamond DA42, operated by 1 Squadron.
After a selection process in Accra, student pilots get their initial 10 hours of flying experience on the DA42 before they are sent to Bristow Academy for helicopter pilots or the Flight Safety Academy for fixed-wing pilots, both in the US.
After the period overseas, students destined for the fixed-wing squadrons return to Takoradi for follow-up training on the DA42, while the helicopter pilots go directly to their squadron.
No 1 Squadron operates three DA42s. Of these, one (registered GHF120) fulfils the training role while the other two (GHF121 and 122) are dedicated surveillance aircraft. A DA42 simulator has also been procured from Diamond to facilitate instrument flying training and in-flight failure training.
The GAF’s intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capability comes from the two surveillance DA42s, which are both equipped with the SAFIRE sensor suite. The aircraft were modified in the UK by DO Systems, which also supplied a dedicated DA42 crewman trainer simulator.
Their main roles are maritime surveillance, reconnaissance and internal security operations for the police forces. A regular crew consists of one pilot and one crewman, who operates the sensors.
A typical maritime surveillance mission can take up to 12 hours and can be flown in both day and night under visual flight rules (VFR) and instrument flight rules (IFR) conditions. The Hawkeye system allows real-time transmission of sensor data.
The Diamonds also contribute to the international organisation, Oceans Beyond Piracy. Together with the Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin and Nigeria, Ghana is responsible for Zone E and Zone F in the Gulf of Guinea. “There is cooperation between the navies and among the air forces in securing the coasts of these countries, so we do joint exercises at sea with the navy, with helicopters, for example, rappelling the special forces on to the ships,” said Nagai.
The Diamond is also fighting against drug trafficking: “One time, it had to fly 350 nautical miles out to sea to bust a cocaine ship,” said Nagai. “This mothership was anchored and was offloading goods on to smaller ships. With collaboration of the British and the Americans they got spotted. The navy could only go to 200nm, so we scrambled the Diamond and it took the pictures that were needed as evidence.”
There is also a Z-9 detachment at Takoradi, operating under 1 Squadron.
“Their base is in Accra but, at any time, we have one or two Z-9s in Takoradi, just in case Ghana Gas requires assistance.”
Besides operational aircraft, Takoradi AFB also houses a newly built Air Force Recruit Training School. Operational since July 2018, it carries out basic military training for new airmen as well as on-the-job training for when they pass out. Also, all personnel will be trained there to be sent out for future United Nations missions.
Every year between five and 15 student pilots get their wings.
Furthermore there is cooperation with the outside world regarding technicians, as Nagai explained: “The Accra-based University of Ghana started running an aerospace engineering programme. They requested a decommissioned aircraft that could be used as a mock-up training device. So we delivered an MB339 and our engineers put it back together and connected the power so the systems could be run for training purposes.”
Also based at Accra AFB is the School of Trade Training (SoTT). “Students from the aerospace engineering department of the Kwame Nkrumah University come here for six weeks every year for practical training. After that, we are inundated with applications to join [the GAF]. Some airlines also send their technicians to do a course at the SoTT, showing the good collaboration we have within civil aviation.”
The smallest of the country’s three airbases regarding flying operations is Tamale, which was built in 1966 with help of the former Soviet Union.
One of the Casa 295s is based there, flying with 2 Squadron, although at the time of writing it was undergoing its initial heavy maintenance check with Airbus in Spain after being in service for six years.
Nagai said: “Most transport aircraft tasks originate from Accra. But this aircraft is based at Tamale because of the airborne forces, which are also based there. Its main task is supporting them during their parachute jumping training and deployments.”
Also assisting in this training is F-27 G521. This aircraft made the last operational flight of the type in 2013, after which it was delivered to Tamale.
“The Fokker 27 and 28 have done something like 35 years. They’ve really served us very well,” said Nagai. “Ask the engineers on the F-27 and they will tell you they would love to go back to Fokker. But, of course, Fokker has folded up; we‘re not getting spare parts anymore, and they have done their duty. So they were decommissioned.”
One last aircraft – the Fokker 28 that used to fly the president of Ghana – is for sale and is kept in flyable condition. Its engines are being run regularly.
The Communication Squadron nowadays flies the president in a Falcon 900EX. “This aircraft is on the civil register, so the maintenance regime is strictly by the civil aviation regulations.”
Nagai also discussed plans to establish an air force base in the centre of the country, around Atebubu.
“The idea is to establish a helicopter squadron there, so we could reach both north and south. Furthermore, there are plans to have a joint forward operating base (FOB) with the navy somewhere in the west, because of the oil find.
“All these are still on the drawing board, but the final approval, of course, needs to come from the government.”
There are also plans to expand. “The air force is already much bigger than when I joined in 1980. But, as the economy grows and the population grows, there will be new requirements,” said Nagai.
The Super Tucano is high on his wish list. “In 2013 this came up. The chief of air staff at the time assessed the threat level and we looked at the capabilities of the Super Tucano and we recommended it to the government. It would be used both as a strike aircraft and a trainer.
“So far it didn’t get put though, but negotiations with the manufacturers in Brazil are not closed totally. We still need it and, while we are also looking for alternatives, the Super Tucano remains the key in our new acquisitions.”
The intention was to get four aircraft and one simulator, Nagai said: “We plan to base them at Tamale AFB to re-establish the flying training school there, attached to the brand new Air Force Leadership Training School that we have in Tamale now. A smart hangar has already been built there to receive the Super Tucano.”
Currently, there are no plans to get additional helicopters for the coming three to five years. An option for a fourth C295 will not be taken up for now.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 30 Juil 2019 - 20:33

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Ghanaian navy to get new boats and base

Jeremy Binnie, London - Jane's Defence Weekly

30 July 2019

Ghana has ordered eight patrol vessels and is building a new naval base, Minister of Defence Dominic Nitiwul announced at the International Maritime Defence Exhibition (IMDEC) conference held in Accra on 24 July.

A government statement cited Nitiwul as saying a USD200 million contract had been signed covering the construction of a new forward operating base at Edzinlibo in the Western Region that would enable the navy “to receive associated offshore patrol boats for effective maritime patrols”.

The Daily Guide newspaper quoted Nitiwul as saying the USD200 million covered both the base and offshore patrol vessels “capable of staying at sea for a long time to be able to patrol our exclusive economic zone”.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeJeu 14 Nov 2019 - 22:45

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 17 Oct 2020 - 20:23

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 Ghana approves the purchase of 19 Israeli armored vehicles from Elbit Systems

Defense News October 2020 Global Security army industry
Posted On  Saturday, 17 October 2020 09:34  

According to information published by Defence Web on October 16, 2020, Ghana has approved the purchase of 19 wheeled armored vehicles
from the Israeli company Elbit Systems.

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Sentinel II 8x8 armored vehicle fitted with Elbit Systems UT30 30 mm remotely operated turret. (Picture source Elbit Systems Australia)

Citing Defence Web, In terms of the agreement, Israeli company Elbit Land Systems will supply nine 8×8 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) equipped with Elbit Systems UT30 30 mm remotely operated turrets. The order includes ten 6×6 IFVs fitted for reconnaissance operations.

Currently, Ghana armed forces are equipped with 3 EE-9 Cascavel, 24 Ratel-90 with 90mm cannon, 15 Ratel-20 with 20mm cannon, 4 Piranha with 25mm cannon, 5 Type-05P 25mm, 46 first version of Piranha 8x8 armored vehicles.

There is no information about the type of vehicle that will be delivered to the Ghana armed forces, but Elbit Systems has developed the Sentinel an 8x8 armored vehicle based on the Terrex 2 designed by ST Kinetics of Singapore.

The Sentinel is an 8x8 armored reconnaissance vehicle jointly designed and developed by the Companies ST Kinetics of Singapore and Elbit Systems Australia. Team Sentinel, led by Elbit Systems of Australia (ELSA), offered the Sentinel II for the Australian Land 400 Mounted Combat Reconnaissance Capability (MCRC) request for tender.

The Sentinel is an integrated combination of Terrex 2 8x8 armored vehicle personnel carrier, the Elbit Land System's MT30 30mm turret. Featuring high first-round and burst hit probability, the dual-axis stabilized UT30 is designed for firing on the move and at moving targets.

The Sentinel II is based on the Terrex 2 armored vehicle personnel carrier using hull and powerpack components. The hull of the vehicle is of all-welded steel armor construction to which an additional layer of passive armor can be added for a higher level of battlefield survivability.  
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeDim 25 Oct 2020 - 17:25

Citation :
21 October 2020

Ghanaian Navy opens new training complex

by Jeremy Binnie

Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo inaugurated a new Naval Training Command (Navtrac) facility that aims to be a regiona
l centre of excellence for West Africa.

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The new School of Maritime Operations at the Navtrac complex. (The President of the Republic of Ghana)

“The establishment of this ultra-modern training facility is one of the most important decisions taken by government, through the Ministry of Defence and the Military High Command,” the president said during the opening on 20 October.

The new facility is located at the site of a defunct fruit processing factory on the eastern bank of the Volta estuary in the South Tongu District of Volta Region.

In his televised speech, Chief of the Navy Staff Rear Admiral Seth Amoama explained how this location “offers opportunity for waterborne training on the river and easy access for training boats to sail out to the open sea, along the same concept as the Britannia Royal Naval College in Dartmouth, UK, where most Ghanaian naval offices were trained”.

The initial development consisted of a floating jetty, obstacle course, recruit accommodation, and dining facility and began training in 2016, with the first recruits graduating the following year.

Rear Adm Amoama subsequently suspended the training “to develop this training command into a world-class training facility that accommodates all navy training schools that are currently located in operational commands and also develop the command into a maritime training centre of excellence for the sub-region”.

Work on the first phase began in September 2019 and included the construction of a command headquarters building, school for maritime operations, recruit training school administration block, instructors’ accommodation, medical centre, library, and mosque.  
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 7 Avr 2021 - 18:53

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    Ghana has officially received first Otokar Cobra 2 4x4 armored vehicles

Defense News April 2021 Global Security army industry


According to pictures released by the Official Website of The Presidency Republic of Ghana, the Turkish company Otokar has delivered Cobra 1
and Cobra 2 4x4 armored vehicles to Ghana armed forces.

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Ghana armed forces have officially received first Otokar Cobra 4x4 light armored vehicles in March 2021. (Picture source Facebook Presidency
Republic of Ghana)

Ghana’s armed forces are among the most capable in the region, with a long-term development plan covering both the current and the next decade.

Ghana has started to develop forward-operating bases, principally with the objective of protecting oil resources. Plans persist to develop air capabilities. There have been some defense acquisitions from China. Ghana has a limited defense-industrial base, including maintenance facilities and ammunition manufacturing as well as a more recent armored-vehicle production capability.

According to SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) Arms Trade Database, Ghana has ordered 30 4x4 armored vehicles in Cobra 1 and Cobra 2 versions. Those were delivered from 2018 to 2019. On March 31, 2021, Ghana armed forces have officially received the first new Cobra 2 4x4 light armored vehicles.

The Cobra is a family of light 4x4 armored vehicles designed and manufactured by the Turkish company Otokar. The first vehicles entered in service with the Turkish army in 1997. The hull of the vehicle has an all-welded monocoque steel hull providing protection against firing of small arms up to

In APC (Armored Personnel Carrier) variant, the Cobra 1 can accommodate up to 11 military personnel including driver and commander. The roof of the vehicle can be fitted with a one-man manually-operated turret armed with a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun. The amphibious version of the Cobra has a combat weight of 6.3 tones and is propelled in the water at a maximum speed of 8 km/h by two propellers mounted on either side under the hull rear.

The Cobra 2 is the latest generation of wheeled armored vehicle in the family of Cobra. The design of the vehicle is based on a monocoque hull structure. The new version of the Cobra has a higher payload and a larger internal volume.

The Cobra 2 was unveiled in May 2013 during the International Defense Exhibition that was held in Istanbul. It was developed over the existing Cobra 4x4 armored vehicle, as a modular platform with superior technical and tactical characteristics.

The Cobra 2 offers high level of protection against ballistic and mine threats. According to the manufacturer, it is an MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) category of combat vehicle which is designed specifically to withstand a blast of improvised explosive device (IED) attacks and ambushes.  
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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 10 Aoû 2021 - 21:07

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Republic of Ghana looking to buy 6 Aero Vodochody L-39NG jet trainer

Defense Aviation News August 2021 aerospace air force industry


The Republic of Ghana is looking to procure six Aero Vodochody L-39NG aircraft for the Armed Forces of Ghana through a loan agreement worth € 111.3 million ($ 132 million). On August 2, Ghana’s Defense Minister sought parliamentary approval to procure six L-39NG aircraft from the Czech company Aero Vodochody.

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Republic of Ghana looking to buy 6 Aero Vodochody L 39NG jet trainer L-39NG trainer jet (Picture source: Aero Vodochody)

The L-39NG is a jet trainer and light attack cost effective platform. The L-39NG is a single-engine two-seater with staggered seating and an advanced cockpit design that includes full glass cockpit, a sophisticated on board virtual training system and a Helmet Mounted Display.

The L-39NG is a key component of an innovative training concept developed by Aero that includes state-of-the-art ground-based training devices, new learning methods and environment and extensive use of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence technologies. The L-39NG has been designed as a maintenance-friendly aircraft in anticipation of many decades of service.
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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 31 Mai 2022 - 21:59

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UK to send 70 Husky TSV 4x4 armored vehicles to Ghana

Defense News May 2022 Global Security army industry

POSTED ON TUESDAY, 31 MAY 2022 08:59

According to Army Technology, the British Army will send 70 Husky TSV 4x4 armoured vehicles to Ghana and provide related training regarding the operation and regular maintenance of these vehicles.

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British Husky TSV armoured vehicle. (Picture source: Andrew Linnett/

The announcement comes during British Minister for Africa Vicky Ford’s visit to Ghana, Army Technology reports. As part of the UK-Ghana security and defence partnership, a deal will see 70 Husky armoured vehicles arriving in the African country, the Ghana News Agency reported, citing a statement issued by the UK High Commission in Accra.
The International MXT-MV (Military Extreme Truck - Military Version) is an infantry mobility vehicle produced by Navistar Defense, a subsidiary of Navistar International, which is the owner of the International brand of vehicles. Introduced in 2006 and developed in parallel with the civilian International MXT, the MXT-MV is extensively modified for military duty compared to its civilian counterpart. It is transportable by a Lockheed C-130 Hercules military aircraft.
The Husky is a variant of the MXT-MVA modified to satisfy the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence requirements for the Tactical Support Vehicle (TSV) program for the British Army. Husky is a protected support vehicle, providing a highly mobile and flexible load-carrying vehicle. It has been designed for a wide range of missions, including transporting food, water and ammunition, and acting as a command vehicle at headquarters. Armed with a machine gun, Husky joins its sister vehicles Wolfhound and Coyote as part of the tactical support vehicle programme. Some vehicles are fitted out as specialised recovery vehicles or fitted with a heavy machine gun or grenade machine gun.

Husky variants
Variants are available with three different cab configurations: standard, extended cab, and crew cab.
Standard, unarmored version.
The MXT-MVA (Military Extreme Truck - Military Version Armored) was designed by Israeli vehicle manufacturer Plasan. It offers the choice of two removable armor kits, dubbed A-Kit and B-Kit, with increasing levels of protection against bullets, mines and improvised explosive devices.
Husky TSV
The Husky is a variant of the MXT-MVA modified to satisfy the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence requirements for the Tactical Support Vehicle (TSV) program for the British Army.
Navistar built its rejected M-ATV candidate sharing some powertrain and suspension components with the MXT, but with a unique chassis. This protection system was designed by Navistar rather than its normal MXT and MRAP partner, Plasan.

UK to send 70 Husky TSV 4x4 armored vehicles to Ghana | Defense News May 2022 Global Security army industry | Defense Security global news industry army year 2022 | Archive News year (
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces   Armée Ghanéene/Ghana Armed Forces - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 3 Avr 2023 - 22:50

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