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 Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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messages : 14755
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeMer 29 Juin 2011 - 13:25

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Les chantiers navals russes livreront 17 navires en 2011

En 2011, le consortium russe de construction navale OSK livrera à la Marine du pays et aux clients étrangers 17 bâtiments de guerre, dont deux sous-marins nucléaires lanceurs d'engins (SNLE), a annoncé mercredi aux journalistes le PDG du consortium, Roman Trotsenko.

"Cette année, nous projetons de livrer 17 bâtiments de guerre aux forces navales russes et aux clients étrangers, y compris des SNLE et des bâtiments de surface", a-t-il déclaré lors du Salon international de la défense maritime (IMDS-2011) qui se déroule du 29 juin au 2 juillet à Saint-Pétersbourg.

M. Trotsenko a précisé que la Marine russe recevrait deux sous-marins nucléaires, mais a refusé de citer leurs noms.

Une source bien informée au sein du complexe militaro-industriel a confié à RIA Novosti qu'il s'agissait du sous-marin stratégique Iouri Dolgorouki (utilisé mardi pour un test du missile balistique intercontinental Boulava) et du sous-marin nucléaire à fonctions multiples Severodvinsk.

Selon M. Trotsenko, l'OSK construit actuellement 54 navires, dont 40 pour les forces navales russes et 14 pour des pays étrangers.
RIA Novosti

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messages : 3370
Inscrit le : 11/02/2008
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Nov 2012 - 14:08

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Moscou s'offre deux navires de guerre français Mistral supplémentaires

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 226510

De passage à Paris la semaine dernière, le ministre de la Défense russe, Anatoli Serdioukov, qui a été limogé mardi par le président Vladimir Poutine, avait confirmé son intention d'acquérir deux bâtiments de projection et de commandement (BPC) de la classe Mistral supplémentaires auprès de DCNS, en dépit d'une forte opposition d'une partie de l'armée et du lobby des fabricants d'armes russes. Après l'acquisition de deux BPC, Moscou a levé l'option sur les deux derniers. Le départ d'Anatoli Serdioukov peut-il remettre en cause ce projet ?

Exit le ministre de la Défense russe, Anatoli Serdioukov, limogé mardi par le président Vladimir Poutine. Anatoli Serdioukov avait beau être pris dans une série de scandales liés à des affaires de corruption dans son ministère... il est resté campé jusqu'ici sur ses positions. De passage à Paris le 31 octobre dernier, où il a rencontré son homologue Jean-Yves Le Drian, le ministre russe, il avait d'ailleurs indiqué que "les fonds pour la construction des troisième et quatrième bâtiments Mistral ont déjà étés insérés dans la loi de budget pour la défense, et nous pouvons les utiliser en 2013", rapportait le week-end dernier l'agence RIA Novosti. Anatoli Serdioukov précisait que les négociations avec DCNS n'avaient pas encore démarré mais que son ministère avait déjà entamé des "consultations avec OSK (chantiers navals de Saint-Pétersbourg, ndlr) pour les troisième et quatrième du Mistral. La consultation permettra de déterminer le calendrier et la coopération" côté français.

Une décision qui signifiait que Moscou a levé son option sur le contrat de 1,15 milliard d'euros signé l'année dernière. La Russie et la France étaient tombées d'accord pour la construction de deux BPC de classe Mistral baptisés "Sébastopol" et "Vladivostok". La construction du premier navire a démarré cette année aux chantiers navals STX de Saint-Nazaire. Il sera livré par DCNS en 2015. Les Russes désirent que les deux Mistral suivants soient en majeure partie construits par les chantiers navals russes. Ils posent aussi comme condition d'importants transferts de technologies. Son successeur, le très populaire Sergueï Choïgou, ancien ministre des Situations d'urgence nommé au début de l'année gouverneur de la région de Moscou, reprendra-t-il à son compte ce projet qui est confronté à l'opposition d'une partie de l'armée et du lobby des fabricants d'armes russes ?

Transferts de technologies

"Les Français nous fournissent déjà des technologies nouvelles aussi bien pour les deux premiers Mistral que pour le troisième et le quatrième. S'ils ne nous avaient pas transféré ces technologies, [OSK] aurait déjà fait depuis longtemps hurlé au scandale", a souligné Anatoli Serdioukov. En réalité, le scandale enfle depuis déjà longtemps et est alimenté par des articles dans la presse russe affirmant que la France, récalcitrante aux transferts de technologies, vendrait une "coque vide" aux Russes. Ces accusations s'appuient largement sur le fait que les officiels de part et d'autres sont récalcitrants à expliquer aux médias de quelles technologies il est question. La polémique ne s'arrête pas là. Selon Konstantin Makienko, expert au Centre d'Analyses stratégiques et technologiques, les deux premiers Mistral ont déjà dû mal à trouver leur place dans la flotte Pacifique. Aussi, l'acquisition de deux bâtiments supplémentaires soulève des interrogations parmi les hauts gradés.

Le budget défense en hausse de 25 %

En 2013, les dépenses de la Russie pour la Défense augmenteront de 25 %, soit 3,2 % du PIB. L'achat à la France de navires Mistral a brisé le tabou russe d'achats d'armes étrangères. Les fabricants hexagonaux courtisent depuis allègrement les généraux et décideurs russes, qui font miroiter aux Français l'achat de systèmes FELIN de Sagem (équipements électroniques pour les fantassins) et d'hélicoptères Eurocopter notamment.

En juin 2011, Paris et Moscou avaient signé le contrat de vente de deux navires de guerre Mistral à la marine russe, un accord qui faisait l'objet de négociations depuis des mois, pour plus d'un milliard d'euros. Ce contrat portait sur deux commandes fermes auxquelles s'ajoutaient des options pour deux bâtiments supplémentaires. Les deux porte-hélicoptères sont construits par les chantiers navals français DCNS, maître d'oeuvre sur le contrat, et STX, en collaboration avec le groupe public russe United Shipbuilding Corporation, OSK.

Une fraude plus de 70 millions d'euros

Vladimir Poutine s'est résolu à limoger mardi Anatoli Serdioukov en raison d'un scandale de fraudes de plusieurs millions d'euros, le remplaçant aussitôt par un homme de confiance, Sergueï Choïgou. "Etant donné la situation de plus en plus difficile au ministère de la Défense, j'ai pris la décision de libérer de ses fonctions le ministre de la Défense Serdioukov, en poste depuis 2007, afin d'établir les conditions d'une enquête objective", a déclaré le président russe, selon des images de la télévision russe. Ce limogeage intervient alors que le ministère de la Défense est au coeur d'un important scandale.

Fin octobre, plusieurs enquêtes ont été ouvertes à l'encontre d'une société contrôlée par le ministère, Oboronservis, pour fraude lors de la vente de biens immobiliers, de terrains et d'actions lui appartenant. Selon le comité d'enquête russe, certains responsables du ministère choisissaient les biens immobiliers les plus prestigieux gérés par la société. Ils y investissaient d'énormes sommes provenant du budget russe, puis les revendaient via des entreprises affiliées à Oboronservis à des prix inférieurs à ceux du marché. Selon de premières informations, le préjudice occasionné par la seule vente de huit biens immobiliers s'établit à trois milliards de roubles (74 millions d'euros), avait indiqué le Comité. Oboronservis, créé en 2008 par un décret du Kremlin, a des attributions très diverses, allant de la maintenance des équipements de l'armée à la publication d'ouvrages du ministère, en passant par l'organisation du ravitaillement des troupes.

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messages : 14755
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeMar 6 Nov 2012 - 16:27

Citation :
Russian Nuclear Attack Submarine Detected Near US

A Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine was detected within 200 miles of the East Coast last month — the first time that particular class of submarine had been detected near a U.S. coast, defense officials told The Washington Free Beacon.

“While I can’t talk about how we detected it, I can tell you that things worked the way they were supposed to,” one defense official told the Beacon, stating that the Russian submarine “poses no threat whatsoever.”

The defense officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of anti-submarine warfare efforts, the Beacon reports.

Identified by its NATO designation as a Russian Seirra-2 class submarine, the vessel is believed to be based with Russia’s Northern Fleet.

The submarine was believed to have been conducting anti-submarine warfare efforts against U.S. ballistic and cruise missile submarines based at Kings Bay, Ga., one official told the Beacon.

But a second official told the Beacon that the submarine did not sail close to Kings Bay and also did not threaten a U.S. aircraft carrier strike group that was conducting exercises in the eastern Atlantic.

Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base is just north of Jacksonville, Fla. It is the base for two guided missile submarines and six nuclear missile submarines.

The submarines are known to be a target of Russian attack submarines, the report said.

“A Russian AGI and an SSN in the same geographic area as one of the largest U.S. ballistic missile submarine bases — Kings Bay — is reminiscent of Cold War activities of the Soviet navy tracking the movements of our SSBN’s,” yet another U.S. official told the publication, referring to the designation for ballistic missile submarines, SSBN.

Naval analysts told the publication that the Russian attack submarine was outfitted with SS-N-21 anti-submarine warfare missiles, as well as SS-N-16 anti-submarine warfare missiles. It also is equipped with torpedoes.

The U.S. Navy deploys underwater sonar sensors set up at strategic locations near the United States that detected the submarine late last month, according to the report.

© 2012 Newsmax. All rights reserved. !

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Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeMer 7 Nov 2012 - 16:58

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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeMer 7 Nov 2012 - 17:24

ils ont surement voulu manipuler les votes au swing state florida Laughing

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Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Nov 2012 - 11:07

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Russie et Kazakhstan créent un système commun de DCA

Le président Vladimir Poutine a chargé les ministères russe de la Défense et des Affaires étrangères de signer un accord sur la création d'un système commun de défense antiaérienne (DCA) avec le Kazakhstan, indique un communiqué mis en ligne mercredi sur le site des annonces officielles du gouvernement russe.

La porte-parole du ministre de la Défense, le lieutenant-colonel Irina Kovaltchouk, avait fait savoir en octobre dernier que le projet de système unique de DCA entre la Russie et le Kazakhstan serait prêt avant la fin 2012.

A l'heure actuelle, seules la Russie et la Biélorussie possèdent un tel système. Un accord analogue est en cours de préparation entre la Russie et l'Arménie.

La Russie envisage de signer également des accords sur la mise en place de systèmes communs de DCA avec d'autres pays centrasiatiques de l'ex-URSS: le Kirghizstan, le Tadjikistan et l'Ouzbékistan.


."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3370
Inscrit le : 11/02/2008
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeVen 9 Nov 2012 - 0:53

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Su-27 Flankers of the Russian AF aerobatic team

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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeVen 9 Nov 2012 - 9:59

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Nomination du nouveau chef d'état-major de l'armée russe
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Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a nommé le général Valeri Guérassimov, chef du district militaire du Centre, au poste de chef d'état-major général de l'armée russe, annonce vendredi le service de presse du Kremlin.

"Guérassimov est un véritable officier, il a beaucoup voyagé dans le pays et dirigé au minimum la moitié des districts militaires. Il est très au courant de la situation dans l'armée. Fait important, son nom n'est éclaboussé par aucun scandale. Le général avait dirigé la 58e armée lors de la fin de l'opération en Tchétchénie au début des années 2000. Dernièrement, il dirige tous les Défilés de la Victoire sur la Place Rouge, ce qui témoigne d'une grande confiance des autorités", a indiqué le Kremlin.

Son prédécesseur, le général Nikolaï Makarov, a été limogé vendredi.


."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeVen 9 Nov 2012 - 10:19

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SSGN Severodvinsk Launched Newest Cruise Missile

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Nuclear-powered submarine Severodvinsk successfully performed test launch of a new cruise missile and hit sea target during the state acceptance trials in the White Sea, said an informed source in Russian defense industry.

"During state acceptance trials at the White Sea, Yasen-class lead submarine Severodvinsk launched Caliber supersonic cruise missile from submerged position at a sea target. The target was successfully hit", the insider told ITAR-TASS.

According to another source, in 2012 the fourth-generation SSGN Severodvinsk has spent over 100 days at sea undergoing trials. In 2011, the sub spent about 120 days at sea.

Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief ADM Viktor Chirkov said on Aug 17 that trials of SSGN Severodvinsk would finish by the end of the current year.

SSGN Severodvinsk is a double-hulled single-shaft nuclear submarine with reduced level of acoustic field. Conning tower has streamlined oval shape; strength hull is subdivided into 10 compartments.

For the first time in Soviet/Russian shipbuilding, torpedo tubes are located not in bows but behind central station; that enabled to use bow space for advanced sonar antenna.

Eight vertical launch tubes are designed for missile arms. Powerful weapon system includes supersonic cruise missiles and multipurpose deep-water homing torpedoes. The sub is also equipped with state-of-the-art communication hardware and navigation aids, and powered by crucially new nuclear powerplant.

Introduction of latest Russian military technologies will make Yasen class the world's most silent and covert submarines.

Displacement of SSGN Severodvinsk is 8,600/13,800 tons; dimensions are 119 x 13.5 x 9.4 meters; test depth is 600 meters; speed is 16/31 knots; crew is 90 (32 officers).

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 530
Inscrit le : 04/11/2011
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeSam 10 Nov 2012 - 1:08

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"Do you believe a man can change his destiny?"
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeDim 11 Nov 2012 - 18:21

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Inscrit le : 04/11/2011
Localisation : Türkiye Cumhuriyeti //MENA
Nationalité : Turquie
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeLun 12 Nov 2012 - 1:21

regardez à "01.53" les mecs qui se crashent Smile

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"Do you believe a man can change his destiny?"
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Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeLun 12 Nov 2012 - 8:55

Take-Off novembre :

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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeMer 14 Nov 2012 - 11:20

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Le Commandant En Chef De La Marine Russe Évoque Le Futur Porte-Avions
Le commandant en chef de la Marine russe, l'amiral Viktor Tchrikov, a accordé une interview au programme "Vesti" de la chaîne de télévision russe "Rossia-1". Après une visite de l'Amirauté et des chantiers navals pétersbourgeois, l'amiral a dévoilé une maquette du futur porte-avions russe.

Après avoir accordé une interview au sein de son nouveau bureau pétersbourgeois de l'Amirauté, l'amiral a accompagné les journalistes au chantier naval du Nord, puis au chantier naval de l'Amirauté. Un certain nombre de bâtiments sont alors visibles dans le reportage, en voici la liste :

Chantier naval du Nord :
le destroyer Rastoropny de la classe Sovremeny (Projet 956), anciennement affecté à la flotte du Nord, et désarmé au mois d'août dernier.
la frégate Amiral Gorchkov (Projet 22350) en cours de construction.
la corvette Soobrazitelny (Projet 203080).
Chantier naval de l'Amirauté :
un sous-marin classique de type Kilo (Projet 636) en cours de construction pour le Viet-Nam.
Au cours de l'interview accordé à l'intérieur du chantier de l'Amirauté, le commandant a par ailleurs confirmé que 6 sous-marins classiques de type Kilo (Projet 636.3) seraient construits pour la flotte de la mer Noire.

L'interview se termine ensuite en évoquant le futur porte-avions russes ainsi que les Mistrals achetés à la France, et le développement de nouveaux sous-marins nucléaires (SNLE et SSGN).
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On notera le forte ressemblance avec le porte-avions de conception soviétique Oulianovsk du Projet 1143.7 mis sur cale en 1988 et jamais achevé. Il s'agirait donc d'un bâtiment à propulsion nucléaire disposant d'un déplacement compris entre 70 000 et 80 000 tonnes à pleine charge (60 000 tonnes pour le Kouznetsov).

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Nov 2012 - 11:33

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Russia Fires Deputy Defense Ministers

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MOSCOW, November 15 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian government fired Deputy Defense Ministers Dmitry Chushkin, Alexander Sukhorov and Tatyana Shevtsova on Thursday, the Kremlin announced, in a wave of sackings following last week's removal of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov.
Moscow Region Deputy Prime Minister Ruslan Tsalikov has been appointed Deputy Defense Minister, the Kremlin said.
Tsalikov previously served in the Moscow regional government under Sergei Shoigu, who replaced Anatoly Serdyukov as Defense Minister last week.
Tsalikov will replace Shevtsova, taking on responsibility for financial issues within the ministry, a RIA Novosti defense source said.
Yury Borisov, First Deputy of the Government's Military-Industrial Commission, replaces General Alexander Sukhorukov as Deputy Defense Minister, the Kremlin said.
Borisov's appointment had already been announced by the press office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who heads the Military-Industrial Commission. Borisov will take on responsbility for armaments issues, Rogozin's press office said.
Serdyukov was fired last week following a financial scandal at the Defense Ministry involving the Oboronservis defense property management company. An investigation is continuing into embezzlement at the company and several top managers have been arrested following searches at the company's offices.


."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Nov 2012 - 16:36

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BRONNITSY, November 15 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s Defense Ministry has announced a decision to develop "a combat vehicle of the future" and begin supplying it to the Armed Forces by 2015, a senior military official said.

“By 2015 the Armed Forces must be supplied with a new family of multirole vehicles. The decision to create the new vehicle was taken last week,” Maj. Gen. Alexander Shevchenko, the head of the ministry's Main Autotransport Directorate, said on Thursday.

The first vehicles will be produced in Russia and demonstrated to the defense minister by late 2013.

The vehicles are designed for increased mobility, cargo-carrying capacity and safety and must provide “both ballistic and mine protection,” Shevchenko told a scientific forum in Bronnitsy near Moscow.

Domestic manufacturers have already worked out the technical details needed to meet the ministry's specifications, he said.

"We are capable of developing a vehicle that will be just as good as NATO equipment,” Shevchenko told the forum.

Russia signed a deal with Italy’s Iveco company last December on the semi-knocked down assembly of Lynx light multirole armored vehicles for the Russian Ground Forces in the central Russia city of Voronezh.

In addition, Russia is currently working with France on the development of armored vehicles using a French base but equipped with Russian weapons and Russian turrets.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Nov 2012 - 17:57

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New Russian Bomber 'Will Not be Hypersonic'

MOSCOW, November 14 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's future PAK-DA manned bomber project will not have hypersonic speed capability, Russia's bomber force commander said on Wednesday, in an apparent contradiction of claims by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin earlier this year.

"PAK-DA, currently under development, will not be hypersonic," Lt. Gen. Anatoly Zhikharev told RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

The first prototpe PAK-DA is due to enter service around 2020, he added.

Hypersonic speeds are high supersonic, usually referring to Mach five and above, which can usually only be generated using advanced propulsion technology such as ramjet or scramjet engines. No manned aircraft has yet been flown using such technologies, which are on the cutting edge of aerospace know-how.

Zhikharev's statement follows a protracted exchange in the media between senior air force officers, including himself, and Rogozin, who has special responsibility for the arms industry, over what shape PAK-DA should take.

Rogozin repeated in August an earlier appeal for Russia to develop a hypersonic aircraft for its PAK-DA long-range bomber requirement.

"I think we need to go down the route of hypersonic technology and we are moving in that direction and are not falling behind the Americans," he said on Rossiya 24 TV. "We will use this technology when developing a new bomber."

In June, President Vladimir Putin ordered initial development of the new long-range bomber for strategic aviation. Speaking during a conference on defense orders, Putin said: "We have to develop work on the new PAK-DA long-range bomber aircraft for Long-Range Aviation. The task is not easy from a scientific-technical standpoint, but we need to start work."

Rogozin initially said in June he saw no need for PAK-DA to replace the air force's aging Tu-95MS cruise-missile carriers and Tu-160 supersonic bombers.

“These aircraft will not get anywhere. Not ours, not theirs,” he said in an interview with Izvestia that month. He later clarified his statement by saying he was in favor of developing a future bomber, but it should not just be a copy of the serving US Northrop B-2 and should employ hypersonic technology.

In May, he called on Russia's defense industry to develop hypersonic air-breathing weapons as a future strike system. He cited American development work in the X-51, Falcon, HiFire and HyFly hypersonic programs as examples of what he described as the perspective threat posed by U.S. hypersonic development work.

Some aerospace analysts RIA Novosti has previously spoken to say Rogozin's comments are more likely to be relevant to a future air-launched missile, rather than the bomber that launches it.
RIA Novosti

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Details of a Mi-28's armament

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeLun 19 Nov 2012 - 11:57

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MOSCOW, November 19 (RIA Novosti) - Russia is developing new long-range multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) with improved guidance that could allow them to strike targets up to 120 miles (200 km) away, the Defense Ministry's artillery spokesman said on Monday.

"We have the military-technical potential to create a new generation of MLRS with a range of 200 km," Lt. Col. Nikolai Donyushkin said.

Russia's artillery currently deploys the 122-mm Grad, 220-mm Uragan, and 300-mm Smerch rocket systems and the improved Tornado-S, Tornado-G, and Uragan 1-M are currently undergoing state acceptance trials. The army is in the process of receiving up to 30 Tornado-G systems this year, replacing the BM-21 Grad.

The improved Tornado-S is being upgraded with the special GLONASS satellite navigation system used in the Smerch missile system, Donyushkin said. The Tornado-S will have guided rocket rounds enabling it to fire out to 72 miles (120 km).

"The Tornado-S will have a longer range and increased effectiveness thanks to greater accuracy and the use of new warhead payloads and a reduced launch readiness time of just three minutes," he said.

The army is gradually moving toward a new level of capability for deploying precision use of long-range rocket artillery, he said.

"Massed use of high-precision weapons makes it possible to be certain of destroying high-value targets before they can be used on the battlefield by main-force groups. Fewer rounds need to be fired, simplifying logistics," he added.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeMar 20 Nov 2012 - 11:42

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MOSCOW, November 19 (RIA Novosti) - Russia’s military police force is already functional and formation of the new service will be completed in 2014, the deputy chief of the military police said on Monday.

Maj. Gen. Andrei Nechayev’s remarks come in response to media reports that the Russian Armed Forces so far have no military police and that formation cannot begin until 2013 due to “legal inconsistencies.”

“The military police have already been created and are functional within the scope of tasks as defined by our leaders,” he said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

The Defense Ministry has until the end of 2014 to complete formation of the new service, he added.

Former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov announced the creation of the military police in July 2011. The service’s main function will be to fight rampant hazing and theft of military property.

Russia’s Chief Military Prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky said in April that the agency will also be granted investigative functions.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeMer 21 Nov 2012 - 12:10

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Research Ship Seliger Completes State Trials
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State acceptance trials of the new-generation research ship Seliger are going on in Novorossiysk.

Black Sea Fleet (BSF) specialists and representatives of the manufacturing shipyard test serviceability of all onboard systems at sea under different weather conditions.

As of design features and the capacity to carry up-to-date deep-sea research and acoustic systems, Seliger outclasses all analogous ships within Russian Navy.

The ship is supposed to join Black Sea Fleet by the end of the current year. Port of Temriuk (Krasnodar region) will be the home base for Seliger.

Project 11982 research ship Seliger was built at Yantar Shipyard (Kaliningrad, Russia).

The ship was laid down on July 8, 2009 and launched on July 29, 2011. Her length is 59.7 meters; beam is 10.8 meters; displacement is about 1,117 tons; speed is 13 knots; operating range is 1,000 nautical miles; crew is 16 men.

The ship is designed for various scientific and research works, in particular, deepwater explorations for Russian Navy.

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeMer 21 Nov 2012 - 15:41

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Sea Trials of Frigate Admiral Gorshkov to Start Next Year

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Lead ship of Project 22350, frigate Admiral Gorshkov being built by Severnaya Verf shipyard in St. Petersburg will start state acceptance trials late in 2013, said the yard's director Alexander Ushakov.

"In this year we plan to finish with cable routing. Crew is going to settle into the ship in March 2013, then dockside trials will begin in order to start shipyard's sea trials in the fourth quarter of 2013", said Ushakov.

As for him, financing of works on Admiral Gorshkov has been going systematically, in contrast to other frigates, corvettes, and a special-purpose ship built by the shipyard.

Leningrad Naval Base Commander Capt 1 Rank Oleg Zhuravlev said in March 2012 that the crew formed at Northern Fleet for frigate Admiral Gorshkov had already arrived in Kronshtadt.

One of the main functions of Leningrad Naval Base is supporting of construction, trials and commission of new ships and submarines built by St. Petersburg shipyards.

Severnaya Verf is the only manufacturer of Project 22350 frigates, Project 20380/20385 corvettes, and Project 18280 communication ships. At present, the shipyard is executing contracts for 6 frigates, 6 corvettes, and one communication ship.

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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 31 Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Nov 2012 - 12:37

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MOSCOW, November 22 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's newest corvette, the Project 20380 Boiky class, has successfully completed main systems tests in its initial sea trials, fleet spokesman Captain Second Rank Vladimir Matveyev said on Thursday.

"Our newest corvette, the Project 20380 Boiky class, built by Severny Verf for the Baltic Fleet, successfully completed first stage builder's sea trials in a training area in the Baltic," he said.

The 2,100 ton displacement vessel was manned by a mixed crew of navy personnel and civilian workers for the trials, which began in early October.

"The trials included testing of the power plant, steering, navigation and communications equipment, mooring gear, back-up systems and tests of the ship's maximum speed, maneuverability and vibration levels," Matveyev said.

The ship will soon return to the shipyard to have its 100-mm gun installed, he added, after which it will sail to the port of Baltysk for second-stage trials.

"Shipyard testing should be completed in December, after which the crew will put it through state acceptance trials," he said.

Severny Verf is due to build six of the 20380 and 20385 classes for the Russian Navy by 2018, and six larger 22350 class frigates by 2020.

The 20380 class, designed by the Almaz naval design bureau, are optimised for anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare and support for land operations. The class incorporates stealth technology, which has considerably reduced its radar and infra-red signatures.

The 20380 class can be equipped with Kh-35 anti-ship missiles and 3M54 Klub cruise missiles, Kashtan anti-aircraft gun/missile systems, a main 100-mm gun, two 30-mm close-range air defense guns, and torpedo tubes, according to It also has a hangar and deck for operation of a Kamov Ka-27 anti-submarine warfare helicopter, and is fitted with a Vinyetka-EM towed-array sonar.
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