messages : 24819 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Système anti-drones BUKOVEL-AD pour les FAR Mar 3 Sep - 19:57
Les FAR ont acquis le systeme anti drone Bukovel AD de la firme ukrainienne Proximus
Citation :
Bukovel AD is a system aimed at early detection of approaching enemy's UAVs and full blocking of data and GPS/GLONASS control channels. The key element of this solution is a ground station comprised of Detection and Control modules. In addition to GPS and GLONASS control channels jamming the system also generates a series of false management signals significantly increasing overall performance. Bukovel AD effective range reaches 10-15 kilometers which makes it ideal for military or civil infrastructure facilities protection in combat environment.