Sujet: Les Transmissions des FAR Ven 15 Fév - 13:37
Rappel du premier message :
salut tt le monde je suis nouveau sur ce forum en tant qu membre mais ancien en tant que visiteur j'ai toujours remarquer qu'il y a une absence totale des transmissions ds le forum alors j'ouvre ce sujet pour mes amis transmetteurs et pour ts ceux concernés par l'arme des transmissions des FAR alors à vos claviers... merci pour votre efforts ds ce magnifique forum...
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Ven 22 Fév - 17:11
rad00v1 a écrit:
alors les amis pas de qst ds les trans......//????
Avez vous les capacitès de brouiller des comm ennemies ? ou de les écouter ?
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Sam 23 Fév - 6:53
Biensur que si : ça s'appelle la guerre électronique et la veille éléctronique et pour vous mettre sur le coup il faut souligner que l'ex président mauritanien avait été sauvé de deux atentat de coup d'état grace au grande oreille de l'arme des transmissions et pour la troisième ..........!!!!! je sais plus ...
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Sam 23 Fév - 11:02
c'est quoi la couleur des épaulettes des sous-off et off de la Transmission, je crois que c'est violet, n'est ce pas ?
Viper Modérateur
messages : 7967 Inscrit le : 24/04/2007 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Sam 23 Fév - 11:03
Durant la crise du rocher Leila, il parait que les espagnols avec accès à nos com. et savait exactement se que nous faisions ? Quand est il de nos écoutes ?
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Lun 25 Fév - 1:49
pour vous Mr : MoroccanWing la couleur est effectivement le violet et pour Mr Interceptor : j'ai déjà expliquer que pendant la crise du rochet les espagnol ont ecouter un patrouilleur marocain " des communication routines " pour l'écoute il faut savoir que l'écoute est une filiaire indispensable pour l'arme des transmissions relis les messages de ce sujet et tu trouvera des réponse;;;
Viper Modérateur
messages : 7967 Inscrit le : 24/04/2007 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Lun 25 Fév - 8:45
Oui j'ai retrouvé le message ! Désolé j'avais pas vu, merci pour les infos et bienvenue sur le forum !
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Jeu 28 Fév - 10:57
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Ven 29 Fév - 5:58
une station FHN et en même temps peut servir d'atelier mobile
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Ven 29 Fév - 7:34
Oui merci c'est du bon matos ?
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Lun 24 Mar - 16:28
rad00v1 a écrit:
il est basé sur une chaîne hertzienne d'oujda à agadir et qu'on envisage de prolonger à guelmim.. cette chaine et d'un débit ( vous ne rêvez pas ) qui atteint 155 Mb/s et au niveau des ville une couverture wireless de 12Mb/s sur un rayon de 20 km et de gigantesques serveur de messagerie et de voix IP ( central tph) sans oublier les liaison de backup et la multitude de service offert: vidéoconférence .. intranet .. fax ..assistance à distance etc..
le 155Mbits/s est realisable grace au SDH STM-1, n'est ce pas ?
sinon est ce que le SONET OC-3 (fibre optique) est aussi utilise?
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Mar 25 Mar - 4:32
Effectivement c'est le SDH-STM1 qui est utilisé pour notre chaine hertzienne mais pas la fibre optique c'est trés coûteux, pour cela l'utilisation de la F.O est reserver pour relier les installlations distantes des sites regionaux ( cas d'agadir ) entre elles.... et de plus la F.O c'est un peu fragile,, pour le SDH c'est mieux adapté à la topographie de notre pays ( longues distances séparrant les différents sites ).
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Mar 25 Mar - 7:38
merci Rad00v.
j'ai une autre question: est ce que le RASIT est manipulé par les hommes des transmissions ?
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Mar 25 Mar - 7:45
Oui c'est vrai car les Radars de surveillance des frontières sont tous sous la responsabilité des Transmissions;
Yakouza Invité
Sujet: SINCGARS Mar 23 Déc - 4:07
Citation :
In 1993, Morocco ordered 225 ITT-built SINCGARS for an estimated $5.2 million.
Citation :
Morocco orders SINCGARS Signal, Oct 1999
Several hundred single channel ground and airborne radio system (SINCGARS) radios with support equipment will be delivered to Morocco's government beginning in April 2000. The Moroccan government ordered the combat network radios to modernize its tactical communications.
The systems evolved from the U.S. Army advanced systems improvement program, the service's latest SINCGARS (SIGNAL, March, page 33). The radios can be easily upgraded for future use and offer new waveform and algorithms for improved voice and retransmit operations.
ITT Industries, White Plains, New York, will provide the radios.
Citation :
After Vietnam there were a number of lessons learned regarding the PRC-25, PRC-77 (and their vehicular versions) and the VRC-12 Series radios which led to the Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) concept for the next generation squad radio.
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Frequency Hopping (FH)
A major new capability is the ability of the SINCGARS radios to frequency hop covering the 30 to 87.975 MHz band in 2,320 channels. This is not done as a Transmission Encryption security measure, like is provided by the KY-57, but to prevent jamming and direction finding. The PRC-25 & PRC-77 are susceptible to squelch capture jamming since they are single frequency at a radios. The 225 to 400 MHz aircraft band radios now use Have Quick which is a similar frequency hopping scheme for the same reason.
Citation :
SINCGARS-V (AN/ARC-201) is a single-channel, jam-resistant, very high frequency (VHF) radio for multi-service, tactical communication that transmits and receives voice, tactical data and record traffic messages. It replaces the AN/PRC-77 and VRC-12 series radios and is the primary means of command and control for infantry, armor and artillery units and is operable with NATO equipment. The modular system comes in man-carried, vehicular and airborne versions that replaced manpack, vehicular and airborne radios (see Variants below).
Each SINCGARS variant except the airborne unit is based on the RT-1523(C)/U receiver/transmitter. Adding a battery pack and antenna creates the manpack. In addition to voice, the RT-1523 is capable of transmitting facsimile, teletype and binary Frequency Shift Keying (FSK). An internal digital data transmission rate adapter allows SINCGARS to transfer at bit-per-second (bps) rates ranging from 600 to 16,000 bps. Jamming is countered by hopping 100 times per second through 2,320 available frequencies. Six single-channel presets (plus manual and cue channels) are programmable as are six frequency-hopping net presets. An integrated communication security (ICOM) module with output in either plain or cipher text was added to the radio in May 1988 and fitted in units procured after 1990.
In June 1992, ITT and GTE teamed to begin development of the integrated data transport system (IDTS), which ties SINCGARS more closely to the mobile subscriber equipment (MSE) system by standardizing data transfer.
Although the systems appear similar, the General Dynamics-Tadiran second-source offering is based on the Tadiran CNR-900 series already in Israeli service.
The AN/ARC-201(V) airborne variant offers similar capabilities, but does not have an ICOM embedded in the receiver. Its cross-section is more square in shape to fit into aircraft instrument panels or radio racks. (See separate database entry.)
Initial Operational Capability (IOC) in 1988. Requirement issued in 1974, first competition held in 1976. Fast-frequency-hop (FFH) version (2,000 hops/sec) canceled in December 1981.
Contract for $53.8 million won by ITT Aerospace Optical Division in December 1983. In addition, four priced options were offered which totaled $334.3 million. In March 1992, a $225 million contract for 17,000 radios was awarded to ITT.
The U.S. Army requirement set by Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) in 1991 was 150,000 radios, a figure that rose to at least 213,000 radios in 1993. The Marine Corps requirement is 25,390 radios, all of which are third-generation systems. More than 142,000 were delivered by 1996, of which ITT had manufactured more than 100,000. All deliveries from 1996 on are System Improvement Plan (SIP)-level sets.
General Dynamics Electronic Systems and Tadiran of Israel combined to win a second source contract for $22.1 million in July 1988. Tadiran also had three options worth $169.2 million. In February 1995, General Dynamics received a second source contract to produce over 15,000 SINCGARS radio and associated equipment. GD in turn has subcontracted $62.5 million of this work to Talla-Com (Tallahassee Communications Industries) a U.S. subsidiary of Tadiran.
In 1993, Morocco ordered 225 ITT-built SINCGARS for an estimated $5.2 million.
Annual dual-source limited competition began in FY94, with an award in April 1994 of 17,053 units to ITT and 11,369 units to General Dynamics.
In April of 1996, ITT and GD split a US$260.8 million order for SINCGARS. ITT received US$153.8 million and GD US$107 million. In May of 1996, ITT received a US$33.5 million contract for SINCGARS for installation into the AH-64D Apache Longbow and OH-58D Kiowa helicopters.
During the FY 94-97, period annual acquisition of SINCGARS was about 26,000 units. Army plans for post-FY97 were to reduce acquisition to about 10,000 units annually. U.S. Army acquisition objective is 238,970 radios (230,348 ground radios).
In October of 2004, the Army placed a $113 million order for 20,000 advanced SINCGARS radios.
In November of 2004, the Army awarded ITT a seven-year $2.5 billion omnibus contract to provide SINCGARS radios, support and spares to U.S. and allied forces worldwide. An initial order worth $49.5 million was part of the deal.
In 2004, the Communications Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center developed a process that allows pictures from a commercial digital camera to be transmitted over the SINCGARS system.
The Army ordered 73,000 SINCGAR radios in June of 2005, including both vehicle and manpack versions, under a $478 million contract that was derived from the 2004 omnibus deal.
In December of 2005, Australia ordered several hundred SINCGARS ASIP systems under a $4.6 million contract.
In March of 2006, the Army placed a $407 million order for 60,000 ground and 458 airborne SINCGARS systems, under the November 2004 omnibus contract with ITT.
A $23.5 million order for 2,500 SINCGARS ASIP radios was placed in April of 2006.
In October of 2006, the Army placed five orders totaling $239.2 million for 32,000 radios, power amplifiers and spare parts. The radios include "hooks" for the SideHat expansion module.
Citation :
without battery box--------- 15.5 lb (6.9 kg) with battery box--------- 19.4 lb (8.8 kg) ASIP with battery ---------- 7.8 lb (3.5 kg)
width ------------ 10.7 in (271 mm) height ----------- 3.4 in ( 87 mm) depth ----------- 14.8 in (376 mm) ASIP width ------------ 5.3 in (134 mm) height ----------- 3.4 in ( 87 mm) depth ----------- 10.0 in (255 mm) with battery
FREQUENCY RANGE:--------30 to 88 MHz
NUMBER OF CHANNELS: ------------2,320 channel spacing ------------ 25 kHz
FREQUENCY OFFSET: ------------- +/-5 and +/- 10 kHz to any manual or preset frequency
FM Voice, AD1, AD2, TACFIRE FSK Digital Data 600/1200/2400/4800/9600 and 16,000 bps Fixed and Frequency Hopping Plain Text, Cipher Text Encryption
(adjustable in steps) 50 Watts with power amplifier frequency deviation +/- 6.5 kHz
noise figure --------- 10 dB image rejection -------- 80 dB minimum IF rejection --------- 100 dB minimum Sensitivity -116 dBm for 10 dB SINAD -115 dBm for FH. 10-percent BER -114 dBm (ASIP)
Selectivity F0 Undesired above ref +/- 100 kHz 3 78 dB +/- 200 kHz 3 90 dB +/- 1.0 MHz 3 113 dB +/- 5 MHz 3 127 dB +/- 1.0 MHz 3 141 dB
NIGHT VISION: Gen II compatible ASIP Gen III compatible
TEMPEST: Certified
RELIABILITY: > 7,000 hours
RED BISHOP Modérateur
messages : 12172 Inscrit le : 05/04/2008 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Mar 23 Déc - 4:10
c'est pour équipée les M-60
yakousa Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Mar 23 Déc - 4:16
M48A5/M60/M109,avions...bref tout en network
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Mer 25 Fév - 6:18
Une longueur d'avance dans la région ( Maghrébine) en matière de communication. Intéressant yakuza .
Yakouza Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Mer 25 Fév - 6:22
le secret du Blitzkrieg
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Mer 25 Fév - 6:34
En quelques sorte, le SINCGARS permet au composante ( aérienne et terrestre) de travailler en concert, rapidement, et en toute sécurité. Et quand ont sait que la communication est primordial dans une armée
Yakouza Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Mer 11 Mar - 12:22
Yakuza a écrit:
Citation :
In 1993, Morocco ordered 225 ITT-built SINCGARS for an estimated $5.2 million.
Citation :
Moroccan Army Places $5.2 Million Order for ITT Battlefield Radio. (Originated from The News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Ind.)
Article from:Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News Article date:November 30, 1993
FORT WAYNE, Ind.--Nov. 30--Fort Wayne-based ITT Aerospace/Communications has a new foreign customer for its Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System.
The Moroccan Army has placed a $5.2 million order for 225 of the battlefield radios to support a military upgrade under way in Morocco.
The radios are designed to resist enemy jamming or surveillance by hopping from channel to channel. The Moroccan Army will install the radios in M60 tanks. The contract is an important development in ITT's efforts...
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Jeu 9 Juil - 9:05
voici radar rasit mobil sur humvee
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 14/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Mer 13 Avr - 5:29
youssef_ma73 a écrit:
Citation :
Harris to Provide Radios to Morocco, Kuwait and Qatar March 30, 2016
Harris Corp., Rochester, New York, was awarded a $20,116,679 firm-fixed-price, foreign military sales (Morocco, Kuwait, Qatar) contract for radios, spares, installation kits and continental U.S. unit-level test equipment training. One bid was solicited with one received. Work will be performed in Morocco, Kuwait and Qatar, with an estimated completion date of February 2, 2021. Fiscal 2010 other procurement funds in the amount of $20,116,679 were obligated at the time of the award. The Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen, Maryland, is the contracting activity (W91CRB-16-C-5015).
des milliers des new radios Falcon III data et manheld pour 11M$ rien que pour nous dans ce contrat, donc on va upgrader l´infantrie et la digitaliser
defenseweb a écrit:
Harris wins North African military radio contract
Written by Oscar Nkala, Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Harris Corporation has received an $11 million order from a North African nation to supply its Falcon III multiband, multimission radios as part of an ongoing force modernization programme.
The contract also involves the supply of spares, installation kits and continental U.S. unit-level test equipment and training. The customer will receive thousands of RF-7800H-MP wide-band tactical man-pack radios, which has the capacity to deliver expanded data capabilities in long-range and Beyond-Line-Of-Sight (BLOS) environments, Harris said.
The customer will also receive the RF-7850M-HH multi-band networking hand-held radio, which offers wide-band communications and mobile, ad-hoc networking along with legacy narrow-band waveforms as well as the RF-7800V-HH VHF Combat Net Radio (CNR).
“Harris’ Falcon III radios will support the customer’s need for simultaneous, secure voice and high-bandwidth data across a wide range of military missions. Our strong presence in the region, coupled with our ongoing investment in advancing Falcon solutions, enables us to transition customers from their legacy, voice-dominated tactical radios to networked wide-band tactical radios," said Harris Communication Systems President Chris Young.
Harris was earlier awarded a $20,116,679 firm-fixed-price, foreign military sales contract for radios, spares, installation kits, and continental U.S. unit-level test equipment training to Morocco, Kuwait, and Qatar, according to the US Federal Business Opportunities website, which added that work will be completed in February 2021.
Given the fact that the North African contract was announced shortly after the Morocco, Kuwait and Qatar contract, it is likely that the $11 million order is for Morocco’s armed forces.
daama94 sergent chef
messages : 273 Inscrit le : 27/02/2016 Localisation : Paris Nationalité :
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Mer 13 Avr - 6:17
Très très bonne nouvelle On voit l'envie de nos généraux de vouloir faire avancer nos FARs en matière de communications et d'équipements par soldat !
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 14/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Ven 6 Mai - 16:08
il doit y avoir une faute de frappe
Citation :
Harris Corp., Rochester, New York, was awarded a $405,500,000 firm-fixed-price, foreign military sales (Morocco), indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for the Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems (SINGARS) including ancillary items, spare parts, installation kits, training and fielding support services. One bid was solicited with one received, with an estimated completion date of April 21, 2021. Funding and work location will be determined with each order. Army Contracting Command, Aberdeen, Maryland, is the contracting activity (W91CRB-16-D-5004).
atlas General de Division
messages : 7016 Inscrit le : 15/06/2008 Localisation : vitrolles Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Les Transmissions des FAR Ven 6 Mai - 16:10