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 US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963)

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US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Empty
MessageSujet: US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963)   US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Sep 2008 - 14:54

US Naval Air Station US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Wings%20of%20Gold Port Lyautey, Morocco

La base militaire française a Port Lyautey fut capturée et utilisée par
les forces américaines durant les années de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale et ensuite largement développée pour en faire une base militaire aérienne très importante de la SAC , base américaine de l'Otan .


US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Morocco20with20map20notyo9

USS Dallas DD-199

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) USS%20Dallas

After the invasion and capture of Port Lyautey, an american aircraft photographed the base which showed the French gun emplacements, sunken ships in the Sebou and
the beaches where the invasion forces came ashore. That photograph is
shown below.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) WW2_Map

Base Administration Building

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Admin

An A3D from ECM-2 landing with chute deployed

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Landing

The Port Lyautey Naval Air Station Terminal Building in 1955

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Term1955kl3

Photograph taken by Richard Ross, PH3 (VR-24 & Base Photo Lab)

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) COMPOSITE%20FLIGHT%20LINE

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) COMPOSITE%20HANGER%201

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) COMPOSITE%20HANGER%202

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) COMPOSITE%20HANGER%203

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) VR-24%20Aircraft

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) COMPOSITE%20SUPPLY

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) COMPOSITE%20BARRACKS

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Terminal2020air20maintxy2

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Terminal%20Inside

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Term1963

VQ-2 was commissoned on 1 September 1955 as Electronic Countermeasurres Squadron Two (ECMRON Two). Originally home ported at the U.S. Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) 134

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Atshop

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) XAJ-2_004

Vers la plage de Mehdia

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Tobeach

This photograph shows yours truly with the original Seabee sign, in 1957, at the US Naval Construction Battalion Center (CBC), Davisville, RI. That base, like NAS Port Lyautey has been decommissioned. The sign read, "Home Of Atlantic Seabees".

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Davisv%7E2

Dernière édition par big boss le Jeu 11 Sep 2008 - 16:20, édité 5 fois
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US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963)   US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Sep 2008 - 15:02

Captain Dudley above, NAS Port Lyautey Base Commander in the 1947 - 1948 time frame, addressing his command after inspection.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Zimm_Dudley

The following historical news article, by Philip Ewing of the Navy Times, was submitted by Pat Weil, a Seabee who was one of the last four Naval personnel to serve at Port Lyautey. The article relates the actions of the USS Dallas, the Destroyer that captured an airstrip.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Port_Lyautey_Article
Military Cemetery at Port Lyautey

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Voit5

A Bomber

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Voit6

Aircraft that crashed on landing

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Voit8

Marine Barracks Port Lyauté

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Vano6

The Beechcraft in NAS Port

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) SNBlyauety1a

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) SNBlyauety2a

Moroccan soldier on guard duty

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Bowen_PL_2

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Bowen_PL_Guard
The Chief in the photograph is a Chief Shipserviceman whose last name was Edwards. He was an aviation pilot (AP). The bluejacket is unidentified. They were hitching a ride on a VR-24aircraft to Tangier.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Lake_1
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US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963)   US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Sep 2008 - 15:10

The four following photographs of P4M 1Q 124372 were taken on 11/27/53 following a “wheels up” landing at Port Lyautey. The aircraft was flown to Norfolk and later returned to service. Tragically, the aircraft was destroyed in a crash about 1957.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Dionne_9

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Dionne_10

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Dionne_2
Seabees move in their cranes to begin salvage operations in the photograph above and below.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Dionne_1
The photograph following is of the P4M’s, in formation, was taken during a ceremonial base “flyover”, probably in 1954.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Dionne_3
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US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963)   US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Sep 2008 - 15:13

Aerial view of the Port Lyautey Control Tower and building.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Miner_5

P2V on flight line with ship on the Sebou River background. The squadron that this aircraft belonged to was Patrol Squadron 5 (VP-5) out of NAS Jacksonville, Florida. They were more than likely doing a six month deployment according to Jack Malone, VP-23 1953/1955 who saw this photo on 1/26/05 and e-mailed the information.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Miner_7

The following photographs were contributed by Dean Miner, former PHA3, USN who was stationed at Port Lyautey from early 1957 until late 1958, where he was assigned to the Photo Lab. In that capacity, he took the aerial and aircraft photographs which follow.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Miner_8

Helicopter (Helo) landing at Port Lyautey. Many of the photographs Dean Miner took, were taken from this aircraft.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Miner_9

SAR Amphibious boat on the Sebou River practicing Rocket Assisted Takeoffs. Note the rocket bottle in the aft hatch. This and the following photographs were taken from the crash boat.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Miner_11

Same aircraft with rocket activated

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Miner_12

An aerial view of the terminal, aircraft on the ground and a VR-24 aircraft in flight.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Miner_13

P2V refueling on the flight line

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Miner_14

P2V's in formation.

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Miner_15

Base Photo Lab personnel 1957 - 1958. Dean Miner is in the rear row, third from the left. Seated in the front row from left to tight are, Ens. Skiff, Lt. Rutledge and
Chief DeMoss. After Dean Miner left Port Lyautey, he received a report
that Chief DeMoss had been killed in a P4M crash while hitching a ride
back to the states. If anyone can confirm this, it would be greatly

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US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963)   US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Sep 2008 - 15:26

The Port Lyautey radio station

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Gene_wnaaearly

The Ground Control Approach (GCA) Radar Unit

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Gene_WNAAgcaoverhaul

VB-132 PV1

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) GandseyP2

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Gandsey_Aircraftintrouble

Belly Landing

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Gandsey_Bellylanding

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Gandsey_Wheelsup
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US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963)   US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Sep 2008 - 16:24

tres interessant big-boss,merci US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Icon_sal
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Unbena20US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Unbena22
US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Unbena21

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963)   US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Icon_minitimeMer 26 Mai 2010 - 20:39

Jan 01, 1957
US fighter planes from a near-by base flying over morocco.
US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) 50338310

US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) A10-na10
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US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963) Empty
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US Naval Air Station, Port Lyautey, Morocco (1942-1963)
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