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 Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export

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MessageSujet: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 14 Fév - 10:48

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Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'exportation

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 25 Mar - 9:43

Citation :
DF-21D missile could sink US aircraft carrier: report

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The People's Liberation Army Navy's DF-21D anti-ship missile has a range of 2,000 kilometers and has the capability to sink a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, according to the Hindu, an English-language Indian newspaper, on Mar. 5, citing a recently published report.

The report released by the National Institute of Advanced Studies in Bangalore states that China's Beidou satellite navigation system will help increase the accuracy of the country's missiles greatly. The report, written by various experts in India, concluded that the DF-21D has shaken the traditional view of the US Navy's unassailable superiority in the Asia-Pacific region. The anti-ship missile is likely to serve as a credible deterrent against American intervention in China's maritime disputes, of which it has several with its Asian neighbors, the report said.

The DF-21D is designed based on intercontinental ballistic missiles and carries maneuverable warheads with conventional munitions which can target aircraft carriers at a distance of about 2,000 kilometers, according to the report. The idea of hitting a moving aircraft carrier with a ballistic missile had been unheard of, said S Chandrashekar, one of the authors of the report, adding that the Chinese have come up with a very innovative system based on well-understood components.

While pointing out that China is capable of detecting radio signals and other electronic emissions from US aircraft carriers with its Yaogan military satellites, Chandrashekar added that DF-21D missiles armed with maneuverable warheads are also extremely dangerous. After precisely locating the moving aircraft carrier, the warhead could adjust its trajectory to strike the ship with conventional munitions while descending through the atmosphere, he said.

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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 14 Avr - 15:51

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CPMIEC realistic in UAS export market

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China National Precision Machinery Import & Export Corporation (CPMIEC) is due to complete development of its WJ-600 surveillance/strike UAS this year but highlighted trade restrictions and budget constraints in the global market.
Speaking to Shephard at the Defence Services Asia (DSA) exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, a CPMIEC spokesman described how WJ-600’s surveillance capability was already developed with the strike option due to be completed with live fire tests.
Unable to confirm whether the platform is operational with China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), the spokesman said WJ-600 would be available for export.
However, he warned that many governments were ‘hesitating’ when it came to acquiring such a dual surveillance and strike capability.
‘Some users are not facing direct threats so WJ-600 would not be for them. In peacetime, the reality is that users want low-speed and long duration,’ he said.
He said WJ-600 had been designed for combat operations in order to generate information quickly before following up with kinetic strikes. It is understood that WJ-600 will be capable of carrying laser-guided bombs as well as the CM502 munition.
Referring to the Southeast Asian market in particular, the spokesman once more described ‘hesitation’ in decision-making due to budget restrictions.  ‘All governments are very cautious,’ he said while describing how such strike UAVs were ‘less critical’ in today’s defence environment.
According to company literature, WJ-600 carries a synthetic aperture radar payload as well as ‘various reconnaissance equipment’. The platform is capable of carrying up to 130kg in payload and has a maximum flight speed of 850 kph. However, it is limited to line of sight operations.
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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 8 Juin - 22:36

Pour des drônes armés et des missiles, je serais pas contre un achat chez les Chinois, par contre pour le vecteur aérien même s'il y a une contrepartie industrielle je suis perplexe d'ici une 10aine d'année par contre c'est sur qu'ils seront au rang des premiers producteurs d'armement, du coup on devra avoir bien placer nos pions auparavant !
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Juil - 10:50

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Report Reveals Chinese Military Developing New Scramjet-Powered Hypersonic Missile

Disclosure follows China’s earlier test of Wu-14 high-speed glide vehicle

China’s military is working on a jet-powered hypersonic cruise missile in addition to an advanced high-speed glide warhead that was tested earlier this year.

A Chinese technical journal disclosed new details of research on what China’s defense researchers are calling a hypersonic cruise vehicle.

A line drawing of the scramjet-powered vehicle shows that the concept being studied for eventual construction is nearly identical to an experimental National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scramjet vehicle called the X-43.

Publication of details of work on the powered hypersonic cruise vehicle indicates China is pursuing a second type of ultra-fast maneuvering missile capable of traveling at speeds of up to Mach 10—nearly 8,000 miles per hour. Such speeds create huge technical challenges for weapons designers because of the strain on materials and the difficulty of control at high velocities.

Large numbers of Chinese military writings in recent years have focused on hypersonic flight. However, few have addressed scramjet powered hypersonic flight.

The Washington Free Beacon first disclosed Jan. 13 that China has conducted the first test of an unpowered hypersonic glide vehicle that U.S. intelligence agencies believe will be used to deliver strategic nuclear warheads through U.S. missile defenses.

The January test of the Wu-14 hypersonic vehicle signaled the beginning of what analysts say is the start of a new high-technology arms race to build high speed maneuvering strike vehicles.

The United States is developing both scramjet-powered and glide-hypersonic missiles. Russia’s government has made development of hypersonic missiles a priority.

The Chinese report outlines in technical detail how a scramjet-powered cruise vehicle operates at speeds greater than Mach 5 and discusses how to integrate airframe design with scramjet propulsion.

A scramjet is an engine that uses supersonic airflow to compress and combust fuel, creating a highly efficient propulsion system with few parts.

The report analyzed “preliminary design methods for airframe/engine integrative configuration.”

The analysis “may serve as a basis for quick preliminary design and performance evaluation of airframe/engine integrative configuration” for a future Chinese hypersonic cruise vehicle, the report said.

The scramjet cruise vehicle was described in a technical military journal called Command Control & Simulation. The article was published by the 716 Research Institute of the state-run China Shipbuilding Industry Corp., China’s largest maker of warships, submarines, and torpedoes.

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Chinese drawing of hypersonic cruise missile / Command Control & Simulation

The study by China’s major naval weapons builder is a sign the PLA may be considering the strike vehicle for use against U.S. aircraft carriers and warships as part of what the Pentagon calls “anti-access, area denial” weapons.

China’s hypersonic weapons are among the most secret programs within the Chinese military, along with anti-satellite weapons and cyber warfare tools. However, China’s Defense Ministry confirmed the test asserting that it was “normal” scientific experiment and not aimed at any foreign state.

Military experts said the disclosure of the scramjet cruise missile is unusual and part of China’s large-scale high-technology arms buildup.

“China long ago identified hypersonics as a critical future military technology and has invested heavily in its development for future weapons,” said Rick Fisher, with the International Assessment and Strategy Center. “The old Bush administration concept of Prompt Global Strike using hypersonic non-nuclear warheads may be dormant in Washington, but it is very much alive and flourishing in Beijing.”

Fisher said a scramjet vehicle would have advantages over the Wu-14 glide vehicle, including better-sustained speeds, some maneuvering, and a depressed trajectory that would complicate efforts by U.S. missile defenses to intercept the ultra-fast maneuvering strike missile.

China’s Chengdu Aircraft Corporation has been leading the development of a hypersonic scramjet engine test platform similar to the decade-old Pentagon-NASA X-43, Fisher said.

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Pentagon-NASA X-43 hypersonic scramjet powered vehicle / NASA

Fisher said the Chinese report does not make clear whether China is concentrating on scramjet power for future weapons. However, it could signal that researchers have made advances in such engines and materials.

Larry Wortzel, a former China-based military intelligence officer, said Chinese hypersonic arms are what Beijing calls “assassins’ mace” weapons that will give China a strategic edge in any future conflict with the United States.

“China is continuing with a number of programs to develop what Beijing considers to be ‘assassins’ mace’ weapons that defeat conventional defenses, including these hypersonic strike vehicles,” Wortzel said in an email. “The United States must move forward with its airborne and ship-borne laser programs and electromagnetic guns if we are to be able to counter China’s new weapons.”

U.S. hypersonic missile programs have been limited by the federal defense spending crisis that has constrained advanced weapons research.

Congress approved $70.7 million for an Army hypersonic missile program—an amount that is considered far less than what both China and Russia are investing in hypersonic arms.

Alan R. Shaffer, principal deputy assistant defense secretary for research and engineering, told a defense industry conference that a U.S. scramjet-powered hypersonic prototype, the X-51, is a leading choice for a military system of conventional rapid precision strike.

“We, the U.S., do not want to be the second country to understand how to have controlled scramjet hypersonics,” Shaffer said.

The Air Force Research Laboratory announced July 3 it will set up a new High Speed Experimentation Branch to study hypersonics at Arnold Air Force Base.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said July 3 that Russian missile manufacturers must master the technology for both precision-guided and hypersonic weapons. Moscow has set a goal of 2020 to build its first hypersonic missile prototype.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA), in a strategic review published last year, stated that new U.S. hypersonic weapons and other nations’ development of hypersonic arms pose a major threat to China’s national security.

The review said new weapons capable of striking land from space will have a “serious impact on national security.”

Among the weapons being developed by foreign powers, the Chinese military said, are “near space craft, spacecraft, and transatmospheric vehicles.”

It was the first time China mentioned the threat posed by the new generation of hypersonic threats in a public document. The report, “Strategic Review 2013,” was published by the PLA think tank Center for National Defense Policy.

It warned that “the role of space power is changing from information support, to space command operations and space-to-ground attacks.”

“The United States is intensifying the construction of its space confrontation capabilities and building a rapid responsive space system,” the report said, adding that the shift has begun from using space for support to ground attacks.

The report noted the U.S. development of near-space strike vehicles, including the X-51, a scramjet powered hypersonic vehicle developed by Boeing, the HTV-2, a glide strike vehicle, and the X-37 space plane launched atop a rocket. The PLA review called these weapons “new measures of power” and stated that they were “a bid to eliminate the boundary between air and space.”

Lee Fuell, a technical intelligence specialist at the Air Force National Air and Space Intelligence Center, told a congressional hearing in January that China’s hypersonic glide vehicle was a ballistic missile-launched system that glides and maneuvers to its target at speeds up to Mach 10 (about 7,611 mph).

Fuell said U.S. intelligence agencies believe that the glide vehicle is “associated with [China’s] nuclear deterrent forces.” Hypersonic strike vehicles also could be used for conventional precision-guided strikes, he said.

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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 11 Juil - 14:06

Citation :
Chinese remote sensing drone sets 30-hour flying record

BEIJING, July 9 -- A new Chinese unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) set a new record for the country's remote sensing drones by flying for more than 30 hours consecutively, the UAV's developer, the Chinese Academy of Surveying & Mapping (CASM), announced on Wednesday.

The previous record time was 16 hours. Coupled with China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System, the UAV system can carry out rapid mapping without ground control points.

Made of ultra-light carbon fiber materials, the drone is powered by a four-stroke air-cooled engine, and a V-shaped tail spoiler can reduce the wind drag.

CASM said that the newly developed system will make it possible for several drones to fly within one airspace simultaneously, thanks to breakthroughs in telecommunications technologies.

CASM is affiliated with China's National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation. It said drones have played an important role in rescue and reconstruction work in quake-stricken areas such as Wenchuan and Lushan, both in Sichuan Province.

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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 24 Juil - 12:09

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China conducted successful third anti-missile test

BEIJING (PTI): China on Wednesday said it successfully conducted a land-based anti-missile test, stated to be the third of its kind, as part of its efforts to build a missile shield to intercept incoming warheads.

Chinese military forces conducted a "land-based anti-missile technology experiment," the Ministry of National Defence announced.

The experiment "achieved the desired objectives," it said, without giving details, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Last January, China conducted its second interceptor missile test.

Xinhua reported at that time that "the test has reached the pre-set goal" and quoted experts as saying that the test could build shield for China's air defence by intercepting incoming warheads such as ballistic missiles in space.

Wednesday's anti-missile test came as Chinese military was preparing to conduct major defence exercises which already affected air traffic in 12 airports.

Flights in and out of airports in the country's east - including Shanghai, Nanjing and Wuhan - would be affected from last Sunday until August 15 by the "high-frequency drills of another user", Hong Kong based South China Morning Post quoted the China Civil aviation regulator as saying.

In the last two days more than 290 flights at Shanghai's two airports were delayed or cancelled.

Shanghai-based China Eastern Airlines alone had cancelled 22 flights in and out of the affected airports early Tuesday morning, the company said, according to the Post report.

Ni Lexiong, a Shanghai-based military affairs commentator, said large-scale military drills centred on the east of the country were needed because it would probably be the first target of any foreign forces attacking China.

China currently involved in a political showdown with Japan over the disputed islands as well as Tokyo's plans to rescind on its pacifist constitution.

The navies and military planes of the two countries were aggressively patrolling the disputed Diaoyu islands.

Disrupting the operation of 12 civilian airports meant the drills had to be very large-scale, Ni said.

The other affected airports are in Hangzhou, Hefei, Jinan, Wuxi, Ningbo, Qingdao, Lianyungang and Zhengzhou.

Chinese military flight drills could hurt airlines and drive airfares up, analysts say Xinhua reported that the People's Liberation Army had organised 10 live ammunition drills for its ground forces at six bases around the country since July 15.

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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Sep - 10:05

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Engine issues mean China can't power J-15, J-16 fighters

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China is unable to produce advanced fighters such as the J-15 and the J-16 in large numbers because it lacks the proper engines to power the aircraft, according to the Moscow-based Military-Industrial Courier on Sept. 8.

According to Kanwa Defense Review, a magazine operated by military analyst Andrei Chang, also known as Pinkov, China is not even capable of producing J-11B fighters due to problems with Shenyang Liming Aircraft Engine Company's WS-10A engine. Similar problems led the People's Liberation Army Navy to cancel their plans to install the WS-10A in the J-15, a carrier-based fighter designed to serve aboard the Liaoning, China's first aircraft carrier.

Both the PLA Air Force and Navy Air Force have asked to replace the WS-10A with the more reliable Russian-built AL-31F engines, the magazine stated. China is unlikely to get enough AL-31F engines to power all of its J-15 and J-16 fighters when production starts on the aircraft however. The only option left for China is to stop producing more advanced fighters until it is capable of designing the engines the aircraft need.

Sources from the Chinese aviation industry told the Military-Industrial Courier that the PLA is losing its patience with the WS-10A engines. Without proper competition among state-run engine producers, the source said that China is unable to design the engines it needs to power its new aircraft. The Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China suggested that the PLA Air Force use domestic engines anyway to boost the economy.

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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 12 Sep - 8:54

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Tianjin expo reveals Chinese UAV innovations, aspirations

Citation :
La Chine présente son nouveau système de défense aérienne embarqué courte portée Hongqi-10 (FL-3000N pour l'export)
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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Sep - 9:19

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Xi’an Y-20 to appear at Zhuhai airshow

According to Global Times, the Xi’an Y-20 large military transport aircraft is expected to make an appearance at the Zhuhai airshow this November.

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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Sep - 11:50

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Chinese Company Poly Technologies unveils a "Rocket Assisted Torpedo" system at AAD 2014

At AAD 2014 (Africa Aerospace and Defence Exhibition which takes places from the 17 to 21 September at air force base waterkloof near Pretoria, in South Africa) Chinese company Poly Technologies unveils its "Rocket Assisted Torpedo system. Poly Technologies, a subsidiary of China Poly Group Corporation, is a defense manufacturing and international trading company.
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At AAD 2014 (Africa Aerospace and Defence Exhibition which takes places from the 17 to 21 September at air force base waterkloof near Pretoria, in South Africa) Chinese company Poly Technologies unveils its "Rocket Assisted Torpedo system. Poly Technologies, a subsidiary of China Poly Group Corporation, is a defense manufacturing and international trading company.
The concept consists in fitting a torpedo at the tip of a WS type rocket that can be launched from a truck in coastal area. A scale model of the rocket is show on Poly Technologies stant at AAD 2014

A Poly Technologies representative at AAD 2014 was not very talkative on details but explained the system was still just a concept and that no test fire have been conducted yet.

We were told that any type of torpedo may be fitted on the "WS" rocket. However it seems very unlikely to us that the rocket would be able to lift a heavy torpedo so the system is probably limited to light weight torpedoes exclusively.
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At AAD 2014 (Africa Aerospace and Defence Exhibition which takes places from the 17 )to 21 September at air force base waterkloof near Pretoria, in South Africa) South African company Reutech Solutions unveils the Super Rogue 3 20mm naval remote weapon station (RWS).

At AAD 2014 (Africa Aerospace and Defence Exhibition which takes places from the 17 )to 21 September at air force base waterkloof near Pretoria, in South Africa) South African company Reutech Solutions unveils the Super Rogue 3 20mm naval remote weapon station (RWS).
Conceptual overview of the Rocket Assisted Torpedo in action

Regarding the range, the Poly Technogolies representative explained the rocket (with the torpedo at its tip) could reach distances of around 100 Km. Detection and localisation of enemy submarines is achieved thanks to sonar arrays installed in coastal areas (on sea bottom).

Based on the conceptual images, our expert colleagues from Army Recognition can identify the launch vehicle as being a WS-3 multiple launch rocket system typically used as a classic MLRS.

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Aviation Industry Corporation of China

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Le J-10B fait ses essais en vol
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China's AVIC outlines 3D printing investment
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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeLun 3 Nov - 13:22

Citation :
China Successfully Develops Laser System Able to Shoot Down Drones in Seconds: Reports

Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Chinese-low-altitude-laser-anti-aircraft-weapon1

MOSCOW, November 3 (RIA Novosti) - China has successfully developed a laser defense system that can shoot down small-scale low flying drones within a two kilometer radius in five seconds, Xinhua news reported.

The laser system with its precision, speed and low noise can shoot down drones at an altitude of 500 meters and a speed of 50 meters per second (180 kilometers per hour or 112 miles per hour), the news agency reported on Sunday evening citing a statement published by the China Academy of Engineering Physics.

The academy’s statement added that the laser system would be installed in vehicles, aimed at providing heightened security at major events. These include international conferences, sporting events and political meetings. Based on the testing carried out, the laser system indicated 100 percent success.

"Intercepting such drones is usually the work of snipers and helicopters, but their success rate is not as high and mistakes with accuracy can result in unwanted damage," Yi Jinsong, of the team leading the project was quoted as saying by Xinhua.

Jinsong added that small-scale unmanned drones were a likely choice for terrorists because they were cheap and easy to use.

Meanwhile, the academy is working on similar laser systems with greater power and range, the news agency reported.

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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 15 Nov - 22:51

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Chinese submarines to get a new, long range cruise missile

Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Cm-708
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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMar 18 Nov - 12:22

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China's new radar said to detect U.S. F-22 stealth fighter

Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 201411160011t0001
Zhuhai, Nov. 16 (CNA) China has unveiled a new counter stealth radar that can detect and track stealth aircraft like America's famed F-22 Raptor fighter jet.

The new phased array named JY-26 was showcased at the 10th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai that concluded Sunday, along with four other Chinese radar systems: the YLC-20, the YLC-2V, the YLC-8B and the JY-27A.

Designed to detect fifth-generation stealth fighters, the JY-26 phased array radar is capable of high accuracy, target tracking, and separation, and can operate up to a range of 500 kilometers, according to the manufacturer.

Chinese media reported recently that the JY-26 radar had spotted an F-22 Raptor stealth fighter -- the United States' most advanced stealth fighter -- when it flew over South Korea during a recent military exercise.

Su Guan-chiun, an editor at Taiwanese military magazine Defence International, said the development of China's new radar systems could help it counter the rise of stealth aircraft usage and the growing stealth capabilities of other countries.

Su said the Zhuhai Airshow also reflected a weakness in China's defense industry. The similarity of some equipment at the show pointed to an overlapping of investment in China's defense sector, he said.

(By Chen Yi-wei and Jeffrey Wu)
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La Chine développe un nouvel avion de transport

Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Y-30
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Citation :
Guizhou JL-9 production line

Guizhou Aviation Industry Import/Export Company (GAIEC) has released photos of the production line for the JL-9 fighter trainer. These images indicate production of the jet with DSI is well underway.

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très rudimentaire cette ligne de production scratch
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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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Tank maker seeks to increase exports on land armaments

Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 1725
The high-end VT-4 tank is promoted by Norinco, its Chinese manufacturer, as an alternative to Russia's
advanced T-14 Armata. Norinoco said its tank is better than the T-14 in terms of automation, mobility,
fire-control systems and cost. Hu Yongye / for China Daily

Norinco promotes weapon features on WeChat, a common messaging app

In an effort to increase sales of its tanks in the face of declining global demand, China North Industries Group Corp, the country's biggest developer and maker of land armaments, is turning to a popular smartphone social networking app.

WeChat is often used by Chinese arms producers to release comparisons between their weapons and other nations' products - contents that they would not put on their websites in consideration of diplomatic issues.

So, like many other State-owned defense technology enterprises, Norinco, as the tank maker is known, is promoting its brand and products to WeChat's more than 500 million users.

Most recently, it posted an article on its account that touts the ways its tanks are more usable than Russia's most-advanced T-14 Armata.

"Production lines of tanks have been closed in Western countries for a long time, so among large tank makers, only China and Russia have such facilities, which means if an international client wants to buy a new tank, it can only choose between China and Russia," said Norinco, the sole tank maker in China.

"Currently, Russia has only one new tank that is available for export - the T-90S. In contrast, we have the low-end VT-2, middle-end VT-1 as well as the high-end VT-4, covering the requirements of almost every client in the international market," the company said.

China is Russia's main competitor in developing countries seeking to buy tanks, and the tight market is becoming even more competitive for tank exporters. A report last year by the Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade in Moscow indicated that the global demand for new tanks will sharply decline from 2014 to 2017 compared with the previous four-year period, which is expected to further fuel the already fierce competition.

The T-90S, a third-generation Russian main battle tank, is just able to compete with the VT-1, while its upgraded version, the T-90AM, has no substantial improvements, according to Norinco. The VT-4's wide recognition on the international tank market is forcing Russia to put its cutting-edge T-14 on the market to change the situation, the company said.

Russia debuted the T-14 Armata on May 9 during a grand parade to celebrate the 70th anniversary of victory in World War II. Russian media noted that the weapon was the first fourth-generation tank to enter service globally, saying it would be one of the most powerful tanks in the future battlefield.

However, the assertion is being challenged by Norinco, which claims the Russian tank is weaker than the Chinese VT-4 in terms of automation, mobility, fire-control systems and cost competitiveness.

"The T-14's transmission is not well-developed, as we saw through a malfunction taking place during a rehearsal before the May 9 parade. By comparison, the VT-4 has never encountered such problems so far," Norinco said in the WeChat article. "Our tanks also have world-class fire-control systems, which the Russians are still trying to catch up with."

It continued: "Another important issue is the price - the T-14 is reported to have a price as high as that of the United States' M1A2 Abrams. ... Why don't buyers consider Chinese tanks that have well-developed technologies and equipment as well as much-lower prices?"

Features touted

To further influence potential buyers, Liu Song, a senior manager of research and development at Norinco, touted other VT-4 features: strong firepower as well as a cutting-edge data exchange network.

"It has an advanced fire-control instrument, a new-type active protection system and a state-of-the-art, fully automatic transmission device," he said. "In addition, the inter-unit network connects commanders of tanks and armored vehicles under a combat group, enabling them to share battlefield data in a real-time manner."

According to Feng Yibai, chief designer of the VT-4, the tank is equipped with an electronic-controlled diesel engine with 1,200 horsepower, giving the tank a cruise speed of 68 km per hour. Its main gun is a 125-mm smoothbore that can fire various shells, including kinetic energy penetrators and high-explosive anti-tank warheads. It can fire anti-tank missiles with a maximum range of 5,000 meters.

Even with heavy protective armor and strong firepower, the tank is much lighter in weight - 52 metric tons to 60 tons for its foreign rivals - making the VT-4 much faster, Feng said.

The VT-4 can compete with any first-class tank used by Western militaries, including the US M1A2 Abrams and Germany's Leopard 2A6, Liu said.

During a promotional event in August in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, diplomats, military officials and defense contractors from 44 countries were shown a field performance by the VT-4 tanks and some other combat vehicles made by Norinco.

"Several countries have expressed interest in the VT-4 after their officials saw the tank's display, and we are negotiating with them on this matter," Liu said, without providing more details.

Feng said Pakistan's army will test the tank.

Rising competitor

Pakistan will not be alone in deploying the VT-4, as the tank will have strong appeal to Middle Eastern countries, according to Shi Yang, an independent military observer in Beijing.

One of VT-4's predecessors, the VT-1, has been in service in several nations, including Pakistan, Morocco, Bangladesh and Myanmar, and Norinco is sparing no effort to promote it to more buyers, especially developing countries, foreign media reported.

China also is developing a new-generation light tank specifically designed for operations in mountainous regions. The tank is equipped with a hydropneumatic suspension system that ensures better maneuverability and higher survivability, an earlier report said.

China exported a total of 461 tanks from 1992 to 2013, according to the United Nations' Register of Conventional Arms, which began to record conventional weapons transfers between UN member states in 1992. Pakistan bought 296 Chinese tanks during the two decades.

Russia sold 1,297 tanks during the same period, with Algeria being the largest buyer.

The biggest tank exporter during the period was the United States, which reported sales of 5,511 tanks. It was followed by Germany, which sold 2,680 tanks.

In 2013, the latest year for which data is available, China sold 98 tanks to foreign buyers. Bangladesh, with a 44-tank deal, was the largest customer through, the UN said.
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China Reveals New Missiles At Singapore Airshow

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"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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messages : 40493
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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Avr - 13:21

Citation :
Le Chine affirme avoir vendu des drones militaires à plus de dix pays

Posté dans Asie-Pacifique, Forces aériennes, Industrie par Laurent Lagneau Le 21-04-2016

Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 2521

Selon une récente étude du Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), les ventes d’armes chinoises ont bondi de 88% entre les périodes 2006-2010 et 2011 et 2015 (hors armes légères), ce qui place la Chine au troisième rang des exportateurs d’équipements militaires, avec 5,9% de parts de marché.

Parmi les matériels chinois exportés, les drones doivent a priori représenter une bonne part si l’on en croit les propos tenus par Shi Wen, un responsable de l’Académie chinoise d’aérodynamique spatiale (CAAA), au quotidien China Daily.

Ainsi, selon M. Shi, la Chine a vendu des drones militaires de la famille « Cai Hong » (Arc-en-ciel) à « plus de dix pays » et pour « des centaines de millions de dollars », sans plus de précisions.

Toutefois, le Nigéria a récemment confirmé qu’il avait recours à des drones de type CH-3 pour traquer les membres du groupe jihadiste Boko Haram, après avoir perdu un exemplaire en janvier 2015. En outre, l’Irak a effectué une frappe aérienne, il y a quelques semaines, avec un CH-4. Enfin, il a été rapporté que le Pakistan serait également client des appareils chinois. De même que l’Algérie, l’Arabie Saoudite, l’Égypte et les Émirats arabes unis.

Le drone CH-3 « Raimbow » serait en mesure de tenir l’air pendant 12 heures et de lancer des missiles à 10 km de distance de sa cible. « L’un de nos clients en Afrique fait voler chacun de ses CH-3 pendant environ une centaine d’heures chaque mois », a fait valoir Shi Wen, qui a expliqué que les engins chinois « ont une charge utile plus importante, ce qui signifie qu’ils peuvent transporter plus de munitions » que les appareils concurrents.

Quant au drone MALE (Moyenne Altitude Longue Endurance) CH-4, il semble fortement inspiré du MQ-1 Predator du constructeur américain General Atomics, comme d’ailleurs l’est aussi le Wing Loong (photo), son concurrent développé par l’industriel chinois AVIC (Aviation Industry Corporation of China).

« Nous avons mis au point le CH-4 pour des ventes à l’étranger. Selon les demandes de nos clients, la majeure partie du fuselage est fabriquée de matériaux composites. Il est léger et a besoin de moins d’entretien dans des environnements adverses », avait expliqué un responsable chinois en novembre 2012, à l’occasion du salon aéronautique de Zhuhai.

Enfin, dernier né de la série Cai Hong, le drone CH-5 a une allure pratiquement identique à celle du CH-4, à la différence qu’il est plus imposant et qu’il peut emporter une charge utile plus importante. Il serait capable de voler pendant 30 heures et de larguer des bombes guidées laser ainsi que des missiles. Selon M. Shi, ce modèle est « en attente de l’approbation du gouvernement pour l’exportation. »
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messages : 7911
Inscrit le : 20/09/2007
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MessageSujet: Re: Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export   Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Avr - 13:32

jf16 a écrit:
Citation :
Le Chine affirme avoir vendu des drones militaires à plus de dix pays

Posté dans Asie-Pacifique, Forces aériennes, Industrie par Laurent Lagneau Le 21-04-2016  

Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 2521

Selon une récente étude du Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), les ventes d’armes chinoises ont bondi de 88% entre les périodes 2006-2010 et 2011 et 2015 (hors armes légères), ce qui place la Chine au troisième rang des exportateurs d’équipements militaires, avec 5,9% de parts de marché.

Parmi les matériels chinois exportés, les drones doivent a priori représenter une bonne part si l’on en croit les propos tenus par Shi Wen, un responsable de l’Académie chinoise d’aérodynamique spatiale (CAAA), au quotidien China Daily.

Ainsi, selon M. Shi, la Chine a vendu des drones militaires de la famille « Cai Hong » (Arc-en-ciel) à « plus de dix pays » et pour « des centaines de millions de dollars », sans plus de précisions.

Toutefois, le Nigéria a récemment confirmé qu’il avait recours à des drones de type CH-3 pour traquer les membres du groupe jihadiste Boko Haram, après avoir perdu un exemplaire en janvier 2015. En outre, l’Irak a effectué une frappe aérienne, il y a quelques semaines, avec un CH-4. Enfin, il a été rapporté que le Pakistan serait également client des appareils chinois. De même que l’Algérie, l’Arabie Saoudite, l’Égypte et les Émirats arabes unis.

Le drone CH-3 « Raimbow » serait en mesure de tenir l’air pendant 12 heures et de lancer des missiles à 10 km de distance de sa cible. « L’un de nos clients en Afrique fait voler chacun de ses CH-3 pendant environ une centaine d’heures chaque mois », a fait valoir Shi Wen, qui a expliqué que les engins chinois « ont une charge utile plus importante, ce qui signifie qu’ils peuvent transporter plus de munitions » que les appareils concurrents.

Quant au drone MALE (Moyenne Altitude Longue Endurance) CH-4, il semble fortement inspiré du MQ-1 Predator du constructeur américain General Atomics, comme d’ailleurs l’est aussi le Wing Loong (photo), son concurrent développé par l’industriel chinois AVIC (Aviation Industry Corporation of China).

« Nous avons mis au point le CH-4 pour des ventes à l’étranger. Selon les demandes de nos clients, la majeure partie du fuselage est fabriquée de matériaux composites. Il est léger et a besoin de moins d’entretien dans des environnements adverses », avait expliqué un responsable chinois en novembre 2012, à l’occasion du salon aéronautique de Zhuhai.

Enfin, dernier né de la série Cai Hong, le drone CH-5 a une allure pratiquement identique à celle du CH-4, à la différence qu’il est plus imposant et qu’il peut emporter une charge utile plus importante. Il serait capable de voler pendant 30 heures et de larguer des bombes guidées laser ainsi que des missiles. Selon M. Shi, ce modèle est « en attente de l’approbation du gouvernement pour l’exportation. »

Qu'attendons nous pour s'en procurer!!!
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Citation :
NORINCO rolls out SM4 120 mm mortar vehicle

Christopher F Foss, London - IHS Jane's International Defence Review

01 July 2016

 Le catalogue des armements chinois disponibles à l'export - Page 5 5340  
The latest Chinese SM4 120 mm self-propelled mortar is based on a 6x6 WMZ-551 amphibious armoured personnel carrier, which is
seen here in its ready to fire configuration with roof hatches open and mortar traversed to the front. Source: NORINCO  

China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) is exporting a new 120 mm mortar version of the widely deployed 6x6 WMZ-551 amphibious armoured personnel carrier (APC) designated the SM4 120 mm self-propelled mortar (SPM).

The crew and diesel engine compartment is located at the front and for its new mission the roof line of the WMZ-551 has been raised towards the vehicle's rear to provide greater internal volume for the 120 mm muzzle-loaded mortar and its ammunition.

The driver is seated front left with the commander to the right and above the latter position is an unprotected pintle-mounted 12.7 mm machine gun (MG).

NORINCO is now marketing a number of remote weapon stations (RWSs) and one of these could potentially be fitted in place of the 12.7 mm MG to enable the weapon to be fired from under armour and environmental protection.

For use in high ambient temperatures an air-conditioning system is fitted as standard and the fully amphibious capability of the standard 6x6 WMZ-551 APC is retained.

With little preparation the WMZ-551 SM4 120 mm SPM is fully amphibious and propelled in the water by a shrouded propeller fitted one either side at the rear that enables the vehicle to reach maximum swimming speed of up to 8.5 km/h.

The system has a crew of five, including the commander and driver and NORINCO is quoting a gross vehicle weight of 17 tonnes including ammunition, and a maximum road speed of up to 100 km/h.

The 120 mm mortar is fitted with a specially designed recoil system to reduce the stress on the platform so that no stabilisers are required to be deployed before the weapon is fired.

The weapon is coupled to a computerised fire-control system (FCS) that enables the system to come into action, carry out a fire mission and then redeploy before the arrival of counter battery fire.
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