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| Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) | |
+35WRANGEL silent eagle youssef_ma73 Magreb777 FAR SOLDIER rmaf annabi Chobham leadlord Adam augusta osmali Inanç jonas docleo farewell godzavia klan jf16 Nano RED BISHOP Gémini fighter-jet lida rafi MAATAWI Fahed64 Yakuza GlaivedeSion Fremo Mr.Jad Harm Viper Samyadams Seguleh I 39 participants | |
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augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Ven 5 Fév 2016 - 15:42 | |
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Australian Minister for Defence Opens New CEA Technologies Facility Australian Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Marise Payne, has today officially opened a major extension to CEA Technologies’ premises in Canberra. The new facilities will significantly enhance CEA’s radar and communication systems manufacturing, testing and research and development capabilities.
CEA was founded 33 years ago and is one of the largest Australian-owned private employers in the ACT. The company’s advanced, indigenously developed and manufactured radar systems have won significant domestic and international orders. CEA’s Co-Founder, Mr David Gaul on behalf of Chairman, Mr Peter Robson, said “As well as the opening of this new building, CEA’s current facilities have undergone extension and major renovation marking a significant milestone in the company’s growth.”
The $1.8M fitout provides a substantial improvement in facilities and working conditions, along with extra space for planned expansion over the next three years.
The opening of this new facility in Canberra is primarily the result of sustained corporate growth, as a result of an increased awareness both here and overseas of CEA’s indigenously developed Active Phased Array Radar technology.
The total floor area is nearly doubled with emphasis on improving the working environment both inside and outside the buildings including new office space and technical areas.
The radar technology that is designed and developed by this local company is being supplied to the Royal Australian Navy as part of their Anti-Ship Missile Defence (ASMD) upgrade program.
With more than half of the ANZAC fleet having received the ASMD upgrade, these ships now have radar and ship self-defence capabilities that meet or exceed that of other Navies. The Government is investing in further research and development of the radars for potential inclusion in the Future Frigate.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Lun 8 Fév 2016 - 15:01 | |
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- Australian defence white paper to 'reset' relationship with industry
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry 07 February 2016
Australia's delayed defence White Paper will aim to "reset" the relationship between government and the country's defence industry, Defence Minister Marise Payne said on 5 February.
Speaking at the opening of a new facility owned by Canberra-based company CEA Technologies, she said the White Paper and its accompanying Defence Industry Policy Statement will outline a central role for Australia's defence industrial base.
The White Paper is expected to be published later this year, replacing the existing document, which was released in 2013. The current Defence Industry Policy statement was issued three years before that.
According to Payne, these policy documents will "not only outline the key part Australian industry can play in research, innovation and development, [they] will also reset the relationship between industry and defence as we move to an environment where industry truly is considered a fundamental input to capability".
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41845 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Lun 8 Fév 2016 - 18:24 | |
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- Le Japon prêt à mettre le paquet pour remporter le marché des futurs sous-marins australiens
Posté dans Asie-Pacifique, Forces navales par Laurent Lagneau Le 08-02-2016
Pour les constructeurs navals, le programme australien Sea 1000 est l’un des contrats du siècle. En effet, il s’agit de fournir à la Royal Australian Navy 12 sous-marins à propulsion diesel-électrique ayant des capacités océaniques. Le tout pour un peu plus de 31 milliards de dollars.
Après quelques tergiversations, le gouvernement australien s’est décidé à lancer à un appel d’offres, auquel ont répondu l’allemand ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS), le français DCNS, qui propose le SMX Ocean, une version conventionnelle du sous-marin nucléaire d’attaque (SNA) Barracuda, doté d’une propulsion anaérobie basée sur des piles à combustible de seconde génération (FC-2G) et, profitant de l’assouplissement récente des règles en matière d’exportation de matériels militaires, les industriels japonais Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) et Kawazaki Heavy Industriels (KHI), qui produisent les submersibles de la classe Soryu.
Étant donné que l’ex-Premier ministre australien Tony Abbott, avait une préférence pour l’achat de sous-marins japonais dans le cadre d’une procédure de gré à gré, les industriels nippons ont cru qu’ils avaient la partie gagnée (ou bien ont-ils péché par inexpérience?). Seulement, le dernier changement de gouvernement à Canberra a redistribué les cartes… Et, visiblement, ils ne s’attendaient pas à devoir batailler ferme face à leurs concurrents.
Ainsi, en mars 2015, MHI et KHI n’envoyèrent aucun représentant au Future Submarine Sommet d’Adelaïde, alors qu’ils avaient été formellement invités à y participer.
Quelques mois plus tard, à l’issue de la visite d’une délégation emmenée par le général en retraite Takahashi Saito en Australie pour évoquer les sous-marins, il fut rapporté par la presse australienne que les industriels japonais « n’avaient visiblement pas pris la mesure des enjeux politiques du dossier et qu’ils semblaient avoir pris du retard sur leurs rivaux. »
D’où l’offensive médiatique menée par le vice-ministre nippon de la Défense, Kenji Wakamiya. Ainsi, dans les colonnes du quotidien The Australian, ce dernier a mis en avant que le Japon serait prêt à un important transfert de technologie au bénéfice de Canberra, notamment dans les domaines de la furtivité et de la discrétion des sous-marins. En clair, il s’agirait de donner à l’Australie le même statut qu’ont les États-Unis auprès du Japon.
Le Japon « ne partage habituellement la technologie de ses sous-marins de la classe Soryu qu’avec les Etats-Unis. Mais l’Australie est également considérée comme une alliée de confiance », a affirmé M. Wakamiya.
Cependant, les sous-marins Soryu ont un défaut de taille : s’ils sont effectivement très performants, ils comptent de nombreux équipements fabriqués sous licence, à commencer par leurs moteurs (fournis par le suédois Kockums).
« Soyez certains que cette décision est fondée sur le fait que le Japon considère l’Australie comme un partenaire de premier plan. Je crois qu’un projet conjoint pour construire les nouveaux sous-marins contribuera grandement à la sécurité maritime de cette région », a encore insisté le responsable japonais.
D’après les informations de The Australian, la partie japonaise est prête à allonger les sous-marins Soryu qu’elle propose de 6 et à 8 mètres et des les doters de batteries plus puissantes.
Par ailleurs, selon le Financial Times, certains, aux États-Unis, font campagne pour l’offre japonaise, craignant que des secrets militaires américains concernant des technologies devant équiper les futurs sous-marins australiens fassent l’objet de fuites si Canberra opte pour la proposition du constructeur naval français.
« DCNS est le fournisseur public français de technologies navales. Il utilise des systèmes et applique des procédures éprouvées qui protègent les informations sensibles déjà fournies par l’Australie », a répondu Sean Costello, le PDG de DCNS Australia.
En réalité, cet argument sur la protection de secrets industriels américains ne tient pas la route.
En effet, avant l’annonce du choix concernant les sous-marins, Canberra doit sélectionner le système d’armes qui les équipera. Deux industriels sont en course : Lockheed-Martin et Raytheon. Or, l’une des conditions fixées pour participer à l’appel d’offres australien était d’être préparé à travailler avec les trois constructeurs en lice pour fournir les sous-marins.
Aussi, assure le Financial Times, un « Japon – Australie sur un projet militaire d’importance soutiendrait les projets américains de créer un contrepoids au renforcement chinois dans le Pacifique. »
Cela étant, d’autres considérations sont à prendre en compte. Outre les capacités des sous-marins, il s’agira par exemple d’assurer une part importante de la fabrication des navires en Australie, où les chantiers navals d’Adelaïde sont à la peine. | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41845 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Mar 16 Fév 2016 - 20:03 | |
| - Citation :
- Sous-marins australiens : le Japon met en avant les risques des propositions concurrentes
Par Rédacteur en chef. Publié le 16 février 2016, dernière mise à jour le 16 février 2016.
Un responsable japonais a averti l’Australie des « risques » qu’il y a à modifier un sous-marin nucléaire pour y installer un moteur diesel, comme proposé selon lui par DCNS, et qu’agrandir un sous-marin plus petit entraînerait des « défis » techniques.
Le PDG de Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Shunichi Miyanaga, interrogé sur la transformation d’un sous-marin nucléaire pour fonctionner au diesel, a déclaré que « le changement de système de propulsion pourrait prendre beaucoup de temps ».
« Je pense qu’il y aura des risques, » a déclaré le PDG à la fin d’une visite d’une semaine en Australie. « Pour parvenir à un niveau de maintenance et opérationnel fiable, je suppose que cela prendra du temps. Le sous-marin nucléaire est propulsé par une turbine. Un sous-marin diesel, avec une génératrice et un moteur électrique est une machine très différente. »
DCNS propose de convertir au diesel ses sous-marins de la classe Baracuda.
Bien qu’il n’ait pas donné le nom de ses concurrents, M. Miyanaga a aussi qualifié de « défis » l’agrandissement d’un sous-marin plus petit, ce que ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems propose de faire avec son U-214.
M. Miyanaga explique qu’il a fallu des dizaines d’années au Japon pour mettre au point ses sous-marins de la classe Soryu à partir d’un modèle plus petit. « Notre avantage est que notre sous-marin est le seul à propulsion diesel ayant la taille demandée par l’Australie : 4.000 t. Habituellement, un sous-marin diesel ne dépasse pas les 2.000 t. »
« Pour passer de 2.000 à 4.000 t, le Japon a augmenté la taille de ses sous-marins étape par étape. Il lui a fallu des dizaines d’années pour surmonter les défis que cela constitue. Notre sous-marin de 4.000 t fonctionne très bien depuis des années. Il est très fiable et éprouvé, équipé des technologies les plus avancées. »
Référence : The Australian | |
| | | Gémini Colonel-Major
messages : 2735 Inscrit le : 09/12/2009 Localisation : Un peu partout!!! Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Mer 17 Fév 2016 - 18:46 | |
| La bonne blague !!!!! Les japonais oublis que DCNS n'est pas Navantia. DCNS a plus d'experience que les Japonais pour la construction de Sm ,il save faire du Diesel comme du Nuk.... Ne pas se presenter a une reunon d'information et ne transmettre aucune demande souhaité par l'Australie ,les Japonais le font bien eux ...l'impolitesse de ce pays qui se croit superieur a tous et tout le monde aprés cela donne des leçons!!!! | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41845 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Jeu 25 Fév 2016 - 18:26 | |
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- L’Australie prévoit une augmentation importante de ses dépenses militaires
Posté dans Australie par Laurent Lagneau Le 25-02-2016
Le troisième Livre blanc sur la défense australien en 7 ans, qui vient d’être rendu public, prévoit une hausse substantielle des dépenses militaires de Canberra dans les dix années à venir puisqu’il est question d’une rallonge de 29,9 milliards de dollars australiens (19,4 milliards d’euros).
Dans le détail, le budget de la Défense australien passerait de 21 milliards à plus de 38 milliards d’euros en 2025-2026. Et son montant serait ainsi supérieur au seuil des 2% du PIB en 2020-2021. Au total, au cours de la décennie prochaine, les forces armées australiennes bénéficieront d’une enveloppe globale de 292 milliards d’euros, dont environ 127 milliards pour l’investissement en faveur de nouvelles capacités.
« Nous avons un intérêt particulier, fort et vital au maintien de la paix, de la stabilité et au respect de l’Etat de droit », a commenté Malcolm Turnbull, le Premier ministre australien, lors de la présentation de ce Livre blanc. « Les décisions que nous prenons aujourd’hui auront un effet sur nos capacités et perspectives de défense pendant des décennies », a-t-il ajouté.
Cette hausse importante des dépenses militaires australiennes doivent permettre aux forces armées du pays de faire notamment face à la militarisation croissante de la région Asie-Pacifique, laquelle devrait concentrer d’ici 20 ans, selon le document, la moitié des sous-marins opérationnels et des avions de combat dans le monde.
« Nous serions préoccupés si la course à l’influence et la croissance des capacités militaires devait générer de l’instabilité et menacer les intérêts australiens, que ce soit en mer de Chine méridionale, sur la péninsule coréenne ou ailleurs », a expliqué le chef du gouvernement australien.
Le Livre blanc présenté par Canberra insiste aussi sur la menace « permanente » du terrorisme, la fragilité de certains États dans le proche voisinage de l’Australie, l’augmentation des attaques dans le cyberespace et la prolifération d’armes de destruction massive et de la technologie liées aux missiles balistiques.
Le document évoque également le « changement climatique », présenté comme étant un « défi majeur », dans la mesure où ses conséquences sont susceptibles de se traduire par des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes, voire par des pénuries alimentaires.
En outre, Canberra estime que, étant donné que « la Chine développe et continuera à rechercher une plus grande influence dans la région, il sera important pour la stabilité régionale que, en tant que grande puissance, elle soit plus transparente sur ses politiques de défense. »
Enfin, le Livre blanc australien parle de « points de friction » dans la zone « indo-pacifique », particulièrement en mer de Chine méridionale, où les différends territoriaux resteront une « source potentielle de tensions » susceptibles de « nuire à la stabilité. » À ce sujet, Canberra s’oppose « à l’utilisation de structures artificielles » construites par Pékin dans cette zone « à des fins militaires ».
Cet effort que consent l’Australie à sa défense va surtout profiter à la Royal Australian Navy (RAN). L’acquisition de 12 sous-marins conventionnels à vocation océanique, « avec un degré élevé d’interopérabilité avec les États-Unis », est confirmée. Un appel d’offres est d’ailleurs en cours et le constructeur français DCNS a proposé le Shortfin Barracuda Block 1A.
Plus généralement, le Livre blanc reprend à son compte le plan de 59 milliards d’euros présentés par le précédent gouvernement australien en août dernier et visant à moderniser les capacités des forces navales australiennes.
Ainis, il est donc question de l’achat de nouveaux navires de surface, dont 3 destroyers de la classe Hobart (programme SEA 4000), 9 frégates et 12 patrouilleurs ainsi que de l’acquisition de 7 avions de surveillance maritime P-8A Poseidon supplémentaires. Enfin, il s’agira également de financer la mise en service de 72 F-35A Lightning II et de 12 E/A-18G Growler, ces appareils étant conçus pour la guerre électronique.
Enfin, les forces armées australiennes auront à recruter 5.000 personnels de plus. Là, cette manoeuvre risque d’être compliquée, déjà que la Royal Australian Navy peine à trouver des recrues. | |
| | | Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Ven 26 Fév 2016 - 18:41 | |
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- Australia to replace Tigers in mid-2020s
25 FEBRUARY, 2016
Australia will replace its fleet of 22 Airbus Helicopters Tiger armed reconnaissance rotorcraft in the mid-2020s with a mix of manned and unmanned assets.
The disclosure was made in Australia’s 2016 defence whitepaper. Other requirements include the planned acquisition of light helicopters for special forces use, and a plan to explore the possibility of a long-range combat search and rescue asset.
“Armed reconnaissance helicopter operations will rely increasingly on intelligence and mission data and access to the common operating picture and other real time data for effective integration with joint forces,” says the whitepaper.
“The Tiger has had a troubled history – essential upgrades are programmed to maintain the capability’s effectiveness. Defence will invest in a future armed reconnaissance capability to replace the Tiger, which could include manned or unmanned systems or a combination of both, to be introduced from the mid-2020s.”
Canberra also plans to obtain “light helicopters” that can be easily transported aboard the Boeing C-17 strategic transport.
“A new capability for the ADF will be introduced with the acquisition of dedicated light helicopters to support Special Forces operations,” says the whitepaper. “These light helicopters can be rapidly deployed in C-17s, and can insert, extract and provide fire support for small teams of special forces undertaking tasks ranging from tactical observation through to counter-terrorism missions, or hostage recovery.”
Another new capability Canberra plans to explore in the 2020s is “a long-range, aero-medical evacuation and combat search and rescue aircraft.”
The whitepaper did not explicitly state if this would be fixed-wing aircraft or a helicopter, but it requires that it be “capable of operating with the amphibious ships.”
In addition, Canberra confirmed its interest in three additional CH-47F Chinooks, taking its fleet of the twin rotor type to 10. The US government approved a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case for this in December 2015. |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41845 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Mer 2 Mar 2016 - 17:10 | |
| - Citation :
- Collins Class submarine life to be extended as Defence delays roll-out of new vessels
By defence reporter Andrew Greene
Posted Tue at 1:45pm
Australia's entire Collins Class submarine fleet will be upgraded and its service life extended, with the Defence Force pushing back the roll-out of their replacements.
Defence Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin said it was likely the first of the future submarines would be introduced into service between 2030 to 2033, meaning existing submarines will need to be in the water longer than planned.
Air Chief Marshal Binskin said the original plan was to retire the Collins fleet about 2026, however while developing the Future Submarine Project that timeframe had been changed.
Head of Navy Capability Rear Admiral Jonathan Mead said while one or two of the current Collins Class submarines were expected to have substantial reworking, all six in the fleet would need to receive some form of upgrading.
"[It is] to do with communications and sonars. [We are] aiming to get that submarine through — not just from a whole perspective, but a capabilities perspective — through into the 2030s," he said.
Work on the Collins Class submarines began in the 1980s, as the Navy sought to replace its Oberon fleet.
The first vessel, HMAS Collins, was delivered in 1996 and it took a further seven years for the sixth boat to be delivered.
The Defence Chief and his senior colleagues have given an extended briefing about Australia's future military capabilities, following the release of last week's white paper.
The document confirmed the Government plans to acquire 12 new submarines to replace the Collins Class, but who will build them and where that will happen is still subject to a competitive evaluation process.
The exact cost of building the future submarines also remains unknown, but Neil Orme, the leader of the Force Structure Review, said the $50 billion figure in the defence white paper was spread over 35 years.
"The reason we've said greater than $50 billion is that we would be kidding ourselves if we were to tell you now that we know the cost down to even the closest half a billion dollars," Mr Orme said.
The Australian Defence Force is also considering whether Australia's future air defences can be unmanned.
Air Marshal Binskin argued it was crucial to consider Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs) instead of only fighter jets, because military technology was rapidly evolving.
"I think we need to be open-minded and look at the capabilities. That's why you see the battlefield-support aircraft in as a reaper-like UAS (Unmanned Aircraft System)," he said.
"And so, we shouldn't just lock in and go. That's the way it's going to be for 50 or 100 years." | |
| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41845 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Ven 4 Mar 2016 - 17:40 | |
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- SEA 1000 : l’opération séduction de TKMS
Non classé 3 mars 2016
Prêt à tout pour remporter le contrat des sous-marins australiens (Sea 1000), l’allemand TKMS continue son forcing. Le 22 février, le directeur de TKMS Australia, John White, a visité, en compagnie de responsables de l’agence gouvernementale de défense pour le sud de l’Australie (Defence SA), la ville de Whyalla, près d’Adelaide.
Cette ville s’est très tôt vouée à l’acier et aux chantiers navals, mais ces derniers n’ont pas résisté à la concurrence internationale. Aujourd’hui, la chute des cours de l’acier ont conduit la société Arrium à annoncer des coupes qui pourraient aboutir à la fermeture du premier employeur de la ville, les aciéries Whyalla Steelworks, et à la perte de 1 100 emplois.
Si les spécialistes estiment que ces aciéries auraient du mal à fournir l’acier nécessaire à fabriquer des coques de sous-marins, M. White a évoqué d’autres possibilités dans le domaine des frégates et autres navires spéciaux. | |
| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Mer 9 Mar 2016 - 15:45 | |
| - Citation :
- Australia’s Defence White Paper 2016
(Source: Royal Australian Navy; published on Feb 25, 2016)
CANBERRA --- The 2016 Defence White Paper was released today by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Defence Minister Marise Payne at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra.
Flanked by the Secretary of the department, Mr Dennis Richardson, and the Defence chiefs, the Government announced an increase in Defence spending of an additional $29.9 billion over the next decade.
The Government will grow the Defence budget to two per cent of Australia’s Gross Domestic Product by 2020-21, increasing the Defence budget from $32.4 billion in 2016-17 to $58.7 billion in 2025-26, representing a significant investment in capability.
For Navy the most significant investments will include a continuous naval shipbuilding program commencing with nine future frigates and 12 offshore patrol vessels, and the expansion of the submarine fleet to 12.
Minister Payne said the investment in the submarine capability was key. "It's a very, very important capability," she said.
"I've had the opportunity to discuss at some length with the Chief of Navy, with senior officers from the important that is to us, the work that the very strong Collins-class submarines do now.
"We're in the middle of a competitive evaluation process; the final bids for that were received at the end of November last year and in due course, the Department will provide advice to Government on those bids and we'll make a decision then."
Other major announcements included enhanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, space, electronic warfare and cyber capabilities; advanced training, modern equipment, health care and logistics systems to support personnel; comprehensive upgrades to Defence infrastructure across Australia to support our larger future force, including key bases, training and testing ranges and fuel and explosive ordnance facilities; and modernised information management, operational communications, and command and control systems.
The announcement said that defence strategy and capability plans had been independently costed to ensure they are achievable and affordable and a fully costed, ten-year Integrated Investment Program will bring together all capability-related investment including new weapons, platforms, infrastructure and science and technology.
The White Paper aims to position Defence to respond to a broader range of security threats to Australians at home and abroad.
The 2016 Defence White Paper, Integrated Investment Program and Defence Industry Policy Statement are available at
2016 Defence White Paper (Source: Australian Prime Minister and Defense Minister; issued Feb 25, 2016) The 2016 White Paper is a comprehensive and responsible long-term plan to ensure Australia’s national security.
It is the culmination of detailed analysis of our strategic environment, our defence priorities and objectives, and the capabilities required to achieve these outcomes.
For the first time, the White Paper released today by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Defence Minister Marise Payne fully aligns strategy, capability and resources to make the Australian Defence Force (ADF) more capable, agile and potent.
The Turnbull Government is increasing Defence spending by $29.9 billion over the next decade.
The defence strategy and capability plans have been independently costed to ensure they are achievable and affordable.
The Turnbull Government has also set a new benchmark for transparency and funding certainty by releasing an Integrated Investment Program and Defence Industry Policy Statement.
The fully costed, ten-year Integrated Investment Program brings together all capability-related investment including new weapons, platforms, infrastructure and science and technology.
The Defence Industry Policy Statement will transform Defence’s relationship with industry.
The Turnbull Government will invest $1.6 billion over 10 years in programs to build industry skills, drive competitiveness and export potential while harnessing Australian innovation and expertise.
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41845 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Jeu 10 Mar 2016 - 23:01 | |
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- Zodiac Marine Craft is airdropped from an C-130J Hercules of RAAF
Mar 10, 2016
© Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence Zodiac Marine Craft is airdropped from an C-130J Hercules of Royal Australian Air Force.
The C-130J Hercules is undergoing a series of capability upgrades and role expansions as it continues to serve the Australian Defence Force as a medium tactical airlifter. This has included increases to its communications and situational awareness systems, aircraft self-protection suite, and increased airdrop capability.
Several of these developments are being conducted under the auspice of Air Force’s Plan Jericho, and are intended to make the Hercules even more effective at operating in a modern battlespace. Commencing its RAAF service in 1999 with No. 37 Squadron, the C-130J is the latest variant of the Hercules transport to serve Air Force since the introduction of the C-130A in 1958.
© Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence
© Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence
© Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence
© Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence | |
| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Ven 11 Mar 2016 - 17:22 | |
| - Citation :
- Australia selects Navantia for new replenishment ship
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry 10 March 2016
Spanish shipbuilder Navantia has been selected to construct two replenishment ships for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), Minister for Defence Marise Payne has confirmed.
In comments provided to IHS Jane's by her office on 11 March, Payne said Navantia has been chosen as the preferred tenderer for the replenishment ship requirement, known as SEA 1654 Phase 3, and that the company will now be invited to participate in the "Offer Definition and Improvement Activity [ODIA] and negotiations".
"The tender process is ongoing. Following the conduct of the ODIA and negotiations, Defence will return to government for consideration of Second Pass approval, likely in mid-2016," she said. The programme received preliminary first pass approval in June 2014.
According to the recently published Integrated Investment Program that accompanied the defence white paper, the replenishment ship programme is valued at AUD1 billion to AUD2 billion, including operations and sustainment. Payne said local industry will receive a portion of this funding for unspecified services.
"Tender documents identified the need for Australian industry capability for both the proposed acquisition and support contracts," she said. "Local Australian industry content under the acquisition contract is estimated to provide a combined value of in excess of AUD100 million."
Payne said the two replenishment ships are required by the RAN "as soon as possible", but that the "previous government was advised that Australian shipyards do not have the capacity to complete the ships in the required time given the size of the ship and the limitations of the shiplift and yard capacity at Osborne [facilities operated by state-owned ASC in South Australia]."
SEA 1654 Phase 3 seeks to replace the RAN supply ships HMAS Success (OR 304) and HMAS Sirius (O 266) with off-the-shelf acquisitions. To meet the requirement Navantia offered the RAN a design proposal based on the Spanish Navy's auxiliary oiler replenishment ship SPS Cantabria , which entered service in 2011.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Ven 11 Mar 2016 - 17:23 | |
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- Friday, 11 March 2016
Ocean Software to supply FlightPro management system for Australia's HATS program
Following an in-depth market evaluation process, Boeing Defence Australia (BDA) has contracted Ocean Software to supply its operations and training management system, FlightPro to manage the US$453 million Australian Defence Force’s JP9000P7 Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS).
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| | | jf16 General de Division
messages : 41845 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Lun 28 Mar 2016 - 21:10 | |
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- Tiger Flight Trials from LHD Amphibious Assault Ships Planned for Q1 2017
28 Maret 2016
A Tiger aboard the now-retired HMAS Kanimbla in 2010. (photo : Aus DoD)
First of class flight trials of the Army’s Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter from the Navy’s LHD amphibious assault ships is planned for the first quarter of 2017, the Department of Defence has confirmed.
“First of class flight trials is planned to be conducted in the first quarter of 2017. Results from this activity and the deck handling trials will provide a basis for establishing the applicable ship-helicopter operating limit for the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter/Landing Helicopter Dock combination,” a Defence spokesperson told Australian Defence Business Review via email on Monday.
Flight trials will follow deck handling trials planned for June, the spokesperson said, when HMAS Adelaide is alongside in Brisbane.
“This aims to confirm that LHD flightdeck markings and aircraft securing fittings are suitable for Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter operations. Additionally, aircraft lifts, mechanical handlers, hangar arrangements and procedures will be assessed for suitability in moving, storing, securing and controlling the aircraft – including associated aerospace ground equipment, weapons, explosive ordnance and role equipment,” the spokesperson said.
“The deck handling phase will also include assessment of aircraft jacking and engine/blade removal procedures. The deck handling trial will also provide an opportunity for training and familiarisation of LHD Air Department personnel with ARH explosive ordnance and deck handling procedures.”
Further, the spokesperson noted: “The trials schedule aims to identify potential ship/helicopter interface issues and seek to establish safe operating procedures and limitations for the combination.” | |
| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Mer 30 Mar 2016 - 14:44 | |
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- Aegis testing on Australia's first air warfare destroyer initiated
Julian Kerr, Sydney - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 29 March 2016
Integration and testing of the Aegis combat system aboard Australia's first-of-class air warfare destroyer (AWD), Hobart , has begun, Lockheed Martin announced on 30 March.
Lockheed Martin said the AWD test team, responsible for testing the combat system to ensure the equipment is properly installed and functional, had been strengthened to include experienced company engineers and technicians from both Australia and the United States.
The AWD Alliance, a consortium grouping government-owned shipbuilder ASC, contractor Raytheon Australia and the Department of Defence's Capability and Sustainment Group (CASG), announced in mid-February the successful activation of combat system elements. These included the installation of the Aegis Software Operating Environment and the activation of the computer network structure.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Jeu 31 Mar 2016 - 11:17 | |
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- Thursday, 31 March 2016
Austal’s Starts Construction On Two Cape Class Patrol Boats For The Royal Australian Navy
As Austal awaits news from Australia’s Department of Defence on the outcome of the 21 vessel, AU$1.3billion Pacific Patrol Boat Replacement (PPB-R) tender process, the company has commenced construction of two (2) Cape-class Patrol Boats – to be delivered to the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) in mid CY2017.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Ven 1 Avr 2016 - 12:23 | |
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- Project Land 400 Phase 2 evaluation period extended
Julian Kerr, Sydney - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 31 March 2016
The evaluation period to select a shortlist of contenders to supply 225 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles (CRVs) to the Australian Army has been extended, the Department of Defence (DoD) announced on 1 April.
The DoD said in a statement that the extension, for an undisclosed period, had been agreed by the government in order to review risk management activities (RMA) and ensure they aligned with the new Industry Policy that accompanied a Defence White Paper released on 25 February.
The CRVs sought under Project Land 400 Phase 2 will replace the army's ageing fleet of 250 ASLAV light armoured vehicles that reach their life-of-type around 2021.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Jeu 7 Avr 2016 - 11:39 | |
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- CAE to develop C-130J fuselage trainer for the Royal Australian Air Force
CAE yesterday announced that CAE Australia Pty Ltd was awarded a contract from Australia's Department of Defence Capability and Acquisition Sustainment Group (CASG) to develop a C-130J Fuselage Cargo Compartment Trainer for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Jeu 14 Avr 2016 - 16:14 | |
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- Five-year delay to Australian propellant facility blamed on Department of Defence inefficiency
Julian Kerr, Sydney - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 14 April 2016
Redevelopment of Australia's only manufacturing facility for military propellants and high explosives will be completed more than five years late due to ineffective management by the Department of Defence (DoD), according to a report by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO).
The report into the redevelopment of the government-owned Mulwala plant in southern New South Wales, released in late March, refers to the DoD's misunderstanding of technical risk, lack of commercial expertise, and shortcomings in project management resourcing and approach.
An AUD263 million (now USD197 million) contract for new nitrocellulose, solvent, and propellant production resources at the Second World War-era facility was awarded to Bovis Lend Lease in 2007, with the US company ATK as a subcontractor providing the production process design, critical equipment, and support for start-up, product qualification, and performance testing.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Ven 15 Avr 2016 - 20:25 | |
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- First Heron UAV flight out of RAAF base Amberley
Apr 15, 2016 0 264
The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has made history by flying the Heron Remotely Piloted Unmanned Aircraft System out of RAAF Base Amberley. This was the first time RAAF has flown the Heron from a major Australian Air Force base.
From April 13-22, the Heron will be taking off from RAAF Base Amberley and transiting through military airspace alongside C-17A Globemaster III, F/A-18F Super Hornets and KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft.
The Heron is flown by Air Force with fully qualified military pilots who have extensive experience on both manned and remotely piloted aircraft.The Heron aircraft has completed more than 27,000 mission hours during Operation SLIPPER where it provided intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support to Australian forces and International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) partners in southern Afghanistan. The Heron flew its final mission from Kandahar Air Field on 30 November 2014. Air Force currently operates two Heron aircraft from RAAF Base Woomera in South Australia.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Lun 18 Avr 2016 - 16:15 | |
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Selected as Preferred Tenderer for Pacific Patrol Boat Replacement Project Austal Limited (Austal) is pleased to announce it has been awarded preferred tenderer status by the Commonwealth of Australia for the Pacific Patrol Boats Replacement (PPBR) Project. The PPBR project involves the construction of up to 21 steel-hulled patrol vessels and through life sustainment over 30 years in a total Government expenditure of up to $900 million. Austal’s share of the PPBR program will include the construction of the vessels and short to medium term maintenance components of the project.
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| | | augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée Australienne/Australian Defence Force (ADF) Mer 20 Avr 2016 - 10:00 | |
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- Australia narrows field for Future Frigate
Richard Scott, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 19 April 2016 Key Points BAE Systems, Fincantieri and Navantia designs shortlisted for Project SEA 5000 Second-pass approval is scheduled for 2018 Ship designs from Italy, Spain and the UK have been shortlisted for Australia's Project SEA 5000 Future Frigate requirement.
The Australian government, on 18 April, announced a first-pass approval for the Royal Australian Navy's (RAN's) Future Frigate programme. BAE Systems, offering a version of the Type 26 Global Combat Ship, Fincantieri, with a derivative of the Carlo Bergamini-class variant of the FREMM multi-mission frigate, and Navantia, with a modified F100 design, have been invited to further refine their designs as part of an ongoing competitive evaluation process (CEP).
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