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 Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)

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MessageSujet: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 9 Aoû 2009 - 19:28

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 3 Nov 2009 - 21:36

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 1 Déc 2009 - 17:55

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 23 Déc 2009 - 10:02

Citation :
Afghanistan: L'armée de l'air va quadrupler

Le ministère afghan de la Défense, Abdul Rahim Wardak, a annoncé lundi que l'armée de l'air afghane recevra de ses alliés occidentaux plus de 150 appareils dans les six ans à venir. La flotte sera alors composée de plus de 200 appareils en comptant les 52 déjà en service, a précisé le ministre de la Défense au cours d'un débat parlementaire.
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 9 Mar 2010 - 10:25

Citation :

Afghan Aircrews take to the Sky in Wiltshire

Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 F3978e10

Afghan Aircrew are being trained in Wiltshire as part of a two year programme run by the UK Joint Helicopter Command (JHC), supported throughout by QinetiQ. Training of the Afghan Pilots and flight engineers began in February 2008 at Boscombe Down under PROJECT CURIUM.
The aircrew have been trained on fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft and are nearing the completion of their training in the UK in March 2010. They will fly the Mi-17 when they return to Afghanistan where their training will continue.
"I’m delighted with how all the Afghan students coped with the cultural, language and technical elements of their training," stated Wg Cdr Al Smith, Officer Commanding the Special Duties Squadron (SDS).
"The students, who are officers in the Afghan National Security Force, took part in English classes before beginning their flight training with 10 hours on a Firefly aeroplane before each spending over 60 hours in the Gazelle helicopter. They then transferred to the Mi-17 helicopter, flying over 40-hours each including basics in tactical flying, formation keeping, confined area landings and some defensive manoeuvres. Their training will continue once they arrive in Afghanistan, preparing them for operating in the hot and high conditions there, enabling them to both build on and share what they have learnt."
QinetiQ initially provided Release to Service recommendations for the two Curium Mi-17 aircraft, enabling them to be placed on the UK military register, with follow on recommendations to increase capability. It has subsequently provided a comprehensive range of managed services including airworthiness capability and the full range of engineering support needed to maintain the aircraft. The QinetiQ team of over 25 has also been fully supported in engineering activities by its sub-contractor Helisota, a Lithuanian maintenance and repair company with extensive Mi-17 aircraft experience. Helisota has provided several engineers with specific Mi-17 experience to assist in the maintenance of the aircraft as well as providing Post Design Services capability.
"This was a unique project; we faced a huge challenges and we were working to very strict timescales," explained Jeff Gardner, QinetiQ’s Technical Manager of Project Curium.
"You have to be pragmatic when faced with these challenges, but we were able to rise to the challenge and approached countries with appropriate experience and experts who had used the aircraft for additional support. The aircraft arrived in the UK with some issues which had to be solved before they could be used for training. The cockpit instruments had to be anglicised from the aircraft's native Cyrillic, although some instruments still bear elements of the Russian alphabet. QinetiQ was also tasked with producing a new maintenance timetable that reflected existing UK operating standards and the experience we have gained puts us in good stead should we be asked to develop civil or military support programmes for other ‘unusual’ aircraft types in the future."
One of the pilot instructors is Royal Navy Lieutenant Bridget Compain who has carried out several tours of Afghanistan. She was keen to volunteer when she heard about the chance to fly the aircraft and train Afghan crews in their use.
Lieutenant Bridget Compain said: "When I heard about the project I was excited about flying the aircraft and the challenge of training the Afghans and it has proved thoroughly enjoyable.
"It is a unique experience to have the Mi-17 in the UK and especially on a military register.
"I love flying the aircraft and the students have been fantastic – studious, respectful and hard working. It has been very rewarding.
"The language barrier is the biggest challenge. But as an instructor you just need to be sure you word any instructions in a clear way.
"But their English has come on a long way and by the end of the course I can speak to them as I would any UK student and they understand all the aviation aspects.
"I'll be sad to see them go. But we are sending them back as professional and competent aviators. It makes me happy to know they have had the best training and will be contributing to Afghan security."
Two of Lt Compain's Afghan students, Karim and Sayeed (preferring not to give their full names for security reasons) said they were looking forward to using their skills for real in Afghanistan.
2nd Lieutenant Karim, who had never flown previously and was selected for the course from the Afghan Security Forces, said his first time flying a helicopter in the UK was "big fun".
He praised the instruction he had received from the British staff but said he was keen to return to his home country and put his skills into action:
"I now want to help my country and serve my people," Karim said.
Sayeed, another Afghan trainee helicopter pilot said:
"I want to work for our people. I want stability in my country, and I want peace in my country, because we are anti-terrorist. We are against those people who are against our country. So if those people are against us, so I am against them, this is for sure. That’s why I am training."
This is a small-scale project with a high return. Time and effort invested in training the Afghan crews enables an eventual withdrawal of UK forces and the programme has already yielded tangible results. A number of crews have completed their training and returned to Afghanistan where initial reports suggest they are a well-respected, competent and motivated cadre of professionals. The crews trained here in UK are the seed corn of an indigenous Afghan National Security Force helicopter capability.
Background information
The two aircraft, currently owned by the MoD, will be gifted to the Afghan government and shortly transported to the country to join an expanding fleet of Mi-17s serving with Afghan national authorities.
The pilot training programme lasts typically 12 months, consisting of two flying periods interspersed with ground school. Basic flying training begins on the Gazelle and is followed by advanced flying training on the Mi-17. The flight engineer syllabus is slightly shorter. Both syllabi are modelled on the helicopter training given to UK students at the Defence Helicopter Flying School (DHFS) at Shawbury, albeit conducted on different aircraft types. The key to developing an indigenous capability as quickly as possible is to train the Afghan aircrew on the type of helicopter they will fly on return to Afghanistan, the Mi-17. Training Afghan students on the Mi-17 here has the added benefit of not denying valuable slots for UK helicopter aircrew students at DHFS.
JHC provides a total of 12 permanent SDS staff, many of whom have recent operational flying experience on other rotary types in Afghanistan. Of that 12, three are Mi-17 instructors, two are Gazelle instructors, three staff train the flight engineers and the remainder make up a headquarters element

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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Mar 2010 - 15:29

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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Unbena20Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Unbena22
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 30 Avr 2010 - 15:29

Citation :
PICTURES: Afghan G222s make public debut
By Craig Hoyle

The Afghan national army air corps displayed its expanding capabilities during the country’s annual Victory Day parade, which took place in the capital Kabul on 28 April.

Two of the Afghan military’s recently delivered Alenia Aeronautica G222/C-27A tactical transports took part in the event, flying in formation with an Antonov An-32. Three refurbished G222s have so far been delivered under a US Air Force-brokered deal to modernise 18 ex-Italian air force aircraft for Afghanistan.

Four Mil Mi-24/35 attack helicopters and eight Mi-17 transports were also involved in the parade, which commemorates the Mujahedeen’s 1992 overthrow of the country’s Soviet-backed socialist government.

“This was the largest demonstration this year of the skill that the Air Corps has been developing since its inception,” says the NATO Training Mission Afghanistan organisation.

The Afghan military now has an active inventory of 30 fixed-wing aircraft and 57 helicopters, as listed in Flightglobal’s MiliCAS and HeliCAS databases.
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messages : 2111
Inscrit le : 18/06/2008
Localisation : Kenitra-Venise
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 30 Avr 2010 - 16:53

En effet les 2 C-27A ont etaient achetè en 1990 de l'Aeritalia ( aujourd'huit " alenia Aeronautica " ) par les americains et c'est une version plus modifiè des leur G222,autres 18 du meme modele vont suivre la meme route d'ici 2011.

la chose la plus interessante c'est qu'on 19 sep 2008..exactement 18 G222 ( ex AMI ) ont etaient vendu par le ministere de la defense italienne au USA ( 287 millions $ tout le bloc ), après une legere modernisation qui se fera probablement dans les etablissement de la meme " alenia " inutile de vous devoiler alors leur vrai destination .. Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_arrow Afghan National Army Corps.

Mais alors pourqoi ce detour triangulaire ? pourquoi ne pas les vendre direcetement..

tout simplement a cause de la fameuse loi ( ipocrite ) N.185 1990 qui interdit la vente d'armes a des pays en guerre ou qui ont comis des graves violations des droits de l'homme...

Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 16072707393098069
"  "تِلكَ الدَّارُ الآخِرَةُ نَجْعَلُها لِلَّذينَ لا يُريدُونَ عُلُوًّا فِي الأَرْضِ ولا فَسَادًا"
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 19 Mai 2010 - 10:42

Citation :


May 18, 2010 by Marcel van Leeuwen

Capodichino (Naples), Italy – 18 May 2010 – Alenia North America, a subsidiary of Alenia Aeronautica and a part of the Finmeccanica Group, delivered the fifth Afghanistan National Army Air Corps (ANAAC) C-27/G.222 aircraft to the United States Air Force. The remanufactured and modernized airlifter was delivered at the end of April and was immediately deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan to join the other four aircraft. The aircraft is the fifth of 18 C-27/G.222 aircraft ordered by the United States Air Force to be delivered at Alenia’s Capodichino facility near Naples, Italy.
Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 C-27J-400x268
Alenia North America began delivery of the aircraft in September 2009 and deliveries are scheduled to continue through 2011. The aircraft are currently flying with the Combined Air Power Transition Force (CAPTF) and the Afghanistan National Army Air Corp (ANAAC) in Kabul, Afghanistan. The United States Air Advisor crews are trained on the C-27/G.222 by Alenia Aeronautica in Capodichino, Naples.

Source: Alenia North America

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 7 Juin 2010 - 16:04

Citation :
Afghanistan: l'arme nationale portée à 134.000 personnes cette année (Rasmussen)
Cette année, les effectifs de l'Armé nationale afghane atteindront 134.000 personnes, a annoncé lundi le secrétaire général de l'OTAN Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
"L'objectif de cette année - accroître les effectifs de l'armée afghane - sera réalisé: elle atteindra 134.000 hommes trois mois avant la date prévue", a-t-il annoncé aux journalistes à Bruxelles.
Selon M. Rasmussen, l'Alliance atlantique, dont les troupes sont déployées en Afghanistan depuis 2001, s'est fixé pour but de porter les effectifs de l'armée et de la police afghanes à 300.000 personnes.
RIA Novosti

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 14 Juin 2010 - 13:37

Citation :

Afghan National Army Commandos

Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Afghan-National-Army-Commandos
Posted 6/13/2010
Afghan National Army Commandos along with Coalition forces conducted a cordon and search in Nangarhar province, AfghanistanArmée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Mag-glass_10x10, March 18 to look for illegal items. Found during the search were more than 1,000 AK-47 rounds, RPG boosters and hashish. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Elliott Sprehe)

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 7 Juil 2010 - 13:28

Citation :

M-17 Sling Load

Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 M-17-sling-load
Posted 7/6/2010

Afghan airmen and Combined Air Power Transition Force advisers conduct an operational sling load with the Mi-17 transport helicopter July 1, 2010 to Forward Operating Base Orgun-e, Afghanistan. (U.S. Air ForceArmée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Mag-glass_10x10 photo/Capt. Robert Leese)
Flying 12,500 feet above sea-level and carrying a 3,200-pound crate, the Mi-17 handled the load with very few problems. This allows the Afghan air force's 377th Helicopter Squadron members another way to move heavy and oversized equipment or to deliver the equipment in a place without a landing zone

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 13 Juil 2010 - 13:03

Citation :
Afghan Air Force Completes First C-27 Spartan Airdrop Mission
The Afghan Air Force has successfully completed its first airdrop mission using a C-27 Spartan aircraft in Kalat, Afghanistan.
The airdrop was a final check to verify the C-27's capabilities in performing these missions.
Afghan Air Force 538th Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron commander Lt. Col. James Piel said the C-27 is a capable aircraft that meets the necessities of the missions in Afghanistan.
Afghan crews and pilots will use the aircraft to perform a wide range of missions necessitated by the Afghan government and assist in the war.

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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 13 Juil 2010 - 13:13

Mi17 et Hind de l'armée afghane :
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 3 Aoû 2010 - 15:40

Citation :
ITT awarded $800 million in Afghanistan National Security Forces facilities support contracts
Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Ee9cc710
| ITT Corporation (NYSE: ITT) has received two contracts from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Middle East District to provide facilities operations, maintenance and training services for the Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) in Afghanistan. Each award is for a one-year base period with options for four additional years. The contract for Northern Afghanistan is valued at up to $450 million and the contract for Southern Afghanistan is valued at up to $350 million for a total of up to $800 million if all options are exercised. The two contracts are independent of one another.

Under this award, ITT will provide operations and maintenance support for ANSF facilities, while simultaneously training Afghan personnel to assume responsibility for operating and maintaining the facilities at the completion of the contract.

Work will be performed by ITT's Systems business, based in Colorado Springs, Colo., a global leader in providing maintenance, sustainment and operations support for U.S. government facilities, vehicles, equipment, ranges, communication networks and information systems.

"Under the unique structure of this award, we'll be providing a robust support capability for ongoing security operations in Afghanistan, while training and developing local ANSF personnel to eventually take over this critical support mission in the future," said Michael Gulino, president and general manager of ITT Systems.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 14 Aoû 2010 - 1:13

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AM General, LLC, South Bend, Ind., was awarded on July 30 a firm-fixed-price contract with the estimated face value of $618,974,038. The purpose of the contract is to purchase 2,526 M1152A1B2 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles with area troop enclosures for the Afghanistan police force and Afghanistan National Guard. Work is to be performed in South Bend, Ind., with an estimated completion date of Dec. 31, 2013. One bid was solicited with one bid received. TACOM, Warren, CCTA-ATA-A, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity (W56HZV-10-C-0405).

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 17 Aoû 2010 - 14:28

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Afghan Air Force Increases C-27 Transport Aircraft Fleet
The Afghan Air Force's (AAF) fleet of C-27 Spartan aircraft has increased to six with the arrival of aircraft 4087.
The AAF received the C-27 aircraft as part of a three-year $368m contract by the US for 18 refurbished aircraft, including maintenance.
The new C-27 will be used to transport high-ranking government officials, including the presidents of Afghanistan and other countries.
A twin-engine turboprop aircraft, the C-27A is capable of short take-off and landing, and is suited to Afghanistan's mountainous terrain and limited road network.
A C-27 can carry up to 44 personnel, 32 paratroopers or 36 litter patients, and 20,000lb of cargo and fuel, and operate on unimproved airfields.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 21 Sep 2010 - 10:52

faut y penser avant d´acheter de l´ancien,meme si tres satisfaisant

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 22 Sep 2010 - 11:29

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Afghan Air Force Implements New Aircraft Documentation Forms
The Afghan Air Force (AAF) has jointly developed a new set of aircraft forms with the Nato Air Training Command-Afghanistan.
The forms will include information about aircraft servicing, pre and post-flight inspections, aircraft discrepancies and maintenance corrective actions, improving transparency and standardisation for AAF aircrews as well as maintenance personnel.
The new form will be in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) standards for documenting aircraft status and maintenance action.
The documentation is modelled on the US Army aircraft maintenance forms and is similar to air force technical order forms for US Air Force aircraft.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 4 Oct 2010 - 13:10

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Afghanistan: les effectifs de l'armée portés à 140.000 personnes (Défense)

Actuellement, les effectifs de l'armée afghane sont portés à 140.000 personnes, a annoncé dimanche le porte-parole du ministère afghan de la Défense, le général Zahir Azimi lors d'une conférence de presse à Kaboul.

Selon lui, vers juin 2011, l'armée afghane comptera 171.600 militaires pour porter ultérieurement ses effectifs à 240.000 personnes. Quant à la police, le nombre de policiers sera augmenté de 109.000 actuels à 240.000. De cette façon, les forces de la sécurité nationale compteront 400.000, a précisé le général.

En évoquant la situation dans la province de Kunduz (nord de l'Afghanistan), le général a déclaré que "nous ne permettrons de transformer la province nord de Kunduz en un centre d'activité terroriste en Afghanistan".

Selon le gouverneur de Kunduz, la province autrefois très calme, est en train de se transformer en un centre d'activité des talibans et des terroristes en provenance de la Tchétchénie, de l'Ouzbékistan et du Pakistan, plus de 40% du territoire de la province étant contrôlé par les talibans.

Le porte-parole de la Force internationale d'assistance à la sécurité (ISAF) en Afghanistan Josef Blotz, présent à la conférence de presse, a indiqué qu'il y avait 45.000 militaires étrangers faisant leur service au nord de l'Afghanistan.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 12 Oct 2010 - 14:10

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Afghan Air Force Receives New Mi-17 V5 Helicopters
The Afghan Air Force (AAF) has received four of ten new Mi-17 V5 helicopters, bringing the current fleet to 31, six of which are the latest V5 variant.
The delivery of the remaining six Mi-17 V5 helicopters will be complete by the end of 2010.
The mainstay of the AAF's airfield mobility, the Mi-17 will be distributed to air units throughout Afghanistan.
The Russian-built Mi-17 aircraft has been modified with a new cockpit, gun mounts and a tricolour paint scheme to comply with AAF configuration requirements.
The Mi-17 has a service life of 25 years, with overhaul required after every 2,000 flying hours.
The Afghan Ministry of Defence has plans to take delivery of an additional 21 Mi-17s by 2013, bringing the total Mi-17 fleet to 56.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 27 Oct 2010 - 19:33

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Afghan Air Force Completes First 100-Hour Mi-17 Inspection

The Afghan Air Force's (AAF) Kandahar Air Wing (KAW) has completed its first 100-hour maintenance phase inspection on an Mi-17 transport helicopter.
The 100-hour phase inspection was carried out by KAW maintainers under the supervision of the nine-person Afghan Tiger Team from Kabul and Nato advisers.
During the inspection, KAW maintainers repaired sheet metal for one of the antennae and replaced the tail rotor assembly of an Mi-17 helicopter.
The 100-hour inspection capability will save five flight hours and improve the KAW's aircraft availability by two days per inspection.
The inspection will result in a 1% efficiency improvement for the AAF's overall Mi-17 flying hour programme and 28% reduction in 100-hour inspection down-time for the Kandahar Air Wing.


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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Oct 2010 - 15:06

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Moscou fournit des armes à feu à l'Afghanistan

La Russie équipe en armes à feu les Forces d'autodéfense et la police afghane, a annoncé jeudi à Moscou le PDG de l'Agence russe d'exportation d'armements Rosoboronexport, Anatoli Issaïkine.
"Les armes à feu légères fournies à l'Afghanistan sont destinées aux Forces d'autodéfense et à la police. Les livraisons sont généralement gratuites et s'effectuent avec l'autorisation des Etats-Unis", a-t-il indiqué lors d'une conférence de presse qui coïncide avec le 10e anniversaire de l'Agence.
Jusqu'à maintenant la police afghane se servait de mitraillettes soviétiques et de fusils d'assaut de type Kalachnikov.
RIA Novosti

Citation :
Russia completes small arms deliveries to Afghanistan

KABUL | As RIA Novosti reports, Russia has completed deliveries of small arms and ammunition to Afghanistan under a military assistance program.

The last of nine Il-76 cargo planes landed on Friday in Kabul carrying weaponry and ammunition for the Afghan police forces to assist the legitimate government in the fight against crime, drug-trafficking and Taliban militants.

Russia has delivered a total of 20,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles and over 2.5 million rounds for these rifles. The weaponry will be distributed among police units in and around the capital, Kabul.

Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan Andrei Avetisyan earlier said that the delivery of small arms donations to Afghanistan will help strengthen security and the rule of law in the Central Asian country.

Soviet-era Kalashnikov assault rifles and machine guns are already widely used by the Afghan police force.

Other Russian contributions to the fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan include the supply of Mi-17 helicopters and crews to train Afghan pilots, possible Russian assistance in training Afghan national security forces, increased cooperation on counter-narcotics and border security, and improved transit and supply routes for NATO forces. (RIA Novosti)

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Dernière édition par MAATAWI le Ven 12 Nov 2010 - 17:29, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 29 Oct 2010 - 17:08

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Afghan Air Force Conducts Second Field Training Exercise

The Afghan Air Force's (AAF) Kandahar Air Wing (KAW) has successfully conducted its second field training exercise.
During the FTX 11-01 scenario, KAW participated in two simulated indirect fire attacks on its base to test their ability to survive and operate during a mass casualty and an unexploded ordnance vignette.
Nato Air Training Command and Afghanistan Security Forces advisers used smoke grenades to simulate rocket detonations and inert training aids to simulate unexploded ordnance.
The exercise provided KAW, security forces, fire protection and medical personnel with an opportunity to improve their command and control.
The commander of Kandahar Air Field Joint Defence Operations Centre supported the KAW request for a Nato explosive ordnance detail to assist the Kandahar Air Wing

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA)   Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Déc 2010 - 17:13

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British experts teach Afghan soldiers counter-IED techniques

Armée Afghane/Afghan National Army(ANA) - Page 2 8556d910

Afghan National Army (ANA) engineers are improving their counter-improvised explosive device abilities with the help of training from British Army experts.

ANA engineers with the 1st Kandak, 215 Maiwand Corps, have been conducting counter-IED training at Forward Operating Base Shawqat in Nad 'Ali - developing what is an essential skill set for troops operating in Helmand province, which suffers from a high level of IED incidents.

Sergeant Mark Foskett, an explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technician who is mentoring the ANA team, said the engineers stay busy either combing the local area for explosives or responding to IED incidents in the field. Their operational tempo has slowed down due to the recent Eid holiday, but his team is making every effort not to squander the little free time they currently have.

Sergeant Foskett said: "When we're back here on camp, we carry out continuous training. We're setting up scenarios for them to clear, and we're also giving them the lead to set up their own training."

Sergeant Foskett has given the Afghan engineers a more active role in the planning portion of the exercises in an effort to continually make their EOD team increasingly self-sufficient during every practical application session. Instead of planning the training scenarios himself, he turns the reins over to Sergeant Hassibullah, the ANA's EOD team leader.

After establishing the notional terrain, population and local compounds present during the scenario, Sergeant Hassibullah shares his plan of action with his advisors and fellow troops by using a makeshift terrain model. Once all are agreed that he has a solid plan, the engineers don their gear and ready their bomb-detection tools.

Although the scenario starts slowly, due to the cautious minesweeping carried out by the team's point man, the stress levels quickly ramp up once a potential bomb threat comes into play.

Sergeant Hassibullah explained after a recent exercise: "One of my corporals called back during the sweep to inform me he came across a potential IED threat. Once the threat had been established, I went to the front of the patrol and found the IED myself."

Sergeant Hassibullah was able to carefully uncover the hidden explosive charge after his point man uncovered a suspicious wire slightly protruding from the ground. In lieu of safely detonating the mine, the team leader explained to his British mentors exactly how he would destroy the bomb had this been a real incident.

Sergeant Foskett said: "Their performance was pretty good, and they're right back up to where we expect them. I'm very proud of them. This training highlights just what they can do.

"They're extremely keen to learn. They're always asking questions and wanting to know more about IEDs. They always want to improve themselves. They always want to know better techniques. They think of themselves as having a fighting role - it's the biggest threat out there and they want to be dealing with it."

Sergeant Hassibullah is also satisfied with the outcome of the training scenarios, and attributes most of his team's success to the dedicated mentorship of the British EOD advisors. He said: "The training here is really useful for us whenever we go into the field. When we first started working here, we knew very little about combating IEDs. Now it seems as if we know everything there is to know about dealing with mines. After all, this is our country and we are the future of our country. If we don't protect it, who will?"

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