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 Yémen: guerre du gouvernement contre les Houtis

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Leo Africanus
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Inscrit le : 12/09/2009
Localisation : Zone sud
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Yémen: guerre du gouvernement contre les Houtis   Yémen: guerre du gouvernement contre les Houtis - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 16 Sep 2009 - 7:42

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Yemen army says it killed 31 Shiite rebels

SANAA — Yemen's army said on Tuesday it had killed 31 Shiite rebels in separate operations in the rugged northern mountains where the military is pressing its month-old offensive aimed at crushing the militants.
Eighteen Zaidi rebels, known also as Huthis, were killed as they tried to capture army posts in the Jebel al-Ahmar area, some 15 kilometres (10 miles) south of Saada town, state news agency Saba quoted an army commander as saying.
A military source cited by defence ministry Internet site said rebel chief Abdel Mohsen Taous was killed in an attack on his vehicle at Hidan, southwest of Saada, and that another 12 rebels were killed in another attack.
Seventeen more rebels were reported wounded, the same source said.
Saada town is a rebel stronghold in the centre of the province of the same name.
"The army killed 18 of them and wounded many others, while the remaining (rebels) retreated," the unnamed commander said of the Jebel al-Ahmar clash.
He also said government forces had destroyed an arms cache and two vehicles transporting weapons in the region.
The same commander said five rebels were arrested in the Malaheez district, in Saada, the scene of heavy fighting since the military launched Operation Scorched Earth against the rebels on August 11.
On Monday, the army confirmed that seven soldiers, including a colonel, were killed in a rebel ambush in Saada on Sunday, after it had announced killing 22 rebels and capturing seven over the weekend.
The government launched last month's offensive in a bid to crush the Shiite rebellion which first erupted in 2004.
It has accused the rebels of seeking to restore the Zaidi Shiite imamate which was overthrown in a 1962 coup that sparked eight years of civil war.
An offshoot of Shiite Islam, the Zaidis are a minority in mainly Sunni Yemen but form the majority community in the north.
Relief groups have warned of worsening humanitarian conditions among the tens of thousands of civilians forced from their homes by the latest fighting.
The United Nations and the international Red Cross on Tuesday both called for an aid corridor to allow urgent relief supplies to reach civilians.
"The situation is not improving, it is still very tense and volatile," said Elisabeth Byrs, spokeswoman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
A humanitarian corridor must be established "as soon as possible for the civilian population to get access to humanitarian aid they need."
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said that gaining access to those in difficulties remains the "main challenge" for aid workers.
"Thousands and thousands of people are still in dire need of food, shelter, medical care, they depend heavily on humanitarian aid," said the ICRC's Dorothea Krimitsas.
The United Nations says that 35,000 people have been displaced over the past few weeks.
Copyright © 2009 AFP. All rights reserved. More
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Tearing Yemen apart As clashes revive fears of a Saudi Arabia-Iran proxy war,
the US is focused on al-Qaida's presence in a troubled nation
Renewed fighting in northern Yemen between government and rebel forces is feeding fears that a Middle Eastern proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran is spreading to the ungoverned spaces of the southern Arabian peninsula. But western analysts are staring boggle-eyed at quite a different spectre: the prospect that the biggest beneficiaries of Yemeni weakness will be the fanatical jihadis of al-Qaida.
UN agencies raised the alarm last week after 55,000 people, mostly women and children, fled clashes in and around Sa'ada city in northern Yemen between the forces of President Ali Abdullah Saleh's Sunni-led government and the Zaydi Shia followers of Sayyid Abd al-Malik al-Houthi. The exodus brought to 150,000 the number of people rendered homeless since July by a conflict that rekindled in 2004 but whose roots reach back to 1962.
The UN complained that its $23m emergency appeal launched on 2 September "has not yet received a single cent" despite the refugees' acute need. "Internally displaced people from Sa'ada governorate who fled to Amran arrived traumatised and exhausted, having spent three to five days walking in the desert," the UN said. Access to the remote area was hazardous and attempts were under way to open a humanitarian corridor from Saudi Arabia.
Yet according to the Houthi rebels, the Saudis are part of the problem. Claiming Riyadh is arming and supporting government forces, they issued a video last week purporting to show captured Saudi mortars. They also claim to have been bombed by Saudi jets. "We are placing before everyone the fact of direct Saudi support," a rebel statement said. "The regime has ceded sovereignty [and] delivered the country to foreign interests." Saudi Arabia denies the charges.
Saleh's government in turn accuses Iran and its Iraqi Shia ally Muqtada al-Sadr of backing the Houthis, who say they want greater autonomy. They also oppose the spread of Saudi-inspired Wahhabi teaching – an ostensibly reasonable aim given the links between Wahhabism and Sunni extremism. Saleh told al-Jazeera television that unnamed Iranians were in direct communication with the rebels and had funded secret "cells" within Yemen's security apparatus. Iran's ambassador to Yemen was recently warned of "negative consequences" should Iranian media continue "to be a tool in the hands of the subversives in Sa'ada".
Saudi Arabia's concerns about its neighbour's plight go beyond northern instability. Reviving separatist tendencies in southern Yemen are combining with shrinking national earnings (caused by declining oil revenues), high male unemployment, corruption, kidnapping and a chronic water shortage to undermine the central government's ability to hold the country together. Last month's assassination attempt on a Saudi minister was launched from Yemen.
For its part, Iran believes it has good reason to be suspicious of the Yemeni government's pro-western stance, suspicions stoked last week by a visit to Sana'a by John Brennan, the White House's counter-terrorism chief. Ignoring the complex nuances of the war in the north, Brennan delivered a letter from Barack Obama declaring that "the security of Yemen is vital for the security of the United States" – a surprisingly brash commitment – and promised increased US and international assistance. Obama stressed partnership in confronting the "common threat" posed by al-Qaida and Islamic extremism in general.
"Even if the actual foreign material support in Yemen's civil strife is minimal, the conflict is probably the newest front in a broadening proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia," said Robert Haddick of Small Wars Journal. "Lebanon is one front. Iranian attempts to gain influence over Shia populations in eastern Saudi Arabia, Iraq and the Persian Gulf is another." Now Yemen must be added to the list, he said, with Saudi officials nervous that Tehran's ultimate aim was control over Red Sea shipping lanes.
All this is worrying enough for the Obama administration and allies such as Britain with its own colonial era links to Aden. But as Brennan's mission suggested, al-Qaida's ongoing, apparently successful effort to establish a regional base in Yemen, taking advantage of a weak, distracted government, remains Washington's uppermost concern.
"Only Pakistan's tribal regions rival Yemen as a terrorist Shangri-La," the Wall Street Journal commented recently. Osama bin Laden was of Yemeni extraction, while about 100 Yemenis were held in Guantánamo Bay, it noted. It went on to quote Yemen's estimate that up to 1,500 al-Qaida-linked jihadis are based in the country – including Nasir al-Wahayshi, al-Qaida's "emir of the Arabian peninsula" and Jamal al-Badawi, wanted for his role in the 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Aden harbour. The editorial accused Saleh of double-dealing, by pursuing "a tacit non-aggression pact" with al-Qaida that allowed him to deal with other challenges.
"If left unaddressed Yemen's problems could potentially destabilise Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states," warned author Christopher Boucek in a new report for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. "The inability of the Yemeni central government to fully control its territory will create space for violent extremists to regroup and launch attacks against domestic and international targets. The international community must be realistic about the limitations of intervention in Yemen. In the near term, however, inaction is not an option."