Auteur | Message |
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Lun 9 Mai - 15:06 | |
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klan General de Brigade
messages : 3864 Inscrit le : 22/05/2010 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne Ven 27 Mai - 21:55 | |
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klan General de Brigade
messages : 3864 Inscrit le : 22/05/2010 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne Ven 27 Mai - 22:17 | |
| _________________ | |
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Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24811 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Ven 27 Mai - 22:27 | |
| Tu fais du joli travail Klan, des belles séries, Merci _________________ | |
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klan General de Brigade
messages : 3864 Inscrit le : 22/05/2010 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
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klan General de Brigade
messages : 3864 Inscrit le : 22/05/2010 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne Ven 27 Mai - 22:49 | |
| _________________ | |
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klan General de Brigade
messages : 3864 Inscrit le : 22/05/2010 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne Ven 27 Mai - 22:58 | |
| 1 juillet 2011 Zeltweg Sikorsky S-70A-42 Black Hawk_________________ | |
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Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 27 Juil - 8:38 | |
| +ils volent a peine 70/80 h/an,ce qui donne un cout de vol/h a 50.000€. +un programm d´upgrade est en cours pour mieux exploiter la ptite flotte,reduire les couts et augementer les h/an _________________ | |
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rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 27 Juil - 10:03 | |
| Entre les 50 000 € par heure de vol pour le Brigadier Stadlhofer et les 15 000 € Papachristofilou, il y a un monde, puisqu'ils ne parlent pas de la même chose, maintenant pourquoi ne parlent-ils pas de la même chose? | |
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Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 27 Juil - 10:10 | |
| dison que Herr Stadlhofer parle en pratique,et l´autre en theorie ne connait la braise que celui qui en a ete brulé. _________________ | |
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rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 27 Juil - 10:20 | |
| Le premier semble parler des coûts totaux du programme ramenées à l'heure de vol à raison de 1100 heures de vol par année d'utilisation pendant X années, c'était un aspect connu lors de l'acquisition de l'avion, et moins l'avion volera plus cela coûtera. L'autre lui oppose le coût de heure réelle de vol, tel que sa société le calcule. Qu'ils sont... intelligents ces messieurs! | |
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Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 27 Juil - 10:33 | |
| oui voila c´est ca. je trouve que ce programm autrichien d´EF etait la celebre souris née de la montagne,tout un tapage pendant des années pour un si pietre tableau,le lobby bavarois yy est pour quelquechose,je crois que Mader etait pro-F16 a l´epoque.. _________________ | |
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rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 27 Juil - 10:38 | |
| Je crois me rappeler que Georg avait un petit faible pour le Mirage 2000-5. Le F-16 MLU était le choix le moins cher.
Les raisons de la selection de l'Eurofighter par l'Autriche et ses méandres selon GM... | |
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MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: .. Mer 10 Aoû - 12:25 | |
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Austrian Air Force Orders German ADS-B Sensor
The Austrian Air Force has awarded a contract to Germany's Comsoft to supply an indoor variant of the ADS-B sensor.
The Austrian Air Force plans to temporarily install an ADS-B ground station at various sites for evaluation purposes, and to prepare for future installation site planning.
The air force also plans to acquire additional sensors for future needs to add to the infrastructure.
The ADS-B sensor delivery includes the quadrant control and monitoring system (QCMS), a pre-configured system with a high-resolution colour display, which can be integrated in IP-based communication infrastructures airforce-technology | |
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MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 19 Oct - 9:45 | |
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Marshall Aerospace has secured a substantial contract with the Austrian Air Force for upgrade of the avionic systems within their fleet of three C-130 aircraft.
The upgrades will be extensive and include the replacement of the aircrafts’ autopilot and radar altimeter systems, software updates to their transponders and flight management systems and the replacement of analogue instruments with multifunction LCD displays (as part of the colloquial “glass cockpit” upgrade) that will provide CNS/ATM compliant systems Steve Fitz-Gerald, CEO, Marshall Aerospace, commented: “We have supported the Austrian Air Force’s fleet of C-130s since they purchased these ex-RAF aircraft in 2002, and we therefore know the aircraft and the customer extremely well. Support to date has consisted of standard MRO work, but these critical upgrades will encompass a major avionic overhaul for each aircraft. We are therefore honoured that the Austrian Air Force has entrusted us with the important task ahead.”
Marshall Aerospace will perform the upgrades (plus associated testing and certifications), at Cambridge, commencing with the first aircraft in August 2012, and with all three returned to service by early 2015.
Marshall Aerospace press release | |
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Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24811 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Dim 27 Nov - 0:09 | |
| L'Armée va se débarasser des 2/3 de ses véhicules blindés ... beaucoup seront vendus, notamment : - 58 Leo 2A4 - 126 SK-105 - 432 SPZ A1 ( Saurer 4K 4FA ) - 110 M109 A5Ö - 32 M578 _________________ | |
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rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 4 Jan - 15:36 | |
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- Defence Minister Norbert Darabos has hit back after a fellow Social Democrat (SPÖ) suggested to sell Austria’s Eurofighter jet fleet.
SPÖ General Secretary Günther Kräuter said on Sunday Austria could get rid of its 15 fighter aircraft due to non-existent war concerns. Kräuter argued the alpine country was under higher financial and economic risk these days. He said selling the "expensive" 15 jets might help the SPÖ-People’s Party (ÖVP) coalition to lower the state debt.
Darabos announced yesterday (Mon) he was strictly against selling the fighter jets. The defence and sports minister said guarding Austria’s airspace was an "essential" aspect of Austria’s neutral state. Darabos added he was certain that Kräuter had nothing but good intentions by expressing the idea to sell the whole fleet. The defence minister added his party colleague’s proposal was "not elaborate".
Darabos confirmed that the planned sale of two thirds of the Austrian army’s tanks was on track. The minister explained the deal should help the ministry to 17 million Euros. Darabos added that the sale would also mean a reduction of the army’s operative costs by 15 million Euros a year. Reports that Darabos wanted to get rid of the military’s older tanks emerged last month. High-ranking army officials welcomed the intention to sell the tanks. They argued that older models were of no use in contemporary crisis scenarios.
The ÖVP criticised Darabos due to the envisaged sale of hundreds of tanks. A spokesman for the right-wing Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) said the defence minister lacked a concept. Darabos defended the decision by making aware of Austria’s changed position in the world of today. He said a "conventional" attack at Austria was "unlikely". The upcoming sale of the tanks is part of an extensive reform of the army. Austria’s military will focus on fighting cyber crimes and espionage in the coming years. Departments responsible for these protective activities will soon be increased.
Darabos became one of the current coalition’s most controversial personalities in October 2010 by campaigning in favour of a fully professional army. The minister claimed reducing the military’s workforce level and giving up its conscription system would be a good idea due to global developments and financial concerns. His statement came after he said several times that the mandatory military service was "set in stone" and would not be scrapped as long as he was in charge.
Darabos revealed his dramatic change of mind shortly after Vienna Mayor Michael Häupl – one of the most powerful Social Democrats – suggested an army reform. Häupl said young men’s time was wasted in the current system forcing them to serve in the Austrian army for six months. Häupl reportedly hoped to save his party from losing the Viennese city parliament election by telling the market-leading Kronen Zeitung about his vision for this federal political concern. The mayor’s attempt to avoid immense losses failed. The Viennese Social Democrats claimed 44.3 per cent in the ballot, down sharply compared to their performance in the city hall vote of 2005 | |
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rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mer 25 Jan - 16:37 | |
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- Quatre Eurofighters de l'armée de l'air autrichienne participent, comme les années précédentes, à la sécurisation de l'espace aérien à l'occasion du Forum économique mondial (WEF) de Davos, en Suisse, qui s'ouvre mercredi, a indiqué le général Karl Gruber, responsable de l'opération, baptisée "Dédale-12. | |
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rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Dim 12 Fév - 12:41 | |
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- Trois hélicoptères et 20 soldats de l'armée autrichienne ont ravitaillé aujourd'hui en vivres des villages de Bosnie-Herzégovine coupés du reste du monde en raison du froid, notamment ceux de Kupres et de Livno, dans le sud du pays, annonce ce soir le ministère autrichien de la Défense dans un communiqué. L'intervention de l'armée autrichienne a eu lieu à la demande des autorités bosniennes et dans le cadre de la mission de l'Union européenne Eufor, précise le ministère. La mission de l'Eufor en Bosnie est de veiller au respect de l'accord de paix de Dayton (Etats-Unis), qui a mis fin à la guerre de Bosnie (1992-95). L'armée autrichienne était également venue vendredi au secours d'un hélicoptère de l'armée. | |
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rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Sam 21 Avr - 12:17 | |
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- As previously announced in November 2011, the Austrian armed forces will reduce about two thirds of its heavy equipment in the coming years. These equipments include various types of tanks, self-propelled and antiaircraft guns.
This step is in line with reforms that will take current and future threats into account.
By 2014, some 750 armoured vehicles out of the current inventory of 1,150 will be retired. The vehicles will be sold, scrapped or used as a source of spare parts.
By 2014, this is expected to generate revenues of about 17 million euros.
In terms of operating costs, according to expert estimates, these reductions will generate medium-and long-term savings of more than 15 million €.
Types of tanks
The inventory of Kurassier tank destroyers, the M-578 armored recovery vehicles and armored personnel of the Saurer-Reihe series will be retired.
The fleet of Leopard 2 main battle tanks will be reduced by half, and a quarter of the fleet of M-109 self-propelled howitzers will remain in service.
The entire inventory of Ulan tracked armoured vehicles, Pandur wheeled armored transport vehicle and most of the recovery and engineer vehicles will be retained.
Skills are adapted
The military’s operational capacity will be reduced to align capabilities with realistic operational scenarios.
As a logical consequence, the training of personnel in the affected branches of armour, artillery and air defense artillery will be adjusted. | |
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Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Mar 24 Avr - 19:20 | |
| confirme - Citation :
- Austria making military equipment cuts
Published: April 23, 2012 at 12:41 PM Advertisement
VIENNA, April 23 (UPI) -- The Austrian Defense Ministry has reiterated its decision to cut its heavy equipment inventory by two-thirds.
About 750 armored vehicles -- out of the current inventory of 1,150 -- will be retired by 2014, it said. The retired vehicles will be sold, scrapped or used for spare parts.
Also being retired from service are the army's inventory of Kurassier tank destroyers, the M-578 armored recovery vehicles and armored personnel carriers of the Saurer-Reihe series.
The Austrian army has about 48 Kurassier tank destroyers in operation, with more than 60 in storage.
The Defense Ministry said the number of its Leopard 2 main battle tanks will be reduced by half and three-quarters of its fleet of M-109 self-propelled howitzers will be retired.
The government said the reductions in inventory take into account possible future threats the country may face. They will also save money.
More than $19 million in operating costs will be saved in the medium term and long term, it is estimated. The selling of unneeded equipment or its scrapping is expected to generate about $22.4 million in revenue by 2014.
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godzavia Adjudant-chef
messages : 461 Inscrit le : 21/09/2010 Localisation : algérie alger Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Lun 30 Avr - 17:19 | |
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rafi General de Division
messages : 9496 Inscrit le : 23/09/2007 Localisation : le monde Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Lun 30 Avr - 17:22 | |
| Ce sont des lettons, pas des autrichiens. | |
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MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer Ven 29 Juin - 9:19 | |
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A soldier of the Austrian Army 'Jagdkommando' Special Forces battalion poses with a FN P90 selective fire personal defense weapon (PDW) , on June 28, 2012, during a competitive military exhibition in Graz, some 200 kilometers south-west from Vienna.
A soldier of the Austrian Army 'Jagdkommando' Special Forces battalion poses with a MG 74 machinegun, on June 28, 2012, during a competitive military exhibition in Graz, some 200 kilometers south-west from Vienna.
A paratrooper from the Austrian Army 'Jagdkommando' Special Forces battalion lands with a parachute and a European flag trailing behind, on June 28, 2012, during a competitive military exhibition in Graz, some 200 kilometers south-west from Vienna.
An Austrian Army Blackhawk Helicopter lands, on June 28, 2012, during a competitive military exhibition in Graz, some 200 kilometers south-west from Vienna.
Two soldiers of the Austrian Army antiaircraft defense regiment pose with a 'Mistral' antiaircraft guided missile, on June 28, 2012, during a competitive military exhibition in Graz, some 200 kilometers south-west from Vienna. | |
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Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
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Contenu sponsorisé
| Sujet: Re: Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer | |
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| Armée autrichienne / Austrian Armed Forces / Österreichisches Bundesheer | |