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 l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces

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9 participants
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena13
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Ambass10l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Untitl10
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena20

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Empty
MessageSujet: l'Armée Lettone Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMer 17 Nov - 23:55

exercices des soldats lettons avant le déploiment en Astan mars 2010

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 568dd62a
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces E8408b3f
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l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 71665296
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Cde88467
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces C93c62b3

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Marche12

Dernière édition par Fremo le Mar 18 Déc - 19:34, édité 1 fois
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena13
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Ambass10l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Untitl10
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena20

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Empty
MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMar 25 Jan - 0:58

Citation :
Mise à flot du premier patrouilleur SWATH destiné à la marine lettone

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 4b596b655755307143346b4141523136?

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 30525
Le Skrunda a été baptisé le 20 janvier


Premier d'une série de cinq navires livrables d'ici 2013, le Skrunda a été baptisé le 20 janvier aux chantiers Abeking & Rasmussen de Lemwerder, en Allemagne. Long de 25.6 mètres pour une largeur de 13 mètres, ce bâtiment est un catamaran de type Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull (SWATH), configuration offrant une excellente tenue à la mer grâce à une faible surface de flottaison mais deux coques profondément immergées. Doté de deux moteurs diesels MAN D2842 de 809 kW chacun, le Skrunda pourra atteindre la vitesse de 12 noeuds et franchir 1000 nautiques à cette vitesse. Cela représente environ une semaine d'opérations.
Polyvalent, le bâtiment, armé par 8 marins, pourra embarquer un conteneur logé à l'avant, entre les deux coques. Il comprendra un module pour la mise en oeuvre de plongeurs, des équipements de guerre des mines (comme un robot télé-opéré) ou un canon de 20mm. Selon Abeking & Rasmussen, la configuration SWATH et le concept modulaire pour les équipements permet d'obtenir une unité trois ou quatre fois moins grosses qu'un navire monocoque à même de réaliser les mêmes missions.

Côté électronique, le patrouilleur disposera d'un radar (bande X) et un système électro-optique (caméra TV/IR, télémètre laser).
Commandés par la marine lettone en 2006, les cinq bâtiments de ce type sont réalisés à Lemwerft mais aussi, pour deux d'entre eux, en transfert de technologie dans un chantier de Riga. En dehors du Skrunda, Abeking & Rasmussen réalisera le second (Chesis) et le quatrième (Jelgava) patrouilleur de la série, les troisième (Viesite) et cinquième (Rezekne) étant construits à Riga, où le Viesite a été mis sur cale en novembre dernier.
On notera que le Skrunda est le 12ème SWATH réalisé par Abeking & Rasmussen. Depuis 1999, le chantier allemand a construit différents navires de 25, 40 et 50 mètres adoptant ce design (bateaux pilotes, navires de soutien de champs éoliens offshores, yachts privés).
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 34d2a24f
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l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Marche12
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena13
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Ambass10l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Untitl10
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeLun 7 Mar - 0:41

Citation :
Latvian UAV designer UAV Factory has upgraded the options for the Penguin B small unmanned aerial vehicle, extending its range and capabilities, the company says.

With a new onboard generator system, the Penguin B can now constantly supply 80W of dual-voltage power to payloads, UAV Factory says. The company has also developed a larger, 7.5L tank for the four-stroke Honda gas engine, taking its endurance to more than 20h. The larger fuel tank is also available on the two-stroke engine model for up to 10h of endurance.

The V-tailed UAV, with its 3.3m (10.8ft) wingspan, has a combined fuel-and-payload capacity of 11.5kg (25.4lbs), the company says. Rather than using a catapult or being thrown like some small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, the Penguin B can take off autonomously from a simple launcher attached to a standard car-top rack.

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Uavk

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Marche12
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena13
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Ambass10l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Untitl10
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeVen 1 Avr - 23:57

Quelques photos de l'ARAS, les forces anti-terroristes lettones, qui célébrent en ces moments ses 20° années d'existance
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras23

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras1

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l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras12

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras13

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras14

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras15

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras16

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras17

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras18

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras19

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras20

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras21

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Aras22

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Marche12
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena13
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Ambass10l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Untitl10
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeDim 3 Avr - 8:18

Exercice récent à Kazlu Rüda ... on peut remarquer les nouveaux équipements des soldats
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Kr5v

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Kr6t

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Kr7

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Kr8a

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Kr9w

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Kr10d

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Kr11

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Kr12

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Marche12
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena13
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Ambass10l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Untitl10
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena20

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Empty
MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Juin - 8:33

Latvians in Kevadtorm 2011

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 19052011kevadtorm4

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 19052011kevadtorm3

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 19052011kevadtorm

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l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 19052011kevadtorm8

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 19052011kevadtorm9

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Marche12
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena24l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena25
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Untitl10
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Cheval10l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena15

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Empty
MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeSam 23 Mar - 11:40

Citation :
Latvian Soldiers during Exercise "Famous Tiger" a field training exercise in preparation at the Adazi Training Area in for a future deployment to Afghanistan - 18th March 2013

Photo: Gatis Dieziņš, Rekrutēšanas un jaunsardzes centrs
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Latvia10
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Latvia11
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Latvia12
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Latvia13
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40537
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite :
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l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena25l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Cheval10l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena15
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Medail10

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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeLun 25 Mar - 12:07

Citation :
Thales va livrer un radar GM400 à l'Estonie

Le 25/03/2013 à 08:12 | Par Guillaume Steuer

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Gm400
L'Estonie a passé commande de deux radars GM400 en 2009.

Après la Finlande, l'Estonie : la société conjointe ThalesRaytheonSystems doit livrer demain au cours d'une cérémonie officielle le premier des deux radars de surveillance Ground Master 403 (GM403) commandés par Tallinn en juin 2009. Une étape symbolique qui suit de près la livraison d'un premier radar similaire à la Finlande, en janvier dernier.

En 2009, à l'issue d'une compétition qui l'avait notamment opposé à une offre de Lockheed Martin, le Ground Master avait en effet été déclaré vainqueur d'un appel d'offres mené conjointement par la Finlande et l'Estonie, qui avaient au total passé commande de 14 systèmes.

Le GM403 est un radar à antenne active doté de modules d'émission-réception au nitrure de gallium (GaN) et fonctionnant en bande S. Selon la littérature commerciale du constructeur, il affiche une portée de détection d'environ 400 km sur une cible affichant une signature équivalente radar de 2 m².

La gamme GM400 comporte également un GM406, plus puissant que le GM403. C'est ce radar qui est d'ailleurs proposé à la Turquie dans le cadre de l'appel d'offres T-Loramids, en complément du système sol-air SAMP/T. Dans cette configuration, le GM406 doit en effet être capable de fournir une désignation d'objectif au profit du SAMP/T pour l'interception de missiles balistiques de courte portée, type Scud.

A ce jour, neuf pays ont déjà passé commande de radars GM400 : la France, la Slovénie, la Malaisie, la Finlande, l'Estonie, le Canada, l'Allemagne, le Maroc et le Chili.
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena20l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena22
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena21

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Empty
MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeLun 25 Mar - 14:09

on doit donc attendre encore pour nos GM403

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces A10-na10
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeVen 14 Mar - 14:32

Citation :
Latvian Army to Purchase 120 Armored Vehicles

The National Armed Forces of Latvia will purchase approximately 120 armored vehicles worth a total of 70 million euros from Great Britain. The deal is part of a plan of mechanizing Latvia's infantry brigade.

Citation :
Latvia and UK Sign the Letter of Intent On Mechanization of Land Force Infantry Brigade

Under the protocol, the two countries have committed to concluding a bilateral agreement on the purchase of used and upgraded combat vehicles at the end of May 2014. The price of the combat vehicles and other issues concerning the purchase will be specified. Latvia is currently planning to acquire 120 “Combat Vehicles Reconnaissance (Tracked)”.

The purchase of the British combat vehicles will cost an estimated 70 million euros. Part of the sum has already been allocated. 1.79 million euros have already been allocated to the mechanization project, and it is planned to assign 12.27 million euros in 2015 and 16.29 million euros in 2016.

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Ewpp
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
Médailles de mérite : l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena24l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Cheval10
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces M15c10

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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeLun 24 Mar - 22:45

Citation :
Latvia receives final Skrunda-class patrol boat

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Latvia_-_main

The Latvian Naval Forces received its final Skrunda-class patrol boat on 20 March, the Latvian Ministry of Defence has announced.
Delivered in a ceremony on 20 March, Rezekne (P-09) is the Latvian navy's fifth and final Skrunda-class Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull (SWATH) patrol boat.
As with the third and fourth boats of the class ( Viesite and Jelgava ), Rezekne was built by Latvia's Riga Shipyard (Rigas Kugu Buvetava - RKB). The first two vessels ( Skrunda and Cesis ) meanwhile were built by Abeking & Rasmussen, the vessel's designer, at their shipyard in Lemwerder, Germany. A contract for the vessels was signed in December 2007, following the selection of the Abeking & Rasmussen SWATH design in September 2006.
The Skrunda-class' principal role with the Latvian Naval Forces is for patrol and rescue operations, although the vessels can also be fitted with mine-countermeasures (MCM) and oil dispersal equipment. In these roles they are operated by the Latvian Naval Forces' Fast Patrol Boat Squadron and its Coast Guard unit.
The Skrunda-class is replacing the Latvian Naval Forces four ex-Royal Norwegian Navy (RNoN) Storm-class armed fast patrol boats and five ex-Swedish Coast Guard (KBV) 236-class unarmed patrol craft.
Based on Abeking & Rasmussen successful SWATH harbour pilot design, the Skrunda-class are 25.7 m long, 13 m wide and displace 127 tonnes. Powered by two MAN D 2842 diesel-electric engines they have a maximum speed of 20 kt. The vessels are armed with two 12.7 mm general purpose machine guns, and can be equipped with a modular mission module (standard ISO-size) with a payload of up to 6 tonnes for a variety of other weaponry/equipment.
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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Juin - 12:23

Irak (2006):
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 800px-Latvian_Army_soldier_Diwaniyah_2006
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
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l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Untitl10
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Cheval10l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena15

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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Juin - 10:46

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
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l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Untitl10
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Cheval10l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena15

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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMer 15 Juil - 8:43

Citation :
Lithuania deploys military instructors in Ukraine to train country's National Guard
Published: Tuesday, 14 July 2015 15:03

Lithuania is deploying 4 military instructors of the Lithuanian Armed Forces to train local military personnel alongside U.S. troops in Ukraine. The soldiers deployed to area of operations and will begin preparations for completing their assignment, announced the Lithuanian Defence Ministry on July 8th, 2015.

The soldiers who will provide training for Ukrainian military are assigned to the Lithuanian Grand Duke Kęstutis Mechanised Infantry Battalion, Mechanised Infantry Brigade Iron Wolf. “Our troops along with their counterparts from the U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade will be training members of the Ukrainian National Guard to carry out tasks individually and as part of a unit,” Commander of the Lithuanian Land Force Major General Almantas Leika said.

Lithuania contributes military instructors to the U.S.-led programme for training and equipping of the National Guard of Ukraine.

This is not the first time Lithuania is contributing to training Ukrainian troops. In the beginning of this year paramedics of the Lithuanian Armed Forces rendered medical support and assisted in training Ukrainian paramedics alongside U.S. soldiers.

Lithuania has been actively supporting Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity, as well as providing support by every means possible and legally acceptable since the beginning of the aggression of the Russian Federation in the country.

Moreover, wounded members of Ukraine’s Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) are treated at the Military Rehabilitation Centre Druskininkai and civilian healthcare institutions. The cooperation with Ukraine is also developed through training Ukraine’s military personnel in Lithuania, organisation of joint exercises, establishment of the joint Lithuanian, Polish and Ukrainian Brigade, and in other areas.

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40537
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite :
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l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena25l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Cheval10l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena15
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Medail10

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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Juil - 20:14

Citation :
La Lituanie et la Lettonie s'associent pour leur défense aérienne

Dans Actualité Défense
Publié le 16/07/2015 à 15h52, par Justine BOQUET

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 397
Suite à leur rencontre, le lundi 13 juillet, la présidente lituanienne et son homologue letton
ont décidé de coopérer pour renforcer la défense des pays baltes.
© President of the Republic of Lithuania

Lundi 16 juillet, les présidents lituanien et letton se sont rencontrés à Vilnius où ils ont décidé de s'associer pour acquérir un système de défense aérienne.

A la suite de leur rencontre, dans le cadre d'une conférence de presse, les deux présidents ont annoncé que la coopération entre les deux pays allait être renforcée pour permettre une acquisition commune d'armement afin de promouvoir « le développement de capacités militaires communes ». Aucun détail n'a été révélé, toutefois Dalia Grybauskaite, la présidente lituanienne, a révélé que les discussions portaient principalement sur la volonté de s'équiper d'un système de défense aérienne.

Mme Grybauskaite a également annoncé que l'Estonie et la Pologne seraient invitées à rejoindre cette initiative de coopération militaire. Ce à quoi son homologue letton, Raimonds Vejonis, a ajouté qu'une acquisition commune permettrait de réduire les coûts tout en complétant efficacement les capacités militaires des quatre Etats.

Le 28 mai dernier, suite à une rencontre entre les trois ministres de la Défense baltes, le projet de mettre en place une défense aérienne commune avait été révélé. Pour ces hommes politiques, cette mesure répond aux « menaces grandissantes » auxquelles les pays baltes doivent faire face et à l'intervention militaire russe en Ukraine. « La coopération régionale dans la Défense au niveau des Etats Baltes est plus cruciale que jamais, l'assurance de notre sécurité est notre solidarité » avait alors déclaré le ministre lituanien, Juozas Olekas.

Parallèlement, les Etats baltes pourront bénéficier du Programme d'Assistance pour la Sécurité Régionale de la Pologne. Mis en place par Varsovie afin de répondre à la menace russe en Europe de l'Est, ce plan vise à soutenir financièrement les efforts d'armement des alliés voisins grâce, entre autre, à l'octroi de crédits exports.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
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l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Unbena26l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Untitl10
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l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Empty
MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMar 4 Aoû - 8:52

Citation :
Latvia plans to acquire Stinger surface-to-air missile systems from U.S.

Latvia will purchase Stinger surface-to-air missiles from the United States, Commander of the Latvian Armed Forces Raimonds Graube announced Friday July 31, amid concern in the ex-Soviet Baltic state over Russia's sabre-rattling in the region.

"A decision was taken to buy the Stinger missile system," Latvian chief of defence Lieutenant General Raimonds Graube said on public television.

He added that the total cost and number of missiles would be decided after the EU and NATO member agrees next year's budget, which is likely to happen in October.

He said the Stingers would likely be kept at the Adazi military base near capital Riga - the same base due to host heavy US weaponry starting later this year as part of a reinforcement of Baltic defenses announced last month.

Baltic nations have been watching Russia warily since it annexed Ukraine's Crimea in March last year.

Latvia has been a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) since 2004. The military alliance currently conducts air policing missions from bases in Lithuania.

The Latvian government has begun increasing defense spending in response to what NATO perceives as a Russian military threat since 2014.

The FIM-92 Stinger is a personal portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile (SAM), which can be adapted to fire from ground vehicles or helicopters (as an AAM), developed in the United States and entered into service in 1981.
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMar 8 Sep - 7:23

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U.S. troops to train soldiers of Latvia armed forces about the MQ-1 Predator UAV.

On Tuesday, Sept.8, at 2:30 p.m. a distinguished visitors and media day is scheduled to take place at the Latvian National Armed forces Air Force Base in Lielvarde, where the Airmen form Texas National guard will demonstratethe U.S. Air force remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs)’ s „MQ-1 Predator”.

The event will be attended by the President of Latvia H.E. Raimonds Vejonis, the Minister of Defence Raimonds Bergmanis, the Chief of Defence Lt.Gen. Raimonds Graube, the U.S. Ambassador to Latvia H.E. Nancy Bikoff Pettit, the Michigan National Guard Commander Maj.Gen. Gregory Vadnais, the Air National Guard Mobilization Assistant to the Commander Maj.Gen. Eric W.Vollmecke, the Adjutant General of the Texas National Guard Maj.Gen. John N. Nichols.

The U.S. Armed forces have sent to Latvia, Lielvarde Air Force Base two RPAs „MQ-1 Predator” and approximately 70 Airmen to participate in a two-week training operation in order to test deployment capabilities and to carry out air operations while assuring NATO allies the U.S. commitment to regional security.

It is planned that the RPA team trainings will be held jointly with the Latvian air support controllers and the U.S. pilots of A-10 „Thunderbolt II” aircraft.

The training operation began on August 24, when Airmen and equipment of the 174th Reconnaissance Wing of the when Texas Air Force National Guard Airmen arrived in Latvia. The training operation will last until Sept.15.

As soon as the U.S. Air Force will conclude that this model of cooperation works, Lielvarde airfield will be recognized as one of the platforms from which, if necessary, “Predator” RPAs can take off.

For the first time the U.S. Air Force has sent the following RPAs for training operation with Latvian allies, and for the first time they will be used in Latvian airspace.

Last year, on May 15, soldiers from Michigan National Guard 126th Cavalry Regiment made the first RPA “RQ7-Shadow” flight to improve compatibility with the Latvian Armed Forces.

On June 4, 2015 land on Camp Adazi improved by the U.S. engineers was opened. The improved land now includes a runway that can be used to land such RPA as the "RQ7-Shadow" which provide training support opportunities for Latvian soldiers working with the Michigan National Guard. If necessary, helicopters or small planes can land on this particular runway.

The tactical runway that was built at the military base, give soldiers the opportunity to integrate the options RPAs provide by integrating them with other armed forces capabilities and the elements that would be impossible in the ordinary aerodrome.

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Latvia10

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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMar 8 Sep - 7:25

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Latvia MOD has concluded a contract with United Kingdom for delivery of 123 CVRT light armoured

The Ministry of Defense of Latvia has concluded a contract with United Kingdom for the delivery of 123 armoured vehicles from the CVRT family. Latvia’s GBP 39.4 million (about EUR 49.8 million / $67.5 million) order will refurbish and deliver 123 British Combat Reconnaissance Reconnaissance (Tracked) light armored vehicles, which Britain had retired in the wake of its 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review.

The vehicles are expected to enable the Latvian Army to better transport infantry, reconnaissance teams, air defence sections and mortar fire controllers and also provide vital battlefield capabilities, including ambulances, armoured command vehicles and armoured recovery vehicles.

In February 2014, Latvian Defense Minister Raimonds Vejonis met with British Defense Ministry State Secretary Philip Hammond, during which the two sides have signed a protocol for cooperation in a project aimed at mechanizing Latvia's infantry brigade, LETA was informed by Defense Ministry spokesman Kaspars Galkins.

The delivery of CVRT armoured vehicles to Latvia could include CVRT Spartan armoured personnel carrier, CVRT Scimitar armed with a 30mm gun, CVRT Samson recovery vehicle , CVRT Samaritan command post vehicle and CVRT Sultan armoured ambulance.

Currently, Latvian armed forces have only a few Soviet-made armoured vehicles and main battle tank T-55 and BRDM-2.

l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Latvia11

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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Oct - 12:37

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ThalesRaytheonSystems to Provide Sentinel Radars to Latvia

(Source: ThalesRaytheonSystems; issued Sept 30, 2015)

FULLERTON, Calif. --- ThalesRaytheonSystems announced today that the country of Latvia will procure four (4) Improved Sentinel AN/MPQ-64 F1 air defense radars. The Sentinel procurement, the first of its kind for the Latvian Armed Forces, will complement the country’s existing defense network by detecting, identifying and tracking airborne threats including: fixed and rotary wing aircraft, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Sentinel is a highly mobile and versatile three-dimensional, phased-array radar system that operates in the X-band frequency range.

Its capabilities are suited for a wide range of missions including air surveillance, air defense and missile systems coordination, and homeland defense, as well as infrastructure and asset protection.

The radar is also the primary sensing component for alerting and cueing of targets for NASAMS (National Advanced Surface to Air Missile Systems).

“Sentinel meets the unique requirements of the Latvia Armed Forces, giving them the ability to more effectively meet today’s ever-evolving threat,” said Ross Niebergall, chief executive officer, ThalesRaytheonSystems, LLC, US Operations. “The radar provides accurate, reliable situational awareness that many nations, including the United States, rely on for air defense.”

ThalesRaytheonSystems is an international company specializing in air defense systems, air command and control systems, 3D air defense radars, battlefield and counterbattery radars. Since its inception in 2001, ThalesRaytheonSystems has become one of the defense industry’s most successful transatlantic joint ventures. The company employs 1,400 people and is equally owned by Thales and Raytheon.

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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMar 6 Oct - 13:39

Citation :

Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Latvia purchases three Lockheed Martin's TPS-77 Multi-Role Radar systems
The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and Lockheed Martin signed a contract for three TPS-77 Multi-Role Radars (MRR) for use in air surveillance and to complement radar assets already in place. “Purchase of “TPS-77” MRRs will mean a huge investment in the strengthening of defence capabilities of National Armed Forces and gives us the chance to act accordingly to modern threats facing all NATO countries,” emphasizes Minister of Defence of Latvia Raimonds Bergmanis.

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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Oct - 15:13

Citation :

Land Platforms
Latvia overhauls radar capabilities
Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
07 October 2015
Latvia has ordered a series of new air surveillance radars from the United States, in a major overhaul of its air-defence network.

In total seven new radars have been ordered from contractors ThalesRaytheonSystems and Lockheed Martin.

Explaining the purchases, the commander of the Latvian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Raymond Graube, said, "Early warning and situational awareness is a prerequisite for timely decision-making and effective response," according to a statement from the Latvian Ministry of Defence.

These new radars include three long-range TPS-77 Multi-Role Radars (MRRs) from Lockheed Martin, which will complement the country's existing three TPS-77 air surveillance radars purchased between 2003 and 2007.

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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeVen 23 Oct - 9:33

Citation :
Latvia orders Saab RBS 70 missiles

The Latvian Ministry of Defence has placed an order for Saab RBS 70 missiles, that would be delivered in the 2015-16 period. The new batch of missiles will complement the existing one, given that Latvia has been a customer of the MANPADS since 2004.

The Latvian Defence Minister, Raimonds Bergmanis, stated after signing the contract that “anti-missile defense is one of our main and strategic priority in order to strengthen Latvia`s defense and security. The agreement between Saab and the Ministry of Defence of Republic of Latvia will demonstrate excellent cooperation between Sweden and Latvia, which builds trust and confidence with regard to the security in the region. Sweden is a very good partner in the anti-missile defence field and our cooperation has a long history. It is very symbolic, because it started in 2004 when Latvia joined NATO and based on that cooperation we have trained many soldiers Latvia`s Armed Forces”.

The system has an effective range between 200 and 8,000 metres, at altitudes of up to 5,000m. The operator guides the missile through an integrated high-resolution thermal imager with a night sight capability. The system can be used in a stand-alone mode or on a vehicle, supporting mobile units, or as a VSHORADS integrated on a C2 system in conjunction with other launchers.

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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeMar 22 Déc - 19:56

Nouveau camouflage de l'armée Lettone.
Citation :
l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 119
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l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces 12191
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Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeVen 29 Avr - 11:57

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MessageSujet: Re: l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces   l'Armée Lettone \ Latvian Armed Forces Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Mai - 12:15

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