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 Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco

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MessageSujet: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeLun 14 Fév 2011 - 12:43

Citation :
An Expanded SeaVue Radar
A significant focus for Aero India 2011, Raytheon’s SeaVue family of radars offers Indian customers the most advanced surveillance solutions for support of maritime, coastline and overland mission applications.

Recently approved for export to the country of Morocco, the new SeaVue XMC radar completed flight trials in May 2010 in support of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This radar incorporates Ocean Surveillance Initiative technology, which includes streaming digital video and next-generation maritime situational awareness expertise, building upon generations of successful maritime radar systems developed, produced and delivered by Raytheon.

This versatile airborne surveillance radar can also be used for commercial and military applications, including customs drug enforcement, border surveillance, exclusive economic zone monitoring, illegal traffic monitoring and oil spill detection.

Global ISR Interactive Demo
Visitors to the Raytheon booth at Aero India 2011 will have the opportunity to view an interactive demo that highlights Raytheon’s maritime capabilities. A maritime surveillance scenario highlights the APY-10 radar for the P-8A, the SeaVue XMC radar and AAS-44C(V) multi-spectral targeting system for the Indian MH-60R.

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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeLun 14 Fév 2011 - 12:57

peut ont conclure qu il aura acquisition d avions de patrouille maritime Question
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena21

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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeLun 14 Fév 2011 - 12:57

well done buddy Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_sal
unmatched capabilities,la derniere version SeaVue XMC (SeaVue eXpanded Mission Capability) testé l´eté 2010
non Alloudi a mon avis ils seront integrés dans une plateforme presente comme les CASA ou Panther,ou alors...les Predator

Citation :
Description: SeaVue is a lightweight, high-performance, long range surface (maritime and overland) mapping radar family for rotary and fixed-wing aircraft, ship and land applications. It is well suited to detect small maritime targets in high seas while scanning a wide area.

SeaVue radar provides inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging surveillance of ocean targets, SAR, weather detection and avoidance mode, small target detect, long range detection, Moving Target Indicator (MTI) and search and rescue transponder.

The SeaVue are operational in several countries on the Hawker 800, de Havilland Dash-8, Caravan II, ATR-42, CASA C-212, and Embraer EMB-145 (ERJ 145) AEW&C aircraft.

The APS-134LW is part of Raytheon's SeaVue family of radar systems for maritime and littoral surveillance applications. The Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) uses the APS-134LW as a component on the APQ-2 surveillance system installed on the JASDF U-125A aircraft. U-125A is a modified Hawker 800 twin-engine business jet.

In March 2006 National Air Support (NAS) subsidiary Surveillance awarded Raytheon a contract for the supply of 10 SeaVue maritime radars for integration into a fleet of Q300 turboprop aircraft. This contract was awarded on behalf of Australia's CoastWatch program which will deliver 10 modified Q300 aircraft to perform maritime surveillance missions.

pris d´une une conference de Raytheon
Citation :
CORINNE KOVALSKY: You’re here to give us an update on SeaVue radar, but why don’t we start by explaining to our listeners what SeaVue radar is and give us an example of SeaVue in action.

NEIL PETERSON: It’s high performance maritime and overland radar that provides the customer with a cost effective surveillance for fixed wing, helicopter, ship and land based applications, and it has unmatched capability in the detection of small target in high sea states.

CORINNE KOVALSKY: Now over the last year you’ve worked on a software update. What new capabilities does the radar have as a result of that?

NEIL PETERSON: Oh, we’re very excited to announce that we have been working on a new upgrade. We call it the SeaVue XMC Radar. This particular radar includes the ability to automatically detect, track, and really sort out thousands of maritime targets simultaneously. We can then correlate the radar tracks with an automotive identification system, provide optimal flight planning for data collection, integrate multiple real time data sources, and even reduce the down
leg bandwidth requirements via an advanced data compression techniques. In the maritime environment where it is very congested today, this is a great opportunity that allows the customers to address the need for complete persistence in accurate wide area surveillance in these very harsh and complex tactical maritime domains.

CORINNE KOVALSKY: Neil, homemade subs are in the news a lot these days as the transportation of choice for drug runners. How does SeaVue XMC search for and identify these?

NEIL PETERSON: SeaVue has a special mode in algorithms, and what we do is that we leverage our post to post and scan to scan processing schemes that enable us to decorrelate the clutter in high seas states at extended ranges to be able to pull these things out of the clutter and to be able to detect them at actively sufficient ranges. The advantage that the SeaVue provides is that you can actually scan larger areas and do larger search patterns, as well as get better detects on these types of targets for ID.

CORINNE KOVALSKY: Now what’s the international market like for SeaVue XMC?

NEIL PETERSON: The international market is a natural progression of all the various multimission surveillance application we had and, in fact, we have delivered SeaVue’s in more than 150 systems operational worldwide. If you look at where the SeaVue is today, there is a natural progression where there will be a PQ path, and we’ve already got these systems flying in countries such as Italy, the U.K., Australia, Japan, Thailand, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Taiwan, and as various others are coming up and emerging we plan on just adding those to the list.

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco A10-na10

Dernière édition par Yakuza le Lun 14 Fév 2011 - 13:05, édité 2 fois
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messages : 12189
Inscrit le : 05/04/2008
Localisation : france
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena21Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Untitl10
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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeLun 14 Fév 2011 - 13:00

Super Radar !!!
Avec ca et les installations d'EADS on est bon
reste a savoir qu'elle est la plateforme qu'il le recevra ( hélicoptère, avions, base au sol, etc)

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Marche12
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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeLun 14 Fév 2011 - 13:02

Citation :
non Alloudi a mon avis ils seront integrés dans une plateforme presente comme les CASA ou Panther,ou alors...les Predators

ok Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco 11
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messages : 12189
Inscrit le : 05/04/2008
Localisation : france
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena21Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Untitl10
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Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena13

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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeLun 14 Fév 2011 - 13:05

Pas une mauvaise idée les Prédators...

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Marche12
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena21

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeLun 14 Fév 2011 - 13:14

testés dessous

Citation :
Raytheon's Expanded Mission Capability Radar Completes Flight Testing

(McKinney, Texas, May 4, 2010) -- Raytheon Company's (NYSE: RTN) expanded mission capability SeaVue radar completed its flight testing on an MQ-9 Predator aircraft.

This expanded mission capability (XMC) version of SeaVue is an advanced maritime situational awareness suite that significantly reduces operator workload and improves mission efficiency.

"A solid partnership between U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), the Johns Hopkins University and Raytheon has enabled us to develop and field this unique system to meet defense, civil and homeland security requirements," said Tim Carey, vice president for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems. "Raytheon is proud to offer another product that demonstrates our leadership in maritime surveillance and our commitment to providing advanced solutions for international and domestic customers."

The SeaVue XMC radar incorporates streaming digital video and next generation maritime situational awareness technology to meet the need for complete, persistent and accurate wide-area maritime surveillance. The technology was developed by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab and funded by NAVSEA.

The SeaVue XMC radar is deployed on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's MQ-9 Predator and DHC-8 airframes.

The innovative, new features of the SeaVue XMC radar include the ability to automatically detect, track and sort thousands of maritime targets simultaneously; correlate radar tracks with automatic identification system contacts; provide optimal flight planning for data collection; integrate multiple real-time data sources; and reduce downlink bandwidth requirements via advanced data-compression techniques.

Source: Raytheon Company

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco A10-na10
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messages : 7967
Inscrit le : 24/04/2007
Nationalité : Maroc-France
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Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeLun 14 Fév 2011 - 14:31

Bon travail Alloudi ! Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_sal

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Sign_v10
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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeLun 14 Fév 2011 - 20:28

Une excellente nouvelle !! Bravo les gars pour votre travail de recherche minutieux Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco 11 .
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena20Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena22
Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena21

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeMar 15 Nov 2011 - 12:26

Citation :
Raytheon Given Export Approvals for Advanced Maritime Radar

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 15, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) has received approval from the U.S. Department of State to export the SeaVue eXpanded Mission Capability (SeaVue XMC) maritime and overland surveillance radar to Morocco. Morocco is the first country cleared for export of this radar with expanded technology.

"Raytheon's proven experience as a global leader in maritime surveillance is further solidified by this approval to export our unique capability," said Tim Carey, vice president for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems for Raytheon's Space and Airborne Systems business. "No other company offers this exclusive technology to the Middle East-North Africa region."

Raytheon's SeaVue XMC is deployed on U.S. Navy and U.S. Customs and Border Protection aircraft for surveillance along the U.S. coastline, as well as in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Its flexible radar architecture allows custom configuration to various platforms.

The XMC software significantly lessens operator workload by reducing the number of hours required to monitor and identify potential threats in the maritime domain. This translates to a significant increase in the area covered, which saves global customers time and money while increasing mission success.

More than 150 Raytheon SeaVue radars, without the expanded capability, are operational worldwide in Australia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Rtn_p_sas_seavue_1

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco A10-na10
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Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeMar 15 Nov 2011 - 13:34

Bonne nouvelle... est-ce que cela signifie que nous opterons bientôt pour des Predator Question
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messages : 25275
Inscrit le : 31/03/2008
Localisation : Pau-Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc-France
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Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeMar 15 Nov 2011 - 13:47

Spartan a écrit:
Bonne nouvelle... est-ce que cela signifie que nous opterons bientôt pour des Predator Question

déjà fait Arrow

Sois généreux avec nous, Ô toi Dieu et donne nous la Victoire

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Signat10
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena20Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena22
Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena21

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeMar 15 Nov 2011 - 13:57

soit sous Predator ou B350

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco 41696310

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Seavue11

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco A10-na10
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Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeMar 15 Nov 2011 - 15:12

Fahed64 a écrit:
Spartan a écrit:
Bonne nouvelle... est-ce que cela signifie que nous opterons bientôt pour des Predator Question

déjà fait Arrow

J'avais eu vent de négociations, je ne savais pas que l'on avait acquis ce drone !
C'est du très bon tout ça, i'm proud Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco 11
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena20Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena22
Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena21

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeMar 15 Nov 2011 - 16:26

du bourget

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Seavue12

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco A10-na10
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messages : 11670
Inscrit le : 12/12/2008
Localisation : paris
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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeMer 16 Nov 2011 - 21:35

Notez que les autres acquéreurs, font partis du premier cercle des alliés.

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messages : 11670
Inscrit le : 12/12/2008
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Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Jan 2012 - 12:31

Citation :
Détroit de Gibraltar : Le Maroc s'équipe en radar ultramoderne

Les Etats-Unis viennent d’approuver l’exportation de la nouvelle version XMC du « SeaVue », un radar fabriqué par l’entreprise américaine Raytheon, spécialisée dans les systèmes de défense et d'électronique. Le Maroc sera le premier pays dans le monde à s’équiper de cette technologie, utilisée actuellement par la marine de guerre (US Navy) et les garde-côtes des Etats Unis (United States Coast Guard), a fait savoir, mercredi 11 janvier, El Pueblo de Ceuta.

Ce système qualifié d’« ultramoderne », sera installé sur des avions affiliés aux Forces armées royales marocaines, indique la même source. Cette nouvelle acquisition devrait permettre aux autorités marocaines de mieux surveiller le détroit de Gibraltar, haut lieu de l'immigration clandestine et du trafic de drogue.

yabiladi avec pour source " El Pueblo de Ceuta" (chaab dialna Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_mrg )

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messages : 7470
Inscrit le : 12/09/2009
Localisation : Zone sud
Nationalité : Maroc
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Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Jan 2012 - 12:32

on ignore toujours sur quelle plateforme sera installé le radar ?
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Jan 2012 - 12:34

Je suppose les King Air ou CN235

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Marche12
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messages : 12189
Inscrit le : 05/04/2008
Localisation : france
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena21Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Untitl10
Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena26Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Cheval10
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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Jan 2012 - 14:19

CN-235 se serai pas mal, d'ailleur avec l'arrivé des C-27 J, je suis pour la transformation de 2 ou 3 CN-235 en CN-235 MPA

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Marche12
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messages : 7470
Inscrit le : 12/09/2009
Localisation : Zone sud
Nationalité : Maroc
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Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Jan 2012 - 14:56

seavue c'est juste pour détecter les petites embarcations parfait pour la lutte anti migration clandestine et les gofast transportant la drogue loin d'être un MPA
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Fév 2015 - 12:42

Il semble que ce truc a été installé sur ksar ?

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Marche12
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messages : 12189
Inscrit le : 05/04/2008
Localisation : france
Nationalité : Maroc-France
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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Fév 2015 - 22:54

ksar ?

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Marche12
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silent eagle
silent eagle

messages : 1247
Inscrit le : 17/04/2012
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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Fév 2015 - 22:56

RED BISHOP a écrit:
ksar ?

La base navale de Ksar Sghir

Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco 20130210
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MessageSujet: Re: Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco   Radar SeaVue XMC for Morocco Icon_minitime

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