Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC
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Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC

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 Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)

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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena26Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena13
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Ambass10Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Untitl10
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena20

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Empty
MessageSujet: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeMer 23 Mar 2011 - 0:09

selon des infos, cette chose peut tirer un Torpille ...
Citation :
La Corée du Nord renforce ses forces sous-marines

La Corée du Nord renforce sa force sous-marine. Elle déploie de nouveaux sous-marins, de la classe Shark K-300, qui ont de meilleurs performances, sont plus longs et ont une vitesse en plongée plus grande que la version précédente, qui s’était infiltré dans les eaux sud-coréennes en 1996.

Un responsable du gouvernement sud-coréen a indiqué dimanche que « nous avons confirmé des images satellite américaines et d’autres informations, montrant que le Nord construit et déploie, depuis quelques années maintenant, de nouveaux sous-marins de la classe Shark.

« Ils sont plus longs d’environ 5 m que le précédent modèle qui mesurait 34 m, et ils peuvent naviguer en plongée à 10 km/h de plus. »

La Corée du Nord possède environ 70 sous-marins et submersibles. La classe Shark, dont elle disposerait de 40 exemplaires environ, constitue le composant principal de sa force sous-marine.

Chosun Ilbo

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Marche12

Dernière édition par Fremo le Mar 25 Oct 2011 - 15:09, édité 1 fois
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena26Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena13
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Ambass10Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Untitl10
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeMer 6 Avr 2011 - 17:06

Citation :

La Corée du Nord teste un nouveau sous-marin au cours d’exercices

La Corée du Nord a augmenté cette année l’intensité de ses exercices navals en déployant un nouveau sous-marin, poussant les militaires sud-coréens à augmenter leur niveau de vigilance, a déclaré mercredi une source gouvernementale.
« La Corée du Nord organise des exercices navals, près de ses bases de mer de l’Est et de mer Jaune. Entre 5 et 6 sous-marins participent à ces exercices, dont un sous-marin de la nouvelle classe Sango, » a indiqué la source sous condition d’anonymat.
« Notre armée surveille de près les activités de l’armée nord-coréenne parce qu’il est inhabituel que le Nord renforce l’intensité de ses exercices impliquant des sous-marins, » a précisé la source.
Outre ses sous-marins rudimentaires de la classe Sango (35 m de long), le Nord a récemment mis en service des sous-marins de la même classe, de 40 m de long.
Mardi, le ministre sud-coréen de la défense, Kim Kwan-jin, a déclaré aux parlementaires que l’armée surveillait avec attention les frontières maritimes parce que les forces armées du Nord avaient lancé des exercices navals d’infiltration.

YonHap News Agency

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Marche12
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 2468
Inscrit le : 13/02/2011
Localisation : ******
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena24Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena25
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena26

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeDim 15 Mai 2011 - 1:56

Citation :
Transfert de technologie entre Iran et Corée du Nord

La Corée du Nord et l'Iran semblent avoir procédé à des échanges réguliers de technologie relevant des missiles balistiques en violation des sanctions de l'Onu, selon un rapport confidentiel des Nations unies que Reuters s'est procuré samedi.

Le document précise que ces transferts illégaux de composants se sont effectués "par l'intermédiaire d'un pays tiers voisin". Le pays en question est la Chine, ont déclaré à Reuters plusieurs diplomates ayant requis l'anonymat.


Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  4cdc5300-4889-4be3-9a10-1fb0c573da7d
"Les belles idées n'ont pas d'âge, elles ont seulement de l'avenir"
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Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Empty
MessageSujet: DPRK   Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeDim 15 Mai 2011 - 13:06

Bonjour à tous, je cherche le max de docs photos sur l'armée de l'air de Corée du Nord; Merci d'avance.Désolé si je ne suis pas dans le bon topic, j'ai encore un peu de mal.
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena24Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena25
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena21Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena26
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena27Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena20

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeSam 28 Mai 2011 - 13:46

Citation :

Introducing Kim Jong-il’s best fighter aircraft

The bulk of the Korean People’s Army Air Force’s inventory consists of poorly maintained antiquated aircraft (Mig 17s, Mig 19s or Chinese variants thereof) that would not last long against either American or South Korean adversaries in the event of a conflict
However, the latest issue of the KPA Journal (PDF) gives details on the MiG 29 Fulcrum, the KPA’s most modern aircraft.
The primary base for the MiG 29 is at Sunchon, one of the North Korean bases that include underground airfields, where they are assigned to the 55th Kumsong Guard Air Regiment. The 55th also flies Su 25K ground attack aircraft.
An American intelligence aircraft operating off the coast of North Korea had a close encounter with a couple of North Korean MiG 29s on March 2, 2003. The two aircraft intercepted the American plane and one pilot gave a hand signal for the spy plane to follow him into North Korean territory, presumably to land in North Korea and be captured. The American plane turned back instead and the MiGs left before scrambled American F 15s could arrive on the scene.Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  NK-MiG-291-621x372

One of the two KPAF MiG-29s that intercepted a USAF RC-135S surveillance aircraft on March 2, 2003. The image was captured from a video taken by one of the crew members abroad the RC-135S. (USAF photo)

The article goes into some detail about the Korean plane’s production and maintenance history, including this telling paragraph (see KPA Journal link):

It is currently estimated that the KPAF has an inventory of Approximately 30 MiG 29B/UB FULCRUM A/B aircraft, however, no more than 12 have ever been seen at once on commercial satellite imagery. It should be noted that as export models there aircraft are significantly less capable than their Russian counterparts.
So perhaps North Korea’s best fighters are only a little less junkly than the rest of their airfleet.
The issue of the KPA Journal also includes personnel changes in North Korea’s security apperatus following the Fourth Session of the 12th Supreme People’s Assembly and brief accounts of the lessons the KPA learned from American-led air campaigns during Desert Storm in 1991 and operations against Yugoslavia in 1999.
After checking out that issue, you may want to check out some previous issues of the KPA Journal.

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Star3
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Captur10
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena24Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena25
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena21Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena26
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena27Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena20

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeMer 8 Juin 2011 - 13:25

Citation :

North test-fires missiles off coast
South shrugs off link to latest threats
北추가도발 가능성 부상…한반도 '긴장기류'

June 08, 2011

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  07225419
A file photo of North Korea’s KN-02 short-range surface-to-surface missile. [JoongAng Ilbo]
North Korea test-fired short-range missiles into the Yellow Sea last week from a region in North Pyongan Province, a source told the JoongAng Ilbo.

According to a high-ranking South Korean government official, the missiles were some of the latest models in the North’s arsenal with a firing range between 100 to 110 kilometers (62 to 68 miles). The official added that North Korea alerted its fishing boats to clear the area prior to the test.

“The South Korean military believes that the missiles fired were versions of the surface-to-surface KN-02 short-range missiles enhanced into KN-06 surface-to-air missiles,” said the official. KN-02 missiles were successfully test-fired in 2005 and themselves are upgraded versions of Soviet Tochka missiles.

If the South Korean military’s observations have been correct, last week’s missile test would have been the first observed in 19 months.

In July 2009, North Korea fired a series of short-range missiles into the East Sea on two different days in a 96-hour period. The tests were criticized by the international community as violations of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1874.

The South Korean military was unruffled by the recent tests, and it considers them unrelated to a May 30 statement from North Korea’s National Defense Commission saying it would cut all ties with the South. North Korea has also been threatening to strike the South with military force since then.

“We are on the lookout for a link between the missile test and the recent military threats we’ve been receiving,” a source told the JoongAng Ilbo.

North Korean forces have been observed since last year deploying SA-2 surface-to-air missiles in various regions. The same missiles were seen set up on the west coast after the North attacked Yeonpyeong Island last November.

According to military sources, the North’s military has also been engaged in training drills since the beginning of the year to track South Korean military aircraft with radar and fire on them.

“It seems North Korea is trying to make up for its weak air force with their surface-to-air missiles,” said the government source.

By Jeong Yong-soo, Christine Kim []

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Star3
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Captur10
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sergent chef
sergent chef

messages : 257
Inscrit le : 13/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena32

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeDim 28 Aoû 2011 - 15:51

J'aime la propagande de la DPRK Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  874160
Une des armées sinon l'armée la plus disciplinée du monde.

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messages : 2787
Inscrit le : 11/07/2010
Localisation : montreal
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena11Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena10
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena31Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena11

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeDim 28 Aoû 2011 - 16:41

un vrai film de karaté !

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  11104110
Pro rege, saepe, pro patria semper

اقسم بالله العظيم ان اكون مخلصا لله و لملكي و ان اتفانى في خدمة وطني و دفع كل خطر يهدده و ان انفد اوامرقائدي الاعلى صاحب الجلالة
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Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeMar 30 Aoû 2011 - 19:22

Citation :

North Korea Admitted As The Largest Supplier Of Missiles

North Korea has become the largest supplier of different types of ballistic missiles to various developing countries, according to Defense Aerospace, with reference to a report by research company Forecast International. In the period from 1987 to 2009, North Korea has exported 1200 missiles, representing about 40 percent of this market segment weapons. For comparison, the direct competitors in the market of ballistic missiles to the developing countries - Russia and China - have managed to export only 400 and 270 missiles, respectively.

The largest buyers of North Korean ballistic missiles were Egypt, Syria, Libya, Yemen, United Arab Emirates and Pakistan. About what exactly rocket in question was not specified. At present, the DPRK made a short-range ballistic missiles, KN-2, Hwasong-5 and Hwasong-6, medium-range Nodong-1, Nodong-2, Taepodong-1 and Musudan. It is known that in 1985 Iran had acquired one hundred missiles Hwasong-5 for $ 500 million. Later, on the basis of this missile Iran has developed its own Shahab-1.

As noted by Forecast International, with 1994 exports of North Korean ballistic missiles began to fall sharply. The main reason for this was the end of the Iran-Iraq war and the deployment of U.S. military operations in Iraq. In addition, many countries - the buyers of North Korean weapons began to open its own production line of ballistic missiles. As a result, North Korea increased its exports of components and materials for the production of ballistic missiles. In parallel, with the demand for fire doors of high quality.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), in the period from 1987 to 2009 the volume of North Korea's arms exports amounted to $ 1.7 billion. Greatest demand different types of North Korean missiles and surface ships, with the peak demand for the last occurred in 2002-2004, when it had exported 257 warships.

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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena26Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena24
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeMar 13 Sep 2011 - 14:13

Citation :

Today it's being disclosed that a US military reconnaissance plane was intercepted by North Korea. The electronic jam caused bad mobile connections in Seoul and disabled US military GPS devices.

The incident happened in March during an annual U.S./South Korean drill known as "Key Resolve."

In March, North Korean military units electronically attacked the U.S. reconnaissance plane. The plane's GPS system was disturbed by jamming signals from North Korean's southwestern cities of Haeju and Kaesong. The signals were sent every 5 to 10 minutes on the afternoon of March 4th. 45 minutes after take off, the plane made submitted to the jamming and called for an emergency landing.

North Korea has a regiment-sized electronic warfare unit neary Pyongyang and some battalion-sized units near the lines of military demarcation.

The incident was disclosed in a report by Seoul's defense ministry and confirmed by political aides today with Fox New York. But US and US Forces Korea aren't discussing the incident further. North Korea has 20 Russian jamming devices and reportedly developing more.

Mobile users in Seoul reported bad connections during the drill and the GPS jam. The military's GPS was reported as "malfunctioned." South Korean naval ships and speedboats, used for patrols, were also affected as well as civilian flights in an area of Seoul.

Since then, it's been reported that North Korea is developing a signal jamming device with an extended range, The South Korean defense ministry reported to their parliament Tuesday that North Korea's new Global Positioning System jammer has a range of more than 100 kilometers. The jammer is but one of the electronic warfare devices under development in North Korea.

North Korea has, in the past, mounted Russian jamming devices on vehicles near borders that disturb GPS signals within a radius of 50 kilometers to 100 km.

Although South Korea can't confirm it, the country did express fears or concerns that North Korea is in the process of developing electromagnetic pulse bombs meant to damage and destroy high tech defense systems like radars and communication networks.

Seoul has complained to the Koreans Communications Commission about the disruptions and jamming signals caused by the North. The International Telecommunications Union and the U.N. have urged Pyongyang to stop disrupting South Korean signals.
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messages : 2546
Inscrit le : 01/02/2010
Localisation : Bruxelles
Nationalité : Belgique
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena24Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Untitl10
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena13

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeMar 13 Sep 2011 - 19:12

dragon-style a écrit:
J'aime la propagande de la DPRK Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  874160
Une des armées sinon l'armée la plus disciplinée du monde.

defilé au pas c'est une chose c'est pas pour ça que cette armée est discplinée
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena26Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena13
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Ambass10Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Untitl10
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeMar 25 Oct 2011 - 15:04

Citation :

Une délégation de la Marine nord-coréenne en visite en Russie

Une délégation de la Marine nord-coréenne conduite par le contre-amiral Kim Myong-sik est arrivée lundi à Petropavlovsk-Kamtchatski en provenance de Vladivostok, dans le cadre de sa visite officielle en Russie, a annoncé le porte-parole des Troupes russes du nord-est de la Russie.

Le contre-amiral Kim Myong-sik, commandant de la flotte de l'Est de la Marine nord-coréenne, rencontrera des membres du commandement des Troupes russes du nord-est de la Russie, avant de se rendre au musée militaire de Petropavlovsk-Kamtchatski ainsi qu'à la base de sous-marins nucléaires de la flotte russe du Pacifique, à Vilioutchinsk.

La délégation militaire nord-coréenne séjournera en Russie jusqu'au 27 octobre. Le 20 octobre, elle a déjà rencontré le commandant par intérim de la flotte russe du Pacifique, le contre-amiral Sergueï Avakiants. A Vladivostok, les hauts gradés nord-coréens se sont rendus à bord du destroyer Marchal Chapochnikov et du sous-marin diesel Krasnokamensk, avant de visiter une unité de fusiliers marins.

Le commandant de la région militaire russe de l'Est, l'amiral Konstantin Sidenko, a effectué une visite en Corée du nord du 22 au 26 août 2011. Ses entretiens avec les commandants de l'Armée populaire nord-coréenne ont porté sur une coopération militaire bilatérale, sur l'organisation d'exercices terrestres et navals conjoints ainsi que sur des visites amicales croisées des bâtiments de guerre russes et nord-coréens.

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Marche12
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena26Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena13
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Ambass10Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Untitl10
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeSam 3 Déc 2011 - 19:29

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Marche12
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messages : 2787
Inscrit le : 11/07/2010
Localisation : montreal
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena11Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena10
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2011 - 4:03

Fremo a écrit:

pauvre montagne ce pays est coincé en 1941

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  11104110
Pro rege, saepe, pro patria semper

اقسم بالله العظيم ان اكون مخلصا لله و لملكي و ان اتفانى في خدمة وطني و دفع كل خطر يهدده و ان انفد اوامرقائدي الاعلى صاحب الجلالة
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena20Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena22
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2011 - 15:21

la voix de propagande communiste comme on l´aime pirat
la pauvre montagne rasée represente la corée soeur toute proche a qui on passe un message de force,a part l´artillerie en masse qui reste le danger mortel pour Seoul,le reste est plus ou moins neutralisable[hormis nuke].
la puissance de feu est tout simplement infernale silent

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  A10-na10
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena26Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena13
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Ambass10Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Untitl10
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena20

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2011 - 15:35

Ils ont encore des Mig17 et Il28 en service ...

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Marche12
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena20Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena22
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena21

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2011 - 15:55

leurs bases sont neutralisables en premiere frappe,rien que par des Jdam/SLAM-ER programmées,les pistes/hangars seront rasés.
le probleme est cette masse d´artillerie qu´on dit la plus concentrée dans le monde (sur la DMZ)

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  A10-na10
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeDim 4 Déc 2011 - 17:51

Une VRAIE pluie de feu... Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  139789
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messages : 6028
Inscrit le : 29/05/2007
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2011 - 3:09

En effet après constatation des choses ils ont l'air déterminé.

Il ne sagit d'une propagande a mon avis,ils montre simplement de quoi ils sont capable avec ce qu'ils ont.

A ne pas sous estimer leur artillerie qui reste leur seul arme aveuglement dévastatrice pour son frère ennemi du sud.

Au sinon niveau aérien a part une poignée de Mig-29, le reste sert d'appui au sol,ils ont du misé sur la DAT de ce coté la.

Au faite ils ont tout misé sur le nuke..

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  75px-m10
الله الوطن الملك
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeLun 5 Déc 2011 - 14:54

En 2006, les USA & la Corée du Sud ont tenté 1 simulation informatique sur 1 attaque surprise de la Corée du Nord.

Ils ont estimé qu'avec seulement ses moyens d'artilleries & ballistiques, il y aurait 50,000 morts les 12 premiéres heures, principalement à Séoul.
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena24Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena25
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Déc 2011 - 12:39

Citation :

N.Korea closer to nuclear-tipped missile - U.S. expert

(Reuters) - North Korea likely is closer to mounting nuclear warheads on its ballistic missiles than generally reported, possibly only one or two years away, the U.S. Congress's former top expert on the issue has concluded.

Larry Niksch, who tracked North Korea for the nonpartisan U.S. Congressional Research Service for 43 years, concludes in a new paper that the North probably would need as little as one to two years to miniaturize and mount a nuclear warhead atop its medium-range Nodong missile once it has produced enough highly enriched uranium as the warhead's core fuel.

A North Korea armed with nuclear-tipped missiles would rattle East Asia and present new policy and military challenges to the United States and its allies.

Trying to determine when Pyongyang will reach that threshold has long been a challenge for the U.S. intelligence community. Niksch's timeline, if correct, puts out a new marker for strategists.

Last January, then-U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the North was within five years of building an intercontinental ballistic missile that, paired with its nuclear program, would be "a direct threat" to the United States.

North Korea has staged relatively few missile tests in recent years, suggesting it is still working on perfecting the needed technologies even as it has cooperated with Iran to do so.

Its nuclear and missile capabilities are once again in the spotlight as power passes to North Korea's designated young leader, Kim Jong-un, after the December 17 death of his father, Kim Jong-il.

Pyongyang already may have produced enough highly enriched uranium (HEU) for a warhead or be close to doing so, Niksch and experts such as Siegfried Hecker, the former head of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, said in interviews with Reuters.

Hecker said the North would have to conduct another nuclear test, its third, to have confidence that it had successfully miniaturized a warhead for one of its missiles.

"If the test is successful they may be able to have the capability within a couple of years," he said in an email exchange, referring to a nuclear-tipped missile.

"We simply don't know what else they have and how much HEU they can make or have made," added Hecker, who toured North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear complex in November 2010, his fourth visit there.

Jonathan Pollack, author of the 2011 book No Exit: North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, and International Security, emphasized the many unknowns pending further North Korean nuclear and missile tests.

"I think they'd have a reasonable chance of being able to mount a nuclear warhead on a missile in three to five years if they speed up research, development, testing and evaluation," said Pollack, of the Brookings Institution in Washington.

"If North Korea achieves some testing successes earlier than I anticipate, it might able to achieve this goal somewhat sooner."

The North is reckoned by U.S. intelligence to have between 30 and 50 kilogrammes of separated plutonium, enough for at least half a dozen nuclear weapons. Plutonium is the other type of fissile material used in nuclear weapons.

Pyongyang apparently has decided against making more plutonium bombs since it shut down a plutonium production facility at its Yongbyon nuclear complex in July 2007. It did so during six-party nuclear disarmament talks that it has since abandoned.

The North may have several plutonium-based nuclear warheads small enough to be mounted on missiles as well as dropped from aircraft, Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess, director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, told the Senate Armed Services Committee March 10.

Even with limited HEU production of which the North may already be capable, it could generate enough new bombmaking ingredients for one to two weapons per year, nuclear scientists say.

The North has been pursuing nuclear and missile capabilities for strategic deterrence and international prestige as well as for economic and political concessions, Burgess told Congress.

"While North Korea may be willing to abandon portions of its nuclear program in exchange for improved relations with the United States, Pyongyang is unlikely to eliminate its nuclear weapons," he said.

The Defense Intelligence Agency declined to comment for this article on its estimate for a nuclear-tipped missile, as did the CIA. Non-government experts emphasized the difficulty of pinning down nuclear developments in North Korea, a country distinguished by its opaqueness.


The North has conducted two tests of a nuclear device, in October 2006 and in June 2009. It has carried out three tests of missiles beyond medium range since 1998. The sole test of its intermediate-range Taepodong-1 overflew Japan and landed in the Pacific in August 1998, falling short of a declared goal of putting a satellite into orbit. But it spurred perhaps billions of dollars of Japanese investment in U.S.-built antimissile hardware and defense services.

The maiden flight test of North Korea's longest-range missile, the Taepodong-2, ended in failure about 40 seconds after launch on July 5, 2006. It was tested again in April 2009, when its first stage travelled about 270 km before falling into the Sea of Japan without orbiting a small communications satellite.

Niksch predicted North Korea first would mount nuclear warheads on its Nodong and shorter-range Scud missiles, possibly followed by mating them to long-range missiles. He said this would fuel domestic pressure in Japan to develop long-range strike capabilities despite its war-renouncing constitution, and rattle the region.

Japan on Monday urged China -- host of the talks that also involved the two Koreas, Russia, Japan and the United States -- to shoulder a big role in making sure that North Korea avoids volatile moves after its announcement of Kim Jong-il's death of a heart attack, apparently at age 69.

Constraining North Korea is especially important for Japan, which is well within range of the North's long-range missiles.


Niksch's one- to two-year timeframe for mounting a nuclear warhead is based largely on his assessment of reports about warhead technology shared with Pyongyang by A.Q. Khan, regarded as the father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb.

Niksch said in the interview "there can be no doubt" that North Korea received from Khan a blueprint of the nuclear warhead mounted on Pakistan's medium-range Ghauri missile.

But Pollack said he did not put much faith in accounts based on information supposedly supplied by A.Q. Khan, a nuclear scientist considered by experts, including Hecker, as an unreliable source.

Pakistan's Ghauri itself is a twin of Nodong missiles supplied by North Korea before May 1998, when Pakistan tested its first nuclear devices. Pakistan mounted nuclear warheads on its Ghauri missiles within three years, Niksch said in a paper to be published Friday by the Institute of National Security Strategy in Seoul.

North Korean nuclear experts were present at six nuclear tests that Pakistan carried out in May 1998 and the North "appears to have received all of the test data," said Niksch, now an advisor to the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies.


Hecker, who from 1986 to 1997 headed the Los Alamos National Laboratory that handles U.S. military nuclear research, was shown what he has called "astonishingly modern" uranium enrichment facilities during his November 2010 tour of the Yongbyon complex.

The facilities are likely configured to make low enriched uranium for the experimental light-water reactor that he was shown but they could be "readily converted to produce highly enriched uranium bomb fuel," he said in his trip report.

The North must have additional centrifuge facilities to have made as much progress in such a short time, including some that may be dedicated to producing HEU bomb fuel, Hecker added in the email exchange.

HEU contamination was found by U.S. scientists on aluminum samples and copies of reactor operation documents provided by North Korean officials to U.S. authorities while the six-party talks were progressing, said Hecker.

Bruce Lemkin, who from 1997 to 2000 negotiated in and with North Korea on behalf of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization, predicted a dramatic show of military power soon, to "validate" the leadership of Kim Jong-un, who has been picking up new titles in an apparent attempt to signal a power consolidation.

"Perhaps it will be another nuclear test detonation or a ballistic missile firing or both, perhaps even with the assertion that North Korea has, indeed, weaponised similar missiles with nuclear devices," said Lemkin, who retired in 2010 as U.S. Air Force deputy undersecretary for international affairs.

U.S. officials have a habit of underestimating the North Koreans, Niksch said.

"They tend to make more rapid advances in expanding their nuclear weapons program than U.S. experts believe they are capable of," he said.

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Star3
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeVen 30 Déc 2011 - 21:53

Un Roméo vert ... en fait ce petit pays qui opére une flotte de SM composée de plus de 70 unités, posséde plus de 20 Roméo-C assemblés localement. Appremment, on a commencé à les retirer du service laissant la place à des SM de poche de conception locale.

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  13134712

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Marche12
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Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeSam 31 Déc 2011 - 3:03

ce qui explique la cooperation avec l´iran,ils ont une evolution semblable(SM de poche et couleur verte)

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  A10-na10
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
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Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Ambass10Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Untitl10
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeSam 31 Déc 2011 - 9:37

Exact, les Ghadir sont des dérivées des Yono coréen voir Sang-O ...

En fait, la ROKS Cheonan a été coulée par un Yono.

sinon, une vue rare d'un Teachong I

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  13134710

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Marche12
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena26Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena13
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Ambass10Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Untitl10
Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)    Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Jan 2012 - 12:50

Durant les manoeuvres qu'on a vu dans la video de la page précedante, il semble que les nord coréen ont testé avec succés une nouvelle version du missile Anti-Navire Styx, à partir du vieux bombarier Il-28.

Denier Numéro de DSI

à noter que l'Iran developpe elle aussi des version amélioré des Styx.

Armée nord coréenne / Korean People's Army (KPA)  Marche12
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