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 Moroccan Officers Visit South Carolina

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MessageSujet: Maroc USA   Moroccan Officers Visit South Carolina Icon_minitimeVen 22 Juil 2011 - 14:29

Citation :
Moroccan army officers visit the South Carolina National Guard

Story by Staff Sgt. Kimberly Calkins
CHARLESTON, S.C. – Two officers with the Royal Moroccan army visited
the 218th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade during a multi-site tour of the
South Carolina National Guard July 13.

The 218th MEB provided representatives from the Royal Moroccan army,
Lt. Col. Abderrahim Htit, a medical officer, and Lt. Col. Lotfi Ihsan,
an operations officer, with a tour of the Charleston Readiness Center,
an in-depth account of the history of the 218th MEB, and a briefing on
the concept of operations for hurricane response.

“It was an informative briefing,” said Lt. Col. Michael A. Krell,
deputy commander, 218th MEB. “I believe they were impressed with our
ability to plan, rehearse, train and execute our emergency response
plan for the state and ultimately the nation.”

The 218th MEB is a key contributor to the Defense Support to Civilian
Authorities agency, providing military assistance to civilian
authorities during incidences to include but not limited to terrorist
threats or attacks, natural disasters, and other emergencies. The SCNG
conducts training events to include reacting to a nuclear detonation
and hurricane response management.

Although Morocco is not affected by hurricanes, the country does suffer the catastrophes of flooding and wild fires.

The mission of the South Carolina National Guard relates directly to
what the Moroccan army is trying to achieve in their emergency response
program, said Maj. Karen Nuccitelli, State Partnership Program director
for Utah National Guard.

The visit was made possible through a partnership formed between SCNG
and the Royal Moroccan army by the Utah National Guard’s State
Partnership Program. The SPP connects National Guard states and
territories with partner countries with the intent of establishing
long-term economic, political and military relationships.

“Our visit not only focuses on emergency response but also on the
American culture and the history of the state that we visit,” said Lt.
Col. Jeffrey T. Wyatt, Sr., Office of Security Cooperation, chief for
the U.S. Embassy in Rabat, Morocco.

After the visit with the 218th MEB, the Royal Moroccan army officers
participated in cultural activities in the Charleston area.

Moroccan Officers Visit South Carolina 429022_q75

Citation :
Lt. Col. Abderrahim Htit, a medical officer from the Royal Moroccan
Army, discusses emergency response operations with Lt. Col. Jeffrey T.
Wyatt Sr., Office of Security Cooperation, Chief for the U.S. Embassy
in Rabat, Morocco, during a visit to the 218th Maneuver Enhancement
Brigade, Charleston Readiness Center, Charleston, S.C., July 13. The
218th MEB provided a briefing on the concept of operations for
hurricane response to representatives from the Moroccan Royal Army for
future emergency response planning for the government of Morocco.

Moroccan Officers Visit South Carolina 429021_q75

Citation :
aj. William S. McDaniel explains the
lineage of the 218th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade through the
Washington Light Infantry to Royal Moroccan Army officers, Lt. Col.
Lotfi Ihsan, an operations officer, and Lt. Col. Abderrahim Htit, a
medical officer, during a tour of the Charleston Readiness Center,
Charleston, S.C., July 13. The officers visited the 218th Maneuver
Enhancement Brigade during a multi-site tour of the South Carolina
National Guard.
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