Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC
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Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC

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 Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )

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10 participants
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena26Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena13
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Ambass10Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Untitl10
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeLun 19 Sep - 10:37

F6 Farmer tanzanien ... Je ne sais si ils sont toujours en service ou pas .. Ils ont été engagé durant la guerre contre Uganda, à coté des F7 contre les forces ougandais en 79 .. Et Bien sûr Gaddafi était là aussi Razz en effet il a envoyé 3000 soldats et des palestiniens aussi ! les arabes se sont souvent trouvés seules face aux tanzaniens aidés par les rebelles ougandais et ont enregistré plusieurs pertes humaines et matériels. Les tanzaniens qui ont sorti victorieux de la guerre, ont donné des coups importantes aux troupes arabes, avec la perte des dizaines de T54/55, des blindés et des BM21 et on parle même d'un TU22 libyen perdu après une attaque de l'aviation tanzanienne. La guerre a fini par la chute du régime d'Idi Amin.

Pourquoi Gaddafi supportait tant Idi Amine ? Ben tous simplement il était son beau fils ..

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) F-6%2B9205%2B%2BTANZANO%2B01-09-2009

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) F-6%2B9211%2BY%2B9205%2BTANZANOS%2B27-08-2009

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) F-6%2B9236%2BJWTZ%2BTANZANO%2B03-03-2009

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Marche12
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 14/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena20Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena22
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena21

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeLun 19 Sep - 12:05

Fremo a écrit:

Pourquoi Gaddafi supportait tant Idi Amine ?
pour raisons suivantes:

-il appreciait que dada amin s´est converti a l´islam,dans un pays majoritairement catholique.
-il etait fou comme lui,avec sa fameuse histoire du dernier King of Scotland Laughing
-il detestait les juifs a mort
-il faisait tout ce que lui disait fafou contre financement de ses folies,a sa demande par exemple il avait expulsé 80k ougandais asiatiques,il a nationalisé tout ce qui etait british,l´economie sé st effondrée..mais fafou n´a pas coupé le robinet mais lui dictait quoi faire,comme labo d´experience.

quand il a voulu suivre les officiers/soldats de la mutinierie qui se sont enfuis en tanzanie,il l´a pris comme affront et attaqué ce pays,qui a contre-attaqué avec plusieurs ugandais en asyle et ont avancés jusqu´a kampala,et les multiples aides de fafoue t ses fameux brigades palesto n´ont rien changé dans sa chute.

un personnage tres fou et bizarre.

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) A10-na10
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6028
Inscrit le : 29/05/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena24Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena10
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena32Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Medail10

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeLun 19 Sep - 18:42

Dada voulait envahir la Tanzanie en 25 minutes,c'etait un ancien boxer, il a été formé chez tsahal et en GB,il avait proposer de regler un conflit ,avec je ne sais plus quelle chef d'etat, dans un ring de boxe avec l'autre fou comme arbitre... What a Face

Mais le conflit avec la Tanzanie eté une des cause de sa perte.

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 75px-m10
الله الوطن الملك
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Nov - 7:33

Et oui Fremo, ils sont toujours en service...

FT-6 Farmer "9124".
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Dsc01868
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeMer 25 Jan - 18:41

Citation :
Tanzania’s Army is now equipped with a new chinese main battle tank Type 59G

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Type_510
The Type 59G was unveiled during a military parade in Tanzania.

A new chinese upgrade of the Type 59 main battle tank was unveiled during a military parade in Tanzania. Our initial analysis shows that this new Chinese main battle tank upgrade is based on a modified chassis of the old Type 59 with the turret of the new chinese made Type 96G main battle tank.

The Tanzania armed forces was equipped with 24 Type 59 MBT, it can be assumed that modernization of these tanks was made by the Chinese defence industry. This new tank would be named as the Type 59G.

The Type 59G is equipped with arrow-shaped spaced add-on armour modules which are mounted on the front of the hull and the turret. Wheels and tracks are now protected by rubber hull skirts. The turret

The turret used by the Type 59G looks very similar to Type 96G. The main armament of Type 96G is composed with a smoothbore 125 mm gun with autoloader of Russian 2A46M design. Auxiliary weapons include one 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun, with a maximum fire-range of 1,800 m and a fire rate of 250 rounds/min. A 12.7-mm/50-calibre anti-aircraft machine gun is mounted on the command cupola, with a maximum fire-range of 2,000 m.
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3864
Inscrit le : 21/05/2010
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena11Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Untitl10
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )    Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeLun 30 Jan - 10:39

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 800px-10
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 52436310

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Signat16
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena24Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena25
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena26Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Untitl10
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Cheval10Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena15

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeVen 19 Oct - 10:59

Citation :
Posted on July 19, 2012 by Combined Maritime Forces
Commodore Mukhtar Khan, Commander Combined Task Force 150 (CCTF), met the Chief of Staff of Tanzanian Peoples Defence Forces (TPDF) and other key TPDF officials during his visit to Tanzania on 5-6 July.
The meetings afforded an opportunity for CCTF-150 to emphasize the need for close coordination between Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) and TPDF. It was mutually agreed that global challenges of Terrorism, Piracy, Narcotics Smuggling and Human Trafficking can best be curbed by coordinated, focused and well coordinated efforts.
The TPDF authorities expressed their determination to contribute to peace and stability in the region. They also highlighted efforts made to stop the flow of illegal trafficking through Tanzania, raising concern that the solution to all these sea-related and interlinked issues lies ashore.

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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena26Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena13
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Ambass10Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Untitl10
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeSam 5 Jan - 10:29

Pont flottant
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WZ551 ( ? )
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Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) DSC05044_28_Large_29
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena26Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena13
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Ambass10Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Untitl10
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeMer 9 Jan - 5:35

La Tanzanie a organisé avec l'USN le mois de novembre dernier, l'exercice Cutlass Express 12-2 avec la participation du Mozambique et les Pays Bas
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 783882
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Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 783985
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 783972

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Marche12
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena26Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena13
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Ambass10Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Untitl10
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeMer 9 Jan - 6:20

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 776413
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 776412
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 776414
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 779759

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Marche12
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena26Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena13
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Ambass10Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Untitl10
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeMer 6 Fév - 6:12

Citation :
The Spanish Navy ship "Mendez Nunez", deployed in Operation "Atalanta" in the European Union against piracy off Somalia, has worked in the education and training of Navy personnel and police in Tanzania. A delegation of 27 members visited the Spanish frigate, moored in the Tanzanian port of Dar es Salaam, attended a demonstration and training on procedures for maritime traffic control (MIO, in the acronym), diving and boat handling in operations as "Atalanta".

A first group received training MIO operations, different registration techniques, downsizing and movement within the vessel. The second received theoretical training and scuba divers work done aboard the frigate. The last group, comprising staff from the Marine Police, received a lecture on maneuvering for launching and hauling boats. Then conducted an exercise in boat handling in the harbor basin.
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 97328114
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 73683367;jsessionid=spxfRSpCJYZDYz7NpyXstcL1hZlMvZBYhRcwJppJgqRJvT8g1FfS!725281746?_selectedNodeID=1114029&_pageAction=selectItem

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Marche12
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40537
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeLun 28 Oct - 15:49

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_sal 
Citation :
La Monusco «indignée» par la mort d’un casque bleu tanzanien à Kiwanja

Un casque bleu tanzanien a été tué dimanche 27 octobre au cours des combats entre les FARDC, appuyées par la Monusco, et la rébellion du M23 à Kiwanja au Nord-Kivu.  En réaction, le chef de la Monusco se dit extrêmement indignée et peinée par cette information tragique. Dans un communiqué publié ce même dimanche, Martin Kobler rappelle que ce soldat de la paix a perdu la vie alors qu’il protégeait la population civile de Kiwanja.

« Cela mérite notre plus profond respect », affirme-t-il, avant d’ajouter: « Je condamne énergiquement les personnes ou groupes impliqués dans ces actions, qui essayent de nous empêcher de faire notre travail : La protection des civils.»

La Monusco se dit déterminée à protéger tous les civils vivant dans cette zone, en utilisant tous les moyens nécessaires pour atteindre cet objectif.

C’est le troisième casque bleu du contingent tanzanien à être tué depuis le déploiement de ce dernier en mai au Nord-Kivu dans les rangs de la Brigade d’intervention de la Monusco.

Les combats entre les FARDC et le M23 ont repris le vendredi tôt dans la matinée à Kibumba. Ce sont les affrontements les plus violents depuis le mois d’août dernier. Ces combats ont lieu alors que les pourparlers de Kampala entre le gouvernement congolais et la rébellion sont, depuis une semaine, suspendus.

Après Kibumba, les FARDC ont récupéré dimanche la localité de Kiwanja, située à 70 km au nord de Goma.  
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeMer 6 Nov - 7:24

Tanzanian military receives Indian vehicles

The Tanzania People’s Defence Force (TPDF) has received 591 military vehicles from India, including trucks and buses, that are expected to greatly improve transportation within the military.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeLun 25 Nov - 7:39

Citation :
Tanzanian Air Force takes delivery of 14 new J-7G fighter jets

The Tanzanian People's Defence Force (TPDF) has swapped 12 old Chinese-made J-7 fighter aircraft with 14 new J-7Gs, as the country forges ahead with the modernisation of its aerial defence capabilities.

IHS Janes reports that the new fighter aircraft fleet includes 12 single-seat Chengdu J-7G jets (designated F-7TN in Tanzanian Air Force service) and two dual seat J-7Ns (designated FT-7TN in Tanzania) which were ordered in 2009 and delivered in 2011.

The fighters, which are now deployed at TPDF air bases in Mwanza and the capital Dar es Salaam, are armed with the Type 30-1 30 mm cannon and are equipped with five hardpoints for rockets, missiles and bombs. An upgraded Chinese copy of the MiG-21, the J-7G can reach a maximum speed of 2 200 km per hour and has a radius of 850 kilometres.

The J-7G features a Chinese-made KLJ-6E radar, which has replaced the French-made Selex Galileo Grifo 7 radar featured on earlier models of the J-7 such as those which were exported to Namibia and Nigeria in 2009 and 2010 respectively.

The Tanzanian Air Force has few combat aircraft, with only six K-8 jet trainers being the only other armed fixed wing aircraft in its fleet.

Last year, the Tanzania Ministry of Defence said the government will soon spend more on the procurement of defence equipment for the army and the air force as country strengthens its intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities in the face of security threats such as maritime piracy and trans-national and home-grown terrorism.

The government is also seeking better air and naval defence capabilities to defend newly-found offshore hydrocarbon resources and secure its territorial waters against economic crimes such as illegal fishing. Last year, Tanzania mobilised its defence forces and threatened to go to war with neighbouring Malawi in a feud over exploratory drilling works which were taking place in an oil-rich maritime territory in Lake Nyasa which borders the two countries.

Malawi insisted that the drilling was happening on its side of the marine boundary while Tanzania asserted that the oil-fields fall within its maritime domain. Mediation efforts on the boundary dispute are still in progress.

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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena26Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena13
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeMar 14 Jan - 6:58

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 1zlc1op
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 2j5j2g7

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Marche12
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 30/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeMar 15 Avr - 18:19

Rat sniffeur de mines Smile

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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
Médailles de mérite : Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena24Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Cheval10
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) M15c10

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Mai - 18:18

Citation :
Tanzania parades new Chinese kit

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 1526305_-_main
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeMer 4 Juin - 12:25

Citation :
Le Général de Corps d'armée Abdelaziz Bennani, Inspecteur Général des FAR et Commandant la Zone Sud, reçoit, lundi (19/05/14) au siège de l'Etat-Major Général des FAR, à Rabat, le Général Davis Adolf Mwamunyange, Chef des Forces Armées Tanzaniennes, en visite au Royaume à la tête d'une délégation militaire de haut niveau.

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Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Rabat_-_bennani_recoit_une_delegation_de_tanzanienne_-_m2
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40537
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena32Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena24
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena25Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena26
Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Cheval10Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Unbena15
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Jan - 11:05

Citation :
Tanzania shown to be operating Seabird Seeker ISR aircraft

Gareth Jennings, London and Lindsay Peacock, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

07 January 2015

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 419
A screenshot from a music video extolling the Tanzanian armed forces shows a Seabird Seeker surveillance aircraft not previously known to be in the
country's service. Source: Williamz Visions  

The Tanzanian People's Defence Force Air Wing has received into service the Seabird SB7L-360 Seeker intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft, a music video posted on the internet has revealed.

The video, which shows local musicians singing in front of items of Tanzanian military hardware, shows a Seeker aircraft with the serial number JW-9704. This suggests that at least four such aircraft may have been received.

Built by Seabird Australia and Seabird Jordan, the Seeker is also in military service with Iraq and is set to be fielded by Yemen. Its high-wing monoplane and pusher-propeller configuration afford the two-man crew excellent forward and downwards vision, and its 15,250 ft service ceiling and minimum loitering speed of only 65 kt (120 km/h, 75 mph) means it can remain high overhead an area of interest for extended periods.

The latest version of the aircraft features a 180 hp Vantage 360 fuel-injected engine, and improved propeller to provide increased thrust, range, and endurance over earlier models, while reducing the fuel consumption and noise signature. An improved cooling system also enables the aircraft to operate in the higher temperatures of Africa and the Middle East.

Other improvements include the fitting of ballistic protection for the crew, a cockpit compatible with night-vision goggles, and a flares-based countermeasures system. The Seeker is also known to have two underwing hardpoints for the carriage of munitions and/or sensors.

It is not known what, if any, such improvements the Tanzanian Seekers are fitted with, except that the aircraft shown in the video features an electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensor turret, most likely the FLIR Systems 8500 as fitted to Seeker aircraft operated by Iraq.


Prior to this, Tanzania was not believed to field any intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance aircraft, with the defence force's inventory being made up almost entirely of Chinese-built jets, trainers, and transport aircraft.

However, the central African country has been increasingly affected by radical Islamist organisations such as Ansar Muslim Youth Centre (AMYC), Jumuiya ya Taasisi za Kiislam, Jumuiya ya Uamsho na Mihadhara ya Kiislam (known as Uamsho), Al-Shabaab in Tanzania, and Ansar al-Sunnah.

As in Iraq and Yemen, the Seabird Seeker will afford Tanzania the ability to better patrol its vast hinterland and its near-4,000 km of land borders with Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia, to better combat such groups. As such, it is arguably one of the most useful assets in the Tanzanian inventory right now.
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Confidential UN Report Says Tanzanian, DRC Troops Colluding with Rebels
February 5, 2016

A confidential report by a United Nations group of experts obtained on Friday [February 5] depicts instances of apparent collusion with enemy or outside forces on the part of Tanzanian peacekeepers and government troops in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In an incident last May in North Kivu, the group recounts, two Tanzanian peacekeepers were killed and 26 wounded in an attack initially thought to have been carried out by the Alliance of Democratic Forces, a set of fighters from Uganda.

The ADF is one of the main rebel groups in eastern DRC that terrorises civilians and has been targeted for elimination by UN peacekeepers and the Congolese government army.

A subsequent investigation by the UN Mission in the DRC, known as Monusco, revealed, however, that the attack on the Tanzanians was actually the work of the Congolese government army, identified by the French acronym Fardc.

Eyewitnesses told the group of experts that Fardc soldiers from the 31st brigade had opened fire on the Tanzanians after two civilians had indicated that the Tanzanians were providing supplies to their supposed enemies, the ADF.

The experts say in their report that they cannot be certain why the Tanzanian peacekeepers were meeting with ADF elements.

But the group adds that it “can conclude that the Tanzanian peacekeepers who were present during the attack provided untruthful testimonies to both the group and Monusco.”

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Tanzanian Military Lauded for Gender Balance
April 6, 2016

Members of the Tanzanian armed forces who undertook the just concluded Regional Military Command Post Training Exercise held in neighbouring Kenya have returned and handed the national flag to Brigadier General Joseph Chengelela, the head of the 303 Brigade of Northern Zone.

The two-week regional Military Command Post Training Exercise codenamed Ushirikiano Imara 2015 had climaxed at Kenya’s Humanitarian Peace Support School, in Embakasi section of Nairobi.

More than 250 members of the armed forces, the police and civilian components from the East African Community Partner States took part in the joint command post exercise meant to practise participants in the planning and conduct of peace support operations, counter terrorism, counter piracy, media and disaster management.

“Tanzania was lauded for having more female participants in the military training; a total of ten women took part in the regional drill,” said Major Lilian Ungani, the exercise controller. The exercise was also meant to improve the capabilities to combat complex security challenges and sought to harmonise the working relationships and improve military interoperability between the EAC Partner States’ Armed Forces.

Colonel Furahisha Ntahena, the Deputy Commander of the Tanzanian troop in the exercise said the military drill is held annually on rotational basis; “the exercise came at a time when the region and indeed the continent was facing diverse challenges both military and ideological emanating from the changing nature of our society,” he added.

In receiving the flag from Tanzanian squad, Brigadier General Joseph Chengelela commended the army officers as well as the EAC Secretariat for organising military activities within the framework of the EAC Protocol on Cooperation in Defence Affairs, among them the Command Post Exercises adding that the training was an important aspect in the military and it was a major preoccupation in peacetime.

The Commander of the Tanzanian squad, Lieutenant Colonel Longinus Nyingo, said the two-week training was set in simulated state of Mambo, which was under major political conflict but generally the trainees focused on how to deal with the Northern part of Africa and the Horn are struggling with violent extremism that threatens to spread southwards and therefore the EAC acting as the buffer for the rest of Africa and must therefore stand together to ensure that peace and security prevails”.

He asserted that the modern day soldier was constantly confronted with a faceless and border-less enemy and therefore the need to have a concerted approach against the enemy and to remain steadfast in joint preparations to face the current and future challenges to the region.

Earlier on in Kenya when speaking on behalf of the Secretary General of East African Community, Dr Richard Sezibera, the Deputy Secretary General in charge of Political Federation, Mr Charles Njoroge reiterated that it was a great inspiration to the people of East Africa to see members of the Armed Forces together with the Police and civilians gathered under the auspices of the Community participating in the Military Command Post Exercise.

As reported by Hazla Omar for the Tanzania Daily News

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Tanzania, Russia Sign Military Cooperation Agreement
September 8, 2016 80
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Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu and Tanzanian Defense and National Service Minister Hussein Mwinyi have signed an agreement on military cooperation.

The Russian and the Tanzanian defense ministers also signed a contract for the training of Tanzanian servicemen at Russian Defense Ministry institutions.

According to Shoigu, the agreements between the two countries are expected to further develop bilateral military and technical cooperation.

As the Russian defense minister said, the Tanzanian delegation’s visit to Moscow “has confirmed the existence of friendly relations between the defense ministries and the peoples of Russia and Tanzania.”

“I am grateful that you are taking part in the Army-2016 international military and technical forum for the second time,” Shoigu said.

As reported by TAS Russian News Agency

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF )   Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Jan - 11:38

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Airbus Helicopters proche d'une commande de Super Puma en... Tanzanie

 Par Michel CABIROL            |     04/01/2018, 9:56   |   302   mots

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 8420
L'hélicoptériste européen a réussi une belle année en vendant près de 50 Super Puma en 2017 (Crédits : REUTERS)

Airbus Helicopters a réussi un joli coup commercial en... Tanzanie en vendant quatre appareils Super Puma (deux H215 et deux H225). L'hélicoptériste européen a réalisé une belle année en vendant une cinquantaine de Super Puma en 2017.

Après une bonne année 2017 pour les ventes de Super Puma (H215 et H225), Airbus Helicopters a réussi un joli coup commercial en... Tanzanie en vendant quatre appareils Super Puma militarisés (deux H215 et deux H225). Le contrat a été paraphé avant la fin de l'année mais ne sera pas comptabilisé dans le bilan commercial du constructeur de Marignane en 2017. Il n'est pas encore mis en vigueur.

L'hélicoptériste européen a réussi une belle année en vendant une cinquantaine de Super Puma en 2017. En 2016, Airbus Helicopters en avait vendu 23 (commandes brutes), contre seulement deux en 2015.

30 Caracal au Koweït

En 2017, Airbus Helicopters a notamment profité de la mise en vigueur au deuxième trimestre d'un très gros contrat militaire au Koweït, qui a signé en août 2016 un contrat pour l'achat de 30 appareils tactiques de type Caracal (H225M) pour 1,1 milliard d'euros. En novembre, South Korea's National 119 Rescue a commandé deux H225. Par ailleurs, la société de leasing britannique Airtelis a signé un contrat pour trois H215.

Le constructeur européen a également reçu en juin deux commandes venant du Japon, la première portant sur trois H225 de la part du Japan Coast Guard (JCG) et la seconde sur un H215 acheté par la police de Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department). Au premier trimestre, Airbus avait indiqué dans son communiqué financier que sa filiale hélicoptériste avait vendu 10 exemplaires de la famille Super Puma, dont sept appareils pour un pays du Moyen Orient (H215). Enfin, la société de leasing chinoise CMIG (China Minsheng Investment Group) a signé en septembre une lettre d'intention (LoI) pour l'achat de deux H225.
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Chinese-built military training centre opens in Tanzania

Written by defenceWeb, Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Armée tanzanienne / Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Force ( TPDF ) 22516

The new TPDF training centre.Tanzanian President John Magafuli has opened a Chinese-built training centre for the Tanzania People’s Defence Forces (TPDF).

The Comprehensive Training Centre (CTC) was officially opened during a ceremony on 6 February at Mapinga in Bagamoyo District, Coast Region. It was attended by Chinese ambassador Wang Ke.

According to the Presidency, the Sh67.87 billion ($30 million) Centre was built with the assistance of China’s People’s Liberation Army and will be used to provide modern training to the TPDF.

The Centre will provide training to counter current and future threats, the Presidency said. During the opening ceremony, Magafuli witnessed demonstrations that included an amphibious landing and counter-terrorism operations.

Tanzania has enjoyed close defence ties with China, and this has included naval exercises, construction projects and the supply of military equipment. For instance, in November 2014 the two nations concluded the month-long Exercise Beyond/Transcend naval training exercise, the first joint training exercise in the history of bilateral military relations between the two countries. This follows numerous naval visits by China.

China has delivered a variety of military hardware to Tanzania, including 24 Type 63A light amphibious tanks, 12 Type 07PA 120 mm self-propelled mortars, FB-6A mobile short-range air defence systems and A100 300 mm multiple rocket launchers.

This follows military hardware delivered earlier in the decade, including tanks, armoured personnel carriers and combat aircraft. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Tanzania received from China two Y-8 transport aircraft in 2003, four ZFB-05 armoured personnel carriers in 2006/7, 30 Type-59G tanks in 2011/13, 14 F-7MG fighters in 2009/12, six K-8 jet trainers in 2011/12 and ten WZ-551 APCS in 2011/12.

Two warships, TNS Mwitongo (P77) and TNS Msoga (P78), were supplied by Poly Technologies in 2015 to fight maritime crime such as illegal fishing and piracy.

The Chinese government also built the Tanzanian Military Academy (TMA) and the Shanghai Construction Group has been contracted by the Tanzanian Ministry of Defence and National Service to construct 12 000 housing units financed by a $550 million loan from the Exim Bank of China.

Chinese civil projects in Tanzania include a rail network, gas pipeline, oil and gas exploration, and a port, amongst others.
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