Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC
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Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC

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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena25

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMer 27 Fév - 9:22

Topic pour traiter du projet Armata de l'armée russe: platrom standardisation/modularity for heavy/medium vehicules.

une briève definition de Wiki :

Citation :

The "Armata" Universal Combat Platform is a Russian advanced next generation heavy military tracked vehicle platform. The "Armata" platform is intended to be the basis for a main battle tank, a heavy infantry fighting vehicle, a combat engineering vehicle, an armoured recovery vehicle, a heavy armoured personnel carrier, a tank support combat vehicle and several types of self-propelled artillery under the same codename based on the same chassis. It will also serve as the basis for artillery, air defense, and NBC defense systems .

Quelques images de modèles :

MBT Armata

Armata 6f845b10

Citation :

Russia’s future main battle tank (MBT) will be equipped with a remotely controlled gun

The gun will be digitally controlled by a crewmember located in a separate compartment, which would be made from composite materials and protected by multi-layered armor. The crew compartment will be also isolated from the motor compartment to increase survivability on the battlefield.

The secret project, dubbed Armata, has been approved by the Russian Defense Ministry. It is being implemented by the tank manufacturer Uralvagonzavod in Russia’s Urals region.

Work from other projects, including Object 195 and Black Eagle, will be incorporated in Armata's design.

The prototype of Armata MBT is expected to be ready by 2013. The first deliveries to the Russian Armed Forces are scheduled for 2015.

Russian experts believe that the appearance of the remotely controlled gun would eventually lead to the development of a fully robotic tank which could be deployed as part of a spearhead in the offensive

Boomerang, Kruganets ,Typhoon :

Armata Rl9kq0

Armata Oqvkno

Armata 2d6jzo1

Armata 0_88877_6423a98a_XL

voici une image prise du blog de gurkhan :

Armata %25D0%25A1%25D1%2585%25D0%25B5%25D0%25BC%25D0%25B0

En gros sa explique que Armata, Kurganets 10/25 et Boomerang 10/25 utiliserons "drive-by-wire systems", l'équipage sera composé de trois membres qui opérerons tous à quelques details de prés le même ensemble de commande / affichage / ..etc .

le ministère affirme que les premiers protoypes devrait arrivé en septembre :

Citation :



."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena25

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMer 6 Mar - 10:14

Citation :

BTR "Boomerang" back to Russia in a number of countries that produce the most modern armored personnel carriers

BTR "Boomerang" back to Russia in a number of countries that produce the most modern armored personnel carriers
Now in Russia continues producing armoured personnel carriers BTR-80 family, including the most modern version-BTR-82, which according to the criteria of the "cost-efficiency" is one of the best in the world. The popularity of Russian light vehicle show recently made its production volumes. Last year, customers were transferred almost five and a half hundred such machines, and this year is planned at a record for post-Soviet times – 770 PCs.
Armata Bumerang
BTR "Boomerang"

But, as even the deeply upgraded BTR-82 is a machine of this, Russia is continuing work on the equipment of new generation-promising high interspecific wheelset unified combat platform "Boomerang", to supplement the army BTR-70 m, BTR-80 and BTR-82. The full replacement "eightieth family". These time-tested combat vehicles will remain for a long time to serve in the Russian army and other security structures. They will be in demand in the international market, because not every country can acquire the armoured vehicle of the last generation.

Thanks to appear from time to time in the network of "Boomerang" images, we can already draw some conclusions about its design. It will be a machine weighing about 20 tons, thanks to the modular armor, which would significantly enhance protection of armored personnel carriers, some modifications to the weight can reach up to 25 tons-as much, by the way, will weigh the unified military tracked platform "Kurganec-25". The novelty of the resurrection is sure to receive enhanced mine protection.

Armata Bumeragn
More heavily armed version of the "Boomerang"

Some modifications of armoured personnel carriers will be able to swim well. By placing the engine in front of the Office will be able to spešivat′sâ motostrelkovoe towards the stern. To improve the survey will be used by television cameras, the crew will do a thermal imaging technique.

In a variant of the armoured personnel carrier, the "Boomerang" is likely to be uninhabited, isolated from the troop compartment turret with 30-mm gun, machine gun, automatic grenade launcher and missiles "Cornet".

It can be assumed that there will be more than 36,000 heavily armed variants, including instruments of up to 125 mm calibre.

In order to have high mobility armored, it needs an engine power equal to or greater than 500-600 HP, and possibly more. BTR will have high resource and will become much easier to maintain.

Armata Bumerang_1
The front part of the hull

The first demonstration of public "Boomerang" is expected to be held at the exhibition in Nizhny Tagil, in the autumn of this year. This has been repeatedly referred to in the media as about the upcoming shows in this exhibition "Kurganec-25 INFANTRY COMBAT" with the newest tank "Armata".

MS translated of :

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena25

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMar 12 Mar - 9:03

Citation :

MOSCOW, March 12. (ARMS-TASS). Tank based on currently being developed combat platform "Armata" will receive a brand new layout, which has no analogues in the world, in particular, an uninhabited "tower." This was the general director of the Scientific and Production Corporation (NGOs) "Uralvagonzavod" Oleg Sienko.

"It is a new machine, which has a new layout, which no one," - he said on the radio station "Echo of Moscow", adding that the new tank on the basis of "Almaty was" will, in particular, uninhabited combat compartment.

Sienko said that this universal platform can be created about 30 machines for different purposes, it involves a different placement of the engine - both front and back, depending on what type of combat vehicle will be "installed" on this platform - BMP or such as SAM. For the main battle tank (MBT), which will be produced at its base, developing new ammunition and a set of dynamic protection of the new generation. In the "Armata" will be used "a totally different technology on the armor, all cars will increase survivability in the real battle," said Sienko.

CEO NGOs stressed that the importance of the new MBT is also the engine. "It needs only a new engine: a fundamentally different, easy to me, - he said. - Engine, which can be changed in a matter of minutes, which is extremely important in certain conditions." "Of course power also plays a role," - said the head of the corporation, adding that now the tanks came to those performance results that correspond to wheeled vehicles. In "Almaty was" in particular, will be "very different performance results, making this car the pride of Russian tank production, although it can not be called a pure tank," added the CEO.

Sienko said he hoped that by the end of this year, the corporation will be able to complete the main work on the "Armata" will continue to be refined only individual nodes. He informed that "Armata" will not be on display at an international exhibition in Nizhny Tagil in September, not least because it is still secret development. Armata 68323

The platform is developed rapidly, the parameters that you specify "Uralvagonzavod" in the Defense Ministry, he seeks to accomplish, Sienko said. CEO emphasized that "nothing in the world is not done on a universal platform, all platforms are different," and Russia is the only country which today is going to release a new series armored vehicles, and other countries are on the path of modernization.

In the case of MBT based on the platform, "Armata", "Uralvagonzavod" hopes to produce a certain time "tank-dream," joked Sienko.

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena25

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Mar - 13:06

Des images de ce qui est supposé être Armata APFSDS:

Armata Rosyjs10

Armata LKqTL

Comparaison avec svinet (actuel pour les T-x) :

Armata Nowaro10

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena25

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeDim 14 Avr - 14:22

Armata Typhoon-K prototypes :

Armata Image_10

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena25

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeLun 8 Juil - 15:27

Que pour les VIPs (putin + shoigu + rogozin ? Very Happy)

Citation :

Newest Tank "Armata" will show the leadership of the country for the first time in September

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena25

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Juil - 21:01

Citation :

Fuss about the "Almaty"

As is known, in 2015 to be completed testing of a new generation of wheeled and tracked unified platform for armored fighting vehicles the Army in three weight categories: light, medium and heavy. Around the heavy platform "Armata" led to the tank being developed in Nizhny Tagil, recently started this junk vanity.

Of course, anyone interested in armored vehicles, I wonder how all this will look breakthrough machine. Over the last couple of years have been quite a lot of different assumptions, speculations, hints of responsible persons, as well as metered "sinks" on the subject. Including the "light" of the Internet and a number of models of cars on the basis of the above platforms.

Show will be, but closed

Many expected that the already finished or close to the exit at the pre-production test tank "Armata" BTR "Boomerang" and BMP "Kurganets-25" this year will be shown at an exhibition in Nizhny Tagil. They are really present, but the show will be closed - for the top military and political leadership of the country, without the press. This is due to the procedure to ensure secrecy - before bringing armored vehicles on state tests of the neck with his take on the appearance of the existing situation is impossible. And no matter how the public would "at least a glimpse" - to break the law no one will.

The fact that several samples of each platform are preparing for the show, confirmed officially. Several because on the same platform, "Armata" developed not only a tank, but heavy infantry fighting vehicles (TBMP) and other machines. We also know that the front "box" of new tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers to take part in the anniversary parade on Red Square in 2015. However, the final decision has not been approved. So if the machine "does not light up" to it, then a maximum of two years to see their audience.
What do we know about the "Armata"?

According to the authoritative edition of Jane's, in fact tank "Armata" Object code is 148. The layout of "Almaty was" revolutionary and has not been used even once in the series tanks. It is identical to the layout of its predecessor - the tank Object 195. A powerful armor protection forehead, behind her - well protected bronekapsuly with the crew on an automated combat compartment with an uninhabited tower on top, then the engine compartment.

The weapon of the tank is a 125-mm gun 2A82 high-power, in its energy and other performance significantly superior to any Western 120-mm gun, including an elongated gun "Rheinmetall". The gun is placed on the so-called master stream and the scheme is high enough. Its capacity is sufficient to defeat any prospective tank. For this instrument has been developed and tested high-power ammunition: armor-piercing, guided missiles, cumulative and others. Ammunition of the tank separated from the crew capsule and can not harm him in the detonation.

Form of the frontal part of the body is inherited from Object 195. But the multi-layer composite armor protection based on new bronestalyah electro-slag remelting of high resistance, new materials and structures filler and provide protection from current and future weapons. The tank is equipped with a new explosive reactive armor and a set of active defense "Afghanis."

"Armata" weighs more than 50 tons. Tank itself, according to some reports, has 6 pairs of rollers as the T-90 or T-80, on the other - on their 7 as an object 195. Rollers are taken from the tank T-80, and not on the T-72 (T-90). It is unusual for Tagil machines. The fact that this tank Chassis considered the most successful and rollers easier than that on the T-90. Equipped with a "Armata" X-shaped diesel engine Chelyabinsk-85 A-3. It has a switching mode power limit from 1200 to HP 1500-1600

Tank Information Management System (TIUS) and fire control system (FCS) "Almaty was" expected to be the best in the world. The automation level of the tank is such that management will be carried out with a handy remote displays.

Criticism or informataka?

Recently, some media, as well as the various "okolotankovyh" Internet sites on the tank "Armata" started this informataka. Some experts have lashed out at the leadership and UKBTM Uralvagonzavod. It is, they say, instead of the real tank to justify the cost is going to bring the country's leadership fraud: chassis layout based on the body of T-90 with the layout of the new bashni.A tank itself will supposedly be ready very soon.

But the main complaint - "Armata" is not needed. Instead, it is better to upgrade the correct T-72 and buy new T-90AM. This point of view is convenient in the industry who do not want to "fool" with a revolutionary, sophisticated new machine. It is easier to take the path of extensive development.

Simultaneously, various experts and analysts have begun to voice complaints about the main highlight of the machine - its layout. Reinforced on all sides and covered with a strong frontal armor crew capsule "poorly protected from the sides and roof." Yes, it is so crowded that not only is it impossible to carry out combat missions without leaving the machine for a couple of days, as required, but in general will need to recruit a crew of "dwarf-Kirghiz."

Especially the atrocities some Ukrainian "comrades" who specialize in overtones of Russian and Soviet tank production. Of course, except for its part of Kharkov. Why, though, these "volunteers" Ukrainian tank building to decry our tankoprom - is unclear. Kharkovites good to pass Thai customers late in the year collected almost by hand first five tanks "BM Hold." In short, to compete with projects such as the "Armata", they are not able to.

A dog barks - the caravan moves

All of these attacks and the gloomy predictions should be treated with the serenity of a camel, barking dogs of the caravan oasis already passed. Exactly the same hype and was the premiere fighter T-50 PAKFA. Various insiders have generously shared their descriptions and even drawings of the machine, which, as it turned out, were related at best to the early operating time. Another thing is that such a situation will continue to persist if the official information on such important projects will still be dispensed beyond measure.

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena25

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeJeu 1 Aoû - 4:07

Typhoon et kurganet prototypes :

Armata 706613_original

Des modeles 3D non officiaux sur ce qui pourrait etre boomerang :

Armata 008_road.jpg.896x604_q90

Armata 001_3.jpg.896x604_q90

Armata 002_010005_1.jpg.896x604_q90

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena25

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMar 6 Aoû - 15:05

Armata 0_9f82a_6877c8bd_orig

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena25

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMar 21 Jan - 7:27

New turret des Boomerang, Kurganets-25, typhoon ,Armata ?

Armata KWMiGArmata CmjaCArmata JCGXt

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 11671
Inscrit le : 11/12/2008
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armata Unbena21Armata Unbena31
Armata Unbena23Armata Unbena20
Armata Ambass10

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMar 21 Jan - 7:59

Belle bête !
Merci pour le suivi Yassine.
Commercialisé ? à quel prix ?
Il copie le principe du CV90.

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Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeSam 29 Mar - 3:36

Armata Icon_sal 
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messages : 11671
Inscrit le : 11/12/2008
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armata Unbena21Armata Unbena31
Armata Unbena23Armata Unbena20
Armata Ambass10

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeSam 29 Mar - 5:04


Comme tout les nouveaux, merci de nous gratifier d'une présentation ici :

Bienvenue parmi nous.
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena25

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMar 14 Oct - 8:07

MBT Armata :

Citation :


As part of a future combat vehicles "Armata" JSC "Research Institute of Steel" has completed development of the latest ultra-high-strength sheet steel armor.

Its use will increase the armor properties by more than 15%. Moreover, its performance exceeds serial domestic steel and world counterparts overseas steel mills.

Generated by research and production corporation "Uralvagonzavod" (DC), a new generation tank "Armata" possesses unique combat capabilities. Crew it will be placed in bronekapsuly and isolated from the crew compartment, which will significantly increase its protection and survival. The tank will install satellite navigation, apply other technical innovations, which have no analogues abroad, writes and-Mash .

But not only this will be different "Armata" from domestic and foreign combat vehicles.

October 10, 2014, in the framework of the Common date of acceptance of military products in the Ministry of Defence, it was noted that the tank in the future will also be fitted with an unique and new heavy-duty armor. This was announced by Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, reports "Military-Industrial Courier."

"Moreover, the use of such steel characteristics allow to reduce the weight of the tank approximately 500 kg, which in turn increase its maneuverability, decrease the fuel consumption. Of course, the strength characteristics of the new steel will find its application in the manufacture of other military vehicles, protective equipment for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ", - said Yuri Borisov.

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 1480
Inscrit le : 29/01/2013
Localisation : Northern Forest
Nationalité : Maroc-Russie
Médailles de mérite : Armata Unbena11Armata Unbena10
Armata Medail10

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeLun 4 Mai - 11:29

Citation :


Un char moyen T-14

Armata 20oDIq4N830

Véhicule de combat d'infanterie Т-15

Armata Ycf6_svRFcE

Véhicule de combat d'infanterie Kurganec-25

Armata Yht9yNjCZ9E

Un véhicule blindé de transport Kurganec-25

Armata 3uQm9I3Cro0

Un véhicule blindé de transport Boomerang

Armata ZmrmnUjpCDM

L'obusier automoteur Coalition - SV

Armata KLcgcz1sXMg

Si vis pacem, para bellum

Armata 48669022222222222
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messages : 7998
Inscrit le : 19/02/2012
Localisation : Kech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armata Unbena32Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena12
Armata Unbena30

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeSam 9 Avr - 10:40

Armata 477237Sanstitre
Citation :
"je veux pour le Maroc de dirigeants intelligeants , une jeunesse intelligente, apte a saisir les occasions a comprendre le siècle ou elle vie, a ne pas vivre a l'ombre du politisme, mais guidée par le perfectionnisme et surtout pas la réalisation et le réalisme "
Hassan II 1996
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messages : 7998
Inscrit le : 19/02/2012
Localisation : Kech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armata Unbena32Armata Unbena24
Armata Unbena26Armata Unbena12
Armata Unbena30

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeDim 11 Sep - 12:38

Armata 477237Sanstitre
Citation :
"je veux pour le Maroc de dirigeants intelligeants , une jeunesse intelligente, apte a saisir les occasions a comprendre le siècle ou elle vie, a ne pas vivre a l'ombre du politisme, mais guidée par le perfectionnisme et surtout pas la réalisation et le réalisme "
Hassan II 1996
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messages : 6300
Inscrit le : 25/03/2009
Localisation : Royaume pour tous les Marocains
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armata Unbena31Armata Ambass10
Armata Medail10Armata Unbena15

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMer 9 Nov - 15:31

RT a écrit:

Les militaires britanniques seraient estomaqués par le «révolutionnaire» tank russe Armata

Le tank russe Armata est qualifié de révolutionnaire dans des documents internes du renseignement militaire britannique. Ces derniers expriment des doutes sur la capacité du Royaume-Uni à contrer le dernier-né des blindés de l’armée russe.

Le Sunday Telegraph a pu mettre la main sur le document rédigé par les services du renseignement militaire britanniques après la présentation officielle du char Armata, le 9 mai 2015, lors de la parade du Jour de la Victoire à Moscou.

«Sans hyperbole, l’Armata représente une étape révolutionnaire dans le design de tank de ces 50 dernières années», a remarqué un officier des services de renseignement de l’armée britannique, selon l’hebdomadaire.

L'Armata est plus rapide, plus léger et plus discret que ses équivalents occidentaux, tout en offrant un niveau de protection supérieur à son équipage, détaille le document qui a fuité.

Lire aussi : L'armée russe est formelle : les robots remplaceront bientôt les hommes sur le champ de bataille

«En fin de compte, l’Armata mérite certainement sa réputation de tank le plus révolutionnaire de sa génération», indique l’auteur de ce document interne, ajoutant que «sans surprise, le char avait fait sensation».

La Russie compte produire 120 unités de ce char pour son armée à partir de 2018. L’armée russe possède à l’heure actuelle 2 500 tanks opérationnels, alors que 12 500 sont en réserve, «soit 35 fois la taille de la flotte britannique», composée principalement de tanks Challenger 2, datant pour la plupart de 1998, indique le journal.

L’armée russe a commencé à recevoir les 100 premières unités de chars Armata en septembre. Les militaires estimant que leurs besoins se montent à 2 300 unités.

Les peuples ne meurent jamais de faim mais de honte.
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3004
Inscrit le : 03/08/2014
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : Armata Unbena10

Armata Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMer 9 Nov - 16:02

Les militaires britanniques ont en marre des coupes budgétaires régulières ... c'est à peine si on maintient le budget de la défense au dessus de 2% pour pouvoir rester dans l'OTAN.... d'ou le rapport et la fuite (organisée) c'est un peu comme les rapports allemands qui vantaient les mérite des blindages russes et qui préconisent l'utilisation du DU pour forcer la main des écolos...

“Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal, mais par ceux qui les regardent sans rien faire.” Albert Einstein.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMer 8 Mar - 12:33

Citation :
More details of Russia's Bumerang emerge

Christopher F Foss, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

08 March 2017

Armata 44_236
A Bumerang 8x8 prototype fitted with the Epoch Almaty RCT armed with a 30 mm 2A42 dual-feed cannon, 7.62 mm co-axial MG and
pod of two Kornet-EM laser-guided missiles either side. Source: N Novichkov

Russia has released additional details of its latest Bumerang (Boomerang) family of wheeled 8x8 armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) that are the long-term replacement for the currently deployed BTR-80 8x8 amphibious armoured personnel carrier (APC).

The Bumerang chassis has the designation VPK-7829, with the infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variant designated the K-17 and the APC model is designated the K-16 (while under development the vehicle was referred to as the Gilza, which is Russian for 'cartridge').

Trials with the first batch of six vehicles are still under way and an initial production order is expected soon to be placed with the Military Industrial Corporation (MIC), which is the prime contractor, sources at the recent International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi told Jane's.

It was confirmed that the hull of the Bumerang is of all welded steel, to which an appliqué layer of passive armour can be added. The hull design is such that it can be fitted with a MacPherson-type suspension or hydropneumatic suspension with variable height control.

The vehicle's troop compartment is at the rear, with eight dismounts seated four down each side facing inwards and provided with blast-attenuating seats that are not attached to the floor and feature five-point seat belts. It has been confirmed that the dismounts can rapidly leave the vehicle via a power operated ramp at the rear.

The K-17 IFV variant is fitted with the same remote-control turret (RCT) as that fitted to the T-15 heavy IFV. This RCT is called the Epoch Almaty and is armed with a 30 mm 2A42 dual-feed cannon with 500 rounds of ready-use ammunition and a 7.62 mm PKTM co-axial machine gun (MG) with 2,000 rounds of ready-use ammunition.

Mounted on either side of the turret are two KBP Instrument Design Bureau Kornet-EM laser-guided missile launchers, with one version typically having a thermobaric warhead with impact and proximity target sensors while the other has a tandem high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeLun 21 Aoû - 10:16

Citation :
Les chars Armata pourront démarrer même par -50°C

Armata 1924
© Sputnik. Vladimir Sergeev

08:17 21.08.2017(mis à jour 08:18 21.08.2017)

Les véhicules de combat russes de la famille Armata seront équipés de groupes électrogènes assurant le démarrage souple du moteur et le fonctionnement d’autres mécanismes même par -50°C.

Selon le quotidien Izvestia, les véhicules de combat de classe Armata seront équipés de groupes électrogènes installés entre les batteries et le moteur afin d'assurer le démarrage immédiat et souple du moteur, ainsi que le fonctionnement des mécanismes de la tourelle et la stabilisation des systèmes d'armement et de commandement même quand le mercure descend au-dessous de —50°C.

Ce résultat sera obtenu grâce à l'installation de super-condensateurs, appareils capables d'accumuler de grandes quantités d'énergie électrique même quand la batterie se décharge, et d'alimenter pendant un certain temps les systèmes de bord avant le démarrage du moteur.

Le fonctionnement du système ressemble à celui du système de mise en veille, dispositif d'arrêt et de redémarrage automatique du moteur d'un véhicule afin d'économiser le carburant.

Les chars de combat Armata et les véhicules de combat d'infanterie T-15v construits sur leur base sont considérés comme les véhicules de combat les plus performants. Selon les experts occidentaux, ils devancent largement leurs concurrents des États-Unis et d'Europe occidentale en termes de viabilité.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil - 11:17

Very Happy
Citation :
Le char T-14 Armata serait finalement trop cher pour l’armée russe

Posté dans Forces terrestres, Russie par Laurent Lagneau Le 31-07-2018

Armata 43118

Le programme d’avion russe de 5e génération Su-57 est dans une situation délicate. L’Inde, qui y était associée dans le cadre de son projet FGFA [Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft] a décidé de suspendre sa participation et les contraintes budgétaires en Russie font que cet appareil ne devrait pas être produit à grande échelle. C’est d’ailleurs ce qu’a avancé Youri Borisov, le vice-ministre russe de la Défense, dans un entretien télévisé donné le 2 juillet.

Cet avion « s’est avéré être très bon, y compris en Syrie [2 exemplaires y ont été brièvement déployés, ndlr] où il a confirmé ses performances et ses capacités de combat », a affirmé M. Borisov. « Vous savez qu’aujourd’hui le Su-57 est considéré comme l’un des meilleurs avions produits dans le monde. Par conséquent, il n’est pas logique d’accélérer le travail de production de masse de cet appareil de cinquième génération », a-t-il ajouté.

En clair, et si l’on s’en tient à ce type de propos, le Su-57 ne constituera pas l’épine dorsale des forces aérospatiales russes. Du moins pour le moment. Et il devrait en être de même pour le char de combat T-14 Armata, lequel fait l’objet d’une communication soutenue dans les médias russes depuis sa présentation officielle, le 9 mai 2015.

Comme le Su-57, le T-14 Armata a subi des tests opérationnels concluants, selon Moscou. Toutefois, sa production en série a été renvoyée à des jours meilleurs. C’est en effet ce qu’a annoncé le même Youri Borissov au service d’information RIA Novosti.

« Eh bien, pourquoi submerger l’armée avec des T-14 Armata alors que les T-72 restent très demandés et qu’ils sont supérieurs aux Abrams, au Leclerc et aux Leopard tant sur le prix, l’efficacité et la qualité? [ndlr, sur ces deux derniers points, cela reste à prouver…] », a demandé M. Borissov. « Nous n’avons pas vraiment besoin d'acheter de nouveaux chars. Ces modèles sont très chers par rapport à ceux qui existent déjà », a-t-il insisté.

Le responsable russe ne fait que confirmer ce dont on pouvait se douter. Ainsi, en septembre 2017, Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) avait levé le voile sur une nouvelle version du char T-90, dotée d’un canon lisse 2A46M-4 de 125 mm et de technologies issues du programme Armata, en particulier au niveau du blindage. Et il fut annoncé que ces chars modernisés allaient commencer à être livrés à l’armée russe à partir de 2018.

En outre, les unités blindées russes ont reçu – ou sont en train de recevoir – des chars T-72 et T-80 remis au goût du jour. Si le T-14, dont il fut dit que 2.300 exemplaires allaient être mis en service d’ici 2020, devait être le char principal des forces russes, alors pourquoi dépenser de l’argent pour moderniser des plateformes plus anciennes?

Le T-14 Armata « est encore en phase de test alors que la situation géopolitique actuelle exige une réponse rapide à la ‘menace’ de l’Otan. Or, l’achat de T-72 modernisés résout ce problème », a expliqué, à l’agence Bloomberg, Igor Korotchenko, le directeur du Centre d’analyse du commerce mondial des armes basé à Moscou.

Pour rappel, le T-14, commandé à seulement 100 exemplaires (pour le moment), se veut être un concentré d’innovations technologiques. D’une massé de 57 tonnes en configuration de combat, il dispose d’une tourelle automatisée (donc inhabitée) ainsi que du système de protection active Afganit et de différents capteurs. Son équipage (3 soldats) prend place dans une capsule blindée à couches multiples séparée des munitions.
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messages : 6300
Inscrit le : 25/03/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMar 4 Déc - 4:45

Center Of The National Interest a écrit:

Meet 5 Nations Who Might Buy Russia's Deadly Armata Tank

Armata Military_parade_on_Red_Square_2016-05-09_022

While Russia’s next generation Armata has not yet officially entered service, buzz has already been created on what countries other than Russia might field it.

In 2018, Russians are no stranger to cooperative weapons development ( as seen in the Brahmos missile ) and even offering to export products before they are finished ( as seen with the Su-57 ).

What countries might field the Armata in the future? Here is a few ideas:

1. India:

India is looking to be the primary export partner for the T-14 Armata, with the Armata fulfilling the requirements for India’s FRCV open contract.

Other tanks that could compete against the Armata within the FRCV contract requirements are the Korean K2 Black Panther and Ukrainian BM Oplot. Most current Western tanks like the Leopard 2A7 and M1A2 Abrams are too heavy for Indian terrain.

The Armata also faces domestic opposition in the Arjun Mk. 2, but it’s unsure if the latest version of the Arjun can overcome the poor reputation and controversies of its predecessor.

2. China:

Despite its own burgeoning arms industry, China continues to acquire advanced Russian military equipment such as the Su-35S and the S-400 .

In doing so, it’s continuing a relationship that began in the 1990s in which China buys expensive and close to cutting edge equipment from Russia then incorporates its features into its own products, as it has done with the J-11B and HQ-9.

As such, China will likely try to buy Armatas, if only in limited numbers to evaluate them, adopt what technology they think is good, and perhaps produce their competing version of the Armata for export.

3. Algeria:

Algeria has a long standing defense relationship with Russia and fields some of the most advanced Russian weapons in its military. They operate T-90s, S-50, and Su-30MKAs, which are an advanced variant of the Su-30.

They even have bought more recent Russian developments such as versions of the BMPT infantry support tank and Yak-130 fighter trainer.

Russia appears to trust them as a partner in advanced weapons development programs, and has asked them to be partners in the PAK FA (Su-57) project and appears to be willing to export the advanced fighter to them.

Algeria acquiring Armatas would ensure their supremacy as one of the most powerful militaries in their region and the Maghreb, and even Africa. However, given the large number of already advanced (for the region) T-90s they field, it’s unlikely Algeria will acquire more than a handful of Armatas due to the expensive cost.

4. Egypt:

Similar to Algeria, Egypt has gravitated towards purchasing Russian equipment recently, including T-90s and MiG-35s. Interestingly, both Egypt and Iraq have shifted from using U.S.-made export versions of the Abrams back to Russian-manufactured armor in their recent T-90 purchases.

For Egypt, this ends an almost thirty year relationship with the United States, in which they first bought M60 Pattons and then M1A1 export Abrams. Despite the recent pivot towards Russian products, Russia appears to trust Egypt and has offered the Su-57 to export to them as well.

As such, Egypt is a likely Armata export customer. That being said, they’re unlikely to procure them in the near future. The Egyptian Army placed an order for T-90s to augment their Abrams fleet in 2017, so they are unlikely to make another order for modern tanks for quite some time.

5. United Arab Emirates:

Similar to Algeria and Egypt, the United Arab Emirates has been cited as a potential export customer for the advanced Su-57 fighter, indicating a Russian willingness to cooperate on military and technical affairs.

Russia has been attempting to align the UAE’s armament procurement towards it more recently, offering it access to the Russian GLONASS GPS-equivalent satellite network.

With regards to armor, the UAE fields both Russian BMP-3 tracked infantry fighting vehicles and Ukrainian BTR-3 wheeled armored personnel carriers. Its entire tank fleet is comprised of French LeClerc Main Battle Tanks, which are of a fairly advanced type and which have been receiving considerable upgrades since being adopted.

According to this French blog , the type has performed satisfactorily in Yemen, suffering minimal losses.

Despite the strategic successes of the LeClerc, it was noted that the tank was penetrated on the frontal arc by an old Konkurs anti-tank guided missile. The projectile killed the driver and wounded the tank commander.

As a result, the UAE looked into upgrade kits for the LeClerc, including soft and hard-kill systems. However if France is unable to deliver or if the Armata’s solution to these problems is evaluated to be superior, the UAE might find itself procuring the Armata in the near future.

Charlie Gao studied political and computer science at Grinnell College and is a frequent commentator on defense and national security issues.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMar 4 Déc - 5:44

Cette source le "National Interest" c'est le Sputnik a la sauce anglophone, outil de propagande anglophone des Russes. Des fois je m'amuse a lire leur articles, il cache a peine leur penchant russophile.
Pas crédible comme source.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armata   Armata Icon_minitimeMar 4 Déc - 6:58


FAR SOLDIER a écrit:
Cette source le "National Interest" c'est le Sputnik a la sauce anglophone, outil de propagande anglophone des Russes. Des fois je m'amuse a lire leur articles, il cache a peine leur penchant russophile.
Pas crédible comme source.

Propriété du 'The Nixon Center' et d'obédience republicans, et vous arrivez à leur trouver de la russophilie... clown

Les peuples ne meurent jamais de faim mais de honte.
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