messages : 6351 Inscrit le : 13/07/2009 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Industrie militaire turque Sam 16 Fév - 14:20
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Le SSM travaille sur un mécanisme de crédit de gouvernement à gouvernement pour les exportations.
En gros, un FMS Turc
De la bouche du SSM Murad Bayar :
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The strengths of the Turkish defence industry have been a high-level of cost effectivity, high quality, on time delivery and a very effective after-sales support in all of those regions. We are also working on a new export credit mechanism for Government to Government (G2G) sales of defence products. We believe that Turkish defence products will be also advantageous in terms of finance after establishing this credit mechanism.
Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Mer 23 Mar - 15:24
TAI (TUSAS) présente un drone supersonique, le drone supersonique dispose d'un mini turboréacteur à l'arrière. Le drone supersonique, qui mesure environ 3 mètres de long, peut atteindre une vitesse de +1 Mach. Le drone sera capable d'effectuer de nombreuses tâches critiques telles que l'attaque électronique, le soutien électronique et jouera le rôle de «fausse cible», en particulier pour les systèmes de défense aérienne ennemis et les éléments de guerre électronique. Il est également essentiel pour les missions de suppression et de destruction de la défense aérienne ennemie (SEAD/DEAD).
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Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Jeu 24 Mar - 15:53
La feuille de route de TAI (TUSAS) pour le programme de drone. Ils sont en concurrence avec Baykar dans ce domaine..
On peut remarquer l'existence drone furtif pour les missions air-sol (Hava-Yer taarruz) et air-air (hava-hava), mais aussi de drone de guerre électronique (système d'attaque électronique et ELINT/SIGINT).
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40511 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Sam 26 Mar - 21:28
Bilal cherkaoui aime ce message
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Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Dim 27 Mar - 19:04
Le projet MIUS avance, Baykar a mit les ailes et ailerons. Prochaine étape les moteurs, l'électronique et les capteurs.
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Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Mer 30 Mar - 11:33
Présentation du missile antinavire CAKIR transportable pour des missions air-mer ou depuis de petits plateformes d'une portée de +100km. La portée du missile antinavire Atmaca est de +250km désormais..
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40511 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Jeu 31 Mar - 20:37
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40511 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Ven 27 Mai - 21:16
The MAV (Marine Assault Vehicle) nicknamed Zaha is a tracked amphibious armored vehicle developed and manufactured by the Turkish company FNSS. The vehicle was officially launched in May 2019 during IDEF, an International Defense Exhibition that was held in Istanbul, Turkey. During the amphibious assault phase of an operation, these vehicles are launched from Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) and rapidly cover the distance between the vessel and shore, allowing forces to land under protection and with minimum delay. Once on land, these vehicles can continue taking part in operations side-by-side with other armored vehicles. As vehicles with a dual role due to their mission requirements, armored amphibious assault vehicles need to exhibit superior performance both at sea and on land, and only a few countries around the world have such vehicles in their inventories. Among the NATO countries and allies, there is only one company other than FNSS producing vehicles of this class.
FNSS will deliver a total of 27 vehicles including 23 personnel carriers, 2 command and control vehicles, and 2 recovery vehicles. The development of the MAV was started in 2017 after a signature with the Turkish Defense Industry SSB. In June 2020, it was announced that the Zaha will conduct the first trial test with the Turkish navy. In December 2021, President of the Presidency of Defense Industries, Ismail Demir, gave information about the ZAHA project in his post on his social media accounts. Demir said, " ZAHA (…) has completed the mine and ballistics tests, and continues its reliability and sustainability test with land and sea drives". FNSS Defense Systems, via its social media accounts, wrote that "The final stages of sea driving have been reached in the qualification tests of the Armored Amphibious Assault Vehicle (ZAHA) Project". Indonesian company PT Pindad President Abraham Mose and FNSS Country Manager Tolgo Sipahi signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 20 April 2022, for the production of the MAV in Indonesia. The Zaha amphibious assault vehicle is intended to meet the Indonesian Navy’s requirement for new Amphibious Landing and Amphibious Recovery armored vehicles for the Indonesian Marine Corps (Marinirs).
MAV Zaha variants:
- APC Armored Personnel Carrier - Command and Control Vehicle - Recovery vehicle Technical Data Back to top
The APC (Armored personnel Carrier) version of the MAV Zaha is fitted with the CAKA remotely operated weapon station mounted on the top of the hull which can be armed with a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun or a 40mm automatic grenade launcher. The turret features a thermal sighting system to conduct firing operations day and night. Two banks of four smoke grenade dischargers are mounted on the roof of the hull at the back of the turret.
The MAV Zaha is fitted with a CAKA remotely operated weapon station armed with one 12.7mm heavy machine gun
Design and protection
The design of the MAV Zaha is based on a tracked chassis and a water-resistant hull with the driver position located at the front left side of the hull and a commander's hatch just behind. The vehicle has a crew of three and can carry up to 21 infantrymen. The rear of the hull is fitted with a hydraulic ramp allowing infantrymen to quickly enter or leave the vehicle. In case of failure, a manual door is integrated into the hydraulic ramp. It is based on an aluminum hull that provides protection against the firing of small arms and artillery shell splinters. The armor of the hull is also improved using appliqué armor plates and cathodic protection. The protection of the vehicle has been optimized to offer a high level of protection against land mines and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Device) threats.
The MAV Zaha is powered by a Diesel engine mounted at the front of the hull, coupled to a fully automatic transmission. During amphibious operations, the vehicle is propelled in the water at a maximum speed of 13 km/h (7 knots) thanks to two water jets mounted at the rear of the hull. The vehicle can reach a top road speed of 70 km/h. The torsion bar suspension on each side consists of six road wheels, three track return rollers, one idler at the rear, and the drive sprocket at the rear. The vehicle can negotiate a gradient of 60% and side slope of 40%, and can cross obstacles of 900 mm and trenches of 2 m.
The MAV Zaha is fully amphibious and propelled in the water thanks to two water jets mounted at the rear of the hull.
Standard equipment of the MAV Zaha includes an air conditioning system, explosion detection and suppression system, countermeasure systems, internal protection against nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) threats, navigation system, battlefield management system, VHF/UHF radios, crew intercommunication system, and a hydraulic trim vane.
air conditioning system, explosion detection and suppression system, countermeasure systems, internal protection against nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) threats, navigation system, battlefield management system, VHF/UHF radios, crew intercommunication system, and a hydraulic trim vane.
messages : 40511 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Ven 15 Juil - 19:54
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FNSS from Turkey to open Depot Level Maintenance and Repair Facility in Oman
Defense News July 2022 Global Security army industry
POSTED ON FRIDAY, 15 JULY 2022 09:50
Within the scope of the Armoured Personnel Carriers (PARS III) and Integrated Logistics Support supply contract signed between the Turkish company FNSS and the Ministry of Defence of the Government of The Sultanate of Oman on September 20, 2015, for which FNSS has accepted the Industry Participation and Offset obligations; On July 3, 2022, " Depot Level Maintenance and Repair Facility Contract" was signed between the Ministry of Finance of the Government of The Sultanate of Oman and FNSS.
Oman Army FNSS PARS III 8x8 armored vehicle. (Picture source FNSS)
In 2020, FNSS delivered 172 PARS III 6x6 and PARS III 8x8 vehicles, in 13 different variants, to the Royal Army of Oman, and brought the Integrated Logistics Support capabilities necessary for the maintenance of the vehicles throughout their lifecycle to the end user. In order to advance these capabilities, it has been mutually agreed to provide a Depot Level Maintenance and Repair Facility to the Royal Army of Oman, within the scope of the Industry Participation and Offset obligations of the current project. FNSS will carry out the architectural design and construction of the facility and will provide the supply of all necessary machinery and equipment and commissioning within the facility. Moreover FNSS will be responsible for the establishment of the infrastructure that allows the facility to be expanded within the framework of additional needs.
Once the facility, which will be located in the Sultanate of Oman, starts its operations, the Royal Army of Oman personnel will be trained to operate the facility. FNSS will provide on-site inspection and consulting services, and also transfer the technical and managerial knowledge to the Oman Army for the operation of the facility. In this context, FNSS will provide PARS III Depot Level Maintenance and Repair Technical Documentation, prepare PARS III Depot Level Maintenance and Repair Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM) and conduct necessary trainings. In addition, the project also aims to develop the capabilities of local Omani companies to produce spare parts for the defence industry.
With the "Oman Depot Level Maintenance and Repair Facility", which FNSS will implement with its experience in technology transfer and knowledge gained over 30 years, the Royal Army of Oman will gain a fully equipped and advanced maintenance facility with the option of expansion, which can also be used for future modernization requirements. On the other hand, it will be ensured that PARS III vehicles can be used more effectively and as a deterrent in the battlefield throughout their life cycle. With this project, FNSS will also contribute to supporting and developing the national industry of the Sultanate of Oman, strengthening small and medium enterprises in the country, and creating training and employment opportunities.
FNSS from Turkey to open Depot Level Maintenance and Repair Facility in Oman | Defense News July 2022 Global Security army industry | Defense Security global news industry army year 2022 | Archive News year (
youssef_ma73 General de Brigade
messages : 3002 Inscrit le : 03/08/2014 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Sam 13 Aoû - 20:39
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Le constructeur turc des drones d’attaque Bayraktar va construire une nouvelle usine en Ukraine
_________________ “Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal, mais par ceux qui les regardent sans rien faire.” Albert Einstein.
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40511 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Lun 2 Jan - 21:26
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Turkish Forestry service receives first T-70 Black Hawk
Following the initial delivery of a locally produced T-70 Black Hawk to the Gendarmerie, the second delivery from the "T-70 Turkish Multirole Utility Helicopter Project" (TMUHP or Genel Maksat Helikopteri/GHM) was to the Orman Genel Müdürlüğü (OGM) Havacılık (Turkish General Directorate of Forestry Aviation Department). Scramble Magazine reported on the TMUHP Black Hawk programme and the delivery of the first Gendarmerie T-70 on 15 December 2022. The OGM T-70, serial OR-1020, was delivered from the TUSAŞ facilities at Ankara-Mürted to the nearby OGM facilities at Ankara-Etimesgut. The manufacturer’s serial number remains unclear, for now. The locally produced T-70 can carry 2,5 tons of water at a time and is able to fly up to 2,5 hours while carrying eleven fire fighters when necessary. It is also equipped to perform search and rescue as well as nocturnal missions. The exact mission system configuration is not revealed yet, but these are also locally produced.
Photo via TUSAŞ
Turkish Forestry service receives first T-70 Black Hawk (
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Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Mer 18 Jan - 19:28
Türkiye’s first Hurjet light combat aircraft developed and produced by the Turkish Aerospace Industries has entered the ground test phase.
The new advanced jet trainer and light attack aircraft rolled out to the public and completed the first engine run-up test.
Hurjet is a single-engine, tandem seat, supersonic advanced trainer and light combat aircraft designed to replace the Northrop T-38 Talon in the trainer role and also to supplement the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon for close air support.
Within the scope of the project, it is planned to produce two prototypes of flyable aircraft and one static and one fatigue test aircraft to be used in test activities.
The light combat aircraft has a length of 13.6 meters, a wingspan of 9.5 meters, a height of 5.1 meters, and a wing area of 35 square meters.
Recently, the Defense Industry Executive Committee decided to place the first Hurjet order for the Turkish Air Force Command. The Hurjet Project, which was initiated with TAI’s own resources, thus took on the armor of the state.
The intended date of service entry for the Hürjet is 2023.
Turkey’s first Hurjet light combat aircraft enters ground testing (
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jf16 General de Division
messages : 40511 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Jeu 27 Avr - 21:15
Vampiro aime ce message
jf16 General de Division
messages : 40511 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Industrie militaire turque Jeu 27 Avr - 22:53