messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: industrie militaire dans le monde Mer 8 Jan 2014 - 21:50
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CAE remporte des contrats militaires d'une valeur de plus de 110 millions $CA
MONTRÉAL, CANADA--(Marketwired - 8 jan. 2014)
CAE a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'elle a remporté des contrats d'une valeur de plus de 110 millions $CA, sans tenir compte des options, visant à fournir une série de systèmes et de services de formation à des clients militaires. Les contrats, qui s'ajoutent aux prises de commandes enregistrées au troisième trimestre de l'exercice 2014 de CAE, incluent un nouveau programme visant à fournir des services de formation des équipages Beechcraft T-44C de l'United States Navy, un contrat de vente de matériel militaire à l'étranger pour fournir un simulateur d'hélicoptère MH-60R Seahawk à la Marine royale danoise, et un contrat de la part de Beechcraft pour fournir un système d'entraînement au sol (GBTS) T-6C à la Force aérienne mexicaine. « CAE est un intégrateur de systèmes de formation chevronné et expérimenté qui a la capacité éprouvée de fournir des solutions d'entraînement complètes et intégrées », a déclaré Gene Colabatistto, président de groupe, Défense et Sécurité à CAE. « Nous continuons à avoir du succès avec des plateformes sur lesquelles nous sommes en bonne position comme le MH-60R ainsi qu'à remporter une série de programmes de formation clés en main, comme pour l'avion T-44C de l'U.S. Navy. Nous sommes encouragés par l'éventail d'occasions d'affaires qui se présentent à l'échelle mondiale tant dans le marché traditionnel de la défense que dans les marchés adjacents comme la sécurité publique. »
Avion T-44C de l'U.S. Navy CAE USA fournira des services complets de formation des équipages T-44C à la base aéronavale Corpus Christi au Texas. Selon les modalités du contrat, accordé en fonction d'un contrat initial de neuf mois d'une valeur de 3,5 millions $US et accompagné de six années en option d'une valeur totale de plus de 30 millions $US, CAE USA fournira des services de formation des équipages T-44C en vertu d'un programme de formation appartenant et exploité par l'entreprise. CAE fournira de la formation en classe et sur simulateur à plus de 500 étudiants par année pour appuyer l'avion T-44C de l'U.S. Navy, qui sert pour la formation évoluée et intermédiaire sur appareils multimoteurs. Dans le cadre du programme de formation des équipages T-44C, CAE fournira une série de nouveaux dispositifs de formation T-44C afin d'assurer la concordance avec la suite avionique numérique tout écran présente dans l'avion T-44C. « Il s'agit d'un nouveau programme pour CAE USA, et nous sommes honorés que l'U.S. Navy nous ait sélectionnés à la suite d'un processus concurrentiel d'acquisition », a déclaré Ray Duquette, président et directeur général de CAE USA. « Nous sommes également encouragés de voir que la Navy adopte une approche innovatrice pour fournir des services de formation des équipages en vertu d'un programme appartenant et exploité par l'entreprise. Nous fournirons les dispositifs de formation T-44C requis, et nous mettrons par la suite ces nouveaux dispositifs en service pour appuyer le programme de formation complet sur l'avion T-44C. Nous croyons que cette approche à la prestation de services de formation peut aider nos clients militaires à économiser, à réduire leurs risques, à garantir un investissement et à contribuer à augmenter l'efficacité de la formation. »
U.S. Navy/Marine royale danoise CAE a remporté un contrat octroyé par l'U.S Navy portant sur le développement d'un entraîneur de vol opérationnel et à la mission (MOFT) MH-60R pour la Marine royale danoise dans le cadre du programme de vente de matériel militaire à l'étranger. CAE USA sera le maître d'œuvre responsable de la conception et de la construction d'un dispositif MOFT MH-60R qui sera livré en 2016 à la base aérienne Karup au Danemark. Le MOFT MH-60R est un simulateur de mouvement doté des postes de l'équipage (pilote, officier de la tactique et opérateur de capteurs). Le MOFT MH-60R inclura également un poste de l'instructeur à bord, ainsi que des postes externes pour l'instructeur de tactiques, le débriefing et le développement de bases de données. Le simulateur sera équipé du générateur d'images CAE Medallion-6000 et de l'architecture de la base de données commune (CDB). La Marine royale danoise a sélectionné l'hélicoptère MH-60R Seahawk de l'U.S. Navy à la fin 2012 comme nouvel hélicoptère maritime pour la recherche et le sauvetage ainsi que les opérations de lutte antisurface, y compris la défense des intérêts danois dans l'Atlantique Nord, l'exécution d'opérations de lutte contre la piraterie et l'exécution d'autres missions lors de déploiements internationaux. Le Danemark est le deuxième client dans le cadre du programme de vente de matériel militaire à l'étranger pour l'hélicoptère MH-60R de l'U.S. Navy, après l'Australie. L'U.S. Navy est appuyée par l'Équipe Seahwak, qui est composée du constructeur de l'appareil MH-60R Sikorsky Aircraft, de l'intégrateur de systèmes de missions Lockheed Martin, du motoriste GE, du fournisseur de capteurs Raytheon Corp., et du fournisseur de formation CAE.
Beechcraft/Force aérienne mexicaine CAE a remporté un contrat auprès de Beechcraft Corporation pour développer un système d'entraînement au sol (GBTS) complet T-6C pour la Force aérienne mexicaine. Le système GBTS T-6C sera équipé d'un entraîneur au vol opérationnel (OFT) T-6C, de systèmes d'instruction en classe sur ordinateur et de didacticiels. Le GBTS T-6C fait partie d'une solution complète d'entraînement que Beechcraft fournit à la Force aérienne mexicaine et qui inclut 12 avions d'entraînement militaire T-6C+. L'entraîneur au vol opérationnel T-6C construit par CAE correspondra à une réplique exacte du poste de pilotage de l'avion T-6C avec un système d'affichage à grand champ visuel de 270 degrés sur 70 degrés propulsé par le générateur d'images CAE Medallion-6000. L'entraîneur OFT T-6C prendra également en charge la formation avec des lunettes de vision nocturne, et sera doté de la base de données commune (CDB) développée par CAE, une architecture ouverte qui améliore la capacité de corréler et de mettre à jour rapidement les bases de données pour répondre aux exigences en matière d'entraînement et de répétition de missions. L'OFT T-6C est conçu en fonction des plus récentes technologies pour appuyer la formation qui progresse vers les plateformes d'avions d'entraînement et d'avions de chasse de quatrième et de cinquième génération. Le GBTS T-6C complet sera livré à la base aérienne Zopapan près de Guadalajara en 2015. CAE est un chef de file mondial en modélisation, simulation et formation pour les secteurs de l'aviation civile et de la défense. La société compte environ 8 000 employés dans plus de 100 sites et centres de formation répartis dans environ 30 pays. CAE fournit des services de formation civile, militaire et sur hélicoptère dans plus de 50 emplacements partout dans le monde et forme environ 100 000 membres d'équipage chaque année. De plus, la CAE Oxford Aviation Academy fournit de la formation aux élèves-pilotes dans 10 écoles de pilotage exploitées par CAE. Les activités de CAE sont diversifiées, allant de la vente de produits de simulation à la prestation de services complets comme les services de formation, les services aéronautiques, les solutions intégrées d'entreprise, le soutien en service et le placement de membres d'équipage. La société applique son savoir-faire en simulation et son expérience opérationnelle afin d'aider ses clients à renforcer la sécurité, à améliorer l'efficacité, à demeurer prêts pour leurs missions et à résoudre des problèmes complexes. CAE étend ses connaissances de la simulation à de nouveaux marchés, comme ceux de la santé et des mines.
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Lun 31 Mar 2014 - 12:22
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Navantia showcased its AVANTE 1800 "combatant version" corvette during DIMDEX 2014
Navantia had a scale model on its booth of what could be an AVANTE 1800 in Qatari Navy configuration. The model was fitted with a 76mm main gun, 12x VLS (vertical launch system) cells behind the main gun at the bow, 8x (2x quad launchers) anti-ship missiles, a 3-D Air/Surface surveillance radar, one short-range SAM launcher on-top of the helicopter hangar.
The AVANTE 1800 in combatant version is 89,80 meters in length, 13.2 in breadth and displaces 1900 tons. Its maximum speed is 25 knots, range 3000 nautical miles and endurance 21 days.
During DIMDEX 2014, the Technical Committee of the Navy of Qatar, visited the Spanish Navy BAM “Relámpago” in Doha. This ship has similar standards to the AVANTE 1800, presented by Navantia to the Qatar Navy, in terms of habilitation, systems, command and control,...
messages : 40537 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Lun 31 Mar 2014 - 22:08
annabi Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Mer 2 Avr 2014 - 1:57
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'Invisible' PL-01 Polish Stealth Tank Progresses
A new stealth tank design is in development for the Polish Land Forces via a partnership between BAE Systems and Poland's OBRUM (Ośrodek Badawczo - Rozwojowy Urządzeń Mechanicznych) defence group. The PL-01 currently exists as a low-observability battlefield concept demonstrator, which had its public debut in September 2013. Now, work is progressing on the PL-01 stealth tank prototype, with completion scheduled for 2016, followed by full-rate production and entry-into-service two years later. The PL-01 battlefield tank's key features include an angular structure, aimed at deflecting radar. Reactive panelling is also present, able to adjust the PL-01's surface temperature so it matches local environmental conditions. This capability will help the PL-01 avoid thermal imaging scans while hi-tech camouflage will also serve to lower its visual profile. Polish Stealth Tank The Polish stealth tank might be designed to operate under a cloak of concealment, rendering it virtually invisible, but it also boasts considerable firepower. Its armament includes an unmanned turret, smoke grenade launchers and a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun. For the operator, an array of integrated cameras supply an almost 360 degree field of view and the design can accommodate three Polish Land Forces personnel in total. Top speed will be 70 kilometres per hour on flat surfaces, dropping to 50 kilometres per hour on rough terrain, while the PL-01 will have a maximum range of 500 kilometres. PL-01: Poland First and foremost, Poland's PL-01 will serve as a battlefield tank but modular features will also allow it to serve in the command, mine clearance or armoured vehicle repair roles. The modern-day Polish Land Forces has been active since 1918. Its equipment includes some 900 tanks, 1,500 infantry fighting vehicles and 900 helicopters. Upgraded Soviet-era technology leads the way but a modernisation programme is in motion, of which the PL-01 forms part. The Polish Land Forces' recent operational engagements have included deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Mitsubishi Heavy Industries devrait assembler une partie des F35 de Lockheed Martin. Mais, jusqu'ici, ces contrats ne portaient que sur la série commandée par Tokyo et non sur les 3.000 unités que les Etats-Unis espèrent vendre au total.
ShinMaywa L'Inde pourrait prochainement commander plusieurs exemplaires du ShinMaywa US-2, un avion amphibie quadrimoteur parfait pour les opérations de recherche en mer. Pour l'instant, l'industriel japonais n'a pu écouler que sept engins aux Forces d'autodéfense japonaises.
Daicel Chemical Le groupe Daicel Chemical Industries, spécialisé dans les propulseurs, a développé des systèmes d'éjection pour les sièges de pilote des avions de chasse des Forces d'autodéfense japonaises. Le groupe a été approché à plusieurs reprises par des sociétés étrangères.
Two Rooivalks escort a UN delegation in the DRC's North Kivu province on 11 February. The attack helicopter's first operational deployment has helped it attract foreign interest, according to South Africa's defence minister. Source: MONUSCO
South African defence minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula has called for Denel to restart production of the Rooivalk attack helicopter, although it is unclear at this stage how likely this might be.
Speaking after a briefing in Cape Town on South African participation in peace-support missions, Mapisa-Nqakula said the small Rooivalk detachment deployed to support the UN mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) had enjoyed a remarkable impact and demonstrated the effectiveness of the aircraft. She added that other countries had made enquiries about the Rooivalk.
The South African Air Force (SAAF) has also deployed Oryx medium transport helicopters to the DRC to support the UN's Force Intervention Brigade. The Oryx was developed in the 1980s using the fuselage of the Aérospatiale SA 330 Puma in the 1980s, but with the more powerful engines and related gearbox from the Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma, as well as its longer tail boom to offset the greater torque.
Although developed in parallel with the Oryx, the Rooivalk is unique except that it employs a variant of the same engine and shares some other elements of the dynamic system.
The original intention had been to build 36 Rooivalks for the SAAF, but that was cut to just 12 when defence funding was slashed after 1990. Despite good reviews from potential customers, no export orders emerged, largely because the SAAF had not taken the helicopter into full service due to funding shortfalls. A possible Turkish order was thwarted by a foreign supplier that refused to supply a critical component.
While the Rooivalk is now operational, it still lacks the 10,000 m-range Mokopa laser-guided missile expressly designed for it by Denel Dynamics because there is no funding to buy the weapon. The Mokopa, meanwhile, is being produced for an export order to arm shipboard helicopters.
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Ven 4 Avr 2014 - 2:13
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German-Swedish submarine war rages on
It’s a war without a shot being fired, not fought on the high seas, but in the corporate boardrooms of two defense contractors.
On the one side is Sweden’s SaabGroup, a defense contractor looking to establish a submarine-building unit. On the other side is Germany’s ThyssenKrupp, trying to dominate northern Europe's submarine-building industry.
In the most recent development, the Swedes have been luring ThyssenKrupp employees to their side, prompting the Germans to offer them a bonus equal to a month’s salary to stay, according to an article in the Sweden edition of The Local.
Not to be confused with the automaker, Saab was founded in 1937 as an aircraft manufacturer. In 1947 it expanded into automobile manufacturing, creating the iconic Saab automobile. It had been the parent company until 1990 when the carmaking division began operating as a separate entity. The trouble with ThyssenKrupp began in 2005, when the German defense contractor bought the Kockums Karkskrona shipyard, in southern Sweden, where for centuries ships for the Swedish navy had been built. Kockums had been a direct competitor of ThyssenKrupp, and it quickly became obvious that they had acquired the Swedish company, not to expand its capability, but to eliminate a competitor.
“The purchase of Kockums wasn’t aimed at consolidating the naval industry and creating synergies, but getting rid of a competitor,” said an unidentified German source reported in The Local.
Things began to heat up in 2011 when ThyssenKrupp CEO Hans Christoph Atzpodien did not allow Kockums to bid on a project to build two submarines for Singapore, even though the Swedish company had a long-standing business relationship with that country. Last year, it blacked a deal between the Swedish shipyard and Australia by purchasing Australian Naval Technologies, and claimed they “could do the same job as Kockums could have done on its own.”
To add insult to injury, the German firm last year decided to get rid of the old Swedish name and change it to the official German title ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS).
It was at about this point that officials in the Swedish government began to get concerned.
“Submarine-building capabilities are essential for our armed forces and our ability to defend ourselves,” said Allan Widman, a member of parliament and the Liberal Party’s defense spokesman. Over the past few weeks there have been rumors that the Saab Group has been looking into buying Kockums back into Swedish hands, but neither the Swedes nor the Germans are commenting.
It’s now looking as though the SaabGroup is planning to establish a submarine-building division of its own, and it’s actively recruiting Swedish employees of ThyssenKrupp to go to work for them. So far, 200 ThyssenKrupp employees have gone over to the SaabGroup, and even more say they would be interested.
To stop the bleeding, the Germans made the bonus offer, on the condition that at least 40 percent of its employees stay.
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Mer 9 Avr 2014 - 1:07
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Japan, Australia agree to joint research on submarines, hydrodynamics
The prime ministers of Japan and Australia agreed on 7 April to start talks on creating a framework for co-operation on defence equipment and technology. Shinzo Abe and Tony Abbott agreed in talks in Tokyo that the two countries' first bilateral defence technology project will involve joint research into marine hydrodynamics, a joint statement said. An official at the Japanese Ministry of Defence (MoD) told IHS Jane's said this would include the analysis of propulsion and water resistance around submarine hulls. Abe and Abbott also confirmed that the two countries would hold '2+2' foreign and defence ministerial talks in Tokyo in June and work together to upgrade the interoperability of their respective defence organisations and to expand practical military co-operation, including joint drills. The MoD and the Australian Department of Defence plan to exchange memorandums to start the joint research soon. The researchers, from Japan's Technical Research and Development Institute and Australia's Defence Science and Technology Organisation, will also examine improving propulsion efficiency through ship geometry and innovations in reducing propeller volume. Both governments also reaffirmed their commitment to the trilateral alliance framework of Japan, Australia, and the United States in the light of increasing Chinese military activities in the East China and South China seas. COMMENT The announcement on bilateral defence technology co-operation comes hot on the heels of the 1 April Cabinet approval for Japan's new guidelines on defence equipment exports. Australia has previously expressed interest in adopting Japanese propulsion technology used in the 4,200-tonne Soryu class in its Collins-class replacement fleet. However, Japanese MoD sources suggest that this submarine technology is seen as too sensitive, so a decision was made to start joint research on marine hydrodynamics instead. "The decision to start discussions on submarines appears to reflect Australia's domestic concerns," the MoD official said.
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Mer 9 Avr 2014 - 14:46
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Navantia inks naval agreement with Brazil's Synergy Group
Spanish state-owned naval shipbuilder Navantia has taken the first steps towards setting up a joint venture in Brazil to meet opportunities relating to the build-up to the Brazilian Navy's (Marinha do Brasil: MB) Programa de Obtenção de Meios de Superfície (PROSUPER) shipbuilding programme. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in Madrid on 8 April by Navantia president José Manuel Revuelta and Germán Eframovich, CEO of the Rio de Janeiro-based Synergy Group Corporation. Navantia is hoping to beat off perhaps as many as six rivals to win a design order for up to 11 ships - including five 6,000 tonne frigates, five 1,800 tonne OPV patrol boats and a logistics support ship.
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Lun 14 Avr 2014 - 16:46
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Denel planning rotary wing UAS for maritime ops
Denel Dynamics plans to extend its UAV family with the addition of a rotary wing capability for the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), company officials have disclosed. Speaking to Shephard at the Defence Services Asia (DSA) exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Denel executive manager Sihle Mayisela said the development was in the ‘very early stages’. The company’s current inventory of unmanned systems includes the fixed-wing and tactical Seeker 200 and 400 platforms as well as the Hungwe. However, Mayisela said the introduction of a VTOL capability would be much more relevant to maritime requirements. Denel has teamed up with South Africa’s Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) institute to design a VTOL concept which, Mayisela said, would initially comprise a smaller platform similar in size to Schiebel’s Camcopter. However, current market trends are seeing European and US efforts to design larger rotary wing UAV/OPV platforms for cargo resupply taskings as well as maritime surveillance. ‘The VTOL requirement is for the SANDF and this trend is seeing everyone going that way. We can’t afford to be held back,’ Mayisela continued. Denel said it would be relying on experience accrued with its Rooivalk attack helicopter programme, with Mayisela adding: ‘We are taking this technology and technology from our UAVs to do something very similar.’ Elsewhere, the company is planning tests to extend the capability of its fixed-wing UAVs operating in the maritime environment. Currently, none of Denel’s UAV solutions can be launched from a vessel. However, the company is looking to conduct tests to launch a UAV from land before handing control over to a maritime platform. According to Mayisela, initial tests will be conducted later this year with the SANDF, although the capability will remain restricted to line of sight operations. Furthermore, he said Denel was not currently considering launching its fixed-wing platforms from ships.
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Mar 15 Avr 2014 - 1:57
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ThyssenKrupp In Talks To Sell Swedish Shipyard Business To Saab BY REUTERS ON APRIL 14, 2014
STOCKHOLM, April 14 (Reuters) – ThyssenKrupp has signed a memorandum of understanding to sell its shipyard business in Sweden to defence firm Saab after the Swedish government made it clear it would not buy new submarines from the German conglomerate.
Saab said in a statement on Monday negotiations between the two companies were at an early stage and more information would follow.
Saab said the deal was in line with its ambition to expand its naval activities and help Sweden meet its needs for the design, production and maintenance of submarines and warships.
“An acquisition of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems will enable Saab to meet this ambition,” it said in a statement.
ThyssenKrupp won a deal to design new submarines in 2010, but earlier this year Sweden’s defence procurement agency asked Saab to come up with a strategy to support Swedish submarine naval forces. Swedish investment firm Investor AB owns a 30 percent stake in Saab.
The government later said it had ruled out ThyssenKrupp as the producer of new submarines for the country due to conflicting views over the commercial terms.
ThyssenKrupp Marine employs around 1,000 staff in Sweden, mainly in the southern Swedish cities of Malmo and Karlskrona. It had sales of 1.9 billion crowns ($291 million) in its 2011/2012 fiscal year, according to its annual accounts filed in Sweden. (Reporting by Mia Shanley. Editing by Jane Merriman)
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Mer 16 Avr 2014 - 2:30
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Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera has reaffirmed the nation's plan for a 2014 first flight of the Advanced Technology Demonstrator-X (ATD-X) fighter: a prototype for a future fighter to replace the Japan Air Self-Defence Force's Mitsubishi F-2.
"In February I myself visited at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' (MHI's) Komaki Minami plant where the ATD-X is being built," Onodera told the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of the Upper House on 10 April. "There I was briefed that the first flight will take place this year."
The ATD-X, also known as Shinshin ('Heart of God'), is being developed by the ministry's Technical Research and Development Institute (TRDI), with the main contractor of the project being MHI. It has been designed to be a stealthy air-superiority fighter with enhanced manoeuvrability. The Japanese Ministry of Defence (MoD) will use it to research advanced technologies and system integration, after which it plans to produce a 'sixth-generation' fighter encompassing i3 (informed, intelligent and instantaneous) concepts and counter-stealth capabilities.
"Originally MHI planned to roll-out the ATD-X before the media in May, soon after Japan's Golden Week holidays, followed by the first test fight," an official at TRDI told IHS Jane's on 15 April. "Now it is several months behind schedule."
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Mer 16 Avr 2014 - 14:48
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DSME unveils its Missile Surface Corvette (MSC) at DSA 2014
At DSA 2014, the 14th Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference currently held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Korean shipbuilder DSME introduces for the first time its Missile Surface Corvette (MSC). Navy Recognition learned during DSA 2014 that DSME teamed with a local partner to answer an RFI from the Royal Malaysian Navy for a small displacement corvette.
The MSC model shown at DSA 2014 is fitted with a 76mm Oto Melara main gun, 4x Kongsberg NSM anti-ship missiles, 2x MSI 30mm guns located aft, and several South Korean made sensors, most of them from Samsung Thales.
DSME representatives at the trade show stressed however that configuration is just a suggestion and that they are ready to adapt according to customer requirements.
DSME's MSC has a length of about 85.5 meters, a breadth of 12.9 meters, a draft of 3.8 meters for a displacement of about 1,800 tons.
The MSC crew consists of 60 sailors. Its top speed is 26 knots and endurance in excess of 20 days.
DSME is also showing at DSA the DW3000 Frigate selected by the Royal Thai Navy. Thailand recently ordered two units of this class of ship from DSME to be delivered in 2018 and 2020. The displacement is about 3,700 tons.
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Ven 18 Avr 2014 - 23:09
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North Sea Boats (PT. Lundin) and SAAB working on an improved 63m FMPV Trimaran
At DSA 2014, the 14th Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference currently held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Indonesian shipyard North Sea Boats (PT. Lundin) and SAAB are showing an updated model of the 63m FMPV Trimaran design ordered by the Indonesian Navy.
Talking to Navy Recognition during DSA 2014, a SAAB representative explained that the Swedish company is planning to fit its new Sea Giraffe 1X 3D radar higher up in the mast for better radar coverage and less limitation because of the curvature of the Earth. This is possible because the new radar is only 150 kilograms. This explains the quite unique shape of the newly designed mast onboard the FMPV (Fast Missile Patrol Vessel) Trimaran. The mast would integrate the radar, the ESM and the communication systems.
Following the accidental destruction of the first-of-class ship KRI Klewang shortly after its launch in 2012, SAAB and North Sea Boats have now signed a partnership for the project. SAAB is planning to offer this turnkey solution to both TNI AL (Indonesian Navy) and for export under the name "Stealth FAC" (Stealth Fast Attack Craft).
According to the SAAB representative, the new FMPV Trimaran would be fitted with - 4x RBS15 Mk3 anti-ship missiles - 1x BAE Systems 40Mk4 gun under a stealth cupola - A stern ramp to deploy a 12 meters RIB - SAAB's 9LV combat management system - SAAB's Ceros 200 radar and optronic tracking system - SAAB's TactiCall Integrated Communications System
The original class (KRI Klewang) was supposed to be fitted with mostly Chinese weapons and systems. PT Lundin representatives at DSA 2014 told Navy Recognition that officially, the Indonesian Navy is still evaluating which weapons and sensors should be fitted onboard the updated Trimaran design.
RBS15 Mk3 is a fire-and-forget, subsonic cruise type missile with all weather capability with a range in excess of 200 Km.
Construction of a new 63m FMPV Trimaran started in February 2014 at the North Sea Boats facility in Indonesia. The newly designed ship should be launched 24 months from now. According to SAAB, a future version may be fitted with an anti-submarine warfare suite (weapons + sensors).
According to a BAE Systems Bofors representative at DSA 2014, this could be the first export case for the new 40Mk4 naval gun system, even though the company is in discussion with other countries as we speak.
We learned that the current order from TNI AL is for 4 vessels, but overall close to 30 units could ultimately be produced for TNI AL alone.
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Dim 27 Avr 2014 - 0:05
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Japon, l’ATD-X pourrait voler cette année
Tokyo, le ministre de la défense Itsunori Onodera a confirmé que le démonstrateur Mitsubishi ATD-X devrait effectuer son premier vol cette année. Le programme de démonstration japonais d’avion de combat de nouvelle génération semble, cependant, souffrir d’un léger retard sur le calendrier initial. Le projet ATD-X : Le projet Stealth Fighter, Mitsubishi ATD-X «Shinshin» (esprit du coeur) a été dévoilé la première fois en novembre 2009. L’objectif de ce programme de démonstration est la construction d’un avion expérimental pour l'évaluation de la maturité et de l'intégration des technologies de cellules et de moteurs avancés pour un futur avion de combat entièrement japonais. Développé sur des fonds propres, par la division de recherche du ministère de la défense (IDTR). l’Advanced Technologic Demonstrator -X (ATD-X) développé par Mitsubishi Heavy Industrie est un avion de démonstration technologique dans le but de définir la cinquième génération d’avion de combat. D’un point de vue du dessin, l’avion ressemble au F-22 américain, mais serait doté de tuyères orientables 3 axes. Bizarrement, celles-ci semblent «découvertes» et diminueraient à ce stade du développement la furtivité de l’avion. Rien n’étant définitif, il s’agit peut-être là d’un détail. Par contre, l’affaire des fuites concernant les technologies du radar (US) AEGIS semble démontrer que le Japon dispose d’informations sur ce système et que celui-ci, désire l’intégrer au «Shinshin». L’avion devrait également intégrer la fibre optique, en lieu et place du câblage habituel, celle-ci permettant une plus grande rapidité de transmission de données avec une diminution des perturbations électromagnétiques. L’arrivée d’un système d’auto réparation «Flight Control Capability» permettra de détecter automatiquement des pannes électroniques et d’agir avec l’aide des systèmes restant pour en restaurer les fonctions principales. Une chose est claire, le Japon désire développer ses propres avions de combat de prochaine génération et ceci en pleine indépendance vis-à-vis des technologies étrangères, ainsi que de lui permettre de rivaliser avec les avancées actuelles de la Russie et de la Chine. Il faut également comprendre que le Japon a été bousculé par le fait, qu’une interdiction d’exportation du F-22 soit décidée aux Etats-Unis, justifiant ainsi l’occasion unique de pouvoir faire perdurer son industrie aéronautique militaire et ceci en parallèle avec l’acquisition du F-35.
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Mer 30 Avr 2014 - 17:30
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Mazagon Dock looks at next sub project
As shipyard gains confidence building the Scorpene, it looks ahead to make the second line, of 6 more such submarines
Project 75 is one of India's most closely guarded military projects, almost as inaccessible to outsiders as the nuclear ballistic missile submarine, INS Arihant, nearing completion in Visakhapatnam.
In a giant shed in the East Yard of Mazagon Dock Ltd, Mumbai (MDL), a 200-feet-long, cigar-shaped, metal cylinder is the first of six conventionally powered Scorpene submarines that the Indian Navy contracted to build with Franco-Spanish company, Armaris (since taken over by French shipbuilding major, DCNS).
The boat (as submariners call their vessels) is obviously close to completion - a small remaining gap at the rear will be filled by the section that holds the engine. Nearby, a second Scorpene is taking shape, metallic rings being welded together to form a hull. In the shed next door, a third vessel is racing towards completion.
Hundreds of MDL workmen swarm over the scaffolding that encases the three submarines, overseen by 25-30 French experts from DCNS. They are fitting the wiring, piping and combat systems that must function silently and efficiently in the most taxing underwater conditions.
Business Standard has repeatedly applied to visit this facility but has been turned down each time. The description above comes from a trusted source, with intimate access to the Scorpene project. The ministry of defence (MoD) discourages the media after years of negative publicity over a project running four years late.
Yet, MDL's current chairman, Rear Admiral (Retired) Rahul Shrawat - who inherited the Scorpene delay when he assumed charge of MDL - is upbeat. He promises the first submarine by September 2016, and to deliver the next five Scorpenes at nine-month intervals rather than the one-year intervals contracted.
Speaking to Business Standard, Shrawat promised: "We will launch the first Scorpene by September 2015 and deliver it to the navy within a year, i.e. by September 2016. The subsequent boats will be delivered at nine-month intervals, with the sixth and final vessel joining the fleet by June 2020.
Shrawat admits this is an aggressive timeline without any buffers for unexpected delays. As Business Standard first reported (Scorpene tangled in govt web, December 19, 2009) Project 75 was delayed by a sloppy Rs 18,798 crore contract that made MDL responsible for buying Rs 2,700 crore worth of Scorpene internal equipment from DCNS. When MDL ordered, DCNS cited inflation to raise the price to Rs 4,700 crore. The ensuing negotiations, and the lengthy processes for fresh government sanctions for added costs, caused over two years of delay.
"Many significant items are yet to be delivered to us, even for the first submarine. This is a big criticality but we will meet the challenge," says Shrawat confidently.
The Scorpene delay is part of a critical shortfall of operational submarines with the navy. The fleet has just 10 Sindhughosh-class (Russian Kilo-class) submarines, and four Shishumar-class (German HDW) submarines, of which just 9-10 were operational at any time. The availability fell to 7-8 after two recent submarine accidents - the sinking of INS Sindhurakshak in Mumbai after a cataclysmic explosion on board that killed 18 crewmembers last August; and a fire on board INS Sindhuratna in February that killed two officers and led to the resignation of the navy chief.
Even so, Project 75 has created confidence about MDL's new ability to build submarines. The shipyard is readying to build a second line of six submarines under the new Project 75I, worth an estimated Rs 50,000 crore ($8.25 billion). Government sanction is being processed for Project 75I.
Rather than floating a global tender for Project 75I, Shrawat wants to take advantage of the experience and expertise gained during Project 75. Instead of having a fourth type of submarine in the navy's fleet (in addition to the Kilo-class; HDW and Scorpene), MDL sees the benefit in a more modern Scorpene with air independent propulsion (AIP) and land-attack missiles that the Project 75 vessels lack. Only the last two Project 75 vessels are slated to have AIP.
"Most naval policymakers would not consider it prudent to have a fourth type of conventional submarine in the fleet. I'm sure the government will feel the same. So, why not build more Scorpenes; improved with AIP and land attack missiles," says Shrawat.
The defence ministry, led by A K Antony for the last eight years, consistently shrank from such decisions in favour of a single vendor, preferring the path of open tendering even when it created operational drawbacks, like a multiplicity of platforms. The next government's orientation will be keenly watched.
Another key factor in the Project 75I decision would be the willingness of foreign governments to supply submarines equipped with land attack missiles. The Missile Technology Control Regime (MACRO) proscribes the transfer of missiles with ranges of 300 km and more.
Meanwhile, Indian defence shipyards are jostling fiercely for a share of Project 75I. The navy wants two submarines built abroad and inducted quickly into service, with the remaining four being built by MDL and the newly acquired defence shipyard, Hindustan Shipyard Ltd (HSL). But L&T cites its key role in building the nuclear submarine, INS Arihant, to argue that it should build at least one Project 75I submarine.
messages : 40537 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Lun 12 Mai 2014 - 20:25
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Les Terminator assemblés au Kazakhstan
Industrie et matériels 12 mai 2014
Le Kazakhstan est, depuis 2011, l’unique utilisateur du véhicule blindé d’appui-feu russe BMPT Terminator. Son armement est composé de deux canons de 30 mm, d’une mitrailleuse coaxiale de 7,62 mm, de quatre missiles antichars Ataka-T et de deux lances-grenades automatiques de capot AG-17.
Satisfait de leur efficacité et de l’emploi tactique, le Kazakhstan veut maintenant les fabriquer sur son sol. Une société commune entre Uralvagonzavod et Kazakhstan Ingeeniring est en cours de création et devrait effectuer l’assemblage final des Terminator. Le transfert de technologie sera effectué pour la fabrication du châssis, qui est à 90 % identique à celui du char de combat T-90.
Le système d’arme et le lot de pièces détachées seront fournis par la Russie. Même si le système d’arme représente les deux tiers du prix du blindé, le choix d’Astana est judicieux. Le châssis du T-90, lui-même dérivé du T-72, peut intégrer une large variété d’armements et d’équipements de soutien. Il existe déjà en version MTU-90 poseur de pont, BMR-3M déminage, BREM-1M dépannage, IMR-3M génie.
De plus, le Kazakhstan pourrait effectuer lui-même l’entretien et la réparation des véhicules installés sur ce châssis. D’après Sergueï Maslov, représentant d’Uralvagonzavod dans la coopération militaro-technique, la production des premiers BMPT au Kazakhstan débutera dès 2015.
MBDA vient de publier une vidéo des essais d'intégration du missile air-sol Brimstone sur le drone MQ-9 Reaper. Débutés en fin d'année dernière, ces essais ont eu lieu dans le polygone de China Lake aux Etats-Unis, avec le concours de l'US Air Force et à la demande de la Grande-Bretagne.
Londres souhaite en effet intégrer le missile de MBDA sur ses propres Reaper, en remplacement du missile Hellfire. L'avantage du Brimstone, par rapport au missile américain, est qu'il dispose d'un guidage dual (radar millimétrique et semi-actif laser) qui le rend plus précis et plus efficace contre des cibles mobiles.
Le missilier européen, a ainsi démontré la précision du missile contre des cibles non-protégées, se déplaçant à près de 80 km/h, et perpendiculairement à sa propre trajectoire. L’intérêt du guidage dual est en effet de tirer le missile sur pointage laser, avant que le radar du missile ne prenne le relais du guidage durant la dernière phase de vol, avant impact.
Neufs coups au but ont été réalisés, avec des tirs à une altitude de 6000 m et et à une distance de 7 à 12 km de la cible.
Le Brimstone a été déjà été employé en opération, en Afghanistan, depuis les Tornado GR4 de la Royal Air Force.
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Ven 16 Mai 2014 - 2:16
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Zycraft USV receives interest from Middle East, Southeast Asian navies
Singapore-based unmanned marine systems developer Zycraft has received strong indications of interest from several Middle Eastern navies for its Vigilant independent unmanned surface vehicle (USV) platform. "We have received very good indications primarily from navies that are looking to use the platform for their port patrolling operations," Zycraft's president, James Soon, told IHS Jane's on 12 May. The Vigilant is a 16.5 m vessel that can reach top speeds in excess of 30 kt and maintain a cruise speed of 12 kt at a range of 1,500 n miles. The USV can carry fuel and mission payload of up to 7,000 kg, including high-definition cameras that can transmit images in real time and conduct independent patrols continuously for more than 30 days. The hull of the USV is built with resin reinforced with carbon nanotubes. The vessel is designed to take in mission co-ordinates and be operated independently with minimal monitoring from an operations centre, but it can also be controlled remotely for situations that require closer supervision. According to the company, the idea for Vigilant was conceived at the height of the Somali piracy incidents. The USV was originally designed to escort merchant ships as they made their way through waters known for piracy and sea robbery activities. "However, we found escort operations to be a challenge. The technology has not matured," said Soon. "On top of that, shipping companies were not willing to try the concept as nobody wanted to be first to pioneer the technology in actual commercial operations." The idea to position the independent USV came about when he realised that navies in Middle Eastern countries were facing manpower shortages. Soon, who is a former Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) fleet commander, knew that Vigilant had a niche to fill for routine operations and patrols at naval bases and ports. "The Middle East is always a great market for exotic weapons and platforms. Countries are generally very keen to be seen as pioneering in a new technology. Coupled with the fact that these countries are having a manpower crunch, we are forecasting very good prospects for unmanned systems in that region," said Soon. Besides camera and sensor payloads, the Vigilant USV can also be configured to carry remote-controlled weapons systems (RCWS) such as a 7.62 mm calibre gun turret. Soon said the company works with RCWS vendors on configurations for such requests. Besides the Middle East, Zycraft has also received enquiries from navies in Southeast Asia. The company declined to reveal further details on these enquiries, citing confidentiality agreements.
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Mer 21 Mai 2014 - 13:36
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BAE unveils new RG35 MIV variant
BAE Land Systems South Africa has developed a new Motorised Infantry Vehicle (MIV) variant of its RG35 mine-protected vehicle family. The RG35 MIV is similar to the Reconnaissance, Patrol and Utility (RPU) variant that was offered to Canada for its Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle project, but has a larger hull (almost 80 cm longer) and a door on the right side where the spare wheel is mounted on the RPU variant. It has seating for the driver and co-driver, with an escape hatch above the driver, two men under an overhead weapon station or one in a manned turret, and six infantry in the back in outward-facing seats, with a rear door and a roof hatch. There are four armoured glass windows in the right side and three in the left to aid the infantry's situational awareness. The RG35 MIV has a gross vehicle mass of 21 tons and is 5.96 m long, 2.6 m wide and 2.4 m high to the roof. The height can be lowered to 2.25 m for transport purposes, which together with an empty mass of 14.1 tons, allows transportation by C-130 or similar aircraft. It is powered by a Cummins SL 336 kW/1,620 Nm diesel engine (optional 448 kW) driving through a ZF six-speed automatic transmission with an integrated retarder and two-speed permanent 4x4 transfer case. The suspension uses Axletech axles, double wishbones with hydro-pneumatic struts, and has four selectable ride height settings with a digital body-control system. The wheels are fitted with Michelin 16.00R20XZL tyres with run-flat inserts, and there is a tyre inflation system. The ZF steering is hydraulically assisted; the brakes are air-actuated with pneumatic release for the emergency brake. Power for the 28V DC system is supplied by a 600A generator, with a 1,250A engine-driven generator being an option. Its top speed is 105 km/h, and the vehicle can climb a 60%+ slope and a 60 cm step, cross a 1.05 m trench and traverse a 2.37 m radius hump. Approach and departure angles are 53° and 38° respectively; the kerb to kerb turning circle is 15 m. The protection is to STANAG 4569A Level 4 (ballistic) and STANAG 4569B Level4A/3B (mines), with improvised explosive device (IED) side protection. A fire suppression system can be fitted.
messages : 40537 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: industrie militaire dans le monde Mer 28 Mai 2014 - 17:59
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TKMS-Kockums : plus difficile que prévu
Industrie et matériels 28 mai 2014
Selon le quotidien Handelsblatt, la vente des deux chantiers navals suédois de TKMS (Malmö et Karlskrona) à Saab n’est pas vue d’un bon œil à Berlin : le gouvernement allemand bloque le dénouement de ce très gros différend germano-suédois.
Ces derniers mois, les Suédois avaient perdu confiance en TKMS, accusé d’avoir racheté Kockums pour mieux l’étouffer. La DGA suédoise (FMV) avait demandé à Saab de prendre en main la construction des futurs sous-marins. L’administration avait annoncé qu’elle ne commanderait plus de bâtiments aux Allemands. Finalement, TKMS baissait les bras et signait un MoU avec Saab en vue de la vente de ses chantiers.
Dans la foulée, une mystérieuse descente de l’armée avait lieu le 8 avril au chantier de Malmö. Il y a deux semaines, le quotidien the Dagens Nyheter révélait l’objet de la razzia : la FMV a fait saisir certains éléments des moteurs stirling qui équipent les sous-marins (classe Gotland), par crainte de voir quelques technologies prendre le chemin de l’Allemagne.
Malgré ce climat, la vente ne semble pas déplaire au patron de ThyssenKrupp, Heinrich Hiesinger, qui se bat pour remettre son conglomérat à flots, envisageant de restructurer l’activité navale. Mais c’était sans compter la méfiance du gouvernement allemand. Celui-ci craint que cette vente conduise à livrer des secrets technologiques aux Suédois, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la propulsion anaérobie par piles à combustible.
Chez ThyssenKrupp, on rappelle pourtant que les Suédois travaillent sur d’autres technologies de propulsion et l’on assure qu’ils n’ont jamais eu accès aux brevets allemands. Berlin n’en doute pas moins. Selon un fonctionnaire de la défense cité par Handelsblatt, « on peut supposer que les managers suédois de ThyssenKrupp ont une bonne vue d’ensemble sur la technologie des piles à combustible ».
La maison mère de TKMS négocie donc serré avec l’administration de la Défense et les politiques berlinois pour tenter de régler le plus rapidement possible une vente qui pourrait lui rapporter deux milliards d’euros. Cet argent, le géant de l’acier en a grand besoin pour assurer l’avenir de l’ensemble du groupe. D’aucuns disent d’ailleurs que la multinationale n’aurait pas seulement le désir de se débarrasser de ses chantiers suédois et que la restructuration pourrait être plus profonde que prévue.
Informations qui ne sont pas passées inaperçues du côté de DCNS, qui rêve toujours d’un « EADS de la mer ». Le quotidien allemand cite même un émissaire français qui espère « avoir une nouvelle occasion de convaincre ThyssenKrupp avec notre vieille idée ».