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 PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 )

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5 participants

messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena26PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena13
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Ambass10PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Untitl10
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena20

PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Empty
MessageSujet: PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 )   PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Mar 2014 - 21:15

Après un visite riche en activités en 2012, USS Simpson de retour à Casablanca !!! 2° OHP au Maroc en moins d'un mois ...
US Navy a écrit:
USS Simpson Arrives in Casablanca, Morocco

CASABLANCA, Morocco (NNS) -- The guided-missile frigate USS Simpson (FFG 56) arrived in Casablanca, Morocco, for a scheduled port visit, March 6.

Simpson's visit serves to strengthen the existing partnership between Morocco and the U.S., and provide each other with opportunities for cultural exchanges.

"I am excited Simpson has been given another opportunity to visit Casablanca and operate with the Royal Moroccan Navy," said Cmdr Christopher Follin, Simpson's commanding officer. "It's not very often that one of our ships has the opportunity to re-visit friends we made on a previous deployment. We are looking forward to building upon the cooperative efforts and interoperability in training that both of our Navies strengthened during our last visit. When we share ideas and learn to operate together, we become twice as strong a force to improve maritime safety and security for all nations in the region."

During the visit, Simpson is scheduled to conduct a passing exercise with the Royal Moroccan Navy, hold office calls and gift exchanges with a number of Moroccan officials, host a reception, and conduct a community relations event with the Bennani Center Girl's School.

"Every time we go out and do something for the communities we visit, we have a great time," said Ship's Serviceman 1st Class Manuel Dulucgomez, Simpson's community relations event coordinator. "The location we chose for this port visit gives us an opportunity to make a great impression on the youth of Morocco and hopefully we'll make a difference in their lives."

As a part of the visit, Simpson Sailors will also have an opportunity to go on a number of tours through the ship's Morale, Welfare and Recreation department, most notably a tour of the Hassan II Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world.

"The ship stopped here on its last deployment, and I've heard nothing but good things about it," said Yeoman Seaman Luis Burks. "The culture here is very rich, and every corner you turn there's a piece of history waiting to be learned about. Hopefully I'll be able to see it all while I'm here."

Simpson is on a scheduled deployment supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations.

U.S. 6th Fleet, headquartered in Naples, Italy, conducts a full range of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation missions in concert with coalition, joint, interagency, and other parties in order to advance security and stability in Europe and Africa.

PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Marche12

Dernière édition par Fremo le Ven 7 Mar 2014 - 19:51, édité 1 fois
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messages : 7990
Inscrit le : 19/02/2012
Localisation : Kech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena32PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena24
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena26PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena12
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena30

PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Empty
MessageSujet: PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 )   PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Icon_minitimeVen 7 Mar 2014 - 19:28

PASSEX avec la frégate Hassan II
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) 12990020625_c0aee5ea34_o
Citation :
ATLANTIC OCEAN (March 6, 2014) - Members of the visit, board, search and seizure team assigned to the guided-missile frigate USS Simpson (FFG 56) prepare to board the Royal Moroccan Navy Floreal-class frigate Hassan II during a passing exercise. The exercise was held to increase the partnership between the two participating navies and strengthen maritime and theater security in the region.
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) 12990418494_1af317de44_o
Citation :
ATLANTIC OCEAN (March 6, 2014) - The Royal Moroccan Navy Floreal-class frigate Hassan II and the guided-missile frigate USS Simpson (FFG 56) maneuver around each other during a passing exercise. The exercise was held to increase the partnership between the two navies and strengthen maritime and theater security in the region.
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) 12990425044_a2ebe4dd98_o
Citation :
ATLANTIC OCEAN (March 6, 2014) - A member of the visit, board, search and seizure team assigned to the Royal Moroccan Navy Floreal-class frigate Hassan II searches a Sailor playing the role of a cargo ship crewmember during a passing exercise aboard the guided-missile frigate USS Simpson (FFG 56).
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) 12990427904_4438e02b95_k
Citation :
ATLANTIC OCEAN (March 6, 2014) Senior Chief Fire Controlman Allen Bylls briefs a visit, board, search and seizure team from the Royal Moroccan Navy Floreal-class frigate Hassan II during a passing exercise aboard the guided-missile frigate USS Simpson (FFG 56).
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) 12990030885_18a95d8b9d_o
Citation :
Senior Chief Fire Controlman Allen Bylls briefs a visit, board, search and seizure team from the Royal Moroccan Navy Floreal-class frigate Hassan II during a passing exercise aboard the guided-missile frigate USS Simpson (FFG 56).
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3370
Inscrit le : 11/02/2008
Localisation : far-maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena24PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena25
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena26PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena31

PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 )   PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Icon_minitimeVen 7 Mar 2014 - 21:20

je pense que l'EM fait exprès avec ces casques pour nous énerver parce qu'autrement c'est pas possible  Mad 
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7101
Inscrit le : 15/06/2008
Localisation : vitrolles
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena23PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena30
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena25 PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Medail10
PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Unbena15PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Cheval10

PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 )   PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Icon_minitimeVen 7 Mar 2014 - 22:14

Casques légers..ceux qu'on porte sous le casque acier...
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 )   PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Icon_minitimeVen 7 Mar 2014 - 23:27

Wayah cette question de casque qui changent , sa veut pas me rentrer dans la tête  Suspect + MAT-49 qu'ils ressortent encore une fois .
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PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 )   PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) Icon_minitimeLun 17 Mar 2014 - 22:51

PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) 5325023fb834b.image
A team from the U.S.S. Simpson takes part in a training exercise recently off the coast of Morocco. After six months at sea, the Simpson will pull into port in Charleston next week, and Sumter native Cmdr. Chris Follin will invite family and friends aboard for an overnight "tiger cruise" to the Simpson's home port in Florida.

PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 ) 532502462e1ff.image
Local media interview Cmdr. Christopher Follin, commanding officer of the guided-missile frigate USS Simpson, after the ship's March 6 arrival in Casablanca, Morocco, for a scheduled port visit. A Sumter native, Follin will take locals on a "tiger cruise" aboard the frigate next week.
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PASSEX 2014-3 : USS Simpson ( FFG56 ) et RMN Hassan II ( 612 )
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