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 Exercise Neo Tapon 2004

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Exercise Neo Tapon 2004 Empty
MessageSujet: Exercise Neo Tapon 2004   Exercise Neo Tapon 2004 Icon_minitimeLun 31 Mar 2014 - 15:18

Citation :
During Neo Tapon, a Spanish-hosted NATO exercise off western Europe and in the eastern Atlantic, 11–14 June 2004, the “Big E” operated as the communications control ship. Supported by Gettysburg, guided missile destroyer Ramage (DDG-61) and Detroit, the carrier operated with British, Dutch, French, Italian, Moroccan and Portuguese forces, as well as ships from Standing Naval Forces Atlantic and Med, testing air and surface warfare and strike mission capabilities.

Citation :
ABOARD USS ENTERPRISE, At Sea (NNS) -- The USS Enterprise ("Big E")(CVN 65) Carrier Strike Group (CSG) completed Exercise Neo Tapon, a combined exercise involving North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members and hosted by Spain, June 14.

The exercise tested NATO surface warfare, air warfare and strike mission capabilities, as well as the strike group's ability to implement plans quickly.

USS George Washington (CVN 73) was originally slated to participate in the exercise, but when Enterprise departed June 3rd for Summer Pulse 04, Big E had the opportunity to get involved. The Enterprise CSG, which includes USS Gettysburg (CG 64) and the guided-missile destroyer USS Ramage (DDG 61), joined forces from France, Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Morocco, as well as ships from Standing Naval Forces Atlantic and Mediterranean for the exercise.
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