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 Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail

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3 participants

messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Unbena26Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Unbena13
Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Ambass10Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Untitl10
Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail    Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Icon_minitimeMer 2 Déc 2015 - 21:31

USN a écrit:

Gravely Completes Training Exercise with Moroccan Navy

ATLANTIC OCEAN (NNS) -- The guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely (DDG 107) participated in a bilateral passing exercise (PASSEX) with the Royal Moroccan Navy Ship Sultan Moulay Ismail (FFG 614), Nov 28.

The passing exercise was highlighted by a coordinated series of movements made in formation and a maritime interdiction operations exercise where the two ships exchanged their visit, board, search and seizure teams to provide an opportunity for training with the other crew.

"Participating in this PASSEX was a great chance to collaborate with a partner nation. When we take part in cooperative operations and exercises like this, it gives Sailors an opportunity to practice the duties they are trained to perform, which benefits everyone."
- Cmdr. Alysa Ambrose, USS Gravely (DDG 107) commanding officer

"It is interesting to meet our counterparts from across the globe, and discuss the differences in our cultures. Ultimately, the best part was seeing and understanding our similarities as fellow Sailors and war fighters."
- Ens. Dan Evans, electrical officer, USS Gravely (DDG 107)

Quick Facts:
Prior to the exercise, both nations participated in an officer exchange so each crew could acquire a better understanding of the capabilities and methods of the other navy.

Moroccan Navy personnel who embarked Gravely during the event practiced tactical movements, room clearing, and detaining operations. Gravely's Sailors had a similar training event on board the Moroccan frigate.

Passing exercises build cooperation and communication between navies, and also prepare ships for operations in multi-national environments to ensure maritime security and theater cooperation.

Gravely is deployed with the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group to support maritime security operations and theater cooperation efforts in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility. The deployment is part of a regular rotation of forces to support maritime security operations, provide crisis response capability, and increase theater security cooperation and forward naval presence.

U.S. 6th Fleet, headquartered in Naples, Italy, conducts the full spectrum of joint naval operations often in concert with allied, joint, and interagency partners, in order to advance U.S. national interests and security and stability in Europe and Africa.

Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Marche12
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messages : 15521
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Unbena11

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MessageSujet: Re: Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail    Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Icon_minitimeVen 4 Déc 2015 - 16:02

ATLANTIC OCEAN (Nov. 28, 2015) – Guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely (DDG 107) and Moroccan frigate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail (FF 614) perform a passing exercise. Passing exercises build cooperation and communication between navies, and also prepare ships for operations in multi-national environments. Gravely is deployed with the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of operation

614 Sultan Moulay Ismail (Sigma)
Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  23427726581_640bc949f9_o

Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  23510194595_fa1feb3293_o

Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  23401675932_4b575591d0_o

Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Orbat_10Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Orbat_14Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Orbat_15Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Orbat_16Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Orbat_13Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Orbat_17Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Orbat_18Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Orbat_19Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Orbat_20Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Orbat_22Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Orbat_21

و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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messages : 1480
Inscrit le : 29/01/2013
Localisation : Northern Forest
Nationalité : Maroc-Russie
Médailles de mérite : Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Unbena11Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Unbena10
Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Medail10

Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail    Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  Icon_minitimeVen 4 Déc 2015 - 16:18

Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  23401675932_4b575591d0_o

Very nice bravo comme ca

Si vis pacem, para bellum

Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail  48669022222222222
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Passex 2015 : USS Gravely en exercice avec la frégate RMN Sultan Moulay Ismail
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