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 Exercice MCE 2017

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2 participants
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messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Multi Cooperative Exercice 2017 - EUROMARFOR   Exercice MCE 2017 Icon_minitimeMer 15 Mar 2017 - 20:23

Citation :
MARCH 08, 2017

Exercice MCE 2017 Foto_m10

The Multi-Cooperative Exercise 2017 (MCE 17) is a maritime live activity organized by EUROMARFOR and the Royal Moroccan Navy with the purpose to demonstrate the willingness to close relationship among Nations enhancing cooperation in maritime security.

The meeting has developed the conditions to employ a maritime force composed by ships, helicopters and specialists teams to conduct activities useful to improve mutual confidence, capabilities and best practices along with a fruitful dialogue and cooperation in the framework of maritime security and stability.

The activity will be conducted in Casablanca and the Atlantic Ocean along the Moroccan coastline.
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messages : 15522
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Exercice MCE 2017 Unbena11

Exercice MCE 2017 Empty
MessageSujet: Exercice MCE 2017   Exercice MCE 2017 Icon_minitimeMer 10 Mai 2017 - 5:47

Citation :
From the 1st to the 5th of May, an EUROMARFOR Task Group composed by ITS Aviere, NRP Francisco de Almeida and ESPS Numancia, had been working with the Royal Moroccan Navy in the exercise MCE 17, to improve the Multinational Maritime Force (MMF) capabilities and visibility, fostering an enhanced cooperation and mutual understanding in the conducting of maritime operations in order to face security challenges.

The most relevant results were achieved in Maritime Situational Awareness, Maritime Interdiction Operations domain and in Search and Rescue Area (simulation of rescue of refugees and providing medical assistance).

The MCE 17 belongs to an EUROMARFOR initiative to promote and develop the Multinational Maritime Force (MMF) capabilities and visibility, fostering an enhanced cooperation and mutual trust among navies of all countries involved, particularly in the field of maritime interoperability, in accordance with the principles and perspectives of the Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation.

Exercice MCE 2017 Farewe14

Exercice MCE 2017 Euroma10

Exercice MCE 2017 Arriva10

Exercice MCE 2017 Welcom10

Exercice MCE 2017 Meetin10

Exercice MCE 2017 Briefi10

Exercice MCE 2017 Emf20u10

Exercice MCE 2017 Farewe11

Exercice MCE 2017 Farewe10

Exercice MCE 2017 Farewe12

Exercice MCE 2017 Aviere10

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و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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