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 M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles

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2 participants

messages : 15524
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Unbena11

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MessageSujet: M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles   M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Icon_minitimeLun 17 Oct 2022 - 20:25

rmaf a écrit:
Citation :
The proof of principle will involve the transfer of 100 excess operational M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles to Morocco. Historically, the unit would pay to prepare and ship a vehicle to another installation or depot; it will not have to do so for the proof of principle. Participating units have turned in or will turn in the equipment; USASAC will receive the equipment; and the partner will pay to have the equipment stored and shipped to its final destination. Most of the equipment the units have turned in to the 406th Army Field Support Battalion is in better condition than code F, and most is serviceable without qualification or better.

By transferring the trucks at the source of supply, the Army will save taxpayers millions of dollars that would otherwise have been paid to consolidate, transport or demilitarize this equipment. In this case, these trucks will help Morocco in its efforts to modernize its military, provide interoperability and build relations needed in today’s multidomain battlefield.


M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_10M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_14M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_15M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_16M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_13M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_17M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_18M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_19M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_20M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_22M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_21

و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان


youssef_ma73 aime ce message

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messages : 15524
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Unbena11

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MessageSujet: Re: M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles   M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Icon_minitimeLun 17 Oct 2022 - 20:27

LMTV M1083
M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Clipb991

M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Clipb992

M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_10M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_14M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_15M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_16M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_13M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_17M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_18M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_19M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_20M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_22M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_21

و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان


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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7104
Inscrit le : 15/06/2008
Localisation : vitrolles
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Unbena23M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Unbena30
M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Unbena25 M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Medail10
M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Unbena15M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Cheval10

M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Empty
MessageSujet: Re: M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles   M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Icon_minitimeLun 17 Oct 2022 - 20:59

Bizarre les shelters

atelier, ou PC..
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messages : 15524
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Unbena11

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MessageSujet: Re: M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles   M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Icon_minitimeLun 17 Oct 2022 - 23:47

atlas a écrit:
Bizarre les shelters

atelier, ou PC..

Non des Electrical Equipment Container

M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_10M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_14M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_15M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_16M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_13M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_17M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_18M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_19M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_20M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_22M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles Orbat_21

و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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M1078, M1083 and M1084 Light Medium Tactical Vehicles
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