messages : 659 Inscrit le : 23/08/2014 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Exercise IMX 2023 Lun 27 Fév 2023 - 12:34
Citation :
U.S. Navy, 50 Partners Start International Maritime Exercise IMX 2023
US Navy press release
Known as International Maritime Exercise (IMX) 2023, the multinational event is combined with Cutlass Express, which is led by Naval Forces Europe-Africa. Both will involve more than 50 partner-nations and international organizations operating in the Arabian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, Red Sea, Indian Ocean and East African coastal regions.
Additionally, the combined exercise will include 7,000 personnel, 35 ships and more than 30 unmanned and artificial intelligence systems.
Participants will focus on five main areas: combined command and control, maritime security, mine countermeasures, unmanned systems and artificial intelligence integration, and global health.
IMX and Cutlass Express are scheduled to end March 16 and 17, respectively. This is the eighth iteration of IMX since the exercise was established in 2012.