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messages : 7967
Inscrit le : 24/04/2007
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeSam 3 Jan 2009 - 18:36

T 90S
LES "MBT" 0134

LES "MBT" Lumar
LES "MBT" Pt-91m_poland_ArmyRecognition_7_007

LES "MBT" LAND_Arjun_MBT_Test_Ajai_Shukla_lg
LES "MBT" 0607

LES "MBT" Type_99_l1

LES "MBT" Al-khalid-MBT-Pak-Army

LES "MBT" Type_90_Japon_17
LES "MBT" T903

LES "MBT" MBT-C1-Ariete_01_1024
LES "MBT" OtoMelaraArieteMBTalta

LES "MBT" Merkava-4_Israeli_Army_Wik_forum_ArmyRecognition_003
LES "MBT" Merkava4_MichaelMass02

LES "MBT" Tank_XK-2_South-Korea_Black_panther_006
LES "MBT" Type-90_9

LES "MBT" 610x
LES "MBT" Abrahmstank1

LES "MBT" Rear550_296
LES "MBT" Leclerc

LES "MBT" Leo_a6hel

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MessageSujet: MBT Al Khalid   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeMar 3 Fév 2009 - 16:37

Le Al-Khalid est un char de combat moderne qui a été développé avec une collaboration conjointe de la Chine et du Pakistan. Le char est produit au Pakistan, et est en services au sein de l’armée Pakistanaise. L’Al-Khalid emporte un équipage de 3 hommes, et est armé d’un canon à âme lisse de 125 mm, avec chargement automatique et capable de tirer ds missiles antichars. Ce char dispose de la dernière technologie en matière de conduite de tir et d’équipements de combat de nuit. Le Al-Khalid a hérité de ce nom en souvenir du légendaire général musulman Khalid ibn al-Walid. Le Al-Khalid utilise les dernières technologies en matière de conduite de tir, qui est produit au Pakistan. Basé sur des technologies chinoises et russes, ce char de combat est considéré comme plus petit et plus léger que la plupart des chars de combat de l’Ouest. Le Al-Khalid est un des trois char de combat utilisé par l’armée Pakistanaise, actuellement 300 chars de ce type seraient en services au sein de l’armée Pakistanaise

Le Pakistan a commandé à Thales 900 Catherine FC dont les livraisons ont débuté en mars 2007. Elles équiperont les chars Al Khalid et les Type 85 modernisés. Parallèlement, un programme de modernisation de 600 Type 59 (Al Zarrar) équipés d’appareils de vision nocturne de deuxième génération Thesis de la firme italienne Galileo Avionica a été lancé. La Pakistan a aussi mené des négociations avec Sagem pour l’installation sur les Al Khalid 2 de caméras thermiques de troisième génération Matis.

LES "MBT" Al-khalid-tank4-ideas06
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messages : 7967
Inscrit le : 24/04/2007
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeVen 6 Fév 2009 - 20:58

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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeVen 6 Fév 2009 - 21:07

qu elle difference entre le al khalid est le t99 chinois???? je croyait que c etait le meme projet scratch

sinon le leclerc a de la gueule Shocked
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeSam 7 Fév 2009 - 12:00

Les chars russes... de la vraie camelote au combat. A Grozny, des centaines de ces chars (T-72/T-80...) se sont fais désossé par les combattants Laughing , je me souviens qu'en 1996, il y avait plusieurs épaves dans tous les quartiers. Un simple RPG faisait l'affaire face à ce concentré de technologie ( Laughing ), lorsque les russistes ne les abandonnaient pas aux portes de la ville Razz
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeSam 7 Fév 2009 - 14:40

c'est pas des centaines mais des milliers clown mais c'est vrai que la trentaines de blindés detruits ont été le fait d'embuscade, comme les abrahams en irak ou merkarva au liban mais c'est vrai c'est pas russe donc t'en parles pas
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LES "MBT" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeSam 7 Fév 2009 - 14:52

Peut importe le Char Russe US FR etc Si tu as une IED en dessous Il saute !
Il faut voire aussi les methodes d'engagement des Blindés
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeSam 7 Fév 2009 - 15:21

sukhoi33 a écrit:
c'est pas des centaines mais des milliers clown mais c'est vrai que la trentaines de blindés detruits ont été le fait d'embuscade, comme les abrahams en irak ou merkarva au liban mais c'est vrai c'est pas russe donc t'en parles pas

Je te parles de ce que j'ai vécu, de ce que j'ai vu de mes propres yeux. Renseigne-toi, nos combattants ont détruits des centaines de chars russes dans la seule Grozny, sans parler des villes en périphérie (Itum-Kale, Argoun, Védéno etc...). IED ou non, nos combattants n'avaient peur de rien sauf d'Allah Azawajal, encore aujourd'hui d'ailleurs, c'est pour cela qu'on a chassé les russes de notre pays en 1996 (encore une fois, essaie de te renseigner). Un grand commandant nommé Ruslan Guelayev, devenu shuhada en 2006, avait proposé à un gang du Spetnaz (forces spéciales russes) de se battre mains nues, avec sa petite bande de combattants (10-15 hommes). Les russistes avaient refusés. Lorsqu'il a été tué, ils avaient peur d'approcher son corps, pendant des heures entières. Tout ce que je te dis là c'est du vécu ou presque, je n'essaie pas d'alimenter la haine entre algériens et marocains, comme tu tend à le croire.

Salam Aleikoum, Wa R, Wa B.
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeSam 7 Fév 2009 - 21:28

la mauvaise qualité du matos russe n'est plus à démontrer, donc inutile de perdre du temps à explique une évidence. tout le monde sait ce que présente le matos russe comme inconvénients, après chacun a le droit de croire se qui l'arrange c'est normal.

Dernière édition par Raptor le Sam 7 Fév 2009 - 21:50, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeSam 7 Fév 2009 - 21:29

ben oui certains pensent que le matos us est meilleur
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 8 Fév 2009 - 2:07

pas tous le matos russe est de la camellotte !!!

dailleur le mot camelotte est exagéré car dans ceratin conflit et pour certain pays c est largement suffisant et ce matosil fait l affaire a merveille et a bas prix !!! un t90 fit peu etre pas le poid face a un leclerc ou leo6 mais pour des pays comme l inde ou le sri lanka ou le maroc ou lalgerie par exemple et bien c est largement suffisant!!!

c est claire que face au matos occidentale y a un leger retard mais pas tous les pays on besoin de merveille technologique(qui nescessite un budget bien superieure )....ex:la france et les leclerc!!!

et autre chose dans certain domaine les russe son tres fort je pense notament qu systeme sol air tres lethale !!!!

mohime faut relativisé !!!

dans certaine situation au lieu de se payer une dizaine de char high tech c est mieu de se procurere un matos russe et en plus grande quantité et qui rempli parfaitement le role qu on lui demande!!!!
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messages : 7140
Inscrit le : 14/08/2008
Localisation : Rabat Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : LES "MBT" Ambass10LES "MBT" Unbena31
LES "MBT" Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 8 Fév 2009 - 5:06

Plutôt d'accord avec Benzenz. Pour un pays du tiers monde qui va affronter un autre pays du tiers monde, le matos russe, ausi peu brillant soit-il, ferait largement l'affaire. Les rwandais, en s'entretuant, ont fait des centaines de milliers de morts rien qu'avec des machettes et des AK-47 What a Face
Quand aux russes à Grozny, ils étaient si mal commandés que même avec des armes occidentales high tech, ils auraient connu un désastre similaire. L'armée rouge du temps d'Eltsine n'était plus que l'ombre d'elle même. Ce n'était pas un probleme de materiel mais de commandement.
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 8 Fév 2009 - 10:52

Samyadams a écrit:

Quand aux russes à Grozny, ils étaient si mal commandés que même avec des armes occidentales high tech, ils auraient connu un désastre similaire. L'armée rouge du temps d'Eltsine n'était plus que l'ombre d'elle même. Ce n'était pas un probleme de materiel mais de commandement.

Oui, c'est aussi du au mauvais commandement des unités russes, par des généraux constamment bourrés à la vodka... Ca fait 400 ans que les Ivans essaient de contrôler le Caucase (Daghestan, Tchétchénie...), ils n'ont jamais réussis car ils avaient face à eux des combattants qui avaient la foi en Allah (Imam Shamil, Sheikh Mansour, Sheikh Abdul-Halim Sadulaïev...). A Grozny, 5000 combattants défendaient la ville, face à une armée entière, munie de tanks, d'hélicoptères etc... Résultat, on a chassé ces alcolos de chez nous, par la Volonté d'Allah. Nul n'a de force sauf Allah, les infidèles ne gagneront jamais, d'ils soient russes, américains ou israeliens.

Wa Salamou Aleykoum, Wa R, Wa B.
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 8 Fév 2009 - 12:23

Bien dit ùon frere LES "MBT" Icon_sal
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar 2009 - 17:21

un ancien article de janes qui parle des celebres MBT-upgrads

Citation :


DATE: 15-Dec-1999


Main battle tank (MBT) manufacturers around the world have been chasing a declining number of new-build and upgrade contracts for the past decade. This waning market can be attributed to a number of factors.

The MBT has been the prime instrument of land warfare since 1940. It is often said that the only counter to an MBT is another MBT but developments in anti-tank guided weapons (ATGWs) over the last 25 years have challenged this assertion.

However, each development is met with a countermeasure, which leads to a further development or counter-countermeasure. Armoured warfare in the 21st century will, most likely, be conducted on a far smaller scale than the tank battles of the 20th century.

MBT holdings throughout Europe have reduced dramatically since the easing of East-West tensions in the post-Cold War period. Surplus vehicles are now used either as scrap metal, hard targets on ranges or are "cascaded down" to other countries as gifts. Both the USA and Germany have transferred excess MBTs to their NATO allies at no cost to the recipient beyond transport. This has had a significant impact on not only the sale of new vehicles but also of potential upgrades.

The number of MBTs transferred (either free or at low cost) is significant. Some recent examples include: Brazil (87 Leopard 1s from Belgium); Chile (200 Leopard 1s from the Netherlands); Greece (170 Leopard 1s from the Netherlands and 245 Leopard 1s from Germany); Jordan (288 Challenger 1s from the UK); Morocco (240 M60s from the USA); Spain (407 M60s from the USA); and Turkey (230 Leopard 1s from Germany).

Although most of these vehicles have been out of production for some time, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or associated companies are often able to supply spare parts and, in some cases, upgrades.

Many countries today choose to carry out their own MBT upgrades in- country for several reasons. Some countries face logistical difficulties shipping large numbers of vehicles back to the OEM. A number of countries are also interested in conducting their own upgrades in order to establish and/or promote local high-technology industries.

Even in countries where an industry is in its infancy or has yet to be formed, any army equipped with MBTs will have the facilities for fairly deep equipment maintenance. There is often, therefore, no need to deal with the original manufacturers, beyond construction of a prototype and, possibly, pre-production or alternative upgrades.

Prime contractors, in most cases, would rather sell new MBTs than upgrade older vehicles since the profit margins are higher. However, experience is proving the basic 'iron box on tracks' to be a longer- lasting product than originally anticipated. Technology, especially electronics, is allowing elements of an MBT's systems to be replaced with a consequent improvement in capability almost equal to a new- build product. Many countries, as a result, are either planning or are in the process of upgrading their MBTs.

MBT upgrades by major armies, such as the US Army, generally have involved incorporating pre-planned product improvements. The latest 'buzz-word' for such work is technology insertion programme (TIP). A typical example of the TIP is the US General Dynamics Land Systems' (GDLS) M1 Abrams MBT. The original M1 had a 105mm rifled gun. The next model of the Abrams was the M1A1 with a 120mm smoothbore gun, followed by the addition of depleted uranium armour. The latest production standard, the M1A2, has a host of additional improvements, including a Commander's Independent Thermal Viewer (CITV) to which a System Enhancement Package (SEP) is now being added.

While existing in-production vehicles will continue to evolve and undergo upgrades, no new MBTs are expected to be developed or fielded in the West for the next two decades. It is likely that the main armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) of the 21st century will be smaller and more mobile with many added features. It may not even be called a MBT.

Many countries have upgraded or plan to upgrade a large portion of their MBT fleets. Others are choosing to upgrade only a small number, sometimes disposing of older vehicle types or versions. Germany, for example, took delivery of 2,125 Leopard 2s in eight production lots. Of these, to date only 225 have been upgraded to the latest Leopard 2A5 standard. Germany has also leased 108 older vehicles to Spain, sold 51 to Denmark and 120 to Sweden. Upgrading fewer MBTs reflects the changing pattern of armoured warfare, closely tied in with the relative cost of upgrading.

Some upgrades, particularly for mobility, such as substituting diesel engines and automatic transmissions for petrol engines and manual transmissions, may be undertaken as a spend-to-save measure to reduce operating and support (O&S) costs or to meet new legislative requirements.

Survivability, firepower and battlefield digitisation upgrades are capability upgrades, usually resulting from a changed threat perception or new technological developments.

The OEM for some countries carries out the upgrade using systems supplied by its traditional sources. In other countries the OEM performs the upgrade with the assistance of army facilities or local industry, on a similar basis. Often army workshops or depots undertake the overhaul work while the OEM concentrates on supplying new vehicles.

Armies save on costs by letting OEMs and other prime contractors undertake structural and mechanical systems work. Other contractors, not always OEMs, offer to manage and integrate the upgrading of vehicles, drawing systems from a variety of sources.

This latter option has the advantage, at least in theory, of being able to draw on the best systems available. A typical example is the Czech Republic's programme for upgrading Russian-supplied T-72M1 MBTs. VOP 025, a Czech Army workshop, has made prototypes of two upgrades; the T-72CZ M3 and the T-72CZ M4. The former has an improved version of the original powerpack; the latter features a new powerpack brought together by NIMDA of Israel and comprising a Perkins Engines CV-12 Condor 1,000hp diesel engine coupled to an Allison XTG-411-6 automatic transmission. Common to both is a new computerised fire-control system from Officine Galileo of Italy called TURMS-T (Tank Universal Reconfigurable Modular System) with day and night sights.

Some of these so-called pick-and-mix upgrades have been successful, while others have not. Incorporating a variety of subsystems, often from various parts of the world, frequently results in integration problems, even for well-established and experienced AFV contractors.

While many countries offer their latest MBTs for export in an effort to keep their production lines open and earn valuable foreign exchange, others do so for political reasons. All too often the requirements of export customers are not the same as those of the original user. Numerous modifications and improvements, therefore, are incorporated in export MBTs. In some cases, they become more effective vehicles than those used by the original operator for which they were designed.

The Leclerc MBT, for example, was originally developed by France's Giat Industries to meet French Army requirements. After an intense competition, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ordered 436 Leclerc MBTs (or the Tropicalised Leclerc as it is also called) with a new MTU EuroPowerPack among other improvements; deliveries are well under way.

Although not an upgrade as such, some countries are using surplus MBT chassis for specialised support roles. Norway, for example is converting Leopard 1s into armoured engineer and mine-clearing vehicles while the USA is converting surplus M1s into Wolverine Heavy Assault Bridges (HABs), (Jane's Defence Weekly 13 October).


An MBT can be upgraded in three key areas: survivability, mobility and firepower. A fourth - battlefield digitisation - could now be added.

Survivability covers not only the installation of additional passive or explosive reactive armour (ERA), to provide a higher level of battlefield survivability, but also the addition of various defensive aid suites (DAS).

Outside of Russia, Israel's Rafael Armament Development Authority and France's SNPE are major developers and suppliers of ERA. Giat Industries, for example, is installing ERA on the AMX-30B2 MBTs of two French Army battalions; SNPE is supplying the explosive element.

Defensive aid suites can include advanced smoke/decoy grenade launchers coupled to laser-warning receivers. Some countries are even installing advanced ATGW decoy systems. DAS are seen as a major growth area for the 21st century.

The additional weight of the extra armour means that the power-to- weight ratio of an MBT can drop, requiring the installation of a new powerpack. This at least maintains, if not improves,

the power-to-weight ratio. New suspension systems may also be necessary as a result of the added weight.

Advances in suspension in recent years have led to a growing acceptance of hydropneumatic systems. These new systems provide for a smoother ride across rough terrain and enable crews to realise the full potential of the increased engine power.

The UAE Leclerc MBT features a new MTU EuroPowerPack, which consists of an MTU 883 V-12 1,500hp diesel coupled to a Renk HSWL 295 TM fully automatic transmission and a new cooling system. This system has also been installed in the Vickers Defence Systems Challenger 2E and the export version of GDLS M1A2, both of which remain at the prototype stage.

In an effort to reduce the O&S costs of its M1 Abrams MBTs the US Army is considering a new engine and/or powerpack, possibly one common with its Crusader self-propelled howitzer system now under development.

Options include a modification of the existing powerplant known as the AGT1500 AMP (Abrams Modernization Program) from AlliedSignal; the LV100 turbine also from AlliedSignal; the MTU EuroPowerPack; and the Perkins Engine's 1,500hp CV12 Compact powerpack, used with one of three different transmissions.

Firepower improvements can include the installation of a larger calibre gun. More often it includes new computerised fire-control systems, night vision devices and laser range finders. These all contribute to increasing a first-round hit probability.

Computing Devices Canada (CDC), the largest manufacturer of tank computers, has supplied more than 12,000 computers for new- production vehicles over the past 20 years. CDC supplied computers for upgrades such as the Turkish M48A5T1/T2 and Taiwanese M48H Brave Tiger as well as lighter vehicles. Most recently, the company supplied 63 computers to Raytheon Systems for Portugal's M60 upgrade.

STN ATLAS Elektronik of Germany is a key player in the new-build and upgrade markets in Europe. The EMES 18, a derivative of the EMES 15 equipping the Leopard 2, is installed in Leopard 1s. The Modular Tank Laser Fire-Control (MOLF) is installed in upgraded M48/M60s. The largest export order to date is for 400 systems for installation in the Greek Army's M48A5s.

Existing hydraulic gun-control equipment can be replaced by a new all electric system. In most cases image intensification equipment is replaced by a thermal imaging system. The sights are normally stabilised to give a high first-round hit probability while moving across country.

The main armament can be replaced usually by a weapon of larger calibre. In the majority of cases, however, new ammunition is purchased with enhanced armour penetration characteristics. The Leopard 1, for example, still retains the 105mm gun and, to date, most upgrades have concentrated on a new fire-control system, thermal sights and some additional passive armour. For trial purposes Rheintemall DeTec replaced the Leopard's 105mm gun with the Leopard 2's 120mm smoothbore gun; but this failed to win orders.

The UK's Royal Ordnance developed, as a private venture, the 105mm Improved Weapon System (IWS) to replace the 105mm L7/M68 tank gun, still the most widely deployed weapon of its type in the world. Several countries evaluated the IWS installed in a Leopard 1, but no orders have been placed. The 105mm IWS fired a new APFSDS-T (armour piercing fin stabilised discarding sabot - tracer) round with armour penetration characteristics claimed to be at least as good as first generation 120mm rounds.

Ukraine's Kharkiv Morozov Machinery Building Design Bureau in collaboration with builders, the Malyshev Plant displayed a 'down- gunned' version of the T-72 at the IDEX show last March. The 125mm gun is replaced by a Western 120mm smoothbore gun fed by an automatic loader, holding 22 rounds of NATO standard ammunition.

Few countries opt to upgrade all elements - survivability, mobility and firepower - in one programme, as the cost of doing so can easily reach at least half the cost of a new MBT. Such a major undertaking can also lead to problems in the areas of reliability, availability, maintainability and durability (RAM-D).

Battlefield digitisation is a growth market for MBT upgrades in which major Western countries are expected to invest significantly in the next decade. The UAE Leclerc has the Giat Industries Finders system and the French Army is considering a version for its own Leclercs.
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LES "MBT" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar 2009 - 17:22

Citation :

Although the MBT upgrade market is depressed, there is considerable potential. Rather than purchasing new MBTs, many countries can only afford to upgrade current MBT fleets. German Leopard 1s and 2s, Russian T-72s and US M60s are most commonly upgraded.

The only known major upgrade competition under way at present is in Turkey, which has a stated requirement to upgrade at least 1,000 of its current fleet of M60s. It also plans to purchase at least 1,000 new-build MBTs. There may only be enough money to fund one of the two programmes as a result of the Turkish earthquakes in August. In any event, there are two competitors for the upgrade contract: the GDLS M60-2000 upgrade and Israel Military Industries Sabra M60 upgrade.

The M60-2000 consists of an upgraded M60 chassis fitted with the complete turret of the M1A1 armed with a 120mm smoothbore gun, computerised fire-control system and day/night sights. The powerpack consists of a GDLS 1,200hp AVDS 1790 series diesel engine, coupled to an Allison X1100-5 automatic transmission.

Although a prototype of the M60-2000 has yet to be built, the company is marketing it to other countries, in addition to Turkey. The Egyptian government is considering a GDLS offer to jointly build a prototype of the M60-2000 for evaluation in Egypt. GDLS to date has not closed any agreements with other countries.

The Sabra, a pre-production example of which was completed last year, builds on the MBT upgrade experience of Israel Military Industries' and other Israeli equipment manufacturers. It consists of an M60 series MBT with additional passive armour, 120mm smoothbore gun (as installed in the Merkava Mk 3 Baz), new sighting and fire-control system, fire detection and suppression system, upgraded suspension and the option of a more powerful diesel engine.

There are several upgrade programmes currently under way.

Krauss-Maffei Wegmann of Germany is carrying out the largest MBT upgrade programme in Europe. The German Army and Royal Netherlands Army are upgrading 225 and 180 Leopard 2s, respectively, to the enhanced Leopard 2A5 standard with improved armour and sighting systems.

The 120mm L/44 calibre gun will be retained but, in the future, this could be replaced by the Rheinmetall 120mm L/55 weapon that Spain has already adopted for its new Leopard 2 MBTs. The vehicle will then be designated the Leopard 2A6.

The Canadian Army last month received the first of 114 Leopard C1s (the local designation for the Leopard 1A3) being upgraded to the C2 (Leopard 1A5) standard by a consortium led by GLS, a subsidiary of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann.

Canada took delivery of 114 Leopard C1 and variants in the late 1970s. To extend it's operational life, Canada has purchased 123 Leopard 1A5 turrets which, after being refurbished by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann in Germany, are shipped to Canada for installation on the army's Leopard C1 chassis. The Leopard 1A5 has the EMES-18 computerised fire-control system, which incorporates a thermal imager. Prime contractor for the programme is GLS of Germany.

Israel has long experience of upgrading MBTs. It is estimated that the Israel Defence Force (IDF) has a total fleet of around 4,000 MBTs, of which 1,000 domestic Merkavas with the US M48 and M60 series comprising the rest of its fleet.

The M48/M60 fleets have been constantly upgraded with new armour (Rafael) and improvements in their fire-control systems (Elbit) and vision equipment (Elop). Much of this experience has now been applied for the export market.

The Merkava has progressed through the Mk 1 (105mm), Mk 2 (105mm) and the current Mk 3 Baz (120mm), with a fourth version in prospect. Further improvements are planned to enable it to remain effective well into the 21st century, including the introduction of the Mk 4 of which the design is now being finalised. Contrary to previous suggestions, the Mk 4 will retain the 120mm smoothbore gun rather than replacing it with a 140mm gun (Jane's Defence Weekly 8 December).

With an increasing number of countries in Eastern Europe wishing to join NATO, or becoming less dependent on Russia for their military equipment, some Western manufacturers believe that there is a significant market for their equipment in Eastern Europe.

Due to a usual shortage of funding in these countries, much attention is focused on upgrading existing equipment such as the T- 72 series MBT.

Although there have been many company-developed upgrades for the T- 72, few have reached embodiment. Poland has already fielded an enhanced version of the T-72 called the PT-91, while the Czech Republic is close to clearing its T-72CZ M3 or M4 version. In the latter case, tests of the TURMS-T have revealed that consistent accuracy was not being obtained but recent information has indicated that the programme is now back on track.

Also from the Czech Republic, the PSP company has teamed with SAGEM of France, the Kharkov Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau and the Malyshev Plant of the Ukraine to develop a rival T-72 upgrade, called the PSP T-72 MP.

In Asia, the Indian Army is giving serious consideration to upgrading part of its large fleet of T-72M1s, pending the introduction of a new MBT - either the locally developed Arjun or the Russian T-90 manufactured under licence by the Heavy Vehicles Factory at Avadi. The requirement for the T-72M1 is a new fire- control system with thermal sights, new armour, new communications equipment and probably a new diesel powerpack.

Croatia, which inherited production of much of the M-84, a licensed T-72 for the former-Yugoslavia, had developed the Degman version of the M-84, using many locally-developed subsystems to replace sources lost in the split-up of Yugoslavia.

Recent MBT upgrade programmes


-Canada - Leopard 1(C2) - 114 - Under way

-Croatia - T-72/M-84 Degman - ? - Under evaluation

-Czech Rep - T-72CZ (M3/M4) - 250 - Decision shortly

-Germany - Leopard 2A5 - 225 - Under way

-Greece - M48A5 (MOLF) - 400 - Completed

-India - T-72M1 Ajeya - 200+ - Under consideration

-Netherlands - Leopard 2A5 - 180 - Under way

-Pakistan - Type 59 - 800 - Phases I/II complete

-Portugal - M60 - 63 - Under way

-Slovenia - T-55 to M-55 S1 - 55 - Complete

-Turkey - M60A1/A3 - 1,000 - Under consideration

-USA - M1 to M1A2 - 1,079 - Under way

As the original design authority for T-54/55, T-62 and T-72 series MBTs, Russia is also attempting to enter the upgrade market. The KBP Instrument Design Bureau is offering its 100mm, 115mm and 125mm laser-guided projectiles and new fire control systems.

There is also a smaller market for upgrading T-54/T-55 MBTs whose basic design is now 50 years old. Slovenia has recently completed the upgrade of about 55 T-55s to the M-55 S1 standard. This extensive upgrade involves the installation of a 105mm tank gun; ERA; new computerised fire-control system; and the Slovenian Fontana SGS-55 stabilised day/night sight with a laser range-finder.

It also includes: Fontana COMTOS-55 commander's take-over set; upgraded suspension; fire detection and suppression system; new communications system; Israel Military Industries' IS-6 CL-3030 instantaneous smoke screening system; laser detectors; and a new communications system.

Pakistan has had a major phased MBT upgrade programme going on for many years in association with China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO). This covers upgrades to the in-service Type 59, local production of the Type 69-II, co-production of the Type 85 and production of the MBT 2000, known as Al Khalid.

There have been at least three upgrades for the Type 59. The latest, Phase III, is the most ambitious. It includes installing a new 700hp diesel engine, a 125mm smoothbore gun (replacing a 100mm gun), improved suspension, enhanced armour, improved fire-control system and thermal night vision equipment.

Additional reporting by Michael J Gething Editor Jane's Defence Upgrades
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messages : 24808
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar 2009 - 18:16

et si on change ce sujet en un sondage pour les meilleur mbt???

LES "MBT" Marche12
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messages : 7967
Inscrit le : 24/04/2007
Nationalité : Maroc-France
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LES "MBT" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar 2009 - 18:50

fremo a écrit:
et si on change ce sujet en un sondage pour les meilleur mbt???
difficile dévaluer ils ont tous leur point fort et leur point faible....

LES "MBT" Sign_v10
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MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar 2009 - 19:39

interceptor a écrit:
fremo a écrit:
et si on change ce sujet en un sondage pour les meilleur mbt???
difficile dévaluer ils ont tous leur point fort et leur point faible....

Mais non !! le meilleur c'est le T-90 Very Happy
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messages : 7967
Inscrit le : 24/04/2007
Nationalité : Maroc-France
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LES "MBT" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar 2009 - 19:43

dr.watson1 a écrit:

Mais non !! le meilleur c'est le T-90 Very Happy

toi tu cherches la bagarre....Laughing

LES "MBT" Sign_v10
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LES "MBT" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar 2009 - 19:44

les israeliens disaient la meme chose du leur avant Laughing
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LES "MBT" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar 2009 - 19:55

Yakuza a écrit:
les israeliens disaient la meme chose du leur avant Laughing

Ils ne peuvent rien contre des Metis-M et Kornet-E.*
A croire que le Trophy n'est pas aussi performant qu'on le dit
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LES "MBT" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar 2009 - 20:02

aucun MBT ne peux resister a un bon ATGM bien placé,surtout en courte distance,sans parler des obus en DU
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LES "MBT" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar 2009 - 20:02

le leopard 2 lui c'est le best Very Happy
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messages : 7967
Inscrit le : 24/04/2007
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite :
LES "MBT" Unbena12LES "MBT" Unbena13
LES "MBT" Unbena15LES "MBT" Unbena10

LES "MBT" Empty
MessageSujet: Re: LES "MBT"   LES "MBT" Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mar 2009 - 20:24

Citation :
Ils ne peuvent rien contre des Metis-M et Kornet-E.*
A croire que le Trophy n'est pas aussi performant qu'on le dit

très peut de char était équipé du Trophy il commençait à peine ça mise en place en 2006...

le Merkava IV a parfaitement répondu aux exigence que ces concepteurs, c'est à dire la survie de l'équipage même si celui-ci était rendu inopérationnel

Sur 18 MK4 touché par des missiles 0 ont été détruit mais surtout aucun mort équipages morts ( ça veut pas dire que le char était encore opérationnel )
le seul Mk4 détruit l'a été par une IED et l'équipage en est mort

maintenant si on regarde du côté des chars plus anciens ( comme MK2/3) sur 32 chars touchés par missiles, il ya eu 18 mort d'équipages soit environ 14% de perte

conclusion, le merkava IV (un bébé de 65 tonnes quand même ) a bien joué son rôle préserver la vie de son équipage !

LES "MBT" Sign_v10

Dernière édition par interceptor le Dim 22 Mar 2009 - 20:39, édité 1 fois
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