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 Korea Aerospace Industries KFX

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Raptor .

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeSam 27 Déc 2008 - 23:00

la Korée serait entrain de développer son propre chasseur furtif indigène KFX comme le japon et son projet ATD-X. il y a peu d'information sur ce futur chasseur, tout ce que j'ai pu trouver sur internet est qu'il aura la taille d'un JSF avec deux moteurs de l'ordre de 115–125 kN. les moteurs étudiés sont:
Arrow F414-GE du super hornet
Arrow EJ200/EJ230 du typhoon tranche II/III
Arrow SNECMA M882/3 du rafale F2/F3

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX KFX

si vous avez plus d'info surtout n'hésitez pas... Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_mrg

Arrow   Edit: je pense que le F414-GE qui est étudié est la version EDE+ qui aura 15% de plus que la version actuelle équipant le superhornet
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeMer 6 Mai 2009 - 0:46

ca a duré longtemps Raptor rabbit
10 ans encore de R&D et bcp de $$ probleme,futur incertain et debouché pas garanti!

et qui va knacker surement le Jackpot...le Silent Eagle Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_mrg

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Kfx
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeMer 6 Mai 2009 - 1:05

j'ai l'impression que la korée et le japon ne sont pas sérieux dans leur quête du chasseur 5th gen indigène, ce qu'ils veulent c'est mettre la pression sur les USA pour accepter de vendre le raptor. les projets de 5th gen sont des projets périlleux et de véritables gouffres financiers.
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messages : 25211
Inscrit le : 31/03/2008
Localisation : Pau-Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena10Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena13
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena15

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeMer 6 Mai 2009 - 1:41

Sa se tient, mais je pense que au contraire, ils se préparent justement à l'éventualité des US de ne pas leur lacher le Raptor.
Le Japon et la Corée ne lacherons pas le leadership militaire à la Chine pas de cette manière Evil or Very Mad
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeMer 6 Mai 2009 - 1:46

de toute façon le projet KFX n'est pas si ambiteux que ça! c'est en mi chemin entre la génération 4+ et 5, avec le JSF comme modèle et non pas le raptor
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeDim 7 Juin 2009 - 15:27

la proposition de SAAB pour le projet KFX:
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Ksaab711

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Ksaab110
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeDim 7 Juin 2009 - 16:06

et ben ceux la ils ne desesperent pas de vendre quelqupart quelquechose un jour Laughing
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeDim 7 Juin 2009 - 16:10

leur idée est très simple, le gripen NG étant un bon chasseur léger, ils se disent que c'est une bonne base pour en faire un 5th gen léger. ils un moteur supplementaire, 1/2 soutes d'armement, RCS améliorée et on obtient ce qu'il y a sur les photos plus haut. c'est à dire une sorte de super gripen bimoteur stealthy... pas mal.
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeDim 7 Juin 2009 - 16:14

oui mais,de la a concretiser la maquette du sais pas s´ils le réussiront seuls,LockMart en sait quelquchose
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeDim 7 Juin 2009 - 16:19

j'ai lu qlqpart que l'armée de l'air suédoise envisage d'avoir son propre projet 5th, c'est peut être une façon d'avoir un financement supplémentaire, on sait tous que l'économie suéoise, bien que très performante, n'a pas les moyens de développer seule un 5th gen.
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeDim 7 Juin 2009 - 16:25

voila,c´est de ca qu´il s´agit,sans aide exterieure,ou self-financement par contrats de Gripen(ce qui manque) ils peuvent rien faire,leur manager a fait encore une sortie mediatique derniere semaine ou il pique encore la norvege pour son choix JSF,ca n´a pas du tout passé ce coup la,et la suede cherche deseperement des marchés..

si seulement la norvege y met la main(petrol) pour cooperer,ils feront bcp ces 2 la,mais bon l´Uncle Sam torpille ce qu´il peut Laughing
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Juin 2009 - 22:58

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX 123rz410

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX 123s1t10
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena20Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena22
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena21

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeMar 27 Juil 2010 - 0:58

les gens avancent!

Citation :
SOURCE:Flight Daily News
FARNBOROUGH: South Korea signs MoU with Indonesia to develop KF-X
By Siva Govindasamy

South Korea is seeking international partners for its indigenous KF-X programme, which aims to develop a successor to its Northrop F-5s by early next decade.

Seoul signed a signed a memorandum of understanding with Indonesia last week on the KF-X, a move that could lead to Jakarta contributing up to 20% of the development costs. It has also begun negotiations with Turkey, although a deal is further out.

South Korea has a close relationship with both countries and has sold military aircraft to them. It has also bought CN-235s from Indonesian Aerospace.

Government officials from South Korea were also engaging industry at Farnborough, hoping to bring in Western companies as possible partners in the programme.

Boeing, Lockheed Martin and the Eurofighter consortium were involved in initial discussions and could become a development partner, say sources from the various companies. This could be similar to Lockheed's involvement in the Korea Aerospace Industries T-50 advanced jet trainer programme.

KAI is also expected to produce the KF-X fighter at its facilities in Sacheon, and help in the development using its experience with the T-50 and its F/A-50 fighter variant.

The KF-X programme, which was mooted several years ago, envisages the production of around 120 fighters for the South Korean air force. However, the potential cost of around $8 billion has meant that successive South Korean governments have balked at giving it the go-ahead. With other countries joining the programme, it would substantially reduce the cost for Seoul.

For Indonesia, the deal would help revive its moribund military aircraft production industry. It would offer it access to a reasonably advanced fighter programme, and industry sources say that local assembly is a possibility.

The first few prototypes of the KF-X aircraft are expected to be rolled out around 2020, say sources.

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX A10-na10
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeMar 27 Juil 2010 - 15:04

Faut avouer que le KF-X est beau a voir, je sais pas pour vous mais moi je le trouve sublime, avec un camo adéquat il serait juste parfait a exposer Smile
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeMar 27 Juil 2010 - 17:59

BOOMER a écrit:
Faut avouer que le KF-X est beau a voir, je sais pas pour vous mais moi je le trouve sublime, avec un camo adéquat il serait juste parfait a exposer Smile

Où as tu trouvé la photo du KFX? Tout ce que tu vois y compris les photos que j'ai posté ici ce ne sont que des images ''concept'' et impressions d'artiste, l'avion n'existe pas.
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeMar 27 Juil 2010 - 23:40

Raptor a écrit:
BOOMER a écrit:
Faut avouer que le KF-X est beau a voir, je sais pas pour vous mais moi je le trouve sublime, avec un camo adéquat il serait juste parfait a exposer Smile

Où as tu trouvé la photo du KFX? Tout ce que tu vois y compris les photos que j'ai posté ici ce ne sont que des images ''concept'' et impressions d'artiste, l'avion n'existe pas.

alors je parlais de la 1ere photo !! Smile
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeMar 27 Juil 2010 - 23:46

Ok je vois, mais sache que cet avion n'existe pas encore, ce sont des ''concepts'' que tu vois  Like a Star @ heaven
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeMer 28 Juil 2010 - 0:36

ce sont alors de trés beaux conceptes que je vois Smile
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena20Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena22
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena21

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeMer 30 Oct 2013 - 14:36

enfin apres 5 ans on le voit en designs possibles,je prefere le premier car ca sera plus abordable,un melange F16 & F35

MAATAWI a écrit:
Citation :
KAI shows off two designs for KFX fighter

Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) has displayed two conceptual models for the country’s proposed KFX indigenous fighter programme at the Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition.

One model represents KAI’s in-house proposal for the programme, while the other represents the ambitions of Seoul’s Agency for Defense Development (ADD).

KAI’s proposal is for a single-engined aircraft based largely on systems developed for the country’s T-50 advanced jet trainer. The company feels that this approach would be more cost effective and draw from its experience with the T-50, which had extensive design input from Lockheed Martin.

Asset Image
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Yourfi11
Greg Waldron/Flightglobal

The ADD concept is a twin-engined design and would involve considerably more indigenously-developed content.

Both appear to recognise the challenges involved in building a true stealth aircraft. While each bears a passing resemblance to the low observable Lockheed Martin F-35, particularly in regard to the shaping of the intakes and forward fuselage, neither possesses internal weapons bays.

KAI did not state the powerplant for either aircraft, but one source says that it is likely to require similar power to the Pratt & Whitney F100 or General Electric F110, the engines for the F-16 fighter.

Asset Image
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Yourfi12
Greg Waldron/Flightglobal

Industry sources at the show say that KAI has been actively seeking information on a range of equipment that the KFX would need to be a truly capable fighter jet, including its radar, avionics, mission computers, and other systems.

Although this is the first time KAI has displayed such detailed models at the Seoul show, there is still a great deal of uncertainty about the programme.

To a large degree, Seoul is relying on technology transfer stemming from its F-X III acquisition for 60 fighters to develop indigenous manufacturing capabilities for KFX. Given that F-X III is in limbo following Seoul’s decision to re-tender the competition rather than obtain the Boeing F-15 Silent Eagle over the F-35 and Eurofighter Typhoon, any decision on KFX is effectively stalled as well.

Another challenge for the KFX programme is the presence of Indonesia in the effort as a 20% partner. While Jakarta is generally an ally of the West, the US government could be dubious about providing advanced technologies to Jakarta through the KFX programme, which will invariably require a large degree of foreign content.

In the event that Seoul decides to move forward with the programme, the Korean air force is likely to obtain 120 examples, with Jakarta to take 80. KAI also hopes to win other export orders for the aircraft.

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX A10-na10
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40588
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite :
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena32Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena24
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena25Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena26
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Cheval10Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena15
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Medail10

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Aoû 2016 - 17:32

Citation :
Korea to Complete Radar Development for KF-X Jets by 2026

11 Agustus 2016

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX 52122
KFX fighter (image : sbs)

South Korea will complete the development of an advanced radar system to be placed on the country's indigenous fighter jets by 2026 that will greatly boost its air-combat capabilities, the state arms procurement agency said Wednesday.

The state-run Agency for Defense Development has begun the process of developing the active electronically scanned array radars for some 120 KF-X fighter jets that South Korea seeks to develop by the mid-2020s, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration said. It said a meeting with related officials and experts was held at the ADD's headquarters in Daejeon, 164 kilometers south of Seoul.

"We are planning to produce the first prototypes of the AESA radar system by the second half of 2020. Starting in 2021, the radar system will undergo a five-year-long test run after being mounted onto the KF-X jet before its development project is completed in 2026," a DAPA official said.

South Korea plans to build the new planes under the 18 trillion-won ($15 billion) Korean Fighter Experimental project in a bid to replace its aging jet fleet of F-4s and F-5s.

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX 53108

The Korean military decided to develop the AESA radar system on its own as the United States refused to transfer core technologies related to the fighter jet and the advanced radar in April last year.

"Based on our accumulated technologies and know-how, we will develop the most optimal type of an AESA radar system that meets the Korean Air Force's operational requirements within the set time period (of now to 2026)," an arms procurement official said.

AESA is a type of phased array radar whose transmitter and receiver functions are composed of numerous small transmit/receive modules. AESA radars have almost instantaneous scanning rates, making them difficult to jam and allowing the aircraft employing the technology to remain stealthy.

(Korea Herald)
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40588
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite :
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena32Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena24
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena25Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena26
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Cheval10Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena15
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Medail10

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeSam 15 Juil 2017 - 16:47

Citation :
S. Korea's KF-X Fighter Taking Shape, Final Design due in 2018

15 Juli 2017

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX 99g25
KFX C-103 series (image : Daum)

SEOUL, July 13 (Yonhap) -- South Korea will complete the design of its own advanced fighter jet by the first half of next year, with another key task well under way to develop an AESA radar system in the KF-X project, the country's arms procurement agency said Thursday.

South Korea floated a plan in the 2000s to replace the Air Force's aging fleet of F-4 and F-5 jets, and formally launched the 8.8 trillion-won (US$7.7 billion) KF-X program in early 2016. Indonesia is a junior partner, sharing 20 percent of the total cost.

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) aims to round off the aircraft development by 2026 for two years of test operations to follow. It plans to introduce some 120 KF-X fighters.

"We are working on the shape design. It will be done by June 2018," a DAPA official said. "It will be final. There is little chance of a change."

South Korea is also focusing on developing an indigenous AESA radar, a core element for the envisioned 4.5-generation stealth combat jet. AESA stands for active electronically scanned array.

In 2016, the state-run Agency for Defense Development (ADD) signed a contract with Hanwha Thales, a local defense firm later renamed Hanwha Systems, for the manufacturing of the radar. The ADD has a separate deal for assistance from Israel's Elta Systems on testing a prototype.

Hanwha said it has produced the first prototype of the radar meant to demonstrate whether it's able to proceed with the development of a system suitable for KF-X jets.

South Korea is also seeking to purchase major weapon systems for the KF-X aircraft, especially for air-to-air engagement, from the United States or Europe.

The U.S., however, has been reluctant to provide information on some high-profile weapons, officials said.

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40588
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite :
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena32Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena24
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena25Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena26
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Cheval10Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena15
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Medail10

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeLun 17 Juil 2017 - 20:00

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40588
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite :
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena32Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena24
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena25Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena26
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Cheval10Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena15
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Medail10

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeSam 30 Juin 2018 - 17:25

Citation :
S. Korea to Complete Design KF-X Fighter by September 2019

30 Juni 2018

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX 4327
KF-X C-109 with European missile systems (image : DAPA)

S. Korea to design indigenous combat jet next year

SEOUL (Yonhap) -- South Korea plans to complete a design process for its own fighter aircraft by September next year and produce the first prototype in 2021, the nation's arms agency said Friday.

The timetable is based on some progress in the KF-X program aimed at manufacturing around 120 advanced fighter jets to replace the Air Force's aging F-4 and F-5 combat planes. The so-called 4.5-generation fighters will be upgraded to have stealth functions, if needed.

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has partnered with Korea Aerospace Industries Co. (KAI), a local defense firm, and Indonesia for the project worth 8.8 trillion won (US$7.8 billion).

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX 4228
KF-X with Meteor and IRIS-T air-to-air missile systems (image : DAPA)

Earlier this week, the DAPA conducted a preliminary design review (PDR) of the envisioned jet and concluded that it has met the requirements of the military. It's set to advance to a detailed design task.

"The PDR has been finished successfully to decide whether to proceed to a critical design review (CDR)," Jung Kwang-sun, head of the DAPA's KF-X Program Group, said. "We plan to complete the detailed design process by September 2019 ... and then begin the production of a prototype."

KAI aims to roll out the first version by 2021 for the maiden test flight in the latter half of the following year with a view to wrapping up the development work by 2026.

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messages : 12172
Inscrit le : 05/04/2008
Localisation : france
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena21Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Untitl10
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena26Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Cheval10
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena13

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeSam 30 Juin 2018 - 18:20


Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Marche12
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 9496
Inscrit le : 23/09/2007
Localisation : le monde
Nationalité : Luxemburg
Médailles de mérite : Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena24Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena31
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena22Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena11
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Unbena20Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Medail10
Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Cheval10

Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitimeDim 1 Juil 2018 - 16:11

Ça ressemble assez au projet franco-allemand pour remplacer Eurofighter et Rafale...
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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Korea Aerospace Industries KFX   Korea Aerospace Industries KFX Icon_minitime

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Korea Aerospace Industries KFX
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