Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC Royal Moroccan Armed Forces Royal Moroccan Navy Royal Moroccan Air Forces Forces Armées Royales Forces Royales Air Marine Royale Marocaine |
| | l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe | |
+13RED BISHOP jf16 FAMAS annabi MAATAWI atlas leadlord Northrop GlaivedeSion Fremo Samyadams Yakuza TooNs 17 participants | |
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Famas. Invité
| Sujet: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Lun 27 Avr 2009 - 4:11 | |
| (je vais commencer par celle de la Jordanie ensuite du Soudan)l'industrie militaire Jordanienne: ______________________________________________________________Projects - Phoenix M60 Upgrade ____________________________________________________________Projects - AL Temsah Product Description
Cost-effective program, to provide mission-capable, heavily-protected ICVs from surplus to requirement MBTs.
'Temsah' tracked, heavy, Infantry Combat Vehicle ( ICV ), developed by KADDB in cooperation with Mechanology Design Bureau ( MDB ) of South Africa, CLS Jordan and General Dynamics ( USA ). Temsah is designed and fabricated to accommodate surplus-to requirement MBTs major components to provide a mission-capable, multi-configured, heavily-protected ICV that can operate alongside the latest generation MBTs. ______________________________________________________________Projects - AL Monjed Product Description
Cost-effective re-use of surplus-to-requirement Main Battle Tank Monjed is a converted recovery vehicle based on the chassis of the decommissioned American battle tank M60A1. The goal was to inexpensively produce a modern recovery vehicle to comply with modernization requirements of armored vehicles.
KADDB Collaborative Project Monjed is an innovative vehicle benefiting from excellent mobility and battle worthiness. It is operated by a crew of three and can carry an additional passenger
Monjed can be used both for recovery and repair of main battle tanks in the field. The vehicle carries a range of repair equipment, including a crane, cutting equipment and air tools. It also has stowage for spare parts and can carry a spare power pack or other major assemblies.
The hydraulically-driven main drum winch has a maximum single line pull of 400 KN ( 41 tons ) at 13 m/min.
Monjed has a multi-purpose blade, which can operate as an earth anchor. The blade withstands a double-revved main winch pull on the casualty of up to (80 tons).
The hydraulically-operated crane is capable of lifting up to (6 tons) power pack. The hydraulics are self contained and powered by the power take-off from the main engine as main system or by the APU as an auxiliary system, this means that the vehicle can change its own power Pack.
Monjed will tow vehicles of up to 60 tons in weight at speeds of up to 30 km/h. Stability is maintained when retarding its load and when towing at low speed. ______________________________________________________________ Projects - Challenger 1 Upgrade
The Upgrade Program involves The Upgrade will improve the followings tank general capabilities, ______________________________________________________________Projects - Ferret Rebuild Rebuild and Dieselisation of Armoured Ferret Scout Car Being originally British, The Ferret Scout vehicle is a four-wheeled car with all-welded steel body.
The Ferret Scout vehicle has three parts; the front of the hull where the driver sits, the center where the commander is, and the rear where the engine and transmission are.
The vehicle is used in internal security for it is considered handy and fast since it can reach the speed of 93 km / h. It is one of the few AFV’s that is politically accepted to be used on the streets.
The Ferret Scout Vehicle is armoured with 0.3 cal. browing machine gun with new four cylinder Diesel engine. ______________________________________________________________Projects - MAP Multi-purpose Armoured Platform Product Description
The MAP is a heavy tracked, well-armoured vehicle platform, developed jointly by KADDB and Mechanology of South Africa that can fulfil a multi-purpose role in support of armoured formations. The MAP is converted from the vehicle platform of a Tariq MBT, by modifying the hull and reversing the drive on the vehicle. Maximum use is made of Tariq MBT major components and also modernising limited but crucial sub-systems, like electrical and instrumentation.
A driver’s cupola has been designed to provide excellent improved all-round direct vision for the driver.
Concept Demonstrator Models (CDMs) of two versions, closed and open, of the MAP have been built, to demonstrate the potential of the concept.
Due to the flexibility of its layout, the MAP can be configured to different variants for wide ranging applications, from the two CDM versions: MAP Closed Version CDM:
Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC)
Command Vehicle
Communications Vehicle
Forward Observation Vehicle
Armoured Workshop Vehicle
_____________________________________________________________Projects - Stallion Brief
The Stallion is a four-wheeled armoured vehicle with an all-welded armoured steel body. The Stallion fits three crew members, a driver sits in front, and two other members that sit behind him. The vehicle has been designed to be used by Peace Keeping Forces, Internal Security and Patrols. It has the ability to carry 50 cal weapon station. _____________________________________________________________ Projects - Scorpion Modernization Upgrade and Modernization of Scorpion Vehicle
CVR(T) is in world wide service. Al variants including Scorpion and Scimitar are battle proven.
The Jordan Upgrade and Modernization includes:
New Turret and Fire Control Systems
New Diesel Engines (235 BHP)
Modified Transmission
Upgraded Suspension
New Electrical System
The Turret Systems incorporate:
30mm cannon (2A72)& 7.62mm machine gun
81mm smoke grenade launcher
4 anti tank guided missiles (ATGM)
Auto tracking & 2-axis stabilization system
Thermal image sight & Laser range finder
Electrical drives with manual backup system
The result is an as new vehicle with the following characteristics:
Enhanced operational capability
Improved performance
Easier and cheaper to maintain
Long Term Sustainable ______________________________________________________________Projects - Twin-Igla Surface to Air missile on Land Cruise Pickup 4WD _____________________________________________________________Projects - Kornet Launcher on Hummer ___________________________________________________________ Projects - Remote Weapon Station (RWS) _____________________________________________________________ Projects - Sky Watch Sky Watch is a well-effective, flexible and a high quality competitive vehicle built to suit all surveillance missions.
_____________________________________________________________ Projects - Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) _______________________________________________________________Projects - Development of 120mm Vehicle Mounted Mechanized Mortar (VM3) _____________________________________________________________Projects - 106mm RR on Al Jawad Vehicle
____________________RPG 32 Hashim__________________________d'autres prototypes de projets:source: |
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| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Lun 27 Avr 2009 - 6:25 | |
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messages : 981 Inscrit le : 11/02/2008 Localisation : Lebhira, Medina de Rabat Nationalité :
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| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Dim 3 Mai 2009 - 22:24 | |
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| Sujet: Jordanie : Industie millitaire Mer 13 Mai 2009 - 21:05 | |
| - Citation :
Jordanie : Industrie militaire
دخل الأردن صناعة الآليات العسكرية بعد قيام مركز الملك عبدالله الثاني للتصميم والتطوير ومجموعة بارامونت الجنوب افريقية لتصنيع الأسلحة بالاعلان عن تأسيس أول مصنع للأسلحة الثقيلة والمتوسطة في الاردن برأس مال بلغ عشرون مليون دولار.
وبثت "العربية" تقريرا مصورا عن المصنع الجديد في نشرات الأخبار يوم الأربعاء 13-5-2009، ويقوم المصنع بانتاج الآليات المتوسطة والثقيلة، كما يعمل على اعادة بناء وتأهيل الآليات المستخدمة ورفع قدرتها بتصاميم جديدة مبتكرة و عملية. ويمتاز هذا المصنع بأنه الوحيد في الشرق الاوسط وشمال افريقيا الذي يقوم بتصنيع نوع معين من كاسحات الألغام، وبأنه من المصانع القليلة في الدول العربية التي لديها القدرة على تصنيع الآلات المدولبة والمجنزرة بتكنولوجيا حديثة.
ولن يكون هذا المصنع فقط للسوق الاردني بل ستستفيد منه دول المنطقة في مجال حفظ السلام والأمن الداخلي وإدارة الكوارث.
وتبلغ الطاقة الانتاجية للمصنع 400 آلة، ومن المتوقع أن يزيد الطلب عليها الى ما يزيد عن عشرة آلاف آلية خلال العشر سنوات القادمة.
وكان الامير فيصل بن الحسين صرح منذ حوالي شهرين ان الاردن نجح في بناء قاعدة صناعية دفاعية متطورة بالتعاون مع روسيا الاتحادية ودول اخرى.
واضاف أن هناك تطورا نوعيا في الصناعات الدفاعية الاردنية في الوقت الحاضر، وانها باتت تلبي جزءا كبيرا من احتياجات القوات المسلحة الاردنية انطلاقا من تحقيق مبدأ الاعتماد على الذات.
وقال في حديث للنشرة اليومية لمعرض "ايدكس 2009" بثته وكالة الانباء الاماراتية الرسمية ان الاردن وروسيا نجحا في تأسيس شركة لصناعة الاسلحة في الاردن، بعد اجراء تجارب ناجحة على نظام دفاعي متخصص مع القوات المسلحة الاردنية، وتم تجريب هذا النظام في الميدان حيث يعتبر الافضل في روسيا حتى الآن.
كما كشف ضباط في القوات المسلحة الأردنية مخبرا عن بدء مصنع عسكري في الأردن بتصنيع الذخائر والقذائف، مشيرين إلى أن إنتاج ذلك المصنع سيمد الجيش باحتياجاته من المقذوفات المختلفة.
وقال العميد محمد فرغل، مدير التخطيط الاستراتيجي في الجيش العربي الأردني، إنه تم الاتفاق مع "الشركة الأردنية لصناعة الذخائر - جورامو" على انتاج ذخائر "هاون" من نوع 60 و 120 مليمترا، إضافة إلى عدد من الذخائر الثقيلة والمتوسطة والخفيفة بتكلفة إجمالية تبلغ 43 مليون دولار أمريكي |
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| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Mer 13 Mai 2009 - 22:22 | |
| - Citation :
- le PIB de la Jordanie était fin 2008 de l'ordre de 30.76 milliards $(soit 22.4% du PIB marocain), celui du Soudan 87.27 milliard $( soit 63.56% du PIB marocain) (selon ; tout cela pour vous dire, que ces pays là, nous arrivent pas à la cheville, et ont fait des exploits alors que nous on fabrique même pas un obus.
Franchement ce me déçois , que des pays comme le soudan et la jordanie fabriquent alors que nous on fait que acheter tout ce qu'il nous faut
Dernière édition par L'Antidote le Mer 5 Aoû 2009 - 0:00, édité 1 fois |
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| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Mer 13 Mai 2009 - 22:25 | |
| tu connais un pays qui achete l´armement jordanien? a quel prix produisent-ils ca? qui est leur ennemi? |
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| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Mar 7 Juil 2009 - 20:44 | |
| non, si un jour le maroc devaient lancé son industrie militaire (et franchement , c est pas la priorité) et bien il faut que sa soit a l image de ce que font les complexe militaor industriel italien ou israelien !!! proposé du materiels de pointe, et a forte valeur ajouté (et pas produire des chassis de toute les forme et des munition)...non !!! maitrisé la technologie militaire de pointe (radar/optique/electronique etc etc) .
une fois que l ont maitrise cela, le support na plus grande importnance...du moin c est pas le plus difficile !!!! (les israeliens font des f5 et des m60 des bijoux technologique, et disposent sur leur materiel des technologie a la pointe rarement egalé...radar/missile/optronique etc etc)
donc faut pas se leurré !
si c est une vrai industrie avec tous ce qui va avec (R&D,qualité, etc etc) oui.
si c est pour faire du montage de matos etranger sur place pour dire "je fabrique"...NON! |
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| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Mar 7 Juil 2009 - 23:37 | |
| il est vraimet très moche ce M60 à la sauce jordaniène en ce qui concerne le maroc, je pense qu'on est sur le bon chemin, le plus important est de disposer d'un tissu industriel civil très solide, c'est en cours, avec toutes ses délocalisations et le savoir faire dont bénéficie de plus en plus une large partie de la main d'oeuvre qualifié au maroc, et les entreprises industrielles marocaines qui participent dans ces projets. après, tout est question de volonté politique, et d'accumulation de savoir faire. par exemple, la modernisation des mirage F1 si elle se fait sur place permettra d'accumuler un savoir faire dans le domaine, et peut être qu'un jour on présentera nos propore solution pour d'autres upgrades. |
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| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Mar 14 Juil 2009 - 22:01 | |
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| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Mar 4 Aoû 2009 - 13:15 | |
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| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Jeu 17 Déc 2009 - 18:34 | |
| et qu'en est t'il de l'algérie , j'ai entendue dire qu'il fabrique des navires (rais hamidou ou quelque chose comme ca), de petit avions (fernas ....) et des vehicules????? des précisions ? |
| | | Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | Samyadams Administrateur
messages : 7134 Inscrit le : 14/08/2008 Localisation : Rabat Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Sam 19 Déc 2009 - 15:13 | |
| Il n'y a nulle mention sur son coût de production, ni sur les bureaux d'études qui l'ont élaboré. Ce n'est donc pas impossible qu'il ait un plus grand rayon d'action que le MQ1, mais ça reste à vérifier. | |
| | | Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24810 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Sam 19 Déc 2009 - 15:31 | |
| c'est le SMART EYE, comme on peut voir la photo, il était présent à Dubai Air Show avec l'ensemble des Drone émarati, qui sont maintenant au nombre de 6 types j'ai déjà posté leur pics, ils sont pas tous de conception émaratis, et même ce SMART EYE c'est un bureau d'étude Australien qu'il a élaboré, et c'est ATS filial de ADCOM Group qu'il a construit _________________ | |
| | | GlaivedeSion General de Brigade
messages : 3887 Inscrit le : 15/07/2009 Localisation : ici et la Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Sam 19 Déc 2009 - 15:43 | |
| 125 heures d'endurance? j'ai bien lu? | |
| | | Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24810 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | GlaivedeSion General de Brigade
messages : 3887 Inscrit le : 15/07/2009 Localisation : ici et la Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Sam 19 Déc 2009 - 16:02 | |
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| | | Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Ven 16 Avr 2010 - 16:57 | |
| - Citation :
- TALON Laser-Guided Rocket Completes Flight Tests, Verifies Production Configuration
YUMA PROVING GROUNDS, Ariz., April 16, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) and Emirates Advanced Investments (EAI) completed four ground-based guided flight tests of the TALON Laser-Guided Rocket.
The TALON LGR is an affordable, semi-active laser guidance and control kit that connects directly to the front of 2.75-inch unguided rockets currently in U.S. and international inventories.
"The Raytheon-EAI team has a proven, production-ready laser-guided rocket," said Dr. Taylor W. Lawrence, Raytheon Missile Systems president. "These tests affirm we are on track to deliver an affordable, fully qualified precision weapon for attack helicopters in 2010."
The tests, using rockets built on the Raytheon-EAI production line, verified the production configuration of the TALON LGR. During the tests, the team also demonstrated TALON LGR's precision lethality with a tactical warhead flight. The rounds used during the test were preconditioned at extreme temperatures.
The tests pave the way for airborne testing of the TALON LGR including a series of live firings from the AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopter.
The TALON LGR program is part of a cooperative development agreement between Raytheon and EAI of the United Arab Emirates, which includes a follow-on production proposal to begin manufacturing TALON in 2010.
"Because of these critical successes, we are now entering the final phase of the program," said Hussain Al Hammadi, EAI's chief executive officer. "EAI national engineers are working closely with Raytheon engineers to set high standards and deliver quality products in the global aerospace industry through rapid design and production processes. We expect that fielding for TALON LGR will begin this year."
The TALON LGR is fully compatible with existing airborne and ground laser designators and requires no modifications to rocket launchers currently in the inventory. TALON LGR also fills the critical operational capability gap between unguided rockets and guided heavy anti-tank missiles.
EAI continues to be the region's leader in providing modernized defense capabilities to the United Arab Emirates. _________________ | |
| | | Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24810 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Mar 1 Juin 2010 - 17:59 | |
| Carat Security a un Usine d'assemblement des véhicules blindés, au Bahrein : - Citation :
- First armoured vehicle joins BDF
Bahrain yesterday made history as it unveiled its first military armoured vehicle. His Majesty and Supreme Commander King Hamad patronised a ceremony marking the Royal Guard anniversary and inaugurated the tank Faisal. The BDF technical maintenance unit designed and assembled it, in co-operation with a European company which manufactures armed vehicles. His Majesty was welcomed by BDF Commander-in-Chief General Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, National Guard Major-General Shaikh Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa, Chief-of-Staff Major-General Shaikh Daij bin Salman Al Khalifa, Royal Guard Commander and other senior officers. The vehicle will enhance the BDF's armament and training capabilities. It can be used in steepy terrains because of its operational mobility, and tactical and defensive capabilities. "There are plans to market it in the GCC and abroad as it has proved its credentials," BDF technical maintenance assistant commander and project officer Colonel Isa Yousif Al Mahameed said. Powered by a 6-valve diesel engine (180hp), the multi-purpose tank can move at 110km per hour. The four-tonne vehicle can carry weight up to five tonnes. It is equipped with a crane to tug weights up to 5.4 tonnes, anti-fire automatic and double air-conditioning systems, wireless telecommunications and rooms for ammunition. It is bullet-proof and can resist automatic arms and hand grenades (m51). Firepower is provided by a main automatic machine rotating at 360 degrees. Other automatic weapons can be fitted. It has infrared lamps for night combat and other operations. His Majesty also attended Royal Guard parades and presented medals and certificates to outstanding graduates. Royal Court Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Minister of State for Defence Dr Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdulla Al Khalifa and National Security chief attended.
GDN voilà le page des produits proposé par la société: _________________ | |
| | | Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24810 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Ven 2 Juil 2010 - 19:04 | |
| voici l'ensemble des produit propoés par Abu Dhabi Ship Building : - Citation :
Operational requirements. The ship is designed to provide the Navies with a multi-role surface vessel capable of sustained operations throughout the GCC region. The vessels are designed to conduct peacetime patrols in their territorial waters and exclusive economic zones, together with surveillance, maritime interdiction, support to other forces, and the protection of coastline and ports. Construction: Steel constructed hull and deck, with superstructure fabricated from aluminium. Superstructure arrangement designed to minimise radar cross-section. General description of Combat System: The combat system is centred around a modern command and control system. The IPN-S will provide primary control of the major weapons systems while providing the ship's crew with a complete tactical picture combining information from ship's sensors, external communications, airborne sensors, and intelligence reports. Primary ship sensors will include a three dimensional air search and a navigation radar with LPI capability. An EOMS infrared search and track weapons director will also be fitted. A Interrogation Friend or Foe (IFF) function for both radar sets will be provided. The electronic warfare suite will include laser electronics countermeasures systems, a radar electronic support measures system (ESM) and a electronic support measures and communications intelligence system will also be a part of the electronics warfare suite. The primary anti ship weapons will be 2 x Missiles. The vessel's firepower is complimented with a single 76 mm main gun and two 27 mm side guns. The primary air defence system is centred on a vertical missile launcher system. This system will be controlled by the IPN-S combat control system a fire control system. Missile fire control will be supplemented by a continuous wave illuminator. The air defence missile system is augmented by a second set of surface to air missiles. These "fire and forget" missiles will be mounted on the weather fairing of the 27mm side guns. All navigation system data will be collected and displayed through an Integrated Bridge system incorporating a laser gyro system for ship's reference and navigation. The integrated bridge system will include displays from the Navigation / LPI radar. A complex network of integrated communications is provided and will include secure voice and data communications. This system will coordinate and provide communications and data sharing between the Baynunah vessels, other cooperating fleet vessels, land based command and control centres, and maritime patrol aircraft. The vessel will also be fitted with a CHAFF launcher decoy system and RAM system. - Citation :
Fast Patrol Boats
Abu Dhabi Ship Building constructs fast patrol boats from 10m to 70m for specific missions and also as multi role vessels. Vessels can be built in steel, aluminium alloy and the latest Composite materials - and with speeds capable of in excess of 60 knots, these vessels cater for all naval / military missions. Weapons fit are determined by the end user / operator, and vessels built at Abu Dhabi Ship Building have been fitted with remote controlled guns, surface to surface missiles, surface to air missiles mortars, and an array of sensors and communication suites. ADSB's High Speed (50 Knots), 9.5M Aluminium Assault Boats provide effective interception and policing for coastline duty. These boats feature a heavy duty, high-impact,all-weather, polymer-covered solid foam collar in case boarding is necessary, state-of-the-art Navigation/Communication equipment and two gun mounts for 360 degree coverage.Constructed from Aluminuim, these boats have a top speed of 50 knots from two 250HP Outboard Mercury engines. - Citation :
- Fast Troop Carrier
ADSB's Fast Troop Carrier is specially designed to be highly maneuverable at all speeds and capable for very shallow waters operations. The main mission of the Fast Troop Carrier is to deploy troops directly onto a beachhead via a hydraulically operated bow ramp. The vessel is designed according to the specification below and based on the Swedish Navy's and UAE Navy's "Fast Troop Carrier" design with amendments required to meet the Medium Range Patrol Boat operational requirement. The vessels will be generally constructed in accordance with DNV rules for high speed craft where applicable. The Hull, Deck and Superstructure including Bulkheads and Frames are in accordance with Det Norske Veritas rules for the classification of High Speed and Light Craft, issued 2002. The original vessel design and construction was also in accordance with the Swedish Naval regulations RMS (Regulation Marine Ship). In addition, the major equipment specified herein, where available, is type approved by DNV or similar class society. The vessel is powered by twin MTU diesel engines coupled to Rolls Royce FF550 waterjets to give a vessel top speed in excess of 35 knots. Apart from it's mission as a fast troop carrier - the vessel is also to be in service as a missile boat, gun boat and mortar boat. - Citation :
- Landing Craft
Typical use includes Amphibious Support Operations, Vehicle Transportation (tanks, trucks, APVs), accomodation for 56 troops and General Supply missions. With a crew of 19 and a range of various sizes the Landing Craft have a speed of over 10 knots. These vessels are in service with the Royal Navy of Oman, UAE Navy and UAE Coast Guard. These ships are built to the high naval standards associated with production at ADSB and have proven in service operational sea time. The vessels have a dead weight capacity of 700 Tonnes, speed of 10 knots and accommodation for 56 embarked troops. The heavy duty steel construction and cargo deck layout makes them suitable for the deployment of Vehicles, Troops, Men, Fuel and Water. The Bow Ramp designed for use during beach landings allows for the fast discharge of vehicles and men. Full air conditioned crew accommodation is provided for a compliment of 19 officers and men. - Citation :
- Interceptors
- Citation :
- Fast Supply Vessel
Source :: ADBS website _________________ | |
| | | Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24810 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe Dim 4 Juil 2010 - 4:49 | |
| lors du Sophex2010 il y avait plusieurs nouveautés jordanienne dont : un CPC Al Thalab ( il me rappelle une jeep présente à l'Eurosatory ) FV107 Scmitar modernisé ( apparament la tourelle est jordanienne ) MAP SEA BIRD T-REX Jordan Falcon NT-150 _________________ | |
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| Sujet: Re: l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe | |
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| | | | l'industrie militaire dans le monde arabe | |
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