messages : 24810 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Systèmes SAM&ABM navals ( Documentation ) Ven 13 Nov 2009 - 13:39
Mica VL
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MBDA has exploited the success and operationally proven capabilities of the in-service MICA air-to-air missile to develop two highly effective air defence systems, VL MICA (Land) and VL MICA (Naval). Both systems have been designed to offer a highly effective, rapid reaction, all-weather air defence against the widest range of threats.
Both MICA air defence systems feature vertical launch, a very short reaction time and a high firing rate. In addition they can both engage several targets simultaneously and provide 360° defence coverage without costly dedicated tracking and guidance suites.
As with the air-to-air weapon, the MICA fire and forget missile features a thrust vector control system and two seeker variants, active radar or infrared imaging.
VL MICA (Naval)
Developed to provide the capabilities of a Point Defence Missile System (PDMS), an Inner Layer Missile System (ILMS) and a Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) to counter a potential saturating anti-ship missile attack.
The VL MICA (Naval) launch canister is key to the system. Canisters can be installed in machined and aligned slots in a silo structure, part or fully buried in the ship’s deck. Alternatively, the canisters can be installed alongside the ship’s hangar or any suitable vertical bulkhead. Installation in a wide range of either new or retrofit warships, from fast patrol craft to major vessels, is therefore relatively easy. The canister serves as the storage and transportation unit as well as the vertical launcher. Missile system life cycle costs can therefore be minimised.
Target designation can be derived direct from the ship’s Combat Management System (CMS) with target data from a 3-D surveillance radar. Systems integration is facilitated via an electronic interface unit installed below deck. Each interface unit links eight VL MICA missiles to the CMS. As the system does not require dedicated target trackers, it has a truly 360° engagement capability.
Weight: 112 Kg Warhead weight : 13 kg Longueur : 3.1 m Diamétre : 166 mm Portée : 20 Km
____________________ Aster 15 SAAM
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The ASTER modular family of vertically launched missiles is being developed under the leadership of MBDA within the Franco-Italian FSAF (Future Surface-to-Air Family) programme. Under this programme, France and Italy agreed to develop and produce a family of naval platform and ground based air defence systems for the armed forces of both countries. A subsequent trilateral agreement signed between France, Italy and the United Kingdom resulted in the development of a third naval air defence system using the Aster family of missiles known as PAAMS (Principal Anti-Air Missile System).
>SAAM (Surface-to-Air Anti-Missile): Using the Aster 15 (30km range) missile, SAAM is a high performance and highly manoeuvrable medium range anti-aircraft and anti-missile system for point and local defence against a new generation of threats including high speed, stealthy and highly manoeuvrable sea skimming anti-ship, cruise and anti-radar missiles.
>SAAM provides effective defence against anti-ship missiles and modern combat aircraft and is able to counter saturation attack in extreme countermeasures environments. The system comprises a fire control system with multifunction electronic scanning radar, Sylver vertical launchers each containing eight ready-to-fire missiles and the Aster 15 anti-missile missiles.
>The French SAAM/FR and Italian SAAM/IT variants are both the same except for the fire control system. The French Navy will use the Thales ARABEL radar while the Italian Navy will deploy the Selex Integrated Systems EMPAR radar.
>The Aster 15 missile active RF seeker and inertial mid-course guidance gives the system great advantages over comparable systems in terms of target handling. Employing a unique combination of aerodynamic and thrust vector control, the Aster 15 missile has unrivalled agility and manoeuvrability, making the weapon highly effective in all operating conditions against highly agile and stealthy targets.
Weight: 310 Kg Warhead weight : 30 kg Longueur : 4.2 m Diamétre : 180 mm Portée : 30 Km
Aster 15 & 30 PAAMS
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>PAAMS (Principal Anti-Air Missile System): A 360° omni-directional system providing multi-layer air defence to armed fleets or groups of unarmed support and merchant ships. It incorporates three separate mission capabilities in a single naval air defence system – ship self-defence for protection of the PAAMS warship; local area defence for nearby ship defence; and medium and long-range air defence. PAAMS has been designed to provide optimum protection against omni-directional and co-ordinated attacks from sub- or supersonic missiles, aircraft and high value UAVs.
>PAAMS comprises a Multi Function Radar (MFR), a sophisticated Command and Control sub-system (C2), and a dual missile Vertical Launch Sub-system (VLS) containing a combination of 48, ready-to-fire Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles (same as for SAMP/T). PAAMS is supported by a Long Range Radar (LRR) for long-range surveillance.
>Two PAAMS system variants are being developed. The Royal Navy system - PAAMS(S) - will use the BAE SYSTEMS SAMPSON radar while the French and Italian navies will deploy a system equipped with an EMPAR radar/fire control unit – PAAMS (E).
>Depending on the threat, the combination of the Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles enables the PAAMS system to fire in any configuration from the PAAMS Sylver A50 launcher providing an impenetrable defence envelope day or night, even in cases of extreme ECM and in all weather conditions.
Weight: 450 Kg Warhead weight : 47 kg Longueur : 4.9 m Diamétre : 180 mm Portée : 100 Km
____________________ SeaWolf
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SEAWOLF was the first operational anti-missile ship defence weapon system. It has proved its efficiency against fast sea skimming and high angle supersonic missiles. Vertical Launch SEAWOLF is a fully automatic, fast reaction, high speed, point defence missile system offering an effective counter to multiple missile attack. VL SEAWOLF (VL = Vertical Launch) is accurate enough to intercept 4.5 inch (114 mm) shells.
Once the surveillance radar has detected targets, the ship’s command system evaluates them and prioritises the threat. Designated high threat targets are then automatically passed to the SEAWOLF tracker subsystem which then searches for and locks onto the target. The system automatically decides upon missile launch and guides the SEAWOLF missile up to intercept using highly accurate Command to Line of Sight (CLOS) guidance.
The missile Vertically launched, the missile is turned over quickly using thrust vector control. Once the boost motor has separated, the missile is controlled by its rear fins, giving it high manoeuvrability. The rear-facing command aerials, mounted on the missile wings, make it extremely resistant to electronic countermeasures.
The launch canister Vertical Launch SEAWOLF missiles are stored and transported in sealed launch canisters and require no maintenance on-board ship. The canister has its own integral ducts for efflux management, making installation on board ship simple and flexible.
The tracker Vertical Launch SEAWOLF operates with one or two lightweight radar trackers.
Weight: 140 Kg Warhead weight : 14 kg Longueur : 3 m Diamétre : 180 mm Portée : 10 Km
Viper Modérateur
messages : 7967 Inscrit le : 24/04/2007 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Systèmes SAM&ABM navals ( Documentation ) Ven 13 Nov 2009 - 14:42
Goalkeeper – Close-in weapon system
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Le Goalkeeper CIWS (CIWS : Close-in weapon system) est un système de défense anti-missile antinavire qui a été conçu et fabriqué par Signaal, aujourd'hui Thales Nederland.Pendant européen du Phalanx CIWS américain, le Goalkeeper est utilisé par les marines militaires de 6 pays. Dernière ligne de défense à cause de sa portée, le système cadre la cible grâce à son radar puis tire dessus avec une cadence d'environ 1 000 obus par minute grâce à sa conception « gatling » dans le but de faire exploser le missile avant un contact avec le navire
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24810 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Systèmes SAM&ABM navals ( Documentation ) Ven 13 Nov 2009 - 14:49
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The Albatros surface-to-air missile system adds to a ship’s gun FCS (Fire Control System) the capability to launch the Aspide 2000 missile by integrating it to a set of easy to install missile units.
This combination provides an integrated, all-weather air defence system for ships represented by an outer defence layer based on missiles and an inner layer based on the ship’s gun battery to create an effective protective envelope against incoming aircraft and anti-ship missiles. Aspide 2000 will provide close area defence for the launch ship as well as defence against air attack for consort ships. After detection by the ship’s surveillance radar, the targets are assigned to the gun FCS which then acquires and tracks the target. The target is then illuminated by a CW RF transmission that is passed into the FCS tracking radar antenna to fulfil the semi-active guidance requirements of the Aspide 2000 missile. One or two missiles can be simultaneously guided against the same target (even if it is flying in close formation) at the outer intercept range of 20km. The engagement envelope of the Albatros system against a typical fighter aircraft covers an altitude of 8km altitude and 12km set-off range. Within this envelope, the system provides for an SSKP (Single Shot Kill Probability) greater than 0.8 with a single missile and 0.96 with two missiles.
Weight: 240 Kg Warhead weight : 26 kg Longueur : 3.7 m Diamétre : 200 mm Portée : 20 Km
____________________ Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM)
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The Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) Guided Missile Weapon System is the world's most modern ship self-defense weapon. There are well over 100,000 anti-ship missiles in the world's inventory today, posing a serious threat to all naval vessels. Assured destruction of a large raid is the only means to ensure ship survival. The Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) Guided Missile Weapon System is the world's most modern ship self-defense weapon, and has been specifically designed to provide exceptional protection for ships of all sizes. RAM is currently installed, or planned for installation, on over 80 U.S. Navy and 28 German Navy ships. RAM is a supersonic, light-weight, quick-reaction, fire-and-forget missile designed to destroy antiship missiles. Its autonomous dual-mode passive RF and IR guidance design, requiring no shipboard support after missile launch, uniquely provides high-firepower capability for engaging multiple threats simultaneously. The MK 44 Guided Missile Round Pack, coupled with the 21-cell MK 49 Guided Missile Launching System, comprise the MK 31 Guided Missile Weapon System. The weapon system has been designed for flexibility in ships' integration, with no “dedicated” sensors required. A wide variety of existing ship sensors can readily provide the target and pointing information required to engage the antiship threat. The RAM missile has been fired in over 150 flight tests to date, resulting in a success rate of greater than 95 percent. This extremely high reliability is the culmination of years of development, testing, and design improvements. RAM Block 1 RAM has evolved in order to counter the anticipated non-RF-radiating anti-ship cruise missiles of the future. The RAM Block 1 missile has been designed to defeat tomorrow's threat. While retaining the existing RF-to-IR guidance modes of the Block 0 RAM, Block 1 incorporates a new image-scanning seeker with the added capability of autonomous IR-all-the-way guidance, thus countering advanced anti-ship missiles which do not employ on-board radar seekers. This new seeker also allows increased capability against crossing targets and the ability to engage fixed and rotary-winged aircraft. Enhanced digital signal processing further provides increased resistance to countermeasures, as well as superior performance in severe IR background conditions. The RAM Block 1 missile has successfully completed Navy Operational testing, engaging real-world and surrogate anti-ship missiles. Having demonstrated operational suitability and effectiveness in these stringent tests, RAM Block 1 is now in full-rate production. Helicopter, Aircraft, and Surface (HAS) Capability Raytheon is under contract to provide a software upgrade to Block 1 RAM in order to engage helicopters, aircraft, and surface targets. RAM Block 1's inherent IR seeker design and performance characteristics enable it to engage these targets via missile software enhancements, requiring no hardware modifications. The capability to counter this expanded target set will be available for the fleets in 2002. Concurrent with this design effort, an 11-round launcher system is also being developed for smaller ships and other vessels which have weight constraints.
Weight: 73.5 Kg Warhead weight : 11.3 kg Longueur : 2.8 m Diamétre : 127 mm Portée : 7.5 Km
____________________ SM-2MR RIM-66/67
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In response to the changing threat, the US Navy funded the development of today’s Standard Missile-2 (SM-2). Standard-2 MR incorporates midcourse guidance, which allows programming of the missile for radar search only. The missile is redirected in midflight and then again during the terminal homing phase. SM-2 MR is installed on the DDG- and CGN-type ships and on Aegis CG-class ships. SM-2 is deployed in several different configurations, ranging from the SM-2 Block IIIA up through the SM-2 Block IV ER for the US Navy’s AEGIS compatible ships. SM-2’s primary role is to provide area defense against enemy aircraft and antiship missiles. The current generation of SM-2 Blocks IIIA and IIIB, capitalizes on technology improvements to substantially increase performance against the advanced antiship missile threat. The Standard Missile-2 (SM-2) is the Navy’s primary surface-to-air fleet defense weapon. The currently deployed SM-2 Block II/III/IIIA configurations are all-weather, ship-launched medium-range fleet air defense missiles derived from the SM-1 (RIM-66B). SM-2 employs an electronic countermeasures-resistant monopulse receiver for semi-active radar terminal guidance and inertial midcourse guidance capable of receiving midcourse command updates from the shipboard fire control system. SM-2 is launched from the Mk 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) and the Mk 26 Guided Missile Launching System (GMLS). SM-2 continues to evolve to counter expanding threat capabilities, and improvements in advanced high and low-altitude threat interception, particularly in stressing electronic countermeasures (ECM) environments, are being implemented through modular changes to the missile sections. The SM-2 is a solid propellant-fueled, tail-controlled, surface to air missile fired by surface ships. Designed to counter high-speed, high-altitude anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs) in an advanced ECM environment, its primary mode of target engagement uses mid-course guidance with radar illumination of the target by the ship for missile homing during the terminal phase. The SM-2 can also be used against surface targets. SM-2 Blocks II through IV are long-range interceptors that provide protection against aircraft and antiship missiles, thereby expanding the battlespace.
Weight: 621 Kg Warhead weight : 11.3 kg Longueur : 4.72 m Diamétre : 340 mm Portée : 74 Km
____________________ HHQ-9A
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The HHQ-9A is a shipborne air defense system introduced by Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) on the Type 052C destroyer in 2004. The system is based on the HQ-9A mobile air defense system fielded by the People's Liberation Army beginning in 1997. The HHQ-9A ship-mounted phased array radar antennas look like the SPY-1 antennas installed on the US Navy Aegis-equipped destroyers and cruisers. The HHQ-9A can track as many as 100 airborne targets while engaging 50 of them simultaneously.
The HHQ-9A missile system provided to Type 052C destroyers has eight six-cell Vertical Launch Systems (VLS) with six of them at the bow deck and the remaining two at the stern. The Chinese designed VLS features a cylindrical shape and "cold launch" in comparison with Western VLS such as Mk-41 and Sylver which are rectangular and use "hot launch". The main difference between cold and hot launches is that the rocket motor ignites out or in the launch tube. The Chinese VLS is neither based upon the Russian revolver launch system also featuring six-cell.
The HHQ-9A surface-to-air missile guidance system responds to the Track-Via-Missile (TVM) concept introduced by the United States with its Patriot missile system. The HQ-9 missile's seeker target data is transmitted to the control station via downlink. The ground control station calculates the trajectory corrections to enable a successful interception and those corrections are sent back to the HQ-9 missile via an uplink.
The missile of Barak SAM system is designed to replace or complement gun-based CIWS platforms, such as the Phalanx CIWS, with a more flexible and longer-range SAM. Unlike more limited short range missile options like the MBDA's Mistral missile or Saab's RBS-70, the Barak is designed for vertical launch, greater range, and improved performance that places it close to or beyond the flat-trajectory RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile. The launcher of Barak SAM system utilizes a compact vertical launching system, with a 8-cell module weighing only 1,700 kg. Fire control is provided by an equally compact C3I system that only weighs 1,300 kg, which can either operate independently or in conjunction with other sensors onboard.
Weight: 98 Kg Warhead weight : 22 Kg Longueur : 2.2 m Diamétre : 170 mm Portée : 12 Km
Viper Modérateur
messages : 7967 Inscrit le : 24/04/2007 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Systèmes SAM&ABM navals ( Documentation ) Ven 13 Nov 2009 - 15:00
Phalanx CIWS
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Phalanx CIWS (CIWS : Close-in weapon system) est un système de défense anti-missile antinavire qui a été conçu et fabriqué par la General Dynamics. Il est maintenant fabriqué par Raytheon. Il est utilisé depuis 1980 par l'United States Navy sur toutes les classes de navire de combat de la flotte et est utilisée par les marines militaires de plus de vingt pays. En raison de leur caractère distinctif en forme de tonneau et de leur radôme, ce système est parfois surnommé R2-D2 d'après le fameux droïde de La Guerre des étoiles.
Dernière ligne de défense à cause de sa portée, le système cadre la cible grâce à son radar puis tire dessus avec une forte cadence (environ 3 000 à 4 500 obus par minute) grâce à sa conception « gatling » dans le but de faire exploser le missile avant un contact avec le navire. La consommation rapide des munitions est l'un de ses inconvénients ainsi que le fait qu'il faut environ une seconde pour que l'arme atteigne sa cadence de tir maximale et que ses obus sont relativement légers
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Systèmes SAM&ABM navals ( Documentation ) Ven 13 Nov 2009 - 21:19
Combinasion RAM+système d'aquisition/ciblage du Phalanx.
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SeaRAM The SeaRAM is a companion self-defense weapon system to the rapid-fire-gun-based Phalanx CIWS system which is also capable of engaging multiple attackers simultaneously. Both systems are manufactured by Raytheon Company.
The SeaRAM combines the Phalanx's proven radar and sensor suite with an 11-cell RAM launcher to produce an autonomous system - one which does not need any external information to engage threats. Thus like Phalanx, SeaRAM can be fitted to all class of ships. This is still in trial stages.
Viper Modérateur
messages : 7967 Inscrit le : 24/04/2007 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Systèmes SAM&ABM navals ( Documentation ) Ven 13 Nov 2009 - 21:29
Wow !
c'est du lourd ça ....système autonome en plus ....
ça va cassé la baraque ça ...heu du missile sea-skimmer ...
FAMAS Modérateur
messages : 7470 Inscrit le : 12/09/2009 Localisation : Zone sud Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Systèmes SAM&ABM navals ( Documentation ) Sam 14 Nov 2009 - 1:53
Naval Air-Defense Missile/Gun System "KASHTAN–M"
_________________ "La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu
RAM Bolck 2 achève avec succès les principaux tests:
Citation :
Rolling Airframe Missile Block 2 Completes Key Flight Tests
Released on Monday, November 23, 2009
Raytheon's Rolling Airframe Missile Completes Key Flight Tests
TUCSON, Ariz., Nov. 23, 2009 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company's (NYSE: RTN) Rolling Airframe Missile Block 2 successfully completed three instrumented test vehicle flights between April and October designed to demonstrate the system's upgraded kinematic capabilities.
The tests focused on RAM's rocket motor, airframe, control section and autopilot software. Raytheon will build 35 Block p missiles during the design and development test period and expects a low rate initial production contract will follow.
The RAM Block 2 upgrade includes a four-axis independent control actuator system and an improved rocket motor with a 30 percent increase in propellant. These and other upgrades increase the missile's effective range and deliver a significant improvement in maneuverability. The improved missile also incorporates an upgraded passive radio frequency seeker, a digital autopilot and engineering changes in selected infrared seeker components.
"Block 2 will allow RAM to control the battlespace against emerging and more maneuverable anti-ship cruise missile threats," said Frank Wyatt, Raytheon's vice president of Naval Weapon Systems. "This improved system is one of the most advanced kinematic missiles in the world and sets the standard for performance and control system technology."
RAM is a supersonic, lightweight, quick reaction, fire-and-forget missile providing defense against anti-ship cruise missiles, helicopter and airborne threats, and hostile surface craft. The missile's autonomous dual-mode, passive radio frequency and infrared guidance design provides a high-firepower capability for engaging multiple threats simultaneously. Produced in partnership by Raytheon and RAMSYS of Germany, RAM is aboard nearly 100 ships as an integral self-defense weapon for the navies of the United States, Germany, Greece, Korea, Egypt, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.
FAMAS Modérateur
messages : 7470 Inscrit le : 12/09/2009 Localisation : Zone sud Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
The international launch of SIMBAD-RC, the latest addition to MBDA’s range of naval air defence systems, will take place at the Singapore Air Show (2nd– 7th February 2010). SIMBAD-RC is a remote-controlled, short-range anti-air self defence system providing a highly effective capability against a comprehensive range of threats from combat aircraft and anti-ship missiles to small surface threats such as FIACs.
SIMBAD-RC has been developed to meet the latest requirements of navies operating in either littoral or blue waters and is highly suited for ships with low crew numbers and for modern ship design requirements, particularly those relating to stealth and very fast craft concepts. The remotely controlled SIMBAD-RC twin launcher, deploying two Mistral 2 fire-and-forget missiles can provide the primary self defence capability on all classes of warship such as Fast Patrol Boats and large support ships for example or, alternatively, it can complement the main air defences of first rank warships such as frigates and destroyers. A single operator, working from a compact terminal located within the ship, can control two SIMBAD-RC launcher systems. With the operator not being exposed to the elements, this latest system from MBDA offers high availability in all weather and sea conditions.
The basic SIMBAD-RC configuration comprises one or two lightweight, gyro-stabilised turrets equipped with a thermal camera and an optional large field of view day camera. In addition, the system includes a dedicated compact terminal (SMU-RC) which can manage up to two turrets, interfaced with the ship’s Combat System or surveillance sensors. A range of turret/SMU-RC configurations are possible depending on ship size and crew requirements (e.g. one turret plus one SMU-RC, two turrets plus one SMU-RC etc.).
With fast and easy loading, SIMBAD-RC features rapid reaction times in the face of complex and multiple attacks. The fire-and-forget missiles allow for rapid re-engagement after launch and the time delay between missile preparation and firing is less than five seconds. In addition the turret can be slaved from the ship’s radar or EOS (Electrical Optical System).
SIMBAD-RC is an improvement on the original SIMBAD system currently in service with the French Navy among others. Thanks to the same on-deck footprint and mechanical interfaces, legacy SIMBAD firing units can be easily upgraded to SIMBAD-RC.
With its advanced passive infrared seeker, Mistral 2 has been designed to defend against saturating attack from rapidly crossing or manoeuvring missiles or aircraft. It has also proven its effectiveness in countering attacks by small craft such as FIACs. Incorporated in various naval and land based launch variants, the Mistral missile has been ordered by around 30 countries. Its operational test record shows a success rate of well over 90%.
_________________ "La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu
Le Goalkeeper ne contient aucune composante ''Missile'', ce n'est donc pas un système SAM comme le sous-entend le titre du topic. C'est un gatling seulement, comme le Phalanx.
Viper Modérateur
messages : 7967 Inscrit le : 24/04/2007 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Justement c'est ça la confusion, on est pas dans les armes surface/air, on est dans les missiles surface/air navals, monter le canon du A-10 sur un navire pour neutraliser les menaces raprochées (missiles, vedettes rapides...) ne fait pas du canon un missile, c'est un canon, un CIWS. On aurait peut être mieux fait de créer le topic sans lui donner un nom et après on cherche un nom selon ce que chacun va poster mais techniquement ce n'est pas possible.
Viper a écrit:
on reste dans l'armement surface-air
Et puis on peut aussi poster même des torpille, et on reste dans l'armement naval, et comme ça on a un topic qui traite de toute la panoplie de l'armement naval.
Viper a écrit:
oui je le sais, je voulais éviter de créer un autre topic
Je n'y vois aucun inconvénient, ça aurait été une très bonne idée, un topic pour les CIWS c'est pas sans intérêt!
Dernière édition par Raptor le Ven 31 Déc 2010 - 15:13, édité 1 fois
Viper Modérateur
messages : 7967 Inscrit le : 24/04/2007 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Justement c'est ça la confusion, on est pas dans les armes surface/air, on est dans les missiles surface/air navals, monter un canon de A-10 sur navire pour neutraliser les menaces raprochées (missiles, vedettes rapides...) ne fait pas de canon un missile, c'est un canon, un CIWS.
Pour être précis, les missiles air-surface font parti pour moi de l'armement air-surface, donc si tu tiens absolument à faire le distingo entre missiles et CIWS alors pas de problème.
Ensuite le GAU-8 Avenger n'a absolument rien avoir avec le canon du Phalanx, l'Avenger est un 7 tubes de 30 mm, alors que le canon du Phalanx est un 6 de tube de 20 mm
Raptor a écrit:
Et puis on peut aussi poster même des torpille, et on reste dans l'armement naval, et comme ça on a un topic qui traite de toute la panoplie de l'armement naval.
Pas besion puisque le topic Torpille existe déjà
Mais bon je vois où tu veut en venir, ne mélangeons pas tout...compris.
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24810 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
MBDA va développer le système surface-air Sea Captor pour les frégates britanniques
Vue du futur système Sea Captor crédits : MBDA
Le missilier européen a remporté auprès du ministère britannique de la défense le contrat portant sur la phase de démonstration du nouveau système surface-air devant équiper les frégates de la Royal Navy. Le système, dérivé du FLAADS (Future Local Area Air Defense System) est baptisé Sea Captor et sera basé sur des missiles CAMM (Common Anti-air Modular Missile), qui remplaceront les ASRAAM, Rapier et Sea Wolf en service dans les forces aériennes, terrestres et navales britanniques. Dans la Royal Navy, le Sea Captor remplacera le Sea Wolf embarqué sur les frégates du type 23 à partir de 2016. Il est également prévu pour équiper les futures frégates du type 26 devant être réalisées dans le cadre du programme Global Combat Ship (GCS), qui remplaceront les T23 après 2020.
Missile supersonique à lancement vertical, le CAMM mesure 3.2 mètres, pèse 99 kilos et affiche une portée de 25 km. Autonome mais pouvant bénéficier du rafraîchissement en vol des données, il disposera d'un autodirecteur électromagnétique actif et est conçu pour s'opposer à des cibles aériennes rapides, évasives, à faible signature et dotées de contre-mesures modernes. Contrairement au VL Mica, ce missile est tiré à froid, c'est-à-dire qu'il est d'abord éjecté du tube avant d'allumer son booster, ce qui réduit les contraintes sur les lanceurs. Mis en oeuvre depuis un bâtiment doté d'un radar de veille 2D ou 3D (par un lanceur autonome, Sylver ou Mk41), le Sea Captor peut équiper des unités de moyen tonnage, comme des corvettes, ou même des bateaux plus petits avec un seul lanceur quadruple.
First full sequence test of French Navy's future Naval Cruise Missile (SCALP Naval) a Success
French Procurement Agency (DGA) on July 9, 2012 successfully completed the first full sequence test (from launch to target) of a SCALP Naval, French Navy's future naval cruise missile.
This was the third development test firing of the missile, conducted at the DGA site of Biscarrosse (South West France) where the "DGA missile test center" is located. This test is representative of a shot from a frigate. All objectives were met, including the validation of the terminal phase with autonomous guidance by infrared scene recognition, which provides highly accurate impacts. SCALP Naval cruise missiles will be deployed onboard multi-mission frigates (FREMM) in 2014 and Barracuda SSN submarines in 2017.
SCALP Naval third test (Picture: DGA)
With a range of several hundred kilometers, SCALP Naval is intended to strike targets in the depth of enemy territory. It is complementary to the Airborne Scalp cruise missile form which it is derived. Deployed on warships positioned off enemy coasts in international waters, ostensibly (frigates) or discretely (submarines), SCALP Naval is the perfect weapon when the mission involves destruction of high strategic value targets.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
jonas General de Brigade
messages : 3370 Inscrit le : 11/02/2008 Localisation : far-maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
La DGA annonce aujourd'hui avoir procédé le 9 juillet au troisième tir de développement du missile de croisière naval (MdCN), ou Scalp Naval, depuis son centre d'essais de Biscarrosse. Premier tir "complet", c'est à dire incluant une phase terminale d'engagement de cible, cet essai était représentatif d'un emploi depuis une frégate multi-missions (FREMM). Le missile était ainsi mis en oeuvre depuis un lanceur vertical Sylver A70.
Pour la première fois, la DGA et le missilier MBDA ont pu vérifier les performances grandeur nature de l'autodirecteur infrarouge du missile, qui assure le guidage en phase terminale selon un système de "reconnaissance de scène" déjà employé sur le Scalp-EG et l'AASM-IR. Développé par Selex Galileo, ce capteur est doté d'une matrice infrarouge de 320x256 pixels, fournie par Sofradir. La précision attendue est de l'ordre du mètre.
Supérieure à 1.000 km, la portée maximale du Scalp Naval est rendue possible par un emport accru en carburant (kérosène JP-10) par rapport au Scalp-EG aéroporté, ainsi que par l'utilisation d'une turbine légèrement différente, la TRI 50 de Microturbo. Les précédents essais avaient déjà permis de démontrer la grande endurance de l'engin.
Le premier tir d'essai depuis un lanceur vertical avait eu lieu le 28 mai 2010. Un an plus tard, le 8 juin 2011, la DGA procédait au premier essai de changement de milieu, afin de valider la configuration du missile dans son application sous-marine, puisqu'il est appelé à équiper les sous-marins nucléaires d'attaque Barracuda. La DGA prévoyait alors de réaliser son premier tir complet dès l'hiver 2011-2012, mais celui-ci a vraisemblablement été décalé de quelques mois. Au total, trois autres tirs sous-marins et quatre tirs FREMM devraient encore avoir lieu.
Le missile devrait entrer en service dès 2014 sur FREMM, à bord du second bâtiment de la série, le "Normandie". Les Barracuda pourraient quant à eux en être équipés à partir de 2017.
Notifié en décembre 2006, le contrat de réalisation du programme MdCN prévoit une enveloppe d'un peu moins d'1 Md€ pour couvrir les frais de développement et de production d'un premier lot de missiles. Au total, les tranches fermes portent aujourd'hui sur l'achat de 200 missiles, soit 150 en configuration Fremm et 50 en configuration sous-marin. La cible avait été revue à la baisse de 50 unités pour la mise en cohérence avec l'actuelle loi de programmation militaire.
air et cosmos
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Systèmes SAM&ABM navals ( Documentation ) Mer 8 Mai 2013 - 12:51
Citation :
Aselsan & Thales introduce the LMM Missile Launching System at IDEF 2013
At the IDEF 2013 defense exhibition currently held in Istanbul, Turkey, Aselsan and Thales are showcasing a new gyro stabilized naval turret designed for small displacement ships.
The Aselsan Missile Launching System (MLS) developed to provide defense for oil rigs, seaports and naval bases against a variety of surface threats is a customized compact and lightweight solution for Fast Interceptor Crafts. It has minimum weight and reduced impact on vessel's speed and maneuverability.
Thales LMM (Lightweight Multi-role Missile) is a lightweight, precision strike missile, which has been designed to be fired from a variety of tactical platforms including helicopters, fixed or rotary winged UAV, wheeled or tracked vehicles or fast in-shore naval craft. The target set includes surface threats such as static installations, APC's, assymetric threats, fast in-shore attack craft and UAV's.
General Specications:
8 ready to fire Thales LMM 2 axis gyro stabilized turret Automatic target tracking through independant stabalized EO suite Laser range finder foor target ranging High hit performance with fast reaction time High level system automation for ease of use Ease of integration into existing and new built small vessels Low maintenance cost and high reliability
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
A European Navy orders two Oerlikon Millennium automatic cannon from Rheinmetall
German defense company Rheinmetall announced that a European navy has ordered two Oerlikon Millennium automatic cannon for one of its surface combatants. The contract is worth around €12 million, and also includes technical documentation, spare parts and services relating to maintenance training and system integration. Delivery is scheduled to take place in 2015.
German defense company Rheinmetall announced that a European navy has ordered two Oerlikon Millennium automatic cannon for one of its surface combatants. The contract is worth around €12 million, and also includes technical documentation, spare parts and services relating to maintenance training and system integration. Delivery is scheduled to take place in 2015. Oerlikon Millennium 35mm Naval Gun System Picture: Rheinmetall
The Oerlikon Millennium 35mm Naval Gun System is a Close-in weapon system designed by Oerlikon (a Rheinmetall subsidiary) for surface vessels close protection.
According to Rheinmetall, the Millennium is ideally suited to counter symmetric and asymmetric threats. It effectively engages air, sea, and land targets. It can be used in combination with any advanced fire control system or readily integrated into existing inner layer defence systems. Millennium is capable of neutralizing hostile speedboat swarms approaching at high speed. Due to its high rate of fire and the use of Ahead ammunition, Millennium is the only medium-calibre naval gun capable of engaging fast-moving incoming air targets. Millennium is effective at ranges of up to 3500 m for air targets and up to 5000 m for surface targets.
In Europe, Millennium is already in service onboard Royal Danish Navy Absalon class and Iver Huitfeldt class vessels.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
annabi Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
messages : 6945 Inscrit le : 18/07/2012 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Vidéo Navy Recognition : présentation par MBDA des missiles MM40 Block 3 et VL MICA au salon DSA 2014
At DSA 2014, the 14th Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference currently held in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), MBDA is showcasing two of its Maritime Superiority solutions: - The Exocet MM40 Block 3 is the latest, 4th generation member of the Exocet family with littoral warfare and coastal land attack capability. - The VL MICA is a naval point and local area air defence system with anti-surface capability available in both active radar and IR seeker versions
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
The ability to strike strategic and military targets with exceptional precision from extended stand-off ranges has become a key operational requirement. MBDA’s experience in this area has already been proven with the development and entry into service of the Storm Shadow / SCALP air-launched cruise missile. This combat-proven missile system, with its unmatched capabilities, was the result of a multi-national European programme (France, Italy and the UK).
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Systèmes SAM&ABM navals ( Documentation ) Sam 31 Oct 2015 - 13:24
sous marins et navire du futur