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 ATC systems in Morocco

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3 participants

messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : ATC systems in Morocco Unbena20ATC systems in Morocco Unbena22
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MessageSujet: ATC systems in Morocco   ATC systems in Morocco Icon_minitimeMer 17 Fév 2010 - 5:01

Citation :

28 January 2010
SELEX Sistemi Integrati signs contracts in Morocco for ATC systems

SELEX Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica company, has signed two contracts for
a total value of €7m with the Office National des Aéroports (ONDA), the
Moroccan Air Service Provider. The Company will supply an air traffic control
(ATC) radar system in Fes-Saiss airport and an air traffic management (ATM)
simulator in Marrakech’s Menara airport.

Within 12 months, the Fes-Saiss radar station will be equipped with an ATCR33-
S primary radar, a SIR-S secondary radar with a last generation mode S
transmitter, and the relevant infrastructures and civil works.
Within the first six months, SELEX Sistemi Integrati will install an ATM training
simulator at Marrakech airport.

Following the starting of an earlier contract with ONDA in 2008, SELEX Sistemi
Integrati is implementing a complete radar station composed of an ATCR-33
mode S primary radar, a SIR-S secondary radar, and an approach control centre
(APP) consisting of 13 workstations and related civil infrastructures.

This contract consolidates SELEX Sistemi Integrati’s ATC systems reliability and
presence in the Mediterranean and North African area

ATC systems in Morocco A10-na10
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : ATC systems in Morocco Unbena20ATC systems in Morocco Unbena22
ATC systems in Morocco Unbena21

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MessageSujet: Re: ATC systems in Morocco   ATC systems in Morocco Icon_minitimeDim 8 Mai 2011 - 13:29

Alloudi a écrit:
bien qu´un peu ancien,on en a pas parlé de la cooperation interessante avec cette firme espagnole!

Citation :
October 29, 2008 ( Morocco

The company will implement new air traffic simulators that offer uninterrupted performance in the event of emergencies and will extend surveillance and satellite communications network

The total amount of the contracts exceeds euros 6.3M

Morocco registered a 17% growth rate in air traffic, the highest in the world in 2007

Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe was awarded several contracts with ONDA (Organisation National de la Sécurité Aérienne), the Moroccan air navigation authority, for the improvement of the air traffic management of the country which registered a 17% growth rate, the highest in the world in 2007.

The total amount of the contracts exceeds €6.3M and consists of the implementation of two air traffic control simulators and the upgrading of another one. Besides this, three ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast) stations will be implemented to extend air space under surveillance as well as the stations required for data transfer through satellite communications network used for air traffic management which have also been supplied by Indra.

Both new air traffic control simulators will be implemented at Agadir airport and at Mohammed V airport in Casablanca by Indra. The upgrading will be performed on the simulator at the National Centre of Control of Air Security in Casablanca which was also developed by Indra in 2004.

These simulators can be used to train air traffic controllers. Besides this, they can exert control of air traffic performing the function of emergency centres to support the current systems which were also supplied by Indra. This way, Morocco’s air security level will increase significantly.

The main benefit of training with these simulators lies in its accurate reproduction of the working conditions of air traffic controllers so that training can be reduced and optimised.

ADS-B surveillance network and satellite communications

Indra will also extend the satellite communications network for the management of Morocco’s air traffic as well as the range of air space under surveillance. It is the second time Indra is awarded a satellite network extension. This time it consists of the implementation of three additional stations in the Moroccan Sahara at the Laayoune, Es-Semara and Dakhla airports. These VSAT stations will add up to other 11 stations, all of them implemented by Indra and will be complemented with ADS-B stations that allow a wider range of surveillance for air traffic control.

The satellite communications network guarantees communications between radar systems and ADS-B, air traffic control centres and a communication tower; and emits voice and data signals which are essential for effective air navigation.

The system was conceived for uninterrupted performance. It is virtually meshed and doubly redundant, since communications are via satellite and landline thus guaranteeing availability. Indra designed the systems based on highly reliable and modern systems that provide ONDA with a rapid pay-off investment thanks to its high scalability level and easy integration into current and future equipment.

The network consists of a central station in Casablanca and ten remote stations across the country in Al-Hoceima, El Jadida, Tan Tan, Oujda-airport, Oujda-Megraz, Ouarzazate, Marrakech, Agadir, Safi and Ifrane. A centralised management system allows monitoring and controlling all remote stations.

Broad experience in Morocco

Indra started supplying the Moroccan air navigation authority in 2002 with a contract to develop radar information processing simulator for air controller training. A year later, the company was awarded the renovation of the country’s air traffic management systems, implementing a new system to manage the traffic of Morocco’s air space from its control tower in Casablanca.

The deployment of the satellite communications network for ONDA started in 2005 and in that same year, the company was awarded another contract for its first extension.

ATC systems in Morocco A10-na10
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: ATC systems in Morocco   ATC systems in Morocco Icon_minitimeLun 30 Juil 2012 - 16:18

Citation :

Indra mis en service deux nouvelles stations radar au Maroc

Les nouvelles stations de surveillance radar permettra d'améliorer deux domaines d'importance particulière pour le trafic aérien du pays.

L'un d'eux est proche de l'aéroport international de Casablanca Mohammed V et la seconde dans le Tanger. Chaque station comprend un radar primaire et radar secondaire mode S, la plus avancée pour l'identification des aéronefs, permet de détecter tout mouvement avec la plus grande précision, même dans les conditions météorologiques les plus défavorables.

La station sera de renforcer la surveillance radar de Tanger sur le détroit de Gibraltar, les itinéraires de transit de la zone reliant l'Europe et l'Afrique et a enregistré le volume de trafic augmente.Le Casablanca d'améliorer le service rendu aux grands aéroports dans le pays et à condition qu'il puisse continuer à croître dans les prochaines années.

Ces améliorations font partie de la collaboration Indra avec le Aéroports Office National des (ONDA) au Maroc pour une dizaine d'années pour moderniser leurs systèmes de gestion du trafic en permanence l'air.

Indra a récemment livré deux nouveaux simulateurs pour améliorer la formation des contrôleurs de la circulation aérienne marocaine, ce qui pourrait fonctionner comme un centre de contrôle réel dans le cas de la contingence. La société a également étendu un troisième simulateur qui a été mis en œuvre en 2002. Le premier de ces simulateurs est en marche à Agadir et les deux autres à Casablanca, un à l'aéroport Mohammed V et un dans le Centre de Contrôle National de la sécurité aérienne.

L'année dernière, 2011, Indra a introduit trois nouvelles stations ADS-B (surveillance dépendante automatique en mode diffusion) que la couverture de surveillance de l'air augmentation dans le pays.

En outre, la société travaille sur l'expansion du réseau de pointe communications par satellite VSAT marocaine réseau qui était responsable et de déployer de nouvelles stations mises en œuvre pour la renforcer.Ce système assure une communication entre les systèmes de radar, l'ADS-B, les centres de contrôle, les tours de contrôle et de communication.

Indra a également mis en place le trafic automatisé de contrôle de gestion de l'air centre de Casablanca, qui a ordonné le trafic aérien à travers le Maroc.

ATC systems in Morocco Marche12
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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ATC systems in Morocco Unbena24ATC systems in Morocco Unbena25
ATC systems in Morocco Unbena21ATC systems in Morocco Unbena26
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MessageSujet: Re: ATC systems in Morocco   ATC systems in Morocco Icon_minitimeLun 30 Juil 2012 - 17:02

celui de Tanger

ATC systems in Morocco Img45313

ATC systems in Morocco Img_4922

ATC systems in Morocco Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresATC systems in Morocco Star3
ATC systems in Morocco Captur10
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : ATC systems in Morocco Unbena26ATC systems in Morocco Unbena13
ATC systems in Morocco Ambass10ATC systems in Morocco Untitl10
ATC systems in Morocco Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Re: ATC systems in Morocco   ATC systems in Morocco Icon_minitimeMar 28 Aoû 2012 - 16:53

ATC systems in Morocco Fremo1n

ATC systems in Morocco Marche12
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