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 La révolte en libye

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Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeLun 16 Mai 2011 - 14:54

Rappel du premier message :

quel culot!
au moins l´Otan a attendu le document Onusien,la Russie n´en a vu aucune utilité pour s´aventurer en Georgie en 2008 ou pour "pacifier" la techetchenie avant..
j´aime bien le "la Russie exige"

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messages : 9496
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Aoû 2011 - 19:58

Citation :
Résumé des opérations de l'OTAN pour la journée d'hier, 130 sorties dont 50 air-sol et 25 objectifs attaqués...

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Depuis le 11 août 2011, le dispositif militaire français a assuré près de 150 sorties, dont plus de 65% sont des missions de frappe au sol. Après le retrait du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle et de son groupe aérien embarqué, la France continue d’assurer environ un tiers des sorties d’attaques au sol.

Entre le 11 août 2011 06h00 et le 18 août 2011 06h00, la France a réalisé :

92 sorties d’attaque au sol (Rafale Air, Mirage 2000-D, Mirage 2000-N et Mirage F1 ) ;
33 sorties de reconnaissance (Rafale Air, ATL 2 ) ;
7 sorties de contrôle aérien (E3F) ;
7 sorties de ravitaillement (C135) ;
8 sorties pour le groupe aéromobile.

En outre, depuis le 11 août, les frappes navales et aériennes françaises ont permis de neutraliser une quarantaine d’objectifs, dont :
- une trentaine de véhicules militaires et armements (chars, véhicules armés, pièces d’artillerie et lance-roquettes) principalement dans les régions de Brega, Misratah et Zlitan ;
- une quinzaine d’infrastructures militaires (centres et postes de commandement et de combat, dépôts de munitions, installations techniques, radars) principalement dans les régions de Zlitan et Brega.

Parallèlement, les bâtiments de la TF 473 ont participé au contrôle de zone maritime et aérienne et ont réalisé des frappes contre terre, notamment les frégates Chevalier Paul, Lavallée et Jean de Vienne . Au cours de cette semaine, la frégate Jean de Vienne a été relevée par la frégate Cassard.

Par ailleurs, le détachement stationné à La Sude, en Crête, qui a notamment accueilli le détachement ATL 2, a poursuivi sa montée en puissance avec le déploiement des Mirage F1 qui ont commencé leurs premières missions opérationnelles le 14 août depuis La Sude, en patrouille mixte avec des Mirage 2000-D

Citation :
Conservant ainsi sa pleine capacité de commandement sur la zone, le dispositif français de l’opération Harmattan sera désormais le suivant :

- A La Sude, en Crète, un détachement de 8 Mirage 2000-D, 4 Mirage 2000-N et 4 Mirage F1 de l'armée de l'Air ainsi que d’un détachement d'avions de surveillance Atlantique 2 de la Marine
- A Sigonella, en Italie, 5 avions Rafale de l'armée de l'Air
- Par ailleurs, les avions de détection et de contrôle E3F et de ravitaillement C135 continuent d'opérer depuis la France, respectivement depuis les bases d'Avord et Istres
- La Marine nationale met en œuvre un bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC), deux frégates, un pétrolier ravitailleur et un sous-marin nucléaire d'attaque. Un troisième bâtiment de combat est engagé dans la force maritime de l'OTAN
- Le bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC) embarque à son bord une vingtaine d'hélicoptères de combat de l’aviation légère de l’armée de Terre et de l’armée de l’Air.

Citation :
Des avions de chasse britanniques ont coulé un navire des forces libyennes du colonel Kadhafi près du port pétrolier de Zawiyah, a annoncé un communiqué du ministère britannique de la défense...

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Libye: le régime propose une trêve...
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messages : 9496
Inscrit le : 23/09/2007
Localisation : le monde
Nationalité : Luxemburg
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Aoû 2011 - 20:28

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Mise à jour...


Au 18 août, les 6 F-16 danois ont effectué 475 missions dont 473 air-sol et tiré 776 bombes de précision.


Au 31 juillet, dernier jour des opérations militaires pour le pays, les 6 (4 depuis le 1er juillet) F-16 norvégiens avaient effectué 286 missions, 615 raids (sorties) pendant les opérations Odyssey Dawn et Unified Protector. 588 bombes de précision ont été tirées contre des objectifs militaires en Libye, dont 45 chars de combat, 36 annet (?), 29 pièces d'artillerie, 248 dépôts de munitions, 113 installations de commandement et de contrôle, 19 véhicules blindés, 28 véhicules militaires, 70 installations, dépôts, et camps. Ces avions ont accompli 3121,6 heures de vol.


Au 16 août, les 6 CF-188 Hornet canadiens (+ 1 en soutien) ont effectué 685 sorties et tiré plus de 400 bombes de précision. 181 sorties ont été effectuées par le CC-150 Polaris, 117 par les 2 CC-130 Hercules, et 124 par les 2 CP-140 Aurora.


Au 27 juin, les 6 F-16 belges ont effectué au moins 158 sorties au dessus de la Libye, durant 75 missions dont 39 de bombardement, et tiré 202 bombes de précision (57 guidés par laser et 145 par GPS).


Du 19 mars au 15 août, les forces britanniques ont détruit ou endommagé plus de 850 objectifs en Libye (dont au moins 240 véhicules blindés et pièces d'artillerie et 150 installations militaires, incluant bunkers et dépôts).

Mi-juillet, les 12 Tornado (+ 4 depuis le 19 juillet) ont tiré plus de 300 Paveway IV (250 kg) et plus de 120 missiles air-sol Brimstone, les 6 Typhoon, plus de 70 Paveway II (500 kg). Les Tornado et Typhoon ont effectué plus de 1114 sorties, conduit 546 attaques air-sol (455 pour les Tornado et 91 pour les Typhoon), ce qui représente 15% des missions air-sol de l'OTAN. Les 5 hélicoptères Apache (Army Air Corps) ont détruit une quarantaine de cibles (avec des missiles AGM-114 Hellfire, des roquettes, et au canon de 30mm). La RAF aurait un taux de réussite de 99% lors des attaques contre des cibles fixes, et 98% contre les cibles en mouvement


Au 2 avril, l'aviation US avait effectué 983 sorties dont 370 opérations de combat et tiré 455 bombes guidées laser en 10 jours. 90 missiles ont été tirés par des drones ou des avions pilotés contre les défenses aériennes libyennes depuis que les USA ont laissé le leadership à l'OTAN début avril. 70% du ravitaillement en vol au profit des opérations en Libye sont faite par les américain. 33 des 41 avions ravitailleurs utilisés dans l'opération sont américains. Selon le Pentagone, 70 appareils américains continuent de prendre part à l'opération, dont des chasseurs-bombardiers F15 et F16. Au moins 119 frappes américaines ont eu lieu depuis début avril. Depuis le 15 août, les Etats-Unis ont déployé deux drones Predator supplémentaires dans le cadre d'opérations de surveillance en Libye.


Au 27 mai et depuis un mois, Les Tornado (4 ECR et 2 IDS) et Harrier italiens ont tiré plus de 200 bombes et missiles (dont des Storm Shadow) en Libye. Depuis le 12 août, les italiens utilisent maintenant le drone Predator B au dessus de la Libye.


Entre le 5 avril et le 18 août 2011, l'aviation française a effectué au moins 2254 sorties air-sol. Les forces françaises: Marine Nationale, Armée de l'Air, et Armée de Terre (ALAT) ont neutralisé au moins 1063 objectifs. Au 17 août, 5 Rafale, 8 Mirage 2000D, 4 Mirage 2000N, 4 Mirage F1, soit 21 appareils (auparavant 39: Au moins 19 Rafale, 8 Mirage 2000D, 6 Mirage F1 CR, 6 SEM), et une vingtaine d'hélicoptères Gazelle, Tigre, assurent les opérations air-sol. Le 27 juillet 2011, les Atlantique 2 de la Marine Nationale ont atterri sur la base aérienne de La Sude en Crète, dans le cadre du redéploiement du dispositif Harmattan. Les deux aéronefs ont effectué leur première mission dès le lendemain. Au 21 juin, les Rafale air et marine, jusqu'à 28 en même temps, ont effectué 700 sorties, 300 missions de reconnaissance, et tiré 10 missiles Scalp, 182 A2SM et 116 GBU soit 298 bombes de précision.


Depuis le 31 mars 2011, 19383 sorties ont été effectuées dont 7349 à destination air-sol, sachant qu'une sortie air-sol n'implique pas nécessairement le tir d'une munition à chaque fois. Au 7 juillet, l'OTAN annonce plus de 2700 cibles détruites lors des opérations air-sol en Libye.

Dernière édition par rafi le Jeu 18 Aoû 2011 - 20:48, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Aoû 2011 - 20:46

Nouvelles percées à l'ouest:

Citation :
GARYAN Aug 18 (Reuters) - Libyan rebel fighters are in control of Garyan, a town about 80 km south of the capital Tripoli, a Reuters reporter in the town said on Thursday.

The rebel red, green and black flag was flying in the central town square and the rebels had positioned a T-34 tank and anti-aircraft gun in the square, the reporter said.

Rebels said Gaddafi forces had pulled out after days of fighting in the town, which controls the main highway from the south into the capital. (Reporting by Ulf Laessing; Editing by Richard Valdmanis)

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Libyan rebels launched an assault on the only functioning oil refinery in Zawiyah on Wednesday, with reports of heavy clashes in the key city, which is only 30 miles from the capital, Tripoli.

While rebel commanders elsewhere in Libya reported significant advances, in Zawiyah the opposition's struggle for control was hampered by resistance from troops loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, including snipers and rocket and artillery positions located outside the city.

Gaddafi's troops are reported to hold the main hospital to the east of the town – with government snipers firing from the roof and doctors unable to enter or leave – as well as several other areas straddling the main motorway to the capital.

One rebel fighter, Ramadan Keshadat, said that his forces controlled parts of the refinery complex in the city's north on the Mediterranean coast, while some regime troops and workers remain inside.

He said rebels and regime forces clashed there on Tuesday; then the rebel fighters pulled out at nightfall and made a new push in daylight.

An AP photographer who entered the refinery with the rebels reported hearing sniper fire. Another rebel told the AP that the oil pipeline to the capital had been cut, but this could not be confirmed.

Elsewhere, anti-government fighters told the Guardian they had taken control of Badr, a small town on the edge of the rebel-held western mountains, and the site of a government army base. Four rebels were killed in fighting, with two pro-Gaddafi houses putting up fierce resistance, they said.

At the Dehiba border crossing between Tunisia and rebel-controlled western Libya, one fighter claimed that rebels were now in control of Garyan, a crossroads between Tripoli and the Gaddafi stronghold of Sabha. "Garyan is free. They have seized a lot of weapons from Gaddafi's forces," one fighter said.

At the border crossing, wounded rebel fighters were being evacuated to Tunisia while others – shot in previous encounters – were returning in the other direction to the frontline.

Esam Omeish, a Washington-based Libyan doctor bringing in medical supplies, claimed that the momentum was overwhelmingly with rebel forces. "Five big cities have fallen in the last three days," he said. "Garyan is fallen, which is central to the control of the south. I'm in touch with a lot of folks from Tripoli. They are in high spirits."

Rebels in Misrata said they had made significant advances out of the city, threatening to cut Tripoli's last remaining highway linking it to the rest of the country.

Fighters in armed pickup trucks swept 30 miles south across the desert to take the small village of Bir Durfan, saying they met no resistance. "There are no Gaddafi troops, they are broken," said broadcaster Ramadan Maiteeg from Misrata's Radio Freedom Voice. "They will reach Bani Walid soon."

A second advance pushed down the coast road, with fighting raging in the small town of al-Heesha, 70 miles south-east of Misrata. The advance, if confirmed, leaves Gaddafi facing the prospect of a siege of Tripoli with all roads cut and the sea and air controlled by Nato.

But the rebels' difficulties in Zawiyah, where a small number of snipers and artillery outside the town have slowed the advance, are indicative of the uphill struggle they will face if they have to fight for the capital Tripoli itself.

On Wednesday afternoon, an al-Jazeera correspondent in Zawiyah reported Grad missiles landing near a rebel position under a key bridge. While Nato air strikes have helped destroy Gaddafi's ammunition dumps, military facilities and vehicles in the open, their use will be hampered in heavily populated urban areas where the front lines have been fluid, involving building-to-building fighting of the kind already seen in Misrata.

Although the distance to Tripoli from Zawiyah is short, rebels – still relatively few in number – now face the largest concentration of pro-regime forces, including the best trained and best equipped units, who have shown no signs yet of splitting from Gaddafi and his family.

Tripoli is also home to a large concentration of those with both tribal and political loyalties to the regime.The Libyan rebels made a dramatic advance over the weekend out of their bases in the western mountains near the border with Tunisia into Zawiyah

The rebel advance, however, is tightening the noose around Tripoli – which could set the stage for a different kind of stalemate in the short term with no sign either of a hoped for uprising by Tripoli residents in areas like the large suburb of Tajoura which saw a brutal crackdown at the beginning of the uprising.

The fighters are closing in on the capital from the west and the south, while Nato controls the seas off Tripoli, which sits on the Mediterranean coast.

Elsewhere rebels claimed Gaddafi forces further west had abandoned two towns and were retreating toward the Tunisian border.

"Gaddafi's forces this morning withdrew from the towns of Tiji and Badr because they felt surrounded from all sides," said the spokesman, named Abdulrahman, told Reuters by telephone from Zintan, a rebel headquarters in the Western Mountains.

"The revolutionaries have now entered Tiji and Badr. The [Gaddafi] brigades retreated to Zuwarah and Jameel, near the Tunisian border. I think they will surrender soon because roads to Tripoli are closed," he added.

La révolte en libye - Page 25 1000pxtripolitanianfron

Dernière édition par Cyrax le Jeu 18 Aoû 2011 - 20:55, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Aoû 2011 - 20:54

Apparemment les Otanesques se sentent un peu "out" dans les dernières progressions fulgurantes de la région Nafusa:

Citation :
LIBYA'S rebels were bolstered by fresh battlefield advances yesterday, as leaders claimed the six-month-old civil war had entered a decisive phase and could end within weeks.

But diplomatic and military sources have warned that the collapse of the Gaddafi regime now would lead to a dangerous power vacuum in Libya, with the Western-backed rebel leadership in disarray and not ready to take control.

Revitalised rebel forces pushed further to isolate Tripoli and turn the screws on Muammar Gaddafi, moving toward a western town that links the capital and Sirte - Gaddafi's hometown and a stronghold for his military.

"The scouting teams of the revolutionaries reached the outskirts of al-Heisha after expelling Gaddafi forces," the rebel military command said yesterday.

Al-Heisha is about 70km south of Misratah and 250km from Tripoli, near two key crossroads that link loyalist-held territory in the west with that in the oil-rich Sirte basin.

Mansur Saif al-Nasr, the National Transitional Council's envoy to Paris, said the rebels also had full control of Zawiyah, a vital oil port just west of Tripoli that links it with Tunisia.

"We are entering a decisive phase. We hope to celebrate the final victory at the same time as the end of (the Muslim holy month of) Ramadan," he said.

The rebels' military turnaround has come at the time of its greatest crisis, with a fractured leadership since the murder of their military commander and the confirmed presence of hardline Islamists in their ranks.

A Western diplomat based in Benghazi described the prospect of Tripoli falling to the rebels as the "worst-case scenario".

Signalling the extent of NATO's concerns amid speculation that the endgame is in sight, officials from the alliance said victory against the regime would result in a "catastrophic success".

"This is the phrase now being generally used in NATO, that we are facing a catastrophic success in Libya," said a senior NATO official. "And even if it's not catastrophic it will be chaotic success because the opposition is not ready to govern and there will be a vacuum if Gaddafi goes."

Last month's murder of rebel army chief General Abdel Fatah Younis, by one of his own militia groups, remains unsolved and has led to the National Transitional Council's cabinet being dissolved.

"With the killing of Younis and the possible fall of Tripoli now, the planning has gone with the wind," said the Western diplomat.

"There's no NTC structure at all, the executive committee is gone, nothing has taken its place. I think it'd be the worst-case scenario if Tripoli falls right now - there'd be nobody to take charge."

He warned that the West had seriously underestimated the growing influence of Islamists and the "significant" role played by Libya's tribes, instead focusing on Western-educated liberals who "said the right things".

NTC chairman Mustafa Abdel Jalil promised yesterday to hand over power to an elected assembly within eight months of the collapse of the Gaddafi regime.

"The NTC will continue for no more than eight months" after Gaddafi's 42-year reign came to an end, he said, seeking to draw a line under questions about the intent and the legitimacy of his unelected council.

But a senior anti-regime fighter from the Western Mountains, a force that led the Zawiyah assault, called on Mr Jalil and other senior NTC members to resign.

"What happened with Abdel Fatah Younis, the way they managed that file, it is a poor reflection of our deeds," said the senior rebel.

"It proves perfectly well how these guys are incompetent - you do not deal with such a guy in that way and then you do not try to hide the truth about the way you handled it. They are heading the council and are trying by all means to keep their positions.

"This is a revolution. We are not going through thousands of dead people just to have this kind of politician running our affairs."

Additional reporting: The Times

Certains affirmaient que l'OTAN essayait de faire durer le conflit pour un agenda obscur. Si c'est le cas maintenant c'est bien fait pour eux.

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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Aoû 2011 - 21:05

merci pour les kriegsreport messieurs Cool
derniere raffinerie prise,encerclé par zaouiah,point de ravitaillement pour fafou,le dernier episode s´appel tripoligrad

La révolte en libye - Page 25 A10-na10
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Aoû 2011 - 22:21

Yakuza a écrit:
merci pour les kriegsreport messieurs Cool
derniere raffinerie prise,encerclé par zaouiah,point de ravitaillement pour fafou,le dernier episode s´appel tripoligrad

Je disais quoi? Cool
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû 2011 - 0:30

Patience, khadafi a plus d'un tour dans son sac...
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messages : 2420
Inscrit le : 25/05/2011
Localisation : Aquitaine
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû 2011 - 8:39

Voici un petit graph qui représente la répartition des missions de l'armée de l'air.


Dernière édition par charly le Ven 19 Aoû 2011 - 18:02, édité 1 fois
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messages : 1650
Inscrit le : 18/05/2009
Localisation : Brest - Rabat
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû 2011 - 11:03

Merci à Rafi pour les updates et à Charly pour ce beau graph La révolte en libye - Page 25 11
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messages : 2420
Inscrit le : 25/05/2011
Localisation : Aquitaine
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû 2011 - 18:04

Nano a écrit:
Merci à Rafi pour les updates et à Charly pour ce beau graph La révolte en libye - Page 25 11

En relisant mon post, j'ai vu que j'avais marqué ma répartition, en fait c'est la répartition, le graph n'est pas de moi Embarassed

Voici quelques infos complémentaires de tout ce qui a été dit, avec un focus sur l'activité des anglais et l'utilisation par la france du mirage 2000 N k3
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messages : 9496
Inscrit le : 23/09/2007
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû 2011 - 19:34

Citation :
Evoqué à plusieurs reprises dans l'opération Harmattan, le drone Harfang de l'armée de l'air devrait être prochainement intégré aux opérations. Comme c'est le cas dès qu'il s'agit de théâtre libyen, aucune confirmation ou infirmation n'évoque, à Paris, ce moyen de l'armée de l'air...

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Résumé des opérations de l'OTAN pour la journée d'hier, 133 sorties dont 48 air-sol et 13 objectifs attaqués...

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478 missions effectuées par les F-16 danois, dont 476 air-sol, et 784 bombes de précision tirées.

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Les rebelles libyens ont affirmé avoir pris vendredi 19 août le contrôle de Zliten, à 150 km à l'est de Tripoli. "Zliten est maintenant sous le contrôle de nos combattants", a indiqué un responsable du "Centre des médias du conseil militaire de Misrata", qui a par ailleurs précisé : "Les combats ne sont pas finis."...

Citation :
Des centaines de rebelles libyens ont pris d'assaut vendredi la place centrale de Zawiyah, principale poche de résistance des pro-Kadhafi dans cette ville située à une quarantaine de kilomètres à l'ouest de Tripoli, a constaté un correspondant de l'AFP. ..

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Une résidence du chef des renseignements libyens, Abdallah Senoussi, qui fait l'objet d'un mandat d'arrêt de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI), a été détruite vendredi à l'aube par des frappes de l'Otan sur Tripoli, selon un journaliste de l'AFP sur place...

Citation :
L'opposition allemande a sévèrement critiqué vendredi l'annonce par le gouvernement que des soldats participaient à la prévision des raids aériens en Libye, alors que Berlin a refusé de participer aux opérations militaires contre le régime Kadhafi. (...) Des soldats de la Bundeswehr "sont directement impliqués dans cette guerre" sans que le Parlement, qui contrôle l'armée, ait donné son feu vert, a jugé le député Vert Hans-Christian Ströbele sur la chaîne publique ARD. L'élu faisait référence à l'annonce par Berlin que 11 officiers allemands participaient à la prévision des raids aériens de l'Otan en Libye depuis une base de l'Alliance en Italie...
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû 2011 - 20:56

rafi a écrit:

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L'opposition allemande a sévèrement critiqué vendredi l'annonce par le gouvernement que des soldats participaient à la prévision des raids aériens en Libye, alors que Berlin a refusé de participer aux opérations militaires contre le régime Kadhafi. (...) Des soldats de la Bundeswehr "sont directement impliqués dans cette guerre" sans que le Parlement, qui contrôle l'armée, ait donné son feu vert, a jugé le député Vert Hans-Christian Ströbele sur la chaîne publique ARD. L'élu faisait référence à l'annonce par Berlin que 11 officiers allemands participaient à la prévision des raids aériens de l'Otan en Libye depuis une base de l'Alliance en Italie...
oui vu hier les bonhommes en planing en TV,typique,comme tjs les allemands se chantent la veste blanche en publique,mais font le coeur du job en coulisses,comme en Iraq 2003..

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messages : 2420
Inscrit le : 25/05/2011
Localisation : Aquitaine
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû 2011 - 22:46

Harmattan : une fausse baisse

Citation :
La chasse a donc, en moyenne (de fortes disparités peuvent exister néanmoins) engrangé 135 sorties soit 19 quotidiennes, ce qui constitue une belle moyenne, au vu du nombre d'appareils engagés : 5 Rafale à Sigonella, 8 Mirage 2000D, 4 Mirage 2000N et 4 Mirage F1CR à Suda (qui n'ont commencé leurs missions que le 14 août). Pour dire les choses autrement, tous les avions volent une fois par jour, et il n'y a pas de gras. Ce qui donne une idée du rythme imposé aux équipages (pas de gras non plus) et à leurs mécaniciens (encore moins).
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 2:00

Zliten vient de tomber. Prochaine étape Al Khums si la ligne de défense des pro-kadahfistes se regroupe en ce point:

Citation :
Breaking News: Libyan Rebels Take Control of Zlitan, Gaddafi Last Eastern Line of Defense Destroyed
19/08/2011 18:39:00
Libyan freedom fighters have taken control of the city of Zlitan after fierce fighting that has lasted for weeks. Gaddafi’s forces have withdrawn to Wadi Kaam and Khums west of the city on the road to Tripoli.

According to reports coming from the battle field, rebels from Misurata and Zlitan have entered the city center after they liberated Souq Al-Thulatha and have taken control of most of the city. By six o’clock in the evening the whole city was under their control.

Over 30 rebels have died and more than 130 wounded in the battle that started this morning.

Advancing from Dafiniya in the east, the rebels succeeded in breaking the siege on Zlitan by Gaddafi forces and joined the rebel fighters within the city who staged a courageous fight inside the town against Gaddaif’s militias.

A high ranking Gaddafi’s officer was captured by the rebels in the city of Zlitan, a colonel by the name of Omran Ali Ben Salim. The rebels also captured five soldiers who were fighting along Gaddafi rag tag and shattered army. They also got hold of arms caches and military vehicles.

Zlitan is located at 70 kilometers west of Misurata and 160 kilometers east of Tripoli.

The next city that is likely to fall very soon is Khums, famous for the world renowned archeological site, Lipts Magna. Khums is 40 kilometers west of Zlitan.

The fall of Zlitan will give a clear signal to the remaining Gaddafi supporters in the capital Tripoli who would realize that the end is coming soon as to run for their lives. Destroying the Zlitan line of defense is significant for it is has always been considered by Gaddafi of high strategic value both in military terms and in terms of tribal alliances.

Gaddafi’s fate is unclear at this moment. Whether he will abandon the capital before the rebels enter it or he could negotiate an exit with the world powers is a hash hash situation.

Rumors that Gaddafi is negotiating his escape are spreading all over the country. The Libyan people are worried that some compromise might be made between Gaddafi and these powers including NATO according to which he could escape justice.

The fall of Zlitan in the hands of the rebels after weeks of fighting will open the way straight to Tripoli, an objective that Libyan opposition has been working for since the start of the revolution on 17 February.

Gaddafi has tell probably now maintained that holding rebels on the Zlitan line would save him time to fight back but now the noose is tightening and the remaining 160 kms to Tripoli could easily be crossed in a matter of hours if the rebels decided to do so.

The rebels now will put pressure on Ben Walid town, a stronghold of Gaddafi supporters from the Wirfilla tribe, and allow the local few opposition forces to revolt against Gaddafi. The same thing could happen to the city of Tarhouna.

These scenarios could be similar to what happened in the west of Tripoli when the rebels entered Zawiya on Saturday and that led to the fall of the cities of Sourrman and Sabratha.

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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 2:10

Ca sent la fin de plus en plus.

Citation :
Gaddafi's former No. 2 defects: Libya rebels

(Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi's former right-hand man, Abdel Salam Jalloud, has defected to rebel-held territory in Libya's Western Mountains, a rebel spokesman said on Friday.

Jalloud was a member of the junta that staged a 1969 coup bringing Gaddafi to power, and was seen as the North African oil producer state's second in command before falling out of Gaddafi's favor in the 1990s.

"He is definitely here in Zintan. He is under the control of the military council here," Massoud Ali, a local rebel spokesman, told Reuters. Rebels showed Reuters a video of a person they identified as Jalloud standing among them earlier in the day.

It was unclear how close Jalloud was to Gaddafi's regime after the 1990s, when he reportedly was stripped of his passport and put under government surveillance following a disagreement with Gaddafi.

Gaddafi has been hit by several high-profile defections since an uprising began in February in the country's east, but retains control of the capital Tripoli and his army is putting up fierce resistance at cities along the coastal highway.

(Reporting by Ulf Laessing; Writing by Richard Valdmanis; Editing by Michael Roddy)

Citation :

Gaddafi family members to be evacuated from Tunisia on board Venezuelan plane: media

TUNIS, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) -- A Venezuelan plane has landed on the island of Djerba to evacuate members of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's family, Tunisian radio, Mosaique FM, reported on Friday. The news was announced by the radio's correspondent on the Tunisia- Libyan border.

The correspondent, quoting a rebel source in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi, said that Gaddafi's family members would soon leave Tunisia for the Venezuelan capital Caracas, adding that "it was the beginning of the end of Gaddafi's rule." It is not clear how they would be evacuated to Tunisia.

The source also said that it was highly likely that Gaddafi himself is no longer in the Libyan capital Tripoli, following overnight NATO strikes against his residential compound.

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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 2:51

Une carte de Tripoli nous sera utile dans les prochains jours..

La révolte en libye - Page 25 304971540
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messages : 2195
Inscrit le : 01/11/2008
Localisation : maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 4:23

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RAF destroys Gaddafi command post

The RAF has launched precision strikes on one of Colonel Gaddafi's main command facilities used by the former regime to co-ordinate attacks on the Libyan people.

On Tuesday morning, RAF aircraft destroyed a military staging post near Zlitan with a pair of Paveway guided bombs.

During the evening, two formations of Tornados and Typhoons took part with allied aircraft from several other nations in a co-ordinated and highly accurate strike by NATO on a large command compound at Hun in central Libya, used by former regime leaders to co-ordinate attacks on the Libyan people.

Eleven Paveway bombs were dropped by RAF aircraft on military targets within the compound, including the central headquarters facility.

The early hours of Wednesday saw another military command node in Zlitan destroyed as well as armed reconnaissance patrols in the west of the country near Tripoli and Az Zawiyah.

Major General Nick Pope, the Chief of the Defence Staff's Communications Officer, said:

"These conducted precision strikes on former regime facilities at Sabratha, including a commando base which had been used by Colonel Gaddafi's men to launch numerous reprisals against the local people.

"The base suffered severe damage and it is reported that it is now in the hands of the Free Libyan Forces and permanently removed as a threat to the safety of the town's population."

In the late afternoon, a further RAF patrol identified a force of pro-Gaddafi troops which had been fighting at the oil refinery on the coast at Az Zawiyah. The armed vehicles on which they had relied to mount their attacks had been taken out of action by a NATO strike, but they were observed to use a tug boat, which had been commandeered as a naval patrol craft, in an attempt to redeploy to new positions along the coast.

General Pope continued: "Since it was clear from their actions that these troops continued to pose a threat to the local population, the RAF patrol engaged the ship. Although a challenging target, small and under way at sea, a direct hit was scored with a laser-guided Paveway bomb which sank the vessel.

"This is a tribute to the professionalism of the aircrew in tracking a moving target with the laser designator, and the accuracy of the weapon system.

"It is of note that Colonel Gaddafi is reportedly claiming that NATO has attacked the historic remains of the ancient city of Lepcis Magna. This is nonsense. The UK and its allies are very well aware of the UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation] World Heritage site and take every precaution to avoid damage.

"The RAF did attack, in the early hours of Monday morning, a psychological warfare centre over a mile from Lepcis Magna. All four Paveway guided bombs were observed to score direct hits on their proper target."

RAF VC10 and TriStar tankers, and Sentry and Sentinel surveillance aircraft, provided extensive support to these and other NATO missions.

Since the start of military operations on 19 March, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and Army Air Corps precision strikes have damaged or destroyed some 870 former regime targets which posed a threat to the Libyan people.

La révolte en libye - Page 25 المسيرة-الخضراء2
scratch un petit dessin vaut mieux qu'un long discours scratch
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 6:37

Citation :
Libyan rebels: Eastern oil terminal Brega seized

The Associated Press
BENGHAZI, Libya - Libyan rebels battling Moammar Gadhafi's troops along the country's Mediterranean coast said they have captured all of the strategic eastern port city of Brega, which has repeatedly changed hands in the 6-month-old civil war.

Rebel military spokesman Col. Ahmed Bani said fighters gained control Saturday of the industrial section of Brega, after having captured its residential areas last week.

Brega's capture is an important boost for the rebels. It contains Libya's second-largest hydrocarbon complex and is where the country's main oil fields feed into for refining.

"We have liberated Brega and all of it is under our control," Bani told The Associated Press on Saturday. "The fighters are in the port and taken the refineries."

The clashes with Gadhafi forces killed two rebels and left fifteen injured, according to rebel spokesman Mohammed Idris.

His claim could not be immediately verified and officials in the Libyan capital Tripoli made no comment on it.

Brega is a wide strip of desert made up of two residential sections about 6 miles (10 kilometers) apart, followed by the oil refineries near the port on the Mediterranean Sea.

Brega, about 125 miles (200 kilometers) southwest of the de-facto rebel capital of Benghazi, fell under rebel control briefly in March, but was recaptured by Gadhafi's forces shortly afterward. The fighting around the city has gone back and forth since then, with the rebels struggling to keep their ground.

Rebels closed in on Moammar Gadhafi, pushing back his fighters in a fierce battle in one key coastal city and seizing another town as they advanced toward his remaining bastion, the capital of Tripoli.

The territory remaining under Gadhafi's control has been shrinking dramatically in the past three weeks, with opposition fighters moving closer to Tripoli, a metropolis of 2 million people, from the west, south and east.

At the nearest point, rebel fighters are just 30 miles (50 kilometers) west of Tripoli, in the coastal city of Zawiya, where battles raged Friday over control of the city center. Gadhafi's forces pounded rebel-held areas of the city with rockets, mortars and anti-aircraft fire, but by nightfall were pushed out of a multistory hotel on the square.

NATO's bombing campaign has made it difficult for the regime to send massive reinforcements to Zawiya, enabling the rebels to maintain a hold over much of the city, their biggest prize in months.

But Friday's onslaught by regime forces also signaled that an opposition push toward Tripoli could be arduous and bloody. The massive fire at one point pinned down some two dozen rebel fighters behind a building about 200 yards (meters) from Zawiya's central square, a symbolic prize in the battle for control of the city of some 200,000 people.

The area was deserted, with building facades blackened and scarred by bullet holes.

The men took a break for Muslim noon prayers, washing their hands and feet with water from plastic bottles, then kneeling on carpets under an olive tree.

East of the capital, rebels seized the city of Zlitan after clashes with regime forces that left 31 rebels dead and 120 injured, a spokesman said. Zlitan had been a major obstacle in the rebels' push toward Tripoli from the east.

"The fighters have liberated Zlitan and they are fighting west of the city," said Munir Ramzi of the opposition Misrata Military Council. He said Gadhafi's forces were fleeing after Friday's victory and the rebels are in control of the city.

With the recent advances, the rebels cut off the coastal road to Tripoli from the east and the west, and also control a city along a major supply road to the capital from the south.

Dealing another blow to the increasingly isolated leader, Libyan rebels said Friday that Abdel-Salam Jalloud, a close Gadhafi associate who was once the No. 2 top regime official, has defected.

Jalloud helped Gadhafi stage the 1969 coup that propelled him to power and transformed Libya from a monarchy to a republic. He was Gadhafi's most trusted deputy for two decades but began to clash with the leader starting in the 1990s.

Rebel spokesman Mahmoud Shammam said that Jalloud had fled to a rebel-held area in the western mountains and was on his way to Europe. Pictures showing Jalloud in the western town of Zintan appeared on rebel Facebook pages. Jalloud did not issue any statements, but Shammam said he had confirmed the defection on the telephone.

Jalloud's defection, if confirmed, would be the latest crack in what remains of Gadhafi's regime, although the two men had fallen out. Rebels also said Jalloud could provide valuable information about Gadhafi's inner circle.

Rebel official Abdel-Hafiz Ghoga said the defection "gives us assurance that Gadhafi is weakening" while stressing that Jalloud would face justice for any crimes committed when he was part of the regime.

Laub reported from Zawiya, Libya. Hadeel Al-Shalchi contributed to this report from Cairo.

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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 6:48

ca me rappel les derniers jours de hitler dans son Bunker
esperons qu´ils lui ont laissé encore une jerricane de benzine a coté je file

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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 7:04

La pression des US/France sur les generaux d'algerie ont poussé ces derniers à lacher kadafou, il faut savoir aussi qu'ils l'ont laissé face à son destin parce qu'ils savaient que leur soutien à ce tarré ne peut qu'accentuer leur déficit budgétaire.. L'algerie a perdue la confiance des grandes puissances/OTAN, ont perdu deux de leurs meilleurs alliés (kadafou/Qatar) et surtout ont perdu leur crédibilité.. Maintenant ils vont se tourner vers le peuple algerien pour se défouler et evacuer leur rage (Attentats DRSistes) Evil or Very Mad
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 9496
Inscrit le : 23/09/2007
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 15:07

Pour de raisons familiales, je n'ai pas le coeur pour l'instant à continuer de co-animer cette rubrique. Dès que cela ira mieux, si le conflit en toujours d'actualité, je reprendrai le cours des chose. Merci

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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 15:13

Les rebelles aurait repris Brega..
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 17:17

Ok, RAfi, et encore merci de faire cette chronique journalieres que j'aime tant lire La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_sal
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messages : 1139
Inscrit le : 18/11/2010
Localisation : france
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 17:34

merci rafi et bon courage La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_sal
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Caporal chef
Caporal chef

messages : 171
Inscrit le : 09/06/2009
Localisation : Rabat
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MessageSujet: Re: La révolte en libye   La révolte en libye - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 20 Aoû 2011 - 19:50

Citation :
Heurts entre l'armée tunisienne et un groupe armé libyen

Un accrochage a opposé dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi l'armée tunisienne à un groupe armé libyen dans le sud-ouest de la Tunisie, aux confins des frontières libyenne et algérienne, a-t-on appris auprès de la sécurité tunisienne.
La source proche de la sécurité a indiqué que ce groupe circulait à bord de véhicules transportant des armes. Il a été intercepté dans le désert vendredi soir.
Les combats, qui se poursuivaient ce samedi, ont fait des victimes, a-t-on appris de même source.
La Tunisie a récemment renforcé sa présence militaire à la frontière en raison notamment des combats entre rebelles libyens et partisans de Mouammar Kadhafi dans l'ouest de la Libye.
Les sources de sécurité n'ont pas dit si les hommes armés étaient des rebelles ou des hommes de Kadhafi mais les habitants pensent qu'il s'agit plutôt de partisans du colonel.
Des habitants de Douz, une bourgade dans le désert du Sud tunisien, ont dit à Reuters que des hélicoptères survolaient la région et que des soldats de villes voisines avaient été appelés en renfort pour combattre les groupes armés, dont les véhicules ne portent pas de plaques d'immatriculation.
Un hélicoptère de l'armée tunisienne s'est écrasé près de la frontière en raison d'un problème mécanique, tuant le pilote et son copilote, ont annoncé les autorités.
Par Reuters

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