Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC Royal Moroccan Armed Forces Royal Moroccan Navy Royal Moroccan Air Forces Forces Armées Royales Forces Royales Air Marine Royale Marocaine |
| | APS 2013 - Exercice Saharan Express 2013 | |
| | Auteur | Message |
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24813 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: APS 2013 - Exercice Saharan Express 2013 Dim 1 Juil 2012 - 11:15 | |
| On prépare déjà la prochaine édition qui connaitra la participation de nouveaux pays comme l'Australie, la Belgique, l'Italie ou encore la Tunisie Une édition qui sera plus importante que les précédentes ... le Royaume serait derrière ce progrés - Citation :
Africa Partnership Station Aims to Organize for 2013
By Lt. Cmdr. Suzanna Brugler, Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Africa/Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet Public Affairs
GARMISH, Germany - The Africa Partnership Station (APS) 2013 Initial Planning Conference (IPC) took place in Garmisch, March 28-30.
The three-day conference provided a venue for participating partner nations from Africa, Australia, Europe and North America to meet and continue the dialogue for building future APS plans, goals and objectives.
This year’s main focus for APS was moving from a training-intensive program to providing more real-world maritime operations.
James Hart, Deputy Director for Programs at U.S. Africa Command, provided opening remarks for the conference.
“APS is larger than just a program… it’s a maritime capacity-building continuum with the goal of enabling our African partners to provide maritime security for peace and stability,” said Mr. Hart.
During his remarks Mr. Hart spoke of the goals and objectives for APS 2013.
“How do we take APS to the next level? By moving away from a training-intensive program and organize [sic] APS efforts through emphasizing hands-on training and real-world operations.”
Currently, the primary operational elements of APS include the Africa Maritime Law Enforcement Program (AMLEP), a joint mission conducted by Naval Forces Africa, U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic Area, and African navies and coast guards; maritime passing exercises; and the multi-lateral “Express” series of exercises, including Obangame Express, Saharan Express, Phoenix Express and Cutlass Express.
During the conference, representatives from a few of the attending African partner nations had an opportunity to brief the status of their respective nation’s maritime environment as well as progress that has been made over the past five years due to APS.
Nations who provided country briefs included Cameroon, The Gambia, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique and Sao Tome Principe.
Lt. Simon P. Mendy, Officer in Charge of Administration, Logistics, Search and Rescue and Maritime Interdiction for The Gambia, opened his brief with a quote from a U.S. Navy historical figure, Rear Adm. Alfred Thayer Mahan, then went on to describe the positive impact APS has had on his country’s maritime domain awareness.
“We are getting there, with bi-lateral engagements supported by Africa Partnership Station – with our partners,” said Lt. Mendy.
Rear Adm. Kenneth “K.J.” Norton, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategy, Resources and Plans, provided closing remarks focusing on the key to the successes APS has experienced in the maritime domain environment.
“APS is a shared endeavor, and for APS to be successful, ships are the platform of choice,” said Rear Adm. Norton. “But I’m not talking about grey hulls here; I’m talking about partnerships. I’m talking about relationships. And most of all, I’m talking about friendships. Those are the ships that will ensure the continued success of APS.”
Partner nations who attended the APS 2013 IPC included Australia, Belgium, Benin, Cameroon, Canada, Djibouti, Finland, France, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Italy, Kenya, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Sao Tome Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Spain, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda and United States of America.
APS is an international security cooperation initiative facilitated by Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa, aimed at strengthening global maritime partnerships through training and collaborative activities in order to improve maritime safety and security in Africa.
USN _________________
Dernière édition par Fremo le Mer 29 Mai 2013 - 18:54, édité 2 fois | |
| | | Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24813 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: APS 2013 - Exercice Saharan Express 2013 Mer 23 Jan 2013 - 13:24 | |
| L'Exercice se déroulera du 23 au 30 Avril, le sénégal arbitera la phase active - Citation :
- Maritime Professionals Prepare for Exercise Saharan Express 2013
CASABLANCA, Morocco (NNS) -- Military and civilian maritime professionals finalized the training agenda for exercise Saharan Express 2013 (SE13) during the final planning conference at the Royal Moroccan Navy Headquarters in Casablanca, Jan. 21-23.
Militaries from West Africa, Europe, and the United States joined together to plan complex scenarios to be executed during the exercise.
"It is impressive to see people from so many nations and so many cultures coming together to achieve a common goal," said Capt. Andrew Lennon, exercise director for SE13. "African nations are working together to address their own issues and we're here to support them."
This is the third iteration of the Saharan Express exercise, which aims to develop participant nations' capabilities of monitoring and enforcing their own territorial waters and exclusive economic zones. "It's not just about fighting the bad guys who hurt people through piracy and the illegal trafficking of persons and weapons," said Capt. Lennon. "There's a benefit to the economy in reducing the illegal fishing in the region, which improves the life of every person here."
The training is scheduled to be executed off the coasts of Cape Verde, The Gambia, Mauritania, and Senegal and will be monitored and controlled by multiple Maritime Operations Centers (MOCs) in the region. Fourteen nations are participating, including Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, France, The Gambia, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, The Netherlands, Portugal, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States.
USN _________________ | |
| | | Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24813 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: APS 2013 - Exercice Saharan Express 2013 Lun 11 Mar 2013 - 12:10 | |
| - Citation :
- Saharan Express 2013 Kicks Off in Senegal
DAKAR, Senegal (NNS) -- Participants from 14 nations attended a pre-sail conference March 7, to kick off Exercise Saharan Express 2013 (SE-13).
SE-13 is a maritime exercise designed to improve cooperation among participating nations in order to increase counter-piracy capabilities and deter maritime crimes in West Africa.
This exercise provides African, European and U.S. maritime services the opportunity to work together, share information and refine methods in order to help West African nations better monitor and enforce their territorial waters.
"Saharan Express is important because the skills we will practice over the next few weeks can be used to enforce African maritime laws, and that will ultimately improve the lives of the people from the nations represented here," said Capt. Andrew Lennon, U.S. exercise director.
Although focused on counter-piracy and maritime security operations, the exercise includes a wide variety of training for all participating forces, including at-sea ship boarding and queries, medical familiarization, air operations, communication drills and regional information sharing.
SE-13, which has occurred annually since 2011, is one of the four African regional Express-series exercises known as Africa Partnership Station (APS). The regional maritime exercises test skills learned from previous APS training events.
"Since 2011, Exercise Saharan Express has become the most privileged time of year in the annual event calendar of the Senegalese navy," said Rear Adm. Cheikh Bara Cissokho, Senegalese chief of navy staff. "Saharan Express is a pertinent concept that contributes to raising the operational level of our forces and the fight against trafficking at sea."
SE-13 takes place following last week's successful completion of Exercise Obangame Express 2013 (OE-13), another APS regional exercise focused on the Gulf of Guinea.
As part of the U.S. Navy's global maritime partnerships, APS was developed to support sustained, focused training and multinational and organizational collaboration on a regional scale in order to increase maritime safety and security in Africa.
APS serves to strengthen global maritime partnerships through training and collaborative activities in order to improve maritime safety and security in Africa.
Eight West African and six European nations are scheduled to participate in SE-13 including Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, France, The Gambia, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, The Netherlands, Portugal, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States.
USNavy - Citation :
- Lancement de l’exercice naval ''Saharan Express 2013''
Dakar, 7 mars (APS) - Les Etats-Unis et le Sénégal ont entamé jeudi un exercice naval multinational de sept jours intitulé ‘’Saharan Express 2013’’ qui se déroulera au large des côtes sénégalaises, capverdiennes et mauritaniennes.
Cet exercice, qui entre dans le cadre de la coopération militaire entre les Etats-Unis et le Sénégal, est mené en partenariat avec le Maroc, la Mauritanie, la Gambie, le Cap Vert, la Côte d’Ivoire, la Sierra Leone, le Liberia, la Grande Bretagne, la France, le Portugal, les Etats-Unis d’Amérique et le Sénégal qui en abritera la phase active.
Il enregistre également l’engagement de plusieurs moyens navals. Il nécessitera l’activation d’un centre de coordination des opérations maritimes regroupant les personnels de pays participants déployant des moyens et d’autres pays observateurs dont la France et l’Espagne.
Lors d’une conférence de presse ayant suivi la cérémonie d’ouverture, le capitaine de frégate Oumar Wade, chef de la division des opérations à l’état-major de la marine, a relevé que ''la mer constitue un enjeu qu’il faut surveiller et protéger et tous les Etats qui y ont des intérêts doivent la défendre''.
‘’Il y a des millions de barils de pétrole qui passent tous les jours en mer et, on le sait, 80 % des marchandises qui arrivent dans tous les pays du monde passent par la mer’’ a-t-il relevé.
Le capitaine Wade a indiqué que le Sénégal est ''résolu à prendre des dispositions pour protéger son domaine maritime'', vaste de 212 millions de km2 et supérieur à l’espace terrestre. Mais, a-t-il dit, ''il va falloir trouver des moyens pour assurer cette protection''.
Il a soutenu que tous les pays côtiers qui ont un intérêt en mer ''doivent ensemble prendre en compte les menaces qui pèsent sur nos côtes et y faire face de manière collective car, selon lui, la sécurité maritime est un enjeu majeur pour tous les pays''.
''Ces menaces vont de la pêche illicite, au trafic de drogue, d’armes et parfois même, d’êtres humains'', a-t-il expliqué. Et, c’est tout le sens qu’il donne à cette formation qui ‘’permettra de dérouler plusieurs scénarios dans lesquels la marine sénégalaise donnera la réponse du rôle que les marins vont jouer quand il s’agit de trafic et de pêche illicite’’.
‘’Avec cette formation, l’interopérabilité sera renforcée entre les marines et les gardes côtes ouest africains. Les capacités à travailler ensemble, à développer les connaissances maritimes et la capacité à voir communément ce qui se passe en mer seront renforcées’’, a-t-il dit.
Pour le directeur des exercices de ‘’Saharan Express’’, le capitaine de vaisseau Andrew Lenon, cet exercice est ''très important, parce qu’il donne l’opportunité de montrer et transmettre nos pratiques navales d’envergure''.
‘’Il est très important pour les pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest de participer à cet exercice et d’être en connaissance de ce que nous (Forces navales américaines), pouvons leur apporter en termes de protection des côtes’’, a relevé la capitaine Lenon.
Selon lui, en parvenant à inculquer aux bénéficiaires de cette formation ces savoirs, notamment, comment protéger leurs côtes, ‘’nous contribuons en même temps à la protection de leurs économies’’.
De même, il a assuré que si ces nations ont l’opportunité d’améliorer leurs connaissances et de combattre le trafic de drogue et la pêche illégale, les forces navales américaines n’hésiteront pas à les appuyer.
''Mais, a-t-il précisé, tout cela est assujetti à une vision commune et à la conjugaison des efforts des tous, notamment des huit nations africaines engagées dans cette formation. ‘’Nous saluons cet engagement et cette vision commune à travailler ensemble’’, a dit le capitaine Lenon.
LTF/AD _________________ | |
| | | Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24813 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 14/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: APS 2013 - Exercice Saharan Express 2013 Mar 12 Mar 2013 - 9:53 | |
| ils vont jamais apprendre les regles elementaires: Keep fingers off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. meme un insurgé fait mieux..walou discipline ZERO _________________ | |
| | | arsenik General de Division
messages : 4636 Inscrit le : 19/05/2012 Localisation : juste a coté Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: APS 2013 - Exercice Saharan Express 2013 Mar 12 Mar 2013 - 12:00 | |
| c'est des des mauritanien ceux avec le doigts sur la gachette?
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| | | PGM Administrateur
messages : 11670 Inscrit le : 11/12/2008 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: APS 2013 - Exercice Saharan Express 2013 Mar 12 Mar 2013 - 12:25 | |
| Marocains. Fremo a corrigé l'erreur du journaliste.
Pgm | |
| | | Leo Africanus General de división (FFAA)
messages : 1885 Inscrit le : 24/02/2008 Localisation : Tatooine Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: APS 2013 - Exercice Saharan Express 2013 Mar 12 Mar 2013 - 12:35 | |
| - Yakuza a écrit:
- ils vont jamais apprendre les regles elementaires: Keep fingers off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
meme un insurgé fait mieux..walou discipline ZERO Cher Yak, ce n'est pas la faute au soldats mais a l'encadrement, je n'est jamais voulu touché ce sujet mais le soldat marocain des années 60s et 70s a plus l'air martial qu'un officier dans nos jours. J'ai eu la chance d'avoir fait mon service militaire et chez nous si un soldat aurait fait une gaffe semblable surtout en presence de soldats d'autres corps les sous-officiers et officiers en charge de l'entrainement auraient subi les pires des critiques avec ce qui entrain de prejudice a leur carriere dans l'armée, si ce genre de gaffes se produisent, en plus, en presence d'une armée etrangere, la sa serait encore pire car sa touche a l'honneur de l'armée et celle du pays. Je ne sais pas si au Maroc c'est la meme chose mais de peut de ce que j'ai vu sur notre forum, je crois que la discipline, non la peur, manque un tout petit peut et ce n'est pas des cas ponctuel mais d'une manniere d'etre. Si je m'en souviens bien l'année derniere il y a eu des inspections sans preavis dans certains palais ru Roi et les resultats furent desastreux mais les soldats et officiers furent amnistier quelques semaines apres. Je m'excuse si je me trompe dans mes observations mais j'aimerais bien que quelqu'un puissent eclairsir mes idées. | |
| | | Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24813 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: APS 2013 - Exercice Saharan Express 2013 Mer 13 Mar 2013 - 4:54 | |
| | |
| | | Leo Africanus General de división (FFAA)
messages : 1885 Inscrit le : 24/02/2008 Localisation : Tatooine Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: APS 2013 - Exercice Saharan Express 2013 Mer 13 Mar 2013 - 13:07 | |
| Merci Fremo pour les photos et l'objectivité. Ses fousillers marins sont vraiment aux standards dans tous les aspects qu'on peut analyser a travers ces images. et enfin on peut meme voir, les marocains entrain d'entrainer des soldats d'autres pays. Qui que se soit derriere le developement de cette nouvelle unité erst entrain de faire un extraordinaire travail, rien a voir avec les photos d'en haut. | |
| | | Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24813 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| | | | Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24813 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
| Sujet: Re: APS 2013 - Exercice Saharan Express 2013 Ven 15 Mar 2013 - 6:30 | |
| - Citation :
- Saharan Express 2013 concludes in Senegal
DAKAR, Senegal – The multinational maritime exercise Saharan Express 2013 (SE-13) successfully concluded with post-sail discussions and a press conference, Mar. 14.
SE-13, which began Mar. 7, is a maritime exercise designed to improve cooperation among participating nations in order to increase counter-piracy capabilities and deter maritime crimes in West Africa.
“During the past week, eight West African nations, five European nations and the United States worked very well together,” said Capt. Andrew Lennon, U.S. exercise director for SE-13. “With the skills they developed during Exercise Saharan Express, the participating nations are better prepared for real world operations. They now have a better capability to stop weapons and narcotics trafficking and prevent illegal fishing.”
Focusing on counter-piracy and maritime security operations, the exercise included a wide variety of training for participating forces, including at-sea ship boarding and queries, medical familiarization, air operations, communication drills and regional information sharing.
“This marks the third time that this exercise has been conducted,” said Lewis Lukens, U.S. ambassador to Senegal. “I’m happy to say that it has become a cornerstone in our efforts to achieve the improvement of maritime security in the waters off West Africa.”
SE-13, which has occurred annually since 2011, is one of the four African regional Express-series exercises known as Africa Partnership Station (APS). The regional maritime exercises test skills learned from previous APS training events.
“Saharan Express is not just another task passing across the desk of the Senegalese armed forces,” said Rear Adm. Mohamed Sane, Senegalese Sous-Chef d’Etat Major Général des Armées. “It is an exercise of great importance for the Senegalese navy and the naval forces of the sub-region. It allows us to practice the techniques taught to our crews and is, as such, an indicator of the progress we are making in strengthening our capacity to carry out the tasks entrusted to us.”
During SE-13, 10 ships, four aircraft and four maritime operations centers were operated by participating nations to achieve their common maritime security goals through partnerships and collaboration while focusing on deterring piracy, countering illicit trafficking and protecting resources.
As part of the U.S. Navy's global maritime partnerships, APS was developed to support sustained, focused training and multinational and organizational collaboration on a regional scale in order to increase maritime safety and security in Africa.
Eight West African and six European nations participated in SE-13 including Cape Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, France, The Gambia, Liberia, Mauritania, Morocco, The Netherlands, Portugal, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States.
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