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 Actualités internationales

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silent eagle
Leo Africanus
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messages : 7134
Inscrit le : 14/08/2008
Localisation : Rabat Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Mar 2013 - 17:43

Rappel du premier message :

On appelle ça de la dissuasion Gémini et jusqu'à présent, ça a plutôt bien marché comme ça pour Pyong Yang Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_mrg
Une légende vietnamienne parle de tambours qu'on plaçait sous la chute d'une cascade pas très loin des frontières avec la Chine, quand les troupes de l'empereur marchait sur le pays. Les éclaireurs chinois croyaient alors entendre le bruit d'une importante troupe en marche venant à leur rencontre, ce qui faisait rebrousser chemin aux soldats de l'empereur. Bien des vies humaines auraient été ainsi conservées pendant de longues années Cool
Dans une guerre déclarée, le sud subirait indéniablement de lourdes pertes, mais le nord n'a pas les moyens de remporter une victoire décisive. Il risque au contraire d'entraîner ainsi sa fin

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messages : 2349
Inscrit le : 22/06/2011
Localisation : Ailleurs
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena32

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mar 2013 - 13:04

Citation :

La Corée du Sud victime d'une cyberattaque d'ampleur

Les réseaux informatiques de chaînes de télévision et de banques sont paralysés. Dans le climat actuel de vives tensions entre les deux Corée, Séoul soupçonne Pyongyang d'être à l'origine de cette cyberattaque.


Scènes de panique dans les rédactions des télévisions sud-coréennes. Depuis le début de l'après midi à Séoul (6h10 heure française), le système informatique des principaux médias audiovisuels de la Corée du Sud ainsi que de deux des plus grandes banques du pays sont mystérieusement paralysés. Un blocage qui fait craindre une cyberattaque de la Corée du Nord, en pleine escalade des tensions sur la péninsule. Le gouvernement sud-coréen affirme qu'un logiciel malveillant est responsable de la paralysie du réseau et de la mise hors ligne de plusieurs sites, mais il n'est pas en mesure d'en déterminer l'origine pour l'heure.

«Nos 500 ordinateurs se sont bloqués d'un seul coup et, depuis, un message d'erreur barre les écrans. Il est impossible de les relancer», explique au Figaro Choi Jung-yoon, journaliste à la chaîne d'information continue YTN. Même punition pour les journalistes des chaînes publiques KBS et de leur concurrente privée MBC. Les agences bancaires Shinhan, partenaires de BNP Paribas, et Nonghyup, deux des établissements les plus populaires du pays, sont également paralysées. Toutes ces entreprises utilisent le même serveur LG Uplus qui dénonce une opération de piratage informatique de grande ampleur.

L'armée sur le qui-vive
Le palais présidentiel a immédiatement déclenché une enquête pour tenter de déterminer l'origine de ce blocage. L'armée a relevé son niveau d'alerte informatique et demeure sur le qui-vive en plein exercice militaire Key Resolve, mené conjointement avec les forces américaines. Si aucune accusation officielle n'a été lancée, tous les soupçons se tournent vers Pyongyang. «Tout laisse à penser que cela est orchestré par la Corée du Nord», explique Choi.

Depuis janvier, le régime de Kim Jong-un a multiplié les menaces, promettant de mener des «actions spéciales» contre Séoul. Et la semaine dernière, le régime nord-coréen a accusé sa rivale du sud et les États Unis d'avoir conduit une cyberattaque à son encontre.

Ces dernières années, plusieurs banques et entreprises sud-coréennes ont été victimes de piratages massifs et Séoul a régulièrement accusé le Nord d'en être responsable. Des accusations réfutées par le Nord et difficiles à confirmer selon les experts informatiques.

La cyber-guerre est devenue un enjeu clé de l'affrontement larvé entre les deux Corée rivales. Le NIS, les services de renseignement sud-coréens, a même installé une «situation room» de crise dans son quartier général pour faire face à une cyber-attaque du Nord. Les espions de Séoul estiment que le régime nord-coréen a fortement renforcé ses capacités d'attaques informatiques ces dernières années grâce à la création d'une unité spécialisée de plusieurs milliers de hackers. Des efforts qu'aurait directement supervisé le jeune Kim Jong-un, alors héritier en apprentissage, selon Ha Tae Kyung, parlementaire du parti conservateur au pouvoir, Saenuri. La Corée du Sud, berceau de Samsung et LG, est l'un des pays les plus «accro» à l'Internet de la planète et affirme avoir subi 40.000 attaques de l'extérieur ou de l'intérieur l'an dernier.

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messages : 2420
Inscrit le : 25/05/2011
Localisation : Aquitaine
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 15:10

Photo de la naissance de notre univers : le bing bang

Citation :

Big Bang: le satellite Planck fait la lumière sur l'enfance de l'Univers

Photo publiée le 21 mars 2013 par l'Agence spatiale européenne (Esa) et prise par le télescope Planck Esa-Planck Collaboration/AFP
Lancé en 2009 sur les traces de la toute première lumière émise après le Big Bang, le satellite européen Planck a dévoilé jeudi l'image la plus précise jamais réalisée de l'Univers dans sa prime jeunesse, lui donnant tout de même au passage un coup de vieux de 80 millions d'années.

"C'est un pas de géant dans la compréhension des origines de l'Univers" qui serait né il y a 13,82 milliards d'années, avec une connaissance vingt fois meilleure qu'auparavant, s'est félicité le directeur général de l'Agence spatiale européenne (ESA), Jean-Jacques Dordain, en présentant les premiers résultats de Planck à Paris.

"Les données de Planck corroborent de façon spectaculaire l'hypothèse d'un modèle d'Univers relativement simple", plat et en expansion, tel que décrit par la théorie standard du Big Bang, résume l'ESA.

Certes, cette carte "ressemble un peu à un vilain ballon de rugby ou à une oeuvre d'art moderne, mais je peux vous assurer que certains scientifiques auraient pu échanger leurs enfants contre cette image", a lancé George Efstathiou, astrophysicien à l'Université britannique de Cambridge (Royaume-Uni), qui commentait les résultats de Planck au siège de l'ESA.

Car "il s'agit d'une image de l'Univers tel qu'il était 380.000 ans après le Big Bang" seulement, lorsque sa température frisait les 3.000°C, a-t-il souligné.

Avant cela, l'Univers était si chaud qu'aucune lumière ne pouvait s'en échapper. Planck a donc capturé, sur l'intégralité du ciel, la trace fossile des tout premiers photons (grains de lumière) qui ont jailli dans le cosmos, voyageant pendant plus de 13 milliards d'années pour nous parvenir.

Ce rayonnement fossile est désormais ultra froid, à seulement 3°C au dessus du "zéro absolu" (-273°C). Invisible à nos yeux, il peut toutefois être détecté dans la gamme des ondes radio.


Le rayonnement de fond cosmologique (CMB) présente d'infimes fluctuations de température qui correspondent à des régions de densité légèrement différente, des "grumeaux" de matière qui portent en eux le germe de toutes les étoiles et galaxies que nous connaissons aujourd'hui.

Mais pour pouvoir mesurer ces infimes fluctuations, au millionième de degré près, l'instrument haute-fréquence HFI de Planck a dû être refroidi à seulement un dixième de degré au-dessus du zéro absolu.

Une prouesse technologique, en apesanteur et dans le vide, "sans équivalent" et qu'"aucun engin spatial ne pourra surpasser avant longtemps", a relevé Jean-Jacques Dordain.

Globalement, cette première vague de données (500 milliards de mesures combinées) confirme "de façon éclatante et avec une précision inégalée le modèle cosmologique standard", fournissant du même coup une connaissance plus fine des ingrédients de la "recette cosmique".

Selon le CNRS et l'agence spatiale française (CNES), qui ont financé plus de 50% de la fabrication de Planck, la quantité de "matière ordinaire", celle que nous connaissons au quotidien, a ainsi pu être légèrement réévaluée à la hausse.

Elle ne représente toutefois que 4,9% de la masse totale de l'Univers. La matière noire, dont l'existence n'a été mise en évidence qu'indirectement, en constitue 26,8%. Le reste (68,3% contre 72,8% auparavant) consisterait en une mystérieuse "énergie noire", qui serait à l'origine de l'accélération de l'expansion de l'Univers.

Planck a d'ailleurs permis de réviser à la baisse le rythme de cette expansion par rapport à la valeur de référence utilisée actuellement par les astronomes. "Il en résulte que l'âge de l'Univers serait de 13,82 milliards d'années", soit 80 millions de plus que ce que l'on pensait précédemment, souligne l'ESA.

La carte de Planck est si précise qu'elle a fourni quelques résultats surprenants, notamment sur les échelles les plus grandes de l'Univers.

"Il y a une partie de l'image où le modèle ne décrit pas exactement ce qu'on attendait (...) C'est peut-être un signe que le modèle de l'inflation de l'Univers est incomplet", selon François Bouchet, l'un des responsables de la mission pour le CNRS.

Une autre physique, plus "exotique", serait-elle nécessaire pour le décrire en entier ? Voilà de quoi donner du grain à moudre aux scientifiques du monde entier durant des années, espère Jean-Jacques Dordain.

© 2013 AFP
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 16:46

Citation :

Tchad : une rébellion dit reprendre la lutte armée contre le président Deby

Un important mouvement rebelle tchadien, l’Union des forces de la résistance (UFR), qui avait déposé les armes après les accords de paix entre le Tchad et le Soudan de 2009, a affirmé jeudi à l’AFP reprendre la lutte armée contre le président Idriss Deby.

Nous avons décidé de reprendre la lutte. C’est une lutte armée, bien sûr, a déclaré Timan Erdimi, une des grandes figures de la rébellion, depuis Doha où il est réfugié. Ancien proche du président dont il est un neveu, Erdimi est un des leaders ayant mené diverses attaques contre Deby, dont celle de 2008 qui avait échoué devant le palais présidentiel à N’Djamena. (AFP).
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messages : 2349
Inscrit le : 22/06/2011
Localisation : Ailleurs
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena32

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 17:05

ahh le jeu des intérêts dans la région ne fait que se complexifier, la tension permanente permet en tout cas aux puissances de garder leur influence respectives tout en échangeant les rôles dans une interprétation théâtrale qui mériterait un Molière.
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 20:05

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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena20Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena22
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 21:33

un pilote est mort,RIP

vipsdesvips a écrit:
Citation :

Tchad : une rébellion dit reprendre la lutte armée contre le président Deby

depuis Doha où il est réfugié.

la c´est en direct France vs Qatar
le bananier ne veut pas lacher le mali apparement,mais ca pourrait etre la faute de trop cette fois

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 21:41

De quel pilote tu parles, Yak??? (j'viens de rentrer Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_mrg )
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena20Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena22
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 21:43

l´incident de police a berlin,collision entre 2 helicos a cause d´une subite tempete de neige lors d´un exercice anti-hooligans dans le stade olympique
thewa3r a écrit:

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 21:50

Vous voyez ... même les allemands font des erreurs , si cela s est passe chez nous , on entendera le fameux 7na lemgharba nous les marocains ...
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 21:55

mon ami meme avec tout le tolantisme qui leur est connu,ils font parfois des fautes graves qui n´arrivent pas ailleurs
mais l´important ils cherchent les causes et des tetes tombent,ca laisse rien au destin ou allah ghaleb

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 22:10

Yakuza a écrit:
un pilote est mort,RIP

vipsdesvips a écrit:
Citation :

Tchad : une rébellion dit reprendre la lutte armée contre le président Deby

depuis Doha où il est réfugié.

la c´est en direct France vs Qatar
le bananier ne veut pas lacher le mali apparement,mais ca pourrait etre la faute de trop cette fois

Si c'est vrai, il a battu Fafou,Saddam ou Amin Dada.
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messages : 25526
Inscrit le : 31/03/2008
Localisation : Pau-Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc-France
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 22:16

Non mais la baleine a fait une grosse erreur! C'est trop flagrant cette fois ci... Je comprends mieux maintenant pourquoi le Tchad c'est engagé la ba. Deby se méfiait du Qatar et il a voulu ainsi s'acheter la protection encore pour 10 ans de la France Rolling Eyes

Sois généreux avec nous, Ô toi Dieu et donne nous la Victoire

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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena20Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena22
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 22:22

en tout cas il peut encore compter sur les elements Epervier(Rafale)

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 22:26

Pour combien de temps???
Le Qatar est en train 'd'acheter' la France...
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6954
Inscrit le : 02/04/2008
Localisation : USA
Nationalité : MoroccanUS
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 22:27

Yakuza a écrit:
mon ami meme avec tout le tolantisme qui leur est connu,ils font parfois des fautes graves qui n´arrivent pas ailleurs
mais l´important ils cherchent les causes et des tetes tombent,ca laisse rien au destin ou allah ghaleb

Yaku no news about MBM ,dead,live or on vacation at villa des pins a alger ? radios are not working.?
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena20Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena22
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 22:29

what r u talking about bro Question

Actualités internationales - Page 4 A10-na10
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6954
Inscrit le : 02/04/2008
Localisation : USA
Nationalité : MoroccanUS
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 22:33

Yakuza a écrit:
what r u talking about bro Question

Mokhtar belmokhtar hadj marlboro ,les chadiens disent l'avoir abattu y a eu des analyses DNA pour confirmer,mais jusque maintenant rien? aucune confirmation ni de la part des francais ni des algeriens.
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 22:38

pierrot1771 a écrit:

Pour combien de temps???
Le Qatar est en train 'd'acheter' la France...

Le softpower a ses limites, tout est gelable, confiscable. En quelques minutes, on peut stopper Aljazeera, physiquement et numeriquement.
Avec sa population et sa richesse macha'Allah, je comprend pas ces demarches et prises de risques inutiles et contre-productives a moyen long terme.
Au lieu de couler des jours paisibles et faire du bien...
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 23:05

vipsdesvips a écrit:

Au lieu de couler des jours paisibles et faire du bien...

il en a marre de cette vie paisile 7mar o bikhir Sleep

Et tous les problemes de l homme viennent de ce qu il ne peut pas se tenir tranquile dans une chambre , selon Pascal
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messages : 2349
Inscrit le : 22/06/2011
Localisation : Ailleurs
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena32

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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeVen 22 Mar 2013 - 0:28

Franchement cette région Mena + Sahel est l'une des plus compliquée du monde, et ca tiens surtout à la faiblesse flagrante des institutions nationales, je veux dire que même du les USA et l'URSS ne rêvaient pas d'un terrain de jeu aussi vaste, chaotique et riche en ressources naturelles, dans cette région tout le monde est en même temps l'ennemi et l'ami de tout le monde, mais vous imaginez le B****L, les américains sont contre al qaïda chez leur vassaux mais les arment chez les "rogue states", ils offrent l'Irak à l'Iran, mais considèrent ce dernier comme ennemis, l'Arabie Saoudite a besoin des USA pour sa protection, mais ne veut pas perdre la main sur les djihadistes (Somalie,Mali, Syrie et Iraq) ou les salafistes (Egypte, Liban, Yémén et Tunisie), le Qatar s'offre avec ses pétrodollars toute la branche ikhwaniste du mouvement islamiste, et compose tant bien que mal avec l'Arabie Saoudite et ses salafistes selon les circonstances, mais accueille en même temps la plus grande base américaine de la région, les Français ne tergiversent pas sur la protection de leur zone d'influence et leur approvisionnement en matière première (Niger, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon ... etc) mais, crise oblige, ont besoin d'un soutien qatari et saoudien, pour trouver des fonds ainsi que pour continuer à exister dans la région du golfe, vitale pour son industrie d'armement et ses importations d'énergie, et Même si l'intervention libyenne était un prix trop fort à payer et un désastre stratégique, les gars de l'Elysée s'entêtent dans leur schyzophrénie, Le Soudan qui est déjà dans un état mér**que, après la fin du feuilleton du Sud, retrouve un peu d'Oxygène avec le renouveau de l’intérêt khalidji pour ce pays, ainsi que l’essoufflement des critiques sur le Darfour, mais sait très bien qu'il doit garder les cartes iraniennes et chinoises qui lui garantissent un atout dans les négociations, l'Iran quant à elle sait très bien que les USA lui sont indispensables en Afghanistan et en Irak, mais se retrouve directement en conflit avec les USA au sujet du Liban, de la palestine, de la Syrie et du golf, les russes essayent de garder leur dernier pions sur l'échiquier ce qui est assez cohérent avec leur inimités avec les mouvement islamistes, mais ca reste des russes, il suffit d'ouvrir son chéquier pour qu'ils retournent leur veste, les chinois est un comme un moteur de Mustang à qui on donne un litre d'essence par jour, ils ont soif de matière première et multiplient les points d'appuis dans la région (Soudan, Algérie, Syrie) mais arment en même temps les pakistanais qui sont les vassaux des saouds ....

Bref je peux continuer comme ca pour chaque pays ayant des intérêts dans la région, ca restera toujours bord***que, mais une chose est claire pour moi, il y a des pays lointains qui disposent des moyens de tirer profit de la situation et qui agissent de manière vraiment pragmatique, et des pays de la région qui se font manipuler et dont les régimes agissent aussi de manière pragmatique pas pour leur pays mais pour le maintien de leurs pouvoirs.
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSam 23 Mar 2013 - 14:16

Citation :
Al-Qaida voulait attaquer l'Europe avant les Etats-Unis en 2010

Parmi les milliers de documents d'al-Qaida trouvés par l'armée américaine à la mort d'Oussama ben Laden, dans la résidence fortifiée où ce dernier s'était retranché au Pakistan, très peu d'entre eux ont été rendus publics à ce jour. 17 exactement.

Selon une information exclusive de l'hebdomadaire Die Zeit, le ministère de la Justice allemand serait en possession d'un de ces documents secrets. Il s'agit d'une lettre de dix-sept pages qui aurait été écrite en mars 2010 par Younis al-Mauritani, un des chefs de l'organisation terroriste, qui est aujourd'hui derrière les barreaux.

Dans cette missive adressé à Ben Laden, désigné par son nom code «Zamara'i», le chef terroriste conseillait d'attaquer l'Europe avant les États-Unis, comme le résume le journaliste Yassin Musharbash (qui livre également les éléments-clefs de la lettre en anglais sur son blog):

«Avant que les attentats aient lieu, Oussama Ben Laden devait d'abord proférer des menaces: "Informez l'Europe", le prie-t-il, "que la patience a atteint sa limite". Al-Qaida devait ensuite frapper une ou deux semaines plus tard. Et "ensuite nous attaquons l'Amérique".»

Cette lettre a été remise aux autorités allemandes par les États-Unis en avril 2012 dans le cadre du procès de trois jeunes hommes résidant à Düsseldorf, accusés d'avoir planifié des attentats en Allemagne pour le compte d'al-Qaida. Le document pourrait servir de pièce à conviction car il contient des informations sur «un frère marocain» dont la date de naissance, les études et le lieu de résidence sont les mêmes que ceux d'un des accusés, Abdeladim el-K., comme le précise le blog de journalisme d'investigation du quotidien Die Welt.

Il prévoyait ainsi d'infiltrer des recrues de l'organisation terroriste dans les secteurs de la chimie, de la physique, du transport de matières premières, telles que le gaz ou le pétrole, ou dans des «entreprises sensibles», afin de pouvoir être prêt à «frapper» au moment venu. Il plaidait aussi en faveur de l'utilisation d'avions, comme lors des attentats du 11-Septembre, en prenant cette fois-ci pour cible Abqaïq en Arabie Saoudite, un des plus grands gisements de pétrole au monde, comme le rapporte Die Zeit:

«Il proposait que les cadres d'al-Qaida, après leur formation de pilote, essaient de se faire embaucher par des compagnies aériennes – pour ensuite, par exemple, endormir leurs copilotes à l'aide d'un somnifère, de façon à ce que l'avion puisse être "dirigé" vers la cible.»

Au vu du nombre d'informations sensibles et extrêmement détaillées qu'elle contient, des doutes subsistent sur l'authenticité de cette missive. C'est pourquoi trois agents du FBI devront comparaître devant le tribunal de Düsseldorf, où le procès a débuté mercredi, pour expliquer la façon dont le document est entré en leur possession et quelles personnes y ont depuis eu accès.
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeDim 24 Mar 2013 - 23:27

une analyse interessante sur l'arab uprising ,la turquie,israel et le sahel .A mediter

Citation :

The Obama Kerry Hagel Regime: Selling Death and Buying Assassins in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia

US Foreign Policy in Obama's Second Term

By Prof. James Petras

Global Research, March 23, 2013

Region: USA

Theme: US NATO War Agenda


As President Obama enters his second term with a new Cabinet, the foreign policy legacy of the past four years weighs heavily on their strategic decisions and their empire-building efforts. Central to the analysis of the next period is an evaluation of the past policies especially in regions where Washington expended its greatest financial and military resources, namely the Middle East, South Asia and North Africa .

We will proceed by examining the accomplishments and failures of the Obama-Clinton regime. We will then turn to the ongoing policy efforts to sustain the empire-building project. We will take account of the constraints and opportunities, which define the parameters resulting from imperial military ambitions, Israeli-Zionist influence in shaping policy and the ongoing anti-imperialist struggles. We will conclude by examining likely polices and outcomes resulting from current strategies.

The Clinton-Obama Imperial Legacy: The Accomplishments

The greatest success of the Obama-Clinton (OC) imperial legacy was the virtual elimination of organized domestic anti-war dissent, the demise of the peace movement and the co-optation of virtually the entire ‘progressive’ leadership in the US – while multiplying the number of proxy wars, overt and covert military operations and ‘defense’ spending. As a result, the entire political spectrum moved further to the right toward greater militarization abroad and increased police-state measures at home.

Facing mass revolts and the overthrow of long-standing client regimes in Egypt , Tunisia and Yemen , the Obama-Clinton (OC) Administration moved rapidly to reconfigure new client regimes while preserving the state apparatus – the military, intelligence, police, judicial and civilian bureaucracy. The empire dumped incumbent regimes in order to save the repressive state, the key guarantor of US strategic interests. Washington reminded its client rulers that ‘There are no permanent alliances, there are only permanent imperial interests’. Washington successfully engineered a political pact between conservative Islamist leaders and parties and the old military elite.

The new political blocs in Egypt upheld Israeli annexation of Palestine , the brutal blockade of Gaza and the neo-liberal economic order. Washington repeated the ‘reshuffle of clients’ in Yemen and Tunisia . The OC intervention temporarily aborted the pro-democracy, anti-Zionist and anti-corruption popular revolt. The OC policies secured a temporary respite, but the subsequent effort by Egypt to secure an IMF loan has led to a stalemate amid deteriorating economic conditions and rising political protest. The successful imposition of new client regimes amenable to US hegemony in Egypt , Tunisia and Yemen , in the face of popular revolts, marked the beginning of a series of favorable political-military outcomes in the region for the OC regime.

Facing Israeli annexation of ever-widening swaths of Palestinian land and the end of any pretense of ‘peace negotiations’, Washington continued to provide Israel with massive military assistance, modern weapons systems and unconditional political support in the UN. By submitting to Israel the OC regime succeeded in retaining the political support of the domestic Zionist power configuration (ZPC). The OC regime’s economic handouts supported the puppet Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) as it policed the West Bank for Israel . Despite losing the vote to seat the Palestinians as a non-voting member in the UN, Washington succeeded in blocking full membership. The OC regime succeeded in fulfilling its role as Israel ’s handmaiden, despite opposition from the vast majority of UN members.

The OC regime succeeded in tightening sanctions on Iran , by securing Russian, Chinese and Arab League support, without provoking a potentially destructive war. The US sanction policy toward Iran is largely designed and implemented by key Zionist appointees in the Treasury (formerly Stuart Levy, now David Cohen) and in Congress, by legislators bought and directed by the powerful America-Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

The US , under Obama-Clinton, destroyed the independent nationalist Gadhafi government via a joint air war with the EU and tried to set up a client regime. In turn, Libya became a key recruiting ground for violent Islamist mercenaries invading Syria and weapons depot supplying Islamist terrorists. The OC regime’s military success in Libya was part of a general strategy to accelerate the expansion of US and European military operations in Africa . This includes setting up drone bases and promoting African mercenary armies from Uganda , Kenya , and Ethiopia to expand imperial control in Somalia , Mali and elsewhere.

In the Gulf region the US succeeded in propping up the autocratic Bahrain monarchy, as it killed and jailed opponents and outlawed the mass pro-democracy social movement among its oppressed Shi’a majority population. The OC regime successfully secured Gulf state financing for the Libyan and Syrian wars.

In Iraq , the US has succeeded in dividing the devastated nation into fragments of warring fiefdoms, Shi’a, Sunni, Kurd and subsets of each. It succeeded in destroying a once modern and secular society, an advanced economy and independent nationalist regime. Initially the OC regime hoped to establish a client outpost in Iraq from which to secure Washington ’s wealthy petro-clients in the Gulf, especially among the patrimonial dictatorships in Saudi Arabia , Qatar , Bahrain , Kuwait and United Arab Emirates .

Washington, in alliance with other NATO powers and its Gulf state clients, succeeded in converting a peaceful civilian protest movement in Syria into a full scale civil war and military invasion, increasingly dominated by armed Al Qaeda ‘internationalists’. The US-EU-Gulf State-Turkey-Israeli alliance has armed, financed, trained and advised Islamist and mercenary terrorists to effectively destroy the Syrian state, society and economy, dispossessing and uprooting a million refugees across the border and resulting in the death and injury of hundreds of thousands. The US promoted invasion of Syria has seriously weakened one of the last governments defending the Palestinians, opposing Israeli colonization of the West Bank and providing a refuge for persecuted Palestinian leaders.

By virtually destroying the Syrian state, the OC regime has driven a wedge between Hezbollah, the leading nationalist force in Lebanon and its ally Iran , while tightening the military encirclement of Teheran and exerting cross-border pressure against Iraq . A brutal Islamist regime in Syria will replace the secular state with prospects of massive ethnic cleansing against minority populations, especially Christians and Allevis.

Obama and Clinton successfully expanded the drone assassination program throughout the Middle East and South Asia, killing more civilian non-combatants than suspected adversaries especially in Pakistan , Afghanistan and Yemen .

The OC regime successfully imposed the presidential doctrine of killing of US citizens via drones with the support or acquiescence of the US Congress, judiciary and most of the mass media and without a shred of judicial due process. Accompanying the license to assassinate civilians via drones, Obama/Clinton successfully expanded the use of Special Operations death squads, dispatching them to seventy countries to assassinate political adversaries, destabilize independent governments and bolster client regimes.

The OC regime has spent tens of billions of dollars and succeeded in building a 350,000 man mercenary army in Afghanistan to defend US strategic interests, sustain its military bases and destroy the nationalist-Islamic opposition (‘Taliban’). OC hoped to cover Washington ’s retreat from the combat front. Despite the military build-up and in the face of a sharply deteriorating military situation in Afghanistan, the OC regime has been negotiating with political sectors of the ‘Taliban’, to dump the current client ruler, Karzai, and ‘reshuffle the regime to save the state’, hoping to pull-off a coalition-collaborator Islamist-military regime such as has been shoe-horned in place in Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen.

Vulnerability and Failures of the Obama-Clinton Legacy

The apparent and real empire-building successes of the Obama-Clinton regime are fraught with vulnerabilities and are based on fragile political and socio-economic foundations. Temporary tactical gains reveal strategic weaknesses and high military costs without commensurate imperial economic gains.

The Obama-Clinton counter-revolutionary offensive and its political military successes are driven by a military conception of empire building without a shred of economic thinking. It is not surprising that many of the key decision-makers promoting military-driven empire building are militarist ideologues and Zionist policy-makers, who specialize in utterly destroying adversaries (of Israel) and not in promoting or protecting US imperial oil, manufacturing and service interests.

A telegraphic point-by-point analysis and critique of the major policy interventions of the Obama-Clinton regime highlights strategic weaknesses and failures, even in areas that the empire-builders currently celebrate as ‘successes’.

While the OC regime succeeded in procuring close to fifteen billion US tax payer dollars in tribute payments to Israel, they failed to secure a neo-colonial settlement of the Israeli-Palestine conflict, even one based on conceding a truncated part of the West Bank composed of disconnected enclaves (‘Bantustans’). As a result of the total dominance of US Middle East policy by the Zionist power configuration (representing less than 1% of the US populace), the OC regime was repeatedly ‘humiliated’ by their Israeli overlords. The supremely confident, beefy Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu launched and flaunted massive new exclusive Jews-only colonial settlements on Palestinian land, despite near universal condemnation, knowing he could count on the veto power of Washington in the United Nations and its political leverage over EU allies and Arab clients.

Strategically, the OC regime’s deep links to the Zionist power configuration includes the appointment of Israel Firsters to top positions in the US foreign policy establishment. These appointments ensured that Israeli interests would continue to determine US policies in North Africa, the Middle East and the Gulf region. The Zionist appointees designated which political clients would be acceptable and which adversaries would be targeted for destruction. The OC regime’s biggest failure as US empire-builders was their inability to achieve independence from the Zionist incubus and accommodate the emergence ofnew socio-political forces as well as its failure to reap economic gains commensurate with its budget-busting military expenditures.

The successful imposition of new client regimes in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula ( Yemen ) is a short-term victory, based on force and the continuation of the authoritarian repressive state apparatus. The introduction of regressive neo-liberal policies will doom this short-term success. If the US ‘won’ the first round in the ‘Arab Spring’, its client rulers face a more radical social upheaval, one which goes beyond the earlier anti-dictatorial struggle and which explicitly targets the US, EU and the IMF. The new clients’ prospects of achieving stability via economic recovery are virtually non-existent. The full implementation of the OC-IMF agenda of ending popular food and fuel subsidies, increasing regressive taxation and wide spread privatizations will create a powder-key among the Arab masses. Under pressure from new waves of mass uprisings against brutal neo-liberal economic policies, the Arab clients’ US-mandated complicity with Israel may end.

The OC regime’s successful overthrow and assassination of President Gadhafi was accompanied by the utter destruction of the Libyan nationalist state, its economy and social fabric. The OC policy of total war has produced a miserable, lawless, chaotic society ‘headed’ by powerless expat neo-liberals at the top and run by local tribal chiefs, Islamist thugs and criminal gangs on the ground. They specialize in running guns, dispatching armed mercenaries abroad (especially to Syria ), trafficking in migrant workers, drugs and sex slavery. The oil industry enclave has partially recovered but few if any oil profits make it to the US .

Meanwhile, even US Embassy personnel (including the Ambassador) have been murdered and visiting US officials only travel in heavily armed conveys. Instead of a political victory, Washington has lost a potential oil partner for its own extractive industry. One might say the only real ‘beneficiary’ of the US-EU war to destroy Libya was Israel : Gadhafi had been a staunch ally and supporter of the Palestinian people. The invasion of Libya led to the massive displacement of armed ethnic communities, which has exacerbated conflicts in resource-rich sub-Sahara neo-colonies.

The Zionist power configuration, embedded in Congress, Treasury and inside the OC regime, has succeeded in imposing new and harsher economic sanctions on 75 million Iranians in support of Israel’s goal of ‘regime change’ in Teheran. However, the effect has been to strengthen the unity of the ethnically diverse Iranian population, especially when overt military threats, emanating from nuclear-armed Israel , are amplified by the White house and the Zionist-occupied US Congress.

Iran ’s peaceful nuclear program continues; oil and gas sales to China , Japan , India and Korea and Pakistan continue. A new billion-dollar gas pipeline agreement with Pakistan has been signed. Iran has replaced the US as the major foreign influence in Iraq .

In other words the Obama-Clinton diplomatic success (‘sanctions against Iran ’) have not enhanced US power nor achieved any strategic goals. Moreover Zionist-designed sanctions have had a negative effect on US energy prices and oil company profits. The OC regime’s policy toward Iran has ‘succeeded’ in maintaining Israel as the only nuclear power in the Middle East , a goal of Tel Aviv.

Obama and Clinton’s success in expanding outposts, missions, drone platforms and mercenary armies in Africa has been costly, politically destabilizing and has not prevented large-scale long-term Chinese economic penetration in the most lucrative resource sectors of the region. The US may have closer ties with African generals and dictators; its bankers come and go; but capital flight out of Africa accompanies inflows of US foreign aid. While the OC regime were building drone platforms, thousands of Chinese miners, investors, construction and transport companies were establishing an economic empire that over time will enhance China’s power, long after the US military empire has collapsed.

The OC regime claims ‘military victory’ in Iraq when, in fact, what we see is ‘defeat via retreat’ on the ground. The US has spent $2 trillion dollars in order to overthrow and execute the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The Bush and Obama-Clinton regimes have made absolute fools out of the entire executive branch of the US government by justifying the war on the basis of crudely manufactured intelligence (falsely claiming the existence of weapons of mass destruction) through a series of lies cooked up by Israeli-collaborators in the Pentagon, White House and New York Times (especially the infamous propagandist Judith Miller).

The end result is a failed state: savage ethnic-religious divisions, millions of dead, displaced and injured, daily terror bombings against a brutalized population, and a great leap backward in terms of Iraq’s economic, scientific and social development. In political terms, Iraq is now ruled by a thuggish Shia elite closely tied to Iran – which is the biggest beneficiary of the US invasion of Iraq and principal adversary of US empire building. The OC regime’s post-war Iraq is composed of an overwhelmingly hostile population, a divided and fragmented country pitting Arabs against Kurds, where the most qualified and educated have been driven out or assassinated and entire ancient Christian communities have been obliterated. The OC regime claims to ‘success in Iraq ’, in fact, show a weakening of the overall US presence in the Gulf region. Economically, Turkey has become Iraq ’s main trading partner with trade growing by double and triple digits each year.

In other words, the US invasion of Iraq destroyed an adversary of Israel , broke the US economy ($2 trillion and counting), increased the influence of Iran and handed Iraq ’s petro-dollar consumer market and lucrative reconstruction contracts over to Turkey . The Obama-Clinton regime’s claims of military victory ring hollow in the empty coffers of the US Treasury – where are the ‘spoils of this imperial war’? Most of the intellectual authors of the invasion of Iraq have departed from the US government and are now comfortably ensconced within Zionist think tanks (propaganda mills) in Washington or flaunt lucrative ‘consultant’ contracts in Wall Street and Tel Aviv. Meanwhile, the American taxpayers are left to struggle with an enormous war debt and to grieve the several hundred thousand American casualties – soldiers who lost their lives, limbs and minds – all for a blatant lie perpetrated at the behest of a foreign power, Israel .

The people of Afghanistan , Iraq , Libya and now Syria – serial victims of the US-EU military machines and their Islamist mercenaries – face an increasingly militarized Middle East, North Africa and South Asia , out of which new wars are already emerging, like pus from festering wounds. In Libya , the US and EU diplomats cringe in their bunkers and travel only in armed convoys, the consequences of their ‘humanitarian’ imperial-Islamist alliances.

As the US and EU supply arms to Islamist terrorists and murderous gangsters who plunder Syrian cities, decapitate captured government soldiers and execute civilian suspects (civilian government functionaries, such as school teachers), Syria ’s diverse secular society is on the brink of extinction. Islamist fanatics bristling with advanced weaponry bought by the Saudi monarch and Gulf petro-oligarchs capture sophisticated Syrian cities and impose medieval Sharia law on what was one of the region’s most diverse and sophisticated secular societies.

The large communities of Alawites, Orthodox and Syriac Christians, Kurds and educated secular Syrians face mass extermination or expulsion by Saudi-funded Wahhabi fanatics. The EU-US backed ‘secular’ clients (mostly ex-pat Syrians with US or UK passports) serve as propaganda cover for the armed Islamists thugs and mercenaries. Authoritarian Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, himself a ‘soft-core’ Islamist, provides bases, training, and logistical support for the Syrian invasion. Turkey has become the Islamist pivot for fundamentalist power taking over Syria and the Levant . Islamist terrorist violence is spilling over the border into Lebanon today, Jordan tomorrow and may eventually lead to multiple wars involving vulnerable Gulf clients.

Yes, the Obama-Clinton regime undermined an independent, secular, nationalist adversary in President Assad and by doing so they destroy an advocate of Palestinian self-determination, but the ultimate results will not favor US imperial military, economic or diplomatic interests. The OC regime’s wars have destroyed US commercial prospects for decades ahead; the victory of their mercenary Islamist ‘rebels’ is setting in motion a more virulent armed version of Al Qaeda with a territorial base and access to immense quantities of modern weapons in areas contiguous to US client regimes.

The OC regime claim to have discovered a low-cost (in terms of American blood) technique to project US military power: killing anti-imperial opponents by drone and Special Forces. According to the OC regime’s strategists the advantages of assassination by drone warfare is that it would not result in the death of US combat soldiers and the Special Forces, whose high-intensity, low visibility operations are ‘off-budget’ would not elicit any public or legislative scrutiny. But drones have become highly visible, even to the usually complacent and highly myopic US Congress and are routinely condemned even by client regimes in Pakistan and Afghanistan . The United Nations has publically condemned drones as civilian casualties have far exceeded the number of so-called ‘terrorist’ targets. Most experts agree that drone assassinations have vastly increased the number of opponents and facilitated the recruitment of resistance fighters. Drone warfare has increasingly isolated client regimes like Yemen that permit US drone attacks against its citizens. The strategy of foreign policy by ‘drone and death squad’ has not replaced the need for ground troops in the task of empire building. Once US troops do withdraw, its mercenary armies have proved incapable or unwilling to obey US advisors, trainers or Special Forces.

The clearest expression of the failed strategy is the rising number of defections from Afghan security forces and the killing of NATO and US officers by Afghan soldiers and officers – even those with the highest security clearance. This infiltration into the highest ranks of the Afghan military and police points clearly to the near-future demise of puppet Karzai regime. The various ministers in the Afghan client regime and their banker cronies know they have no chance of surviving a post-US withdrawal situation: they have multiple passports in hand and millions in stolen funds stashed in Gulf State bank accounts; their families are safely housed abroad; and their private planes are ready to take off at a moment’s notice. We may witness the panic scenes at the US Embassy, reminiscent of the last days in Saigon ( Viet Nam ), with local ‘small-fry’ collaborators clamoring to board the ‘last flights out’ before the advancing Taliban insurgents – if our jaded media even bother to cover the debacle. The current attempt by the US to strike a face-saving deal with the ‘political Taliban’ (under auspices of ‘our friends’, the Saudi autocrats) has infuriated our current puppet in Kabul , Hamid Karzai. As a result he is publically condemning Special Forces operations and their arbitrary killing and torture of villagers, as well as US drone attacks against Afghan civilians.

The OC regime’s overtures to the Taliban have so far failed because the sine quo non-condition of the Islamist nationalists is the total withdrawal of all US military and civilian occupation forces: in other words an unconditional collapse of US power in Afghanistan . The Taliban do not need to offer Obama a ‘face-saving’ formula allowing for a ‘residual’ US presence. As the withdrawal proceeds, more and more Afghan military officers will switch sides, dumping the losers and building bridges toward the new rulers. If the US decides to reverse course and retain ‘garrison bunkers’ in Afghanistan, they will face a continuing and deepening war of attrition under conditions of growing budgetary constraints and US electoral hostility.

Results and Perspectives: The Obama-Kerry-Hagel (OKH) Era

The Obama-Kerry-Hagel (OKH) regime has few imperial assets with which to confront the next four years of US empire building and has powerful constraints against devising strategic innovations or even tactical advances, capable of limiting US losses.

The most significant obstacle to any shift from costly and ineffective military-driven empire building to economic and diplomatic informed policies is the influence of the Zionist power configurations (ZPC) influence over the ‘troika’ (OKH) and the Congress. The new Israeli coalition regime is even more extreme and militarist, as indicated by the powerful presence of a radical settler-colonist party intent on violently annexing what remains of the Palestinian West Bank. The effective Israeli veto over US foreign policy in the Middle East is enforced by the Presidents of the Major America (sic) Jewish Organizations (representing over 50 powerful Zionist groups) that exclude any possibility that the Obama-Kerry-Hagel regime can even paste a tiny fig leaf ‘peace process’ onto Israel ’s accelerating seizure of Palestinian land. The OKH regime, under war-mongering ZPC tutelage, will never attempt any reasonable negotiations with Iran .

The OKH regime is openly committed to entering a war on Israel ’s behalf, if the Jewish state unilaterally decides to attack Teheran. Obama’s visit to Israel , and his obligatory ‘consultation’ with leading Jewish-Zionist leaders prior to the trip, was designed ‘to fix’ the White House agenda: US lock-step conformity with Netanyahu’s policy of provoking war against Iran and Israeli annexation of Palestinian lands. The Zionists have even dictated Obama’s own body language toward Netanyahu: no public spats, only smiles and handshakes, the lapdog US President agreed. If anything, the OKH regime will be even more servile to Israeli demands over the next four years because the Zionist occupied US Congress has given Israel a ‘free hand’ in deciding US foreign policy in the Middle East , including the timing of war and the substance of negotiations.

Obama’s newly appointed Secretary of State John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew are unconditional lifetime Zionists who can be expected to advance economic sanctions against Iran in hopes of strangling its economy and provoking a military confrontation.

Given Washington’s costly commitment to Israeli war plans and the constraints of US budget cuts, the new OKH regime will try to ‘coordinate’ policies with the other NATO powers, including sharing material resources and devising complementary strategies in counter-insurgency operations in sub-Sahara Africa, Islamist mercenary operations in Syria and managing ‘Muslim–neo-liberal’ regimes in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. Kerry’s visit to Europe was designed to strengthen inter-imperial efforts and especially to bolster French ‘Socialist’ President Hollande’s imperial war policies in Mali and Niger and the ‘Franco-Saudi’ efforts against Syria .

Under pressures from the puppet Syrian mercenary army invading Syria, British Prime Minister Cameron and French President Hollande, the OKH regime will step-up the flow of US arms in an attempt to forestall the advance of the Wahhabi Islamist terrorists who have effectively taken over regions of Syria with backing from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the other Gulf petro-dictatorships. The great fear in Washington is that its modern weapons will not just contribute to overthrowing the secular nationalist Assad regime but will put in power a new Al Qaeda-type regime on the borders of the most vulnerable client rulers in Jordan and Lebanon .

An Islamist fundamentalist Syria could serve as a ‘headquarters’ and trampoline for cross border attacks on US bases throughout the region. Israel will finally annex the strategic Syrian ‘Golan Heights’, which it has occupied since 1967, on the pretext of protecting itself from the Islamist it worked hard to put in power. The Kurds will try to seize regions of Northern Syria as part of ‘Greater Kurdistan’, to Ankara ’s consternation. Turkey will traffic its ‘gentler’ version of ‘Islamist nationalism’. Washington, London and Paris will be unable to enthrone their London-based ex-pat clients in Damascus … The OKH regime may have ousted the secular, nationalist President Assad but it will certainly reap the whirlwind of long-term bloody strife pitting regional powers, rival clients and Al Qaeda terrorists all intent on pillaging the war-ravaged Syria.

Faced with its dubious prospects in Syria, unable to secure a deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan and impotent to regain influence over Shi’a Iraq, the new OKH regime will make an effort to bolster the military-Islamist regimes in Egypt and Tunisia by co-opting sectors of the liberal secular opposition. This won’t be an easy task given the growing socio-political polarization. Washington’s prospects for consolidating a new set of client regimes will be severely tested by its support for brutal IMF demands on Morsi to eliminate popular food and fuel subsidies - a policy guaranteed to provoke large-scale rioting among impoverished Egyptians and even the threat of a mass national uprising, uniting secular leftists and poor Muslims. The key concern in Washington is that the ouster of its Islamist client Morsi might jeopardize Egypt ’s subservient deal with Israel to enforce the economic blockade of millions of Palestinians in Gaza and to accept the Jewish State’s seizure of more Palestinian land in the West Bank .

So far the OKH regime has relied on the combined repressive power of the intact Mubarak military, police and intelligence services to prop-up its client Morsi. But in a pinch, if he falls, the US may try to reshuffle the deck and seek a new set of ‘liberal’ political clients or impose an outright military dictatorship on the Egyptians.

In Obama’s never-ending pursuit on behalf of Israeli interests, his new Secretary of State John Kerry made a point of directly attacking Prime Minister Erdogan for equating Zionism with fascism as soon as he landed in Turkey .

While his ham-fisted tirade made little headway in achieving a Turkish-Israeli reconciliation, Obama convinced Erdogan to accept a pro-forma apology from Netanyahu. Erdogan now has to face the political reality that 90% of the Turkish people clearly oppose Israel ’s savage repression of the Palestinians. In the meantime, Turkish capital has been the main beneficiary of the US military-imposed ‘partition’ of Iraq .

Turkish traders and oil speculators dominate the market in Iraqi ‘ Kurdistan ’. The US may have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars in the invasion but the Turks have made many billions in profits from a war they did not support and immensely increased Turkey ’s regional influence. The OKH regime can do nothing about Turkey , an opponent of Washington ’s Iraq invasion, reaping huge profits from that $2 trillion-plus investment of US treasure and blood. The OKH regime may have secured Erdogan’s support for the violent overthrow of the Assad regime in Syria … but it will be for Turkey ’s own hegemonic interests. Erdogan’s interest in overthrowing the secular-nationalist Assad is based on his plans to establish a compliant client Islamist regime in Damascus and market to be dominated by Turkish business leaders and policy makers. Erdogan has taken a page from the Israeli playbook of manipulating the US military machine for its own regional interests and profit.

Washington will continue to rely on Saudi and Qatari financing of mercenary armies and Islamist terrorists to destabilize and invade anti-imperialist regimes but with the caveat that the battle-hardened mercenaries are also fanatics – profoundly hostile to the US and the EU.

Qatar’s billions of petro-dollars are like a venereal disease, ‘here, there and everywhere’, infecting a region through the funding and arming of Islamist terrorists in tandem with NATO missiles and bombs to destroy Gaddafi’s nationalist welfare state in Libya, savaging the independent secular government in Syria and providing billions of dollars to prop up the puppet Islamist regimes in Egypt and Tunisia (Financial Times, 3/19/2013, p.7). Qatar ’s autocratic monarchy enriches its extended royal family and the foreign imperial protectors – namely the US and UK , in exchange for buying and distributing weapons to Islamist mercenaries attacking independent nationalist regimes.

The OKH regime will retain the presence of its naval armada in the Gulf and its training missions and military bases in order to prop-up the decadent Gulf petro-monarcho-dictatorships. However, the entire Gulf-US complex could become the scene of a grisly military conflagaration if the extremist Israeli regime decides to launch a pre-emptive attack on Iran and provoke a generalized regional war. As it stands, the stability of the entire US-Gulf oil alliance rests on the whims of a ‘third party’ ( Israel ) and its Fifth Column embedded in the US Congress and Executive branch.


Obama’s second term depends on a precarious set of alliances, conditioned by the decisions of a fanatical ultra- militarist foreign power ( Israel ) and subject to a rising tide of mass pro-democracy movements in an arc extending from Tunisia , Egypt and Yemen over to Pakistan .

Moreover, many of the crucial outcomes are beyond the control of the US White House. The OKH regime does not control the mass movements in North Africa and the mercenary Islamists currently taking over Syria are sworn enemies of both Washington and Damascus . Washington may retain, within a shrinking budget and in concert with the EU, the power to brutally destroy independent regimes. However, in the process they rip the very fabric of complex societies and shatter their economies, thus undermining their own capacity to reap the economic spoils of imperial conquest. Indeed the main ‘booty’ extracted from Washington’s imperial wars has derived from the US Treasury, as rapacious contractors, corrupt politicians and US military officials pillage billions of US taxpayer dollars in ‘aid and reconstruction programs’ for themselves.

A 2011 report from the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan estimated that defense contractors had wasted or lost to fraud as much as $60 billion dollars – or $12 million a day since 2001 ( Financial Times, 3/19/2013, p. 4). The biggest military contractor ($39.5 billion dollars) is Kellogg, Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton – formerly run by George W. Bush’s Vice President Richard Cheney. Cheney was a co-architect of the Iraq war along with the Pentagon Zionists Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith. Corrupt war profiteers and Zionist Fifth Columnists (for Israel) teamed up to pillage the US Treasury for self-enrichment and to destroy Iraq, a key ally of Palestinian liberation and consolidate what Obama hails as Israel’s military supremacy in the Middle East.

The legacy of the Bush regime and Obama’s first term is one of pyrrhic military victories: an Iraq shredded by sectarian wars and the reversal of half a century of socio-economic, educational and scientific progress under a secular nationalist government. The OKH regime cannot undo the growing ties between Iraq and Iran . Nor can they reverse the growing commercial, gas and energy ties between Iran and Pakistan . The US has secured greater Israeli military links with NATO and the European Union, but a growing popular European and North American boycott against Israeli good and investments is taking its toll on the Jewish state. The Obama-Kerry-Hagel regime shows no sign of making even a partial break with costly policy of ‘military driven imperialism’ in the Middle East and North Africa . Moreover, it lacks economic resources to prop up its new clients in North Africa . While they scurry to fund the current brutal war against Syria , they will have to prepare for new wars against Lebanon and Iran . The OKH regime will have to rely on low-cost, high-risk, mercenary warfare in Syria . It will try to carve out defense perimeters around its political and petroleum enclaves in Libya . It will have to concede even greater economic and Islamist ideological influence to Turkey . Above all, it will need to appease the Jewish State’s annexation of the West Bank , under pressure from the ZPC!

The old RCA Victor Company marketed its Victorolas, ancient phonograph players with huge horn-like amplifiers, with the image of an attentive dog sitting before the machine in eager anticipation of ‘his master’s voice’. The recent trip by the Obama to Israel evokes such an image. Obama’s speech to Jewish students in Jerusalem included such ecstatic praise of everything Israeli or Jewish that he exceeded any propagandistic AIPAC press release, surpassed any fabrication by Netanyahu and embellished (almost to the point of caricature) every racist myth of Jewish superiority.

He lauded Israel as a ‘land of peace and democracy’ in the face of 45 years of brutal military rule and expropriation of 60% of the occupied Palestinian West Bank. He spoke of ‘negotiations without conditions’, a euphemism for giving Israel the green light to annex what remains of Palestinian land in the West Bank . He praised Israel ’s creativity and courage in founding the Jewish State, ignoring the violent ethnic cleansing and expulsion of over 850,000 Palestinian Arab Muslims and Christians. He spoke of Israeli technological genius, forgetting that Israel ’s main exports are weapons of massive destruction.

No US leader, past or present (or any other imperial ruler), has so faithfully echoed and embellished the lies of such a bloody colonial power and its US-based Fifth Column with greater fervor than Obama’s degrading effort to satisfy his Zionist handlers in Washington. His performance far exceeded their highest expectations of US servility. In style and substance he fulfilled and over-fulfilled their demands for unconditional US subordination to the Jewish state. In fact, one might suspect that in doing so he set a new standard for the boot-licking belly crawl so familiar to observers of US Congressional servants to Israel . Needless to say, the entire Zionist propaganda apparatus from neo-cons to liberals were ecstatic. Here was a Shabbat goy out-Zionizing the most fanatical Zionist.

The day Obama spoke in Jerusalem will be remembered as a day of shame for all Americans who believe in freedom and dignity and peace with social justice . To listen to the President of the United States grovel before a racist colonial power is degrading. It was also a day of anger for the five billion people of the world who have broken their chains of colonial racist oppression. Obama has made his choice: His administration will have to live with this for the next four years.

The OKH regime’s attempt to penetrate Africa via military missions and the promotion of Pan-African mercenary forces will require an accommodation of France ’s rising imperial militarism. It will have to acknowledge China ’s increasing economic supremacy in Africa ’s extractive sectors, infrastructure and trade. The OKH regime’s ‘pivot to Asia’ involving trans-Pacific free trade agreements excluding China, military bases encircling Beijing and encouraging Japan’s provocation over disputed territory has had no impact on China’s economic growth and burgeoning trade relations. China ’s trade with Asia now surpasses its trade with the US . The two way flow of investments into and out of China trump all the OKH regime’s offshore war mongering. The OKH regime’s Asian ‘pivot’ has failed to produce any imperial economic rewards for Washington ’s coffers. However, it has incited greater military tensions between Japan and China and between North and South Korea . This is occurring at a time when the Pentagon faces major budget cuts and US Treasury Secretary Lew is trying to drum up greater trade with China .

In sum, the past military commitments, the links to Israel , the legacies of political failures in Iraq and Afghanistan and the fragility of new client rulers mean that the OKH regime will play an increasingly marginal economic role in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia . The Obama-Kerry-Hagel troika will do their best to salvage the US military bases and political influence among autocratic petro-states in the Gulf.
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messages : 7134
Inscrit le : 14/08/2008
Localisation : Rabat Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 25 Mar 2013 - 6:36

@ Juba, merci pour l'article, une analyse froide et objective, dans des termes crus. J'espère que certains de nos membres se plairont à le lire et méditer son contenu study

Afrique, la malédiction se poursuit...
Citation :
Michel Djotodia, chef de la Seleka, a annoncé être le nouveau président de la République, ce dimanche 24 mars à Bangui et annoncé la mise en place d’un couvre-feu sur la capitale. Alors qu’elles étaient encore aux portes de Bangui samedi, les forces de la Seleka ont pris Bangui dans la journée. De nombreux pillages ont eu lieu et des combats ont opposé les forces de la Seleka avec, notamment, des soldats sud-africains.

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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
Médailles de mérite : Actualités internationales - Page 4 Unbena24Actualités internationales - Page 4 Cheval10
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 25 Mar 2013 - 18:38

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Octroi à l'opposition syrienne d'un siège à la Ligue arabe : Alger émet des réserves
La participation de l’opposition syrienne au sommet de la Ligue arabe, prévu mardi à Doha (Qatar), n’est toujours pas officielle. Réunis ce dimanche 24 mars au Qatar, les ministres arabes des Affaires étrangères n'ont pas annoncé de décision concernant cette participation. L’Algérie, par la voix de Mourad Medelci, a émis des réserves sur l’octroi d’un siège à l’opposition syrienne au sein de la Ligue arabe. L’Irak a également fait de même sur la question.
Selon le ministre algérien des Affaires étrangères, cette position « participe avant tout de la volonté de l'Algérie de respecter les lois, qui sont la référence en matière d'action arabe commune ». La position algérienne est également motivée par le fait que les contours de l'opposition syrienne ne sont pas « clairement définis », a-t-il ajouté, selon des propos rapportés par l’agence officielle APS. Pour Alger, offrir un siège à l’opposition syrienne n’est pas une question cruciale. La priorité, selon les Algériens, doit être donnée à la recherche d’une solution politique, en rassemblant les différentes parties autour de la table des négociations.
Pour l’Algérie, l’opposition syrienne manque de cohésion. Son chef, Ahmed Moaz Al Khatib, a d’ailleurs, à la surprise générale, annoncé ce dimanche sa démission. Il a accusé les pays qui soutiennent l'opposition « de tenter de contrôler la révolte syrienne ». M. Al Khatib ne cite aucun pays en particulier. Mais les regards se tournent naturellement vers des pays comme l’Arabie saoudite et le Qatar ou encore la France.
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Actualités internationales   Actualités internationales - Page 4 Icon_minitimeLun 25 Mar 2013 - 21:14

parmis les bigs contrat finalisé :

Citation :

Gazprom, CNPC sign memorandum on eastern route pipeline gas supplies to China (Part 2)

MOSCOW. March 22 (Interfax) - Gazprom (RTS: GAZP) CEO Alexei Miller and CNPC chief Zhou Jiping signed a memorandum in Moscow on Friday on the project to deliver Russian pipeline gas to China on the so-called eastern route, an Interfax correspondent reported.

The signing ceremony took place in the Kremlin in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The memorandum sets out the main parameters of the contract, clearing the way for an agreement on price.

The contract will be for 30 years, Gazprom said. "The document that was signed is strategic and long-term in nature, defines the parameters for deliveries of Russian gas to China on the eastern route and lays the groundwork for a 30-year gas delivery contract."

Plans are to sign the contract before the end of the year.

The Power of Siberia pipeline will link the Chayanda field in Yakutia to Vladivostok, where LNG capacity is to be built. There is already a pipeline from Sakhalin to Vladivostok with capacity to ship 6 billion cubic meters of gas a year, which will subsequently be upgraded to 30 bcm a year. Later the Power of Siberia pipeline will be extended to the Kovykta field in Irkutsk region.

Gazprom has been negotiating deliveries of Russian gas to China for almost 10 years. It initially planned to deliver gas to China on the western route: 30 bcm a year from Western Siberia on the Altai pipeline for delivery to China's west. But the demand for gas in that part of China was not as great as on its east coast; consequently, China had little desire to pay European-style prices for the gas.

Gazprom decided not to negotiate deliveries on the eastern route (38 bcm a year) until deliveries on the western route were decided. But it changed its position late last year after the final investment decision on development of the Chayanda gas condensate field was approved.


."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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