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 Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
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MessageSujet: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 6 Mar 2013 - 9:31

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Russia Vows to Keep Arms Deals With Caracas After Chavez Death

MOSCOW, March 6 (RIA Novosti) – Russia will continue military-technical cooperation with Venezuela regardless of who takes over power in the Latin American country after the death of its charismatic socialist leader Hugo Chavez, a Russian arms trade source said on Wednesday.

Chavez, 58, died on Tuesday following a two-year tough battle with cancer, leaving the country in a political turmoil.

“Whoever comes to power in Venezuela, our military-technical cooperation will continue because it is aimed primarily at safeguarding the national security of the country,” the source told RIA Novosti.

The official added that some defense contracts with Caracas include the construction of arms factories and servicing centers for military equipment, which helps the development of Venezuela’s economy in general.

“These areas, as a rule, are a priority for any government,” the source said.

Chavez had ambitious military plans, which he began implementing some time ago.

Between 2005 and 2007 Venezuela reached deals to buy $4-billion worth of arms from Russia, including Sukhoi fighter jets, combat helicopters, and over 100,000 light weapons, primarily the famous AK-103 assault rifles and a license to produce them in Venezuela.

Chavez's government also secured a $2.2-billion loan in 2010 to purchase a large batch of Russian weapons for its army, including 92 T-72M1M main battle tanks, about 240 BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles and BTR-80 armored personnel carriers, and a variety of artillery systems.

The source said that Russian and Venezuelan officials met in Caracas earlier this year and reaffirmed their mutual desire to expand cooperation in a variety of areas, including military-technical, oil exploration and transportation.

According to Russian experts, Venezuela is expected to become the world’s second largest buyer of Russian weaponry after India by 2015.

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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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General de Division
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 14 Mar 2013 - 10:55

Citation :
New Il-476 Cargo Plane Tests Stalled by Weather

MOSCOW, March 13 (RIA Novosti) - The first Defense Ministry test flights of the prototype Ilyushin Il-76MD-90A (also known as the Il-476) heavy-lift transport plane at a flight test center near Moscow were postponed indefinitely due to bad weather on Wednesday, the Ilyushin Aviation Complex press service said.

The first flight at the Zhukovsky flight test center was set for 12.00 Moscow time (08.00 GMT) on Wednesday, according to the Russian Defense Ministry’s program.

“The flight has been canceled due to the meteorological conditions. Everything was completely ready for the start of the tests but the flight had to be put off due to a heavy snowfall,” a company spokeswoman said.

The bad weather is expected to last another three days, so it is difficult to say when the first test flight will take place, she said.

The test program will consist of a series of 22 test flights, she said earlier in the day. After each flight, experts will collect and process data to make any improvements necessary to the aircraft.

The Il-476 is a significantly modernized variant of the Il-76 Candid transport plane, featuring a new wing, fully-digital flight control system, new cockpit with advanced digital displays and PS-90A-76 turbofans with improved fuel efficiency, Russian aerospace holding United Aircraft Corporation says.

The plane carried out its first prolonged test flight from the Aviastar plant in Ulyanovsk where it was built, in late January. That flight lasted four hours and 25 minutes at altitudes of up to 10,000 meters (33,000 feet).

Russia's Defense Ministry signed a contract last October for delivery of 39 Il-76MD-90As, to be built before 2018. UAC said on Tuesday it was in talks with the Defense Ministry on a contract for an unspecified number of Il-78 tanker aircraft, which are based on the Il-76MD-90A.

Aviastar hopes to build up to 100 Il-76MD-90As by 2020 for Russian state customers.

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 15 Mar 2013 - 12:34

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Russia to Acquire Standoff Attack Capability by 2020

MOSCOW, March 15 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian Armed Forces should be capable of conducting standoff engagement-based operations to minimize service casualties by 2020, thanks to the major reequipment drive currently underway, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Friday.

The Russian Armed Forces should be able of “reaching the enemy before he reaches us, and destroying him even before he starts thinking about destroying our servicemen,” Rogozin told a senior staff meeting at the Russian Federal Defense Contracts Service (Rosoboronzakaz).

Rogozin said it was very important to draw lessons from “the tragic events of August 2008, when our Armed Forces had to conduct a peace enforcement operation against an aggressor,” referring to the brief war that year between Russia and Georgia over Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

“It is necessary to ensure that in conducting such operations, which we are not guaranteed against [having to do], our servicemen, our soldiers and officers do not get killed,” he said.

The Russian Armed Forces suffered 67 fatalities in the five-day 2008 war with Georgia, according to Russian Defense Ministry statistics quoted in a report by the Center for Analysis, Strategy and Technologies, a Moscow-based think-tank. Of those, 48 were the result of enemy activity, it said.

That report also noted a fall in the capability of the Russian Air Force to provide tactical air power, and therefore a need for more deployment of tactical ballistic missile systems such as Tochka and Iskander.

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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 15 Mar 2013 - 16:05


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Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 15 Mar 2013 - 16:23

"Dead Hand" a.k.a Perimeter :

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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 15 Mar 2013 - 21:51

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Aviation embarquée: un polygone d'entraînement construit en Russie en 2013

L'analogue russe du polygone soviétique NITKA, destiné aux vols d'entraînement de l'aviation embarquée, sera mis en exploitation l'automne prochain, a fait savoir à RIA Novosti le directeur de l'Agence fédérale des Constructions spéciales (Spetsstroï) Grigori Naguinski.

"Les travaux de construction sur le site sont pratiquement achevés. Je crois que le polygone pourra accueillir les premiers essais d'avions en août ou en septembre prochain", a indiqué M.Naguinski.

Auparavant, l'ex-commandant en chef des forces navales russes Vladimir Vyssotski a déclaré que l'analogue russe du polygone NITKA serait construit avant 2020 dans la ville de Ieïsk dans le territoire de Krasnodar (sud).

Le polygone NITKA construit à l'époque de l'URSS, dont la piste d'envol et d'atterrissage reproduit celle d'un porte-avions, se trouve actuellement sur le territoire ukrainien, en Crimée (mer Noire).


."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 16 Mar 2013 - 23:16

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Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mar 2013 - 10:21

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Russia’s Mediterranean Task Force to Comprise 5-6 Warships – Navy Chief
MOSCOW, March 17 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian Navy will maintain 5-6 warships in the Mediterranean Sea as a task force to defend Russia’s interests in the area, Navy Commander Adm. Viktor Chirkov said on Sunday.

"Up to five-six warships must be present in the Mediterranean Sea on a permanent basis and control must be exercised through the command of the [Russian] Black Sea Fleet,” Chirkov said in an interview with the Zvezda TV network run by the Defense Ministry.

The Russian Navy’s Mediterranean task force will comprise frigates and cruisers, as well as support vessels, he said.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Monday a decision to deploy a permanent naval task force in the Mediterranean had been made.

“I believe that we have the capability to form and maintain such a task force,” Shoigu said, citing the success of recent large-scale naval drills carried out by the Russian navy in the Mediterranean and Black seas.

The exercises involved warships from the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea and Pacific fleets, strategic bombers and naval infantry.

Shoigu did not mention, however, a timeline for the deployment of the new task force, which would likely require significant effort to ensure efficient logistics and the proper maintenance of warships in the Mediterranean group.

The Soviet Union maintained its 5th Mediterranean Squadron in that sea from 1967 until 1992. It was formed to counter the US Navy 6th Fleet during the Cold War, and consisted of 30-50 warships and auxiliary vessels at different times.

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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mar 2013 - 11:45

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Vladivostok, Russian Navy future Mistral class LHD, specificities and characteristics

STX France shipyard in Saint Nazaire is currently assembling the bow and central sections of Vladivostok, the first Mistral class LHD amphibious vessel ordered by Russia. First cut of steel for this head unit took place at the Russia’s Baltic Shipyard United Shipbuilding Corporation (OCK) in St. Petersburg in August 2012. Construction of the warship began last year at the STX shipyard in St. Nazaire, after Russia signed a 1.2-billion euro deal with DCNS for two French-built Mistral vessels, which was signed in June 2011. The official keel laying ceremony took place at STX Shipyard in France in February 2013.

Based on the same Mistral class design as their French Navy sisterships, the Russian Navy amphibious vessels Vladivostok and Sevastopol will have their own specific differences in the following area:

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DCNS is supplying two BPC-type projection and command vessels to Russia under a contract that came into effect at the end of 2011.

Air wing:
Following a requirement from the Russian Navy, the air wing of the Russian landing ships is increased compared to the French Navy Mistrals. The Vladivostok is designed to accommodate 30 Ka-52K Alligator and Ka-29 helicopters instead of the originally planned 16 helicopters. This will increase the landing and overall power projection capacities of the ships.

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The Ka-52K is a navalised version of the ground-based Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopter operated by the Russian Air Force. It features foldable rotor and wings, new radar system and anti-ship missiles.
(Picture: Vitaly Kuzmin)

Ka-52K Alligator (NATO reporting name: Hokum B)
The Ka-52K is a navalized version of the land-based Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopter operated by the Russian Air Force. The special "navalized" version of the helicopter will be specially equipped to conduct attack missions against targets at sea and on the ground which requires different sensors and armaments than those used on the basic Ka-52 helicopter.The major difference will be the radar: A modified version of the Mig-35 fighter's Zhuk-A phased array radar is currently being developed to fit into the Ka-52K nose cone. This will be a major step forward compared to the base Ka-52 helicopter as the AESA radar Zhuk-A is among the most advanced radars to date in Russia. The radar is stated to provide a detection range of 130 km for a head on target with up to 30 targets tracked and 6 of those engaged at any one time.
Ka-52K will also feature folding rotor blades, folding wings and anti-corrosion treatment to fuselage and systems which are a necessity for any helicopter set to operate from a ship.
Another significant improvement for the Ka-52K over the Ka-52 is the reported possibility to launch Kh-31 (AS-17 'Krypton') and Kh-35 (AS-20 'Kayak') anti-ship missiles.

Link to Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter datasheet

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The Ka-29 is designed for assault and transport missions
(Picture: Vitaly Kuzmin)

Ka-29 (NATO reporting name: Helix B)
Ka-29 Helix, based on the Ka-27 ship-borne helicopter, was originally designed for the Soviet navy as a dedicated assault and transport helicopter. In transport configuration the Ka-29 can carry 16 equipped soldiers or 10 wounded including four stretchers (medical supplies and equipment included). 2000kg cargo may be carried internally or 4000kg externally. A winch may also be installed. Ka-29 helicopters can also provide fire support for the landing party. In a combat configuration the helicopter is fitted with a 9A622 Gatling type 7.62-mm machine gun, eight 9K114 Shturm (AT-6 Spiral) or 9M120 Ataka-V (AT-9 Spiral-2) anti-tank missiles, up to four 57-mm or 80-mm rockets pods and two GS-23L twin-barrel 23-mm gun pod.

As for Ka-52K, the Ka-29 rotors and wings may be folded for storage inside the Mistral class vessel's hangar.

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Project 11770 Serna class landing craft
(Picture: Vitaly Kuzmin)

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CNIM's L-CAT / EDA-R landing catamaran pictured here as used by the French Navy during Bold Alligator amphibious exercise
(Picture: US Navy)

Landing crafts:
If the Russian Navy selects Russian made landing craft for their Mistrals, they will likely be project 11770 Serna or project 21280 Dyugon, those being the latest landing craft projects in Russia.
Project 11770 Serna has a displacement of 99.7 tons and maximum speed of 30 knots. It can transport one main battle tank or two armored personnel carriers or 92 soldiers.
The larger Dyugon (Project 21280) has a displacement of 280 tons and maximum speed of 35 knots. Dyugon can carry three main battle tanks or five armored personnel carriers. Dyugon may have to be slightly modified as its mast appears to be too tall to be able to fit inside a Mistral class vessel’s well-deck.

However, according to some reports, Russian Navy may be procuring French made L-CAT landing catamaran instead. Designed to land troops and military vehicles from an over-the-horizon amphibious vessel (30 nautical miles/55 km), the L-CAT has a payload of 80 tons with a maximum speed of 30 knots. Its doors at the front and rear simplify the loading and unloading of vehicles.

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Gibka 3M-47 naval turret mount, air defense missile system
(Image renderring: DCNS)

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At the bow, starboard side of Vladivostok, the following weapon systems are expected to be fitted:
1- AK-630M CIWS
2- DP-65, 55 mm antisaboteur grenade launcher
3- 14,5mm KPVT heavy machine gun on an MTPU mount
(Image renderring: DCNS)

Vladivostok type Mistrals are set to receive a fully Russian weapons fit.
Self protection against air threats will be fulfilled by two Gibka 3M-47 air defense missile system: One located the bow, port side and another system located at the stern, starboard side.
Two AK-630M CIWS are set to be fitted (bow, starboard side and stern, port side) for close range protection against air and surface threats.
Some 14,5mm heavy machine guns are planned to be installed on Vladivostok for protection against close range asymmetrical threats.
Four DP-65 antisaboteur grenade launchers will be fitted on each side of the vessels. It is designed for protection of ships against attacks of underwater combat swimmers at external roadstead open anchor stops and bases. The system ensures single-shot and salvo fire with rocket grenades RG-55M and RGS-55.

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Vladivostok_LHD_BPC_Russian_Navy_BowArmée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Mistral_Tonnerre_BPC_LHD_French_Navy_Bow
Russian Navy's future Vladivostok LHD compared with French Navy's Tonnerre LHD
(Picture left: DCNS; picture right: French Navy)

Other notable modifications include increased hangar height to accomodate the Kamov helicopters, modified bridge structure, reinforced hull to operate in Arctic zones, specific warming devices on deck, a door that completly closes the well-deck (on French Mistrals, the well-deck door doesn't reach the top of the well-deck, leaving an opening) and several russian specific systems (note the several radomes placed at different locations in the image above).

With a length of 199 metres, a displacement of 22,000 tonnes and a speed in excess of 18 knots, the Mistral class LHD offers a global projection capability for troops and materiel, including heavy helicopters and landing craft, as well as ample capacity as a hospital or evacuation vessel for large- scale humanitarian missions. The design also features electric propulsion using azimuth pods and high-level automation compatible with a complement of just 170, while a high-performance communications suite makes the type ideal for the naval force command vessel role.

The first two ships of this type, Mistral and Tonnerre, were built by DCNS and STX France and delivered to the French Navy in 2006 and 2007 respectively. France's third LHD of the type, Dixmude, ordered by the French defence procurement agency in 2009, was delivered by DCNS and STX France on 3 January 2012, three months ahead of the contract schedule.

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Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mar 2013 - 17:31

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Russia Goes Ahead with 5G Submarine Project

MOSCOW, March 18 (RIA Novosti) - Work is in progress on the newest fifth-generation nuclear-powered and diesel submarines at Russia's Rubin Central Design Bureau, Rubin head Igor Vilnit said on Monday.

The Russian Navy currently relies on third-generation submarines with fourth-generation subs of the Yury Dolgoruky (Project 955 Borey) and St. Petersburg (Project 677 Lada) class just beginning to be adopted for service.

In addition to Rubin, Defense Ministry research centers and the Navy Institute, as well as Rubin’s partners and contractors, are currently working to develop a basic design of the fifth-generation submarine.

The new submarine will have a service life of about 50 years, he said.

The fifth generation will be distinguished by its lowered noise, automated control systems, reactor safety, and long-range weapons.

The Defense Ministry previously said Russia is planning to develop its fifth-generation submarine by 2020 under a 2011-2020 arms procurement program, to be armed with both ballistic and cruise missiles.


."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mar 2013 - 18:01

4k51 Rubezh Twisted Evil

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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 19 Mar 2013 - 13:15

Citation :
Russia to install missile systems on 3 frigates

March 18, 2013 - 16:02 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - Russia will install Kalibr (SS-N-27 Sizzler) missile systems on three of its Project 11356 frigates, the Baltic shipbuilding plant said on Monday, March 18, according to RIA Novosti.
The plant, affiliated with the United Shipbuilding Corporation, will manufacture the missile systems for the Yantar shipyard before the end of 2014.
“Under an existing contract, the Baltic plant will install Kalibr systems on the first troika of frigates,” the plant said, adding that the next three frigates are also expected to be equipped with Kalibr missiles.
The Kalibr is capable of effectively engaging aerial, submerged and coastal targets, and has a range of up to 185 miles.
The Project 11356 Krivak IV-class is a guided-missile frigate designed to counter surface ships,

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 19 Mar 2013 - 18:16

Citation :
The Kalibr is capable of effectively engaging aerial

scratch le journaliste s'est trompé ou c'est moi ?

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 19 Mar 2013 - 19:43

trompé,pas d´aerial targets

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Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mar 2013 - 8:04


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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية

Dernière édition par yassine1985 le Mer 20 Mar 2013 - 12:22, édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mar 2013 - 10:04

Citation :
Russia to Modernize Akula Class Attack Submarines

MOSCOW, March 20 (RIA Novosti) – Russia will modernize its fleet of the third-generation Project 971 (Akula class) nuclear-powered attack submarines, Vladimir Dorofeyev, head of the Malakhit Design Bureau, said.
“The Defense Ministry has decided to overhaul all third-generation attack submarines,” Dorofeyev said on Tuesday in an interview with RIA Novosti.
“The first Project 971 submarine is already being upgraded at the Zvezdochka shipyard [in northern Russia],” he said without specifying the name of the vessel and the total number of submarines to be overhauled.
According to Dorofeyev, the overhaul of the first Akula class submarine must be completed in two years, and it will rejoin the Russian Navy after sea trials.
The upgraded vessels will feature better “stealth” capabilities and improved electronics, the official said.
Together with Project 885 Yasen (Graney) class nuclear-powered vessels they will constitute the core of the Russian fleet of nuclear attack submarines.
The third-generation Project 971 submarine was developed by the Malakhit Design Bureau in the 1970s-80s as an alternative to costly titanium-hull Sierra class vessels.
A total of 15 submarines were built from 1984 to 2001 at the Amur shipyard in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and at the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk. It is not known how many of them are still in service, but one of the subs, the Nerpa, has been leased to India for 10 years under the name INS Chakra.
Akula class submarines feature very low acoustic signatures and can carry up to 12 submarine-launched cruise missiles with nuclear warheads and a range of 3,000 km (1,860 miles) in addition to anti-ship missiles and torpedoes.

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Star3
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 20 Mar 2013 - 15:14


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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 11:10

Take off :

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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 16:57

Citation :
Russia Denies Plans to Abandon Syrian Resupply Base

MOSCOW, March 21 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian Defense Ministry denied on Thursday media reports speculating that Russia will relocate its resupply base in the Syrian port of Tartus to Beirut due to the escalation of the Syrian conflict.

“The reports that Russian warships … will use Beirut rather than the Syrian port of Tartus as a resupply point are nothing but pure speculation,” the ministry said in a statement.

The ministry confirmed that a Baltic Fleet unit, consisting of the Yaroslav Mudry frigate and the large amphibious assault ships Kaliningrad and Alexander Shabalin, made a port call in the Lebanese capital of Beirut recently.

“But to link this event with a plan to abandon the Tartus base is incorrect, to say the least,” the statement said.

The Russian Navy maintains a small Soviet-era resupply base in Tartus on Syria's Mediterranean coast.

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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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Médailles de mérite : Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Unbena20Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Unbena22
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 21:48

selon infos deutsch les russes discutent d´une base navale en chypre,pour payer le credit(+acces au gaz offshore)

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messages : 25200
Inscrit le : 31/03/2008
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 22:09

Cette histoire de crédit va foutre la merde dans le coin! Les turcs ne veulent pas entendre parler d'exploration/exploitation dans les eau de Chypre! Les Russes lâchent Tartous pour Limassol, voila une occasion inespéré pour eux de se sortir du piège Syrien Laughing

Sois généreux avec nous, Ô toi Dieu et donne nous la Victoire

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Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 22:12

en tout cas bad news pour Ankara si ca aboutit,ca va changer l´equilibre la bas

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messages : 25200
Inscrit le : 31/03/2008
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Mar 2013 - 22:18

On va voir leur super puissance à l'oeuvre! Maintenant que tout le monde leur dit "merde" à la gueule Laughing

Sois généreux avec nous, Ô toi Dieu et donne nous la Victoire

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