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 Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Unbena24Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Unbena25
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MessageSujet: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMer 6 Mar 2013 - 9:31

Rappel du premier message :

Citation :
Russia Vows to Keep Arms Deals With Caracas After Chavez Death

MOSCOW, March 6 (RIA Novosti) – Russia will continue military-technical cooperation with Venezuela regardless of who takes over power in the Latin American country after the death of its charismatic socialist leader Hugo Chavez, a Russian arms trade source said on Wednesday.

Chavez, 58, died on Tuesday following a two-year tough battle with cancer, leaving the country in a political turmoil.

“Whoever comes to power in Venezuela, our military-technical cooperation will continue because it is aimed primarily at safeguarding the national security of the country,” the source told RIA Novosti.

The official added that some defense contracts with Caracas include the construction of arms factories and servicing centers for military equipment, which helps the development of Venezuela’s economy in general.

“These areas, as a rule, are a priority for any government,” the source said.

Chavez had ambitious military plans, which he began implementing some time ago.

Between 2005 and 2007 Venezuela reached deals to buy $4-billion worth of arms from Russia, including Sukhoi fighter jets, combat helicopters, and over 100,000 light weapons, primarily the famous AK-103 assault rifles and a license to produce them in Venezuela.

Chavez's government also secured a $2.2-billion loan in 2010 to purchase a large batch of Russian weapons for its army, including 92 T-72M1M main battle tanks, about 240 BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles and BTR-80 armored personnel carriers, and a variety of artillery systems.

The source said that Russian and Venezuelan officials met in Caracas earlier this year and reaffirmed their mutual desire to expand cooperation in a variety of areas, including military-technical, oil exploration and transportation.

According to Russian experts, Venezuela is expected to become the world’s second largest buyer of Russian weaponry after India by 2015.

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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3370
Inscrit le : 11/02/2008
Localisation : far-maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 2 Sep 2013 - 17:40

a écrit:

The most maneuverable MiG-29 performing cobra maneuver

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40443
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMar 3 Sep 2013 - 21:39

Citation :
La Russie achètera pour 500 mds EUR d'armements d'ici 2020  

17:31 03/09/2013

CHISINAU, 3 septembre - RIA Novosti

 Moscou débloquera 500 milliards d'euros pour l'achat d'armements d'ici 2020, a annoncé mardi le vice-premier ministre et président de la commission gouvernementale russe pour l'industrie de la défense Dmitri Rogozine, en visite à Chisinau.

Comme la région Asie-Pacifique est prioritaire pour la Russie au XXIe siècle, elle doit "investir sans tarder dans le développement de l'Est du pays. Nous y transférerons des entreprises aéronautiques et de production de missiles. Nous débloquerons 500 milliards d'euros rien que pour l'achat d'armements et 100 milliards de dollars pour la modernisation des usines dans le cadre du rééquipement des forces armées russes", a indiqué M.Rogozine qui participe à une conférence consacrée à l'intégration européenne de la Moldavie.

Commentant l'intention de Chisinau de signer un accord d'association avec l'UE, M.Rogozine, représentant spécial du président russe pour la Transnistrie (république autoproclamée sur le territoire moldave), a déclaré que la Russie n'avait pas l'intention de rivaliser avec l'Union européenne pour l'influence sur la Moldavie.

Selon lui, Moscou promeut sa coopération avec l'UE, mais elle accorde aussi une grande attention à la région Asie-Pacifique. "Ce sont la Chine, l'Inde, les deux Corée. L'UE est loin d'être le thème principal de l'ordre du jour mondial. Nous investissons nos fonds et intensifions nos rapports avec les pays de la région Asie-Pacifique et nous continuerons de le faire", a noté M.Rogozine.
Citation :
Tirs en Méditerranée: les Troupes aérospatiales russes en alerte renforcée

  21:17 03/09/2013

MOSCOU, 3 septembre - RIA Novosti

La Russie a mis mardi le poste de commandement central de l'Etat-major général et le Centre de contrôle des Troupes aérospatiales russes en état d'alerte renforcée suite aux tirs de missiles en Méditerranée, a annoncé mardi à Moscou le vice-ministre russe de la Défense Anatoli Antonov.

Le Système russe d'alerte aux missiles s'est montré efficace ce mardi en enregistrant le tir de deux engins balistiques en Méditerranée, selon lui. La Russie est prête "à toute action par toutes circonstances" grâce à une récente modernisation du système, a conclu M.Antonov.

Le radar russe d'Armavir a détecté le tir de deux missiles à 10h16 heure de Moscou (06h16 UTC). Le ministre russe de la Défense Sergueï Choïgou en a informé le président russe Vladimir Poutine. Il s'est avéré plus tard qu'il s'agissait d'un test israélo-américain du système de défense antimissile.  
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMer 4 Sep 2013 - 10:23

Citation :
Over 80 Russian Warships on Sea Duty Across World – Commander

ST. PETERSBURG, September 2 (RIA Novosti) – More than 80 Russian naval warships and support vessels are currently at sea at combat readiness, Navy chief Admiral Viktor Chirkov said Monday.

The intensity and duration of the voyages undertaken by the navy's vessels have increased considerably in recent years, and there has been an expansion in their geographical scope, he said.

A naval task force comprised of the guided missile cruiser Moskva, the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Kulakov, the tug boat Yevgeny Khorov and tanker Ivan Bubnov are currently in the western Atlantic, he said, adding they have made unofficial visits to Cuba and Venezuela.

A Pacific task force, including the guided missile cruiser Varyag, the tanker Boris Butoma and the tug SB-522, is en route to the southwestern Pacific, the admiral said.

Long-range naval missions help improve confidence building measures and expand collaboration with foreign navies, he said.

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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
Médailles de mérite : Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Unbena24Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Cheval10
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeVen 6 Sep 2013 - 1:08

Citation :
Russian Defense Ministry Orders $90M Tanker

MOSCOW, September 4 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian Defense Ministry has announced a tender for the delivery of a fuel tanker with a maximum contract price of 3.08 billion rubles ($90 million).
The Project 23130 medium-sized tanker will be designed to store and transport fuel as well as dry cargo, and provide support to surface ships and submarines in peace time and in wartime, the Defense Ministry’s procurements arm said in a press release.
The tanker should be 130 meters long, 21 meters wide and have a displacement of 14,000 tons. It should have a range of no less than 8,000 nautical miles, a cruising capacity of 60 days before refueling and be operable by a crew of 24.
The tanker is to be delivered before October 2016. Bids will be accepted by September 24.
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeVen 6 Sep 2013 - 14:43

Le Kuz'
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40443
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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Genelkurmay Başkanı
Genelkurmay Başkanı

messages : 6351
Inscrit le : 13/07/2009
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Turco-Francais
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeSam 7 Sep 2013 - 13:33

Traversent le Bosphore vers la Méditerranée hier (06 septembre) :

127 Minsk :

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 126

142 Novocharkassk :

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SSV-201 Priazove :

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Site perso :
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeSam 7 Sep 2013 - 14:26

Citation :
Russia Puts Submarine Trials on Hold After Bulava Failure

MOSCOW, September 7 (RIA Novosti) – Russia has put trials of two nuclear subs on hold following an unsuccessful launch of a Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) on Friday, a Russian defense ministry spokesman said on Saturday.

“The day before, a Bulava SLBM was fired toward the Kura test site in Kamchatka [in Far East] during state trials of the Alexander Nevsky nuclear-powered submarine in the White Sea,” the spokesman told journalists, adding that the rocket experienced a malfunction in one of its systems on the second minute of the flight.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered to halt state trials of the Borey-class Alexander Nevsky and the Vladimir Monomakh submarines, designed to carry Bulava, and to hold five additional launches of the troubled SLBM, the spokesman said.

A state commission led by the Russian Navy Commander Adm. Viktor Chirkov will investigate the reason for the unsuccessful launch.

The Alexander Nevsky submarine was expected to be handed over to the Navy on November 15, while the other Borey-class sub, the Vladimir Monomakh, will join the fleet in mid-December, Russia’s Sevmash shipyard chief Mikhail Budnichenko said in early July.

However, the commissioning of both of those submarines depends on the success of the Bulava test launch. The spokesman did not elaborate on how the failure would affect the schedule.

© RIA Novosti.

Timeline of Bulava missile launches

The three-stage Bulava carries up to 10 MIRV warheads, has a range of over 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles) and is designed for deployment on Borey-class nuclear submarines.

With Friday’s failure, eight of 19 or 20 test launches of the troubled Bulava have been officially declared unsuccessful. However, some analysts suggest that in reality the number of failures is considerably higher.

Despite several previous failures officially blamed on manufacturing faults, the Russian military has insisted that there is no alternative to the Bulava.

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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 9 Sep 2013 - 10:56

BPC Vladivostok - 08/09/13
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40443
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 9 Sep 2013 - 15:16

Citation :
Russie: l'armée va tester de nouvelles roquettes thermobariques  

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 1a91
Lance-flamme lourd TOS-1A "Bouratino"   © RIA Novosti. Artiom Zhitenev

12:26 09/09/2013

MOSCOU, 9 septembre - RIA Novosti

L'armée russe procèdera prochainement aux tirs d'essai d'une nouvelle roquette thermobarique destinée au lance-flammes lourd TOS-1A "Bouratino", annonce lundi le service de presse du District militaire du Sud dans un communiqué.

"Lors des exercices qui se dérouleront prochainement sur le polygone de Prouboï dans la région de Volgograd, les troupes procèderont aux essais de nouvelles roquettes thermobariques tirées par le lance-flamme lourd  TOS-1A", indique le communiqué.
Selon les militaires, la nouvelle roquette possède une portée de près de six kilomètres et sa puissance de destruction a été augmentée de 20% par rapport à la roquette existante.

Par ailleurs, l'armée procèdera également à des tirs sur le nouveau lance-flammes à roquette Smel-M.

Les exercices devraient impliquer plus de 1.000 militaires et plus de 120 véhicules, selon le communiqué.  
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMar 10 Sep 2013 - 10:36

Citation :
Aleksandr Nevsky N-powered submarine returns to Severodvinsk after tests in White Sea

Another stage of testing a nuclear powered submarine of the new generation The Aleksandr Nevsky is over, press service of the Sevmash defense shipyard, which built the nuclear-powered ship, said on Monday.

During a week in the White Sea the submarine’s all systems and weapons were being tested.

“The objectives the ship had were completed successfully,” Sevmash’s Acting CEO Sergei Marichev said. “We have completed tests of the military hardware. Everything was done normally. The crew fulfilled all the time norms for giving and implementation of fighting management.”

“On Friday, the strategic nuclear powered submarine Aleksandr Nevsky fired a Bulava inter-continental missile from the White Sea at the Kura test range in the Kamchatka Peninsula. The missile left the launch container normally, but its onboard system failed during the second minute in flight,” a Defense Ministry spokesman told the media on Saturday.

According to the official Shoigu made a decision to suspend the certification tests of The Aleksandr Nevsky and The Vladimir Monomakh submarines and to make five extra launches of the Bulava missile in order to verify its technical parameters.

“A commission under the Russian Navy’s Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Vladimir Chirkov, is looking into the causes of the Bulava missile’s failed launch,” the Defense Ministry’s spokesman has said.

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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMer 11 Sep 2013 - 1:36

Citation :
An active phase of the Combat Commonwealth 2013 air defense exercise, involving units from a joint air defense system of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), is being held at Russia’s Ashuluk firing range near the Caspian Sea on September 6 to 11.

The Combat Commonwealth is a biennial exercise, which this year involves air defense units from Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Russia is represented at the exercise by 500 servicemen and some 100 pieces of military hardware.

Some 20 units from a joint air defense system of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) have been placed on high alert for the duration of the Combat Commonwealth 2013 drills.
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Sep 2013 - 12:27

Combat Commonwealth 2013 air defense exercise

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Sep 2013 - 14:13

Citation :
Russia to arm warships with Pantsir Air Defense System

The system is designed to take on a variety of targets flying at low level, including cruise missiles and aircraft, and can effectively engage targets at up to 20 kilometers.

A naval variant of the Pantsir short-range air defense system will enter service with the Russian Navy in about two years, one of the system’s developers said Wednesday.

“The Defense Ministry showed great interest in the naval variant of the Pantsir. It has been decided that several destroyers and other large warships will be modernized to accommodate the system,” said Dmitry Konoplev, managing director of the KBP Instrument Design Bureau. “I think that it will be done in the near future, in the next year or two,” Konoplev said.

The ground version of the Pantsir is a combined gun-missile air defense system featuring a wheeled vehicle mounting a fire-control radar and electro-optical sensor, two 30-mm cannons and up to a dozen 57E6 radio-command-guided short-range missiles.

The system is designed to take on a variety of targets flying at low level, including cruise missiles and aircraft, and can effectively engage targets at up to 20 kilometers.

A maneuverable track-bearing variant is currently being developed by Russia’s High Precision Weapons corporation, to be put in service with the Russian Ground Forces and Airborne Troops in the near future.

Meanwhile, the High Precision Weapons corporation has started work on the development of a next-generation Pantsir system, expected to be completed in 2017.

“I think we will see a completely new Pantsir in about three years. Its technical characteristics will be absolutely superior to those that the existing system has,” the company’s general director, Alexander Denisov, told RIA Novosti.


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messages : 2735
Inscrit le : 09/12/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Sep 2013 - 20:16

la frégate Russe du futur aura une structure modulaire.
une sorte de LCS Russe Question 
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeVen 13 Sep 2013 - 1:16

Citation :
Russia puts submarine trials on hold after Bulava failure

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Bulava_ill

Trials of Russia’s two newest nuclear-powered submarines are put on hold following an unsuccessful launch of a Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) on Friday.

A Bulava SLBM was fired toward the Kura test site in Kamchatka during state trials of the “Alexander Nevsky” nuclear-powered submarine in the White Sea on Friday. This was the first time the submarine launched a missile. On the second minute of the flight the rocket experienced a malfunction in one of its systems and fell down somewhere in the Arctic Ocean, RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in the Ministry of Defense.
Test launches of the Bulava have been experiencing significant problems. Of the 19 or 20 test launches that have been done since 2004 eight have been officially declared unsuccessful. However, some analysts suggest that in reality the number of failures is considerably higher. A commission led by the Russian Navy’s commander-in-chief, Admiral Vladimir Chirkov, is looking into the causes of the latest failed launch.
The day after the failed launch, Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu ordered to halt state trials of the Borey-class “Alexander Nevsky” and “Vladimir Monomakh” submarines, designed to carry Bulava, and to hold five additional launches of the troubled SLBM.
The next five test launches will be conducted from the world’s largest nuclear-powered submarine, the nearly forty years old Typhoon class “Dmitry Donskoy”, Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes. The submarine has been rebuilt as a test platform for the Bulava missile and was the only vessel testing the missile system from 2004 until the first-built Borey-class submarine “Yury Dolgoruky” launched its first missile in June 2011.
The “Alexander Nevsky” submarine was expected to be handed over to the Navy on November 15, while the other Borey-class sub, the “Vladimir Monomakh”, was planned to join the fleet in mid-December. However, the commissioning of both of those submarines depends on the success of the Bulava test launch, and it is now uncertain when the vessels will be taken into service.
Sevmash Shipyard, where the submarines have been constructed, does not mention anything about the failed missile launch on its web site. According to the shipyard “Aleksander Nevsky” has returned to the yard after “successfully completing all assigned tasks and fully meeting all standards”.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeVen 13 Sep 2013 - 11:12

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Almaz-Antey plans to start delivery of S-350E Vityaz air defense system to Russian army in 2016

Russia’s Almaz-Antey defense corporation is planning to start deliveries of its newest S-350E Vityaz mid-range air defense system to the Russian army in 2016, the company said Wednesday, September 11, 2013. The Vityaz, which is expected to replace the outdated S-300 systems, was showcased for the first time during the recent MAKS-2013 airshow near Moscow.
Thursday, September 12, 2013 08:02 PM

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeSam 14 Sep 2013 - 18:05

Citation :
400 Russes attendus à Saint-Nazaire au printemps

Lu dans nos éditions des Pays de Loire ce matin, cet article de ma consoeur Claire Dubois sur la poursuite du programme de construction des deux BPC pour la Russie:

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 1a195

Les marins russes attendus à Saint-Nazaire seront formés par DCI, comme précédemment annoncé. La société française, spécialisée dans la formation des militaires étrangers, dispensera une partie de la formation à Saint-Petersbourg et l'autre à Saint-Nazaire.  
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 16 Sep 2013 - 0:16

Citation :
Russia to Arm Warships With Pantsir Air Defense System

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 183063869

MOSCOW, September 11 (RIA Novosti) – A naval variant of the Pantsir short-range air defense system will enter service with the Russian Navy in about two years, one of the system’s developers said Wednesday.
“The Defense Ministry showed great interest in the naval variant of the Pantsir. It has been decided that several destroyers and other large warships will be modernized to accommodate the system,” said Dmitry Konoplev, managing director of the KBP Instrument Design Bureau.
“I think that it will be done in the near future, in the next year or two,” Konoplev said.
The ground version of the Pantsir is a combined gun-missile air defense system featuring a wheeled vehicle mounting a fire-control radar and electro-optical sensor, two 30-mm cannons and up to a dozen 57E6 radio-command-guided short-range missiles.
The system is designed to take on a variety of targets flying at low level, including cruise missiles and aircraft, and can effectively engage targets at up to 20 kilometers.
A maneuverable track-bearing variant is currently being developed by Russia’s High Precision Weapons corporation, to be put in service with the Russian Ground Forces and Airborne Troops in the near future.
Meanwhile, the High Precision Weapons corporation has started work on the development of a next-generation Pantsir system, expected to be completed in 2017.
“I think we will see a completely new Pantsir in about three years. Its technical characteristics will be absolutely superior to those that the existing system has,” the company’s general director, Alexander Denisov, told RIA Novosti.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 16 Sep 2013 - 8:40

Balade arctique avec le groupe de Peter le grand et 4 nuc-icebreaker:

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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeLun 16 Sep 2013 - 15:17

Citation :
Méditerranée: la Russie envoie un 11e navire  

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 N11
Grand bâtiment de débarquement Iamal (Archive)  © RIA Novosti. Alexey Kudenko
11:51 16/09/2013

MOSCOU, 16 septembre - RIA Novosti  

La Marine russe enverra un 11e navire en Méditerranée fin septembre, il s'agira du grand bâtiment de débarquement Iamal, a annoncé lundi à RIA Novosti le capitaine de vaisseau Viatcheslav Troukhatchev, porte-parole de la Flotte russe de la mer Noire.

"L'équipage du grand navire de débarquement Iamal de la Flotte russe de la mer Noire est en train de terminer les préparatifs pour partir en Méditerranée. Le navire devrait quitter Sébastopol fin septembre", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'Agence.

"Dans le cadre des préparatifs, le navire a fait plusieurs sorties en mer et effectué des exercices de tir sur des cibles aériennes et maritimes", a-t-il ajouté.

Le groupe naval russe en Méditerranée comprend actuellement des bâtiments des Flottes de la mer Noire, de la Baltique et du Pacifique - les grands navires de débarquement Peresvet, Admiral Nevelskoï, Minsk, Novotcherkassk, Alexandre Chabaline, le grand navire de lutte anti-sous-marine Admiral Panteleïev et le patrouilleur Neoustrachimy. Le renouvellement du groupe est effectué régulièrement depuis décembre 2012.

Le croiseur lance-missiles russe Moskva  et les navires Smetlivy et Nikolaï Filtchenkov. devraient arriver dans la partie orientale de la Méditerranée le 17 septembre.

Avec l'arrivé du grand navire de débarquement Iamal, le groupe naval russe en Méditerranée comprendra 11 navires.
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."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeMer 18 Sep 2013 - 16:06

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeVen 20 Sep 2013 - 16:06

Citation :
Russia’s Troubled Bulava Missiles Returned to Maker – Official

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 170540160

MOSCOW, September 16 (RIA Novosti) – All Bulava missiles from the same batch as the one that failed on September 6 will undergo additional tests by their manufacturer, a senior defense industry official told RIA Novosti Monday.
Oleg Bochkarev, deputy head of the government’s Military-Industrial Commission, said the extent of the examination will be determined after the cause of the Sept. 6 launch failure has been identified.
The tests will be carried out by the Votkinsk plant that makes Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) and Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missiles, and could take place on-site at storage facilities, Bochkarev said.
There will also be additional launches using Bulava missiles from the same batch as the one that malfunctioned on Sept. 6, he said.
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered five additional launches of Bulava missiles following the failed launch of Sept.6, when a missile fired during state trials of the Alexander Nevsky nuclear-powered submarine in the White Sea malfunctioned.
Including this latest failure, eight out of 19 or 20 test launches of the troubled Bulava have been officially declared unsuccessful.
The Russian military has repeatedly stated that there is no alternative to the Bulava.
The three-stage Bulava carries up to 10 MIRV warheads, has a range of over 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles) and is designed for deployment on Borey-class nuclear submarines.
Citation :
Russian Navy considers design for future guided-missile destroyer

Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Viktor Chirkov visited the Severnoye Design Bureau in St Petersburg on 11 September to review its design for a new generation of guided-missile destroyers, according to state news reports.
Adm Chirkov's spokesman said the future destroyer will have "multipurpose capabilities" and increased firepower, compared with the Sovremenny-class destroyers (Project 956) it will replace.
The spokesman added that the new ship could be nuclear-powered, but is also being designed with a conventional powerplant.
Russia's defence procurement plans indicate that series construction is supposed to begin in 2019.
Severnoye designed the Sovremenny destroyers as anti-air and anti-surface warfare platforms in the 1970s.
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 20 Icon_minitimeDim 22 Sep 2013 - 17:03

100° Anniversaire de l'armée de l'air russe
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