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Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC

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 Majestic Eagle 2013

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11 participants

messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena26Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena13
Majestic Eagle 2013 Ambass10Majestic Eagle 2013 Untitl10
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena20

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MessageSujet: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Avr 2013 - 13:18

Après 9ans !! ... J'éspère qu'on aura droit à des photos
Citation :
Henderson airman headed for assignment with Moroccan air force

Growing up in downtown Henderson, Airman 1st Class Daniel Walling never expected to leave the United States.

Yet, two years after enlisting in the Air Force, the Basic High School graduate has been stationed in Aviano, Italy, and recently was chosen to visit Morocco to train with the Moroccan air force. An F-16 tactical aircraft maintainer (a job similar to an auto mechanic overhauling cars), Walling was one of 150 U.S. airmen selected for Majestic Eagle 13, an air-to-air combat training simulation akin to Nellis Air Force Base’s Red Flag exercises.

For two weeks, Walling will work with Moroccan air force counterparts at Ben Guerir Air Base to establish a relationship and see how they operate. It’s a unique opportunity that took two years to plan and hasn’t been done in about 10 years, Staff Sgt. Jason Armstrong said.

On Thursday, Walling will travel to Morocco — a country he previously knew only in name — for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Here’s what he had to say about the opportunity:

What will you be doing in Morocco?

We’re going to be focusing on working side-by-side with Moroccan air force. It’s going to be quite different working with a different air force, but making sure that we can be ready for whatever comes our way, and to make sure they know we’re here for them and we know they’ll be there for us if we need them.

How important is this to your career?

Being able to show I can work with other countries and air forces, it will definitely look good on my part. But as far as the career field and my job, being able to work with the other air force will help us gain knowledge to what happens there so that next time we work with another country we haven’t dealt with before, we can take the things we’ve done and learned here and apply it there to better help those countries.

Growing up in Henderson, did you ever imagine you’d be traveling to a place like Morocco?

I didn’t ever really think until I actually enlisted that I’d get out of the United States. When I received my first assignment to Italy, I was just shocked that I’d have a chance to do that. Here I’m getting to travel to a different country in Morocco that I hear is beautiful. It’s such an amazing opportunity that I’m excited for.

What was the first thing you did when you learned you were going to Morocco?

Jump for joy. That’s when I immediately got on (a computer) to figure out where it was so I could understand where I was going, what I was doing. I just hopped right on the computer and Googled Morocco to see what I could see.

What are you most looking forward to about your trip to Morocco?

I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the area, see if there are any beautiful sites. Getting to work with another country’s air force is going to be pretty cool. I’ve never got to work with anybody besides ones in my shops. Getting to see that they do the same job I’m doing, hopefully I can pick up some tips from what they’re doing and hopefully I can share some knowledge I’ve learned the last few years.

Any food you hope to try?

I love food. I’m not too sure what their cuisine is, but I’m ready to try whatever they throw at me.

What have you taken from your experience living and traveling to other countries?

Well, the initial shock of living in Italy was quite devastating. Not knowing the language, not understanding the culture, it was hard to get used to. With time we got used to it, we learned the language and we’re able to associate with our neighbors quite well. I definitely realized I needed to read up on any other country I go to more and learn about them so I don’t have the initial shock. But I wouldn’t give it up. I love this place. It’s amazing out here.

Majestic Eagle 2013 A1C_Walling_t653
Majestic Eagle 2013 Airman_Daniel_Walling_2_t653
Citation :
Airman First Class Daniel Walling is one of 150 U.S. airmen chosen to participate in Majestic Eagle 13, an air-to-air combat training simulation at Ben Guerir Air Force Base in Central Morocco. Walling is a Henderson native who attended Basic High School.

Majestic Eagle 2013 Marche12
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena20Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena22
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena21

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Avr 2013 - 14:20

donc le 555th d´Aviano revient,150 airmen ca ferait une 12aine de F16 Cool
normalement Majestic Eagle etait lié a l´exercice maritime NATO,mais la ils ont remplacé African Eagle(que les notres demandaient le retour sur les cables) par le sera un mini Red Flag USAF-FRA Cool

p.s: ca fait 10 ans Wink

Majestic Eagle 2013 A10-na10
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messages : 7967
Inscrit le : 24/04/2007
Nationalité : Maroc-France
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Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena15Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena10

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Avr 2013 - 18:06

Enfin voilà ...les FRA vont pouvoir prendre du muscle maintenant

555th d'aviano a une spécialité ?

Majestic Eagle 2013 Sign_v10
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena26Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena13
Majestic Eagle 2013 Ambass10Majestic Eagle 2013 Untitl10
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena20

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Avr 2013 - 18:08

Viper a écrit:
555th d'aviano a une spécialité ?
Citation :
The 555th Fighter Squadron provides combat airpower on demand to U.S. and NATO Combatant Commanders as well as the National Command Authority in order to meet National Security objectives.
It also performs air and space control and force application roles of counterair, strategic attack and counterland, including interdiction and close-air support, with 21 F-16CMs employing state of the art munitions in support of the joint, NATO, and combined operations.

Majestic Eagle 2013 Marche12
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messages : 7967
Inscrit le : 24/04/2007
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite :
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena12Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena13
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena15Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena10

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Avr 2013 - 18:13

merci Fremo Like a Star @ heaven

Majestic Eagle 2013 Sign_v10
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6954
Inscrit le : 02/04/2008
Localisation : USA
Nationalité : MoroccanUS
Médailles de mérite :
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena32 Majestic Eagle 2013 Medail10
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena24

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Avr 2013 - 18:30

Fremo a écrit:
Viper a écrit:
555th d'aviano a une spécialité ?
Citation :
The 555th Fighter Squadron provides combat airpower on demand to U.S. and NATO Combatant Commanders as well as the National Command Authority in order to meet National Security objectives.
It also performs air and space control and force application roles of counterair, strategic attack and counterland, including interdiction and close-air support, with 21 F-16CMs employing state of the art munitions in support of the joint, NATO, and combined operations.

cette phrase signifie beaucoup de chose et montre ou la RMAF est entrai de se diriger peut etre e nmini USAF but efficient think??

Citation :
We’re going to be focusing on working side-by-side with Moroccan air force. It’s going to be quite different working with a different air force, but making sure that we can be ready for whatever comes our way, and to make sure they know we’re here for them and we know they’ll be there for us if we need them.
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena20Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena22
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena21

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Avr 2013 - 19:14

apres verifications du mechancien,il s´agit plutot du 510th Like a Star @ heaven
se sont eux qui se sont demarqués sur l´ex-yougoslavie,c´etait les pioniers du combat nocturme(first use of NVG) et premiers F16 a lancer des LGB(CG avec Lantirn)
tres experimentés,appelé balkan buzzards

Citation :
The 510th Fighter Squadron provides combat airpower on demand to U.S. and NATO combatant commanders as well as the National Command Authority in order to meet National Security objectives. The unit performs air and space control and force application roles of counterair, strategic attack, and counterland including interdiction and close-air support with 21 F-16CMs employing state of the art munitions in support of the joint, NATO, and combined operations.
n 1993, the 510th relocated to Spangdahlem AB, Germany. During 1993-1994, the 510th flew more than 1,700 combat sorties from Aviano AB, Italy, in support of Operation Deny Flight. In the skies over Bosnia-Herzegovina, the squadron became the infamous "Bosnia Buzzards".

The 510th was deactivated in April 1994 and reactivated at Aviano AB, Italy, on July 1, 1994 as the 510th FS "Bosnia Buzzards" flying the General Dynamics/Lockheed F-16CG Viper. The Bosnia Buzzards, during Operation Deliberate Force, were the first F-16 Block 40 squadron to drop a Laser Guided Bomb.

The 510th led the Tactical Air Forces with the first combat use of Night Vision Goggles in an F-16 during Operation Deliberate Guard. The Bosnia Buzzards led the way by being one of the first F-16 units to become Forward Air Controllers (FAC-A), and were the first to employ as FAC-A's in combat in the F-16.

In Operation Allied Force, the Air War over Serbia, the Buzzards distinguished themselves by flying more combat missions than any other F-16 squadron. Subsequently the "Balkan Buzzards" have expanded into an Expeditionary Air Force, the worldwide "Fightin' Buzzards" and were the first Aviano fighter squadron to deploy to Operation Southern Watch in June 2000 and to Operation Northern Watch in June and December of 2001. During those deployments the "Fightin' Buzzards" engaged in combat operations over Iraq in both surface attack and combat search and rescue. In September to December 2002, the Buzzards returned to Operation Southern Watch and dropped 136,508 pounds of ordinance over Iraq to include the first GBU-31A JDAM in F-16 CG combat history. The world's finest fighter squadron, the "Fightin' Buzzards" continue to fly the world's finest fighter the F-16CG Fighting Falcon at Aviano AB, Italy.

Majestic Eagle 2013 A10-na10
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Avr 2013 - 19:20

Citation :
cette phrase signifie beaucoup de chose et montre ou la RMAF est entrai de se diriger peut etre e nmini USAF but efficient think??


We’re going to be focusing on working side-by-side with Moroccan air force. It’s going to be quite different working with a different air force, but making sure that we can be ready for whatever comes our way, and to make sure they know we’re here for them and we know they’ll be there for us if we need them.

Cette partie de la phrase m'intrigue , il veut parler seulement durant l'exercice , ou durant un conflit réel , ou les FRA participeront au coté de l'USAF Question
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6954
Inscrit le : 02/04/2008
Localisation : USA
Nationalité : MoroccanUS
Médailles de mérite :
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena32 Majestic Eagle 2013 Medail10
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena24

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Avr 2013 - 19:28

marokino78000 a écrit:
Citation :
cette phrase signifie beaucoup de chose et montre ou la RMAF est entrai de se diriger peut etre e nmini USAF but efficient think??


We’re going to be focusing on working side-by-side with Moroccan air force. It’s going to be quite different working with a different air force, but making sure that we can be ready for whatever comes our way, and to make sure they know we’re here for them and we know they’ll be there for us if we need them.

Cette partie de la phrase m'intrigue , il veut parler seulement durant l'exercice , ou durant un conflit réel , ou les FRA participeront au coté de l'USAF Question

read between the lines and figure it out study

des air force qui ont l'expertise de taper la nuit il y a peu dans le monde tu peux les compter sur les bous des doigts. study
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena26Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena13
Majestic Eagle 2013 Ambass10Majestic Eagle 2013 Untitl10
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena20

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeLun 15 Avr 2013 - 19:32

L'exercice d'une durée de 2 semaines commence aujourd'hui ... vidéo du départ de 6 F-16 du 510th Fighter Squadron vers BG


Majestic Eagle 2013 Marche12
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena26Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena13
Majestic Eagle 2013 Ambass10Majestic Eagle 2013 Untitl10
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena20

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeLun 15 Avr 2013 - 20:20

à BG Cool

Majestic Eagle 2013 Marche12
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messages : 24813
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena26Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena13
Majestic Eagle 2013 Ambass10Majestic Eagle 2013 Untitl10
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena20

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeLun 15 Avr 2013 - 20:29

Citation :
Morocco, US Airmen unite for Majestic Eagle 2013

4/15/2013 - MARRAKECH, Morocco -- Airmen from the Royal Moroccan Air Force and the U.S. Air Force united at Ben Guerir Air Base, Morocco, April 15, for Majestic Eagle 2013, a bi-lateral training exercise, which will continue through April 26, 2013.

The exercise brings Airmen from both countries together to train on air interdiction, air superiority, air refueling and reconnaissance with the intent of enhancing their interoperability through tactical training.

According to U.S. Air Force Maj. Gerremy Goldsberry, Majestic Eagle 2013 director of operations, interoperability of the air forces is critical.

"As allies, we could be called upon to fight in a conflict together," Goldsberry said. "Having knowledge of how one another trains and fights gives insight into how we would integrate and operate as a combined force."

"Each and every Airman, Moroccan or American is vital to accomplishing this training," he added.

Personnel and F-16s from the 510th Fighter Squadron, Aviano AB, Italy, and KC-135 Stratotankers from Royal Air Force Mildenhall, England, are deployed in support of the exercise. More than 150 U.S. Airmen are participating in the exercise.

Throughout Majestic Eagle 2013, Moroccan and American Airmen will train side by side and learn from one another in preparation of combining their forces against a potential adversary. The goal of the training is to promote cooperation and interoperability between the air forces while enhancing peace, stability and security in the region.

The exercise marks the first time in more than a decade Airmen from the 31st Fighter Wing have deployed to Morocco for joint training.

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Majestic Eagle 2013 Marche12
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6954
Inscrit le : 02/04/2008
Localisation : USA
Nationalité : MoroccanUS
Médailles de mérite :
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena32 Majestic Eagle 2013 Medail10
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena24

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeLun 15 Avr 2013 - 21:55

Fremo a écrit:
à BG Cool

Cela va etre le bapteme pour nos F16 et leur pilotes,and let's get ready to rumble Majestic Eagle 2013 46952 bounce
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messages : 15521
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena11

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr 2013 - 4:53

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و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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messages : 1290
Inscrit le : 14/09/2009
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena24Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena31
Majestic Eagle 2013 Untitl10Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena25
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena32

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr 2013 - 15:44

J'espère qu'on aura des photos de nos vipers!! Smile
Merci pour ces informations fort instructive! On s'entraine avec les meilleurs, pour devenir les meilleurs!

Majestic Eagle 2013 344606tlc_acdz

Ces gifs animés proviennent du mangas "Les chevaliers du zodiaques: the lost canvas".
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messages : 2010
Inscrit le : 23/05/2010
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena24Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena26

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr 2013 - 15:58

Edit Modération : Regardes la page d'avant !
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena20Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena22
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena21

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr 2013 - 22:21

pas ici l´autre topic AL-13 augusta

Majestic Eagle 2013 A10-na10
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena24Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena25
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena26Majestic Eagle 2013 Untitl10
Majestic Eagle 2013 Cheval10Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena15

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr 2013 - 22:37

flower Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_sal Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_sal Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_sal
Yakuza a écrit:
pas ici l´autre topic AL-13 augusta
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messages : 945
Inscrit le : 21/07/2010
Localisation : loin !!
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena24

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Avr 2013 - 11:30

Sa serait simpa d'avoir des inside cam (je sais que je rêve en couleurs) des exercices ... Ou éventuellement les résultats, les conclusions des exercices ... En sommes avoir des informations sur les niveaux de nos pilotes aux commandes des Vipers
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messages : 1290
Inscrit le : 14/09/2009
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena24Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena31
Majestic Eagle 2013 Untitl10Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena25
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena32

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Avr 2013 - 11:32

L'exercice a été annulé non? A moins qu'il ne s'agisse que de l'exercice terrestre?

Majestic Eagle 2013 344606tlc_acdz

Ces gifs animés proviennent du mangas "Les chevaliers du zodiaques: the lost canvas".
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messages : 945
Inscrit le : 21/07/2010
Localisation : loin !!
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena24

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Avr 2013 - 11:42

al_bundy a écrit:
L'exercice a été annulé non? A moins qu'il ne s'agisse que de l'exercice terrestre?

Il m'a semblé dans la vidéo de la page précédente que les pilotes décollaient et prenaient la direction du Maroc ... Ce n'est pas le cas ?
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messages : 25275
Inscrit le : 31/03/2008
Localisation : Pau-Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena10Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena13
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena15

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Avr 2013 - 11:43

Pour l'instant pas de retour par rapport à Majestic eagle 2013 Al Wink

Sois généreux avec nous, Ô toi Dieu et donne nous la Victoire

Majestic Eagle 2013 Signat10
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messages : 1290
Inscrit le : 14/09/2009
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite : Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena24Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena31
Majestic Eagle 2013 Untitl10Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena25
Majestic Eagle 2013 Unbena32

Majestic Eagle 2013 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Avr 2013 - 17:23

Ben du coups je pense qu'il n'y en aura pas, ou peu, vu que c'est censé être annulé! lol

Majestic Eagle 2013 344606tlc_acdz

Ces gifs animés proviennent du mangas "Les chevaliers du zodiaques: the lost canvas".
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Contenu sponsorisé

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MessageSujet: Re: Majestic Eagle 2013   Majestic Eagle 2013 Icon_minitime

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Majestic Eagle 2013
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