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 Armée de la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces

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4 participants
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
Médailles de mérite : Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena24Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Cheval10
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  M15c10

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Empty
MessageSujet: Armée de la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces    Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mar 2014 - 22:03

Citation :
 Trinidad-Tobago; Navy to receive Chinese patrol vessel

Chinese Government has pledged to deliver short-term, long-range Coast Guard Corps of Trinidad and Tobago (Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard) a patrol vessel, as announced by the Trinitarian Government through a press release. The agreement was reached during the recent visit of the Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, China.

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Zwfncnnavy31e
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée de la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces    Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Juin 2014 - 15:55

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Trinidad_and_Tobago_Coast_Guard

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  640px-Trinidad_and_Tobago_Defence_Force_Offloading

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  FPV1

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  TT%20AW139%20TTMonitor
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
Médailles de mérite : Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena24Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Cheval10
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  M15c10

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée de la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces    Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Aoû 2014 - 23:44

Citation :
TRINITE-ET-TOBAGO : future acquisition d'un navire-école et de deux patrouilleurs océaniques

Carlos E. Hernández. Caracas - Minister of National Security of Trinidad and Tobago , Gary Griffith , reported on the priorities of the Coast Guard of your country, on ships as review a press release for office.
First, the minister said Griffith urgent need to purchase a training ship for naval training through the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard ( TGCT ).
He said that training should include, among other specialties, the following: Duty Officer, Operating a Vessel, Sailing, Seamanship, Equipment Operator, and System Controller (machines).  
Maritime Patrol
Similarly, announced that the Ministry of National Security is proceeding to acquire two Long Range Patrol Vessels (patrol high) and, in this regard, said they are exploring all avenues to ensure that officers and sailors of TGCT are well trained and ability to operate these ships in order to obtain maximum performance.
The Griffith minister recalled that previous acquisition agreements, it was discovered that they were being purchased three ships patrol ocean (OPV) without considering the human resources required to operate such vessels. Consequently, the TTTCG was found in the position of not having a full complement of officers to properly operate the three OPV simultaneously.
Problems with BAE Systems
With regard to the above, note that in April 2007, the government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago signed a contract with VT Ship Building ( BAE Systems ) to build three patrol vessels type OPV whom were baptized Port of Spain (GC50), Scarbrough (GC51) and San Fernando (GC52). The first vessel was launched at sea in November 2009, while the other two launchings occurred in July 2010 The problems began in 2010, when it was postponed twice, delivery Port of Spain . In addition, serious problems arose with the combat system, which did not correspond to the contract specifications. Consequently, in September 2010 the Trinidadian government terminated the contract, and in February 2012, the Brazilian Navy bought three ships
Regarding the two Long Range Patrol Vessels being purchased, although note the supplier is not required, it is important to remember that during a visit to China last January, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Kamla Persad-Bissessar "convinced" his counterpart Li Keqiang to sell one of the two long-range patrols were under construction for the coastguard Asian country However, there has been no further information on the subject since then.     
Training in naval ships of Japan
Moreover, the minister noted Griffith representing the benefit for the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard training received from the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force during the recent visit to Trinidad for its Training Squadron ..
At the invitation of Admiral Hideki Yuasa , TGCT members sailed on ships of Training Squadron and received training on board during the trip to Kingston , Jamaica.
Griffith expressed his gratitude to the Japanese naval squadron to provide the opportunity to gain experience TGCT aboard vessels carrying high.|en)
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena24Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena25
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena26Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Untitl10
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Cheval10Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena15

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée de la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces    Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Juin 2015 - 12:15

Citation :
China Delivers 20 MengShi 4×4 army light utility vehicle to Trinidad and Tobago
According to defence-blog website, China has delivered 20 MengShi 4×4 army light utility vehicle to Trinidad. The EQ2050 is based on an imported AM General Hummer H1 chassis.

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Trinid10

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Trinid11

The Dongfeng EQ2050 is a Chinese copy of the American HMMWV. It is known as Mengshi in China. It is in service with Chinese army. Production number of these vehicles are increasing. It is widely used by Chinese military. It is also used by paramilitary forces. A civil version of this high mobility vehicle is also available. The EQ2050 has been exported to Belarus and Zimbabwe.

The MengShi EQ2050 is based on an imported AM General Hummer H1 chassis. The DFM EQ2050 is powered by a Dongfeng license-built Cummins EQB150-20 110 kW/2,700R turbo-charged diesel, but it can also be fitted with the U.S.-made V8 diesel originally designed for Humvee.

Both vehicles have a 5-speed gear box and a 2-speed transfer box.

They are both four-wheel drive with independent suspensions and central inflating system. The EQ2050 also has re-designed lights and radiator to make it look different from the original Humvee. DFM has cooperated with AM General Motors on getting American-made parts for the first EQ2050s made.

Dongfeng EQ2050s in service with the People’s Liberation Army. Also in use by People’s Armed Police Fire Fighting brigades and by Public Security Police forces.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena24Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena25
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena26Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Untitl10
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Cheval10Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena15

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée de la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces    Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Icon_minitimeMer 30 Mar 2016 - 11:32

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena24Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena25
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena26Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Untitl10
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Cheval10Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena15

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée de la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces    Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Icon_minitimeMer 17 Juil 2019 - 15:59

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
Médailles de mérite :
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena24Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena25
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena26Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Untitl10
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Cheval10Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena15

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée de la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces    Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Icon_minitimeMer 17 Juil 2019 - 15:59

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40930
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
Médailles de mérite :
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena32Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena24
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena25Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena26
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Cheval10Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Unbena15
Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Medail10

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée de la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces    Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Icon_minitimeVen 4 Déc 2020 - 18:51

Citation :
Austal Australia launches the first of two Cape-class Patrol Boats for Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard

Naval News December 2020 Navy Forces Maritime Defense Industry
Posted On  Friday, 04 December 2020 17:30  

According to a press release published on December 3, 2020, Austal Limited is pleased to announce that Austal Australia has launched the first
of two Cape-class Patrol Boats for the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard (TTCG), under construction at the Company’s Henderson, Western
Australia shipyard.

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  8110
Austal Australia has launched the first of two new Cape-class Patrol Boats for the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard. (Picture source Austal

Under a A$126 million contract awarded by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GORTT), Austal is constructing two 58 metre Cape-class Patrol Boats for the TTCG, scheduled for delivery in the first half of 2021.

Austal Chief Executive Officer David Singleton said the launch of the vessel, Hull 398, provided a genuine sense of accomplishment and anticipation throughout Austal’s Australasian business.

“With 10 vessels already in operation with the Australian Border Force and Royal Australian Navy, and a further 6 ordered by the Navy, the Cape is undoubtedly one of Austal’s most successful and proven naval vessel designs,” Mr Singleton said.

“Now, we’re exporting the Capes to the world, and we look forward to additional international orders that will continue to build Australia’s sovereign shipbuilding capability,” Mr Singleton added.

The new TTCG Capes are based on the 58-meter aluminum monohull patrol boat, first developed by Austal in Australia for Australian Border Force. The vessels have a 4,000 nautical mile range and 28-day patrol cycle, with a crew of up to 22. Each Cape is equipped with two high-speed 7.3 metre rigid hull inflatable boats used for intercepting other vessels.

Austal is also delivering 21 Guardian-class Patrol Boats for 12 Pacific Island nations and Timor Leste under the SEA3036-1 Pacific Patrol Boat Replacement Project, with eight patrol boats delivered since 2018. Austal provides in-service support to both the Cape and Guardian-class Patrol Boat fleets through an expanding service centre network including Henderson, Western Australia, Cairns, Queensland and Darwin, Northern Territory.  
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Bruce Wayne
General de Division
General de Division
Bruce Wayne

messages : 9462
Inscrit le : 22/11/2020
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc

Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée de la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces    Armée de  la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces  Icon_minitimeSam 15 Mai 2021 - 3:10 a écrit:

Le courage croît en osant et la peur en hésitant.
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Armée de la République de Trinité-et-Tobago /Republic of Trinidad and Tobago armed forces
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