Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC
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Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC

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 BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain

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messages : 24818
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena26BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena13
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Ambass10BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena20

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 20 Mar 2015 - 14:16

Rappel du premier message :

Le FBI Marocain, BCIJ relevant de la DST, sera finalement lancé ce vendredi et siégera à Salé

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Marche12

Vampiro aime ce message

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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3864
Inscrit le : 22/05/2010
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena10BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena15BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Ambass10

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Avr 2015 - 16:27

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Sans_t29
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Sqze_c10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Yui_co10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Dfer_c10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Eazs_c10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Img-2010
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Img-2011
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Jur_co10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Klm_co10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Sans_t25
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Sans_t26
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Sans_t27
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Sans_t28
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Sans_t30

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Signat16
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3864
Inscrit le : 22/05/2010
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena10BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena15BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Ambass10

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Avr 2015 - 16:17

en Suisse Exclamation

Citation :
Maroc : Abdelhak Khiame, le boss de la police d'élite

Ce policier d'élite dirige le tout nouveau FBI marocain. Dans sa ligne de mire : terrorisme, grand banditisme et narcotrafics.

Salé, 23 mars, au siège flambant neuf du Bureau central des investigations judiciaires (BCIJ). Le maître des lieux, Abdelhak Khiame, 57 ans, tout juste nommé directeur général, annonce en conférence de presse le démantèlement d'une cellule terroriste de treize individus se réclamant de l'État islamique dans le Maghreb extrême (une branche de Daesh) et de Youssef Ben Tachfine, sultan du Maroc au XIe siècle, réputé pour son rigorisme.

Au-delà de cette allocution, la nouveauté réside surtout dans la création de ce bureau, qui interviendra en matière de lutte antiterroriste, mais aussi dans les affaires de grand banditisme, de trafic de drogue à grande échelle, de falsification de devises et de cybercriminalité. Composé de policiers d'élite formés aux États-Unis et en Suisse, ce FBI marocain se situe à mi-chemin entre police et services secrets.

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Signat16
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messages : 244
Inscrit le : 29/03/2015
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Avr 2015 - 22:08

klan a écrit:
en Suisse Exclamation

Citation :
Maroc : Abdelhak Khiame, le boss de la police d'élite

Ce policier d'élite dirige le tout nouveau FBI marocain. Dans sa ligne de mire : terrorisme, grand banditisme et narcotrafics.

Salé, 23 mars, au siège flambant neuf du Bureau central des investigations judiciaires (BCIJ). Le maître des lieux, Abdelhak Khiame, 57 ans, tout juste nommé directeur général, annonce en conférence de presse le démantèlement d'une cellule terroriste de treize individus se réclamant de l'État islamique dans le Maghreb extrême (une branche de Daesh) et de Youssef Ben Tachfine, sultan du Maroc au XIe siècle, réputé pour son rigorisme.

Au-delà de cette allocution, la nouveauté réside surtout dans la création de ce bureau, qui interviendra en matière de lutte antiterroriste, mais aussi dans les affaires de grand banditisme, de trafic de drogue à grande échelle, de falsification de devises et de cybercriminalité. Composé de policiers d'élite formés aux États-Unis et en Suisse, ce FBI marocain se situe à mi-chemin entre police et services secrets.

Tu sais il y'a pas que des vaches et des montres ici Wink
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BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeVen 3 Avr 2015 - 22:23

bah oui normal :p tout ce qui est Evasion fiscale , suivis des flux de somme d'argents illicite , blanchiment d'argent ...Etc
je pense qu'on fait ce genre de surveillance donc on a besoin d'experts !! non ?
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3864
Inscrit le : 22/05/2010
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena10BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena15BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Ambass10

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 13:16

FarLouati a écrit:
klan a écrit:
en Suisse Exclamation

Citation :
Maroc : Abdelhak Khiame, le boss de la police d'élite

Ce policier d'élite dirige le tout nouveau FBI marocain. Dans sa ligne de mire : terrorisme, grand banditisme et narcotrafics.

Salé, 23 mars, au siège flambant neuf du Bureau central des investigations judiciaires (BCIJ). Le maître des lieux, Abdelhak Khiame, 57 ans, tout juste nommé directeur général, annonce en conférence de presse le démantèlement d'une cellule terroriste de treize individus se réclamant de l'État islamique dans le Maghreb extrême (une branche de Daesh) et de Youssef Ben Tachfine, sultan du Maroc au XIe siècle, réputé pour son rigorisme.

Au-delà de cette allocution, la nouveauté réside surtout dans la création de ce bureau, qui interviendra en matière de lutte antiterroriste, mais aussi dans les affaires de grand banditisme, de trafic de drogue à grande échelle, de falsification de devises et de cybercriminalité. Composé de policiers d'élite formés aux États-Unis et en Suisse, ce FBI marocain se situe à mi-chemin entre police et services secrets.

Tu sais il y'a pas que des vaches et des montres ici Wink

Chrüterchraft Very Happy

oui l'unité Tigris  ect ....Laughing
je parle en Qualité ?

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Signat16
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messages : 244
Inscrit le : 29/03/2015
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 13:33

klan a écrit:
FarLouati a écrit:
klan a écrit:
en Suisse Exclamation

Tu sais il y'a pas que des vaches et des montres ici Wink

Chrüterchraft Very Happy

oui l'unité Tigris  ect ....Laughing
je parle en Qualité ?

On ne parle pas forcément d'unité d'intervention.. ne réduit pas la BCIJ seulement à cela il y'a des enqueteurs judiciaires et des specialistes en criminologie et je pense qu'en suisse à ce niveau on est plutot bon.
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3864
Inscrit le : 22/05/2010
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena10BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena15BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Ambass10

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 13:48

c’était plutôt une question ,jamais entendue des FS police suisse
je voulais savoir si ils était bon, Chrüterchraft BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 11
Citation :
je pense qu'en suisse à ce niveau on est plutot bon
si tu le dit Rolling Eyes
enqueteurs judiciaires et des specialistes en criminologie , nous aussi ils ont un bon niveau
Moi je parle je parle de l'unité d'intervention

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Signat16
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messages : 244
Inscrit le : 29/03/2015
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 14:19

klan a écrit:
c’était plutôt une question ,jamais entendue des FS police suisse
je voulais savoir si ils était bon, Chrüterchraft  BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 11
Citation :
je pense qu'en suisse à ce niveau on est plutot bon
si tu le dit  Rolling Eyes
enqueteurs judiciaires et des specialistes en criminologie , nous aussi ils ont un bon niveau
Moi je parle je parle de l'unité d'intervention

Par à port aux unités d'interventions en Suisse pas grand chose à se mettre sous la dent.. une unité au niveau national (unité Tigris) et il faut savoir qu'en suisse chaque canton (l'équivalent des départements en France) possède sa propre police et donc son propre groupe d'intervention (unité Cougar pour là ou j'habite par exemple) mais la aussi très très discrète pratiquement pas de photos donc pour conclure en Suisse pas beaucoup d'experience mais au niveau de l'équipement et de l'entrainement de la qualité. voila voila
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messages : 1480
Inscrit le : 29/01/2013
Localisation : Northern Forest
Nationalité : Maroc-Russie
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Medail10

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 14:43

FarLouati a écrit:
klan a écrit:
c’était plutôt une question ,jamais entendue des FS police suisse
je voulais savoir si ils était bon, Chrüterchraft  BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 11
Citation :
je pense qu'en suisse à ce niveau on est plutot bon
si tu le dit  Rolling Eyes
enqueteurs judiciaires et des specialistes en criminologie , nous aussi ils ont un bon niveau
Moi je parle je parle de l'unité d'intervention

Par à port aux unités d'interventions en Suisse pas grand chose à se mettre sous la dent.. une unité au niveau national (unité Tigris) et il faut savoir qu'en suisse chaque canton (l'équivalent des départements en France) possède sa propre police et donc son propre groupe d'intervention (unité Cougar pour là ou j'habite par exemple) mais la aussi très très discrète pratiquement pas de photos donc pour conclure en Suisse pas beaucoup d'experience mais au niveau de l'équipement et de l'entrainement de la qualité. voila voila

Forces Spéciales De La Suisse - EJPD

DARD - les forces spéciales de la police du canton de Vaud.

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 C7A8JPLgv8c


BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 J7EYi6jhhhI

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 MToyjbpMLMo

Einsatzgruppe TIGRIS.

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 6iaApI-QC9o

Si vis pacem, para bellum

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 48669022222222222
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3864
Inscrit le : 22/05/2010
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena10BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena15BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Ambass10

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 15:40

Merci messieurs pour ces précisions Like a Star @ heaven

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Signat16
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messages : 24818
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena26BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena13
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Ambass10BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena20

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 15:43

FarLouati a écrit:
klan a écrit:
FarLouati a écrit:
klan a écrit:
en Suisse Exclamation

Tu sais il y'a pas que des vaches et des montres ici Wink

Chrüterchraft Very Happy

oui l'unité Tigris  ect ....Laughing
je parle en Qualité ?

On ne parle pas forcément d'unité d'intervention.. ne réduit pas la BCIJ seulement à cela il y'a des enqueteurs judiciaires et des specialistes en criminologie et je pense qu'en suisse à ce niveau on est plutot bon.

Très bien dit.

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Marche12
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3864
Inscrit le : 22/05/2010
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena10BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena15BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Ambass10

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 16:15

Fremo a écrit:
FarLouati a écrit:
klan a écrit:

Chrüterchraft Very Happy

oui l'unité Tigris  ect ....Laughing
je parle en Qualité ?

On ne parle pas forcément d'unité d'intervention.. ne réduit pas la BCIJ seulement à cela il y'a des enqueteurs judiciaires et des specialistes en criminologie et je pense qu'en suisse à ce niveau on est plutot bon.

Très bien dit.

Je crois que je me suis mal exprimer ,ont c'est pas compris j'ai jamais dit que les suisses n’était pas compétents
Chrüterchraft c 'est par apport à ca
Citation :
Tu sais il y'a pas que des vaches et des montres ici
, j'ai jamais dit le contraire

Quand j'ai écrit en Suisse Exclamation j'ai étais surpris ,je ne savais pas qu'ils était aussi compétents tout simplement

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Signat16
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messages : 24818
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena26BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena13
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Ambass10BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena20

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 16:23

On ne parle pas des unités d'intervention

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Marche12
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3864
Inscrit le : 22/05/2010
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena10BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena15BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Ambass10

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 18:54

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Signat16
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messages : 12303
Inscrit le : 05/04/2008
Localisation : france
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena21BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena26BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Cheval10
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena13

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 20:55

Je pense qu'ils ont eu des formations de la Police Judiciaire Fédérale Suisse qui se trouve etre le FBI Suisse ( qui possede aussi des compétences en contre-espionnage)
C'est assez curieux que le Maroc s'inspire d'Etat fédéral pour son BCI

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Marche12
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

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MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 22:04

RED BISHOP a écrit:
Je pense qu'ils ont eu des formations de la Police Judiciaire Fédérale Suisse qui se trouve etre le FBI Suisse ( qui possede aussi des compétences en contre-espionnage)
C'est assez curieux que le Maroc s'inspire d'Etat fédéral pour son BCI

Peut etre que c'est fait en prévision de la régionalisation avancée Wink chaque région aura son equipe BCIJ
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messages : 12303
Inscrit le : 05/04/2008
Localisation : france
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena21BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
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justement non il y aura qu'un seul BCIJ qui aura compétence sur tout le pays
en région c seront des polices qui n'auront compétence que chez eux

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Marche12
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messages : 24818
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena26BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena13
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RED BISHOP a écrit:
justement non il y aura qu'un seul BCIJ qui aura compétence sur tout le pays
en région c seront des polices qui n'auront compétence que chez eux

Non, il y aura des Bureaux régionaux.

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Marche12
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3005
Inscrit le : 03/08/2014
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc-France
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MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 22:56

Je crois que RED faisait allusiona ce qui se passe aux USA.
La police de l'etat a autorite juste a l'interieur de l'etat et ne peut pas par exemple enqueter dans un etat voisin.
Le FBI a autorite sur tout le pays, il peut enqueter dans tous les etats (Police federale) avec des representations dans chaque etat.
Si on s'inspire de ce modele ca va etre quoi ?
La PJ au niveau regional et BCIJ au niveau de tout le royaume ?

“Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal, mais par ceux qui les regardent sans rien faire.” Albert Einstein.
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messages : 24818
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena26BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena13
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Le BNPJ n'existera plus.

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Marche12
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messages : 8008
Inscrit le : 19/02/2012
Localisation : Kech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena32BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena24
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donc si jai bien compris c est la PJ nouvelle generation avec en plus une force spéciale
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messages : 24818
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena26BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena13
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MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 23:08

Ce sont des unités d'intervention .. la BNPJ avait ses unités aussi.

BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Marche12
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3005
Inscrit le : 03/08/2014
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena10

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MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSam 4 Avr 2015 - 23:15

desolé j'ai utilise l'appelation francaise.
Je suis peut etre pas à jour, je connais pas les dernieres evolutions.
La loi attribuait deja au maroc des pouvoirs de Police Judiciaire au DGSN, prefets de police,... et lesenquetes judiciaires sont supervisees par les magistrats du ministere public (Procureur general de SM, procureur de SM, substituts de procureur et juges d'instruction).
Lors du lancement du BCIJ, il a ete rapporte partout dans la presse qu'il allait s'occuper des "affaires graves" (Traffic d'arme, de drogue, terrorisme, blanchiment ...), qui va s'occuper des delits moins grave? cava rester du ressort DGSN qui est deja dotee de pouvoirs de PJ, les prefets de police etant a ma connaissance habilite a mener des enquetes judiciaires sous l'autorite du metrompe ?

donc peut etre Surete Nationale dans les regions (qui est dotée de pouvoir de PJ), et BCIJ au niveau national.

“Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal, mais par ceux qui les regardent sans rien faire.” Albert Einstein.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6954
Inscrit le : 02/04/2008
Localisation : USA
Nationalité : MoroccanUS
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Citation :
BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 145px-Patch_of_the_FBI_Hostage_Rescue_Team

The FBI Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) is the counter-terrorism and hostage rescue unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.[2] The HRT is trained to rescue American citizens and allies who are held by hostile forces, usually terrorists and/or criminals.[2] The Hostage Rescue Team was founded in 1982 by Danny Coulson, former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI, and completed its final certification exercise in October 1983.[citation needed]

It was originally composed of 50 operators. However, this number has since increased to well over 90 full-time operators. The HRT commonly functions as a high-level national SWAT team in extremely sensitive or dangerous situations. Today, it is part of the Tactical Support Branch of the FBI's Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) and is based at the FBI Academy at the Quantico Marine Corps Base, in Stafford County, Virginia.

The idea for the HRT was originally conceived during the late 1970s, but came to fruition when then FBI director William H. Webster witnessed a demonstration by the U.S. Army's Delta Force.[when?] When Webster reviewed the equipment used by the Delta Force and noticed there were no handcuffs, he inquired about it. An operator grimly replied, "We put two rounds in their forehead. The dead don't need handcuffs."[4] The idea of the HRT began as an augmented SWAT and counter-terrorist team. The team would be capable of handling extraordinary hostage situations, large-scale counter-terrorist operations, situations involving nuclear or biological agents, or operations that local law enforcement or the regional FBI field office were not trained or equipped to handle. Final approval for the HRT was given in early 1982, and formal planning began in March of the same year. The initial HRT selection course was held in June 1982 and consisted of three groups of 30 candidates each. Most candidates were experienced SWAT team members. Of this group, 50 candidates were selected to continue on to more advanced training.

Upon completing its initial selection, the newly formed HRT began acquiring the equipment it considered necessary and upgrading training facilities at Quantico. One of its very first projects was the construction of a "shoot house". The building, built entirely out of old tires, would allow the team to conduct live-fire training exercises to enhance their shooting skills.

The final touches were added to the facilities just before Thanksgiving 1982 and, after a short holiday break, the team began its initial training program. After receiving tactical SWAT instruction, each individual was given an expertise to research, such as explosives and breaching tactics. Each operator also served as a liaison to one of the existing elite counter-terrorism teams from around the world. In addition, nearly everyone was involved with the Delta Force.

As part of their liaison duties, the men attended training exercises held by their assigned counter-terrorism unit and their shared experiences with the team. To bring all the newly acquired skills together, the team spent roughly the entire month of January 1983 honing their shooting and tactical skills at Quantico. The team then traveled to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in February for a month of training and instruction with the US Army's Delta Force. The team returned to Quantico to further enhance their new abilities and maintain the skills they had acquired at Fort Bragg. The Hostage Rescue Team became operational in August 1983.[5]

Hostage Rescue Team agents
The team's final certification exercise, code named Operation Equus Red, was held in October 1983 at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. During the exercise, the HRT, a local SWAT team, and a United States Department of Energy Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST) were tasked with assaulting a terrorist stronghold. The "terrorist" group was also believed to be in possession of a simulated nuclear device, which was at a separate location and had to be recovered or neutralized. After the NEST aircraft confirmed the location of the device, HRT operators infiltrated the terrorist safe house, secured the device, and managed to "kill" the terrorist involved in approximately 30 seconds. The FBI's senior leadership viewed the exercise as a complete success and granted final approval for the team to become fully operational.[5]

Upon completion of the certification exercise, the HRT began to expand its capabilities by sending small teams of operators out for more specialized training courses. Approximately a dozen operators visited Naval Amphibious Base Coronado to receive combat diver, maritime operations, and tactics (such as visit, board, search, and seizure—VBSS) training from the United States Navy SEALs. Other team members conducted helicopter operations and aerial insertion training with the US Army's Task Force 160. The United States Marine Corps provided the team with training in small unit tactics, night operations, and part of the HRT's sniper program training. Every operator also received 80 hours of medical training. The HRT traveled to Camp Peary, near Williamsburg, Virginia, for counter-terrorism training courses to develop skills in breaching barricades, running roadblocks, and defensive driving.[5]

Over time, HRT operators studied with US military, local, federal, and international tactical teams, and attended private courses to learn more about air assault tactics, rappelling, close quarters combat, chemical agents, terrorist psychology, surveillance methods, sniping/counter-sniping, communications and more. Tactics learned during training were shared with the team. Eventually, for close quarter battle training, the HRT decided to make things more realistic on advice from SEAL Team Six (later known as United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group or DEVGRU) commander Richard Marcinko, and the HRT introduced blood bags and wax bullets. The wax bullets were used for team-versus-team drills.[4]

The HRT became part of the Critical Incident Response Group upon its formation in 1994, due to the need to consolidate the assets necessary to respond to a critical incident in one group.

The HRT's equipment and tactics are the most advanced of the FBI's 56 SWAT teams and the 14 enhanced SWAT teams. The HRT's capabilities are distinguished because the HRT operators (assault and sniper teams) serve full-time and train daily. While never advertised as such, HRT operators are fully trained commandos on par with Department of Defense special operations units.

The HRT has the ability "to deploy within four hours, with part or all of its personnel and resources, to any location within the United States or its territories".[5] The unit is able to operate in a variety of environments (chemical, extreme cold, night and low-light, or rural environments).[6] The HRT's tactical teams have the ability to fast-rope, a technique in which the team rapidly descends a rope from the side of a helicopter. This technique is useful for deploying troops into an area where a helicopter cannot touch down. Even more advanced capabilities are possessed by the HRT, including High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) parachute operations, to name just one. The HRT's capabilities include advanced ground tactics, advanced maritime operations, and advanced tactical aviation operations.

HRT Operators in training
Maritime capabilities[edit]
The HRT as a whole possesses enhanced capabilities in the maritime domain, including advanced "breaching" capabilities (the ability to circumvent locked doors aboard a ship) and ship-boarding capabilities. The HRT has vessels that are outfitted for maritime assaults, most of which have been upgraded since 2004.[2]

HRT also has a specialized maritime team with additional maritime capabilities including subsurface diving, closed-circuit diving (scuba gear that does not emit bubbles), and combat swimming. All operators on the maritime team are military trained in closed-circuit diving and combat swimming. In addition, an operator of the maritime team assault element is qualified to pilot and operate a freighter.

Aviation capabilities[edit]
The HRT's Tactical Aviation Unit is staffed by FBI special agents. The Tactical Helicopter Unit, a sub-unit of the Tactical Aviation Unit, contains a variety of specially modified helicopters. These helicopters include military converted Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk tactical transport helicopters and tactically enhanced Bell 412 and Bell 407 helicopters. Unlike the military, whose aircraft are not always in the same location as their tactical operators, the HRT’s Tactical Helicopter Unit is in the vicinity of HRT central command. The HRT's tactical aviators are required to fly daily.

The primary roles of the HRT are hostage rescue and counter-terrorism. Secondary roles of the HRT include:

Apprehending barricaded subjects;
Executing helicopter operations and rescue missions;
Executing mobile assaults;
Performing high-risk raids, searches, arrests, and warrants;
Coordinating manhunt and rural operations; and
Providing force protection for FBI personnel overseas.
To a lesser extent, the HRT may deploy teams or individual operators to act as snipers, or to provide protective service details for certain high-profile federal witnesses or dignitaries. Teams provide support for missions overseas and support Joint Terrorism Task Forces. Teams at home and abroad perform typical law enforcement activities, such as making arrests, processing scenes for evidence recovery, and testifying in court.[7]

The HRT has provided traditional law enforcement during hurricane relief operations, tactical surveys, and special events such as the Olympic Games, presidential inaugurations, and political conventions.[8]

Selection and training[edit]

HRT operators participate in an urban assault training exercise

HRT operators review actions following an urban assault training exercise
Prospective HRT operators are selected based upon their background and experience, as well as their demonstrated performance during the HRT selection course. The rigorous two-week selection process includes long-distance runs, forced marches, obstacle courses, and other tests of physical and mental stamina. Throughout the entire selection process, candidates are evaluated on their ability to think under pressure and to perform while physically exhausted. After a six-month initial training period known as "New Operator Training School" ("NOTS"), they are headquartered at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Experienced HRT operators assigned to observer/sniper teams are sent to the United States Marine Corps Scout Sniper Basic Course. After successfully completing the course, they receive further instruction from HRT snipers. HRT operators receive specialized interoperability training from various U.S. Special Operations Command entities. HRT operators also conduct training with Allied nation counterterrorism units such as the UK's SAS and Germany's GSG-9 (see below).

When not operationally deployed, the HRT conducts full-time training for its members at various sites across the country. Two to three hours each day are set aside for physical training, a defensive tactics session, and combative training. One day a week is devoted to maintaining either perishable skills (such as fast roping, breaching, and photography) or specialized skills (such as mobile assaults, manhunt and rural operations), maritime operations, helicopter operations, parachuting, weapons of mass destruction training (provided by the United States Department of Energy), and cold weather operations. Three days are spent honing sniping or close quarters combat skills on the various training ranges available to the team. Biweekly, one day is allotted for gear maintenance. Discretionary time to be used by team leaders is built into the schedule. During a routine week of training, it is not unusual for HRT operators to fire 1,000 rounds of ammunition to keep their shooting skills honed. Every 12 to 18 months, the HRT also participates in at least one major combined exercise that may involve a variety of governmental entities, such as the FBI and the departments of Defense, State, Energy, and Homeland Security.

Three teams rotate through three 120-day cycles: training, operations, and support.[7] During the training cycle, the team refreshes its skills and takes part in exercises, attends other courses, or trains with foreign and domestic units. During the operations cycle, the team is available for deployment (domestic or foreign). During the support cycle, the team works on special projects, maintains the HRT's equipment, and conducts research.[2]

The HRT is known to conduct joint training exercises and participate in exchange programs with US military units such as the US Army's Combat Applications Group (otherwise known as 1st SFOD-D or Delta Force) or the U.S. Navy's DEVGRU. The HRT routinely trains with other federal tactical teams such as the DEA's FAST Team, the United States Border Patrol's BORTAC unit or the United States Capitol Police's CERT. Occasionally the HRT trains with France's GIGN, Britain's SAS and Special Boat Service, Ireland's Garda ERU, the Australian SAS, Germany's GSG 9, and other international units.[9][5] In addition to the HRT's own facilities, the HRT routinely uses private and 1st SFOD-D Delta Force shoot houses and ranges. The HRT has also been known to train at Camp Peary and Harvey Point.[10]

Since its inception, the HRT has been involved in many of the FBI's most high-profile cases, executing numerous operations involving domestic militant groups, terrorists, and violent criminals.[citation needed] The first test of the team’s capabilities came in the summer of 1984, when the team deployed to Los Angeles as part of the security buildup prior to the 1984 Summer Olympic Games. Some cases have brought the HRT a lot of attention. The HRT came under increased public and Congressional scrutiny, along with federal law enforcement in general, due to what some saw as heavy-handed tactics used at Waco and Ruby Ridge.

On the other hand, the HRT has been involved in over 200 successful missions, both in the US and abroad.[citation needed] Many of these low-key operations have received little or no attention from the world press. HRT has been deployed to and conducted combat operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan, for example.[citation needed]

Some higher-profile cases include the Waco Siege, Ruby Ridge, the capture of the suspected masterminds of the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Africa, the rescue following the 2013 abduction of a five-year-old boy in Alabama,[11] and the hostage rescue operations of prison guards at Talladega, Alabama, and St. Martinville, Louisiana. On 19 April 2013, the Hostage Rescue Team arrested a man in Watertown, Massachusetts, after a manhunt for the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings of April 15, 2013.[12] HRT rescued a teenager by killing her abductor on August 10, 2013.[13] HRT rescued kidnap victim Frank Arthur Janssen.[14] The HRT assisted in the capture of Eric Matthew Frein.[15] All of these incidents led to changes in how and when the HRT is used by the FBI.

The HRT has suffered four known casualties, all training related. The first was James K. McAllister,[16] who died during a fast rope training exercise in 1986. The second known casualty was Gregory J. Rahoi, who died in a live fire exercise in 2006.[17]

In May 2005, an FBI HRT McDonnell Douglas 530 helicopter named "Little Bird" crashed while conducting a fast rope exercise. Crew members sustained injuries, but none were life-threatening.[18]

On May 17, 2013, HRT suffered two fatalities, Christopher Lorek and Stephen Shaw, involving a helicopter while training off the coast of Virginia Beach.[19][20]

Notable operators[edit]
Danny Coulson: FBI HRT founder and former commander. Later, Coulson became the deputy assistant director of the FBI. Prior to creating the HRT, Coulson served on one of the FBI SWAT teams, more specifically a sniper team, and he later commanded one of the most active SWAT teams in the FBI. As of July 2009, Danny Coulson is a successful security consultant, author, and guest speaker.
Lon Horiuchi: Former FBI HRT operator and sniper who shot Vicky Weaver in the head while she was holding her infant daughter during the Ruby Ridge standoff. Horiuchi was also deployed during the Waco Siege. He was later charged with manslaughter for the death of Vicky Weaver, but the charges were dismissed.
Christopher Whitcomb: Former FBI HRT operator and sniper. Whitcomb spent 15 years with the FBI and was involved with the Waco Siege, Los Angeles riots of 1992, and Ruby Ridge. As of February 2012, Whitcomb is an American author and appeared as an "expert" on the NBC game show Identity.
James K. McAllister: The first of the HRT's four known casualties.
Gregory J. Rahoi: The second HRT casualty. Rahoi was accidentally shot and fatally wounded at Fort A.P. Hill in Caroline County, Virginia, during a live fire tactical training exercise designed to prepare him for his deployment to Iraq. Rahoi had been assigned to the HRT for six years, during which he served three tours in Iraq. He worked as a firefighter, paramedic, police officer, and lawyer in Wisconsin prior to joining the FBI. He was posthumously awarded the FBI Medal of Valor for acts of heroism during his final Iraq tour, and his family was presented with the FBI Memorial Star.[21]
Thomas R. Norris: Original member of the HRT as an assault team leader. Former US Navy SEAL and a Medal of Honor recipient. Saved Lieutenant Colonel Iceal Hambleton in the infamous Bat-21 mission. He later lost an eye during a mission in Vietnam, and was known for being the first HRT member with one eye.

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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

messages : 3864
Inscrit le : 22/05/2010
Localisation : France
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Unbena11BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Untitl10
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MessageSujet: Re: BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain   BCIJ (Bureau Central d'Investigations Judiciaires) .... FBI Marocain - Page 5 Icon_minitimeDim 5 Avr 2015 - 12:10

Fremo a raison
Par la suite il aura la création de la BRPJ ( brigades régionales de la police judiciaire )

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