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 AUSA 2015

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MessageSujet: AUSA 2015   AUSA 2015 Icon_minitimeMer 14 Oct 2015 - 17:46

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AUSA 2015 AM-Prelim-Program
Held every October, the AUSA Annual Meeting is the largest land power exposition and professional development forum in North America. This event consists of informative presentations, panel discussions on pertinent military and national security subjects, workshops and important business meetings.

There will be dozens of professional development events, seminars and presentations during this event including: AUSA Institute of Land Warfare (ILW) Contemporary Military Forums AUSA Military Family Forums Sergeant Major of the Army NCO and Soldier Forum Small Business Forum Warrant Officer Professional Development Seminar Army National Guard Seminar Chief, Army Reserve Seminar Pre-Retirement/Survivor Benefit Plan Briefing Numerous International Networking events Department of the Army Civilian Professional Development Seminar


Over 26,000 attendees from around the world
600 displays in five halls located on both levels of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Close to 300,000 net square feet of display space
Nine international pavilions: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Korea, Turkey and the United Kingdom
New AUSA Homeland Security Pavilion
Small Business Pavilion
Veterans Career Hiring Pavilion organized by the American Freedom Foundation
Army Display with multiple messages set up by TRADOC
Army Warriors Corner – Included presentations from senior personnel supporting key Army Themes
Army Acquisition Rally Point – Occupied by ASA(ALT) personnel for meetings/visits and outreach.
Installations, Energy & Environment (IEE) Rally Point

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MessageSujet: Re: AUSA 2015   AUSA 2015 Icon_minitimeMer 14 Oct 2015 - 17:48

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AUSA 2015: Sikorsky to ramp up Raider flight testing
AUSA 2015 1565710_-_main
Key Points
Sikorsky is planning 110-120 hours of test flights of the S-97 Raider
The technology is expected to feed into the Sikorsky-Boeing offering for the US Army's JMR-TD and the Pentagon's Future Vertical Lift (FVL) programmes.
Sikorsky has begun what is expected to amount to 110-120 hours of test flights of the S-97 Raider coaxial rotor helicopter prototype, company officials said during a 13 October press briefing at the Association of the United States Army's (AUSA) annual conference in Washington, DC.

The company has already logged two successful flights to initiate the test regime, according to Bill Fell, Sikorsky's experimental test pilot for the programme.

The S-97 programme began in September 2010 and has been funded entirely by Sikorsky and its industry partners. The coaxial contra-rotating main rotors and pusher propeller are expected to provide cruise speeds of up to 240 kt (276 mph).

Sikorsky has completed assembly of two Raider prototypes. The first aircraft logged its maiden flight in May and then flew again in September, Fell said. The aircraft was in the air for a total of 2.2 hours between the two flights. He said ground testing on the aircraft is now under way.

"We are going to put that time [in] on the ground test asset to give us the confidence in the components for the flight tests," said Fell. "Once we get the time on the ground asset we are going to continue to expand the envelope on that aircraft."

The envelope expansion will include flying at low speeds initially and then progressively increasing to high speeds. That will be followed by high-G testing, with plans for a sustained 3-G turn at speeds of up to 220 ks. The envelope expansion could be completed by mid-2016, according to Fell.

The second Raider prototype was weaponised for display at the conference, but the company has not yet decided which capabilities it plans to integrate onto the aircraft, said Mark Miller, Sikorsky's vice president for research.

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AUSA 2015: Lockheed Martin reveals new cyber-enabled counter-UAV system
Lockheed Martin Corp has unveiled a new ground-based system to detect and counter unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) at the Association of the US Army (AUSA) annual symposium in Washington, DC.

The system, called ICARUS, is designed to detect, identify, and then intercept UAVs via a range of sensors and cyber tools, officials told reporters during a briefing on 12 October.

With a suite of passive imagery, acoustic, and radio frequency sensors, ICARUS identifies targets by type and model and tracks the trajectory of the UAV. It allows for the deployment of non-kinetic cyber payloads, which can disable the UAV's onboard cameras, knock the system out of the sky, or confiscate control of the vehicle and land it in a safe zone, said Doug Booth of Lockheed Martin's business development team.

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AUSA 2015: Abrams SEPv3 upgrade tested

AUSA 2015 Dd38c102
A third upgrade package for the M1A2 Abrams main battle tank (MBT) is being assessed by the US Army.

At the AUSA exhibition in Washington DC, a spokesperson from General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), which is providing the upgrade, told Shephard that the testing started in September and would continue for about 18-24 months.

A production contract is expected to follow in the late-2017 timeframe.

The US Army will test the MBTs fitted with the System Enhancement Package version 3 (SEPv3) package that includes an update to the electronics to allow faster data rates. The spokesperson said that this will upgrade the system from 2005 electronics to 2015 electronics.

He added that it will also include moving the inertial navigation system from the hull to the turret to improve accuracy, and putting the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) under armour to provide a silent overwatch capability. It means that electronic systems can run on the APU batteries instead of having the engine running whilst stationary.

An ammunition data link will also be provided to allow for more ammunition variants to be fired, particularly air-burst rounds. The monitors will be upgraded to 1080 screens in preparation to support the GEN 3 FLIR thermal sights.

Overall the upgrade will prepare the tank to support future lethality improvements expected in the near future. Maintenance will move from LRU back to LRM, which means that mechanics can change cards within the electronic systems rather than replacing an entire unit.

GDLS is currently installing the SEPv2 upgrade package.

To improve size, weight and power, GDLS is proposing installing a 1,120kW MTU 12V 883 diesel engine and Allison transmission to replace the current Honeywell turbine. According to GDLS, this would reduce running costs by 14%.

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AUSA 2015: Raytheon readies radar upgrade

AUSA 2015 7456bd14
A new active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar solution for the Patriot air defence missile system is being developed by Raytheon to improve its overall capability and reduce costs.

The company is preparing a full demonstration system to be ready in 2016 for viewing and range testing. The radar uses new Gallium Nitride (GaN) materials that improve efficiency.

Speaking to Shephard at the AUSA exhibition, a spokesperson from Raytheon said that the AESA radar will build on the procurement of the Radar Digital Processing (RDP) upgrade currently being implemented on the US Army’s 60-strong Patriot fleet.

He said it will allow upgrades in the software that can support the improvements allowed with the GaN that will offer a ‘significant increase in range and the ability to support the PAC-3 MSE missile option’.

Patriot fires Raytheon’s GEM-T missile as standard with PAC-3 offering an extended range and ballistic missile defence capability if required.

Raytheon has been working on GaN for ten years spending $150 million on development. Patriot’s radar is already a multifunction radar that can do air surveillance, detection, identification and classification, missile control and after engagement assessment.

The new AESA radar is a bolt-on replacement antenna for the existing Gallium Arsenide-based antenna that combines the main array with the IFF, tracking, missile upload and countermeasures arrays into one array measuring about 9ft wide x 13ft tall that will be oriented toward the primary threat. Two further arrays on the trailer about a quarter of the size that will enable the 360° capability.

The benefits of GaN over Gallium Arsenide is that it is more efficient and enables faster processing and uses less power and transmitters, so more capability can be garnered from the 150kW generators.

Further improvements include new touchscreen workstation in the Engagement Control Station (ECS) that will enable more capability options to be added using software adaptions to create new buttons.

The US Army is conducting an Integrated Air Missile Defense (IAMD) lower tier analysis of alternatives (AoA) that they will refine and then introduce a programme in the 2018 timeframe.

Raytheon is offering the AESA Patriot upgrade as a cost-effective option to provide the capabilities needed in a potential IAMD solution. The spokesperson said with the RDP it will reduce lifecycle costs by about 50%.

He added that they had identified 22 countries that includes the existing 13 users of Patriot that are a potential market for the new system.

On 30 September, Raytheon was awarded an $86 million contract modification to continue the procurement of RDP for the US Army for its 60 Patriot batteries (in 15 batteries plus 10 more for training and FMS kits).

The spokesperson said that the RDP improves the back end of the radar trailer replacing seven racks of electronic kits and this reduces the need for spares and accompanying logistics burden and its, reduces failure rates improving reliability.
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AUSA 2015: Industry prepares for DVE requirement

AUSA 2015 418d6818
Industry is positioning itself to provide solutions for a degrated visual environment (DVE) on the US Army's helicopters.

The US Army indicated during the AUSA exhibition in Washington DC that it could set out requirements for a DVE solution on its rotary wing aircraft as soon as next year.

Col Matt Hannah, PM Aviation Systems – part of PEO Aviation – said an analysis of alternatives (AoA) of DVE technology had already been completed at the end of last year.

The completion of the AoA allows the service to develop a request for proposal (RfP) and conduct a limited user assessment with serving personnel.

The army’s DVE solution is known as the Brownout Rotorcraft Enhancement System (BORES), which will likely consist of sensors and synthetic vision technologies to provide cueing information for pilots flying in obscurants such as sand or dust.

A request for information (RfI) is expected later this year, with the service keen to gather data on how current technologies from industry can penetrate obscurants, and how sensor data can be fused into a single synthetic picture.

Some of the industry’s big players have told Shephard during AUSA they are taking interest in the DVE/BORES programme.

Jeffrey Palombo, VP and general manager of land and self-protection systems division at Northrop Grumman, said that one option for the US Army will be to utilise existing equipment.

‘There is no single DVE sensor,’ explained Palombo. ‘The challenge of DVE is likely going to be met through the use of a series of sensors.’

That could include infrared countermeasures systems, fire control radars and EO/IR cameras.

‘All of those are going to play extremely important roles in threat detection and, at the same time, the data that comes from those sensors are also going to play an important role in DVE,’ said Palombo.

Northrop Grumman is the digital cockpit supplier and integrator for the army’s UH-60V programme, upgrading legacy UH-60L platforms.

‘When you have a digital platform like the UH-60V, it’s that much easier to start to take the data off of each of the sensors and create a more holistic DVE solution,’ said Palombo. ‘It will be an evolutionary approach, the customer recognises you can’t get 100% from day one.’

One of the key enablers to combining existing sensor information for DVE will be processing, said Rita Flaherty, VP of strategy and business development at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control.

‘For a DVE solution to be viable it has got to have an intelligent architecture that is expandable and modular, and it has got to be able to layer in all those [sensor] capabilities,’ said Flaherty.

‘There are a number of platforms that have pre-existing sensors that we believe could combine the added utility of processing and come up with a DVE solution in a short period,’ she added.

Lockheed Martin did not provide details on the specific solution it might offer to the US Army for the DVE requirement but did say it continues to refine its offering as the army drafts its RfI.

Elsewhere, a BAE Systems spokesperson told Shephard that an initial baseline DVE solution from the company might include passive sensors and a helmet-mounted display manufactured by the company.

‘Then you can add active components such as radar and LIDAR and synthetic information,’ the spokesperson added.

Although it recently lost out to Northrop Grumman on the CIRCM contract, BAE Systems survivability systems are still fitted to a significant number of US Army helicopters, meaning the company is likely to have a role in a future DVE contract.

Hannah said DVE technology will be made up of three basic elements; symbology information to the pilot, active sensors such as LIDAR, and improving the flight characteristics of helicopters.

The army will conduct a limited user assessment next spring at Yuma Proving Ground to gain feedback from operational pilots on current technologies, which will support RfP development.

‘It is important to get out to industry what we are doing and the direction we are going,’ he explained.

During a 13 year period from 2002 to 2015, there were around 400 Class A and Class B accidents as a result of either controlled flight into terrain or DVE conditions.

Class B accidents result in damage costing $500,000 to $2 million, while Class A accidents are classed as any damage over $2 million. That has resulted in costs totalling around $1.4 billion, said Hannah.

Even more important for the US Army is the human cost, with 152 service personnel killed over 13 years mainly during combat missions.

Although the acquisition process for the DVE/BORES programme is in its advanced stages, Hannah told Shephard that there was currently no acquisition timeline beyond the RfP phase.

Citation :

AUSA 2015: Oshkosh offers 6x6 M-ATV

AUSA 2015 1fe6e00a_aBs5bTs
A technology demonstrator 6x6 MRAP All-Terrain Vehicle (M-ATV) from Oshkosh Defense is on display at the AUSA exhibition in Washington.

The company is targeting militaries that want to transport a larger 15-man squad but retain higher levels of protection and mobility compared to standard wheeled or tracked APCs.

John Bryant, senior VP of defence programmes at Oshkosh, told Shephard that the 6x6 variant is configured around the Core1800 crew protection system and is fitted with the TAK-4 suspension.

According to Bryant, there is a market for protected vehicles with off-road mobility but a larger internal volume. He said that the new 6x6 demonstrator means that customers do not have to choose between protected off-road mobility and size.

He said that there has been positive feedback from the show and that existing 4x4 M-ATV customers could be a target for the 6x6.

The 6x6 has a maximum speed of 65mph and has a 70% off-road/30% on-road suspension durability profile. It can hold eight passengers with three crew in a standard seating but this can be extended to 12 passengers if needed.

With a curb weight of 42,000lb the vehicle has a payload capacity of more than 12,000lb. The company stated that an optimised horsepower/weight ratio ensures no loss of performance compared to the 4x4 M-ATV and the vehicles have the same turning radius.

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AUSA 2015: BAE light tank goes back to the future

A two decade-old light tank design is being displayed by BAE Systems at the AUSA exhibition that it says could meet the US Army’s future mobile protected firepower (MPF) requirement.

Going against the general industry convention of releasing new technologies at trade shows, BAE Systems has a M8 Armoured Gun System (AGS) prototype built in the 1990s on its stand.

The company is even showing the original promotional video made in that period on a TV screen next to the vehicle. Sometimes old ideas are the best.

The M8 was selected to equip the 82nd Airborne Division in 1992 but was subsequently cancelled in 1997. Though there was some interest overseas, the M8 never achieved success and only six prototypes were built.

But the requirement for a light tank has never gone away and the US Army has just released a new request for information for a MPF vehicle, according to industry sources.

Explaining the decision to display the vehicle, BAE Systems’ director of new and amphibious vehicles, Deepak Bazaz said it was designed to stir debate about the army’s future requirements for a light tank capability.

‘What we are trying to do here is start the conversation, because the requirements haven’t solidified for MPF,’ Bazaz told Shephard. ‘We don’t want to put in a bunch of technologies and have someone say “that’s not quite what I’m looking for”.’

The M8 has shared components with the M1 Abrams MBT and Bradley IFV, meaning that technology from the modernisation of those vehicles could be transferred to the light tank platform.

‘All those platforms are still in the fleet today so what have they done to modernise their systems?’ said Bazaz.

Some technologies that could be integrated onto the platform include a situational awareness package and a digital architecture to aid with future sensor integration and networked operations.

A lightweight rubber band track derived from the company’s CV90 IFV has already been fitted, which ‘drops a significant amount of weight,’ according to Bazaz.

The platform on display features a soft recoil 105mm gun turret – which houses the gunner and commander – with a 21-round magazine capable of firing 12 rounds a minute. The gun also features an autoload capability.

Powered by a Detroit Diesel 580hp powerpack, the M8 can achieve 45mph on-road and around 30mph off-road.

With Level 1 armour the vehicle weighs around 30,000lb but that increases to 50,000lb with additional armour, such as armour boxes that can be fitted to the sides. In its Level 1 configuration, a single M8 can be transported in a C-130 and three can be transported in a C-17.

BAE Systems said it would be capable of providing a prototype to the army 18 months after a contract award. There could also be additional opportunities for the M8 as well, including exports.

‘Our target is the US Army, but that opens up other markets as well,’ said Bazaz.

Citation :

AUSA 2015: Making an impact (video)

Impact protection company D3O displayed its smart, rate sensitive materials which offer optimum performance, whilst being soft and flexible in its regular condition.

As D3O head of marketing communications Louise Wilson explains the characteristics of the material means the faster the impact, the greater the resistance to the force.

Using patented technology D3O has engineered a portfolio of materials with a variety of production processes.

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AUSA 2015: Raytheon's long-range Pike

AUSA 2015 1fe7c21a
Raytheon has developed a mini-rocket called Pike to offer infantry units a cost-effective long-range anti-personnel capability.

The PGM-ER Pike is a 40mm system that can be launched from a M320 or ELGM grenade launcher and weighs just 1.7lb.

It is designed for infantry or SF squads so they can have a light-weight munition capable of matching adversaries equipped with RPGs.

James Smith, director of Advanced Land Warfare Systems at Raytheon, told Shephard that Pike has a small propellant to ‘kick’ the round out of the tube. It has a semi-active laser and can follow a laser designated target.

Pike can be used by one person firing it from the grenade launcher and then using the laser designator, or in a two-man team with a gunner and spotter. Pike does not have to use the laser designator for up to 15 seconds after launch.

There is a USB connector to programme the laser designator code so that it will follow the right signal and can be compatible with any laser designator.

For longer ranges the grenade launcher has to be fired at a higher angle and shorter ranges at a lower angle. The semi-active laser has a wide field of view that can pick up the laser designators’ energy reflection off the target after it has reached the apogee of its flight. The target can move and if still designated Pike can take account of that.

Smith said Pike can achieve distances of over 2km and that the company had already completed two guided inert test firings that were observed by the US Army and achieved an accuracy within 5m. He added that the warhead weighs only sixth-tenths of a pound and has lethality out to 10m using blast fragmentation.

According to Smith, SF have articulated a requirement so Raytheon has invested in developing the system over the past three years in collaboration with Nammo Talley, which has developed the warhead and propulsion system.
He said that the advantage of Pike is that it is guided, has a longer range than RPGs or grenades, weighs much less and is cheaper than Javelin.

The next step is for Raytheon to partner with a military to continue development as the company wants to conduct live shots and to work on different fuses to add capability. Smith said that with a development contract Raytheon could build production systems in 18 months.

He added that Pike would not fit in a M203 underslung grenade launcher because the munition would not be able to fit into the loading system so would therefore require modification. However it is an interesting prospect.

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Médailles de mérite : AUSA 2015 Unbena10

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MessageSujet: Re: AUSA 2015   AUSA 2015 Icon_minitimeMer 14 Oct 2015 - 18:16

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Médailles de mérite : AUSA 2015 Unbena10

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MessageSujet: Re: AUSA 2015   AUSA 2015 Icon_minitimeMer 14 Oct 2015 - 18:27

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Médailles de mérite : AUSA 2015 Unbena10

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MessageSujet: Re: AUSA 2015   AUSA 2015 Icon_minitimeMer 14 Oct 2015 - 18:45

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MessageSujet: Re: AUSA 2015   AUSA 2015 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Oct 2015 - 15:47

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AUSA 2015: Lockheed Martin hunts SOCOM MEUAS deal with Stalker

Marina Malenic, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

14 October 2015
AUSA 2015 12133
Lockheed Martin is pitching the Stalker EX small UAS (pictured) for the SOCOM MEUAS requirement. Source: Lockheed Martin

Key Points

•Lockheed Martin has entered SOCOM's MEUAS III competition with the Stalker XE UAS
•Systems chosen for the SOCOM requirement are expected to provide simultaneous imagery intelligence and electronic warfare capabilities

Lockheed Martin is offering the Stalker small unmanned aerial system (UAS) for US Special Operations Command's (SOCOM's) Mid-Endurance Unmanned Aircraft System III (MEUAS III) requirement.

The Stalker eXtended Endurance (XE) recently received three significant upgrades, Kevin Lewelling, manager of Lockheed Martin's Rapid Operations Programs portfolio, told IHS Jane's on 14 October during the Association of the US Army's (AUSA's) annual conference in Washington, DC.

A solid oxide fuel cell provided by Ultra Electronic will enable more than 16 hours of endurance and the ability to carry more payloads than the baseline Stalker does, Lewelling said. The baseline Stalker system was fueled by a hybrid power system. Further, in addition to the full-motion video featured on the baseline stalker, the extended-range version offers a medium wavelength infrared (MWIR) system and a new rail-launch option that allows users to launch it from the back of a truck or boat, or from rooftops.

A surveillance mini-UAS, Stalker began development in Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works advanced technology division in early 2006. It was unveiled in August 2007 and demonstrated 48 hours continuous flight in a wind tunnel test while powered by a ground-based laser system in July 2012.

Lockheed Martin is working on the deal with Precision Helicopters, which is providing the services component of the package. The team has passed the demonstration phase of the MEAUAS III competition - a key hurdle that allows the team to move on to the final phase of the competition.

Along with Insitu's ScanEagle system, the Textron Aerosonde 4.7 is an incumbent on the MEUAS II programme. IHS Jane's reported in May that Textron is also competing for the MEUAS II deal.
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MessageSujet: Re: AUSA 2015   AUSA 2015 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Oct 2015 - 18:12

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AUSA 2015: Lockheed Martin ARES VTOL UAV poised for DARPA flight tests

Marina Malenic, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

14 October 2015

AUSA 2015 10119
Cargo version of the Lockheed Martin ARES 'transformer' UAV. Source: Lockheed Martin

Key Points

•Lockheed Martin's ARES 'transformer' is scheduled to begin test flights in June 2016
•The USMC has taken the lead on requirements planning, but hopes to organise a JCTD with other operators who also need flexible, terrain-independent transport for small ground units

Lockheed Martin's Aerial Reconfigurable Embedded System (ARES) is preparing to enter the third phase of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA's) Transformer (TX) vehicle development programme next year. Three months of test flights are scheduled to begin in June 2016, Lockheed Martin officials said during a 13 October interview at the Association of the US Army's (AUSA's) annual conference in Washington, DC.

"In January we will go into ground test at Yuma [Proving Ground] in New Mexico," Bob Wetherall, Lockheed Martin's ARES programme manager, told IHS Jane's . The prototype will then be flown over the course of three months, Wetherall said.

After the concept is proven, the Pentagon is expected to develop requirements that could lead to a programme of record to acquire the system. The US Marine Corps (USMC) has taken the lead on requirements planning, but hopes to organise a Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) with other US military operators who also need flexible, terrain-independent transportation for logistics, personnel transport, and tactical support missions for small ground units.

Lockheed Martin is working with Piasecki Aircraft Corp on a design that includes twin tilting wing-mounted ducted fans providing vertical lift and then transitioning to deliver forward thrust. The ARES flight module is designed to transport a variety of payloads. The flight module would travel between its base and field operations to deliver and retrieve several different types of detachable mission modules, including cargo resupply, casualty evacuation (CASEVAC), and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR).

DARPA in 2010 selected AAI Corporation and Lockheed Martin as prime system integrators for the TX vehicle programme, which it characterised at the time as a 'flying jeep' that would combine 4x4 road performance with a capability to reconfigure into a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) air vehicle.
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