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 Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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MessageSujet: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeVen 2 Oct 2015 - 18:40

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Le su-25 c'est equivalent du A-10 us?
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General de Division
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeLun 15 Aoû 2016 - 14:47

Citation :

Monday, 15 August 2016
Two armoured trains will be used by Russian army in a logistical exercise
Two armored trains of Russia’s railway forces will be involved in a logistical exercise for the first time in almost 15 years, a source in the Russian Southern Military District’s Headquarters told TASS. The maneuvers will take place near Volgograd in south Russia in mid-August, the source added.

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General de Division
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMar 16 Aoû 2016 - 20:39

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Russian Tu-22M3 'Backfire' Long-Range Bombers Strike ISIS from Iran's Hamadan Airfield (excerpt)
(Source: Russia Today; published Aug 16, 2016)
Russia’s long-range Tu-22M3 bombers have delivered their first airstrikes on terrorist targets in Syria operating from an Iranian airbase at Hamadan. Moscow and Tehran signed a military agreement allowing Russian aircraft to station there. (Twitter photo)
Russia’s long-range Tu-22M3 bombers have delivered their first airstrikes on terrorist targets in Syria operating from Iranian airbase. Moscow and Tehran signed a military agreement allowing Russian aircraft to station at Hamadan Airport in western Iran.

The long range bombers with full bomb payload took off from Hamadan Airfield to attack Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and Al-Nusra Front facilities in Aleppo, Deir-ez-Zor and Idlib provinces.

The strikes have eliminated five major terrorist weapons depots and training compounds in the area as well as three command posts and a big number of terrorists, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The long-range bombers were covered by Su-30sm and Su-35s jet fighters which took off from Russia’s Khmeimim Airbase in Syria.

The number of military aircraft deployed at Hamadan Airbase has not been disclosed.

Al-Masdar website was the first to publish photos of at least three Tu-22M3 bombers and Il-76 military transport jets in Iran.

The core benefit for the Russian Air Force is a drastic reduction in flying time to terrorist targets in Syria. (end of excerpt)

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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
Nationalité : Maroco-Canadien
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMer 17 Aoû 2016 - 8:08

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Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet Naval Base will be Able to Accommodate up to 7 Submarines
A naval base currently under construction in Novorossiysk in south Russia will receive up to seven diesel-electric submarines at a time, Head of the 4th Main Department of the Russian Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy) Mikhail Tashlyk said.

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messages : 40588
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Aoû 2016 - 20:06

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Russie, reprise de la modernisation des Il-76 !

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 5438

Le ministère de la Défense (MoD) russe vient de relancer le programme de modernisation de la flotte d'avions de transport au standard Il-76MD-90A (476). Le premier appareil rénové pourrait entrer en service cette année.

Les essais en vol définitifs de l’IL-76MD ou Il-476 modernisé devait débuter à la fin de l’année dernière, mais le programme a été retardé à cause de problèmes techniques dans l'adaptation de nouveaux systèmes et équipements à la cellule actuelle des Il-76MD.

L’Iliouchine Il-476 (Il-76MD-90A) :

L'avion de transport lourd Il-476 ((Il-76MD-90A) est une version profondément modernisée de l'Il-76 qui était produit à Tachkent (Ouzbékistan) à l'époque de l'URSS. l’IL-476 présente une voilure revue et corrigée ainsi qu’une structure simplifiée, mais sa construction a beaucoup changé et l'avion est maintenant doté de nouveaux systèmes de commande et de navigation. Le nouvel appareil a une autonomie de vol de 5.000 km avec une charge utile de 52 tonnes (contre 4.000 km et une charge utile de 47 tonnes pour son prédécesseur). Son poids au décollage a augmenté de 190 tonnes à 210 tonnes. L'avion requiert un équipage moins nombreux (six membres d'équipages contre sept pour l'Il-76 de base). Doté d’une nouvelle avionique avec des systèmes de navigation modernisés, il a reçu des moteurs de conception récente de type Aviadvigatel PS-90, déjà montés sur les Tupolev 204/214.

Un premier prototype de l’IL-476 est sorti en juillet 2012 de la chaîne d’assemblage de l’usine Aviastar-SP, située dans la région d’Oulianovsk. Le développement de cet appareil, lancé en 2006, repose sur le quadrimoteur IL-76 (code Otan : Candid), dont l’origine remonte aux années 1960 et qui a été vendu à de nombreuses forces appartenant notamment à la sphère d’influence soviétique, ainsi qu’à des compagnies aériennes.

Dans le cadre de sa modernisation, la Russie développe également un système aéroporté d'alerte et de contrôle (AWACS) variante devant être désignée l'A-100 (les AWACS actuelles base-76-Il, dont il existe 20 exemplaires actuellement en service avec le VVS, est désigné l'A-50 'Mainstay'.

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 53137
Photos : 1 IL-476 / IL-76MD-90A 2 cockpit @ Max Briansky
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messages : 40588
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû 2016 - 17:12

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La Moldavie proteste contre un exercice militaire russe en Transnistrie

Posté dans Europe par Laurent Lagneau Le 19-08-2016

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 53144

La semaine passée, la Russie ont affirmé avoir déjoué un complot terroriste en Crimée – territoire qu’elle a annexé en 2014 – de grande ampleur et accusé les services ukrainiens d’en être à l’origine, ce que Kiev a réfuté vigoureusement.

Ainsi, une opération anti-terroriste menée dans la nuit du 6 au 7 août aurait ainsi permis de démanteler une cellule terroriste près de la ville d’Armiansk, d’intercepter deux autres groupes « appuyés par des tirs de l’armée ukrainienne », et de saisir 20 engins explosifs artisanaux. Sur l’ensemble des individus interpellés, l’identité d’un seul a été dévoilée : celle d’Evgueni Panov, un chauffeur routier ayant un passé militaire. Seulement, ses proches ont assuré qu’il avait été enlevé dans la région de Zaporijia (centre de l’Ukraine) quelques jours plus tôt.

Quoi qu’il en soit, si elle garde encore des zones d’ombre, cette affaire a donné lieu à de nouvelles tensions entre Moscou et Kiev, avec des mouvements de troupes russes en Crimée, dont certains étaient annoncés depuis longtemps – comme le déploiement de batteries de défense aérienne S-400 – et attendus dans la mesure où l’important exercice « Kavkaz-2016″ doit commencer prochainement.

Dans le même temps, les combats dans la région séparatiste du Donbass (sud-est de l’Ukraine) ont depuis gagné en intensité. Et les responsables occidentaux ont beau rappeler les accords de Minsk 2, rien n’y fait : les armes lourdes, qui auraient dû être retirées de la ligne de front depuis février 2015, sont régulièrement observées par la mission de l’OSCE (Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe).

Tout cela a fait dire au président ukrainien, Petro Porochenko, que la « possibilité d’une escalade du conflit reste très grande ». Et d’ajouter : « Nous n’excluons pas une invasion russe à grande échelle. Nous sommes prêts. »

Qui plus est, les forces russes ont commencé de nouvelles manoeuvres en Crimée, avec 2.500 soldats et environ 350 véhicules blindés.

« Ces exercices ont un caractère principalement logistique en coopération avec les chemins de fer et la marine marchande pour le déplacement de troupes, de blindés et d’équipements techniques en Crimée », a expliqué le ministère russe de la Défense. Une partie de la flotte de la mer Noire est également mobilisée, avec au moins un navire de débarquement, un sous-marin et des démineurs.

Mais il n’y a pas qu’en Crimée où l’armée russe effectue des manoeuvres. C’est en effet aussi le cas en Transnistrie, un territoire appartenant théoriquement à la Moldavie mais qui bénéficie d’une large autonomie (consécutive à une intervention militaire russe en 1992). Depuis, la « République moldave du Dniestr » accueille une garnison russe sur son territoire et compte une population majoritairement russophone.

À Chisinau, on craint de voir la Transnistrie subir le même sort que la Crimée (voir l’Abkhazie et l’Ossétie du Sud). Aussi, avec le risque d’escalade dans l’est de l’Ukraine et les mouvements de troupes russes, les manoeuvres qui y ont été menées il y a quelques jours avec des paramilitaires locaux ont suscité une protestation officielle des autorités moldaves. Et cela d’autant plus qu’il s’agissait du second exercice militaires effectués en moins d’un mois dans cette région.

Ainsi, dans un communiqué, le ministère moldave des Affaires étrangères que cet exerice était « illégal, provocateur et inadmissible » et qu’il visait à « saper la souveraineté et l’intégrité territoriale » de la Moldavie. Enfin, Chisinau a une nouvelle fois demandé le retrait total des forces russes de Transnistrie, conformément à l’engagement pris par Moscou lors du sommet de l’OSCE d’Istanbul, en 1999.

En mars 2014, après l’annexion de la Crimée, le commandant suprême des forces alliées en Europe (SACEUR), qui était à l’époque le général américain Philip Breedlove, avait mis en garde contre un possible coup de force russe en Moldavie. « Il y a absolument suffisamment de troupes (russes) positionnées à l’Est de l’Ukraine pour qu’elles se précipitent en Transnistrie si une telle décision de le faire devait être prise à Moscou », avait-il affirmé.

Quelques mois plus tard, alors que Chisinau souhaite un accord d’association avec l’Union européenne, Moscou avait lancé un avertissement. « Je veux dire à tous qui ne pensent pas comme nous: il ne faut pas mettre son nez en Transnistrie (…), il ne faut pas faire augmenter les tensions, parce qu’il y a des citoyens russes qui habitent là-bas », avait prévenu Dmitri Rogozine, le vice-Premier ministre russe.
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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeLun 22 Aoû 2016 - 22:00

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L’Iran n’a pas apprécié la publicité sur l’utilisation d’une de ses bases par la Russie

Posté dans Moyen-Orient, Opérations par Laurent Lagneau Le 22-08-2016

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 55107

À en croire le ministère iranien des Affaires étrangères, les bombardiers russes n’utiliseraient plus la base aérienne d’Hamedan (nord-ouest de l’Iran) pour effectuer des missions en Syrie, comme ils le firent la semaine passée pour bombarder des positions du Front Fatah al-Sham (ex-Front al-Nosra) et de l’État islamique dans les régions d’Alep, d’Idlib et de Deir ez-Zor.

« La Russie n’a aucune base en Iran et elle n’y stationne pas », a indiqué, ce 22 août, Bahram Qasemi, un porte-parole de la diplomatie iranienne.

Visiblement, la communication du ministère russe de la Défense au sujet de ces raids aériens menés depuis cette base iranienne n’a pas été apprécié à Téhéran, où l’on aurait préféré davantage de discrétion.

Ainsi, le ministre iranien de la Défense, Hossein Dehglan, s’en est ému lors d’un entretien télévisée diffusé le 21 août par la Channel 2. « Naturellement, les Russes veulent montrer qu’ils sont une superpuissance et un pays influent et qu’ils sont impliqués activement dans les questions de sécurité dans la région et le monde », a-t-il dit. Mais, a-t-il ajouté, derrière cette communication autour de l’utilisation de la base d’Hamedan, il y a une volonté « de se mettre en avant, sans égard » pour l’Iran.

Cela étant, comme la Constitution iranienne interdit tout déploiement de forces étrangères en Iran, l’annonce des raids russes depuis Hamedan a suscité du mécontentement chez certains responsables politiques iraniens. En outre, le souvenir de la crise soviéto-iranienne de 1946 (Staline avait refusé de retirer ses troupes d’Iran alors qu’il s’y était engagé), reste sans doute encore vivace.

« La Russie a décidé d’utiliser plus d’avions et d’augmenter le nombre de ses missions. Pour cela, elle avait besoin de faire le plein dans une région proche des opérations et c’est pour cela qu’elle a utilisé la base de Nojeh à Hamedan, mais nous ne leur avons certainement pas donné une base militaire », leur a répondu Hossein Dehglan. « Nous avons collaboré et nous continuerons de collaborer avec la Syrie et la Russie », a-t-il souligné.

Par ailleurs, le ministre a aussi fait part de l’intérêt de son pays pour l’acquisition d’avions de combat Su-30.

Mais cette opération pourrait être contrariée par les restrictions qui demeurent dans l’accord portant sur le programme nucléaire iranien, ce dernier interdisant tout transfert d’appareils militaires sans l’approbation préalable du Conseil de sécurité. « La question de l’achat d’avions de combat a été soulevée et nous n’avons pas reçu de réponse négative », a assuré M. Dehglan.
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General de Division
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messages : 8293
Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
Localisation : canada
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMar 23 Aoû 2016 - 8:46

Citation :
Russia Develops Long-Range Interceptor Missile
(Source: TASS Defense; published Aug 22, 2016)
MOSCOW --- Russia’s Aerospace Forces (Russian acronym: VKS, Vozdushno-Kosmicheskie Sily) will receive a long-range interceptor missile being developed by the indigenous defense industry, according to the service`s Deputy Commander, the Head of the Air Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Viktor Gumenny.

"The new long-range interceptor missile is being intensively developed [by the Russian defense industry]. It will allow the accomplishing of combat tasks set by the Commander-in-Chief and the Defense Minister before the Air Defense Forces," Gumenny said in an interview to the Russian News Service broadcasting company.

He added that the completion of a new anti-ballistic missile’s modernization was scheduled for 2016.

Russia’s defense industry (namely, the Almaz-Antey Concern) is known to be developing the S-500 (preliminary called 'Prometey' or 'Triumfator-M', no NATO reporting name yet) long-range air defense system (ADS) at a quickened pace. The demonstrator (or a mockup) of the ADS is believed to be unveiled at the Army 2016 military-technical forum outside Moscow.

The technical specifications of the system are classified. However, according to the open sources, S-500 will have an operational range of about 500 km (375 mi). The system is supposed to be able to destroy up to 10 supersonic ballistic aerial targets flying at speed up to 7 km/h (4.7 mph) simultaneously. The open sources suppose that S-500 will feature an X-band radar with integrated active electronically scanned array (AESA).

The system’s aerial targets detection range is not disclosed. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, it will be "150-200 km (94-125 mi) over the S-400 Triumf (NATO reporting name: SA-21 Growler) long-range ADS".

The S-500 system is planned to be based on the BAZ-6909 Voschina-1 (Beeswax Foundation) 8x8 wheeled tractor developed by the Bryansk Automotive Plant (Russian acronym: BAZ, Bryanskiy Avtomobilniy Zavod). BAZ-6909 has a full weight of up to 43 t, a payload of 18-24 t (depending on configuration), a maximum road speed of 80 km/h (50 mph) and an operational range of 1,000 km (625 mi). The tractor is powered by single YaMZ-8492.10-033 turbodiesel engine (470 h.p.). The vehicle’s cabin can be up-armoured to increase the survivability of the crew on the battlefield.

At present, Russia`s Armed Forces are operating a huge number of long-range air defense systems. According to the Military Balance 2016 report issued by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the Aerospace Forces had received 168 S-400 launching units by early 2016. As of March 2016, the Air Force (AF) of the VKS deployed 48 S-400, 400 S-300PS/PM (SA-10B Grumble/SA-20 Gargoyle) and 20 S-300V (SA-12 Gladiator/Giant) launching units.

The AF operated several S-300PM2 launching units, but IISS did not specify their quantity. The service also received 80 9K317 Buk-M1 (SA-17 Grizzly) medium-range SAM systems and 12 96K6 Pantsir-S (SA-24 Greyhound) self-propelled anti-aircraft gun-missile (SPAAGM) systems.

The Aerospace Defense Command (ADC) of the VKS deployed 120 S-400 and 120 S-300PM (SA-20 Gargoyle) launching units, as well as 30 96K6 Pantsir-S SPAAGMs. Several Pantsir-S systems were upgraded with a bidirectional radar station.

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Localisation : canada
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMar 23 Aoû 2016 - 11:11

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Keels of Two Project 23040G Survey Boats laid for Russian Navy

The Nizhegorodsky teplokhod shipyard in Nizhny Novgorod laid the keels of two big survey boats of project 23040G for the Russian Navy, the press service of the defense ministry said. "The boats are scheduled to be handed over to the Russian Navy after all tests in 2017. Another four boats, two a year, will be built in 2017 and 2018," it said. The keel laying ceremony was attended by Captain 1st rank Sergei Travin, the head of the navigation and oceanography department of the Russian defense ministry.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû 2016 - 12:35

Citation :
Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Delivery of First Project 885M SSGN (Upgraded Yasen class) Kazan Submarine Delayed by One Year

The first nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine (SSGN) of the upgraded project 885M (code Yasen-M), the Kazan, will be handed over to the Russian Navy not in 2017 as was initially reported, but in 2018, the press service of Sevmash Shipyard which builds the submarine told TASS.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMer 24 Aoû 2016 - 20:09

Citation :
Artillery overmatch: Koalitsiya brings step change in Russian capabilities

Christopher F Foss, London - IHS Jane's International Defence Review
24 August 2016

Key Points
The 2S35 will provide the Russian Army with an extended-range indirect fire capability
The system has a longer range and higher rate of fire than comparable NATO platforms
Further details have emerged of Russia's 152 mm 2S35 Koalitsiya - SV (CB) Coalition self-propelled (SP) artillery system.

Shown in public for the first time in May 2015, the system has been developed under the leadership of the Central Scientific Research Institute in Nizhny Novgorod since 2006.

It was originally understood that the 2S35 would be based on components of the Russian T-14 Armata main battle tank (MBT) and T-15 heavy infantry fighting vehicle (HIFV), however, it has since been confirmed that the 2S35 is in fact based on elements of the T-90 MBT, which remains in production for the export market at UralVagonZavod's facility in Nizhny Tagil.

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Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Aoû 2016 - 8:53

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Operations of Russian Warplanes Out of Air Base In Iran Not Suspended
(Source: TASS Defense; published Aug 24, 2016)
TEHRAN --- The operations of Russian combat aircraft out of the Iranian air base in Hamadan have not been suspended, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has been quoted by Iranian media as saying.

"The flights have not been suspended. Iran and Russia are allies in the fight against terrorism," he said, adding that Iranian air base Shahid Nojeh in Hamadan "has not been provided to anybody on a permanent basis but is used for refueling."

Larijani made this statement in response to a remark by Parliamentary Deputy Mahmoud Sadegi that 20 lawmakers had lodged a request with the parliament’s presidium for an explanation for the use of the air base in Hamadan. "The request shall be considered," the speaker of Iran’s parliament assured.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi said in Tehran during a briefing on August 22 that the use of Iranian air base Shahid Nojeh "has stopped for the time being."

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSam 27 Aoû 2016 - 11:21

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Unannounced inspection of the Southern, Western and Central Military Districts, the Northern Fleet, the Main Command of the Aerospace Forces and the Airborne Troops Command
(Source: Russia Ministry of Defence; issued Aug 25, 2016)
On August 25-31, 2016, an unannounced inspection of the Southern, Western and Central Military Districts, the Northern Fleet, the Main Command of the Aerospace Forces and the Airborne Troops Command is held upon the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Russian Defence Minister ordered to check within 24 hours the capability of troops to perform missions under conditions of full combat alert; then – to deploy formations and units at the assigned ranges and training areas, to prepare for training task performance.

During the redeployment of troops, readiness of the Southern MD to deploy self-sufficient groupings within short time limits for localization of crisis situations is to be estimated.

The effort escalation capabilities of Central and Western MDs in the south-west strategic direction are to be checked.

Mobilization readiness and capabilities to perform missions of territorial defence and mobilization of separate military administrative bodies are to be inspected.

The full procedure of preparation of the Armed Forces for protection of national interests in case of security treat is to be carried out.

Industrial enterprises in cooperation with the federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, are to practice issues of interservice planning, organization of interaction as well as performance of mobilization tasks.

Deployment of field mobile command centres of formations and units with modern automated systems must provide continuous and steady control over the troops in the course of marches.

Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov is ordered to inform foreign military attachés of the unannounced complex combat readiness inspection.

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Inscrit le : 18/08/2010
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSam 27 Aoû 2016 - 11:32

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Russia deploys advanced S-400 and S-300PS air missile systems to Crimea
Aug 27, 2016

Russia’s most advanced to date anti-aircraft defense system S-400 Triumph and upgraded S-300PS has deployed to annexed Crimea (Russian Federation annexed Crimea and now administers it as two federal subjects: the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol).

On combat duty in new areas taking the place of anti-aircraft missile system (ZRS) s-300 and s-400 are assigned to the southern military district (YUVO). This is reported by the media (in particular, RIA «Novosti»), with reference to the defense Ministry.

During the sudden check of the Russian Armed forces division air defense missile systems and radio-technical troops of the southern military district made many forced marches in the direction of the new positions. On arrival at the assigned location they would begin deploying the technology and performance of combat duty.

Sudden check of combat readiness of Russian troops was announced on August 25
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSam 27 Aoû 2016 - 12:27

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeSam 27 Aoû 2016 - 12:31

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Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
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Les Tu-22M3 dotés du missile Kh-32 !

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 55119

La Russie a débuté l’introduction du nouveau missile Kh-32 sur sa flotte de bombardier Tupolev Tu-22M3 modernisés. Ce très gros missile de croisière sophistiqué est spécialement conçu pour la lutte antinavire et les frappes à longue distance.

Capable de frapper un navire à plus de 1’000km :

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 5466

Le missile Kh-32 développé par le Bureau Raduga Design est une amélioration de l’actuel Kh-22 qui a été jusqu'ici le pilier des d'armes à longue portées des bombardiers supersoniques. Cette nouvelle version une fois lancée, grimpe à une altitude de 40 km, dans la stratosphère, puis plonge sur sa cible à un angle particulièrement raide à une vitesse de 5.000 km heures. Le Kh-32 se stabilise et se guide automatiquement sur sa cible. Il dispose d'un système de navigation inertielle GLONASS et d’un autodirecteur. La combinaison de la trajectoire de vitesse et de vol rend le Kh-32 particulièrement difficile à intercepter.

Selon l'expert russe Dmitry Kornev, le missile Kh-32 est conçu, en premier lieu, pour faire face aux navires ennemis. Il offre une opportunité de importante de frappe contre les porte-avions par exemple. Mais il peut également être engagé contre les radars, les ponts, les bases militaires et autres bâtiments tel que des centrales électriques.

Le Tupolev Tu-22M3 :

Les Tu-22M ont été modernisé et portés au standard M3M par Tupolev, ils sont munis de nouveaux équipements. Le Tu-22 modernisé au standard « M3M » démultiplie les performances opérationnelles de l'appareil, avec notamment de nouveaux équipements électroniques, moyens de liaison électronique et une avionique modernisée et la dotation des nouveaux missiles Kh-32 et Kh-55. Ce dernier est doté d’une ogive explosive ou à fragmentation élevée d’un poids de 350-400 kg. Doté de réservoirs plus gros, le Tu-22M3M est capable d’emporter ses missiles de croisière sur 2’410 kilomètres ainsi qu’une variété plus large de bombes diverses.

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 53171
Photos : 1 Tu-22M3 @ Sergy 2 & 3 Tu-22M3 dotés du Kh-32 @ VVS
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeDim 28 Aoû 2016 - 21:20

un tueur de porte avions!,?
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû 2016 - 10:12

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Russia unveils Tigr 4×4 armored vehicle with new 30mm remote-controlled weapon station
Aug 26, 2016

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Tigr210

Russia’s military-industrial company VPK LLC has designed an improved variant of Tigr 4×4 armored vehicle with new 30mm remote-controlled weapon station. That was reported by

“A new product will be rolled off the line that we haven’t mentioned before – a special purpose vehicle Tigr equipped with a combat module and a 30-mm automatic gun,” he said.

Not only is this armored vehicle capable of moving and firing on an operator’s commands, it can also identify and track targets on its own.

“This vehicle has been developed in cooperation with our counterparts at the joint stock company 766 UPTK with permission from the Defense Ministry at its own expense,” he added.

The Tigr’s combat module is identical in design and fire control system to the automatic remote-controlled combat module, armed with a 30-mm gun that was created for “Product Uran-9″ (a robotic attack mechanism – TASS),” Krasovitsky said.

The newly-developed vehicle is unparalleled.

“We’ve managed to mount a 30-mm gun on a two-axle armored vehicle with a mass of under nine tonnes. The vehicle can use ordinary roads without any restrictions,” Krasovtisky added.

The Tigr is a Russian-made 4×4, multipurpose, all-terrain armored vehicle manufactured by VPK. The vehicle is designed to be used mainly to transport troops in the battlefield.

The Tigr armoured vehicle is in service with the Russian armed forces since 2006.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMar 30 Aoû 2016 - 10:51

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Russia, Mongolia Start Selenga-2016 Military Drills in Buryatia

The Russian-Mongolian Selenga-2016 military exercises started on Tuesday in Russia's Republic of Buryatia, the head of Russia’s Eastern Military District press service said. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Selenga exercise has been carried out annually since 2008, with Russian and Mongolian troops engaging in collaborative field exercises to identify, block and destroy illegal armed groups.

"Opening ceremony of Russian-Mongolian Selenga-2016 military drills took place at Eastern Military District's training facility Burduny in Republic of Buryatia," Alexander Gordeev said. He added that some 1,000 servicemen and 200 pieces of military equipment from both sides were participating in the drills.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMar 30 Aoû 2016 - 11:03

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Russian AEW&C aircraft are involved in the unannounced combat readiness inspection

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Airbor10

Russian airborne early warning and control aircraft (AEW&C) A-50M and A-50U are involved in the unannounced combat readiness inspection of the Western, Central and southern MDs to perform air reconnaissance missions.

The pilots will perform targeting of Su-27 fighters, Su-34 and Su-24 bombers as well as monitor air and surface situation in the exercise zone for the warships of the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian flotilla.

Starting from August 25, the unannounced inspection of the Southern, Western and Central Military Districts, the Northern Fleet, the Main Command of the Aerospace Forces and the Airborne Troops Command, is held upon the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The activities are conducted within the scenario of preparation for the strategic command-and-staff exercise “Caucasus-2016”

The practical stage of the activities will take place at 14 combined-arms ranges as well as in the Black and Caspian Seas.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeMer 31 Aoû 2016 - 15:37

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Sukhoi Handed Over A New Batch of Su-34 Frontline Bombers to the Russian Air and Space Forces
(Source: United Aircraft Corp.; issued August 30, 2016)

MOSCOW --- Today the Sukhoi Company handed over another batch of Su-34 frontline bombers to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation according to the 2016 State Defense Order.

The aircraft took off from the V. P. Chkalov Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant’s airfield and headed to the place of their deployment. At the present time the aircraft plant operates with maximum efficiency.

The State Contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for supplies of the Su-34s to the Russian Air and Space Forces up to the year 2020 guarantees a stable work load of the Sukhoi Company for the coming years and identifies long-term development prospects.

Currently, Su-34s operate successfully in the military and demonstrate high performance.

Sukhoi is a United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) subsidiary.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeVen 2 Sep 2016 - 11:16

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Russia will position troops fifty miles from Alaska
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Russia has announced plans to position a new coastal defense military division along its eastern coast, with some troops expected to be stationed approximately 50 miles from Alaska.

That was reported by

The new division, expected to be in place by 2018, will be responsible for defending Russia’s sparsely populated Far East, stretching from the Alaskan border to the Kuril Islands, which are disputed with Japan.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu indicated the new division will be expected to “ensure control of the closed sea zones of the Kuril Islands and the Bering Strait, cover the routes of Pacific Fleet forces’ deployment in the Far Eastern and Northern sea zones, and increase the combat viability of naval strategic nuclear forces.”

“It’s obvious that this is not just ordinary news, not least because what we’re talking about is the creation of a serious military force just a stone’s throw away from the United States: only the Bering Strait will separate the Russian coastal defense division from Alaska,” Sergei Ishchenko, a defense analyst for Svobodnaya Pressa, said. “At its narrowest point, that’s only 86 km away.”

“Therefore, it’s worth taking a closer look at this announcement.”

The Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, directly across the Bering Sea from Alaska, once housed SS-20 Saber intermediate-range nuclear-capable ballistic missiles. Long range Tu-22M Backfire and Tu-95 Bear bombers once used Ugolny Airport, located just east of the city of Anadyr, as a base to conduct air patrols in the Pacific. Those same bombers have begun using Ugolny Airport again, this time as a stopover for air patrols off the Alaskan and American West coasts.

Nuclear-capable ballistic missiles, submarines and long-range bombers positioned along the Russian Far Eastern coast should serve as a significant cause of concern for anyone concerned about the prospect of nuclear war.

Clear Air Force Station, which houses a radar station designed to detect ICBMs and submarine-launched ballistic missiles, Eareckson Air Station, which houses the Cobra-Dane radar system, and Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson, site of Alaska Command, NORAD Alaska, the 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division and the 11th Air Force, would all be under direct threat of attack.

“In any case, the staff at the Elmendorf base, and the troops at Fort Richardson will go to bed at night with an uneasy feeling, as they did during Cold War days,” Ishchenko added.

F-22 Raptors based at Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson will also have difficulty responding to Russian air incursions, as they have done in the past, if the Iskander ballistic missile system were deployed to the Russian Far East. The Iskander is a mobile missile system capable of targeting aircraft and launching nuclear-armed missiles at targets up to 300 miles away

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeVen 2 Sep 2016 - 15:24

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Russian-Built Surveillance Plane Superior to Foreign Rivals - Defense Minister
The Russian-built Beriev A-100 airborne early warning and control (AWACS) aircraft will surpass its foreign rivals, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Friday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The A-100 is designated to replace the Beriev A-50, currently in service in the Russian Air Force, and is expected to complete its maiden flight in 2017. "According to its characteristics, the A-100 aviation system is superior to its foreign equivalents. Its intelligence capabilities will enable it to discover new classes of targets, to practice aircraft guidance and combat aviation," the minister said during a conference call.

Shoigu was speaking ahead of the Russian Defense Ministry's Army 2016 forum, which is set to take place on September 6-11 in Kubinka, a western suburb of Moscow. According to the minister, the forum will be the country's largest event for showcasing modern weapons and military equipment, and will exhibit the most advanced technological achievements from Russia and abroad.

He added that the plane will be able to survey the situation on land, at sea and in the air.

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeVen 2 Sep 2016 - 16:35

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Russia purchases batch of reconnaissance UAVs from Kalashnikov Group

Russia`s Ministry of Defense (MoD) has bought a batch of reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) from the Kalashnikov Group (a subsidiary of the Rostec state corporation), according to the CEO of the company, Alexey Krivoruchko.

Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Uav10

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation   Armée Russe / Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Page 21 Icon_minitimeLun 5 Sep 2016 - 9:58

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Russia Developing SOSUS-Type Sonar System to Protect Territorial Waters in the Arctic

Russia is developing a sophisticated sonar system to protect its territorial waters in the Arctic, according to the Izvestia daily. The advanced system comprises sonobuoys and underwater sensors detecting acoustic signals of submerged and surface objects and feeding the data to a land-based center by a satcom link. At present, the conceptual design of the system is being looked into. The development is due for completion next year, and after the Defense Ministry has given the green light, its deployment will begin.

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