messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: US Army Mer 24 Aoû - 10:09
Rappel du premier message :
quote]Strengthening The Ukrainian Army (Source: U.S Army; issued Aug 21, 2016) YAVORIV, Ukraine ----The Ukrainian army, with the assistance of U.S. and multinational partners, continues to strive to improve the capability and capacity within its armed forces. Approximately 20 Ukrainian cadre recently completed their first rotation training Ukrainian Soldiers on individual combat skills at the International Peacekeeping and Security Center.
The training is part of the ongoing operations of the Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine. The JMTG-U mission is focused on building a sustainable, enduring combat training center here. Part of this mission includes building training capacity quickly through the consolidation and resourcing of dedicated training cadre.
These instructors are the first group of cadre trained on conducting the first six modules of a nine-week rotational training set. The modules include weapons training, land navigation, combat lifesaving skills, and section live-fire. Soldiers of 6th Squadron, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division certified the instructors by observing and gauging their ability to put the six modules into action and effectively train other Ukrainian Soldiers.
Spc. Brett Jones, a rifleman assigned to 6-8 Cav., is a fourth generation veteran and is excited to be able to continue the family tradition. Jones said that he is optimistic about training alongside the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
"Every time we go out and observe the Ukrainian Soldiers, they do the training to a T," said Jones. "They are very hands on with the training and make sure each Soldier knows how to effectively do each task to standard."
Staff Sgt. Alex Fernandez, a squad leader and instructor assigned to 6-8 Cav. spent two years as a drill sergeant and was able to use the skills he acquired to ensure the Ukrainian instructors were fully up to speed on training their Soldiers on individual tasks.
"They have always been comfortable teaching the Soldiers, but now I feel they are more confident with their teaching techniques," said Fernandez. "They have built that trust and bond with the Soldiers and they listen to the instructors when given instructions."
After the training has been conducted, the Soldiers from 6-8 Cav pull the Ukrainian instructors aside and brief them on their performance during the exercise.
According to Jones the Ukrainian Soldiers respond well when they receive praise, validation and feedback from the multinational force trainers. "They do training by the book and listen to recommendations that we make," he said.
1st Lt. Taras Tanailov, an instructor assigned to the Combat Training Center mentored the newly graduated Ukrainian instructors over the past three weeks. Tanailov has been with the instructors since they were certified to teach and observed the progression in their ability to train Soldiers.
Tanailov said that over the last few weeks his instructors had learned a lot about leading and training Soldiers. He said that they are more confident in the training, which allows them to be more effective leaders.
Cpt. Abdullah H. Clark, company commander for Charlie Troop, 6-8 Cav., had the opportunity to observe the Ukrainian instructors and was able to view military tactics from a different perspective.
"So far I've learned a different method of every aspect of military affairs from logistics to tactics to unofficial dynamics of the social system," said Clark. "They have taught me a different way to run things other than the way we normally do for our military."
The ultimate goal of the JMTG-U is to establish a sustainable Combat Training Center staffed and led completely by the Ukrainian military.
"I think if we left here today, they would do everything they need to do to train their military," said Jones. "I definitely think they are doing a good job."
Now that the initial six modules are complete, the Ukrainian instructors will move on to learn the next two modules, which is a milestone for the JMTG-U. This marks the first time Ukrainian instructors will learn modules seven and eight, which include squad, section and platoon collective tasks.
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Lun 16 Mai - 20:41
Citation :
L’US Army choisit le groupe français Thales pour le renouvellement de ses radios tactiques
En janvier 2021, le groupe français d’électronique de défense Thales avait annoncé que l’US Army venait de lui notifier une troisième commande de 1200 systèmes radio IMBITR [Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio] AN/PRC-148D, dans le cadre de son programme Army Leader Radio, portant ainsi à 6000 le nombre total d’unités devant être utilisées dans son réseau tactique intégré. « Le système IMBITR est la première radio portative bicanal offrant aux combattants des moyens de transmissions tactiques critiques en bande étroite, ainsi qu’un second canal à large bande qui génère une forme d’onde WREN-TSM extrêmement performante et fiable. L’ensemble de ces capacités permet la mise en réseau de communications voix, données et vidéo simultanées et sécurisées, améliorant l’appréciation de la situation et la prise de décision en temps réel », avait alors expliqué l’industriel, en se félicitant du « franc succès » de son produit, notamment auprès des brigades Stryker de l’US Army.
Puis, en octobre de la même année, l’US Army commanda à Thales des radios bi-voies AN/PRC-148D Leader Radio et monovoie AN/PRC-170 Javelin Radio. Six mois plus tard, l’industriel a de nouveau décroché une commande outre-Atlantique. En effet, ce 16 mai, via un communiqué, Thales a fait savoir qu’il est l’un des deux industriels [avec L3Harris Technologies, ndlr] à avoir été choisi pour fournir une « solution de radio logicielle sécurisée destinée à moderniser le parc actuel de l’US Army », dans le cadre d’un contrat de type IDIQ [livraisons et quantités indéterminées] plafonné à 6 milliards de dollars et prévoyant une « période de base de cinq ans, suivie d’une seconde période de cinq ans, facultative ». Ce contrat « constitue un volet essentiel des efforts de modernisation du réseau tactique intégré de l’armée américaine », laquelle entend remplacer son système SINCGARS [Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System], et « prolonge le partenariat fructueux » avec cette dernière « en matière de systèmes de communication prêts au combat », fait valoir Thales.
L’électronicien français aura donc à fournir à l’US Army une évolution de la radio tactique AN/PRC-148 IMBITR. « Cette radio tactique logicielle flexible et sécurisée permettra à l’armée américaine de remplacer peu à peu son parc de radios R/T1523. Elle restera compatible avec la forme d’ondes existante SINCGARS, mais de nouvelles formes d’ondes pourront s’ajouter, ainsi que des capacités renforcées pour faire face aux besoins en évolution », explique Thales. « La radio de Thales s’aligne parfaitement avec la volonté de l’US Army d’intégrer les produits matures et éprouvés au sein de son architecture de connectivité au service des unités tactiques. Conçue pour une intégration aisée dans les systèmes du combattant, [elle] s’adapte parfaitement au réseau tactique intégré de l’armée américaine », a commenté Mike Sheehan, le Pdg de Thales Defense and Security Inc, la filiale américaine du groupe français.
L'US Army choisit le groupe français Thales pour le renouvellement de ses radios tactiques - Zone Militaire (
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Dim 22 Mai - 18:18
Citation :
Task Force Red Dragon and Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) participate in the French Desert Commando Course (FDCC) at Arta Range complex, Djibouti
Posted by Solomon at 5/22/2022 10:04:00 AM 0 Comments
SNAFU!: Task Force Red Dragon and Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) participate in the French Desert Commando Course (FDCC) at Arta Range complex, Djibouti (
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Un très gros contrat de soutien logistique pour Airbus
L'US Amy a choisi Airbus pour le soutien en pièces détachées et ingénierie pour sa flotte d'hélicoptères légers UH-72A/B Lakota. Cet accord représente le plus gros contrat de soutien logistique concernant des hélicoptères actuellement géré par Airbus.
Un contrat historique pour Airbus
Au début de cette semaine, Airbus a annoncé avoir décroché un Contractor Logistics Support (CLS, contrat de maintenance) pour l'Armée de Terre américaine (US Army). Il concerne les 482 hélicoptères légers UH-72A/B Lakota. Le contrat doit se dérouler sur une durée de six mois, avec une option de prolongation de 4,5 années supplémentaires. Si c'est le cas, le montant de ce contrat devrait être de plus de 1,5 milliard de dollars. Concrètement, Airbus devra approvisionner en pièces détachées plus de 67 bases disposant de UH-72 et ce, situées aux États-Unis mais aussi à l'étranger. Ce contrat est important pour Airbus car il s'agit du plus gros CLS concernant des hélicoptères à travers le monde. C'est aussi la confirmation de l'excellent travail d'Airbus auprès de l'US Army puisqu'Airbus s'est déjà occupé de l'entretien des Lakota américains durant plus de 15 ans
L'hélicoptère UH-72
L'UH-72 est un hélicoptère léger construit par Airbus. L'équipage comprend deux pilotes et un maximum de six passagers. En ce qui concerne ses caractéristiques techniques :
Hélicoptère biturbine, 5 pales et un rotor de queue (version A) ou Fenestron (version B)
Endurance de 3,5 heures ou distance de 375 km
GPS et Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
Connexion de données avec les éléments au sol
Possibilité d'ajout d'un treuil, d'un brancard et d'équipements nécessaire pour un MEDEVAC et SAR
Glass cockpit, compatible avec les jumelles de vision nocturne
Livrés en deux versions : UH-72A (basé sur l'EC145) et le plus moderne UH-72B (basé sur le H145)
Masse maximale au décollage (version A) : 3,5 tonnes
La construction des UH-72B est gérée par une filiale américaine d'Airbus : Airbus Helicopters Inc. dont l'usine se situe à Colombus (Mississippi, États-Unis) et le centre de support logistique à Dallas (Texas, États-Unis). Les missions des Lakota sont multiples :
Soutien de manière très large
Entrainement des pilotes
Force d'opposition (comme sur la photo de l'article)
Poste de commandement héliporté
SAR, MEDEVAC ou soutien aux opérations de secours en cas de catastrophes
Missions de sécurisation de zones
Transport de VIP
Un très gros contrat de soutien logistique pour Airbus (
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Mer 29 Juin - 20:51
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Et l'US Army a choisi le tank léger de General Dynamics Land Systems
C'est bien General Dynamics Land Systems qui fournira les prochains chars légers de l'US Army. Le marché attribué porte sur 504 chars (la première commande porte sur 96 exemplaires), d'une valeur totale de 1,14 milliard de dollars. En 2018, j'avais consacré un post à ce marché et aux deux finalistes: BAE Systems et General Dynamics Land Systems. C'est cette dernière entreprise qui a finalement été retenue par l'US Army qui l'a annoncé le 28 juin.
Ce blindé chenillé doté d'un canon de 105mm va équiper les brigades d'infanterie comme la 82e Airborne Division (photo ci-dessous US Army):
Et l'US Army a choisi le tank léger de General Dynamics Land Systems : Lignes de défense (
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Mer 27 Juil - 20:47
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L'US Army en panne de recrues
C'est le "pire défi depuis 1973", comme le dit un memo du 20 juillet du CEMAT américain. Le motif de ce défi: les difficultés de l'US Army à recruter et garder ses soldats, ce qui laisse anticiper dans les toute prochaines années une baisse des effectifs de 8,5%!
Les chiffres jusqu'en 2021 étaient satisfaisants mais la dégradation du niveau de recrutement et de rétention a été à la fois sensible et rapide. Ce qui fait que l'US Army qui anticipait des effectifs allant de 485 000 à 473 000 hommes pour l'année fiscale 2023 n'espère plus que 455 000 hommes au mieux et 445 000 au pire. Actuellement, ce sont un peu moins de 465 000 qui sont sur le tableau des effectifs.
Et les perspectives à court et moyen terme ne sont guère rassurantes. En cette année fiscale 2022, alors qu'il ne reste que quelques mois avant le passage à la nouvelle année fiscale, l'US Army a tout juste réussi à recruter 50% des 60 000 recrues qu'elle anticipait (photo US Army Reserve, Sgt. Hubert D. Delany III)).
Par ailleurs, l'US Army ne peut recruter que dans 23% du vivier de la tranche d'âge des jeunes de 17 à 24 ans, du fait de contre-indications physiques ou d'un niveau scolaire/intellectuel trop bas (les tests ASVAB des forces armées ont montré une baisse du niveau de 9%). En 2017, 29% des jeunes de cette tranche d'âge étaient éligibles.
Les conséquences à venir ne sont pas anodines: sous-effectifs chroniques, dissolution d'unités et répartition de la RH au sein d'autres unités...
Pourquoi une telle désaffection?
L'état major de l'armée de Terre a identifié trois "gaps" (déficit): - un déficit de connaissance de l'US Army du fait que peu d'Américains sont au contact de militaires ou d'anciens, - un déficit identitaire dû à des idées préconçues sur les armées, - un déficit de confiance dans les institutions dont les armées.
Autre facteur: l'obligation de se faire vacciner contre le Covid. Une obligation qui n'a guère d'effets pour l'instant dans les forces d'active (seulement 1444 refus de vaccination) mais qui provoque des remous dans la Garde nationale (11 000 refus) et la réserve (7 000).
Et les autres?
Si les effectifs de l'US Armée étaient, début juin, à -4,3% en-dessous de la cible, ceux des autres armées étaient aussi négatifs mais dans des proportions moindres: - Navy: -1,5% - Air Force et Space Force: -1,6% - USMC: -2,1%
L'US Army en panne de recrues : Lignes de défense (
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Mar 2 Aoû - 20:19
Citation :
US Army successfully completes live fire test of Iron Dome air defense system
Defense News August 2022 Global Security army industry
According to information published by the Israeli company Rafael on August 2, 2022, the US Army, in conjunction with the Israeli Ministry of Defense’s Israeli Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) took a critical step toward fielding the first of two RAFAEL-made Iron Dome Defense System-Army (IDDS-A) batteries. IDDS-A will defend supported forces within fixed and semi-fixed locations against sub-sonic Cruise Missiles (CM), Groups 2&3 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), and rockets, artillery, and mortar threats.
US Army has completed live firing test with Israeli-made Iron Dome air defense system. (Picture source Rafael)
White Sands Missile Range hosted the missile flight test, demonstrating the capabilities of the Iron Dome Defense System–Army (IDDS-A). US Army soldiers assigned to 3-43 Air Defense Artillery Battalion successfully detected, tracked, and intercepted multiple CM and UAS surrogate targets. The testing prepares the system for U.S. operational force's use by ensuring it meets U.S. Army safety standards and that the system will effectively operate within the U.S. AMD architecture.
Maj. Gen. Brian Gibson, Director AMD CFT: “It’s important to understand that implementation for the U.S. is about the ability to integrate this system into our air defense picture. We need to integrate this into our U.S. architecture, and to give confidence to our regional commanders that we can integrate this system safely into what they have.”
Brigadier General (Res.) Pini Yungman, Executive Vice President and Head of RAFAEL's Air & Missile Defense Directorate: "Once again, the Iron Dome has proven its effectiveness and operational capabilities in combat scenarios. As part of the U.S. Army's operational training, American troops operated the system which functioned with optimal effectiveness against a variety of threats and intercepted targets from different ranges. RAFAEL is proud to continue proving itself as a world leader in developing the most advanced defense systems, which have proven themselves time after time."
IMDO Director in the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Mr. Moshe Patel: “This is the second interception test since the two batteries were supplied to the US Army at the end of 2020. In this test as well, the system intercepted all the threats, while being interoperable with US systems.”
The Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) in the Directorate of Defense Research and Development leads the development of Israel’s multi-tiered air defense array, based on four operational layers: Iron Dome, David’s Sling, Arrow 2, and Arrow 3.
The US Army plans to field both Iron Dome Defense System-Army (IDDS-A) batteries as an interim cruise missile defense solution, while the US Army continues to acquire an enduring IFPC Inc2 system. Future variants of the IFPC program include technology insertions such as directed energy, which will provide a critical protection capability against sub-sonic Cruise Missiles, Groups 2&3 Unmanned Aircraft Systems, and Rockets, Artillery, and Mortars threats.
The launcher unit of the Iron Dome mounted on its truck carrier. (Picture source Army Recognition)
The Iron Dome is a multi-mission air defense missile system designed and developed by the Israeli company Rafael able to counter rockets, artillery and mortar (C-RAM) ammunition and PGMs Precision Guided Munitions (VSHORAD). The system operates day and night in all weather conditions, including low clouds, rain, dust storms, or fog. The Iron Dome is in service with the Israeli armed forces since 2001 and successfully intercepted several thousand rockets.
The Iron Dome can be used to protect cities, towns and strategic assets, maneuvering forces as well as ships. It can handle multiple threats simultaneously and efficiently. It uses a unique interceptor missile equipped with a special warhead that detonates the target warhead in the air. The system is able to counter very short-range rockets and 155mm artillery shell threats with ranges of up to 70 km.
An Iron Dome battery consists of four main components including detection and tracking radar, a battle management and weapon control system, and a missile firing unit.
US Army successfully completes live fire test of Iron Dome air defense system | Defense News August 2022 Global Security army industry | Defense Security global news industry army year 2022 | Archive News year (
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Mer 14 Sep - 20:28
Citation :
Une commande de Javelin d'une valeur de 311 millions de $
Lu dans la livraison de mardi soir des avis d'attribution de marchés du Pentagone:
"Raytheon/Lockheed Martin Javelin JV, Tucson, Arizona, was awarded a $311,171,700 modification (P00074) to contract W31P4Q-19-C-0076 for full-rate production of Javelins. Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 30, 2026. Fiscal 2022 Foreign Military Sales (Jordan and Lithuania) funds and Army procurement appropriations funds in the amount of $311,171,700 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Red Stone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity."
L'US Army va donc pouvoir recompléter ses stocks de Javelin (elle va en ponctionner 1100 autres pour les envoyer à l'Ukraine, ce qui portera ses livraisons à 8500 exemplaires) et en livrer à la Jordanie et à la Lituanie.
Selon le Pentagone, cette commande s'ajoute à une autre de juin, d'un montant de 352 millions de $, comme le précise un document du 9 septembre:
إذا أردت تحرير وطن ضع في مسدسك عشر رصاصات تسعة للخونة وواحدة للعدو فلولا خونة الداخل ، ما تجرأ عليك عدو الخارج
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Mar 4 Oct - 21:24
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US Army orders additional enhanced CH-47F Block II Chinooks
Aviation Defense News October 2022 aerospace air force industry
The U.S. Army is continuing to modernize its heavy-lift helicopter fleet with an order for two more Boeing CH-47F Block II Chinooks and long lead funding for additional aircraft.
The CH-47F Block II during first flight. The Block II Chinook is powered by cutting-edge technologies — including redesigned fuel tanks, a strengthened fuselage and an enhanced drivetrain (Picture source: Fred Troilo)
“Modernizing the Chinook for our Army customer is a priority,” said Ken Eland, Boeing vice president and H-47 program manager. “CH-47F Block II improves readiness, limits future sustainment costs and provides commonality across the fleet. We're dedicated to making CH-47F Block II the best option for the Army's heavy lift mission, now and well into the future." The CH-47F Block II Chinook is powered by cutting-edge technologies — including redesigned fuel tanks, a strengthened fuselage and an enhanced drivetrain.
Last year, the Army awarded Boeing a $136 million contract for the first four CH-47F Block II aircraft, which began production in April 2022. The Lot 2 order valued at $63 million brings the total number of aircraft under contract to six. The separate Lot 3 advance procurement contract is valued at $29 million.
Boeing’s H-47 Chinook Block II expands upon 60 years of partnership with the U.S. Army. During that time, Boeing has delivered over 1,000 Chinooks to the U.S. Army, continuously modernizing the helicopter to meet evolving needs. The U.S. Army and 19 allied countries around the globe rely on the Chinook for its multi-mission capabilities including equipment and troop transport, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Sam 5 Nov - 17:59
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General Dynamics delivers to US Army 16 S-MET Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport vehicles
Defense News November 2022 Global Security army industry
According to information published on November 2, 2022, General Dynamics Land Systems, a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD), on November 2, 2022, delivered to the U.S. Army an initial tranche of 16 Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport (S-MET) vehicles, making them the first ground robots of their kind in U.S. Army history.
General Dynamics Land Systems Robotic Infantry Support Vehicle. (Picture source GDLS)
Based upon GD’s Multi-Utility Tactical Transport (MUTT), the S-MET is an eight-wheeled, enabling robotic technology for the dismounted Soldier. It lightens the load as an equipment-carrying “robotic mule” but also has built-in flexibility for a wide variety of combat, combat support and combat service support functions and payloads.
Featuring a hybrid-electric powertrain, it provides expeditionary power generation and is operated by a single-hand remote control.
“We are proud to deliver this breakthrough unmanned ground vehicle capability,” said Gordon Stein, vice president and general manager of U.S. operations at General Dynamics Land Systems. “Through our partnership with the Army, General Dynamics Land Systems has remained at the leading edge of robotic combat vehicles that are designed to relieve Soldiers of dull, dirty and dangerous missions now and into the future.”
The S-MET is an autonomous 8x8 all-terrain vehicle able to carry dismounted soldiers’ water, ammunition, and other equipment and gear. The vehicle is designed to be an unmanned system, but can also be optionally manned, and can carry 1,000 lb (454 kg) while also traveling for distances of more than 97 km in 72 hours.
General Dynamics delivers to US Army 16 S-MET Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport vehicles | Defense News November 2022 Global Security army industry | Defense Security global news industry army year 2022 | Archive News year (
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Mar 6 Déc - 20:56
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US Army chooses Bell V-280 Valor
On 5 December 2022, the US Army announced the winner of its FLRAA (Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft) competition: the Bell V-280 Valor tiltrotor. This competition had been set to replace some 2,000 UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopters and 1,200 AH-1 Apache attack helicopters around 2030.The current contract is estimated to be worth up to USD 1.3 billion. But when the production of the new Bell is ramped up the value can rise to a multiple of this amount, especially when current foreign users of the Black Hawk become interested. The Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft candidate was destined to step into the footprint of the UH-60, but the main two competitors in the race had their own idea on how. While Bell Helicopters chose a tiltrotor concept for its V-280 Valor, Sikorsky and Boeing’s design, the Defiant X, is more a conventional helicopter equipped with coaxial rotor blades. Initially Sikorsky Boeing was ahead of its competitor in the development of an FLRAA demonstrator. But their technology demonstrator ‘Raider’ (a scaled down version of the Defiant X) N971SK, crashed in August 2017. This and several production issues caused a serious setback, and the prototype of the Defiant N100FV did not fly before September 2019. The Bell V-280 prototype N280BH made its first flight right on schedule in December 2017, and spent several years logging test flights. Both candidates first flew in what the US Army called a Joint Multi-Role, or JMR, technology demonstration, followed by two phases of a competitive development and risk-reduction effort. In June 2021 Bell retired its Valor flight demonstrator after it had flown more than 214 hours during which a maximum 305-knot cruising speed was reached. The Defiant flew a total of 63.9 hours, and traveled as fast as 247 knots. Bell Valor prototypes are due to be delivered to the US Army by 2025. But, given the magnitude of the FLRAA program, it is not unthinkable that Sikorsky Boeing lodge a protest against the choice of the US Army and that can disrupt the planning.
US Army chooses Bell V-280 Valor (
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Ven 9 Déc - 21:19
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Commandes de munitions: la National Defense Authorization Act (FY23) sort l'artillerie lourde
Mardi soir, un accord a été trouvé entre les démocrates et les républicains sur le "National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23)", l'équivalent de la LPM française.
Quelques chiffres tirés de la riche documentation qui accompagne la NDAA méritent d'être cités:
Le budget militaire US est porté à 857 milliards de $ (soit 45 milliards de plus que les sommes demandées par l'administration Biden). La NDAA pour l'année fiscale 2022 prévoit un budget à 777,7 milliards de $.
Sur l'Ukraine: le montant de l'enveloppe pour l'Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative a été portée à 800 millions de $, au lieu de 275 millions pour l'année fiscale 2021 et 250 millions pour l'année fiscale 2020. Ces 800 millions n'ont rien à voir avec les packages d'aides annoncés depuis le début de la guerre et qui concernent des matériels et munitions ponctionnés sur les stocks des forces US.
Sur l'effort pour recompléter les stocks de munitions, le Congrès donne un feu vert à un coup de pouce de 2,7 milliards, somme qui s'ajoute aux 4 milliards de $ de commandes déjà passées. Pourront être commandés dès la FY2023: 864 000 obus de 155mm et 12 050 obus Excalibur; 12 000 missiles air-sol JAGM ; 700 systèmes HIMARS; 1 700 missiles ATACMS; 106 000 roquettes pour GMLRS ; 5 600 Stinger; 28 300 Javelin etc.
La liste complète est à voir ci-dessous (cliquer sur l'image pour l'agrandir):
La NDAA prévoit aussi:
- d'une part une état des lieux des capacités de production et de stockage de munitions ("independent assessment of department of defense capability and capacity needs for munitions production and stockpiling"), - et d'autre part un rapport annuel sur les contraintes pesant sur la BITD en termes de production de munitions ("annual report on industrial base constraints for munitions").
Enfin, les efforts sont déjà en cours. Par exemple en ce qui concerne les obus de 155mm. La capacité mensuelle de production est de 14000 obus, elle va passer à 20000 au printemps prochain et devrait atteindre 40000 (si besoins) en 2025. Des commandes ont déjà été passées auprès de General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems, American Ordnance, et IMT Defense. Autres exemples: les commandes de HIMARS et de NASAMS dont je me suis fait l'écho il y a peu.
Commandes de munitions: la National Defense Authorization Act (FY23) sort l'artillerie lourde : Lignes de défense (
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Ven 16 Juin - 18:51
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
« Les batailles de la vie ne sont pas gagnées par les plus forts, ni par les plus rapides, mais par ceux qui n'abandonnent jamais. »
(Hassan II).
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jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Mar 15 Aoû - 15:42
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Mer 6 Sep - 19:04
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New Apaches for USAREUR
The number of AH-64D Apache helicopters still in use with the United States Army is shrinking fast. This type is being replaced by the AH-64E Apache Guardian, and the next unit to receive new helicopters is 1-3rd AVN at Ansbach AHP, Katterbach (Germany).
The first pair of new helicopters was delivered to this unit via Wiesbaden AAF (Germany) on 1 September 2023. They were flown to Germany on board a USAF C-17A, which took two older AH-64D helicopters back to the United States. It is expected that all twenty-four AH-64D helicopters in use by 1-3rd AVN will be returned to the United States over the next months, while a similar number of AH-64E helicopters will be delivered.
With thanks to the Apache Research Group and US Army Spotters Group, we can report that 09-05592 and 09-05601 are the tailnumbers of the AH-64D helicopters which were returned to the United States, while 21-03424 and 22-03456 are the tailnumbers of the newly delivered AH-64E Apache Guardians.
The other remaining units still equipped with AH-64D Apaches are:
1st AD CAB 1-501st AVN and 3-6th CAV at Biggs AAF, Fort Bliss (TX) 10th CAB 1-10th AVN and 6-6th CAV at Wheeler Sack AAF, Fort Drum (NY) 25th CAB 1-25th AVN at Ladd AAF, Fort Wainwright (AK) and 2-6th CAV at Wheeler AAF, Schofield Barracks (HI)
It is not yet known to Scramble Magazine which unit will be next in line to convert to the AH-64E.
Photo (just illustrative) by Ohare_Planespotter (via
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Jeu 12 Oct - 19:13
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OCT 11
Thales to supply US Army with more than 7,000 additional Combat Net Radios
The U.S. Army has ordered more than 7,000 Thales RT-2129 Combat Net Radios (CNR) based on the Improved Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio (IMBITR) technology, demonstrating the service’s continued confidence in Thales’ ability to deliver next-generation radios for the Army’s network modernization effort.
RT-2129 Tactical Secure Voice Crypto Interoperability Standard (TSVCIS) compliant radio (Picture source: Thales)
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Lun 6 Nov - 21:17
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Oshkosh Defense secures $208 million contract for JLTVs
Nov 6, 2023
Photo by Kenneth Rodriguez
Oshkosh Defense has announced a substantial contract awarded by the U.S. Army Contracting Command – Detroit Arsenal.
The contract, valued at $208 million, includes the procurement of Oshkosh Defense’s Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV), along with trailers (JLTV-T) and associated packaged and installed kits. These vehicles will be provided to the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force.
The JLTV, designed as a worthy successor to the aging up-armored HMMWV fleet, brings to the forefront a vehicle with enhanced protection, mobility, and payload capacity. Oshkosh Defense’s JLTV has garnered acclaim for its purpose-built modular design, which can be readily configured to meet mission-specific requirements, encompassing weapon systems, protection kits, communications, and other essential equipment. Remarkably, it accommodates over 100 diverse mission package configurations without compromising on mobility, protection, or transportability.
Since clinching the initial JLTV contract in 2015, Oshkosh Defense has seen orders for over 23,000 JLTVs for the U.S. Armed Forces, as well as NATO, Allied, and Coalition partners. The journey has been marked by a steadfast commitment to continuous improvement and innovation, evident in Oshkosh’s possession of over 125 patents and patent applications associated with the JLTV family of vehicles and related technologies.
George Mansfield, Vice President and General Manager of Defense Programs at Oshkosh Defense, reflected on the accomplishment, saying, “We spent the last decade committed to learning, improving processes, establishing a robust supply chain, as well as a world-class team of experts to design and produce the most reliable light tactical vehicle in the industry. We are extremely proud of our execution of the JLTV program, including its reputation as a model procurement project due to consistent on-schedule and under-budget production.”
Oshkosh Defense, a globally recognized leader in military vehicle systems, remains dedicated to supporting NATO allies seeking to modernize their Armed Forces and safeguard their soldiers. With JLTV orders or commitments from eight international customers, Oshkosh Defense aims to make the proven Oshkosh JLTV available through Direct Commercial Sales (DCS).
Mansfield concluded with a commitment to further collaboration with the U.S. Army in their modernization efforts, including projects such as the Robotic Combat Vehicle and Stryker Medium Caliber Weapon System.
Oshkosh Defense is scheduled to produce JLTVs into Q1FY2025, with the Aftermarket team committed to servicing and supporting Oshkosh-built JLTVs for years to come.
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Ven 8 Déc - 20:55
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US paratroopers and Rangers test Next Generation Squad Weapons
Screaming Eagle Division soldiers at Fort Campbell just completed training and testing the U.S. Army’s 6.8mm family of Next Generation Squad Weapon-Rifle (NGSW-R), NGSW-Automatic Rifle (AR) and the NGSW-Fire Control (FC) systems. Maj. Rodrick A. Polk, test officer, Maneuver Test Directorate, U.S. Army Operational Test Command, reports.
An infantryman with the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment (Strike Force), 2nd Brigade (Strike), 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) (Screaming Eagles), fires the Next Generation Squad Weapon-Automatic Rifle (NGSW-R) at Fort Campbell, Kentucky (Picture source: U.S. Army/Mark Scovell)
messages : 2 Inscrit le : 04/01/2024 Localisation : Florida, USA Nationalité :
Sujet: Re: US Army Sam 13 Jan - 14:20
On January 12, BAE Systems announced it had delivered the first Amphibious Combat Vehicle Command and Control (ACV-C) variant under the full-rate production contract to the U.S. Marine Corps. The ACV-C will provide Marines with a mobile command center which enables situational awareness and operations planning in the battlespace. a écrit:
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jf16 General de Division
messages : 41583 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: US Army Sam 10 Fév - 20:33
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US Army cancels further development of FARA Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft program
The FARA program, short for Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft, has been abruptly terminated by the US Army, as reported by Antony Angrand in Air & Cosmos. This decision stems from the rapid evolution of battlefield technologies, which now offer more cost-effective and high-performing alternatives to manned systems.
Sikorsky Raider X Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) Competitive Prototype in September 2023, a prototype that ill thus nt be d eveloped further (Picture source: Sikorsky)