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 Opération sauvetage avec US

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messages : 15467
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Opération sauvetage avec US Unbena11

Opération sauvetage avec US Empty
MessageSujet: Opération sauvetage avec US   Opération sauvetage avec US Icon_minitimeVen 7 Jan 2022 - 19:18

The crew of the USCGC Thetis (WMEC 910) and a Royal Moroccan Navy vessel are seen during the joint rescue of migrants in the Atlantic Ocean on Jan. 5, 2021.
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و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان


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messages : 7911
Inscrit le : 20/09/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Opération sauvetage avec US Unbena32 Opération sauvetage avec US Medail10
Opération sauvetage avec US Unbena24Opération sauvetage avec US Unbena10

Opération sauvetage avec US Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Opération sauvetage avec US   Opération sauvetage avec US Icon_minitimeVen 7 Jan 2022 - 19:43

Ils font quoi les coast guard en méditerranée ?!!
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messages : 15467
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Opération sauvetage avec US Unbena11

Opération sauvetage avec US Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Opération sauvetage avec US   Opération sauvetage avec US Icon_minitimeVen 7 Jan 2022 - 20:11

C'est pas la première fois USCG accompagne les flottes US

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و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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messages : 15467
Inscrit le : 18/03/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Opération sauvetage avec US Unbena11

Opération sauvetage avec US Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Opération sauvetage avec US   Opération sauvetage avec US Icon_minitimeVen 7 Jan 2022 - 20:11

Citation :
ATLANTIC OCEAN — On Jan. 5, 2022, the United States, Spain, and Morocco collaborated to rescue 103 migrants 40 nautical miles west of the Moroccan coast.

Late Tuesday evening, Spain's Las Palmas Rescue Coordination Center received reports of two migrant rafts taking on water with people possibly in the water.

The Spanish center coordinated rescue efforts with the vessels closest to the reported location of the rafts. Three U.S. Coast Guard ships, Famous-class USCGC Thetis (WMEC 910), Sentinel-class USCGC Glen Harris (WPC 1144), and USCGC Emlen Tunnell (WPC 1145), and a nearby Royal Moroccan Navy frigate answered the call.

Working together, the crews rescued 103 migrants and recovered two deceased migrants by early Wednesday morning. Once safely aboard and stabilized, the U.S. Coast Guard crews transferred all migrants to the Moroccan Navy.

"While we are on an escort currently, the U.S. Coast Guard will always conduct our core mission of search and rescue and observe the international law of the sea and maritime custom to assist any mariners in distress," said Cmdr. Justin Nadolny, commanding officer, USCGC Thetis (WMEC 910). "This demonstrates the capability of Thetis to work with partners and our ability to respond rapidly to any situation. I'm very proud of the team."

The U.S. Coast Guard is conducting a routine deployment in the U.S. Sixth Fleet area of operations, working alongside Allies, building maritime domain awareness, and sharing best practices with partner nation navies and coast guards. These operations coincide with the escort of the Sentinel-class cutters across the Atlantic en route to their new homeport of Manama, Bahrain, and the cutters' work for U.S. Patrol Forces Southwest Asia under U.S. Navy 5th Fleet and U.S. Central Command.

"The rescue of over 100 persons in the Atlantic demonstrates the agility and reach of U.S. Naval Forces throughout Africa and Europe," said Capt. Kyle Gantt, Commander, Task Force 65. "U.S. Coast Guard's timely coordination with Spanish authorities and the Moroccan Navy showcases the power of integration with our international partners at sea."

The U.S. Coast Guard remains operational during COVID-19, following all COVID-19 safety precautions and regulations.

U.S. Sixth Fleet, headquartered in Naples, Italy, conducts the full spectrum of joint and naval operations, often in concert with allied and interagency partners, to advance U.S. national interests and security and stability in Europe and Africa. Based in Portsmouth, Virginia, U.S. Coast Guard Atlantic Area oversees all Coast Guard operations east of the Rocky Mountai

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و كان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين - حب الأوطان من الإيمان

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