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 F/A 18 Hornet around the world

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MessageSujet: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 22 Déc 2008 - 0:10

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 24 Fév 2010 - 18:41

[HS]je parlais du F18 en général, il est vrai que le nom commun entre le Hornet et le Super Hornet porte à confusion[\HS]
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messages : 21656
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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 13 Mar 2010 - 13:57

repos obligatoire pour les F18 A/B/C/D de USN/USMC

Citation :
U.S. Grounds 104 Hornets After More Cracks Discovered

U.S. Naval Air Systems Command grounded 104 U.S. Navy and Marine Corps F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets March 12 after inspectors discovered the airframes were developing cracks much earlier than engineers had thought.

The grounding order affects the first four varieties of Hornet - models A through D - and does not apply to aircraft now flying combat missions over Iraq or Afghanistan. The number of Hornets affected makes up 16 percent of the Navy-Marine A through D fleet.

There have been no crashes or other mishaps related to the problem, said Navy spokesman Lt. Nate Christensen. The March 10 crash of a Marine F/A-18D Hornet from Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 224 off South Carolina - in which both the pilot and weapons officer were rescued - was not related to this problem, he said.

Of the 104 grounded jets, 77 are in flight status. Of those, 23 are in Navy and Marine Corps fleet squadrons; five are forward-deployed at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan; five belong to the Blue Angels flight demonstration team; and 44 are in fleet replacement squadrons. The other 27 Hornets are in a maintenance status.

The grounding notice from NavAir covered a "high stress focus area" that engineers already knew about as part of the Hornets' service-life assessment program, Christensen said, so NavAir issued a set of instructions for affected aircraft.

Squadrons have been ordered to perform a magnetic field inspection on jets included in the grounding. If they don't find cracks, their Hornets go back to unrestricted flight status, although crews are required to visually inspect the wings after every 100 hours of flight.

If a squadron can't do the magnetic inspection on a jet included in the grounding, its crews have been ordered to inspect its wings visually. Even if they find no cracks, the Hornet pilots will not be allowed to pull more than four Gs during flight.

Christensen said he did not have a breakdown for each type of Hornet - A, B, C and D - affected by the grounding. He also did not describe where the cracks were forming on each jet - for example, in their center barrels, wings, or elsewhere.

There are a total of 635 A- through D-model jets in the Navy and Marine Corps fleet.

Defense News, Published: 12 Mar 2010 15:12

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeDim 14 Mar 2010 - 16:23

La même info pour les francophones Arrow
Citation :
L'US Navy suspend l'exploitation de 104 chasseurs défectueux
MOSCOU, 13 mars - RIA Novosti
Le commandement des forces navales américaines a pris la décision de suspendre l'exploitation de 104 chasseurs-bombardiers F/A-18 Hornet en raison des fissures découvertes sur le fuselage, indique la version électronique du quotidien Navy Times.

Selon le porte-parole de la Marine américaine, le lieutenant Nate Christensen, les ingénieurs craignent l'apparition anticipée de fêlures encore plus grandes aux endroits de jonction du fuselage et de l'aile. Les unités exploitant les avions défectueux ont reçu l'ordre de procéder à une visite de l'ensemble de leurs appareils une fois toutes les 100 heures de vol.

D'après le quotidien, les forces navales américaines comptent 635 F/A-18 Hornet. 77 des chasseurs rappelés étaient opérationnels et 27 en cours d'entretien.

L'exploitation des avions a été suspendue dans toutes les bases américaines, tant à l'intérieur du pays qu'à l'étranger
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 1 Mai 2010 - 15:03

F/A-18E/F with Lockheed Martin’s IRST™️
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The F/A-18E/F IRST is a passive, long-wave infrared sensor system that searches for and detects heat sources within its large field-of-regard, enabling long-range detection and track of enemy targets under normal and electronic attack environments.
F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Mfc_ir12

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control plans to provide 150 F/A-18E/F IRST systems to the U.S. Navy.
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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 1 Mai 2010 - 23:00

Je trouve cet IRST trop gros, à la limite celui en développement pour le F-15C est moins gros.

Personnellement je préfère un design plus discret comme celui du F-14D bien que d'ancienne génération.
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 30 Nov 2010 - 1:49

Boeing’s Super Hornet ‘International Roadmap’

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 11 Jan 2011 - 16:25

Citation :
Assemblage du 500ème F/A-18 Super Hornet

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F/A-18E Super Hornet sur le porte-avions USS Harry S. Truman
crédits : US NAVY


Le programme d'avion de combat américain F/A-18 Super Hornet a franchi un cap avec l'assemblage du 500ème appareil de ce type. Porté par Boeing, le programme porte sur la fabrication d'avions monoplaces F/A-18 E et biplaces F/A-18 F, essentiellement destinés à la marine américaine. Depuis sa mise en service, en 2001, le Super Hornet a été livré à plus de 440 exemplaires à l'US Navy. Les industriels américains, qui proposent également l'avion à l'export, fournissent l'armée de l'Air australienne, pour laquelle 24 F/A-18 F ont été commandés en 2007 (15 déjà livrés). L'avion a également été proposé à plusieurs pays, comme le Brésil, où il est en compétition avec le Rafale français et le Gripen suédois.
Dérivé du F-18 Hornet, conçu par McDonnell Douglas (qui a fusionné en 1997 avec Boeing), est entré en service en 1983 et a été produit à 1479 exemplaires, le F/A-18 Super Hornet est un chasseur-bombardier mesurant 18.4 mètres de long pour une envergure de 13.7 mètres (9.94 ailes repliées). Affichant une masse de 13 tonnes à vide et 28 tonnes en charge, ce biréacteur peut atteindre Mach 1.8. Son armement comprend un canon de 20mm, des bombes et missiles. Les dernières versions sont équipées d'un radar à antenne active APG-79.
Une version dédiée à la guerre électronique, l'EA-18 G Growler, est entrée en service en 2009. Destiné à remplacer l'EA-6 Prowler, cet appareil a déjà été livré à 47 exemplaires (84 prévus). En dehors des appareils à l'export, les F/A-18 sont mis en oeuvre depuis les porte-avions américains. A ce titre, ils disposent d'une crosse d'appontage et d'un train avant renforcé pour les catapultages.

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeJeu 3 Fév 2011 - 17:18

Citation :
Boeing to unveil stealthier F/A-18 aircraft

A mocked up version of Boeing’s F/A-18 Super Hornet will be among the many metal birds to debut at the upcoming Aero India 2011
Boeing, which is one of the contenders for the $10 billion medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) contract, will unveil a stealthier version of the F/A-18 at the air show to be held at the Air Force Station Yelahanka between February 9 and 13.
Boeing’s vice-president for defence, space and security, Vivek Lall, said that one of the two F/A-18s which will be performing at the bi-annual show will be configured with conformal fuel tanks, enhanced performance engines, spherical missile laser warning, enclosed weapons pad, next generation cockpit and internal infrared search and tracking system.
The mocked up aircraft, which will be unveiled at the Aero India will be the first F/A-18 to be developed as part of the ‘International Super Hornet Roadmap’ programme which was announced by the US-based aerospace company at last year’s Farnborough Air Show in the UK.
Labelled as the next evolution of Block II Super Hornet, the aircraft is said to have features “which increase survivability, situational awareness, and performance for customers”.
Lall said that if India inked the 126 MMRCA deal with Boeing, it would also have the option of shaping its technology in future. “We are putting up a platform which will be combat worthy for the next 30 to 40 years,” said Lall.
Correction, February 3, 2011: The name and designation of Vivek Lall have been rectified.

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 9 Fév 2011 - 11:36

Yakusa a écrit:
Boeing’s Super Hornet ‘International Roadmap’

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Aero India 2011 commence aujourd'hui, parmi les vedettes présentes, c'est le F/A 18E Super Hornet modifié .. dont l'Inde pourait effictivemment le premier client selon le dernier n° de A&C ou on peut lire que cette nouvelle version présente l'aspect d'un Super Hornet plus furtif avec des réservoirs conformes de 1360kg de kérosène ( +10% d'endurance espérée ), un cargo armement installé sous le fuselage pouvant contenir quatre Amraam ou deux Amraam et une bombe de 1000kg, deux bombes de 250kg ou encore quatre bombes SDB ( Small Diameter Bomb ), rêvetement absorbant, capteur infrarouge de recherche et de poursuite ( Irst ) dans le nez, nouveau détecteur d'alerte missile
photos prises aujourd'hui en Inde :
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 30 Aoû 2011 - 19:58

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"Les belles idées n'ont pas d'âge, elles ont seulement de l'avenir"
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1ere classe
1ere classe

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMar 18 Oct 2011 - 4:01

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 5 Nov 2011 - 12:42

Citation :
Boeing Reveals Details Of International F-18

GENOA, Italy — Engineers from U.S. behemoth Boeing are offering further glimpses into the so-called “international road map” variant of its F-18 Super Hornet, starting with its two shoulder-mounted conformal fuel tanks (CFTs) and numerous Enclosed Weapons Pods (EWPs).

The details are emerging as Boeing and rival Lockheed Martin, with its Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), move from being cut out of the Indian Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft and look to non-JSF partners like Japan for new business.

Several other air forces also are looking around for new fighters and will evaluate not only radar and avionics performances, but also how the fighters fare in both beyond-visual-range and close combat. Boeing has been promoting F-18 improvements under its international road map concept since last year, but it continues to dribble out more information as potential non-U.S. customers like Japan are targeted.

Along those lines, Boeing’s concept for a newer Super Hornet is intended to improve the basic airframe in terms of thrust/weight ratio, acceleration, agility, maneuverability, combat persistence, low-observable characteristics and sensor capabilities.

As Aviation Week & Space Technology and sister publication Defense Technology International have reported this year, to extend the F-18’s range without having to carry drag-inducing underwing fuel tanks, the new Super Hornet could rely on two CFTs. According to a preliminary calculation of a Super Hornet fitted with two CFTs and a belly-mounted conventional, external fuel tank, the aircraft would have the same combat radius that now only can be achieved with three external tanks. This is partly due to the position of the CFT’s center of gravity (CG), which is relatively close to the aircraft’s CG. The placement also cuts the amount of trim work and trim drag generated by the horizontal stabilizers.

Furthermore, the CFTs should not require modification of the flight control software, Boeing says, although confirmation will not come until wind tunnel and flight testing are carried out. The first test efforts are to be completed by the end of year with another round in 2012, the engineers say.

Along with the CFTs, Boeing also has been promoting replacement of the F-18’s wing and fuselage pylons and hardpoints with Enclosed Weapons Pods (EWPs), each of them able to host four AIM-120 missiles, a 2,000-lb. bomb or two 500-lb.-class weapons.

Boeing says that even if each EWP has a targeted empty weight of 370 kg (815 lb.), this “addition” is more than compensated for by elimination of pylons and rails and the better resulting aerodynamics, as well as reduced radar cross section (including against existing RCS treatments). With an underbelly and two underwing EWPs, the Super Hornet can carry 12 Amraams, plus the two wing-tip-mounted AIM-9Xs.

But the EWPs have yet to be certified for supersonic carriage and full combat load factors. Moreover, Boeing has not yet decided if it will modify an existing Super Hornet to flight test the CFTs and/or the EWPs.

Indeed, Boeing has yet to detail its estimates of how much better a Super Hornet fitted with an enhanced-performance engine variant of the General Electric F414, Transonic Flight Quality Improvement wing package, CFTs and EWPs would perform. But the company says that acceleration from level cruise speed to a supersonic Mach 1.3-Mach 1.5 will be reduced, depending on aircraft configuration and altitude, by 2-3.5 times compared with a standard Super Hornet. During a typical combat air patrol mission at altitudes around 40,000 ft., the time needed to accelerate from patrol to combat supersonic speed is to be reduced by 2-3 times.

And while it is clear that a modified Super Hornet will fly, accelerate, turn and have more specific excess power compared with the current Super Hornet within the same flight envelope, the international road map concept so far rests on Boeing internally funded research and development. The company wants a customer to fund more development and integration and test the improvements.

Photo: Boeing

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MessageSujet: image   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 30 Déc 2011 - 0:22

Jolie robe ! ca me rappelle quelque chose Wink
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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Fév 2012 - 10:50

Citation :
Boeing Begins Production of F/A-18E/F Distributed Targeting System

DTS enhances Super Hornet aircrews’ situational awareness when engaging air-to-ground targets
Initial Operational Capability scheduled for January 2013

ST. LOUIS, Feb. 1, 2012 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced that it has started production of the new Distributed Targeting System (DTS) for the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet strike fighter.

DTS provides enhanced targeting capability for the Super Hornet. It is part of the U.S. Navy’s F/A-18E/F Network Centric Warfare Upgrades program and the F/A-18E/F Flight Plan, which will ensure that the Super Hornet remains ahead of emerging threats in coming decades.

The Navy granted approval for Low Rate Initial Production of DTS following successful completion of initial operational assessment flight testing at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, Calif., and Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md., between September 2010 and March 2011. Air Test and Evaluation Squadrons VX-31 and VX-23 conducted the tests.

“Distributed targeting is going to be a real game-changer for Super Hornet aircrews,” said Kevin Fogarty, Boeing F/A-18 and EA-18G Mission Systems director. “DTS increases pilot and aircrew situational awareness and precision targeting when engaging air-to-ground targets, in part by using geo-registration technology.”

Geo-registration technology compares images taken from tactical sensors with an onboard imagery database to produce highly accurate target coordinates.

DTS is on schedule to achieve Initial Operational Capability in January 2013.

The Boeing Super Hornet is a multirole aircraft, able to perform virtually every mission in the tactical spectrum, including air superiority, day/night strike with precision-guided weapons, fighter escort, close air support, suppression of enemy air defenses, maritime strike, reconnaissance, forward air control and tanker missions. Boeing has delivered more than 480 F/A-18E/Fs to the U.S. Navy. Every Super Hornet produced has been delivered ahead of schedule and on budget.

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Fév 2012 - 17:58

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 28 Mar 2012 - 13:18

Citation :

Boeing, Elbit Systems to Collaborate on Simulation for Super Hornet

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Distributed simulation project to lay foundation for future technology collaboration with Brazilian industry
SANTIAGO, Chile, March 27, 2012 – The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Elbit Systems are collaborating on a joint distributed simulation project that will link a Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet simulator in St. Louis with an AEL Avionics Laboratory simulator in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

The effort brings together Boeing’s and Elbit’s expertise in order to demonstrate current simulation and network technology as well as the capabilities of the Super Hornet. The demonstration also will explore the potential for other technology collaborations, such as Super Hornet interoperability with Brazilian fighter aircraft. The distributed simulation project is expected to be completed this summer.

Boeing and Elbit Systems are developing a robust plan for technology exchange in the areas of simulation and avionics support for Brazil’s F-X2 program. Earlier this month, Boeing and Elbit Systems signed a Memorandum of Understanding that supports the development of advanced avionics capabilities in Brazil that will be introduced to AEL Sistemas. Elbit was selected to provide the Large Area Display (LAD) system that will be part of an advanced cockpit system to be offered on Boeing fighter aircraft, including the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and the F-15 family of aircraft, including the Silent Eagle. As a key supplier to Boeing fighter aircraft programs, Elbit, through Boeing, is investing in the development of advanced cockpit avionics capabilities at AEL Sistemas.

Elbit representatives recently met with the Boeing Super Hornet team in St. Louis to begin outlining working plans for developing the advanced avionics and the LAD. The Brazilian engineers and their Boeing counterparts expect to create a strong working relationship that will bring value to Brazilian industry and the Brazilian Air Force.

The Boeing and Elbit teams also have begun exploring potential opportunities for other systems and support activities that would benefit AEL Sistemas and Brazilian industry in the near term and for the life cycle of the aircraft.

“By working together on today’s aircraft avionics, Boeing and Elbit engineers will be able to chart a plan for the future,” said Mike Gibbons, vice president, Boeing F/A-18 and EA-18 Programs. “These collaborative efforts provide opportunities for international growth for Boeing and our global supply chain.”

Source: Boeing
Photo: Marcel van Leeuwen Z.A.P.P.

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 7 Avr 2012 - 3:15

Crash d'un F-18 Super Hornet sur un immeuble en Virginie (USA), les deux pilotes ont pu s'éjecter mais ont tout de même laissé leur appareil s'écraser dans une zone résidentielle.
Citation :

Etats-Unis: Un chasseur F-18 s'écrase sur un immeuble résidentiel


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VIRGINIE - Il y a neuf blessés légers et aucun mort...

C'est un petit miracle. Un chasseur F-18 de la marine américaine s'est écrasé vendredi, peu après son décollage, sur un immeuble résidentiel de Virginia Beach, en Virginie. Selon le dernier bilan, neuf personnes ont été blessées, dont l'un des pilotes, mais aucune personne n'était portée disparue.

En début de soirée, sept étaient sorties de l'hôpital et aucune n'était en condition critique.

Les sauveteurs fouillaient, vendredi après-midi, les décombres des cinq bâtiments endommagés lors de l'impact et l'incendie qui a suivi. «Pour le moment, aucun disparu n'a été signalé», a déclaré le chef des pompiers de Virginia Beach, Tom Riley.

«Je suis vraiment désolé de m'être écrasé sur votre immeuble»

Les deux membres d'équipage ont pu s'éjecter avant l'impact, a précisé le porte-parole de l'US Navy, Phil Rosi. Des riverains ont trouvé l'un des deux pilotes dans l'épave du F-18, sanglé sur son siège éjectable. Ils l'ont soulevé sur son siège pour l'éloigner des flammes. «Je suis vraiment désolé de m'être écrasé sur votre immeuble», leur a confié le pilote du F-18.

Virginia Beach est une localité du littoral Atlantique, à 320 km au sud de Washington.

>> Un témoin oculaire raconte le crash sur une télévision américaine

N. Bu. avec Reuters
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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSam 28 Avr 2012 - 21:26

Carrier Operations - F-18

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 9 Mai 2012 - 16:49

Mezghena a écrit:
Crash d'un F-18 Super Hornet t


c'est pas un super hornet mais un f-18 D
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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeLun 21 Mai 2012 - 12:33

Prenez place à bord d’un F/A-18 Hornet de l’US Navy

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 30 Mai 2012 - 13:51

Citation :

Boeing develops Super Hornet aircraft upgrade

Washington, USA - New infrared camera integrated into the centerline station fuel tank

F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 7742
(WAPA) - The Super Hornet, the latest version of the well-know US Navy F/A-18 Hornet multi-role fighter aircraft, is going to be upgraded again. The new hardware is currently being developed at a Boeing facility.

In particular, this upgrade will regard the targeting system. The programme plans to equip with new sensor packages all the F/A-18 Super Hornet family, which includes the multi-role striker and the electronic-warfare aircraft EA-18G Growler.

"This new targeting system allows you to self-generate GPS-quality mensurated(sic) coordinates onboard the airplane autonomously".

This operation will force the US Navy to a general retrofit of the type, and it has already raised some controversies about its costs. However, the upgrade is composed of another system.

This system is a new infrared search and track pod (IRST) that is an evolution of the Northrop Grumman F-14D Tomcat's AN/AAS-42 IRST camera.

"A pod avoids retrofit costs. One of the unique design features of this new system is that it is built into an external fuel tank. Because the aircraft's centerline station is the optimum position for the IRST pod, it has to take the place of the Super Hornet's ever-present drop-tank (which, it should be said, is an aircraft that always suffered due to range limitations, Ed.)".

"The centerline station is far enough forward that it affords a podded-sensor an unobstructed up and down view, which is critical for the sensor to be effective. In order to preserve the Super Hornet's range, the US Navy opted to have the sensor built into the forward half of the fuel tank. That way, two-thirds of the fuel are still available for use". (Avionews)

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 1 Juin 2012 - 21:41


F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 477237Sanstitre
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"je veux pour le Maroc de dirigeants intelligeants , une jeunesse intelligente, apte a saisir les occasions a comprendre le siècle ou elle vie, a ne pas vivre a l'ombre du politisme, mais guidée par le perfectionnisme et surtout pas la réalisation et le réalisme "
Hassan II 1996
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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 22 Juin 2012 - 17:36

F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 71483_11

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F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 R12
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General de Brigade
General de Brigade

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MessageSujet: Re: F/A 18 Hornet around the world   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMer 4 Juil 2012 - 17:30

maquette issue d'un forum serbe !! aucun sens a mon avis par contre

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MessageSujet: ..   F/A 18 Hornet around the world - Page 3 Icon_minitimeVen 5 Oct 2012 - 16:25

F-18 de la NASA .

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