messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Dim 7 Avr 2013 - 17:06
lis avant de poser des questions comme ca,regarde le post de yassine1985 en haut
Citation :
Russian Air Force to receive 5 generation fighter in 2015-2016
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Dim 21 Avr 2013 - 21:58
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41823 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Mar 23 Avr 2013 - 17:54
Citation :
Chasseur russe de 5e génération: début des tests d'Etat en 2014
MOSCOU, 23 avril - RIA Novosti
Les tests d'Etat du chasseur russe de cinquième génération T-50 (PAK FA) débuteront en 2014, a déclaré mardi aux journalistes le président du Consortium aéronautique unifié (OAK) Mikhaïl Pogossian.
"En 2013, nous devons achever les essais provisoires de cet appareil et entamer son exploitation de test. En 2014, nous procéderons aux tests d'Etat, dont la première étape devrait être achevée en 2015", a indiqué M.Pogossian.
Le T-50 est un chasseur de cinquième génération doté d'un radar unique à balayage électronique actif. L'appareil possède une faible signature radar et thermique, une vitesse de croisière supersonique et un niveau élevé d'intégration des systèmes de commande. Conçu pour remplacer les MIG-29 et les Su-27 en service dans l'armée russe, le T-50 conjugue les caractéristiques d'un avion de frappe et d'un chasseur classique. Il est développé en Russie depuis les années 1990.
Le premier décollage du chasseur T-50 remonte au 29 janvier 2010. L'avion a été présenté pour la première fois au public le 17 août 2011, lors du Salon aérospatial MAKS-2011 à Joukovski, dans la région de Moscou.
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Mer 22 Mai 2013 - 21:55
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Ven 14 Juin 2013 - 9:10
L'armée debute ces tests :
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Fifth-generation fighter T-50 has successfully passed an milestone test phase
In the Russian army completed its first phase of testing multipurpose fighter of the 5th generation.Behind the years of research and hundreds of flights. Until now, many characteristics of the T-50 remains a mystery. As the designers say, is not a secret is that our surpass plane on the basic parameters of the best foreign analogues. Moreover, it has surpassed even the expectations of its developers.
In the Russian army completed the first stage of testing the multi-purpose Fighter 5-th generation. Over years of research and hundreds of flights. Until now, many characteristics of the t-50 will remain a mystery. As designers, it's no secret that our plane on the basic parameters of the best foreign analogues. Moreover, he outdid even the expectations of its developers.
First impression: the planes do not fly. But when the rudder sverhnovogo fighter t-50 experienced pilots perform stunts, it becomes clear: can, as yet.
Modern fighting vehicles already will never be the same again. Now this is a fighter, and bomber aircraft, and that can perform any task. The fifth-generation aircraft in the sky. This means he's "the invisible man" (that is, invisible to enemy radar), it's the fastest (top speed of more than 2.5 thousand kilometers per hour), with artificial intelligence (he thinks and makes transactions before you had to take care of the pilot).
"The pilot took off, tossed the handle, not even including the Auto mode-the plane still will not go down, the aircraft gradually descend into horizontal flight mode. Though the plane starts its tail down fall, the pilot will warn about this, "said test pilot, hero of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION Sergey Bogdan.
And even if something happens to the pilot during the assignment, the fighter is able to return to base and land.This plane did much to expose "on a platter." For example, the automatic recognition system.
The covering fighter is like a living organism. She reacts to everything that is happening around, thanks to a special transmitter/receiver elements. They literally sewn into the body of the fighter. It is called "smart skin".
Before the advent of the t-50 the most advanced fifth generation aircraft was considered the American F-22 Raptor. But the Russian fighter now bypasses it in multiple ways: it can reach a speed of 500 kilometers per hour more, he can fly more easily, and more. But the main thing, of course, is hidden inside.
After several years of secret tests of the PAK FA (Prospective aviation complex frontline aviation, also known as the fighting machine) flew over 500 sorties. Designers bring the outcome of the first phase of tested and safe to say, normal flight.
"We were hoping, of course, get a degree, and I believe that with this task in the first stage we have coped. On a number of characteristics we got better results than planned. For example, we got very good characteristics of a supersonic cruising speed, "said sverhmanevrennosti Deputy Director of design research Research Center, the first Deputy Chief Designer of the JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau Michael Archer.
All this is largely due to construction: small tails, no angles between surfaces. And the weapon will be located in the Interior compartments: air resistance during exercise less, and detect aircraft at the expense of the special coverage more difficult.
"We have an opportunity to respond to any threats that may originate from our potential adversaries. Today the fifth generation systems are created in the United States. Our system will never succumb, and will surpass foreign analogues. This gives us confidence in the future, "said the President of JSC" United aircraft Corporation "Mikhail Pogosyan.
Cabin one by one as the t-50. In a special centre pilots receive additional training before sitting at the helm of the new fighter. Even catapult system and chairs-a whole science. The weight of the pilot, flight speed takes into account all the computer and allows you to safely evacuate the pilot.
Test passed for already 4 t-50. By the end of the year to experience another. By 2015, the plan to put into series production.
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Ven 14 Juin 2013 - 10:28
elle resiste bien au stall
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Ven 14 Juin 2013 - 12:02
Pourquoi l'appeler T-50 si c'est pas un Tank
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Ven 28 Juin 2013 - 16:49
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Lun 8 Juil 2013 - 20:46
Citation :
Pilots of the t-50 will protect unique antiperegruzočnye costumes
New equipment will allow pilots to perform maneuvers with overloads and 9 g at an altitude of 23 km catapult
Russian fifth-generation fighter t-50 had a unique protective gear, pilot-induced pressure on the body during prolonged overloads. The kit, designed by OAO «NPP "Zvezda", consists of two protivoperegruzočnyh costumes and light pressure compensation system allows you to make maneuvers with overloads 9 g for a period of up to 30 seconds. The Catapult of the machines will be at an altitude of 23 km.
As told by Izvestia "stars Deputy Chief Designer Nikolay Dergunov, pilots will protect the two flight-suit: RFP protivoperegruzočnyj-7 and high-altitude compensating WCC-17. They choose before your flight depending on the height-PPK-7 runs at an altitude of up to 12 thousand meters, and WCC-17 — up to 23 thousand.
Both costumes are connected tothe state machine pressure ad-17, which inflates the air cavity costumes overloads and begins to supply oxygen pressure in the respiratory mask.
According to Izvestia, the Chief specialist of the JSC "SPE star Michael Dudnik, the oxygen pressure in the mask when overloads is 6-7 atmospheres. The pilot's lungs are inflated from within, so offset by external pressure on the rib cage. The on-board computer foresees overload and enables you to avoid the lag compensation system pressure.
Is This development — our know-how, while no one in the world to develop such a system could not explained Dudnik.
Protivoperegruzočnyj is a high-altitude suits and coveralls made of termostojkoj fabricssewn in with cameras and tubes.While performing maneuvers through these tubes is air that inflates costume. Fabric compresses the body of the pilot and prevents outflow of blood from the head. If this is not done, the pilot momentarily lose consciousness.
According to test pilot Sergei Bogdan, the hero of Russia who first picked up the t-50 is in the air and its testing in the new plane because the pilot sverhmanevrennosti without compensation of pressure perish when spreads and bends.
— Overloading 9 g is your weight increasing by nine. When there is an overload, the chest instantly compresses and very difficult to breath. When it lasts for 2-3 seconds, yet wherever went, but when 20-30 — withstand pressure without compensation cannot be explained by Bogdan Izvestia.
In a high compensatory suit fabric more dense, there is a special insulation, allowing the pilot to survive when the depressurization or katapul′tirovanii at an altitude of up to 23 km To the pilot's body.high-altitude suit equipped with ventilating vest. But even with himin such a suit is hot, so fly to the small height pilots prefer Lite protivoperegruzočnyj.
Air supply system and automatic pressure has mounted in the last three experienced t-50. factory testing Suits are now under way and will soon be transferred to thepilots-verifiers — Sergey Bogdan plans to try on your own copy next week.
Un peu de luxe aussi
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Mar 9 Juil 2013 - 16:28
Citation :
Défense: des combinaisons spéciales pour les pilotes du T-50
Les chasseurs russes T-50 de cinquième génération seront munis d'un équipement de protection unique visant à compenser la pression sur le pilote en cas de surcharge prolongée, écrit le quotidien Izvestia du 9 juillet 2013.
Cette innovation de l'entreprise Zvezda comprend deux combinaisons anti-charge et un système d'équilibrage de la pression au niveau des poumons, permettant d'effectuer des manœuvres à un facteur de charge de 9G pour une durée de 30 secondes. Les pilotes seront également en mesure de s'éjecter à une altitude de 23 kilomètres.
Nikolaï Dergounov, constructeur en chef adjoint de Zvezda, a expliqué que la protection des pilotes comptera deux combinaisons : une anti-charge PPK-7 et une de compensation de l'altitude VKK-17. Le choix de l’une ou de l’autre dépendra de l'altitude : le PPK-7 est efficace jusqu'à 12 kilomètres, alors que le VKK-17 pourrait servir à des altitudes jusqu'à 23 kilomètres.
Les deux combinaisons sont liées au système d'équilibrage AD-17 qui pompe l'air dans des cavités spéciales et apporte l'oxygène dans le respirateur du pilote en cas de facteur de charge important.
Selon Mikhaïl Doudnik, spécialiste en chef de Zvezda, la pression de l'oxygène dans le respirateur pourrait atteindre 6 ou 7 fois celle de l’atmosphère en cas de facteur de charge. Ce procédé permet de gonfler les poumons du pilote de l'intérieur pour compenser la pression extérieure sur le thorax. Qui plus est, l'ordinateur de bord est en mesure de prévoir ces surcharges, permettant d'éviter une réaction tardive du système d'équilibrage.
"Cet équipement est notre savoir-faire unique : il n'existe pas dans le monde d'équivalents à ce système", remarque Mikhaïl Doudnik.
Ces deux combinaisons sont conçues en matière thermorésistante et sont munies de cavités et de tubes. Lors des manœuvres le système pompe l'air grâce à ces tubes et gonfle le costume. Le tissu fait pression sur le corps du pilote pour empêcher le retour du sang à la tête – au contraire de quoi le pilote perdrait immédiatement connaissance.
Selon Sergueï Bogdan, pilote d'essai décoré de la médaille du héros de la Russie, fut le premier à piloter le T-50 et assure actuellement ses essais. Sans ce système de compensation le nouvel avion pourrait tuer l'homme pendant les virages du fait de sa manœuvrabilité exceptionnelle.
"Un facteur de charge de 9G multiplie votre poids par neuf. La surcharge crée une pression énorme sur le thorax, ce qui rend la respiration extrêmement difficile. On peut la tolérer pour 2 ou 3 secondes mais il est tout à fait impossible de la subir au cours de 20 ou même 30 secondes", affirme Sergueï Bogdan. La combinaison de compensation de l'altitude VKK-17 est conçue d'un tissu plus dense et possède un garnissage spécial permettant au pilote de survivre à la dépressurisation ou de s’éjecter à 23 kilomètres d’altitude. Le VKK-17 est également muni d'un gilet de ventilation qui sert à refroidir le corps du pilote. Néanmoins, ce système n'est pas en mesure de compenser à 100% la chaleur et les pilotes préfèrent donc le PPK-7 quand il s'agit d’altitudes moins importantes.
Les trois derniers prototypes de T-50 sont déjà munis de systèmes de pompes à air et d'équilibrage de pression. Les combinaisons sont actuellement à l'essai mais seront bientôt transmises aux pilotes : Sergueï Bogdan espère obtenir son exemplaire dès la semaine prochaine.
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Ven 12 Juil 2013 - 19:03
Notre ami Sergei ... on entend son nom à 0:26 . il était d'ailleurs le tout premier pilote à l'essayer
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Lun 15 Juil 2013 - 9:49
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Lun 15 Juil 2013 - 14:24
Citation :
.. The engine for the PAK FA
Asked by reporters on the engine for a prospective fifth-generation fighter being developed by the program "promising aviation complex tactical aircraft" (PAK FA), I.Fedorov noted that work is being done extremely well under the leadership of chief designer STC them. Arkhip Cradles Eugene Marchukova. Design Bureau NPO "Saturn", headed by chief designer Yuri Shmotinym, did a great job on the new gas generator engine characteristics have turned out much better than expected by the customer. Now comes the final configuration of the motor and coordination with the Yakovlev Design Bureau. Dry questions on placing the engine on the aircraft. President of JSC "UAC" Mikhail Pogosyan puts a condition that the engine installed in the aircraft without any change in the support (now at T-50 or PAK FA fighter jet engines are installed ed. "117" before the new engine). Installing the engine of the second stage will dramatically increase the speed of the aircraft, as the increase traction and acceleration, in addition, the engine will be easier.
It should be noted that one of the conditions for the developer fighter is the price of a new engine - it should not be higher than the price of the engine, "ed. 117", which is set today, and this demand will be met and maintained. The engine in the production of the most cost-effective when it is released in large series, as it is today, for example, the engine AL-31 FP / FN in Moscow "Salute" and Ufa MPO. Today, there is confidence that even at half of the series, which now is, the production of the new engine will be cost-effective. Now an estimated price corresponds to the engine "izd.117." ...
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Mer 17 Juil 2013 - 9:58
Citation :
PAK FA will get "unlimited" oxygen system
Promising Russian fighter T-50 (PAK FA) will get a new system of supplying oxygen to the breathing mask pilot. According to the newspaper "Izvestia", a system developed by the Scientific and Production Enterprise "Zvezda". This equipment allows you to receive oxygen for breathing gas from the air during flight. For comparison, all standing in the Russian Air Force fighters are equipped with a limited amount of oxygen cylinders.
According to the chief specialist SPE "Star" Michael angelica, thanks to a new oxygen system at the height of the flight will no longer depend on the supply of oxygen in cylinders. In addition, the on-board system saves the payload: the mass of the new equipment is only 30 pounds, while the system of oxygen cylinders on a two hour flight weighs about 90 pounds.
Development of systems for the generation of oxygen was carried out over the last five years. Currently, it is set on four flying prototypes of the T-50 passing tests in Zhukovsky near Moscow. According to angelica, the first copies of the T-50, assembled at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aviation plant flew to Moscow on their own, but the entire route they needed refueling only without replenishment of oxygen.
On the basis of the oxygen system created by the T-50 and similar equipment for combat training aircraft Yak-130, which was originally established cylinders. Until the end of 2013, the new system should also get a carrier-based fighters MiG-29K. As the newspaper notes, orders for such a system is put in the Ministry of Defence of Algeria and Malaysia, it is planned to equip its fighters Su-30 family.
Earlier it was reported that the pilots of fighter T-50 will have new sets of protective equipment that will enable them to carry overload 9G lasting up to 30 seconds to eject at an altitude of 23 Kms. The set of high-altitude flight will be included compensation system pressure in the lungs, allowing to avoid atelectasis (collapse of the lung).
In total, the Ministry of Defence has ordered 60 Russian fighter T-50, and the Air Force need for such aircraft is estimated at 150-200 units. It is expected that in 2015 the government will begin joint testing of aircraft, and in 2016 the PAK FA will go into service.
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Ven 19 Juil 2013 - 17:12
après le 9G-suit et le systéme d'oxygéniation extra je sens qu'il y a encore beacoup de surprise cette année avec le Pak-Fa
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... Golden skies
The PAK-FA pilot is going to be surrounded by gold at all times as NPP Technologia enterprise in Russia’s Obninsk has developed a gold coating for the cockpit which reduces radar’s ability to detect the equipment by 250 times. The coating also protects pilot from high-energy radar pulses and solar radiation.
The coating consists not only of gold, but a combination of various metals, including stanum and indium, applied on the cockpit with a specially developed magnetron installation.
The NPP Technologia enterprise, which also produces the majority of composite elements for the Pak-FA hull, says all systems will are go to supply all future 5G jets with golden cockpits once industrial production of the aircraft starts in 2015.
Modularized electronic system
After the collapse of the 1990s, Russia was lagging behind in the development of digital ‘military and space’ grade electronics. Therefore, developing a 5G fighter jet seemed to be impossible without the complete modernization of electronic production in Russia, both military and civilian, which has indisputably been achieved as evidenced by the performance of the four PAK-FA jets during the test flights.
The Sukhoi T-50 fighter jet onboard information computation has been shifted from the classic multicomputer system to the Integrated Modular Avionic system, a long-anticipated change when a single processor controls many processes aboard, attributing priority level to each process and computing the most critical first, which prevents PAK-FA’s computer from freezing.
It has been an absolute precondition that the Russian 5G fighter jet will be using only domestically-produced electronic components and to achieve this objective, the Russian electronics industry was forced to undergo a revolution which ultimately proved successful.
plus d'info :
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Ven 19 Juil 2013 - 20:38
ils l´ont a peine alors que ca equipe le F16 depuis belle lurette le gold canopy comme le EA-6B F117 F22..
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Mar 23 Juil 2013 - 9:11
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41823 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Mer 7 Aoû 2013 - 21:34
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Lun 12 Aoû 2013 - 9:46
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14757 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Mer 14 Aoû 2013 - 12:01
Citation :
New Engine for Russia’s T-50 Fighter Jet Expected by 2020
MOSCOW, August 12 (RIA Novosti) – The final version of the engine for Russia’s first fifth-generation T-50 fighter jet will be available by the end of the current decade, the United Engine Making Corporation said Monday.
T-50 prototypes are currently using a preliminary, “Stage 1” engine, while the “Stage 2” engine will make the jet’s capabilities “even more impressive,” a corporation spokesman told RIA Novosti, without providing any technical details.
The final version of the engine is now in development, which should be completed by mid-2015, he said.
The Russian Air Force will take delivery of its first T-50 fighter jet "in the third quarter of this year" for final test flights starting in the fourth quarter, the service's commander, Lt. Gen. Viktor Bondarev, said Tuesday.
In late April, President Vladimir Putin said the T-50 would enter service with the country’s armed forces in 2016, not 2015 as had been previously announced. United Aircraft Corporation's president, Mikhail Pogosyan, said T-50 test flights would begin in 2014.
The T-50, which will make up the core of Russia's future fighter fleet, is a multirole warplane featuring "stealth" technology," super-maneuverability, super-cruise capability, and advanced avionics including an active electronically scanned array radar, according to its designer Sukhoi.
India also plans to buy a fighter aircraft based on the T-50, known as the FGFA (fifth-generation fighter aircraft).
United Aircraft Corporation is the state holding company uniting Russia's aircraft-building industry including Sukhoi, a military and civil aircraft manufacture
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
yassine1985 Colonel-Major
messages : 2948 Inscrit le : 11/11/2010 Localisation : Marrakech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Ven 30 Aoû 2013 - 13:03
_________________ ."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
mourad27 Modérateur
messages : 8010 Inscrit le : 19/02/2012 Localisation : Kech Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Ven 30 Aoû 2013 - 22:43
jonas General de Brigade
messages : 3370 Inscrit le : 11/02/2008 Localisation : far-maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Dim 1 Sep 2013 - 3:14
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14757 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Sam 21 Sep 2013 - 12:56
Citation :
Various Obstacles Confront Russia’s T-50 Project
There is no shortage of uncertainty about the future of Russia’s Sukhoi Perspektivniy Aviatsonnoi Kompleks-Frontovoi Aviatsii (PAK-FA)/T-50 fifth-generation fighter project. These doubts are driven by problems with major subsystems, delays with the aircraft’s introduction into service, and plans to defray some of the R&D cost by making India a developmental partner on the aircraft.
Russia’s NIIP radar design bureau, the traditional supplier for Sukhoi-design aircraft, has developed prototype models of the N050 active electronically scanning array (AESA) radar set. “The results of the flight-test of the radar installed in one of the four T-50 flight-test aircraft are very impressive,” according to a Russian aerospace analyst familiar with the program. However, the N050 is a hand-assembled product and “currently the industrial base capacity to series produce the N050 does not exist,” said the same analyst. Furthermore, “the PPMs [transmit/receive modules] are produced at the Istok military electronics enterprise on a limited scale, which has made the radar’s cost prohibitive.”
In the same vein, the T-50’s composite panels are also handmade using the same basic technology as the well known Sukhoi range of all-composite aerobatic sports aircraft.
The fifth-generation engine that is to power later versions of the T-50 is still mostly on paper, say Russian industry experts. The flight-test aircraft are powered by the same Saturn 117S engine that is installed in the Su-35, and this will also be the engine for the initial production batches of the T-50.
Above all, without changes to the aircraft it is questionable whether or not the T-50 will actually be a low-observable design. Several aspects of the aircraft as currently configured will produce unacceptably high RCS, as well as IR, signatures, according to U.S. industry experts who spoke to AIN.
Another factor is that the T-50 program was considered to be economically viable only if India stepped up to purchase at least 250 of the aircraft, and also would share in the R&D effort. But India is planning to procure only around half that number of fifth-generation fighter aircraft. Sources in the Indian MoD state they cannot afford both the T-50 and the Dassault Rafale that was selected as the winner in the MRCA competition. If the situation becomes an “either or” proposition the T-50 may be jettisoned in favor of the French fighter so India does not place all of its eggs in the Russian basket.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
GlaivedeSion General de Brigade
messages : 3887 Inscrit le : 15/07/2009 Localisation : ici et la Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: PAK-FA Sam 21 Sep 2013 - 13:48
Cet avion est 'il vraiment furtif avec tous ces rivets apparent?
"Nous trouverons un chemin… ou nous en créerons un": Hannibal