Sujet: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Dim 25 Mar 2007 - 3:03
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Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Dim 30 Oct 2011 - 19:43
les manœuvres navales égyptiennes a eu lieu aujourd'hui au large de la côte d'Alexandrie
klan General de Brigade
messages : 3864 Inscrit le : 22/05/2010 Localisation : France Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Mer 2 Nov 2011 - 22:33
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Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Dim 6 Nov 2011 - 16:01
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Mer 16 Nov 2011 - 10:55
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Officials hold dedication ceremony for Egyptian navy vessel
PASCAGOULA, Mississippi -- Recent events in the Middle East demonstrate the need for Egyptian navy ships like the S. Ezzat, the first of four "fast missile craft" being built by VT Halter Marine, officials said Tuesday morning.
The ship, on track for a late 2012 delivery, will help in "maintaining stability and protecting world peace within our region, which is considered to be one of the hot spots of the world," said Rear Adm. Mohamed Abdel-Aziz, commanding officer of the Egyptian navy's Port Said base.
During a ship dedication and naming ceremony, Abdel-Aziz thanked everyone "who contributed to making the dream come true," and said the FMC program has "vital importance" to his country.
The Egyptian navy will use the vessels to patrol and defend its coastal waterways of the Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea and, in particular, the Suez Canal.
The craft is designed to perform coastal patrol, surveillance, interdiction, surface strike and naval battle group support. The high-speed, agile vessels can reach speeds greater than 34 knots, provide berthing for a crew of up to 40 sailors and operate up to eight days independently at sea.
"Looking at this fine ship ... (it is) a testimony to the truly outstanding work, collaboration, partnership and teamwork performed by all," he said.
The FMCs are being purchased as a foreign military sale by the Auxiliary Ships, Small Boats and Craft Program Office within the U.S. Navy's Program Executive Office, Ships.
The four-vessel contract represents an $807 million deal for the local shipbuilder and has created hundreds of local jobs.
"This program, this ship has been extremely important to us here at VT Halter," said Bill Skinner, chief executive officer.
"The first missile craft program was ... the first contract to be awarded to our group after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina," he said. "It was critical in reestablishing the Gulf Coast economy and has been a symbol of determination and resilience. This ship truly represents an important part of our shipyard past as well as a critical part of our future."
Ezzat is named to honor Adm. Soliman Ezzat, commander in chief of the Egyptian navy from 1953 to 1967.
"Adm. Ezzat clearly saw the maritime imperative facing Egypt, and he founded the modern Egyptian navy to meet the challenge," said Rear Adm. David Lewis, the U.S. Navy's program executive officer for ships.
"He expanded, modernized and upgraded the Egyptian navy to a highly capable fleet with modern destroyers, missile boats, submarines and mine warfare ships sufficient to meet the maritime challenges facing Egypt today," he said. "Since navies are more than just ships, he also substantially enhanced the training and professionalism of the navy's officers and enlisted personnel through continued training and joint operations with other navies."
This new class of ships, Lewis said, will bring Egypt's operating forces to new and unprecedented levels of maritime capability.
"It is an extraordinarily complex and capable platform unlike any in the world today," he said.
Attendees stand for the Egyptian and U.S. national anthems during a ship dedication Tuesday morning at VT Halter Marine in Pascagoula.
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VT Halter Marine CEO Bill Skinner speaks during a dedication ceremony for the fast missile craft S. Ezzat on Tuesday morning.
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Officials unveil the nameplate for the first of four fast missile craft being built for the Egyptian navy at VT Halter Marine in Pascagoula. The first is named S. Ezzat to honor Adm. Soliman Ezzat, commander in chief of the Egyptian navy from 1953 to 1967.
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Elham Meshaal, wife of Maj. Gen. Adel Ibrahim, dedicates the first of four fast missile craft being built for the Egyptian navy at VT Halter Marine in Pascagoula.
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Rear Adm. Mohamed Abdel-Aziz, commanding officer of the Egyptian navy’s Port Said base, thanks U.S. Navy officials and VT Halter Marine for their assistance in securing four fast missile craft, which will help modernize their fleet. The shipyard hosted a dedication and naming ceremony at the Pascagoula yard Tuesday morning.
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Mer 16 Nov 2011 - 11:35
peut etre une copte pour casser la champagne
PGM Administrateur
messages : 11677 Inscrit le : 12/12/2008 Localisation : paris Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Mer 16 Nov 2011 - 11:51
plus besoin Yak :
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Mer 16 Nov 2011 - 12:08
et ben dis donc donc 3ala barakat allah,coule coule a flot,mon ptit bateau
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Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Mer 16 Nov 2011 - 15:02
Eh ben, c'est pas à nous que ça arriverait de se faire offrir 4 vessel lourdement armées avec en plus une fabrication à domicile (pour une partie) d'après ce que j'ai compris !
Yakuza Administrateur
messages : 21656 Inscrit le : 15/09/2009 Localisation : 511 Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Mer 16 Nov 2011 - 15:09
en partie oui,t´as raison. mais de l´autre,tu te fais corrompre en preservant l´integralité de ta defense a une seule source,ce qui est fort problematique(usé comme carte de pression cette année sur tantawi). les US sniffent ce qu´ils veulent,et le programment comme program FMS financé par leur FMF,pour que les egyptiens n´aillent pas chercher des avions russes ou des navires hollandais,par exemple. das ist das Problem
Invité Invité
Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Mer 16 Nov 2011 - 17:23
A vrai dire je ne connais pas vraiment les tenants et aboutissants dans ce genre de "deals"... Mais logiquement, il y a des avantages et des inconvénients.
Je ne suis pas un spécialiste du domaine militaire comme toi Yakuza, et d'autres membres qui ont des connaissances avérées ! Enfin bon vous avez du le remarquer par certaines de mes interventions ! Tout ça pour dire, que je suis ici pour en apprendre le pus possible
Fremo Administrateur
messages : 24818 Inscrit le : 14/02/2009 Localisation : 7Seas Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Jeu 17 Nov 2011 - 1:22
Les manoeuvres "Victoire de la Mer 44 " menées le 30-10-11
MAATAWI Modérateur
messages : 14756 Inscrit le : 07/09/2009 Localisation : Maroc Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Egyptienne/Egyptian Armed Forces Ven 18 Nov 2011 - 10:40
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General Dynamics Awarded $395 Million for Egyptian Abrams Tank-Related Work
08:13 GMT, November 18, 2011 STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. | The U.S. TACOM Lifecycle Management Command has awarded General Dynamics Land Systems, a business unit of General Dynamics, a $395 million contract for work under the Egyptian tank co-production program. The contract funds the production of 125 M1A1 Abrams tank kits for the eleventh increment of the Egyptian co-production program.
Since 1992, General Dynamics has provided components for kits used in the co-production program. The parts are shipped to a production facility near Cairo, Egypt, where the tanks are manufactured for the Egyptian Land Forces. This latest increment will increase the number of Egyptian co-production-built tanks to 1,130.
Work on the components will be performed in Anniston, Ala.; Tallahassee, Fla.; Sterling Heights, Mich.; Lima, Ohio; and Scranton, Penn., by existing General Dynamics employees. Deliveries will begin in July 2013 and continue to January 2016.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
godzavia Adjudant-chef
messages : 461 Inscrit le : 21/09/2010 Localisation : algérie alger Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
L'armée au pouvoir en Egypte a accordé un prêt d'un milliard de dollars à la Banque centrale, confrontée à une fonte de ses réserves qui menace la capacité du pays à importer, a affirmé un responsable militaire. "Le principal danger pour l'économie égyptienne à court terme, c'est la baisse continue des réserves en devises", a affirmé le général Mahmoud Nasr, membre du Conseil suprême des forces armées (CSFA) au pouvoir depuis la chute de Hosni Moubarak en février.
"Ces réserves passeront de plus de 22 milliards de dollars actuellement, à 15 mds fin janvier prochain", a-t-il dit selon des propos repris vendredi par la presse. "Ce montant ne suffit à couvrir les importations du pays que pour trois mois", a mis en garde le général Nasr, conseiller du chef de l'armée Hussein Tantaoui pour les affaires financières. Après le soulèvement populaire du début d'année, les réserves en devises avaient déjà chuté de 36 mds à 22 mds de dollars.
Le général Nasr a affirmé que les forces armées, qui ont d'énormes intérêts dans l'immobilier, produits alimentaires et autres, ont prêté un milliard de dollars à Banque centrale d'Egypte en puisant dans leurs revenus. Selon lui, le déficit budgétaire augmentera à 10,8%, contre 8,1% l'année précédente. Quant au taux de croissance, qui avait atteint 5 à 7% ces dernières années, il ne dépassera pas les 2%.
Le 24 novembre, l'agence de notation financière Standard & Poors avait abaissé d'un cran la note souveraine de l'Egypte, qui passe de "BB-" à "B+", et placé le pays sous perspective négative, quelques jours après l'éclatement d'affrontements meurtriers entre police et manifestants hostiles au pouvoir militaire.
_________________ Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autres
leur contrat FMS comprenait bel et bien la construction d´une base,et voila
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Contrack International, Inc., McLean, Va., was awarded a $17,645,735 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the design and construction services for facility upgrades to support the procurement of F-16 fighter aircraft for Egyptian Air Force readiness. Work will be performed in Cairo West Air Base, Egypt, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 22, 2012. Nineteen bids were solicited, with eight bids received. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Winchester, Va., is the contracting activity (W912ER-12-C-0007).
le plus bizzare,c´est que c´est l´USArmy qui manage ce FMS "aerien",pas l´USAF
thierrytigerfan Colonel-Major
messages : 2546 Inscrit le : 01/02/2010 Localisation : Bruxelles Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Je viens de voir que cette video n'a pas été posté sur ce topic. Video qui date des derniers festivités du 6 Octobre sous le rêgne de Moubarak, ca commence par des jolies séquences très anciennes de la marine égyptienne, puis c'est l'Amiral M.H. Mamich ( très respecté au sein des Forces Armées, et a une très bonne réputation au sein des forces navales ), Chef des forces navales égyptiennes, qui racontent l'histoire de l'opération de destruction du Destroyer Eilat. puis des images de quelques unités de la marine, et ca fini par des images des chantiers de réparations et maintenance d'Alexenderie, et présentation de quelques exercices annuels de la marine égyptienne avec les marines amies, notamment l'exercice Kleopatre avec la Royale et les marines italienne et allemande, l'exercice Coreil avec la marine saoudienne ( on voit d'ailleurs un ravitailleur saoudien avec son hélico ) etc.
Turkey and Egypt are both concerned over the Iranian threat - and are conducting a joint military exercise to show their solidarity. By David Lev
Egyptian navy ships were on their way to the waters off Turkey Thursday afternoon, where they will rendezvous with Turkish navy vessels for a joint exercise. Egypt's top naval commander, Muhav Mamish, said in an interview that the the exercise is “not directed against any specific country, and is designed to strengthen ties and exchange information between Turkey and Egypt.” The name of the exercise, Voice of Israel radio reported, was “Sea of Friendship.”
Israeli officials speculated that the exercise was not necessarily aimed at Israel, but against Iran, which has both Turkey and Egypt worried. Turkey, long a rival with Iran for leadership of the Islamic world, is concerned over recent Iranian threats against it. In recent weeks, Iranian officials have threatened Turkey with attack if the U.S. or Israel attempt to attack its nuclear facilities. Iran, the officials said, would attack the NATO missile shield.
A report Sunday, for example, quoted Hussein Ibrahim, the vice president of the Iranian parliamentary national security and foreign policy panel, as saying that “it is Iran's natural right to target the missile defense shield system in Turkey in case of an attack, and we will definitely resort to that.” Several days earlier, Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards' aerospace division, said that “should we [Iran] be threatened, we will target NATO's missile defense shield in Turkey and then hit our next targets.”
Other Iranian officials have made similar statements in recent weeks. On Tuesday, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu met with his Iranian counterpart Ali Akbar Salehi and questioned him on the statements, but Salehi said that the comments did not represent Iranian policy, but the “personal opinions” of officials.
Meanwhile, say analysts, the Egyptian military is seeking friends outside the Iran/Islamic fundamentalist orbit, considering that the country is likely to be run by those groups in the near future. Thursday was the second day of the second round of voting in Egypt's first democratic election in decades, and once again, the Islamist parties – the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist al-Nour party – are said to be doing very well, according to informal polls by Egyptian and foreign media. This round of voting is taking place in areas such as Giza, Luxor and Aswan, which in the past have favored conservative Islamic candidates in local elections. Egyptian military leaders believe that there is a close connection between the Islamists and Iran, and are thus seeking to improve their ties with Turkey, the only other country in the region they believe can take on Iran politically.