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 Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces

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messages : 4
Inscrit le : 25/05/2008
Localisation : maroc
Nationalité : Maroc

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Empty
MessageSujet: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 5 Sep 2008 - 16:09

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Iraq seeks to buy 36 F-16 fighters from U.S

Fri Sep 5, 5:32 AM ET

(Reuters) - The Iraqi government is seeking to buy 36 advanced F-16 fighters from the U.S., American military officials familiar with the request told the Wall Street Journal.

This move could help Iraq reduce its reliance on U.S. air power and potentially allow more American forces to withdraw from the country than had been proposed.

The F-16, made by Lockheed Martin Corp, is the most sophisticated weapons system Iraq has attempted to purchase so far.

Late in July, the U.S. Department of Defense had approved up to $10.7 billion in arms sales for Iraq, including a $2.16 billion sale of M1A1 Abrams tanks built by General Dynamics Corp.

The U.S. recently announced F-16 sales to Morocco and Romania. Those sales, each for roughly $100 million per plane with training, related equipment and support included, offer an indication of how lucrative the Iraq deal could be for Lockheed Martin and its suppliers.

Iraq now appears determined to significantly expand the air power of its military, which has become more competent and confident in recent months but depends heavily on the U.S. for air support.

Iraq quickly has become one of the biggest weapons buyers in the world as it seeks to strengthen and professionalise its fighting force.

No one was available at the U.S. Department of Defense for comment.

(Reporting by Sweta Singh in Bangalore, editing by Will Waterman)

EDIT:please mettez vos articles tjs en forme Like a Star @ heaven
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Jan 2014 - 16:31

Citation :
Des drones ScanEagle pour l’Irak

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 ScanEagle_UAV_catapult_launcher_2005-04-16-750x400

10 appareils vont être livrés. 

L’armement a été livré mais pas encore pour les drones. Au total, les Etats-Unis vont livrer 10 drones de surveillance à l’Irak. 75 missiles Hellfire ont déjà été acheminés la semaine dernière à Bagdad, selon le New York Times.
L’objectif pour le pouvoir irakien est de se doter de capacités ultra-modernes en matière d’imagerie de jour comme de nuit dans le cadre de la traque des groupes djihadistes tels que EIIL dans le désert d’Al-Anbar, à l’ouest du pays. Localiser, tracer et suivre en direct une opération antiterroriste. Les possibilités seront nombreuses pour l’armée irakienne.
Comme l’indique également le quotidien américain, les Etats-Unis et l’Irak collaborent déjà en matière de partage de renseignements sur les positions des réseaux liés à Al-Qaïda. Deux ans après le départ des troupes américaines du pays, l’Irak a renoué avec des niveaux de violence équivalents à ceux de 2008, quand le pays sortait à peine d’un conflit confessionnel dévastateur.
Plus de 6 700 personnes auraient péri dans des violences cette année en Irak. L’annonce de la livraison de ces équipements militaires à Bagdad intervient près de deux mois après la visite à Washington du Premier ministre irakien. A cette occasion, Nouri al-Maliki avait fait part à l’administration Obama de son souhait d’acquérir des équipements américains afin de mener des opérations dans des zones isolées où des camps terroristes sont installés. Cette requête s’était toutefois heurtée aux critiques de sénateurs démocrates et républicains qui accusaient M. Maliki, un chiite, d’avoir une part de responsabilité dans les violences en raison de sa politique sectaire et autoritaire.
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 40606
Inscrit le : 20/10/2010
Localisation : france
Nationalité : France
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Jan 2014 - 17:39

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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeDim 5 Jan 2014 - 16:13

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Marche12
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silent eagle
silent eagle

messages : 1247
Inscrit le : 17/04/2012
Localisation : somewhere
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeDim 5 Jan 2014 - 19:05

13 Russian Mi-28NE helicopters arrive in Iraq

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 1904

Citation :
Thirteen Russian Mi-28NE “Night Hunter” helicopters have arrived in Iraq, the Alsumaria television channel said on Saturday, January 4.

It said the helicopters would be used in the counter-terrorism operation in the Anbar Province in the west of the country.

This is the second such shipment to Iraq in recent months. The first one consisted of 15 Mi helicopters, the channel said.

In the autumn of 2013, the first group of Iraqi pilots and technicians completed their training in Russia.

Iraq will receive a total of 40 Mi-28NE and Mi-35 helicopters to be used for guarding the border and fighting terrorists. The 4.2 billion US dollar contract for their supply was signed during the Iraqi president’s visit to Moscow in 2012.

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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 6945
Inscrit le : 18/07/2012
Localisation : paris
Nationalité : Algerie-Francais
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeLun 6 Jan 2014 - 13:05

Citation :
L’Iran est prêt à fournir des équipements militaires et des conseils à l’Irak pour l’aider dans sa lutte contre Al-Qaïda

L’Iran est prêt à fournir des équipements militaires et des conseils à l’Irak pour l’aider dans sa lutte contre Al-Qaïda, a déclaré dimanche le général Mohammad Hedjazi, adjoint du chef d’état-major des forces armées iraniennes.
Si les Irakiens en font la demande, nous leur fournirons des équipements et des conseils mais ils n’ont pas besoin d’hommes, a déclaré le général Hedjazi, cité par l’agence officielle Irna. Il a ajouté qu’il n’y avait pas eu de demande pour mener des opérations communes contre les terroristes takfiris, terme utilisé pour désigner les combattants extrémistes sunnites d’Al-Qaïda.
Cette semaine en Irak, pays à majorité chiite, les combattants de l’Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL), filiale d’Al-Qaïda également active en Syrie voisine, ont pris le contrôle de Fallouja et de quartiers de Ramadi, 50 km plus à l’ouest, après des violences provoquées par la fermeture d’un camp de protestation de manifestants sunnites contre le gouvernement du Premier ministre Nouri al-Maliki, un chiite.
Les forces gouvernementales irakiennes s’apprêtent à lancer un assaut pour reprendre la ville de Fallouja aux combattants liés à Al-Qaïda. C’est la première fois que des combattants liés à Al-Qaïda prennent directement le contrôle de zones urbaines en Irak depuis l’insurrection sanglante qui avait suivi l’invasion américaine du pays en 2003. L’EIIL, de plus en plus actif dans le conflit en Syrie, a revendiqué un attentat suicide mené jeudi à Beyrouth contre un bastion du Hezbollah libanais, parti chiite soutenu par Téhéran et qui combat aux côtés des forces gouvernementales en Syrie.
En visite au Moyen-Orient, le secrétaire d’Etat américain John Kerry a déclaré que les Etats-Unis sont très, très préoccupés par la montée en puissance de l’EIIL en Irak. Ce sont les acteurs les plus dangereux dans la région, a-t-il ajouté en évoquant leur barbarie et leur brutalité. Les Etats-Unis continueront d’être en contact étroit avec les autorités irakiennes, nous les aiderons dans leur combat mais c’est un combat qu’elles doivent à terme gagner elles-mêmes et j’ai confiance dans le fait qu’elles peuvent y parvenir, a-t-il dit.
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messages : 7979
Inscrit le : 19/02/2012
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeLun 6 Jan 2014 - 19:46

Fremo a écrit:
très maniable  Wink 
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 2468
Inscrit le : 13/02/2011
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeLun 6 Jan 2014 - 22:08

Citation :
Les Etats-Unis accélèrent leurs livraisons d'armes

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 4cdc5300-4889-4be3-9a10-1fb0c573da7d
"Les belles idées n'ont pas d'âge, elles ont seulement de l'avenir"
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messages : 869
Inscrit le : 12/04/2012
Localisation : Rabat
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeLun 6 Jan 2014 - 23:23

mourad27 a écrit:
Fremo a écrit:
très maniable  Wink 

Oui surtout pour un Tank Volant ... toujours très impressionnante la bête.
Et n'oublions pas que l'Armée de l'Air Irakienne a son plein d’experience sur le Mil Mi-24 qui à coté des gazelles causèrent des cauchemars chez les tankistes iraniens.
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeMar 7 Jan 2014 - 11:04

farewell a écrit:
Citation :
Les Etats-Unis accélèrent leurs livraisons d'armes

Citation :
US speeds up drone, missile deliveries as Iraq battles al-Qa'ida resurgence

THE United States will speed up its deliveries of missiles and surveillance drones to Iraq as the Baghdad government battles a resurgence of al-Qa'ida linked militants.

And the White House, meanwhile, dismissed claims that the fighting, which has seen militants retake the city of Fallujah, was a result of President Barack Obama's decision to withdraw US troops.

The Pentagon said Washington would accelerate delivery of 100 more Hellfire missiles, which were due to be sent to Iraq in the next few months.

Colonel Steven Warren said an additional 10 ScanEagle surveillance drones would also be delivered.

Hellfire missiles, originally designed as an antitank weapon, can be fired from helicopters and warplanes.

ScanEagle drones are a low-cost three-meter aircraft capable of flying 24 hours. The deliveries correspond to contracts already signed with Iraq. Some 75 Hellfire missiles were delivered to Baghdad in mid-December, US officials said.

Since then Iraq has seen a resurgence of fighting in the province of Anbar, which was a key insurgent stronghold for years following the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Last week, fighters from the al-Qa'ida-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) reclaimed Fallujah, scene of some of the bloodiest fighting of the Iraq war between US troops and insurgents.

Warren said Washington was working with Iraq to develop a "holistic strategy to isolate al-Qa'ida-affiliated groups so the tribes working with the security forces can drive them out of the populated areas."

But he reiterated previous statements from US Secretary of State John Kerry that no US forces would return to Iraq to assist in military operations.

"We'll not be sending forces to Iraq," he said.

Instead the United States will continue to provide intelligence to assist and advise the Iraqis at a "ministerial level" through about 100 military personnel still based at the US Embassy in Baghdad.

The assistance would not extend to operational advice. "We're not doing tactical work with the Iraqis," Warren said.

Despite the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq at the end of 2011, the United States remains a key security and defence partner, providing more than $14 billion worth of weapons to Baghdad since 2005.

Following the renewed fighting, the White House has been forced to rebut claims that the militants are filling a vacuum left by the departure of all US forces.

"There was sectarian conflict, violent sectarian conflict in Iraq when there were 150,000 US troops on the ground there," said White House spokesman Jay Carney.

He said the idea there would be no more fighting in Iraq if there were still 10,000 US troops there in a counter-terror role, as some in Washington have implied, did not bear up to scrutiny.

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Star3
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Général de corps d'armée (ANP)
Général de corps d'armée (ANP)

messages : 2468
Inscrit le : 13/02/2011
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeMar 7 Jan 2014 - 19:12

Citation :
Irak : les Etats-Unis n'enverront pas d'armes de pointe

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 4cdc5300-4889-4be3-9a10-1fb0c573da7d
"Les belles idées n'ont pas d'âge, elles ont seulement de l'avenir"
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
Nationalité : Maroco-Allemand
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeMar 7 Jan 2014 - 19:21

il ont remplacés l´Apache refusé par le Mi28NE de toute facon..pour ce qui est des F16 ca doit etre livré,contrat

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 A10-na10
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Jan 2014 - 16:47

Un méchoui de jihadistes a coup de EC-135  Surprised  Impressionnant

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Jan 2014 - 17:35

chaud quand meme la methode d intervention des helico, devraient investir dans un Gunship
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Jan 2014 - 17:39

Oui c'est vrai qu'ils s'approchent beaucoup trop du sol ! un mec avec un manpads même débutant descendrait l'hélico dans la seconde si il le voit a temps .
A croire que ils se sont laisser faire , ils sont a l’arrière du pickup , si ils sont pas aveugles ils ont du voir l'hélico arriver quand même , au moins ils l'arrose a coups de AK sa peut faire de gros dégâts . Bizzare
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
Localisation : 511
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Jan 2014 - 21:12

marokino78000 a écrit:
Un méchoui de jihadistes a coup de EC-135  Surprised  Impressionnant

very good Strike  Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil ce que j´attendais
combinaison Gun/Rocket de la belle facon,voila du CoIn  bravo comme ca

non pas de danger comme ca quand tu sneak de cette facon a terre pour planter la surprise,ils ont bien appris des americains

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 A10-na10
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messages : 869
Inscrit le : 12/04/2012
Localisation : Rabat
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Jan 2014 - 22:28

ça fait vraiment plaisir ça ... une armée irakienne bien équipée, et avec l’esprit combatif qui leur est connu, ça ferra des ravages.
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messages : 869
Inscrit le : 12/04/2012
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Jan 2014 - 22:50

Allez, une autre pour le plaisir des yeux :

Ma préférée :

Remarquez comment ils courent dans tous les sens quand ils se rendent compte que le missile va leur tomber dessus.

Et une dernière pour la route :
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 10 Jan 2014 - 11:42

Citation :
US closer to sale, lease of Apache helicopters to Iraq

WASHINGTON — A resurgence of militants in Iraq and the chaos they are creating has gotten Washington’s attention.

Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, urged the Obama administration Thursday to re-engage on the matter and emphasized the need to maintain a long-term commitment to securing U.S. interests in that nation.

“Precious blood was spilled, and national treasure was expended helping Iraqis remove a brutal dictator and repelling terrorist elements determined to stamp out human freedom and dignity,” Boehner said, in prepared remarks. “That progress is now threatened and, in the case of Fallujah, it’s been reversed. … The United States has, and will continue to have, vital national interests in Iraq. We must maintain a long-term commitment to a successful outcome there. And It’s time that the president recognize this, and get engaged.”

Boehner also lamented the full withdrawal of U.S. forces at the end of 2011.

“A status of forces agreement with Iraq should have been agreed to,” he said, “and this administration failed to deliver.”

Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, noted that President George W. Bush signed the agreement with the Maliki government to withdrawal all U.S. troops by the end of 2011, after Iraq refused to grant immunity from the Iraqi courts.

“[T]he decision to reject an ongoing U.S. troop presence after 2011 was Iraq’s, because of Iraq’s refusal to assure our troops would have protections from Iraqi courts,” Levin said in remarks prepared for a late Thursday floor speech.

Levin also was to weigh on military assistance, which is gaining traction on the Hill, saying most assistance is appropriate with assurances that they would not be used against political enemies.

“The question is whether the Maliki government would use them only against violent extremists,” Levin said in prepared remarks, “and whether we receive credible assurances that such weapons will be used to target Iraq’s real enemies, and not to further sectarian political objectives. With credible assurances, it would be appropriate to provide such assistance.”

On Wednesday, a powerful Senate Democrat has signaled that he might allow the transfer of AH-64 Apache helicopters to Iraq as the government in Baghdad struggles to recapture key territory seized by Islamic extremists, The New York Times reported.

Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, has blocked the lease and sale of the powerful attack helicopters for months, the Times wrote. He is seeking assurances that Iraq would not use them to attack civilians, and that the government in Baghdad would take steps to stop Iran from using Iraqi airspace to ship arms to Syria’s military.

Menendez received a three-page letter last week from Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq responding to his concerns and received an urgent call Tuesday from the State Department promising a further response, according to the report.

The Obama administration has proposed selling up to 30 of the helicopters to the Iraqis, but, because building them could take years, it has also asked to lease up to 10 aircraft in the interim, the Times noted. Administration officials said the Apaches could be useful in targeting fighters affiliated with al Qaida like those who have taken over parts of Fallujah and Ramadi. But even if Menendez dropped his objections, it could take until April to deliver them, and officials noted that pilots would still need to be trained.

The Times also wrote that the administration also is planning to ship more Hellfire missiles as early as this spring, 10 ScanEagle surveillance drones in coming weeks and 48 Raven surveillance drones later in the year. Those come on top of Aerostat surveillance balloons provided in September and three additional Bell IA-407 helicopters sent last month.

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Star3
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messages : 21656
Inscrit le : 15/09/2009
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 10 Jan 2014 - 15:41

Apache  Suspect je croyais qu´ils avaient refusé d´ou achat des MI28
le complexe des americains de fallouja aidant,ils veulent pas voir leur "heroisme" parti pour rien

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 A10-na10
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 4636
Inscrit le : 19/05/2012
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Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena32Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena24
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 10 Jan 2014 - 16:22

Yakuza a écrit:
Apache  Suspect je croyais qu´ils avaient refusé d´ou achat des MI28
le complexe des americains de fallouja aidant,ils veulent pas voir leur "heroisme" parti pour rien

Corsircuité le futur marché au russe aussi , le marché irakien vaut un paquet de milliard de dollars sa serait dommage de laisser ça au russe
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 10 Jan 2014 - 17:08

Florilége de shoot . Pour le 2éme shoot c'est a partir de 04.00 mn
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messages : 869
Inscrit le : 12/04/2012
Localisation : Rabat
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena24Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena31
Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena25Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena32

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeSam 11 Jan 2014 - 0:12

marokino78000 a écrit:
Florilége de shoot . Pour le 2éme shoot c'est a partir de 04.00 mn

Je pense qu'ils ont mis le tir en Stand By en attendant que la zone soit claire des civils.
On voit très bien comment ils l'ont laissé tiré jusqu'au bout, pour ensuite le traquer jusqu'à sa petite tanière et le détruire avec un possible poste de commandement ou dépôts de munition.
La nouvelle armée irakienne se perfectionne à l'américaine
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena24Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena25
Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena21Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena26
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeVen 24 Jan 2014 - 10:44

Citation :
Iraq - AGM -114K/R Hellfire Missiles

WASHINGTON, Jan 23, 2014-The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress today of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Iraq for AGM-114K/R Hellfire Missiles and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $82 million.

The Government of Iraq has requested a possible sale of 500 AGM-114K/R Hellfire missiles, Hellfire missile conversion, blast fragmentation sleeves, and installation kits, containers, transportation, spare and repair parts, support equipment, personnel training and training equipment, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor technical, engineering, and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics and program support. The estimated cost is $82 million.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a strategic partner. This proposed sale directly supports the Government of Iraq and serves the interests of the people of Iraq and the United States.

Iraq will use the Hellfire missiles to help improve the Iraq Security Forces’ capability to support current on-going ground operations. Iraq will also use this capability in future contingency operations. Iraq will have no difficulty absorbing these additional weapon systems into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of these missiles will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractor will be Lockheed Martin Corporation in Bethesda, Maryland. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will not require any additional U.S. Government and contractor representatives to Iraq.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Star3
Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Captur10
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messages : 2948
Inscrit le : 11/11/2010
Localisation : Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena26Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena24
Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Unbena25

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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Jan 2014 - 11:58

Mi-35 en action

Citation :

."قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم : "أيما امرأة استعطرت فمرّت بقوم ليجدوا ريحها فهي زانية
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 7880
Inscrit le : 31/08/2010
Localisation : Nowhere
Nationalité : Maroc-France

Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces   Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces - Page 25 Icon_minitimeLun 27 Jan 2014 - 23:33

Sa avance pour les Apaches

Citation :
WASHINGTON, Jan 27, 2014-The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress today of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Iraq for AH-64E APACHE LONGBOW Attack Helicopters and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $4.8 billion.

The Government of Iraq has requested a possible sale of 24 AH-64E APACHE LONGBOW Attack Helicopters, 56 T700-GE-701D Engines, 27 AN/ASQ-170 Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight, 27 AN/AAR-11 Modernized Pilot Night Vision Sensors, 12 AN/APG-78 Fire Control Radars with Radar Electronics Unit (LONGBOW component), 28 AN/AAR-57(V)7 Common Missile Warning Systems, 28 AN/AVR-2B Laser Detecting Sets, 28 AN/APR-39A(V)4 or APR-39C(V)2 Radar Signal Detecting Sets, 28 AN/ALQ-136A(V)5 Radar Jammers, 52 AN/AVS-6, 90 Apache Aviator Integrated Helmets, 60 HELLFIRE Missile Launchers, and 480 AGM-114R HELLFIRE Missiles. Also included are AN/APR-48 Modernized Radar Frequency Interferometers, AN/APX-117 Identification Friend-or-Foe Transponders, Embedded Global Positioning Systems with Inertial Navigation with Multi Mode Receiver, MXF-4027 UHF/VHF Radios, 30mm Automatic Chain Guns, Aircraft Ground Power Units, 2.75 in Hydra Rockets, 30mm rounds, M211 and M212 Advanced Infrared Countermeasure Munitions flares, spare and repair parts, support equipment, publications and technical data, personnel training and training equipment, site surveys, U.S. government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services, design and construction, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $4.8 billion.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a strategic partner. This proposed sale directly supports the Iraq government and serves the interests of the Iraqi people and the United States.

This proposed sale supports the strategic interests of the United States by providing Iraq with a critical capability to protect itself from terrorist and conventional threats, to enhance the protection of key oil infrastructure and platforms, and to reinforce Iraqi sovereignty. This proposed sale of AH-64E APACHE helicopters will support Iraq’s efforts to establish a fleet of multi-mission attack helicopters capable of meeting its requirements for close air support, armed reconnaissance and anti-tank warfare missions.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The prime contractors will be The Boeing Company in Mesa, Arizona; Lockheed Martin Corporation in Orlando, Florida; General Electric Company in Cincinnati, Ohio; Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Sensors in Owego, New York; Longbow Limited Liability Corporation in Orlando, Florida; and Raytheon Corporation in Tucson, Arizona. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of three U.S. Government and two hundred contractor representatives to Iraq to support delivery of the Apache helicopters and provide support and equipment familiarization. In addition, Iraq has expressed an interest in a Technical Assistance Fielding Team for in-country pilot and maintenance training. To support the requirement a team of 12 personnel (one military team leader and 11 contractors) would be deployed to Iraq for approximately three years. Also, this program will require multiple trips involving U.S. Government and contractor personnel to participate in program and technical reviews, training and installation.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.

Citation :
WASHINGTON, Jan 27, 2014-The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress today of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Iraq for support for APACHE lease and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $1.37 billion.

The Government of Iraq has requested a possible sale of 8 AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning System, 3 T-700-GE-701D engines, 3 AN/ASQ-170 Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight (MTADS), 3 AN/AAQ-11 Modernized Pilot Night Vision Sensors (PNVS), 152 AGM-114 K-A HELLFIRE Missiles, 14 HELLFIRE M299 Launchers, 6 AN/APR-39A(V)4 Radar Warning Systems with training Universal Data Modems (UDM), 2 Embedded Global Positioning System Inertial Navigation System (EGI), 6 AN/AVR-2A/B Laser Warning Detectors, 12 M261 2.75 inch Rocket Launchers, M206 Infrared Countermeasure flares, M211 and M212 Advanced Infrared Countermeasure Munitions (AIRCM) flares, Internal Auxiliary Fuel Systems (IAFS), Aviator’s Night Vision Goggles, Aviation Mission Planning System, training ammunition, helmets, transportation, spare and repair parts, support equipment, publications and technical data, personnel training and training equipment, site surveys, U.S. Government and contractor technical assistance, and other related elements of program and logistics support. The estimated cost is $1.37 billion.

The proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a strategic partner. This proposed sale directly supports the Iraq government and serves the interests of the Iraqi people and the United States.

The proposed sale supports the strategic interests of the United States by providing Iraq with a critical capability to protect itself from terrorist and conventional threats. This will allow Iraqi Security Forces to begin training on the operation and maintenance of six leased U.S. APACHE helicopters in preparation of their receipt of new-build aircraft.

This proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractors will be The Boeing Company in Mesa, Arizona, Lockheed Martin Corporation in Orlando, Florida, General Electric Company in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Robertson Fuel Systems, LLC, Tempe, Arizona. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of 1 U.S. Government and 67 contractor representatives to travel to Iraq on an as-needed basis provide support and technical reviews.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.

Donc si ont compte , prés de 6 milliards de dollars de contrats . Pchaakh l'argent coule a flot en Irak dit donc
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