(Reuters) - The Iraqi government is seeking to buy 36 advanced F-16 fighters from the U.S., American military officials familiar with the request told the Wall Street Journal.
This move could help Iraq reduce its reliance on U.S. air power and potentially allow more American forces to withdraw from the country than had been proposed.
The F-16, made by Lockheed Martin Corp, is the most sophisticated weapons system Iraq has attempted to purchase so far.
Late in July, the U.S. Department of Defense had approved up to $10.7 billion in arms sales for Iraq, including a $2.16 billion sale of M1A1 Abrams tanks built by General Dynamics Corp.
The U.S. recently announced F-16 sales to Morocco and Romania. Those sales, each for roughly $100 million per plane with training, related equipment and support included, offer an indication of how lucrative the Iraq deal could be for Lockheed Martin and its suppliers.
Iraq now appears determined to significantly expand the air power of its military, which has become more competent and confident in recent months but depends heavily on the U.S. for air support.
Iraq quickly has become one of the biggest weapons buyers in the world as it seeks to strengthen and professionalise its fighting force.
No one was available at the U.S. Department of Defense for comment.
(Reporting by Sweta Singh in Bangalore, editing by Will Waterman)
EDIT:please mettez vos articles tjs en forme
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces Ven 17 Juin 2016 - 16:09
Citation :
Iraqi forces take Falluja government building from Islamic State Jun 17, 2016
Iraqi forces recaptured the municipal building in Falluja from Islamic State militants, the military said on Friday, nearly four weeks after the start of a U.S.-backed offensive to retake the city an hour’s drive west of Baghdad.
The ultra-hardline militants still control a significant portion of Falluja, where the conflict has forced the evacuation of most residents and many streets and houses remain mined with explosives.
A spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition backing Baghdad’s quest to recover large swathes of western and northern Iraq from Islamic State told Reuters that government forces were “close (to the building) but don’t have control yet”.
A military statement said the federal police had raised the Iraqi state flag above the government building and were continuing to pursue insurgents.
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces Ven 17 Juin 2016 - 16:28
Citation :
L’Otan veut former plus d’officiers irakiens mais Washington en demande « davantage » pour détruire l’EIPosté dans Moyen-Orient, Opérations, Otan par Laurent Lagneau Le 16-06-2016
Comme l’on pouvait s’y attendre, l’Alliance atlantique ne devrait pas rejoindre la coalition anti-État islamique (EI ou Daesh) en tant qu’organisation, alors que ses membres y participent à des degrés divers.
Et cela, malgré l’insistance des États-Unis, qui souhaiteraient un engagement des avions de surveillance E-3A Sentry de la Force aéroportée de détection lointaine et de contrôle de l’Otan (NAEW&C) « au-dessus de la Turquie et de la Méditerranée » afin de former un « arc » allant de l’Irak à la Libye, en passant par la Syrie.
« En tant que nouveau membre, l’Otan apporterait des capacités uniques à la coalition, ainsi que son expérience dans le renforcement des capacités chez des partenaires dans l’entraînement de forces au sol et dans la stabilisation post-conflit », avait fait valoir, en février dernier, Ashton Carter, le secrétaire américain à la Défense.
Ainsi, plusieurs Alliés refusent que l’Otan rejoigne directement la coalition dirigée par les États-Unis. À la place, et pour le moment, seul un soutien de « niche » est envisagé.
En effet, et comme leurs homologues des Affaires étrangères il y a un mois, les ministres de la Défense des pays membres de l’Alliance ont seulement recommandé, le 15 juin, l’extension d’une mission de formation qui concerne actuellement 350 officiers irakiens. L’instruction de ces derniers se fait au Centre d’entraînement pour les opérations spéciales Roi Abdallah à Amman, en Jordanie, où ils suivent des cours portant sur la médecine militaire, la planification civilo-militaire et la lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés (IED).
Pour le moment, rien n’est inscrit dans le marbre. Les décisions visant à engager les E-3A Sentry de la NAEW&C et à renforcer la mission de formation des officiers irakiens devront être validées ou non à l’occasion du sommet de l’Otan, qui se tiendra les 8 et 9 juillet prochains à Varsovie.
D’ici là, Washington espère un retournement de situation. Ainsi, le secrétaire américain à la Défense, Ashton Carter, a fait part de son « espoir » de « voir plus de possibilités » de l’Otan au sein de la coalition. « J’ai apprécié ce qui est en discussion, mais je pense que l’Otan (…) peut faire bien davantage pour accélérer la destruction de l’EI », a-t-il insisté.
Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 27 June 2016
Iraqi forces have made surprisingly rapid progress in clearing Islamic State fighters from Al-Fallujah since they broke through the outer layer of defences on the south side of the city on 8 June.
Briefing journalists on 23 June, Major General Doug Chambers, the US-led coalition's deputy commander for strategy and sustainment, said the coalition had been "slightly surprised" by how quickly the operation was proceeding. "We've still got a while to go, but it's going to be far quicker than we probably estimated a couple of weeks ago," he said.
He attributed the rapid progress to better co-ordination between the various Iraqi forces involved in the operation, as well as the experience and confidence they have gained over the last year of fighting.
Maj Gen Chambers declined to comment on the number of Islamic State fighters still in Al-Fallujah or if the militant group had decided whether or not to seriously contest the city.
However, some Iraqi commanders on the ground said they expected continued resistance from the remaining fighters, especially in the dense Julan neighbourhood in the northwest of the city.
"It's not going to be easy," ISOF Brigadier General Ali Jamil told the AP. "They are going to fight to the death because they have nowhere to run."
messages : 2511 Inscrit le : 13/12/2010 Localisation : Casablanca Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces Jeu 30 Juin 2016 - 18:00
Citation :
Un prêt américain de 2,7 milliards de dollars pour l’armée irakienne
Le gouvernement irakien a conclu mercredi un accord avec les Etats-Unis sur un prêt de 2,7 milliards de dollars (2,4 milliards d’euros) pour financer l’achat de munitions et l’entretien de chars dans le cadre de la lutte contre le groupe terroriste autoproclamé « Etat islamique » (EI/Daech).
L’ambassade des Etats-Unis a Baghdad indiqué dans un communiqué que la déclaration d’intention avait été signée par l’ambassadeur Stuart Jones et le ministre irakien des Finances Hoshyar Zebari.
Cette ligne de crédit aidera l’Irak pour l’achat de munitions et la maintenance de ses (avions) F-16 et ses chars M1A1 (Abrams) », a indiqué M. Jones.
L’accord octroie à Baghdad un délai de huit ans et demi pour payer ces dépenses militaires.
U.S. and Iraqi military service members inspect Humvees and logistical support vehicle in Baghdad, Iraq, March 26, 2008,This equipment was procured by the Ministry of Defence through the foreign military sales program (Photo US Army)
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Russia is completing the delivery of 24 Mi-35M and 19 Mi-28NE combat helicopters that Iraq ordered in 2012 through a $4.2 billion contract. Two Mi-35Ms have already been lost, according to local media reports. (Iraqi MoD photo)
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Iraqi Army secures 'springboard' ahead of Mosul offensive
Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 18 July 2016
The Iraqi Army has captured Al-Qayyarah airbase: a location that will be turned into a logistical hub for the push towards the Islamic State-held city of Mosul, 64 km to the north.
On 12 July the Iraqi Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced that the airbase had been secured and released photographs and video footage showing its forces inside the facility.
The Islamic State does not appear to have mounted a serious defence of the base and instead toppled its concrete blast barriers in a possible attempt to make the occupying Iraqi forces more vulnerable to counterattacks. The group released photographs on 13 July showing fighters launching rockets, purportedly at Iraqi forces inside the base.
The MoD identified the units involved as being from the Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF) and the 9th Armoured Division. ISOF, the 37th Brigade of the 9th Armoured Division, and the 72nd Brigade of the 15th Infantry Division have been advancing northwards up the main highway from Baiji since early July.
Also on 12 July soldiers from the 9th and 15th divisions linked up with comrades from a second force on the Tigris river. The second force has been advancing westwards towards the river from Makmur. The MoD released a video showing an Improved Ribbon Bridge (IRB) being brought up so that it can be laid across the Tigris to enable the two forces to come together for the push towards Mosul.
During an 11 July visit to Baghdad US defence secretary Ashton Carter said the United States would deploy an additional 560 troops to Iraq and that they would operate out of Al-Qayyarah airbase. "This contingent will help the Iraqis establish a logistical springboard for their offensive in Mosul," he said. "These additional US forces I'm describing today will bring unique capabilities to the campaign and provide critical support to Iraqi forces at a key moment in the fight."
jf16 General de Division
messages : 41654 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Hollande: Paris va mettre de l'artillerie française à disposition de l'armée irakienne
AFP 22/07/2016
La France va fournir à l'Irak de l'artillerie pour le soutenir dans son combat contre l'Etat islamique, a annoncé vendredi le président François Hollande, en excluant des troupes au sol pour combattre le groupe jihadiste. "Ce matin, en Conseil de défense, j'ai pris la décision dans le cadre de la coalition anti-Daech de mettre à la disposition des forces irakiennes des moyens d'artillerie. Ils seront sur place le mois prochain", a déclaré M. Hollande à l'Elysée, à l'issue d'un quatrième Conseil de défense depuis l'attentat de Nice le 14 juillet, qui a fait 84 morts.
L'entourage du président a ensuite donné des précisions : "Quelques batteries d'artillerie seront mises à disposition" de l'armée irakienne, avec "des conseillers pour les manier", mais "il n'y aura pas de gens au contact".
Le chef de l'Etat a également confirmé le déploiement du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle dans la région "à la fin du mois de septembre". "Il nous permettra d'intensifier les frappes sur les groupes terroristes en Syrie et en Irak avec nos avions Rafale", a déclaré M. Hollande. "Il ne s'agit pas de changer la nature de notre intervention, nous soutenons nos alliés en Irak et en Syrie, mais nous ne déployons pas de troupes aux sol", a insisté François Hollande. "Nous avons des conseils à donner, des formations à livrer, mais ce n'est pas nos soldats qui font la guerre au sol en Syrie et en Irak", a-t-il fait valoir.
26 juil. 2016 | Par Guillaume Belan Le Cessna Grand Caravan certifié avec des points d'emport
Cessna Aircraft Company, une filiale de Textron Aviation, a annoncé la certification de l'utilisation de points d'emport sous la voilure du Cessna Grand Caravan EX. Ces points "durs" vont permettre des capacités supplémentaires telles que l'adjonction de réservoirs, l'augmentation de l'espace de chargement, ou... la possibilité de configurer l'appareil pour des missions armées, indique le constructeur !
Le Grand Caravan EX dispose d'une cabine spacieuse et facilement reconfigurable, avec une charge utile qui dépasse légèrement les 1, 5 tonnes. L’appareil peut évoluer depuis des pistes courtes non préparées. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'un avion civil, non prévu pour être armé, il pourrait, par sa polyvalence et son faible coût, intéresser des armées ayant besoin de plateformes polyvalentes transport/surveillance avec la possibilité de traiter des cibles d'opportunité. Bien sûr dans un environnement où la menace anti-aérienne est inexistante ! Reste que nombre de pays aux budgets limités ont de vastes espaces ou frontières à surveiller...
Déjà, des AC-208 Caravan, version plus réduite que le Grand Caravan, ont été militarisés et rebaptisés Cessna Combat Caravan. Ils sont mis en oeuvre par les armées irakienne et libanaise et mettent en oeuvre des missiles Hellfire.
Iraqi Army, Peshmerga Forces Prepare Huge Offensive Against Daesh in Mosul
As the Iraqi army and its allied Peshmerga units prepare a major offensive on Mosul to flush out Daesh terrorists, Helgurd Hikmet, a representative of the Regional Government of Kurdistan, discussed the details of the upcoming operation with Sputnik.
An estimated 50,000 Iraqi soldiers, backed by 20,000 Peshmerga fighters, 10,000 Turkmens and members of Sunni tribes will take part in the offensive. “The Iraqi army and Sunni tribesmen will be spearheading the offensive, with Peshmerga and Turkmen forces bringing up the rear. Coalition air forces will provide air cover. The Peshmerga said they would not enter the center of Mosul arguing because it just won’t be right for Kurds to take control of an Arab city,” Helgurd Hikmet said.
He added that apart from airstrikes, the US-led coalition would also provide logistical support for the advancing forces.
During their recent meeting in Washington, the foreign ministers of the countries – members of the US-led coalition against Daesh – prioritized the need to liberate Mosul.
Helgurd Hikmet said that the army would need about a year to completely flush out Daesh forces defending the strategic northern city.
“The Peshmerga forces that now control the city’s western, northern and eastern suburbs will be advancing towards the city center. The Iraqi army now controls the southern and southeastern suburbs and the outskirts of the town of Makhmour,” Hikmet explained, adding that the Iraqi army had recently killed one of the leading Daesh field commanders, Omer ash-Shishani.
He also said that said that Americans didn’t like Baghdad’s idea of the Shiite militia taking part in the operation to liberate the predominantly Sunni-populated Mosul.
The Shiite fighters, who earlier took part in operations to liberate Fallujah and many other Iraqi cities, are accused of committing atrocities against the Sunni population, further igniting divisions, which could result in a serious interfaith conflict. Another reason why Washington wants the Shiites to stay away is their close links to Iran.
“On the other hand, the Americans welcome the participation of Turkish-trained Turkmen fighters. Turkey, for its part, is against the participation of Shengal self-defense forces of Yazidis and people linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party, which are banned in Turkey,” Helgurd Hikmet noted.
“The Iraqi army, Peshmerga and other forces need to iron out their differences before the operation to liberate Mosul actually starts,” Hikmet emphasized.
In an interview with Sputnik, Aydin Maruf, the coordinator of the Iraqi Turkmen Front in Erbil and a member of the Kurdish parliament in Iraq, said that an operation to drive Daesh militants out of Mosul’s suburbs had already begun.
“What we don’t know yet is when exactly the operation to liberate the city itself is going to start. Before this happens all the participating forces need to reach agreement. We, Turkmens, will certainly take part in that operation because there are more than half a million of our people living there and liberating them is a topmost priority for us,” Aydin Maruf said.
JIDA: Iraqis Want Counter-Drone Gear, Layered Security in Baghdad Jen Judson, Defense News 5:25 p.m. EDT August 2, 2016
WASHINGTON — The Iraqi government and security forces in Baghdad want beefed-up security in the city and coalition forces want the ability to counter unmanned aircraft threats from the Islamic State group, according to Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency officials recently returned from a trip there.
The Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency director, Lt. Gen. Michael Shields, was sent on a fact-finding mission at the request of Defense Secretary Ash Carter two weeks ago to determine how the Pentagon might be able to help the government in Iraq stabilize and secure Baghdad. JIDA will become the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO) in October.
“This isn’t the Iraq of 2005 or '06 when I was a Stryker Brigade commander fighting in Mosul and then onto Baghdad,” Shields said Tuesday at a National Defense Industrial Association explosive ordnance disposal symposium in Bethesda, Maryland. “Today’s fight is a combination of conventional and hybrid warfare. It’s complex and with much ambiguity, making it tough to distinguish legitimate targets and then, of course, in the most complex urban terrain and civilians as well.”
The US Central Command commander, Gen. Joseph Votel, has called it the “gray zone,” Shields noted.
Shields said he would not yet share the recommendations he has for Carter, but said, “There is no quick or easy way to solve the Baghdad security challenge,” adding it is “pervasive, ubiquitous and it’s morphing.”
Accompanying Shields on his one week trip to Baghdad in July was Navy Capt. Mike Egan, who is JIDA’s chief of the integrated delivery branch. While Egan also did not outline any recommendations soon headed to the defense secretary’s desk, he did talk about what the US military, Iraqi political leaders and security forces stressed would be important to stabilize Baghdad and what would help them fight against the Islamic State group.
Among the officials Shields met with were the US ambassador to Iraq; Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland, the commander of the coalition against the Islamic State group in Iraq; Maj. Gen. Gary Volesky, the Combined Joint Forces Component Command commander for Operation Inherent Resolve; Brig. Gen. Scott McKean, the chief of the Office of Security Cooperation in Iraq; and Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
“What did I hear over there? What the uniformed guys are telling me, and this is what I’m telling industry, is if anybody hasn’t noticed, there is no successful counter-[unmanned aircraft systems] in Iraq,” Egan said. “There is no counter-UAS that works in Iraq," he repeated.
Wednesday, 3 August 2016 Czech Republic sent instructors in Iraq to continue pilots training on L-159 jet
A Czech air consulting team has been operating in Iraq since August 1 in order to continue with the training of the Iraqi air forces for the Czech-made L-159 combat aircraft, the Czech Defence Ministry spokesman Petr Medek told the local news agency CTK on Monday August 1st, 2016.
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Orbital ATK wins $11mn contract to continue support of Iraqi C-208 Caravan fleet
Alliant Techsystems, now part of Orbital Atk, has been awarded a $11mn contract to continue contractor logistic support for the Iraqi Air Force’s Cessna 208B Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Caravan and the Cessna 208B Armed Caravan fleet, the US DoD announced yesterday through its website.
mbarki_49 Colonel-Major
messages : 2511 Inscrit le : 13/12/2010 Localisation : Casablanca Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Iraqi Air Force Receives New Batch of U.S. Fighter Jets Amid ISIS-related Bombings
Iraqi air force has received a new batch of F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft from the United States, bolstering the country's fledging air force amid more than two years of fighting with the Islamic State group, a spokesman said Monday as attacks in and near Baghdad killed six people. Defense Ministry's spokesman, Brig. Gen. Tahseen Ibrahim, told The Associated Press that the new batch consisted of four fighter jets. Ibraim did not give more details or say when the next shipment will be delivered. With the new arrivals, Iraq has now eight F16s in service, out of 36 fighter jets the U.S. agreed to sell to Baghdad. Also Monday, a bomb went off at an outdoor market in the town of Youssifiyah, 20 kilometers (12 miles) south of Baghdad, killing four shoppers and wounding 11, a police officer said. Two more civilians were killed in another bomb explosion in a commercial area in Baghdad's western Eskan neighborhood, killing two civilians and wounding eight, another police officer said. Medical officials confirmed the casualty figures. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to release information. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attacks, but they bore the hallmarks of the Islamic State group, which often targets commercial areas and large gatherings. Iraq has been going through its worst crisis since summer 2014 when ISIS militants captured much of the country's north and the west, including the second-largest city of Mosul. Despite major ground loses since last year, ISIS still controls key areas. Iraq heavily depended on aging Russian-made Sukhoi Su-25 jets. In 2014, the country received Sukhoi Su-25 jets from Russia and Iran to help combat ISIS.
Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 10 August 2016
Iraq is to acquire the Insitu ScanEagle unmanned aircraft system (UAS) under a USD8.3 million deal announced by the US Department of Defense (DoD) on 10 August.
Under the deal, which was awarded the day before, the country's military will receive an undisclosed number of systems, as well as spares and support services, by the end of August 2017 as part of the government of Iraq intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance services programme. No further details were disclosed.
The ScanEagle aircraft is 1.2 m long, has a wingspan of 3 m, and is launched using a pneumatic catapult. It has a service ceiling of 10,000 ft and an endurance of more than 20 hours. The ScanEagle is equipped with electro-optical, infrared, and high-resolution video cameras that enable the operator to track stationary and moving targets.
A 'system' typically comprises multiple air vehicles (upwards of 12 in some cases), as well as associated pneumatic launchers and Skyhook recovery apparatus. Based on the procurements of other nations - in 2014 Yemen signed for a system of 12 ScanEagle vehicles for USD11 million - Iraq's system is likely to be made up of about nine vehicles.
It was previously reported that the Iraqi Army would eceive the ScanEagle before the end of 2014, along with the hand-launched AeroVironment RQ-11 Raven small UAS (SUAS). There were also reports that Iraq may have already received the ScanEagle, but these were never confirmed and the DoD contract announcement is the first official notification of any such sale to the country. There has been no word as to the status of the Raven buy.
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Le ministre de la Défense irakien destitué par le Parlement 25/08/2016 à 15h33 Secretary of Defense Ash Carter takes a photo Iraq Minister of Defense Khaled al-Obaidi at the Pentagon on April 14, 2015. (DoD photo by SFC Clydell Kinchen) (Released)
Le ministre de la Défense irakien a été destitué de ses fonctions, jeudi 25 août, par le Parlement à cause de soupçons de corruption.
Le ministre irakien de la Défense Khaled al-Obeidi, soupçonné de corruption, a été destitué par le Parlement jeudi 25 août après deux ans à ce poste, ont rapporté des députés.
142 députés ont voté en faveur du retrait de la confiance au ministre et 102 contre lors d'un vote secret, ont indiqué deux élus. Dix-huit autres se sont abstenus.
Les forces irakiennes ont chassé Daesh de Qayyarah et se rapprochent un peu plus de MossoulPosté dans Moyen-Orient, Opérations par Laurent Lagneau Le 25-08-2016
En savoir plus sur http://www.opex360.com/2016/08/25/les-forces-irakiennes-ont-chasse-daesh-de-qayyarah-se-rapprochent-peu-plus-de-mossoul/#jlXDtwvkrqmS6F8m.99
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Victorious on the Battlefield, Iraqi Army Losing Out to Corruption
The Iraqi army has dislodged Daesh militants from al-Qayyara city located south of Mosul and is now poised to capture the terrorists’ de-facto capital in Iraq, Izvestia wrote citing an Iraqi Foreign Ministry spokesman in Baghdad. However, there is a big problem it is now facing in the "corridors of power" in Baghdad. “The victory in Al-Qayyara is an important step on the road to Mosul. The terrorists had been using it as a logistic center. Our security forces are now demining the city and restoring buildings and roads there,” Ahmed Jamal told the newspaper.
He said that planning the operation to capture Mosul would take some time because the terrorists were certain to use the local civilian population as human shields, so it was imperative to avoid civilian casualties. According to the head of Iraq’s counterterrorism agency, Abdel Ghani al-Asadi, an estimated 250 Daesh fighters were killed during the operation to capture Al-Qayyara. The Iraqi armed forces earlier managed to retake a nearby military airfield that will be used in airstrikes on Daesh positions in Mosul. Meanwhile, ignoring the country’s military gains on the battlefield, the parliament has passed a vote of no-confidence against Defense Minister Khalid al-Obeidi, who has been repeatedly accused of corruption. “Al-Obeidi’s resignation came as a shock to the Iraqi people and is a shining victory for corrupt officials,” Muatazz Mouhi Abdel Khamid, director of Iraq’s Republican Center for Strategic and Security Studies, told Izvestia. “The decision took many of us by surprise. Khalid al-Obeidi is an outstanding commander who led a number of major operations against militants. Besides, he was trying to root out corruption in the army ranks and this is obviously why he was ousted by bribe-takers in parliament enriching themselves on illegal arms deals,” Muatazz Mouhi Abdel Hamid said. He added that with the recent resignation of Interior Minister Mohammed Salem al-Ghabban the country’s law enforcement will no longer be able to effectively deal with the terrorist threat. Iraqi forces are carrying out operations in the Nineveh governorate in preparation for an assault on Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city that has been under Daesh control since 2014. On June 26, the Iraqi army announced the liberation of Fallujah from Daesh, while Prime Minister Haider Abadi vowed to raise the country's flag in Mosul. Daesh, which is a militant jihadist group outlawed in many countries, including Russia, overran large parts of Syria and Iraq in 2014 amid the ongoing civil war in Syria.
Pentagon Contract Announcement (Source: US Department of Defense; issued Aug 30, 2016) General Dynamics – Ordnance and Tactical Systems, Garland, Texas, was awarded a $39,258,206 modification (P0004) to Foreign Military Sales contract (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, France and Iraq) W52P1J-13-D-0050 for MK82-1 bomb bodies (162); MK82-6 bomb bodies (7,245); and MK84-10 bomb bodies (9,664), being bought in support of Air Force and Navy requirements.
Work will be performed in Garland, Texas, with an estimated completion date of December 31, 2017. Fiscal 2014, 2015 and 2016 other funds in the amount of $39,258,206 were obligated at the time of the award.
Army Contracting Command, Rock Island, Illinois, is the contracting activity.
"je veux pour le Maroc de dirigeants intelligeants , une jeunesse intelligente, apte a saisir les occasions a comprendre le siècle ou elle vie, a ne pas vivre a l'ombre du politisme, mais guidée par le perfectionnisme et surtout pas la réalisation et le réalisme " Hassan II 1996
augusta General de Division
messages : 8293 Inscrit le : 18/08/2010 Localisation : canada Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
messages : 41654 Inscrit le : 20/10/2010 Localisation : france Nationalité : Médailles de mérite :
Sujet: Re: Armée Irakienne / Iraqi Armed Forces Mar 15 Nov 2016 - 19:25
Citation :
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Iraq refurbish French AMX-10Ps!
pics via bmashina Tumblr Page.
French infantry fighting vehicles AMX-10P old Iraqi army that was taken from the “graveyard” technique on the basis of Taji and renovated in Basra at the plant of the state company Ibn Majid.
Interesting. The AMX-10Ps were always an old favorite of mine. If I recall correctly (and I could easily be wrong) they were the tracked version of the AMX-10 and were better armored but had the general appearance of the M-113.
I'd love to get details on what they did to upgrade them to ISIS war standards but confidence is high that they simply added armor and little else. Pity. It sounds like the Iraqis could have a formidable force just by refurbing and upgrading a few vehicles they have in storage.
Iraq is close to finalising a USD2.5 billion order for Chinese military equipment that includes HQ-9 long-range air defence systems, Iraq's Mawazin news agency cited well-informed sources as saying on 28 November.
The HQ-9 is derived from the Russian S-300PMU system. The exports version is designated the FD-2000 and another version is offered called the FT-2000 that has missiles with passive radar seekers.
The deal may also include Type 99 tanks and other Chinese military equipment, Mawazin reported. http://www.janes.com/article/65846/iraq-reportedly-finalising-hq-9-air-defence-order
_________________ "La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu