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 Armée Azeri / Azerbaijani Armed Forces / Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri

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messages : 7470
Inscrit le : 12/09/2009
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Citation :
Azerbaijan’s T-72s to receive significant systems modernisation

06:40 GMT, October 19, 2010 | Israel’s Elbit Systems will reportedly upgrade the Azerbaijani Army’s T-72 main battle tanks (MBTs). Earlier this month, Elbit Systems announced that it has been selected by an undisclosed Asian customer for a tank upgrade project. Yesterday, Rashad Suleymanov of the Azeri-Press Agency (APA) quoted military sources, reporting that the Israeli company and Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defence Industry (MDI) had reached an agreement on the upgrade of the Army’s Russian-built MBTs.

The contract, which was announced by Elbit Systems on 4 October 2010, will provide Azerbaijan’s T-72s with state-of-the-art battle management systems as well as observation and surveillance systems. According to the Israeli company, the modernisation programme has a total value of $56 million and will be completed within two years. Neither Elbit Systems nor Azerbaijani officials provided further details on the contract, such as the number of tanks to be upgraded. Azerbaijan operates a fleet of some 180 T-72 main battle tanks, of which 62, reportedly, were purchased from Russia in 2009.

According to APA, Elbit Systems was recently selected over Turkish-based ASELSAN to carry out the modernisation project. Both companies had simultaneously tested the systems offered in their respective bids for the multi-million dollar programme on several tanks of the Azerbaijani Army in Nakhchivan, an autonomous region in south-western Azerbaijan.

The selection of Elbit Systems underlines the company’s efforts to gain a stronger foothold in the South Caucasian country. Israel’s largest defence electronics company opened an office in Baku in September 2009 and founded a local company, registered as Elbit Systems of Azerbaijan Ltd and led by Edward Majorovich Chernin.

On the occasion of the contract announcement, Joseph Ackerman, Elbit Systems' President and CEO, said: “Our selection for this upgrade project, following previous projects we have carried out for this customer, attests to the high level of satisfaction with our systems and performance.” The head of the Israeli company added that both Elbit Systems subsidiaries, Elbit Systems Land & C4I – Tadiran and Elbit Systems Electro-optics – Elop, would contribute to the programme.

The company already works with the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence Industry in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Furthermore, APA reported in September 2009 that the MDI decided to co-operate with Turkish and Israeli defence companies in the joint production of armoured combat vehicles, including tracked fighting vehicles, bridge-layers and armoured trucks assembled on surplus vehicle chassis.

In addition to its strong co-operation with the Israeli defence industry and major purchases from Russian surplus, the country has a long-lasting industrial link with Turkey, underlined by a number of upgrade programmes awarded to Turkish companies and joint production projects (e.g. see and

Furthermore, Azerbaijan, which still has significant border issues with neighbouring Armenia, plays an important role in support of the international Afghanistan operation and currently deploys 90 soldiers to ISAF. During a visit in July, US Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates praised the country’s contribution to ISAF. According to US Department of Defense (DoD) officials, about 25 per cent of Coalition supplies bound for Afghanistan pass through the so-called “Caucasus Spur”, which includes Azerbaijan. In July, Gates stated: “Clearly, the ability to overfly Azerbaijan [and] the ability to use ground transportation through Azerbaijan – as with Russia, and as with Kyrgyzstan – is [...] the most effective, the most cost-efficient ways to get supplies to the international Coalition in Afghanistan, as well as the Afghan forces themselves.”

Therefore, Azerbaijan does not only remain an important local player in the politically still turbulent Caucasian region, but is also a strategically important hub for Western armed forces – not least because of its significant crude oil industry and its geographical location on the shore of the Caspian Sea between the regional and international key powers Iran, Turkey and Russia.

Azerbaijan's finance minister has recently announced that the country will spend $3.287 billion on defence next year, making it one of the priorities in the 2011 state budget. According to AzerNews, this financial boost doubles the defence budget to a total of 18.9 per cent of the overall state budget in comparison to 2010. Nearly half the budget, reportedly, will be spent to modernise the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.

"La stratégie est comme l'eau qui fuit les hauteurs et qui remplit les creux" SunTzu  
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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La coopération militaire avec les turques se renforce ... l'Azerbaijan achetera des T-155 Firtina, l'articl parle aussi des lances rockettes 107/122m et des 4*4 Cobra pour un cout total de 225 M$
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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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Czech Republic to support modernization of Azerbaijani military aircraft

Baku | Azerbaijan and the Czech Republic reached an agreement to carry out joint projects for the modernization of military aircrafts.

Military sources told APA that the agreement was reached during the visit of Azerbaijani defense industry officials to the Czech Republic.

The two sides discussed the issues of cooperation for the modernization of Azerbaijan’s L-29 and L-30 aircrafts and producing some required components in Azerbaijan.

The Czech Republic’s Aero Trade produces L-29 and L-30 aircraft and stimulators. These aircrafts are used for pilot training as well as for military operations.

Czech news portals reported that some Czech companies are interested in joint projects with Azerbaijan and licensed technology transfer to Azerbaijan.

The Azerbaijani delegation headed by the Minister of Defense Industry, Yaver Jamalov, was on a visit to the Czech Republic on January 20-24. (APA/Rashad Suleymanov)

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
Localisation : Maroc
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Su-25 combat jet crashes in Azerbaijan - media

Armée Azeri / Azerbaijani Armed Forces / Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri - Page 2 16243810

A Su-25 Frogfoot close air support aircraft crashed on Thursday in the Kurdamir district of Azerbaijan, local media reported.
The Trend news agency cited Azeri Defense Ministry's spokesman Eldar Sabiroglu as saying that the crew ejected from the plane and survived the crash without injury.
An investigation into the cause of the incident has been launched, the spokesman said.
The Azeri Air Force has about a dozen Soviet-era Su-25s, which are poorly maintained due to budget constraints.
A previous Azeri Su-25 crash in March 2010 killed the pilot.
MOSCOW, February 3 (RIA Novosti)

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messages : 3887
Inscrit le : 15/07/2009
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24 MI-35M pour l'azerbaidjan

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"Nous trouverons un chemin… ou nous en créerons un": Hannibal
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messages : 2195
Inscrit le : 01/11/2008
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Azad Systems starts UAV production
By Arie Egozi

Production has started at Azad Systems, a joint venture between the defence ministry of Azerbaijan and Israeli unmanned aircraft systems manufacturer Aeronautics.

According to the Azeri press, the facility in Baku will assemble and manufacture the Israeli company's Aerostar and Orbiter unmanned air vehicles.

Sources in Israel indicate that the close co-operation between Aeronautics and Rafael may result in the production or assembly of some Rafael systems in the new facility.

Aeronautics is the third-largest Israeli UAV manufacturer, after Israel Aerospace Industries and Elbit Systems.

Aeronautics has formed a similar joint venture in Spain and the facility there will start operations by mid-2011.

In recent years, Israel has become a major arms supplier to Azerbaijan. The deals so far include artillery systems, communications equipment and UAVs of the same types that will be now assembled locally.

Armée Azeri / Azerbaijani Armed Forces / Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri - Page 2 المسيرة-الخضراء2
scratch un petit dessin vaut mieux qu'un long discours scratch
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messages : 24810
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La Coopération avec la Turquie se renforce, l'Armée Azeri a acheté des MRL T122 Sakarya de Roketsan
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les négociation sont en cours pour l'Achat des ATGM UMTAS et des rokets Cirit !

sinon, des images que je dirais relativement impréssionante, concernant l'industrie militaire Azérie ... il marque l'Ouverture d'une nouvelle E/se Azad System Co.

La c'est l'UAV dont parle l'Article de Lida plus haut ... mais cet unité produira aussi des Orbiter 2M et des Aerostar

l'Orbiter 2M
Armée Azeri / Azerbaijani Armed Forces / Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri - Page 2 2ns702f
c'était lors de la réouverture d'une ancienne unité indutriel ( Bakou Instrument Production ??? )

des Matador et Marauder assemblé localement sous licence octroyé par une socité sud africaine

Là c'est l'instalation du Système Shimshak ( Şimşek ) dans les BTR70 dans une unité ... ce système a été développé avec une socité Sud Africaine
Une video :

Armée Azeri / Azerbaijani Armed Forces / Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri - Page 2 Marche12
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messages : 24810
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
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Azerbaijan serait intéressé par un lot des SPH Firtina turque
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LaikTurkiye a écrit:
Roketsan exports $244M worth of rockets to Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan’s minister of the defence industry, Yaver Jamalov, and Turkish Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul, signed an agreement on the joint production of missiles for multiple rocket launch systems in February this year.

In November, Roketsan and the Azerbaijani ministry signed a deal on the same project to produce 107 and 122-mm missiles.

In a separate development, another Turkish company, Otokar, has started to implement a $23m contract for the export to Azerbaijan of Cobra light armoured vehicles and Land Rover Defender vehicles, manufacture under licence from Land Rover UK, APA reported, quoting the Turkish National Defence Ministry.

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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Azerbaijan intends to extend production of military transport vehicles with Paramount Group
Armée Azeri / Azerbaijani Armed Forces / Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri - Page 2 71253a10
Paramount Low Profile Vehicle (PLPV) Mbombe. (Photo: Paramount Group)

Baku | Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense Industry is interested in a long-term cooperation with the Paramount Group of the Republic of South Africa and intends to realize new projects with this company, Azerbaijani Minister of Defense Industry Yavar Jamalov told APA.

According to the minister, 30 mine-protected transport vehicles jointly produced by the Paramount Group with the Electronic Calculating Machines (ECM) Plant were delivered to the Defense Ministry in March 2011. Currently, the armament of these vehicles is being integrated: “We will arm 15 vehicles by June 2011 and will arm the other 15 vehicles till the end of this year. The production of 50 transport vehicles has been planned within the agreement. The other 20 transport vehicles will be produced by the end of this year”.

Jamalov underlined that 20 additional armoured transport vehicles will be produced according to the amendments made in the agreement. Consequently, the number of Marauder and Matador armoured transport vehicles produced in Azerbaijan under Paramount Group license will reach 70: “Our cooperation with the Paramount Group is on a high level and continues to grow. We are interested in the continuation of our cooperation with our first international partner for the production of military hardware”.

The minister noted that the relevant decision can be passed on the joint production of Paramount Group’s Mbombe new fighting vehicle: “This is a new fighting vehicle. The company held a presentation ceremony of this fighting vehicle. At first, the model of this fighting vehicle will be brought to Azerbaijan for testing and then we will organize its production”.

The vehicle is equipped with 14.5 mm and 12.7 mm machine guns and have a V-shaped chassis. In the case of an anti-tank mine explosion, they protect the crew from splinters and the blast. The “Matador” can carry 14 (12+2) persons, while the “Marauder” can transport up to 10 (8+2) persons. Their explosion resistance is 21 kg TNT and 14 kg TNT.

Further, these combat vehicles provide protection to the personnel against 7.62 mm ammunition. The “Matador” meets STANAG 4569 Level 4a and STANAG 4569 Level 4b military standards, while the “Marauder” meets STANAG 4596 Level 3a and STANAG 4569 Level 3b standards. (APA/Rashad Suleymanov)

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Azerbaïdjan : Le défilé militaire a touché à sa fin

[ 26 juin 2011 13:27 ]
Bakou. Rachas Suleymanov – APA. Le défilé militaire consacré à l’anniversaire de l’armée azerbaïdjanaise s’est tenu à Bakou.

Le Président Ilham Aliyev, commandant en chef des forces armées a passé en revue le défilé militaire à la place Azadliq, rapporte l’APA. Les officiels, diplomates, invités, militaires démobilisés et la grande publique participent au défilé.

Le ministre de la Défense, le général Safar Abiyev a fait son rapport devant le président azerbaïdjanais. La fanfare a joué l’hymne nationale et le défilé a commencé.

6 000 personnels, 400 véhicules militaires, 60 types d’armement fabriqués en Azerbaïdjan, 14 véhicules de la production locale, 22 avions de chasse, un grand nombre des hélicoptères et navires militaires ont participé aux entraînements.

Le tricolore national et les drapeaux des forces de l’air, de mer et de terre ont été emmenés tout d’abord à la place.

Les élèves officiers du Lycée militaire Jamchid Nakhcivanski, l’Ecole militaire supérieure, l’Ecole de l’aviation militaire, l’Ecole de la marine militaire, le personnel des forces de terre, de mer et de l’air ont passé ensuite devant la tribune.

Les forces de paix, la Garde nationale, les unités du Ministère de la sécurité nationale, de Ministère de la situation d’urgence, du Service frontière d’état, de la Gendarmerie et des forces marines (vêtu en noire) sont passés ensuite.
Les unités du Ministère de la Défense à « destination spéciale » sont passées en 4 colonnes. Le passage de personnel s’est achevé par l’entrée de l’orchestre militaire à la place.

Le passage des matériels de guerre a commencé ensuite. Les véhicules militaires ont été devancés par un groupe des motocyclistes armées des mitrailleuses. Les militaires dans les voitures décapotables portaient le tricolore national.

Les véhicules Mercedes, Hummer, BMC, UAZ, Land Rover Defender ont passé devant la tribune. On a exposé pour la première fois, les Rover (équipé par les missiles antichars) et les véhicules blindés Cobra achetés de la Turquie (compagnie Otokar).

Monté sur le châssis d’une voiture, le fusil de précision Istiglal de la production nationale a été exposé.

Les obusiers, les systèmes de lance-roquettes multiples, les drones de reconnaissance et les systèmes de commande (fabriqués en Azerbaïdjan) sont passés devant la tribune.

Le passage des systèmes de missiles de la DCA azerbaïdjanaises était aussi intéressant. Les missiles S-125 (Petchora), S-200, ainsi que S-300 Favorit (pour la première fois) sont passés devant la tribune.

L’artillerie azerbaïdjanaise a fait un passage intéressant. Les obusiers de différents calibres, les missiles BM-21 Grad, Lynx LAR, Lynx Extra (Israël), les missiles de théâtre Tochka-U (Ukraine), les systèmes de lance-roquettes multiples Smertch sont passés devant la tribune.

Les véhicules militaires de l’armée de terre ont passé ensuite devant la tribune. 6 véhicules blindés Matador et 6 Marauder, fabriqués ensemble avec la compagnie sud-africaine « Paramount Group », les BTR et BRDM modernisés dans les usines azerbaïdjanaises sont passés devant la tribune. Les véhicules étaient équipés par les munitions de guerre fabriquées en Azerbaïdjan. Le passage des matériels de guerre s’est achevé par le passage des véhicules blindés de transport de troupe, l’artillerie automotrice et les chars T-72.

Les avions militaires ont fait des exercices de pilotages. Les avions MIG-29, SU-25, les hélicoptères Mi-24, Mi-35, ainsi que les hélicoptères Mi-171 et Ka-32 ont survolé la place Azadliq.

Le défilé a été épaulé par les navires de guerre à la baie de Bakou. La frégate « Bakili » a été accompagnée différents types de navires, y compris les vedettes de patrouille du Service Frontière d’état et 2 navires du Ministère de la situation d’urgence.

Le défilé militaire a pris fin.
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la voila la parade fraichement up Cool
tjs un plaisir de voir leurs armes
ls ont le Favorit Shocked

preparations avant hier

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Sur ce lien on a une vidéo officielle . Mais le player est petit .
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la voila uploadé Cool

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Citation :

Bakou - L’Azerbaïdjan et la Turquie lancent la production commune des lance-grenades de calibre 120 mm, a confié pour l’APA, une source à la compagnie turque de l’Industrie de la construction métallique et de la chimie (MKEK).

Le processus de préparation à la fabrication est en cours, en vertu du contrat signé au mai avec le Ministère de l’Industrie de la Défense d’Azerbaïdjan (MSN). La production sera lancée par le MKEK et l’usine « Charg » du MSN.
Armée Azeri / Azerbaijani Armed Forces / Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri - Page 2 Minaatan%20120%20mm-lik
Le lance-grenade HY1-12 est destiné à détruire les cibles à une longue distance

Armée Azeri / Azerbaijani Armed Forces / Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri - Page 2 المسيرة-الخضراء2
scratch un petit dessin vaut mieux qu'un long discours scratch
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un Drone Azerie s'est écrasé en Arménie Aujourd'hui ... plus exactement, il a été shooté par l'Armée Arménienne

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entrainement des Mig29 et Su25 avant une cérémonie militaire

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Ils ont effectivement le Favorit ... et c'est en fait, un PMU2 ! 2 batallions furent achetés en 2009 à 300M$

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S300 PMU2 Azeri

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Citation :
Azerbaijan purchases Mi-17 helicopters from Russia

APA reports quoting Russian Mass Media that according to the agreement signed between the sides, the helicopters will be handed over to Azerbaijan till the end of the year.

The organization, which sold the helicopters, was not named.

Mi-17 helicopters mainly discharge functions of transportation (personnel, cargo), ambulance, fire extinguishing and rescue.

Azerbaijan’s various organizations (civil and military) have bought more than 10 Mi-17 helicopters from Russia over the last 5 years.

Armée Azeri / Azerbaijani Armed Forces / Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri - Page 2 Marche12
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l'Azérbaijan cherche à produire le Héron I localement !

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messages : 14756
Inscrit le : 07/09/2009
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Citation :
Azerbaijan intends to purchase combat aircrafts jointly produced by Pakistan and China

Baku. Rashad Suleymanov – APA. Azerbaijan shows interest in JF-17 Thunder combat aircrafts jointly produced by Pakistan and China and announced its intention to purchase aircrafts of this type, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex - PAC, which displayed its products in Dubai Airshow-2011 in UAE, told APA.

JF-17 Thunder showed exemplary flights over the Dubai airport within the air show. Members of the Azerbaijani delegation also watched the flights.

Reminding about the discussions held with Azerbaijan up to now, the company officials said that the discussions have not entered the phase of purchase and sale yet. Now the company is executing the orders of the Pakistan’s Air Forces, the export to Azerbaijan can be realized in the nearest years. The sides determined the annual amount of the order.

JF-17 Thunder aircrafts have the same or even superior indicators than MiG-29 aircrafts of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. The aircraft has a high maneuvering capability. By including this aircraft to the inventory Azerbaijani Armed Forces can increase its combativeness.

The company officials said that Pakistan and Azerbaijan has high level relations. Islamabad supports Baku’s positions and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and has rendered military assistance to Azerbaijan since the very beginning. Taking these relations into consideration, there will be no problems in sale of aircrafts to Azerbaijan.

According to company’s representatives, within Pakistan-China cooperation, the production of Block-2 version of JF-17 Thunder aircrafts will be started. This model will be provided with the newest e-war system, additional weapons. Besides, two-pilot model of the aircraft is being developed.

Note that the length of Jf-17 Thunder is 14,97 m, maximum takeoff weight – 12474 kg, maximum speed – 1909 km/h, combat radius – 1352 km.

1 23 mm GSh-23-2 twin-barrel cannon, 4 air-to-air missiles, 1 air-to-surface missile, Mk-82, Mk-84 general purpose bombs, GBU-10, GBU-12, LT-2 laser-guided bombs, Matra Durandal anti-runway bomb, CBU-100/Mk-20 Rockeye anti-armor cluster bomb are included to the armament of JF-17 Thunder aircrafts.

Armée Azeri / Azerbaijani Armed Forces / Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri - Page 2 Star3Le Prophéte (saw) a dit: Les Hommes Les meilleurs sont ceux qui sont les plus utiles aux autresArmée Azeri / Azerbaijani Armed Forces / Azərbaycan Silahlı Qüvvələri - Page 2 Star3
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j´attends pour voir l´encre sur le contrat,combien de pays ont ete dit acheteurs(tjs par les pakis) sans que rien ne se concretise

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