Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC
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Moroccan Military Forum alias FAR-MAROC

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 Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane

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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Avr 2009 - 2:26

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Itaq
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeMer 22 Avr 2009 - 14:47

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Jamms
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messages : 2111
Inscrit le : 18/06/2008
Localisation : Kenitra-Venise
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena32Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena24
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena26Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena25
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena21

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Armée Italienne   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Mai 2009 - 17:41

la premiere fregate classe " orizon" la " andrea doria" desitne a la marine militaire italienne est entre en service l'an dernier contruite par la " riva trigoso( genova) en attendant sa soeur la "Caio Duilio" qui la suivra cette anne fait partie d'une cooperation italo-francaise , tout come la france qui s'est muni de 2 exemplaire nous nous souvenons tous de la derniere viste du " forbin" a casablanca.

la " andrea doria" est presque identique au "forbin" par ex ici dessus :

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507045509826253

avec ces 6.000 tonnes et 153 metres de longeur c'est la plus grande fregate jamais contruite en italie, capacite ASW,equipage de 230 d'hommes , furtivite et un sisteme missilistique anti-aerien composè de:

-RADAR multifunction " EMPAR".

-RADAR A a long-portee "LRR S-1850 M ".

-lanceur verticale sylver de type A50 donc pour les aster 15 et 30.

pour les MM40 block 3 (anti-navy) ..en effet je disais presque identique au " forbin" car il semble que les italiens utilisent leur propres missiles les "

Teseo Mk2".

reste une autre petite difference au lieu des cannons a 25 mm ils utilisent ceux a 20 mm.

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507052539234967

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507052621859349

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507052809409852

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507052929481579

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053016102549

avec le forbin:

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053114330568

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053153245608

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053217254573

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053217254573

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053313395158

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053409572635

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053449513225

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053619987560

avec les francais en exercice:

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053757509346

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053829380814

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507053857624081

avec les russes..euhmm:

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 09050705395615115

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507054019691583

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090507054050818096

p.s:vu le topic verouille je tiens a remercier ici tout le staff pour la medaille, j'etais tres emu les gars..vraiment.
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Mai 2009 - 20:43

tu fait du bon travail Gigg,meritée Like a Star @ heaven
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messages : 25054
Inscrit le : 31/03/2008
Localisation : Pau-Marrakech
Nationalité : Maroc-France
Médailles de mérite : Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena10Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena13
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena15

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Mai 2009 - 21:42

Merci pour ces magnifique photo Gigg. J'aime particulierement celle ou l'on voit la fregate italienne avec le navire russe. Une photo qui en dit long sur la difference de génération entre les deux navires Twisted Evil
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messages : 2111
Inscrit le : 18/06/2008
Localisation : Kenitra-Venise
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena32Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena24
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena26Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena25
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena21

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Mai 2009 - 22:00

Fahed64 a écrit:
Merci pour ces magnifique photo Gigg. J'aime particulierement celle ou l'on voit la fregate italienne avec le navire russe. Une photo qui en dit long sur la difference de génération entre les deux navires Twisted Evil

de rien mon ami..en effet de la mon "..euhmm"...ils ont des siecles a rattrapper dans ce domaine:roll:
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeMer 13 Mai 2009 - 19:35

les premiers Chinook-F pour l´italie entre 2013 et 2017,sont vraiment cher ces betes Like a Star @ heaven

Citation :

Italian sales marks first international success for Boeing’s F-model Chinook

The Italian army is to receive 16 ICH-47F Chinook transport helicopters between 2013 and 2017 through a roughly €900 million ($1.23 billion) acquisition.

The Boeing-designed aircraft will be assembled by AgustaWestland under the terms of a partnership deal signed last July. The sale also includes an option to increase the order by a further four examples.

To replace the army's remaining 26 CH-47Cs - 40 of which entered use from 1973 - the transports will be supported for an initial five years under a logistics deal agreed with the Finmeccanica company. The aircraft will be operated from the army's Viterbo air base.

AgustaWestland also has approval to market and licence-build CH-47Fs for potential future European customers including the UK, it says.

Alessandro Parrini, senior vice president of AgustaWestland's Italian government business unit, says the new deal "will provide a significant contribution to the modernisation of the Italian army helicopter fleet.” It also "further strengthens the strategic partnership between the company and the service," he adds.

The Italian sale represents Boeing's first international success with the F-model Chinook, more than 60 of which have already been delivered to the US Army. Canada has previously also selected the type, but has yet to conclude a contract for a planned 16 aircraft. Australia also recently announced its intention to buy eight of the aircraft.
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeMar 19 Mai 2009 - 2:10

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Ich47
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeMar 19 Mai 2009 - 22:54

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Itl

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Itl2
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Leo Africanus
General de división (FFAA)
General de división (FFAA)
Leo Africanus

messages : 1885
Inscrit le : 24/02/2008
Localisation : Tatooine
Nationalité : UK
Médailles de mérite : Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena24Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena31
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena26Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena25
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Cheval10

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeDim 31 Mai 2009 - 21:35

Good News for Italy.

Citation :

Alenia Aeronautica completes the deliveries of the C-27Js to the Italian Air Force with the 12th aircraft delivered
Today, at its Caselle South facility, Alenia Aeronautica completed deliveries
to the Italian Air Force (AMI) with the delivery of the twelfth C-27J. The aircraft was delivered to the 46th Air Wing based in Pisa. Today’s ceremony completes the deliveries of aircraft that began in January 2007.

The AMI C-27Js include an advanced and sophisticated configuration that, in addition to the basic configuration, includes an in-flight refuelling system, self-protection and a flight-data-projection system on two head-up-displays, one per each pilot, to be able to operate also in the most complex operational scenarios.

Alenia’s contract with the AMI includes Logistics Support at the Pisa base until the beginning of 2012 and the delivery of a Flight Simulator for the AMI Training Centre at Pisa in December 2009. The C-27sJ replace the AMI fleet of G.222s, from which they have inherited capability and excellent operating performances displayed in operations both in Italy and overseas for the transport of troops and materials, civilian protection, airdrop of cargo and paratroopers, fire fighting, and search and rescue.

Combat proven, the C-27J has been deployed to Afghanistan by the Italian Air Force from September 2008-January 2009 in support of coalition military and humanitarian operations. The C-27J fleet of the AMI has accrued over 5,000 flight hours, a milestone celebrated at the military base of Pisa this past May 19th.

The “numbers” of the C-27J are excellent: The C-27J is able to take-off from and land on unprepared strips, shorter than 2,000 ft with a maximum take-off weight of 67,241 lbs; the aircraft can transport up to 68 troops or up to 46 fully equipped paratroopers plus two loadmasters and, in MEDEVAC/CASEVAC configuration, 36 stretchers plus six medical assistants.

The large cargo cross section (8.5 feet in height and 10.8 feet in width) together with the high floor strength (cargo capacity of over 3,320 lbs/ft), allow for the transport of heavy military equipment. The C-27J it is the only aircraft of its class offering interoperability with heavier airlifters in service with other NATO air forces, also thanks to its large cabin cross section, allowing the transport of NATO-standard pallets.

The C-27J is a twin-engine turboprop tactical transport aircraft with state-of-the-art technology, avionics, propulsion and systems. It demonstrates superior performance over its competitors in all weather conditions, cost effectiveness, extreme operating flexibility. The C-27J is equipped with powerful engines (two Rolls Royce AE2100-D2 rated at 4,650 SHP power) and an advanced avionics system designed for integral mission security and reliability with significant system redundancy. This permits the aircraft to operate in any weather condition and in any operational environment, the excellent design and performance of these systems results in a low workload for the pilots.

The C-27J is designed, developed and tested as a true military aircraft using military standards to produce a robust, safe and performing aircraft, and has obtained Military Qualification Certificate. At the same time the C-27J is airworthy to civil standards, as witnessed by its certification from the Civil Aviation Authority.

The C-27J has been ordered by the Italian, Greek, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Moroccan Air Forces, by the United States’ Army and Air Force for a total of 121 planes, and it has been selected by Slovakia’s Air Force.
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeMer 3 Juin 2009 - 20:51

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Italianuav
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: porte-avion cavour   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeMer 10 Juin 2009 - 20:48

Edit:contenu effacé pour non-respect aux regles du Forum
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeMer 10 Juin 2009 - 21:27

Like a Star @ heaven post sans citation
Like a Star @ heaven photos non linkés
Like a Star @ heaven langue italienne pas acceptable,a part si tu poste une traduction apres

Arrow edite ton message
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Juin 2009 - 0:08

la7ayata limane tounadi ...
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General de Division
General de Division

messages : 6028
Inscrit le : 29/05/2007
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena24Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena10
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena32Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Medail10

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Juin 2009 - 14:37

Il a oublié de faire son tour au PC pour voir les regles de postage Evil or Very Mad

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 75px-m10
الله الوطن الملك
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Juin 2009 - 15:32

post effacé
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Juin 2009 - 17:01

vous avez trouve quelque chose a propos de la portavion "CAVOUR" ??
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messages : 2111
Inscrit le : 18/06/2008
Localisation : Kenitra-Venise
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena32Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena24
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena26Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena25
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena21

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Armée Italienne   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeLun 15 Juin 2009 - 21:10

1ere femme pilote italienne a bord de l'eurofigther: le lieutenant"Maria Federica Maddalena":

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090615091258681757
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeMar 21 Juil 2009 - 23:00

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Italrfle
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messages : 1535
Inscrit le : 07/03/2009
Localisation : FL370
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite :
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena24Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Untitl10
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena26Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena25

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Aoû 2009 - 1:59

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Timthumbk
Citation :
Italian Navy Takes Delivery of Its 21st AW101 Helicopter
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that the Italian Navy has taken today delivery of its 21st AW101 three-engine medium/heavy helicopter during an official ceremony held at Maristaeli Luni naval base in Italy.
This Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)/Anti-Surface Warfare (ASuW) configured aircraft is the first unit of the last AW101 batch for the service which has committed to a total of 24 AW101s.
The Italian Navy is already operating 8 ASW/ASuW, 4 HEW (helicopter early warning) and 8 amphibious support helicopters. The Italian Navy’s AW101s ASW and HEW variants are amongst the most advanced naval helicopters in service today and have been successfully deployed on overseas operations providing a major contribution to international maritime operations.
The long range and endurance of the AW101 combined with the capabilities of its sensors and onboard processers make it a highly effective naval helicopter.
Recently the Italian Navy supported the G8 Forum in Italy using the AW101 to perform transport for heads of state and government officials. The AW101 was chosen due to its safety, cabin space and comfort.
The maritime variant of the AW101 is in service with the Italian Navy and the UK’s Royal Navy having replaced the Sea King helicopter in a number of ship and shore based roles.
Also the Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force (JMSDF) has chosen the AW101 for Airborne Mine Countermeasures and Antarctic Survey operations designated the MCH101 and the CH101 respectively.
Over 170 AW101 helicopters have been ordered so far by customers worldwide to perform a number of roles.

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”
― Leonardo da Vinci

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Clipboard01xr112
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Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeMer 9 Sep 2009 - 23:22

des AMX italiens upgradés ont effecté un exercice green flag a Nellis,pour une eventuelle participaion en Afghanistan

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Amxv
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messages : 24809
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena26Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena13
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Ambass10Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Untitl10
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena20

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeVen 18 Sep 2009 - 18:50

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_cool
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Cavour1

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Marche12
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messages : 2111
Inscrit le : 18/06/2008
Localisation : Kenitra-Venise
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena32Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena24
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena26Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena25
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena21

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Empty
MessageSujet: Armée Italienne   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeVen 18 Sep 2009 - 22:42

eh oui fremo c'est bien la "cavour" le dernier nè des armateurs de la "spezia"..j'avais preparè le sujet il y'a longtemps..mais Bon on est jamais trop tard..donc voila je vous presente la "cavour":


* entrè en servce en 2008 a soutenire le 1er porte-aero italien ,le vieux " garibaldi" encore en service jusqu'a 2020.

1.Doneès techniques:

Dimensions: length: 244 m; width: 39 m; immersion: 8.7 m; height superstructure of 14 deck: 36.6 m.

Displacement: 27,500 (27,100?) tons full load, 21,160 tons unloaded, 22,290 tons standard, > 30.000 tons expected at the end of service life .

Propulsion: 4 gas turbines LM2500 for a total of 88 MW (max. continuous power), 2 5-bladed shafts, bow and aft thrusters with a orientable propeller blades .

Speed: 28-29 knots max continuous sustained speed , 30 knots max expected during trials, 24 knots on just 2 gas turbines and 1 shaft, knots on just 1 gas turbine and 1 shaft (minimum for Harrier STOVL operations)
Thanks to 2 pairs of fins active stabilizers, the vessel is much more stable and allows the flight operations with the sea up to force 6 as well as improving comfort of the crew.

Range: 7000 miles at 16 knots, 18 days on navigation. Tank from 2,500,000 litres of diesel, the cruising speed will consume 3,000 litres per hour, 25,000 at full speed.

Electric: at 660 V and 50 Hz for a total power installed of 17.6 MW, approximately 270% of the maximum power demand. The system is composed of 6 groups diesel-generatori from 2200 KW Wärtsilä 12 V200 CW and two groups generator/alternator sets directly driven by the propulsion plant, also from 2200 KW.

Crew: accommodation for 1210 +91 people, including 451 crew, 203 for the air group, 140 for the command complex (C4I) and 416 (325 +91) for the San Marco regiment (italian marines) or the new Forza di Proiezione dal Mare (FPM - Force projection from the sea).

Radar: 3D multi-function phased-array radar for air and surface search Selex Sistemi Integrati (ex-AMS) MM/SPY-790 EMPAR, 3D long range radar air search Selex Sistemi Integrati (ex-AMS) (MM/SPS-798) RAN-40L, short/medium range radar for surface and low altitude air search Selex Sistemi Integrati (ex-AMS) RAN-30X/I (SPS-791), provision only for 2 Selex Systems Integrated (ex-AMS) RTN-25X for control of naval guns OTO Melara 72mm/62, radar system for air control and advanced precision approach Galileo Avionica SPN 720, navigation radar GEM Elettronica MM/SPN-753(v)4.

Le EMPAR (MM/SPY-790):

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918095849867015

la componente ESM de la guerre electronic..donc le sisteme IFF SIR M5-PA :

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918100212276684

le radar early warning RAN-40 L (MM/SPS-798) pour la scansion aerienne a grande distance :

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 09091810045015369

le radar pour la recherche de superficie RASS (MM/SPS-791) :
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918100612524654

Sonar: Whitehead Alenia Sistemi Subacquei (WASS) SNA 200 ) bow-mounted Navigation/Mine Avoidance Sonar, Euroslat SLAT torpedo decoy towed array sensor.

Sensor/system: Sagem VAMPIR-MB IRAS (Infra-Red Alerting System) IR surface/air surveillance; 1 Selex Galileo SASS (Silent Acquisition Sub-System) thermal image (IR) system for detection and tracking to 360°; Telephonics AN/SPN-41A radio frequency all-weather instrument approach landing system; system Selex Sistemi Integrati IFF SIR-R/S and SIR M5-PA.

Electronic warfare: Elettronica SpA integrated ESM/Elint/ECM suite.

Armament: Combat system SAAM-IT for 32 (4x8) surface-air Aster 15 on vertical launcher DCN Sylver A43, 2 sistems AEM Dardo-F for controlling 2 naval guns OTO Melara 72mm/62 and 3 naval guns Oto-Melara Oerlikon KBA 25mm/80.

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918094112153177

lanceurs VLS :


Un Marte MK2:


Countermeasures: 2 AMS/Oto-Melara SCLAR-H decoys launchers anti-missiles, 2 Euroslat SLAT anti-torpedo defence system launchers.

Command Center: The center can provide capacity Control, Command, Communications, Computers and Information (C4I), the command center is spread out over an area of more than 1,100 m2 and has more than 150 workstations on which they can operate up to 230 people to manage naval, air and amphibious operations. Given the large, it was decided to place the center under the flight deck to reduce the size of island to the minimum..


Comunications: Selex integrated communication system which includes SHF/UHF SICRAL with terminal SATCOM, HF Multi-channel, VHF, military UHF, VHF ICAO, VHF IMM, INMARSAT, METOC, GMDSS and tactical communications for command and control with 2 Link 11, Link 16 and predisposition for Link 22/NILE (NATO Improved Link Eleven).

Security: the passive safety of ship, namely defense capabilities fire and flaws, has been particularly cared all using the most advanced techniques and experience accumulated over the years. The ship is divided into 7 zones, and is equipped with a computerized system for monitoring and decision support in emergency conditions. The ship is divided into 7 zones, and is equipped with a computerized system for monitoring and decision support in emergency conditions. These people have taken such as smoke curtain, the new criteria for stations over breathable air and on the collector ring, arrangements for the disposal of fumes, the relative positions, accessibility and the conformation of local relevance to the Service Safety (COP, COC, area health, control stations), and so forth. See the image below.
The unit is equipped with all the necessary environment to operate in contaminated area by NBC agents (nuclear, bacteriological or chemical).
On board there is a system degaussing (degaussig) fully automated to reduce magnetic anomalies generated by the unit and therefore to reduce the risk due to landmines.

Miscellaneous: The Standard housing are very high, both in terms of space per person than as finishing level housing and services are provided for single or double accommodation for officers and staff of the role marshals, accommodation in four places for staff roles warrant and troops; remain collective "comrade" only for the staff of San Marco Regiment, to embark only for special needs and for limited periods. There are great public spaces, including bar, cinema and gym.

The vessel is covered by 1360 km of cables and 190 cameras. There are 2 cells for food by 400 and 800 m2, 2 deposits for food and 2 kitchens with ovens for the fresh bread . There are also desalinization to make drinking water from the sea.
Particular care was given to the activities of loading, packaging and distribution of food and waste management, liquid and solid with the ristrittive rules MARPOL 73/78 (Marine Pollution) for commercial ships, not mandatory for military ships. The MARPOL 73/78 was designed to minimize pollution of the marine ecosystem (water and air), and covers the possible causes of pollution naval: municipal solid waste and non fuels, gaseous emissions and toxic substances transported .

2.Capacitès de transport aero:

Air group: The ship hasn't assigned a fixed air group but is fixed according to the mission, will be a mix of 20-24 short takeoff vertical landingHarrier AV-8B plus 2 (F35B when available) and helicopters EH-101 (including Mk.112 AEW/HEW, Mk.110 ASW/ASV, Mk.410 TTH/utility e Mk.413 ASH), NH-90 NFH or TTH and SH3D.

Flight-deck: is long 232,6 m and width 34,5 m (surface 6.800+ m2). It has a runway for takeoff short long 183,0 m for 14,2 m, ski-jump with 12° of elevation, a parking area (starboard side) to 10/12 aircraft, 6 spot for helicopters type EH-101 plus a dedicated spot for SAR missions to bow.

Hangar: is long 134,2 m, width 21,0 m e high 7,2 m (8,5 max.). It is connected to the flight deck with 2 McTaggart Scott elevators from 30 tons of which aft an “deck-edge" after the island size 15 m to 14 m, the second forward internal long 21.6 m for 14 m. There are also 2 elevators from 15 tons for ammunition and 2 service elevators from 7 tons. It has tanks 1,500,000 litres of fuel for planes and helicopters. The 2 main elevators do not interfere with the operations of takeoff and landing of aircraft.






Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918101926689818

Transport capacity: the hangar can be used as a garage for the transport of terrestrial resources, and can contain up to 24 heavy vehicles like tanks Ariete (over 250 meters), or up to 50 vehicles average as the amphibians AAV7 RAM/RS, Centauro B1, Freccia, Dardo (over 423 meters) or up to 100 vehicles average as VTLM Lince, Puma, Defender e VM90 (over 522 meters). The hangar is accessible by 2 ramps from 60 tons posed stern and straight, under the island.

Capacity of amphibious assault:the San Marco regiment, or the new force projection from the sea (FPM) with the Lagunari army, can be landed with 2 assaults of 6 helicoptersEH-101(2 companies fully equipped) or with the help the 3 LCVP, 3 inflatables and a spear.
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918102108266473

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918102142494070

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918102205646979


3. Missions et roles:

Command Ship:Using C4I the ship can provide command center that due Italian or NATO operating theater kindly to monitor actions naval, air or land.

Air Defense:the ship can provide high air cover to a naval group, which is the central element, using its aircraft to patrol remote, helicopters HEW for control over the horizon in addition to its long-range radar scope. With the use of data connections can work in unison with the unit basis, especially with the AAW destroyer.

Force Projection: to provide air support for amphibious landings or land operations, air strikes carried out with part of its fighter
Control of the Sea: it can perform anti-submarine missions embarking a number of ASW helicopters, sea control missions or anti-surface mission capabilities of its aircraft and escort unit.

International Missions:working to support peace-keeping missions, including the transport of troops or material
Civil Support:evacuation of non-combatants and humanitarian support in the event of natural disasters to provide logistical coordination or medical support.

4. le cout:

the total cost of the ship should be set at 1.5 billion euros, including combat system. The first contract (NUM 1) between the General Direction for naval armaments (NAVARM) and the company Fincantieri for the acquisition, valued at about 900 million of euros, was signed in November 2000. A second contract (NUM 2.1) for about 230 million euros was signed in 2002 for a good part of the electronic systems. The third contract (NUM 2.2), also for electronics on board, was signed in 2003 with a value of 150 million euros. The acquisition of the ship was divided into nearly a decade of defense budgets and even with the use of funds from the Ministry of Economic Development (MSE), here's a summary table:

before 2001 => <50 milion of euros
2001 => 35 million euros
2002 => 78 milion euros
2003 => 92 milion euros
2004 => 185,9 milion euros
2005 => 177,5 milion euros
2006 => 25,1 milion euros + MSE
2007 => 211,2 milion euros
2008 => 150,3 milion euros


Fincatieri SpA at Riva Trigoso (GE) and Muggiano (SP) shipyards.

6.les photos:

En construction a la " spezia":




Avec le harier:







En plein mer:




prochaiement avec le F-35B:

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918104534641224
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messages : 2111
Inscrit le : 18/06/2008
Localisation : Kenitra-Venise
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena32Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena24
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MessageSujet: Armée Italienne   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeVen 18 Sep 2009 - 23:27

porte-aero " garibaldi":
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918112644101474

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918112722661188

Les LPD:

*le "san marco":

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918112852604614

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918112929464151

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918113155189667

*le " san giorgio":

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 09091811302339480

* le " san giusto":

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 090918113109267348
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messages : 24809
Inscrit le : 14/02/2009
Localisation : 7Seas
Nationalité : Maroc
Médailles de mérite : Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena26Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Unbena13
Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Ambass10Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Untitl10
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MessageSujet: Re: Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane   Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_minitimeVen 18 Sep 2009 - 23:41

Good Job gigg00 Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane 11, j'ai déjà fait un article à propos de ces bétes Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Icon_cool

Armée Italienne/Forze Armate Italiane Marche12
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